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Partnering with CG/LA Infrastructure & The Infrastructure Leadership Forum Thank you for your interest in partnering with CG/LA Infrastructure LLC for the 2010 Leadership Forum series. We work with our sponsoring partners to identify projects and people of interest, confirming their participation in the Leadership Forum, and closing business at the Forum with those projects, and those individuals. This is a further evolution of our determination to make the Leadership Forum a dynamic infrastructure marketplace and the premier Forum for smart, aggressive infrastructure development. Results Matter! In addition to focusing on priority infrastructure projects, the Leadership Forum is a dynamic infrastructure marketplace, structured to provide: (i) Forum participants with a wide range of business development opportunities, and (ii) Forum sponsors with ample marketing and targeted sales opportunities. We understand that your bottom line matters and we are dedicated to ensuring that the time you spend at the Forum is highly lucrative. The Leadership Forum is a multifaceted event comprised of several distinct aspects including: ✓

Fast-Paced Project Presentations: Project owners and operators deliver concise 10 minute presentations that focus on the projectʼs scope and the specific project “ask”, whether that be financing, equipment procurement, consulting or legal services, development expertise, or critical technology. Project panels cover the following infrastructure sectors: “New Energy (Smart Grid)”, Electricity Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Oil & Gas, Digital Infrastructure, Urban Mass Transit, Water / Wastewater, Ports & Logistics, Airports, and Tourism

Pre-Scheduled Private Meetings: During the 2.5 day Forum, an average of 1,200 private meetings take place. Each participant has an opportunity to pre-schedule up to 15 private meetings with executives from sponsoring firms and with project presenters, ensuring that the participant has an opportunity to make his or her business pitch in an efficient manner.

Premier Exhibiting Space: The Exhibitor Booth space at the Leadership Forum adds to this dynamic infrastructure marketplace, providing an opportunity for key equipment & technology firms, promotion agencies, service providers and associations to showcase their products and services to their target clients and industry executives. (Note: Exhibitor Space is limited to 60 booths, and is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.)

Special Workshops & Roundtables: Special Workshops involving Forum Partners round out the Leadership Forum by providing an opportunity to discuss innovative infrastructure trends and to share best practices related to project development, project finance, and national infrastructure plans. Strategic and Platinum sponsors host and moderate their workshop, and have the opportunity to invite or recommend key panelists to participate.

Enclosed, you will find an introduction to the benefits of Partnering with the Leadership Forum, as well as an overview of past Leadership Forum metrics. We look forward to speaking with you about your Firmʼs infrastructure marketing strategy, and working with you to ensure that the Leadership Forum provides your firm with a lucrative opportunity to reach out to potential clients and future business partners!

Please contact Patricia Pietravalle at 202.776.0990 / [email protected] to schedule a preliminary phone call or meeting, to discuss Sponsorship Packages. 2

Who Attends the Leadership Forum? The Leadership Forum is a dynamic infrastructure marketplace, comprised of executives from both the public and private sectors. Leadership Forum events, on average, reach attendance levels of 400+ infrastructure executives, with the largest Forum boasting over 700 attendees. Project developers have the opportunity to present their projectʼs scope and business opportunities to a delegation of: • Financial executives (private investors, commercial bank executives, and multilateral development bank executives) • E&C (Engineering & Construction) companies / Operators • Equipment & technology companies • Logistics companies • Service providers (lawyers, political risk advisors) • Public sector officials on both the national and sub-national levels The April 2009 Latin America Leadership Forum was attended by over 400 executives from across the regions in spite of the economic downturn, Forum participants continue to recognize the tremendous value of the Leadership Forum as a tool to generate business opportunities across multiple sectors.


Partners Before the Forum From the moment a sponsorship agreement is signed, Leadership Forum Partners begin enjoying ample Partnering with the Leadership Forum benefits, which include: •

• •

Initial Consultation: Immediately upon confirming sponsorship, we host a conference call or onsite meeting to discuss the sponsorʼs business development objectives. This includes (i) Identifying key projects to invite at the Forum (ii) Identifying target companies / potential clients to invite to the Forum (iii) Identifying ways to incorporate the sponsoring firmsʼ executives into the Forum program. Website Marketing: Corporate profile & hyperlinked logos are published immediately on the Leadership Forum webpage. Email Marketing: Sponsors receive special mention in email mailings to our database of 90,000+ executives that profile your firm and direct executives to your web page.

Partners During the Forum • •

• •

Private Meetings: We work closely with sponsors prior to the Forum to ensure that your executives have highpriority private meetings during the Forum, as well as exclusive VIP meetings with high level executives. Speaking Opportunities: Depending on the level of sponsorship, partnering firms are invited to deliver keynote addresses during the plenary session, to introduce keynotes, to participate on panel discussions, and to moderate project panels. Special Breakfasts & Workshops: Strategic & Platinum sponsors are invited to conduct a 1-hour workshop during the forum, focused on a specific industry trend or infrastructure policy, and to invite and recommend panelists to participate. Workshops are attended by 40-80 participants. Exhibitor Booth: Sponsors are entitled to premier, high-traffic exhibitor booth space. Forum Materials: The “Forum Book,” distributed to all participants, includes a full page ad for the sponsoring organization, as well as a business profile of a high-level executive from that organization.

Partners After the Forum The Forum business value continues even after the event ends!Partnering organizations receive the following postForum benefits: • • •

Forum Presentations: All presentations are available for download from our website; Post-Forum Briefing: CG/LA provides a briefing paper for our Partners, which includes key metrics on the event; Post-Forum Mailing: Partnering firms are entitled to a post-forum mailing to all Forum participants.


Sponsorship Benefit


Exclusive Co-Branding Partnership with the Leadership Forum. Limited to 1 firm or Country.

CG/LA Infrastructure hosts a special breakfast for Strategic Sponsorʼs top executives and clients, with a top-level infrastructure executive in a priority sector.

Host a dinner on the opening night of the Forum for key Forum VIPs, local businessmen, and public policy officials

Press Release announcing Sponsorship



√ √

Exclusive Sector-Specific Partnership with the Leadership Forum in your firmʼs business sector [Limited to 6 firms] Strategy Meeting with CG/LA leading up to the Forum

Online Webinar or promotional video hosted on CG/LAʼs website, and offered to Forum participants and Sponsor clients

Opportunity for Firm Executive to deliver a keynote address


Special VIP Meetings not available to attendees

Opportunity to submit a 2 page policy piece related to infrastructure in the Leadership Forum Book

Opportunity to participate on the Forum Advisory committee that recommends which 50 projects will present at the Forum

Opportunity to run promotional video during networking break

Opportunity to present Firmʼs services / products as the relate to infrastructure in a 10 minute presentation or video

Opportunity to nominate projects for presentation

Speak on or moderate panels or introduce a luncheon speaker

3 Panels

2 Panels

1 Panel

Ad in Forum Book,distributed to all participants

3 Pages

2 Pages

Full Page

Opportunity to receive Private Meetings with forum Attendees

Complimentary Passes







Double Booth

Double Booth

Single Booth

Hyperlink to Firmʼs website, and recognition in mailings to CG/LAʼs +100,000 executive database. Hyperlinked logo & Company description on Forum website

Logo on all event signage, banners, and badges

Opportunity for Firm to Host Workshop or Breakfast

Discount for guests Exhibitor booth to showcase products and services


Sponsorship Rates & Packages For many firms and organizations, each of the four signature Leadership Forum events offers tremendous value for marketing and business development opportunities. For this reason, we offer an annual Sponsorship Package on the Strategic, Platinum and Gold Sponsorship levels, with a 25% discount off the regular price. Strategic Platform Sponsors:" Platinum Platinum Sponsors:" Gold Platform Sponsors: " "

US$ 187,500" US$ 93,750" US$ 41,250"

25% Discount off regular price 25% Discount off regular price 25% Discount off regular price

Platform Sponsors receive the added value of marketing up to 12 months prior to a scheduled Forum. CG/LA Infrastructure also hosts two dinners each year for platform sponsors, with top-level infrastructure executives and policymakers in a priority sector determined by the sponsor.

Pricing for the Leadership Forum Sponsorships varies based on each event and sponsorship leve. Below is a breakdown of the sponsorship pricing for each Leadership Forum in 2010: 2010 Leadership Forum Calendar 8th Annual Latin American Leadership Forum "Building Innovation & Opportunity Across the Americas April 21 - 23, 2010 | Bogotá, Colombia Strategic Level: " US$ 50,000 Platinum Level:" US$ 25,000 Gold Level:" US$ 10,000

1st Annual Russia Strategic Infrastructure Leadership Forum "Catalyzing Russiaʼs Global Competitiveness May 11 - 13, 2010 | Moscow, Russia Strategic Level: " US$ 50,000 Platinum Level:" US$ 25,000 Gold Level:" US$ 10,000

2nd Annual North American Strategic Infrastructure Leadership Forum "Creating Building Blocks for Long-tern Productivity" Sept. 22 - 24, 2010 | Location: TBD Strategic Level: " US$ 50,000 Platinum Level:" US$ 25,000 Gold Level:" US$ 10,000

4th Annual Global Infrastructure Leadership Forum "Leading the Way in Building Innovation for Tomorrow" Dec. 8 - 10, 2010 | Location: TBD Strategic Level: " US$ 100,000 Platinum Level:" US$ 50,000 Gold Level:" US$ 25,000


A la carte Sponsorship Opportunities Pricing for 8th Annual Latin American Leadership Forum, and the Russia Strategic Infrastructure Leadership Forum Welcoming Reception Sponsor (1 Available): Cost: US$20,000 Opportunity for firm executive to deliver welcoming remarks Reception Signage with sponsoring firm logo Full Benefits of Gold Sponsorship + 2 additional Forum passes Luncheon Sponsor (2 Available): Cost: US$25,000 Opportunity for firm executive to introduce the luncheon keynote speaker Company Logo onscreen during Keynote speech Full Benefits of Platinum Sponsorship Official Forum Book Sponsor (1 Available): Cost: US$15,000 Back Cover Advertisement on Forum book distributed to all Forum participants Logo on Coffee Break Signage 4 Passes to the Leadership Forum Official Communication Sponsorship / Translation Services (1 Available): " Cost: US$15,000 Recognition at beginning of translation “translation brought to you by” Recognition in Forum Program and Forum signage 4 Passes to Leadership Forum Infrastructure Awards Sponsor (1 Available): Cost: US$20,000 Recognition in Forum Program Opportunity for firm executive to vote for nominated projects, and to announce award winners 5 Passes to the Leadership Forum Coffee Break / Networking Session Sponsor (1 Available): Cost: US$10,000 Recognition in Forum Program, and logo on coffee break signage Premier Exhibitor Space. Booth size: 10ft x 8ft Opportunity for firm to present a video to be displayed during coffee break 3 Passes to the Leadership Forum Exhibitor Booth Networking and Product Showcase Cost: US$2500 Premier Exhibitor Space. Booth size: 10ft x 8ft 1 Pass to the Leadership Forum


Notable VIPs & Keynote Speakers of Past Forum Events: Public Sector: • Alvaro Uribe, President of Colombia • Senator Robert Menendez, State of New Jersey • Daniel L. Doctoroff, Deputy Mayor, New York City for Economic Development, & Director of New York City's innovative infrastructure plan: PLANYC 2030, USA • Eduardo Ocampos, Governor of State of Pernambuco, Brazil • Aristídes Fernández Zucco, Secretary of State, President of the National Energy Commission, Dominican Republic • Efraín Alegre, Minister of Public Works and Communications, Paraguay • Jacques Beaudry-Losique, Manager of the Biomass Program, United States Department of Energy • Marcelo Ebrard Casaubón, Mayor, City of Mexico • Linda Conlin, Vice Chairman, United States Export-Import Bank • Pat Conroy, United States Army Corps of Engineers • Arturo Aispuro Coronel, Secretary for Housing & Urban Planning, Mexico City Government • Andrés Escobar, Deputy Director, Department of  National Planning, Colombia • Enrique Garcia, President, CAF (Andean Development Corporation), Venezuela • Fred Hochberg, Chairman, President, Export-Import Bank of the United States • Ismael Hernandez, Governor of State of Durango, Mexico • Erlan Idrissov, Ambassador of Kazakhstan to the United States • Judge Quentin L. Kopp, Chairman, California, High Speed Rail • Luis Téllez Kuenzler, Secretary of Communications & Transport, Mexico • Hezi Kugler, Director General, Ministry of National Infrastructure, State of Israel • Gary LaGrange, President & CEO, Port of New Orleans • Ziya Mammadov, Minister of Transport, Azerbaijan • Eddy Martinez, Executive Director, Center of Export & Investment of the Dominican Republic • John Mizroch, Assistant Scretary for the Department of Energyʼs Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, USA • Luis Alberto Moreno, President, Inter-American Development Bank • Robert Mosbacher Jr., President & CEO, OPIC (Overseas Private Investment Corp) • Craig OʼConnor, Director, Office of Renewable Energy, Export-Import Bank of US • Yukiko Omura, Executive Director, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), World Bank Group • Galym Orazbakov, Minister of Industry and Trade, Kazakhstan • Emilio  Rappaccioli, Minister of Energy and Mines, Nicaragua • Dilma Vasa Rousseff, Chief of Staff, Presidency of Brazil • Antonio Juan Sosa, Vice President of Infrastructure, CAF • Dr. Luis Tellez Kuenzler, Secretary of Transportation & Communications, (SCT), Mexico Private Sector: • Cintia Angulo de Leseigneur, Country President, Alstom, Mexico • Alfredo Elias Ayub, Director General, CFE (Federal Electricity Commission), Mexico • Cory Baldwin, Project Manager, Leica Geosystems Inc. • Nikhil Bhandari, Vice President & PPP Expert, The Louis Berger Group • John Cliffe, Director of HDS Sales, United States, Leica Geosystems Inc. • Antonio Lopez Corral, President, SPINEQ, Spain • Chris Dietsch, Quantim Inc. Regional Director of the Americas Quantim •Viren Doshi, Vice president, Booz Allen Hamilton- Energy & Water Infrastructure • Carlos Esquiroz, Deputy Director, International Affairs, Metro de Madrid • Antonio Ferrera, Country Manager, Acea Dominicana • Molly Finn, Vice president, Booz Allen Hamilton- Facility Infrastructure


• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Mark Forrest, Heavy & Highway Business Manager, Trimble Inc. James Goodnight, CEO, SAS Nick Heymnan, Senior Vice President, Head of Global Infrastructure, Sterne Agee Peter Barker-Homek, CEO TAQA, Abu Dhabi National Energy Company, UAE John Hummert, VO Systems Engineering, URS Corporation Michael Kappaz, President & CEO, K&M Engineering Carey Kaufman, Senior Vice President, Sterne Agee David Keith, Member of PAʼs Management Group, PA Consulting Group Francisco Fernandez Lafuente, VP of Development, Iridium Concessiones de Infraestructure, S.A. Dr. Michel Leonard, Senior Vice President & Chief Economis, Alliant | A Blackstone Group Company Dr. Allen Marr, President & CEO, Geocomp Corporation Terry Newendorp, Chairman, Taylor-DeJongh Quang Nguyen, Managing Director, ProAm Vietnam JSC Rahl, Vice president, Booz Allen Hamilton- Water, Energy & Facilities Infrastructure John Riddle, Senior Vice President, Applications, Bently Inc. Eugene Robinson, Associate Editor, Post, USA Matthew Rose, President, CEO, Burlington Northern Santa-Fe Corporation, USA David Rutledge, Director Structural Monitoring, Leica Geosystems Inc. Gary Schulman, Vice president, Booz Allen Hamilton- Transportation & Security Infrastructure Larry Silverstein, CEO, Silverstein Properties, USA Lynn Tilton, CEO, Patriarch Partners LLC, USA Mark Wilf, Director of Membrane Technology, Tetra Tech Alberto Alemán Zubieta, CEO, Panama Canal Authority, Panama

Financial Institutions: • Alex Albujar, Executive Project Director, ProInversion, Peru • David Bitton, PPP Unit, Ministry of Finance, Israel • James Bond, COO, MIGA (Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency) World Bank Group, USA • Julio Estrada, Executive Director, Pronacom, Guatemala • François Faverjon-Fortin, VP for Infrastructure and Environment, Export Development Canada • Demian Fiocca, President, BNDES, Brazil • Enrique Garcia, President, CAF (Andean Development Corporation), Venezuela • Hezi Kugler, Director General, Ministry of National Infrastructure, Israel • Jorge Lopez, Director for International Promotion,  ProMexico • Gilbert Mbesherubusa, Director of Infrastructure, Africa Development Bank • Luis Alberto Moreno, President, Inter-American Development Bank • Craig OʼConnor, Director, Office of Renewable Energy, Export-Import Bank of the United States • Masaki Omura, Managing Director, Japanese Bank for International Cooperation, Japan • Yukiko Omura, Executive Director, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), World Bank Group • Nicole Reich de Polignac, Senior Vice President & General Manager, Scotiabank • Alonso Garcia Tames, Director of the National  Infrastructure Bank (Banobras), Mexico • Tim Turner, Director of Infrastructure, Africa Development Bank


Past Partnering Firms and Organizations Include:


Russia Strategic Infrastructure Leadership Forum GE Oil & Gas KPMG Bentley Systems Dechert LLP US - Russia Business Council 8th Annual Latin American Leadership Forum CAF - Andean Development Corporation IDB - Inter-American Development Bank Madrid Network Scotia Capital Banco de Cordoba Banco Davivienda CH2M Hill Citi CSA Group DNP - Departamento Nacional de Planeacion Grupo Bancolombia EDC - Export Development Canada ESRI PanProjects ProMéxico SNC Lavalin Construction TBS Shipping


3rd Annual Global Infrastructure Leadership Forum CAF - Andean Development Corporation Citi ESRI Madrid Network Sterne Agee TAQA TransGreen Energy ILS - International Land Systems PA Consulting Group North American Strategic Infrastructure LF Arcadis Citigroup Continental Airlines Emerging Energy Research ESRI Garrigues Abogados Howard Consulting Group InfoGLOBAL Kansas City Southern de México

Michoacán ProMéxico Quanta Services Sterne Agee TEREX Corporation US High Speed Rail Association 7th Latin American Leadership Forum Bancolombia CAF - Andean Development Corporation IDB - Inter-American Development Bank Patriarch Partners Banco de Cordoba Citigroup IE Singapore MIGA PanProjects Port of Houston Authority ProMéxico Ministry of Public Works & Communications, Paraguay Aggreko Ansaldo Sistemi Industriali Banco Familiar Denali Incorporated Ministry of External Relations, Brazil MD Helicopters NetVersant Oasis PLC Group Snelling Surbana VT Systems


2nd Global Infrastructure Leadership Forum Patriarch Partners Acea Dominicana ACS Infrastructure African Development Bank Alliant - A Blackstone Group Company Bank of Infrastructure Development, Vietnam Expressway Development Company CAF - Andean Development Corporation CEI-RD Ciudad de México ESRI Howard Consulting Group Kappaz Engineering Inc. Leica Geosystems

Metro de Madrid MIGA - World Bank Group Sterne Agee Trimble U.S. Department of Energy Fortrees International Gerson Lehrman Group LandRay Technology Louis Berger Group Nationwide Equipment PA ConsultingGroup Latin / Asia Business Forum LLX - An EBX Group Company Metro Rio PCSD - Parque Cibernético de Santo Domingo Sabesp 6th Latin American Leadership Forum Barrick Gold BCIE CAF - Andean Development Corporation CEI-RD Globalia Autopistas del Nordeste CAIXA Citigroup Conduit Capital Partners Control Risks DEPFA Bank Export Development Canadas Globasol Group Metro Fluitecnik Lacaz Martins Masada Resource Group MIGA / World Bank Group NewLink Odebrecht Panprojects ProMéxico Roco Ki U.S. Department of Energy


Global Infrastructure Leadership Forum Cap Cana / CEI-RD Ciudad de México Sterne Agee African Development Bank Booz Allen Hamilton CAF - Andean Development Corporation Delta Airlines Emerging Energy Research


Eos Airlines MIGA / World Bank Group Ospraie Management LLC Louis Berger Tetra Tech Cámara Nacional de la Industria Tequilería Gerson Lehrman Group 2nd Mexico Leadership Forum Andrade Gutierrez Arnold & Porter Cámara Nacional de la Industria Tequilería Gobierno de Jalisco BBVA Holcim Apasco Inter-American Development Bank PriceWaterhouseCoopers Siemens 2nd Brazil Leadership Forum Barrier Systems do Brasil Caixa Economica Federal Citigroup Foster Wheeler Helicrane Company Lacaz Martins PriceWaterhouseCoopers PRS Northern Brazil Leadership Forum Arnold & Porter Banco do Nordeste do Brasil Caixa Economica Federal Constructora Norberto Odebrecht, S.A. RENAI Mexico City Leadership Forum Andrade Gutierrez BBVA/Bancomer Siemens ACS Solucions ADI Alstom Bal-Ondeo Canadevi Cemex Consorcio Aristos Dexia Grupo INDI GMD Tradeco Gutsa ITISA Inter-American Development Bank Rodriguez Aguirre Consultores Zenteno-Lira Mora Abogados 5th Latin American Leadership Forum

Cap Cana Odebrecht SAS Scotiabank American Airlines Aon Autopistas del Nordeste Banco do Brasil Biwater Black & Veatch Veatch CAF - Andean Development Corporation Caixa Economica Federal CEI-DR Citigroup Conduit Capital Partners Control Risks CFE ESRI Inter-American Development Bank Lacaz Martins Maybank Shipping MIGA / World Bank Group Panalpina SEOPC Secretaría de Turismo, DR Terremark Zenteno-Lira Mora


Brazil Leadership Forum Banco do Brasil BNDES Caixa Economica Federal Citigroup Control Risks DEPFA Bank Eletropaulo Tiete Uruguiana FCStone Fitch Ratings GE Infrastructure Inter-American Development Bank Lacaz Martins PanProjects Panalpina SAS WestLB

Inter-American Development Bank Lacaz Martins MIGA / World Bank Group Panalpina Port of South Louisiana Taylor-DeJongh Unión Fenosa Whitney Bank Zenteno-Lira Mora The World Trade Center, New Orleans Mexico Leadership Forum AON CFE Inter-American Development Bank North American Development Bank SAS WTC Confianza Zenteno Lira Mora


3rd Latin American Leadership Forum ACS Government Solutions AON Banco do Brasil BetterManagement Black & Veatch Cemex DigitalPersona ExxonMobil Fedex Global Crossing Inter-American Development Bank Lacaz Martins MIGA / World Bank Group Patton Boggs PriceWaterhouseCoopers SAS Taylor-De Jong Zenteno Lira Mora

4th Latin American Leadership Forum SAS American Airlines Aon Banco do Brasil Black & Veatch Caixa Economica Federal Control Risks Felsberg & Associates Fowler Rodriguez Chalos Government of the Federal District of Mexico Howard Consulting Group


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