Spec Doc 9-economic Development Advisory Committee

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ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Wednesday, June 3, 2009, commencing at 7:00 p.m. Salmon River Committee Room th 4 Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley, BC

MINUTES Present: Acting Chair, Kieron Hunt John Graham, Gerry Larson, Rian Martin, Carol Paulson, Carla Robin, Chul Seung Lee, Garry Tingley and Joe Zaccaria Municipal Representative: Councillor Bev Dornan Staff: Gary MacKinnon, Economic Development Co-ordinator Paul Crawford, Manager, Long Range Planning Jason Chu, Strategic Planner Sylvia Carneiro, Recording Secretary APPOINTMENT OF CHAIR 1.

Economic Development Advisory Committee June 3, 2009 Moved by R. Martin, Seconded by C. Robin, That K. Hunt be appointed as Chair for the June 3, 2009 meeting. CARRIED APPROVAL OF AGENDA


Economic Development Advisory Committee June 3, 2009 Moved by J. Zaccaria, Seconded by G. Tingley, That the Economic Development Advisory Committee adopt the Agenda of the June 3, 2009 meeting. CARRIED

June 3, 2009 Economic Development Advisory Committee Minutes A.



Economic Development Advisory Committee May 6, 2009 Moved by C. Paulson, Seconded by J. Graham, That the Economic Development Advisory Committee adopt the Minutes of the May 6, 2009 meeting as amended.





Process for 2002 Economic Development Strategy J. Chu, Strategic Planner, Township of Langley gave a brief presentation on creation of the 2002 Economic Development Strategy. He spoke on the time line, process and cost. •

In 1987 the Provincial Government decided to keep up with the Expo legacy and provided funding for economic development initiatives.

In 1987 and 1988 the Economic Development Commission prepared the Economic Development Strategy that was adopted by Council in 1989.

In 2000 the Economic Development Commission requested funding from Council for a new Economic Development Strategy.

In March 2001 Economic Development Commission held a visioning workshop and reviewed the Economic Development Strategy mission statement and identified target sectors.

Before March 2001 staff resources were used. However, in April 2001 consultants helped staff to do some background research in target areas. The Economic Development Commission hosted several Think Tank meetings.

Based on research and information from Think Tank meetings, staff and consultants drafted a new Economic Development Strategy.

January 2002 the draft Economic Development Strategy was presented to Council.

Council requested staff to have an open house to get input from the community.

In May 2002 council adopted the new Economic Development Strategy.

The whole process took about a year and a half to complete.

June 3, 2009 Economic Development Advisory Committee Minutes C.



How does the 2002 Economic Development Strategy fit with the Township’s Sustainability Charter? J. Chu informed the members that the Community Sustainability Charter can be viewed at http://townshipoflangley.visiblestrategies.com/ . In 2005 Council requested staff to prepare a Sustainability Charter, a high level framework for the community to be future friendly. The Sustainability Charter was developed based on the input from the community. The original sustainability model was used that contained social/cultural, economic and environmental goals. Out of 11 focus items in the 2002 Economic Development Strategy; 4 – 5 objectives are contained in the Community Sustainability Charter. The Sustainability Charter is constantly evolving and any feedback from the community is welcome.



Employment Lands Study G. MacKinnon reported that Stantec Consulting is preparing the Langley Employment Lands Study. The table of contents for the final report was distributed at the meeting. To date sections 1 - 3 have been completed and section 4 is in the process of being completed. The draft report is expected to be submitted in July and will be sent to members of EDAC for comments at the September meeting.







Economic Development Advisory Committee 2009 Work Plan At the May 6, 2009 meeting Economic Development Advisory Committee members approved the following two-part Work Plan for 2009: 1)

Via staff report from the Economic Development Co-ordinator, recommend to Council that the 2002 Economic Development Strategy (EDS) is essentially implemented and it is time to consider development of a new EDS for the Township.


Request a yet-to-be determined budget amount from Council to be used for

June 3, 2009 Economic Development Advisory Committee Minutes G.


2009 WORK PROGRAM facilitation/consultation/research services to develop a process to prepare a draft EDS for Council’s consideration in 2010. The process should result in a new Strategy that: a. b.

c. d.

e. f. g. h.

Creates a marketing/positioning/branding statement for the Township of Langley. Has a more industry-specific focus (e.g., light rail manufacturing, food processing, etc.) based on an analysis of emerging trends, rather than a program to develop the entire breadth of the local economy. Takes full advantage of major capital and infrastructure investments as economic generators. Does a comparative analysis of the Township’s local economy with that of Chilliwack, Abbotsford, City of Langley, Surrey, Delta, Richmond, Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadows. (This comparative analysis should specifically assess the long-term impact of Campbell Heights Industrial Park on the existing Langley economy and identify the current and possible future barriers to development in Langley). Provides a set of economic and growth indicators that should be used to evaluate the successful implementation of the Township’s EDS. Gives due consideration to the work and recommendations of the Aldergrove Task Force Implementation report. Identifies emerging trends that the Township of Langley could consider pursuing. Explores various models for providing economic development services in the Township of Langley.

Moved by C. Robin, Seconded by J. Zaccaria, That the Economic Development Advisory Committee approve the 2009 Work Plan and present it to Council for endorsement. CARRIED H.

COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS AND REFERRALS The following resolution was adopted at the May 25, 2009 Special Council Meeting:


Willowbrook/Willoughby Commercial Study REFERRAL That the Willowbrook/Willoughby Commercial Study be referred to the Economic Development Advisory Committee for comment. CARRIED The Economic Development Advisory Committee reviewed the Willowbrook/Willoughby Commercial Study as directed by Council.

June 3, 2009 Economic Development Advisory Committee Minutes H.


COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS AND REFERRALS COUNCIL Moved by J. Zaccaria, Seconded by R. Martin, Recommendation that Council receive the recommendation of the EDAC Committee that Council consider the following principles when approving future developments: •

Emphasize mixed use development as a long term strategy that incorporates Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design principles and placemaking principles that supports long term sustainability of the Township; • Encourage densification/intensification; • Focus on urban village mixed use development (office/retail/residential); and • Not consider exceptions to the above. CARRIED 2.

Minutes of the Economic Advisory Committee – May 6, 2009 1. Bedford Rowing Society Support a) That Council support and encourage the 2010 Commonwealth Rowing Championships to be held at the Bedford Channel; and further That staff be assigned to assist J. Leith in looking at other sources of sponsors and help with Bid Package preparation. REFERRAL That the matter be referred to the staff of Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee. CARRIED b) That Council provide its support to any Township of Langley sports groups that will help the economy of Langley. REFERRAL That the motion be referred to staff of Recreation, Culture, and Parks Advisory Committee. CARRIED 2. Business Recognition Program for the Township of Langley That Council authorize staff to develop a Business Recognition program and implement it as soon as possible. REFERRAL That the matter be referred to staff and the Langley Chamber of Commerce. CARRIED



June 3, 2009 Economic Development Advisory Committee Minutes J.



Township of Langley’s “Profile for Business – 2009”


Tourism Langley’s Promotional Package Will be available for distribution at the Township Municipal Hall beginning June 5, 2009.



Farmers’ Market Considerations The following Resolution was adopted at the May 4, 2009 Special Meeting of Council: That Council receive this report, entitled “Farmers’ Market Considerations”, for information; and further That Council authorize staff to forward this report to the Economic Development Committee and Agricultural Advisory Committee, for review and comment. COUNCIL Moved by G. Tingley, Seconded by C. Paulson, Recommendation that Council receive the recommendation of the EDAC Committee that the committee endorses the content of the Farmers Market Considerations report and specifically support the Consultation and Policy Framework flow diagram. CARRIED



Orientation Documents – Gerry Larson S. Carneiro agreed to email members a document on conducting meetings.


Utilization of Abbotsford International Airport – Chul Seung Lee C. Lee would like to promote Langley through the Abbotsford International Airport.


Aldergrove Border Crossing Copies of the letter sent to the Federal Government were circulated at the meeting. Moved by K. Hunt, Seconded by G. Tingley, That the community concern regarding Aldergrove Border Crossing be tabled and discussed at the September meeting. CARRIED

June 3, 2009 Economic Development Advisory Committee Minutes M.





Date: Wednesday, September 2, 2009 Location: Salmon River Committee Room 4th Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue Time: 7:00 p.m. Note:


EDAC members have asked staff to schedule an additional meeting some time in September or October.

TERMINATE Moved by R. Martin, Seconded by J. Zaccaria, That the meeting terminate at 9:26 p.m. CARRIED CERTIFIED CORRECT:

____________________ Acting Chair, Kieron Hunt

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