Spanish Am War

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 402
  • Pages: 13
Chapter 7 Section 2 The Spanish American War

William Randolph Hearst 1863-1951 New York Journal  28 Newspapers, 18 magazines  House of Representatives  “You Furnish the pictures, I’ll furnish the war.” 

Joseph Pulitzer 1847-1911 New York World  Pulitzer Prize  Yellow Kid 

Yellow Journalism Shocking and sensationalized reporting  New

 New York York Journal – Hearst World – NO SPANISH SOURCES – Pulitzer – De Lome letter – it was an – Yellow Kid – intercepted letter written by popular Spain’s minister to the US comic strip and printed in the Journal. – Followed suit It ridiculed McKinley in sources • Called “the worst insult to the U.S. in its history”

War Feb. 9, 1898 – De Lome letter  Feb. 15, 1898 – USS Maine  Apr. 19 1898 – Teller Amendment  Apr. 23, 1898 – Spain breaks relations  Apr. 25, 1898 – Congress Declares War  Apr. 21, 1898 – “War technically begins” 

The Philippines George Dewey –Defeated Spain in the Philippines.  Emilio Aguinaldo –Filipino Patriot who lead many Filipinos alongside the Americans  May 1, 1898 Manila Bay 


America 400 Spain


Cuba cont. Bad food - Food purchased by the Army caused disease and many deaths among soldiers  Disease – yellow fever  Rough Riders - African American soldiers  Buffalo Soldiers – Teddy Roosevelt  Battle of San Juan

We Win  Spain

loses bad.  US gets Guam, Puerto Rico and…… the Philippines  $20 million  Cuba’s independence  We gain power

Postwar Pacific Annexation of The Philippines

Arguments for – McKinley, “to educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize and Christianize them.” – Economic Value – Strategic Value – If we don’t someone will.

Arguments against – Violate the foundation of the American system. – Outsourcing oppression – New immigrants, cheap labor.

The First Occupation..  Feb.

5, 1899 – Philippines annexed  Emilio Aguinaldo  Insurgency  4000 US dead, 220,000 Filipinos dead  “Prepare them for independence”  July 4, 1946

Platt Amendment  This

is a US forced Amendment to the Cuban constitution  Cuba could enter no foreign agreements without permission  US received 2 naval bases on island  US had right to intervene whenever they felt it was necessary.

By forcing Cuba to agree to Platt Amendment, did they really gain independence?

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