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Ringling College of Art and Design Course Syllabus Spring, 2009 Mission of the College: Ringling College of Art and Design recognizes that artists and designers play a significant role in society. The school's primary mission is to provide programs leading to a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree that prepare students to be discerning visual thinkers and ethical practitioners in their chosen area of art and design. Instructor: Office phone: Email: Daphne L. (941) 309-5037 [email protected] Rosenzweig Course Course Section: Course Title: Credit Prefix: number: Hours: AH 494 01 Japanese Art & Culture 3 Building: Room: Meeting days and times: Goldstein 06 Monday 3:30 – 6:15 pm Course Description: This course examines selected topics in ancient, classic, modern and contemporary Japanese art. (Not all periods, topics or media will be discussed in depth.) Prerequisites: AH 191, 192 or equivalent. Course Objectives: The course objectives for students are as follows:  Ability to identify a work of art by title, artist, stylistic period, and school.  Ability to compare and contrast specific works of art in terms of purpose, meaning, iconography, style, compositional organization, and historical significance.  Understand the designated artistic themes and how themes are variously expressed and interpreted in different stylistic components of the course.  Identify aesthetic criteria as they apply to different works of art. Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this course, students should develop the following competencies:  Demonstrate the ability to analyze, interpret, and evaluate works of art.  Demonstrate an understanding of differences in cultures and societies.  Demonstrate responsibility for independent learning and perseverance towards goal attainment.  Recognize the social and ethical responsibility of creating art and design.  Show an ability to discern artistic merit of diverse forms of art in their contexts.  Be able to defend critical interpretations concerning the significance of artistic expression. Course Outline: See course schedule, page 5. Grading Policies: Attendance policy:

Regular and timely class attendance is MANDATORY. Continual lateness will affect grade. Pick up your folder from the box when you enter the classroom, and hand it back at the end of class. Do NOT write on the attendance sheet stapled to your folder; only the instructor will make entries on the attendance sheet. Class absences may be excused for reasons of health, family emergencies or legal requirements; however, a note from a doctor or the office of the Dean of Students is Page 1 of 10

required to gain excused absences. There is only ONE unexcused absence allowed in this advanced class. Each unexcused absence thereafter lowers your final grade by one-half of a letter grade. Students are responsible for material presented in each class as well as any outside work required for each class. Assignment criteria:

Required Work:

In Liberal Arts Program courses at the Ringling College of Art and Design, all writing assignments (reports, quizzes, response papers, essays, essay questions on exams, research papers, etc.) are expected to be appropriately organized and coherent, and demonstrate a command of Standard English. Research should be consistently and appropriately documented in accordance with a prescribed format. For clarification of Standard English issues, and documentation formats, see Keys for Writers (Fourth Edition), by Ann Raimes. 1) Completion of all required readings, and meaningful class participation based on the readings and websites which will be introduced in class. 2) There will be two exams. These are non-cumulative. 50% of each exam will be composed of identification of selected works of art/terms/forms from your JSB text, and 50% will be in essay/project form (See page 6 of Syllabus.). SLD students may have tests read to them. There will be no late exams given. The two exams are scheduled as follows: First exam: Second exam:

week five (2/16/09) week twelve (4/13/09)

3) One course essay based on questionnaire (See page 6 of Syllabus.), due no later than week fourteen (4/27/09). Course Grade:

Extra Credit Activity:

1) Regular and timely class attendance and active, meaningful participation (10% of grade). 2) Two exams (30% each, total of 60% of grade). 3) Course essay based on questionnaire (30% of grade). There is one extra credit activity which will occur during this semester, the Florida Token Kai (Japanese Sword Society) “Nineteenth Annual Japanese Sword Show”, to be held at the Tampa Airport Marriott Hotel, at TIA. If you attend, go to one of the demonstrations, or study sword fittings in several dealers’ cases, and hand in a two-page summary and critique of this activity, extra credit points will be awarded. February 13th (Fri.): 12 pm – 10 pm Page 2 of 10

February 14th (Sat.): 9 am – 10 pm (There are member/exhibitor activities after this) February 15th (Sun.): 9 am – 3 pm If you wish to attend, you must be accompanied by me and I need to submit your names in advance. (There is usually a $20 single day admission fee; if enough wish to attend, I can attempt to “negotiate” this.) See the attached information sheet, and website www.floridatokenkai.com/swordshow.html Grading Opportunities: There are two exams, one final essay/questionnaire, participation and attendance credit, and one extra credit activity. Grading System: Grade Numerical Equivalent A Superior Performance 4.00 A3.67 B+ 3.33 B Above Average 3.00 B2.67 C+ 2.33 C Average Performance 2.00 C1.67 D+ 1.33 D Below Average 1.00 DLowest Passing Grade 0.67 F Failing 0.00 WF Withdrew Failing 0.00 Grading System: These grades are not computed in the GPA P Credit But No Grade N No Credit W Withdrew Passing I Incomplete (see policy below) Required/Recommended Materials: Two textbooks, available in bookstore; Open Reserve and Reserve, in Library. Required/Recommended Text: The required texts are in paperback and available in the campus bookstore. Please bring the JSB text to each class, and the AS text to class as requested by instructor. 1) Joan Stanley-Baker, Japanese Art (London: Thames & Hudson, 2000 revised and expanded edition) [hereafter JSB] 2) Adele Schlombs, Hiroshige (Taschen, 2008) [hereafter AS] Copies of the required texts are on reserve in the library. Library and Learning Resources: Many books have been placed on Open Reserve in the library (See attached list.). DVDs and videos for required or recommended viewing are also available at the Reserve Desk in the library (See attached list.). There will also be class hand-outs and websites to be explored for certain class meetings. Page 3 of 10

You will find these library periodicals particularly useful: Arts of Asia, Daruma, Tricycle, Asian Art News, and Orientations. The Library has many books devoted to the topics of Japanese prints, netsuke, poetry and other literary forms, Zen and other forms of Buddhism, ceramics, gardens, theatre, modern art and architecture, paintings, paper, and calligraphy. It may be helpful for you to keep the following general call numbers in mind for your quizzes and final essay/questionnaire: Japanese poetry and language Japanese theatre General Japanese art Paper Japanese prints Japanese paintings Japanese teaism Japanese ceramics Japanese gardens

PL 600’s and 700’s PN 2921’s N 7350’s TS 1095’s ND 1059’s, NE 1321-5’s, N 7359’s ND 1053’s GT 2910’s NK 4210’s SB 450’s

Disabilities Accommodations: The Ringling College of Art and Design makes reasonable accommodations for qualified people with documented disabilities. If you have a learning disability, a chronic illness, or a physical or psychiatric disability that may have some impact on your work for this class and for which you may need accommodations, please notify the Director of the Academic Resource Center (Room 227 Ulla Searing Student Center; 359-7627) preferably before the end of the drop/add period so that appropriate adjustments can be made. Health and Safety: Ringling College of Art and Design is committed to providing students, faculty, and staff with a safe and healthful learning and work environment and to comply with all applicable safety laws and regulations and safe work practices. There will be no eating in the classroom. Academic Integrity Policy: There is a ZERO tolerance policy for theft, plagiarism, and all forms of harassment, punishable by possible dismissal and receiving an F for the course. Plagiarism is the intentional and/or unintentional use of another writer’s ideas, words, or research without proper citation (documentation of the source). The Writing Studio and ARC can cover the proper ways to document and give credit where it is due. Plagiarism, theft, and harassment are crimes. Professional Behavior in the Classroom: The use of laptops, cell phones, and other mechanical/digital devices during the class period is not permitted. All electronic devices (notebooks, MP3s, cell phones, etc.) are to be turned OFF during art history classes. The only exception will be for the student/notetaker entering the current class lecture notes into his/her computer. For this purpose only, designated seating will be assigned by the instructor at the beginning of the semester. If you are anticipating an emergency phone call, please alert the instructor at the beginning of the class and turn your cell phone to the vibration mode. Otherwise, all cell phones must be turned OFF. Text messaging during class is not permitted for any reason. Page 4 of 10

During the semester, there may be material discussed and/or illustrated which might be considered by some to have controversial, adult, or otherwise “politically incorrect” content. Art and ideas perceived as containing such content, however, are presented for their educational value, not for reasons of exploitation or confrontation. If you have a problem, please see the instructor. Incomplete Policy: Incompletes are granted only by the direction of the instructor. Course Schedule (Tentative), Topics and Reading Assignments: WEEK 1

DATE 1/12/09 1/19/09

TOPIC Introduction to Japan and Japanese Taste NO CLASS – MARTIN L. KING HOLIDAY




Early Japan and Shinto



Early Buddhism

JSB: 3 (pp. 29-58), 4 to p. 76



Genji and Other Handscrolls

JSB: 4 (pp. 76-106)



FIRST EXAM (JSB Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4)



Medieval Japan and Zen

JSB: 5



The Love of Decoration

JSB: 6 to p. 184



Between this date and 2/8/09, visit the Ringling Museum to view the exhibition “Fashioning Kimono” JSB:1, 2, 3 to p. 29



The Floating World (1)




The Floating World (2)

AS: pp. 34-45



The Floating World (3): Hiroshige and Hokusai

AS: pp. 46-91





SECOND EXAM (JSB Chapters 5, 6, 7; AS pp. 6-91)



Modern Art






Japan and the West

JSB: 7

Contemporary Art

Page 5 of 10

Exam and Course Essay Information: Exam #1: Based on the exhibition currently on display at the Ringling Museum of Art, “Fashioning Kimono: Art Deco and Modernism in Japan”, chose one kimono to describe and discuss in terms of its overall design concepts (include a rough drawing), then relate it to imagery in Tale of Genji paintings and prints (See books on Open Reserve and the various Genji tapes and DVDs on Reserve for source material.). Write a 3-4 page double-spaced, coherent and logically developed essay to hand in at the time of Exam #1; the pages must be stapled and have your name at the top. A Student Pass to see the Ringling Museum exhibition will be provided by the instructor.

Exam #2: Based on the Schlombs book, choose one Hiroshige print to analyze thoroughly. In an accompanying essay, first, present the standard “museum label” type of identification of the work; second, write up information that you have gathered about the subject of the print (Search the many books on Open Reserve and various on-line sources, and cite your sources.); third, “de-construct” the image and tell how it is composed; then, either create your own traditional version of this image or create a contemporary Japanese-style work based on this image, bringing it up to date. The re-creations or updates may be in any medium. Write a 3-4 page double-spaced, coherent and logically developed essay to hand in at the time of Exam #2; the pages must be stapled, and have your name at the top.

Final Essay/Questionnaire: For each of these three questions, use books on Open Reserve and be sure to cite your sources. Page counts do not include any illustrations. 1. What five qualities do you associate with Japanese art? Give examples from works in diverse media. 3-5 typed pages. 2. What one theme or design or work from Japanese art do you find particularly appealing or interesting, and why? 1-2 typed pages. 3. What single aspect of Japanese art do you find most surprising to you, and why? 12 typed pages.

Page 6 of 10

Books on Open Reserve in Library: Library Shelf No.



BH221.J3 H57 2001

A History of Modern Japanese Aesthetics

Transl. and edited by Michael F. Marra

BH221.J3 M36 1999

Modern Japanese Aesthetics

Michael F. Marra

BQ9298.S74 1999

Zen Masters: A Maverick, A Master of Masters & Wandering Poet

John Stevenson

DS838.5.K87 2002

Samurai: An Illustrated History

Mitsuo Kure

N6537.M364 A4 1998

Brice Marden: Work of the 1990's: Paintings, Drawings and Prints

Charles Wylie

N6537.O56 A4 2000

Yes: Yoko Ono

Alexandra Munroe

N7350.S23 2003

Discovering the Arts of Japan

N7353.6.U35 D47 2008

Designed for Pleasure: The World of Edo Japan

N7355.M87 2000


Takashi Murakami

N7359.A43 A4 2002

Yoshitaka Amano

Foreword by Carlo McCormick

N7359.K37 A4 2003


Gian Carlo Calza

N7359.K37 H65 2005

Hokusai and His Age: Ukiyo-e Painting, Printmaking and Book Illustration in Late Edo Japan

John Carpenter

N7359.M677 A4 2000

Yasumasa Morimura: Historia del Arte

N7359.M87 A4 1999

Takashi Murakami: The Meaning the Nonsense of Meaning

Amanda Cruz, et.al.

N7359.N37 A4 2003

Yoshitomo Nara: Nothing Ever Happens

Yoshitomo Nara

N8194.A3 L6 2001

Shinto: The Sacred Art of Ancient Japan

Victor Harris

NA1559.M24 A4 1997

Fumihiko Maki: Buildings and Projects

Fumihiko Maki

NA1559.T235 A4 1998

Takasaki Masaharu: An Architecture of Cosmology

Takasaki Masaharu

NB1055.K66 1991

Contemporary Japanese Sculpture

Janet Koplos

NB237.N6 A88 1992b

Noguchi East and West

Dore Ashton

NC991.I44 1982

Illustration in Japan, v. 1

Anno Mitsumasa

ND1054.5.C66 1995

Nihonga: Transcending the Past: Japanese Style Painting 1868-1968

Ellen P. Conant

ND1057.K88 M67 1999

Modern Masters of Kyoto

Morioka Michiyo, et.al.

ND1059.6.G4 T35 2001

The Tale of Genji: Legends and Paintings

Miyeko Murase

ND1457.J32 R43 1989

Shodo: The Art of Coordinating Mind, Body and Brush

William Reed

ND1457.Z46 T362 1998

Brush Mind

Kazuaki Tanahashi

ND2071.A328 1989

The Art of Zen

Stephen Addiss

ND1059.6.G4 T35 2001

The Tale of Genji: Legends and Paintings

Intro. by Miyeko Murase

Tsuneko S. Sadao and Stephanie Wada Edited by Julia Meech and Jane Oliver

Page 7 of 10

Library Shelf No.



ND553.M7 A4 2001

Monet and Japan

Contributors David Bromfield, et.al.

NE642.B36 A4 2007

Paul Binnie, A Dialogue with the Past

Kendall H. Brown, et.al.

NE771.4.M54 1982

The Prints of Paul Jacoulet

Richard Miles

NE1210.P44 1977

Evolving Techniques in Japanese Woodblock Prints

Gaston Petit

NE1321.8.S984 1995

The Women of the Pleasure Quarter

Elizabeth de Sabato Swinto

NE1321.8.U38 2000

Mount Fuji: Sacred Mountain of Japan

Chris Uhlenbeck, et.al.

NE1321.85.K38 C53 1994

The Actor's Image: Printmakers of the Katsukawa School

Timothy Clark and Donald Kenkins

NE1321.8.L36 1978 NE1322.J36 2001 NE1322.M48 2000

Images from the Floating World: the Japanese Print Japan at the Dawn of the Modern Age: Woodblock Prints from the Meiji Era Woodblock Kuchi-e Prints: Reflections of Meiji Culture

Richard Lane [published by Boston MFA] Helen Merritt and Nanako Yamada Intro. by Henry Smith and Amy Poster

NE1325.A5 A4 1986

100 Famous Views of Edo / Hiroshige

NE1325.A5 A4 1988

Hiroshige: Birds & Flowers

Intro. by Cynthea Bogel

NE1325.A5 A4 1997

Hiroshige: Prints and Drawings

Matthi Forrer

NE1325.T76 S73 1983

Yoshitoshi's Thirty-Six Ghosts

John Stevenson

NE1325.K3 A4 1998

Hokusai: Bridging East and West

Exhibition curated by Matthi Forrer

NE1325.K3 B44 2007

Hokusai’s Project

David Bell

NE1325.K3 M47 1958

The Hokusai Sketchbooks: Selections from the Manga

Edited by James A. Michener

NE1325.K5 D38 2007

Utamaro and the Spectacle of Beauty

Julie Nelson Davis

NE1325.M8 A4 2002

Munakata Shiko: Japanese Master of the Modern Print

Masatomo Kawai, et.al.

NK1071.J36 1998

Japan 2000: Architecture and Design for the Japanese Public

Edited by John Zukowsky

NK1071.T73 2001

Traditional Japanese Design: Five Tastes

Michael Dunn

NK3637.A3 E197 1989

Sho Japanese Calligraphy

Christopher J. Earnshaw

NK4860.5 J34 M5 1999

Issey Miyake: Making Things

Issey Miyake

NK4860.5.U6 K56 1996

The Kimono Inspiration: Art and Art-to-Wear in America

Edited by Rebecca A.T. Stevens

NK8884.A1 F53x 1994

Fiber Art Japan

Kiyoji Tsuji

NK8884.T75 1993

Traditional Japanese Small Motif Textile Design

Edited by Kamon Yoshimoto

NK1071.I9323 1999

Katachi: Classic Japanese Design

Takeji Iwamita

NK2084.A1 S64 1994

Japanese Style

Suzanne Slesin Page 8 of 10

Library Shelf No.



NK2195.S89 V36 2002

Powershop: New Japanese Retail Design

Carolien van Tilburg

PL782.E3 F74 1986

From the Country of Eight Islands: An Anthology of Japanese Poetry

Edited & translated by Hiroaki Sato & Burton Watson

PL788.4.G4 2006

The Tale of Genji

Yoshitaka Amano

PL788.4.G415 E5 1990

The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shihibu

Translated with intro. by Edward G. Seidensticker

PL674.C5 D9 1977

The Kanji ABC

Andrew Dykstra

PL676.Y67 1999

Kodansha's Furigana Japanese Dictionary

PN6790.J33 T35 2003

The Art of Inuyasha: Collection of Original Illustrations

Rumiko Takahashi

SB458.M5813 1992

Masterpieces of Japanese Garden Art (5 volumes)

Mizuno Katsuhiko

SB458.O373 2000

Japanese Gardens of the Modern Era

Haruzo Ohashi

SB317.B2 B47 2001

Bamboo in Japan

Nancy Moore Bess and Bibi Wein

SB458.B4713 2000

Reading Zen in the Rocks: The Japanese Dry Landscape Garden

Francois Bertheir

TR647.M667 A4 2002


Daido Moriyama

TR647.T63 A4 2003

Heian: Compositions by Seiju Toda

Intro. by Vicki Goldberg

TR647.Y35 A4 1999

Iwao Yamawaki

Translations by Udo Breger

Z270.J3 I3713 1986

Japanese Book Binding

Kojiro Ikegami

DVD/Videos on Open Reserve in Library: Video


Library Shelf No.




BL1032.E27 2002 (part 1)

Eastern Philosophy - Part 1 (Shinto)



BL80.2.L66 1989 (v.9)

The Long Search - v.9 Buddhism: The Land of the Disappearing Buddha - Japan



BQ9449.D654 M68 1996

Mountains and Rivers: Mystical Realism of Zen Master Dogen



DS827.S3 S26 1999

Samurai Japan


DS827.S3 S4 2003

Secrets of the Samurai



DS835.J36 1989 (part 3)

Japan Past and Present: The Meiji Era



DS835.J36 1989 (part 4)

Japan Past and Present: The Age of the Shoguns



DS836.D5 1989

The Discovery of Japan



DS851.B82 2002

Japan Past and Present: Buddha in the Land of the Kami



DS897.K84 A53 2004

Water: The Lifeblood of Kyoto


DS897.K84 F68 2002 (part 1 & 4)

Four Seasons in Kyoto: Winter




Page 9 of 10



Library Shelf No.




GT2912.O4 J36 1993

The Japanese Tea Ceremony



GT3412.G45 2000




ML340.5.N343 1994

Nagauta: Heart of Kabuki Music


N7352.P37 2000

The Paths Dreams Take: Japanese Art from the Collection of Mary Griggs Burke and the Metropolitan Museum of Art (CD-ROM)

NA1557.T6 T6 2004

Architecture 2000: Tokyo the Eclectic Metropolis


The Genji Scrolls Reborn


Japanese Woodcut Workshop


NE1325.K3 G74 2006

The Great Wave




Four Stones for Kanemitsu



NE771.4.U73 1991

The Urban Bonsai



NK3637.A2 S56 1989

Shodo: The Path of Writing



NK4210.H32 S54 1996

Shoji Hamada



NK5028.T35 T35 2002

Toshiko Takaezu


NK8884.A1 O25 2005

Obi: The Pinnacle of Japanese Beauty



NX584.Z8 L58 1992

Living Treasures of Japan



PL788.4.C4 T34 1995

The Tale of Genji


The Tale of Genji





ND1059.6.G4 G45 2003 NE1323.J37 1991

PL788.4.G415 T35 2004 PN1997.D742 2003

Akira Kurosawa's Dream


PN1997.P54 1998

The Pillow Book



PN1997.R3652 2003

Ran (Masterworks Edition)



PN2924.5.K3 A78 2003

Art of Kabuki



PN2924.5.K3 P678 2005

Portrait of an Onnagato



SB458.D74 1992

Dream Window: Reflection on the Japanese Garden



T27.J3 J3 1991

Japan Dreaming



TS1130.J36 1994 (part 1, 2, 3)

Japanese Style Papermaking


45 (each)

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