Sp 1 -2009 Economic Development Advisory Committee Work Plan

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09-84 0540-20


That Council receive the report entitled “Economic Development Advisory Committee 2009 Work Plan” for information; and further That Council endorse the Economic Development Advisory Committee’s 2009 Work Plan as presented in this report. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY:

Staff continually track and report the progress of implementing the 2002 Economic Development Strategy (EDS) to the Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC). In addition, Council’s Economic Development Advisory Committee conducted comprehensive prioritizing sessions of the 2002 EDS in 2006, 2007, and 2008. While there are several actions in the 2002 EDS that have not yet been completed, it is the opinion of the current EDAC with staff support, that implementation of the 2002 Economic Development Strategy is essentially complete. Should Council concur, EDAC is recommending a process be initiated to create a new draft EDS for Council’s consideration and endorsement. EDAC’s 2009 Work Plan (attached) would create a process, timeline, budget, and framework for the new EDS and the 2010 Work Plan would result in creation of the actual draft document for Council’s consideration. EDAC respectfully requests that, as part of its 2010 budget deliberations, Council provide onetime funding to cover the costs of facilitators/consultants needed to help facilitate expert panel sessions and public information workshops and to compile research data toward a new draft Economic Development Strategy for Council’s consideration. PURPOSE:

The purpose of this report is to present the Economic Development Advisory Committee’s 2009 Work Plan for Council’s endorsement including the initiation of a process in 2009 for the establishment of a new Economic Development Strategy in subsequent years.

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The first Economic Development Strategy (EDS) was adopted by Council in June 1989. In 2001, the Economic Development Advisory Committee embarked on an 18-month, $45,000 process that culminated in Council adopting the 2002 EDS. In January 2004, an Economic Development Officer was hired to implement the 2002 EDS. Since then, staff has reported on the progress toward completion of the 2002 EDS at the end of each year. Based on the latest status report the implementation of the 2002 EDS was as follows:

Township of Langley 2002 Economic Development Strategy Summary of Progress on Actions Contained in the Strategy as at December 31, 2008 Focus Area Community Image Education & Training Tourism Agriculture Horse Industry Heritage & the Arts Commercial Development Business/Industrial Parks Infrastructure Film Industry Convention Centre TOTAL

Not Started

In Progress




1 2 1 4 2 3 0 1 0 4 2

1 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 2 1 1

9 9 7 7 3 4 8 7 8 5 1

2 3 3 4 0 3 2 3 0 6 4

13 15 11 17 6 10 11 11 10 16 8

20 (16%)

10 (8%)

68 (53%)

30 (23%)

128 (100%)

Status: NS – IP – OG – C–

Action Not Started Action In Progress (started, and can be completed) Action Ongoing (started, but perpetual nature of the action means it has been added to the annual work program) Action Completed

Thus, after five years, there are only 20 of the 128 actions of the 2002 EDS that have not been started (representing 16% of the total actions). As a result of deliberations of the Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) during 2006, 2007 and 2008, six of these not started actions have been deemed to be the direct responsibility of an outside organization and are expected to be completed within the next five years with no Township staff intervention required. That reduces the number of not started actions to 14 (or 11%) of the total Strategy.


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At its April 1, 2009 meeting, EDAC decided that the 2002 EDS was essentially completed and that it was the top priority of the Committee to embark on a process that will result in a new EDS for the Township of Langley. At its May 6, 2009 meeting, EDAC passed the following recommendations related to the 2009 EDAC Work Plan. ¾ That the Economic Development Advisory Committee advise Council that the 2002 Economic Development Strategy is essentially complete; and further, That Item 2 of the draft 2009 Work Plan “commence and develop a 5year Economic Development Strategy for the Township with appropriate economic indicators” form the 2009 EDAC Work Plan. ¾ That G. MacKinnon e-mail the draft EDAC Work Plan and a draft report to Council to members, and on approval of EDAC members by e-mail, authorize him to forward it for Council’s consideration. Attachment A to this report is a copy of the 2009 EDAC Work Plan – which initiates a process for the establishment of a new EDS – including an expectation of what will be accomplished at each of the remaining meetings in 2009. EDAC members have reviewed this 2009 Work Plan and agree with its content. EDAC is asking Council to endorse the Work Plan as per section 17.3 of Bylaw 2008 No. 4700: Every year … the Advisory Committees shall present to Council their proposed and prioritized work plan for the following year for Council’s review and ratification. Staff agrees with the EDAC recommendations that implementation of the 2002 EDS is essentially complete and that now is a good time to create a process for developing a new EDS. Staff has recommended to EDAC that, in creating a new EDS, the Committee should consider each of the not started actions in the 2002 EDS regarding relevance to the future economic development of the Township and either include, exclude or revise the action accordingly for the new EDS. Financial Implications The cost to create the 2002 EDS was approximately $45,000. The bulk of the costs to create a new EDS will occur in 2010. At this time, it is anticipated that any required funding for 2009 can come from the Economic Development Strategy Implementation account for 2009.


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It is expected that the 2010 EDAC Work Plan (which will actually create a draft of the new EDS) will require an additional amount of money that will exceed the Economic Development function’s base annual budget. A one-time budget request will be brought forward during the 2010 annual budget process to assist in funding the 2010 EDAC Work Plan. Respectfully submitted,

Gary MacKinnon ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CO-ORDINATOR for COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION GRM/grm This report has been prepared in consultation with the following listed departments. CONCURRENCES Division Name FINANCE DIVISION D. SPARKS


Township of Langley Economic Development Advisory Committee 2009 Work Plan

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Township of Langley Economic Development Advisory Committee 2009 Work Plan At an April 1, 2009 meeting, the members of the Township’s Economic Development Advisory Committee (EDAC) accumulated ideas for incorporation into the Committee’s 2009 Work Plan. By e-mail during April, Committee members ranked the importance of the 6 main ideas. After confirming the voting and having further discussion, the EDAC members approved the following two-part Work Plan for 2009: 1)


Via staff report from the Economic Development Co-ordinator, recommend to Council that the 2002 Economic Development Strategy (EDS) is essentially implemented and it is time to consider development of a new EDS for the Township. Request a yet-to-be determined budget amount from Council to be used for facilitation/consultation/research services to develop a process to prepare a draft EDS for Council’s consideration in 2010. The process should result in a new Strategy that: a. Creates a marketing/positioning/branding statement for the Township of Langley. b. Has a more industry-specific focus (e.g., light rail manufacturing, food processing, etc.) based on an analysis of emerging trends, rather than a program to develop the entire breadth of the local economy. c. Takes full advantage of major capital and infrastructure investments as economic generators. d. Does a comparative analysis of the Township’s local economy with that of Chilliwack, Abbotsford, City of Langley, Surrey, Delta, Richmond, Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows. (This comparative analysis should specifically assess the longterm impact of Campbell Heights Industrial Park on the existing Langley economy and identify the current and possible future barriers to development in Langley). e. Provides a set of economic and growth indicators that should be used to evaluate the successful implementation of the Township’s EDS. f. Gives due consideration to the work and recommendations of the Aldergrove Task Force Implementation report. g. Identifies emerging trends that the Township of Langley could consider pursuing. h. Explores various models for providing economic development services in the Township of Langley.

Subsequent meetings of EDAC in 2009 will be dedicated as follows: June: ¾ Understand methodology, framework and timeline for the Township’s 2002 Economic Development Strategy process. ¾ Understand how the goals of the 2002 Economic Development Strategy have been incorporated into the Township’s Sustainability Charter model.


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¾ Determine the funding requirement to request from Council from the 2009 and 2010 budgets. September: ¾ Presentations from experts about where global economies are heading and how Langley can prepare itself to arrive there as a significant “player”. (There may be a budget requirement for this as well.) ¾ Review the never started and uncompleted actions from the 2002 Economic Development Strategy and decide which ones (if any) should be brought forward for consideration in the new Strategy. October: ¾ Facilitated session to develop a new (or refresh the old) Mission Statement for the new Strategy. ¾ Identify the 3 to 5 focus areas that the Strategy will concentrate on. November: ¾ Create timeline and identify key players for the facilitated roundtable meetings that will occur in 2010 which will help identify specific goals and actions for the new Strategy. December: ¾ Prepare EDAC Annual Report/Draft 2010 Work Plan to Council.

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