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TUESDAY | APRIL 1, 2008 2:00 pm - 6:30 pm!

"Building the Region's Global Network for Competitiveness & Opportunity" Miami Marriott Biscayne Bay April 1 - 4, 2008 | Miami, FL


3:30 pm - 5:00 pm ! Special Pre-Conference Workshop #1 !

IIRSA and South American Development; Key Projects in Generating Sustained Growth in South America


Featured Participants:


Brazilian public and private sector executives, CAF officials and IDB officials.




Antonio Juan Sosa, Vice President/Infrastructure, CAF


The objective of the workshop is to take a ‘deep dive’ into#understanding how the South American integration initiative (IIRSA) is transforming the region, and especially in terms of Brazil’s role #in the development of the initiative’s critical strategic projects.

A special

Introduction will be given by Ricardo Lara, Representative of Colombia´s National Planning Department (DNP). #"

The following are Featured in the Workshop: •

Concession of International Route 60 Valparaíso - Los Andes (Chile)

Madeira Electricity Generation Project (Brazil)

4:00 pm - 5:30 pm ! Pre-Conference Workshop #2 "

Building Leadership, Building Projects – Getting The Right Projects Going


Invitation only Workshop for Project Presenters,

! !



Antonio Lopez Corral & Norman F. Anderson


The workshop is focused on two concepts, leadership in infrastructure project creation, and structuring projects for sustainable finance.# Antonio Lopez Corral was the Director General of Spain's Fomento through 2003, and in that position was responsible for financing all of Spain's PPP and concession projects throughout the period of rapid infrastructure build; currently he is Professor, Universidad Politechnico de Madrid,and advisor on infrastructure to governments around the world, including Russia, Bulgaria and others.

6:30 pm - 8:00 pm!






WEDNESDAY | APRIL 2, 2008 8:00 am!

Registration and Continental Breakfast

9:00 am"

Welcome to the 6° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum


Norman F. Anderson, President & CEO, CG/LA Infrastructure LLC


Building the Region's Global Network for Competitiveness & Opportunity


The Top Strategic Infrastructure Projects in Latin America & The Caribbean

9:15 am !

Yukiko Omura


Executive Vice President, Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency


(MIGA – World Bank) "

Key examples of MIGA’s capacity to catalyze good projects, create competitive advantages and generate opportunities.

9:30 am "

Singapore’s Success in Global Infrastructure – Projects, Firms & Ideas


Moderator:! Satvinder Singh, Regional Director (Americas), International Enterprise !




José Antonio Rios, Chairman, Global Crossing (Latin America)



Mr Balagopal Nair, Vice President (Americas) Crimson Logic



Mr Hee Ah Mui, Executive Vice President, Jurong Consultants


Closing:# "

Satvinder Singh and Norman Anderson

! !

Announcement of partnership between IE Singapore and CG/LA to organize joint session on "Top infrastructure projects in Latin America" at the LatinAsia Business Forum 2008, 22-23 Sep, Shangrila Hotel, Singapore

10:15 am"

Brazil's Strategic Infrastructure Projects – “The Giant Awakes”


Keynote: Nei Cristofolini, Regional Superintendent, CAIXA


The Top PAC Infrastructure Projects in Brazil

10:30 am!

Coffee Break



10:45 am !



PLENARY A: Top New Infrastructure Projects!


Throughout Latin America, and largely because of the fuels crisis, a large number of renewable energy projects are being developed; the Leadership Forum will host 5 of the most interesting projects in the region, including from Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, El Salvador & Costa Rica. Moderator:! Jacques Beaudry-Losique, US Department of Energy


Azua Bio-diesel Generation Project

Fluitecnik Solar Power Project

Amayo Wind Power Generation Plant

Nejapa Landfill Gas to Energy

Sustainable Waste to Ethanol Technology

Generation from Solid Waste – Caxias do Sul


PLENARY B: Top Ports Projects in The Region


This is the sector with the greatest opportunities, and the sector with the greatest demand – CG/LA has identified the top projects in this#extraordinarily dynamic sector. Keynote: !


Terrence Bills, Industry Solution Manager for Transportation, ESRI

Itaguaí Port

Cortes Port

Plata Port

Corinto Port

Monkey Point Port

11:45 am!

PLENARY A: Top Water, Sanitation & Irrigation Projects


The last 10 years have seen virtually no progress in the creation of new water infrastructure in the America.# The Leadership Forum has identified# a series of projects that show the way forward, many of these financed with the assistance of concessionary lending from Japan’s JBIC.


Moderator: Anand Hemnani, Senior Vice President, CG/LA Infrastructure LLC

! !

El Realito & El Zapotillo Reservoirs

Valley of Mexico - Integral Project

Initial Public Offering for CEDAE

PLENARY B: Top Digital Projects in the Americas Projects critical to the productivity of countries, regions and cities, including major initiatives in the Caribbean, Mexico, Brazil and South America regionally.


Keynote: Leandro M. Rodríguez, Business Development Manager - Latin America, ESRI •

Leasing of Wireless Phone Lines

Sao Paulo City Digital Integration Project



12:45 pm!

PLENARY A: Top Oil & Gas Projects


Oil & Gas are critical inputs to the region’s economic growth, from Brazil’s recent, giant, discovery to major projects in Mexico, Trinidad & Tobago and Bolivia. The sector presents some of the region’s largest, most dynamic and most professionally executed projects.


Moderator: Felipe Montoto Jens, Diretor de Investimentos e projeto Estruturados, Odebrecht •

PetroJam Refinery Expansion

Nuevo Pemex - Cogen

Manzanillo Gas Pipeline

Rio de Janeiro Comperj Petrochemical Refinery

Gas Pipeline Gasduc III


PLENARY B: Top Tourism & Housing Projects


Tourism is one of the growth and opportunity drivers in the region, with multiple major projects from Mexico and the Dominican Republic, through Brazil’s Northeast and all the way to southern Chile and Argentina. !

Moderator: Ricardo Martinez-Rico, CEO, Montoro y Asociados (Madrid), and former Deputy Finance Minister, Spain •

Costa Blanca

Relaunching of Huatulco Bay

El Capomo Rivera Nayarit

Marina Cozumel

Relaunching of Loreto (Golden Beach & Escondido)

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Head of State & CEO Interventions Throughout the 6° Annual Latin American Leadership Forum we will have prepared interventions from Heads of State and CEO’s, discussing key aspects of infrastructure, key areas of priority, and critical opportunities for private sector participation.! We are programming 10 such interventions throughout the two days of the Leadership Forum, and urge registrants and prospective registrants to advise us on the key Heads of State and CEO’s – the global opinion leaders – from whom they would most like to hear. The Forum is becoming increasingly interactive, and increasingly active well beyond the 48 hours of the Forum, providing infrastructure business opportunities in the 90 day period before the event and in the 30 days after termination.



1:30 pm !

Luncheon Keynote Address


The Honorable Eddy Martinez, Executive Director, CEI-DR


A Compelling Vision for Growth and Opportunity Creation throughout the Central American and Caribbean Regions.


Dr. Stephen Poloz, Senior VP, Corporate Affairs & Chief Economist - EDC


Building a Competitive Environment throughout the Americas.

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Private Meetings Throughout the forum (Check Private Meeting Engine for Available Times) The Leadership Forum is designed to maximize ‘relationship throughput,’ and the private meeting function is the critical structure element for accomplishing that objective.! The Private Meeting Manager will go live on Friday, February 29th, allowing registrants to pre-schedule meetings (up to 15, each of 15 minutes in length) with project developers, and sponsors.! We expect that 2000+ meetings will be pre-scheduled, allowing participants to explore projects in-depth – either creating, or further developing, relationships with top decision-makers from throughout Latin America (many of whom have multiple projects under their command).

_______________________________________________________________________ 3: 00 pm ! ! !

PROJECT PRESENTATIONS PLENARY A: Top Chilean Urban Highway Concessions Urban mass transit is becoming a critical issue in the region, with new metro, bus, light rail and integrated projects addressing critical issues of mobility and center-city congestion.


Moderator:! Rafael Cardenas, Director, Agency & Trust, Citibank •

Santiago City Outer-Ring Road - East Americo Vespucio Underground Expressway

Ruta 5 (North III and IV, and South X)

Ruta 66, Camino de la Fruta

Ruta 160, Tres Pinos – Coronel Concession


PLENARY B: Top Hydro Electricity Projects in Latin America


Generation is a critical issue for the region, particularly giventhe ongoing fuels crisis - these projects will go forward and will also serve as a model to address the critical generation issue in a more systematic fashion.


Moderator: Francoise Faverjon-Fortin, VP for Infrastructure and Environment, EDC •

Hydroelectric Xacbal

Hydroelectric Changuinola

Hydroelectric El Chaparral

El Escondido Hydroelectric Projects



4:00 pm !

Top Highway Concessions Projects in the Americas


Highway concessions are successfully being structured and implemented by local groups that have increased access to international capital. These projects are instrumental in creating new trade corridors and access to key areas of the region.


Moderator:! Marco Cuadra, Business Development Manager, BCIE •

Guatemala Northern Highway

San José - Caldera Highway

Villa San Antonio - Goascorán Highway

Ruta del Sol Highway

Samana Highway Extension

El Coral Autopista

5:00 pm !

Top Logistics & Special Economic Zone Projects


The booming commodity markets have created enormous investments, and the challenge is to turn these multi-billion dollar Infrastructure investment opportunities into long-term competitiveness for their host regions.


Moderator: Brian Weihs, Operations Manager Corporate Investigations - Mexico, Control Risks •

Improvement of the Waterways in Regions X, XI and XII

Magdalena Highway (Chilhuaná-Villavieja)

Rio de Janeiro State Highway Ring-Road

Panamá-Pacífico Special Economic Zone

Ferrovía Norte-Sul

7:00 pm !








THURSDAY | APRIL 3, 2008 7:30 am!

MIGA Breakfast


Hosted by Yukiko Omura, MIGA Executive Vice President


Honoring: Costa Rica Minister of Transport - Karla Gonzalez Carbajal

8:00 am !

Continental Breakfast

8:45 am!

Opening Remarks


Steven J. Puig, Vice President for the Private Sector & Non-Sovereign Guaranteed Operations, Inter-American Development Bank

9:00 am!

Top Strategic Infrastructure Projects in the Region


Strategic Projects Critical to Regional Growth


The top projects in ports & logistics, energy generation, water & wastewater, urban mass transit, highways, ‘new’ infrastructure, oil & gas, mining & logistics and tourism.


Moderator: Francisco Wulff, Executive Principal for Infrastructure, CAF •

Panama Canal Expansion

Port of Buenaventura

Ku Maloob Zaap

Roco Ki Tourism Cluster Project

Madeira Electricity Generation Complex - San Antonio Hydro

10:00 am!

Keynote Speaker


Eugenio Laris Alanis, Director of Projects


Comisión Federal de Electricidad Mexico (CFE)


Developing Strategic Projects in Latin America

10:15 am#"

Top Thermal and Distribution Projects


Thermal Electricity is increasingly becoming the Electricity Generation choice for several Latin American Countries.


11:00 am!

Moderator: Scott Swensen, Conduit Capital Partners, LLC •

Porto Primavera Transmission

2 Combined Cycle Plants for the Valley of Mexico II y III

Paulinia Thermal Generation

Geothermal Las Pailas

Irrigation/Hydroelectric Projects (Baixio do Irece-BA, Salitre-BA and Pontal-PE)

Coffee Break



11:15 am " ! !

4° Annual “Infrastructure Project of the Year” Awards Sponsored Session A key feature of the Leadership Forum, the Annual Leadership Awards are presented to projects that show a clear and promising direction for the region. Awards are selected by sponsoring organizations from a list of projects nominated by an appointed multi-country and mutli-disciplinary Selection Jury. •

Engineering Project of the Year

Equity/Job Creation Project of the Year

Long-term Performance Project of the Year

Financial Project of the Year

Strategic Project of the Year

11:45 am!

Keynote Speaker


Kelvin Dushnisky, Executive Vice President, Barrick Gold Corporation


Development of the US$2.7 Billion Pueblo Viejo Gold Mine

12:00 pm "

Financing Projects that will Generate Thirty Years of Competitiveness – Key Players and Absolute Requirements


Special Introduction by: Antonio Lopez Corral, President & CEO, Spineq (Spain)


Antonio Juan Sosa, Vice President, Infrastructure, CAF (Venezuela)


Karla Gonzalez Carvajal, Minister of Public Works & Transport (Costa Rica)


Carolina Rentería, General Director, National Planning Department (Colombia)


Juan Carlos Gonzalez, Corporations and Infrastructure Projects Coordinator - The Nature Conservancy


Moderator: Carmen López, Director Infrastructure Finance Unit - DEPFA Bank plc

! 1:00 pm!

Keynote Address


Luis Antonio Eira, Executive Secretary, Ministry of Integration


Sao Paulo - Rio de Janeiro High Speed Rail


The first high-speed inter-urban rail project in Latin America

1:15 !

Luncheon Keynote Address


The Honorable L. Enrique García


President, Andean Development Corporation (CAF)


The President of one of the most dynamic development banks in the region will discuss his bank’s key infrastructure initiatives, including the infrastructure project feasibility fund.

Simultaneous translation – in Spanish & Portuguese – will be available throughout the two days of the Forum.



NOTE: Day 2 Private Meetings Throughout the forum (Check Private Meeting Engine for Available Times) The Leadership Forum is designed to maximize ‘relationship throughput,’ and the private meeting function is the critical structural element for accomplishing that objective.! The Private Meeting Manager will go live on Friday, February 29th, allowing registrants to pre-schedule meetings (up to 15, each of 15 minutes in length) with project developers, and sponsors.! We expect that 2000+ meetings will be pre-scheduled, allowing participants to explore projects in-depth – either creating, or further developing, relationships with top decision-makers from throughout Latin America (many of whom have multiple projects under their command).


Business & Project Development Workshops - 3:00 – 5:00 pm Several deep dive workshops will be scheduled for the end of the Day on Thursday.# These workshops have been developed by Platinum sponsors and others with strong products relevant to developing high quality infrastructure projects throughout the region. 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm#" Workshop #1 !

Infrastructure Investment in Mexico - Developing Projects in a Highly Dynamic Economy


Featured Participants:!


ProMexico and Key Officials from PEMEX, CFE, CONAGUA and FONATUR




Arturo Macotela, Director for the Americas, ProMexico

Ricardo De Vecchi, Vicepresident of Strategic Projects, CG/LA Infrastructure LLC

The purpose of this workshop is to provide an overview of infrastructure investment in the country - one of the most attractive financial destinations in the region. The workshop will feature key executives from ProMexico - the newly created office to promote investment in the country. The attendees will have an opportunity to discuss with Mexican authorities from Pemex, CFE, Fonatur and Conagua on key topics in financing Mexican strategic infrastructure projects.

4:00 pm - 5:00 pm ! Workshop #2 !

Building DR/CAFTA - Key Projects & Partners in Designing, Financing and Building the Region's Strategic Infrastructure



Featured Participants: "

Key CEO’s and Public Policy Decision-makers from the DR/Cafta countries.


Moderators: •

Eddy Martinez, Secretary, CEI-RD

Norman F. Anderson, CG/LA Infrastructure LLC

Discussion of the nine strategic infrastructure projects being presented by the Dominican Republic including: energy, highways, tourism and ports & logistics.



10:00 am - 11:00 am! Special Roundtable Discussion - 'Cedae's Plan 2020 & Upcoming IPO' !

Hosted by: Cedae CFO Fernando Avelino


(Invitation Only)

FRIDAY | APRIL 4, 2008 8:00 am - 9:30 am!

Special Control Risks Workshop


Using Intelligence to Choose, Design and Execute a Good Project


Sponsored by: Control Risks




Brian Weihs, Control Risks

Norman F. Anderson, CG/LA Infrastructure LLC

1. Choosing the project: •

Intelligence about national and local conditions. Are the project’s assumptions correct? Are there factors that are not taken into account? What factors have affected similar projects in the past, or projects in the same region in the past?

Intelligence about the potential participants

Promoters. Who are their constituencies? What affiliated interests may be used to support the project, or hinder it? What is their track record?

Developers and builders. How are they financed? What are their resources? What is their track record? What additional resources will be required?

Users and offtakers

Competing parties. Where does your competitive advantage lie? How can you competitively# position your firm?

Intelligence about other stakeholders. Who has a stake in the outcome of a project local communities,# local and national political or interest groups, labor unions, other governmental agencies? What position are they likely to take with respect to the project? What influence are they likely to have on the outcome of the project?


2. Developing the project •

Integrating the intelligence into the design of the project. What additional parties would help with the development of the project? What stakeholder concerns need to be addressed in the design?

Using the intelligence for risk management planning. Given the local factors, the strengths and weaknesses of the promoters and developers, the interests and relative influence of stakeholders, what sort of negative situations might develop? What can be planned and prepared in advance to control those situations before they develop into crises? What can be planned and implemented to deal with a crisis to avoid or minimize damage?




3. Executing the project •

Using intelligence to manage personnel. How will the project ensure duty of care for personnel in transit and in hostile environments? How will personnel be screened and vetted?

Using intelligence to respond to a crisis. What resources are available to effectively respond to unexpected events? How can a project stay abreast of developing political, social and security situations?

Using intelligence to maintain governance. How can the project stay on top of regulatory compliance requirements and international standards? What is necessary to ensure that a project is not complicit with human rights abuses, corruption or social controversy?


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