Spr09 Art Ideas192 03 Syllabus

  • April 2020
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Ringling College of Art and Design Course Syllabus Spring 2009 Mission of the College: Ringling College of Art and Design recognizes that artists and designers play a significant role in society. The school's primary mission is to provide programs leading to a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree that prepare students to be discerning visual thinkers and ethical practitioners in their chosen area of art and design. Instructor: Office phone: Email: Daphne L. (941) 309-5037 [email protected] Rosenzweig Course Course Section: Course Title: Credit Prefix: number: Hours: AH 192 03 Development of Euro-Western 3 Art & Ideas (II) Building: Room: Meeting days and times: Goldstein 05 Thursday 8:30 – 11:15 am Course Description: The chronological development of Euro-Western Art and Architecture considers the historical, cultural, and intellectual concepts that inform the creation and comprehension of the visual arts. This course is a required, introductory art historical study of the Euro-Western painting, sculpture, and architecture from the Renaissance Era through the Post-Modern Era. South Asian and Japanese art also will be introduced. This lecture course will provide the student with an appreciation and understanding of the art historical perspective with an emphasis upon the “zeitgeist” or spirit of the era in which the artists created their work. Prerequisite: AH 191 or equivalent. Course Objectives: The course objectives for students are as follows:  Ability to identify a work of art by title, artist, stylistic period, and school.  Ability to compare and contrast specific works of art in terms of purpose, meaning, iconography, style, compositional organization, and historical significance.  Understand the designated artistic themes and how themes are variously expressed and interpreted in different stylistic components of the course.  Identify aesthetic criteria as they apply to different works of art. Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students should develop the following competencies:  Demonstrate the ability to analyze, interpret, and evaluate works of art.  Demonstrate an understanding of differences in cultures and societies.  Demonstrate responsibility for independent learning and perseverance towards goal attainment.  Recognize the social and ethical responsibility of creating art and design.  Show an ability to discern artistic merit of diverse forms of art in their contexts.  Be able to defend critical interpretations concerning the significance of artistic expression. Course Outline: See course schedule at end of syllabus, page 6.

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Grading Policies: Attendance policy:

Regular and timely class attendance is MANDATORY. Class only meets once a week. There is a wealth of information, to be presented in chronological fashion. Missing a class interrupts the systematic development of your studies. Class will begin promptly at 8:30 am. Because late arrivals are disruptive, you are expected to be in class on time. If for some reason you must be late, enter by the back door only. If, during the course of the semester, too many students are arriving late, the doors will be locked routinely at the beginning of each class session and there will be no late admittance. Any student who is consistently late will have his or her grade lowered. Attendance will be taken each class. At the beginning of each class, pick up your folder from the alphabetized box by the back entrance to the classroom. At the end of class, you will turn this folder in to the instructor directly. Only the student whose name is on the folder may hand that folder in. There will be a break in the middle of class, but class folders may not be picked up or handed in at that time. Do NOT write on the attendance sheet stapled to your folder; only the instructor will make entries on the attendance sheet. Class absences may be excused for reasons of health, family emergencies or legal requirements; however, a note from a doctor or the office of the Dean of Students is required to gain excused absences. Please be aware that only two unexcused absences are allowed in this class. Each unexcused absence thereafter lowers your final grade by one-half of a letter grade. Students are responsible for material presented in each class as well as any outside work required for each class.

Assignment Criteria:

In Liberal Arts Program courses at the Ringling College of Art and Design, all writing assignments (reports, quizzes, response papers, essays, essay questions on exams, research papers, etc.) are expected to be appropriately organized and coherent, and demonstrate a command of Standard English. Research should be consistently and appropriately documented in accordance with a prescribed format. For clarification of Standard English issues, and documentation formats, see Keys for Writers (Fourth Edition), by Ann Raimes.

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Required Work:

1) Completion of all required readings, and meaningful class participation based on the readings, CD-ROM study guides, and websites which may be introduced in certain classes. 2) There will be three mandatory examinations. These are non-cumulative exams and will cover required chapters in the Gardner text as well as information introduced in class. The exams will include identification of selected works of art and term identification from the Gardner text. SLD students may have tests read to them; please notify the instructor in advance for this accommodation. The three exams are scheduled as follows: First exam: Second exam: Third exam:

week five (2/12/09) week ten (3/26/09) week fifteen (4/30/09)

Students are expected to complete three exams on the dates stated in the syllabus. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all tests have been completed. If you are ill the date of the exam, you must call or e-mail me prior to the time of the exam and submit an acceptable written excuse (documentation from a doctor, proof of emergency) upon return to class. Makeup exams will be given by the week following the scheduled date in the syllabus; see instructor to schedule. Students lacking an exam will forfeit the appropriate percentage points. First and second exams: in-class exams, including identification of works of art and terms; for works, know artist’s name, title of work, date, school and medium, and be able to discuss several important features of the work. At the end of each class, we will review the material which we have covered that day in your text and note the required works and terms; be sure to bring your textbook to each class. The third exam will be a short in-class test together with a prepared essay based on a visit to the Ringling Museum; specifics will be handed out later in the semester. Course Grade:

1) First and second exam (35% each, total 70% of grade). 2) Third exam (25% of grade). 3) Regular and timely class attendance and participation also affects grade (5% of grade).

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Extra Credit Activity:

There may be several opportunities to earn extra credit; these specific opportunities will be announced in class as far in advance as possible by the instructor. Extra credit typically would involve an event or exhibition attendance, or video/DVD viewing outside class time, with a one-page write-up to be handed in within one week of the opportunity. These papers are not graded; they are either accepted for extra credit or not. They must satisfy the Assignment Criteria discussed above. Up to three extra credits may be earned.

Grading Opportunities: There are three exams. There may be extra credit opportunities. Grading System: Grade Numerical Equivalent A Superior Performance 4.00 A3.67 B+ 3.33 B Above Average 3.00 B2.67 C+ 2.33 C Average Performance 2.00 C1.67 D+ 1.33 D Below Average 1.00 DLowest Passing Grade 0.67 F Failing 0.00 WF Withdrew Failing 0.00 Grading System: These grades are not computed in the GPA P Credit But No Grade N No Credit W Withdrew Passing I Incomplete (see policy below) Required/Recommended Materials: Required/Recommended Text: Fred S. Kleiner and Christin J.Mamiya, Gardner’s Art Through the Ages: A Concise History (Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth, 2006) The required text is in paperback and available in the campus bookstore. It is accompanied by a CD-ROM which provides a variety of study guides, including reproduction of those images noted in the text by a “disk” logo next to the plate number. The textbook and CD-ROM are the keys to class organization and examinations. You must keep up with assigned reading and also learn to extract important ideas from the material introduced in class. Please bring the text to each class.

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Library and Learning Resources: The Academic Resource Center (ARC) (www.arc.rsad.edu) can help you read the text effectively, prepare for examinations, and help you write about art. Make an appointment with ARC if you wish assistance. Documented SLD students and any others who might have trouble with text comprehension, spelling, or clarity of expression will find this Center an excellent source of aid. Additional help with utilizing library resources is available by appointment with Sarah Carter in the library Disabilities Accommodations: The Ringling College of Art and Design makes reasonable accommodations for qualified people with documented disabilities. If you have a learning disability, a chronic illness, or a physical or psychiatric disability that may have some impact on your work for this class and for which you may need accommodations, please notify the Director of the Academic Resource Center (Room 227 Ulla Searing Student Center; 359-7627) preferably before the end of the drop/add period so that appropriate adjustments can be made. Health and Safety: Ringling College of Art and Design is committed to providing students, faculty, and staff with a safe and healthful learning and work environment and to comply with all applicable safety laws and regulations and safe work practices. Rules and safety guidelines for maintaining a safe working environment in this shop/studio/class will be provided to you at the beginning of the course (i.e. students must wear close-toed shoes, students must wear protective eyewear, students may not eat or drink in the studio, etc.). Academic Integrity Policy: There is a ZERO tolerance policy for theft, plagiarism, and all forms of harassment, punishable by possible dismissal and receiving an F for the course. Plagiarism is the intentional and/or unintentional use of another writer’s ideas, words, or research without proper citation (documentation of the source). The Writing Studio and ARC can cover the proper ways to document and give credit where it is due. Plagiarism is a crime. Professional Behavior in the Classroom: The use of laptops, cell phones, and other mechanical/digital devices during the class period is not permitted. All electronic devices (notebooks, MP3s, cell phones, etc.) are to be turned OFF during art history classes. The only exception will be for the official student/notetaker entering the current class lecture notes into his/her computer. For this purpose only, designated seating will be assigned by the instructor at the beginning of the semester. If you are anticipating an emergency phone call, please alert the instructor at the beginning of the class and turn your cell phone to the vibration mode. Otherwise, all cell phones must be turned OFF. Text messaging during class is not permitted for any reason. During the semester, there may be material discussed and/or illustrated which might be considered by some to have controversial, adult, or otherwise “politically incorrect” content. Art and ideas perceived as containing such content, however, are presented for their educational value, not for reasons of exploitation or confrontation. If you have a problem with this, please see the instructor.

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Incomplete Policy: Incompletes are granted only by the direction of the instructor. Course Schedule (Tentative), Topics and Reading Assignments: WEEK

DATE (Thur.)




Chap. 8




Chap. 9



Renaissance to Baroque

Chap. 10





FIRST EXAM (covers Chaps. 8, 9, 10)



Baroque to 18th century, SE Asian art








Early 19


century art, Japanese art

19th century Movements

Chaps. 11, 15 Chap. 17 Chap. 12





Visit on own to Ringling Museum of Art



SECOND EXAM (covers Chaps. 11, 12, 15, 17)



Early 20th century art

Chap. 13




Chap. 14




Late 20




Contemporary art



THIRD EXAM (covers Chaps. 13, 14; with essay)

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