Sport Coaching Warm Up Reflection

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 268
  • Pages: 2
Coaching warm up Assessment Reflection

In Sport, people need to get warm up before playing particular sports which in this Sports Science class, Mr. Hanham gives an assignment to lead the warm-up like we are actually a teacher to teach in Physical Education (P.E.) class. There are three people in my group which are Johnny, Mint and me.

For our warm-up, we have done very well by using that traditional amusement “Eating snake tail”. This game separated into two teams which were “Father snake” and ”Mother snake”. The father snake started with one player and the rest of the players will be “Baby snake” and they will grab mother snake’s waist. Father snake needed to capture all the “Baby snake” behind the “Mother snake”. This game was very fun and everyone loves to play it. Our session had a clear explanation and a loud voice. We explained it in a simple way, so everyone could understand. The area that we need to improve would be the boundary that we set in the game and the stretching part. For the boundary, we need to expand the cones out like the tail of the snake might be out of the area. For the stretching, we have done some of the stretch wrong such as calf and neck stretch.

In the future, we would love to expand the boundary and doing proper stretch for each muscle in the body. We will achieve them by using more cones to set up and expand the barrier to be bigger. For the stretch, we will research more on stretching posture in each particular muscles.

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