Spanish American War

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 253
  • Pages: 1
Spanish American War Name________________________ A Little Revolution • Cuba is only ____________________from Florida Viva la Revolution • Americans had invested heavily in the _______________________. Remember the Maine • McKinley orders the ________________ to Havana to help protect U.S. personnel and property. Yellow Journalism • _________________________________- Publisher of the New York Journal. He was a key component of ________________________. • __________________________ was another component. • Some yellow journalists ____________________ stories of Spanish cruelty. • Hearst hired an artist to go down and sketch images of the Spanish atrocities. He reported to Hearst that it was not as bad as they had been reporting. Hearst responded_________________________________________________________________. • Many think that these journalists and their stories forced politicians to take __________________________ against Spain. A Declaration of War • On ___________________ McKinley signed the declaration of war with Spain. The Philippines • War began in the ____________________ before it did in Cuba. The Rough Riders • A colorful volunteer unit led by ___________________________________. • They became legendary after they charged up _____________________________. “A Splendid Little War” • African Americans: They played a vital role in this war. The army was ________________. These segregated black units made it possible to win several key battles. They even saved ______________________________ on two occasions. • ______________________ died in combat. • ________________ died because of mosquito born diseases. Result • Spain gave independence to ______________ and ceded ___________________________________________ to the U.S. for a payment of $20 million. • These new territories added _________________________ miles to the U.S. and 10 million new people.

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