Sp 6 -agricultural Advisory Committee

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AGRICULTURAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Thursday, May 21, 2009, commencing at 7:09 p.m. Salmon River Committee Room th 4 Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue, Langley, BC

MINUTES PRESENT: T. Bowman, Chair R. Austin, R. Blackstone, B. Crockett, V. MacDonald, D. Melnychuk, L. Nicholls, T. Reinhart, S. Trummler MUNICIPAL REPRESENTATIVES: Councillor S. Ferguson Councillor M. Kositsky STAFF REPRESENTATIVES: B. Andrews, Planning Assistant B. Doyle, Manager, Administration and Approving Officer K. Larsen, Manager, Water Resources and Environment S. Palmer, Recording Secretary APPROVAL OF AGENDA 1.

Agricultural Advisory Committee May 21, 2009 Moved by V. MacDonald. Seconded by R. Austin, That the Agricultural Advisory Committee adopt the Agenda of the May 21, 2009 meeting. CARRIED



Agricultural Advisory Committee April 16, 2009 Moved by D. Melnychuk, Seconded by V. MacDonald, That the Agricultural Advisory Committee adopt the Minutes of the April 16, 2009 meeting. CARRIED



May 21, 2009 Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes




Township of Langley Rural Plan File 0550-10 B. Doyle provided a presentation on the Township of Langley Rural Plan and outlined the context, background and implementation measures associated with the Plan. Councillor Kositsky entered the meeting at 7:35 p.m. Questions were raised regarding rebuilding on rural properties, size of land parcels and reference was made to the Corporation of Delta’s cap on building and siting of large homes on rural properties. Concerns were raised regarding secondary suites, increased density and drain on aquifers. D. Melnychuk commented that the Rural Plan policies were becoming dated and the proposed Agricultural Viability Study would enable a fresh look at current issues and priorities, with the resulting potential for revised Plan policies. D. Melnychuk noted that terms of reference had been developed for the Agricultural Viability Study. He discussed funding for this project, adding that $30,000 had been made available from Investment Agricultural Foundation of BC. B. Doyle confirmed that project funding from the Township had been approved in this year’s budget and that work could proceed as soon as Council has endorsed the Committee’s 2009 Work Plan. D. Melnychuk elaborated that the project would consist of two phases over two years, with the first year being dedicated to data collection and public consultation. He continued that public meetings and survey work would be completed on a variety of agricultural issues and concerns. Moved by R. Blackstone, Seconded by T. Reinhart, That the Agricultural Advisory Committee receive the presentation on the Township of Langley Rural Plan. CARRIED Councillor Ferguson left the meeting at 7:55 p.m.







May 21, 2009 Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes




Council Endorsement of AAC 2008 Annual Report and 2009 Work Plan COUNCIL Moved by T. Reinhart, Seconded by L. Nicholls, That the Agricultural Advisory Committee recommends that Council receive and endorse the Committee’s 2008 Annual Report and 2009 Work Plan, as presented by the Committee Chair to Council at its meeting of May 4, 2009, as follows: A.

2008 Annual Report – In Review: During 2008, the AAC met ten times. Several sub-committees were established, with the following purposes: • • • • •

to provide a terms of reference for an agricultural viability strategy and to assist with a grant application to the Investment Agricultural Foundation of BC; to provide preliminary planning for a 2009 farm tour; to provide drainage and dyking advice; to provide input to the Township’s draft water management plan; and to provide advice regarding farmers’ markets.

During 2008, the following special meetings were held: • •

a joint Council/AAC meeting to review the Committee’s mandate; and a joint Delta/Surrey/Langley AAC meeting to discuss regional issues.

During 2008, the Committee also provided representation on: • •

Metro Vancouver’s Agriculture Advisory Committee; and the Township’s Water Management Plan – Stakeholder Advisory Committee.

The Committee was very active in 2008 and accomplished several initiatives, including: • making recommendations to Council regarding several ALR subdivision and non-farm use applications; • making recommendations to Council regarding Township policy/protocols affecting the processing of ALR applications; • submitting the “Langley Farm Tour Event Planning Guide” for Council’s consideration; and • completing the Agricultural Viability Strategy Study terms of reference, as input into the 2009 Corporate work program & budget process.

May 21, 2009 Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes F.



Mandate Reviewed – Proposed Amendment: 1. In response to Council’s request, the Committee reviewed its mandate for potential recommended refinements. 2. As a result, the Committee would like to reinforce its desire to become more proactive in providing advice to Council on ALR applications.

C. 2009 Work Plan: 1. To review ALR applications and provide recommendations prior to Council decisions. 2. To assist the Township in the preparation of an agricultural viability strategy. 3. To assist the Township in the Agriculture Bylaw review process. 4. To provide steerage and assistance for a farm tour in 2009. 5. To provide advice on the Township’s consideration of future farmers’ market proposals. 6. To provide advice on the Township’s Water Management Plan and implementation. 7. To assist with implementation of the Township’s Sustainability Charter, with specific focus on developing a Township food security & sustainability policy and a strategy to promote producing, buying and eating local food products. 8. To participate in a joint Township Council, and AAC workshop. 9. To host a joint Abbotsford/Surrey/ Langley AAC meeting, to discuss common issues and share ideas. 10. To participate in a joint BC Agricultural Land Commission/Township Council and AAC meeting, to discuss common issues and share ideas. 11. To participate at the next joint AAC meeting, hosted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Lands. 12. To attend a joint Federal/Provincial/ Township workshop, regarding crossover issues, involving farmland and watercourse protection.



Farmers’ Market Considerations Report 09-60 T. Reinhart noted that he is a member of the Langley Community Farmers’ Market Society and that it was developing a farmers’ market in partnership with Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Coast Capital and the City of Langley. He commented that the staff report would have provided useful information at the start-up of this project. Moved by T. Reinhart, Seconded by V. MacDonald, That the Agricultural Advisory Committee receive without comment Report 09-60 entitled “Farmers’ Market Considerations”. CARRIED

May 21, 2009 Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes H.





Provincial Agricultural Land Commission Application No. 100177 (Zall) File 14-06-0125 Council supported Provincial Agricultural Land Commission application No. 100177 (Zall) for 27078 - 56 Avenue at its April 6, 2009 Regular Council meeting. The report was provided to the AAC for information purposes.


Metro Vancouver – Agricultural Advisory Committee May 1, 2009 Agenda The Metro Vancouver AAC meeting agenda for May 1, 2009 was provided for information purposes. To view the entire agenda package, please visit www.metrovancouver.org

Aldergrove Fair Days Copy of flyer for Aldergrove Fair Days, July 24 to 26, 2009 provided for information. Any members interested in volunteering should contact the number provided.


University of British Columbia Farm Copy of letter sent to Metro Vancouver and UBC regarding the AAC's support for the retention of the UBC Farm provided for information. Moved by V. MacDonald, Seconded by R. Blackstone, That the AAC receive the items for information as presented. CARRIED

May 21, 2009 Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes J.



2009 Farm Tour Staff was requested to provide information on the Circle Farm Tour as it becomes available. AAC members were encouraged to provide any ideas and suggestions for this year’s Farm Tour to the Task Force members. Moved by R. Austin, Seconded by L. Nicholls, That the Agricultural Advisory Committee receive the memorandum from B. Andrews, Planning Assistant, relative to the 2009 Farm Tour, for information; COUNCIL That the Agricultural Advisory Committee requests Council to approve the establishment of a 2009 Farm Tour Task Force; and That the Committee requests Council to extend the time limitation of 90 days as set out under Section 15.1 of the Council Advisory Committee Establishment Bylaw 2008 No. 4700 to 120 days for the 2009 Farm Tour Task Force; and further That Council consider the date of Friday, September 18, 2009 or Friday, September 25, 2009 for the 2009 Farm Tour. CARRIED Moved by R. Austin, Seconded by L. Nicholls, That the following Committee members be appointed to the 2009 Farm Tour Task Force: Louisa Nicholls, Brenda Crockett, Allan Robinson, Renee Blackstone, Ted Bowman, and Robin Austin. CARRIED The date of the first 2009 Farm Tour Task Force was set for 7:00 a.m., Tuesday, June 2, 2009 in the Yorkson Creek Meeting Room, 4th Floor, Township of Langley.


Draft Water Management Plan K. Larsen commented that the Province has set a deadline for Water Management Plan at December 31, 2009.



Karen Refugees – Community Capacity Building Strategy Councillor Kositsky provided an outline of the BC Healthy Living Alliance (Refugee Community Capacity Building Strategy) and the Langley Childhood Development Centre on Agriculture and Farming. He noted that there are over 300 Karen families from Thailand now living in Langley who need assistance in finding meaningful employment. He discussed the many obstacles these families face, some of which are transportation, language barrier, culture, and lack of education.

May 21, 2009 Agricultural Advisory Committee Minutes


A brief discussion ensued and it was noted that with government assistance and volunteers, solutions such as the provision of unused land could be made available to the families to grow food and raise poultry, as well as providing training in farming methods. The comment was made that a presentation at an upcoming AAC meeting could be arranged and that if anyone wanted to volunteer in the program to contact Joy Wilson, Langley Childhood Development Centre at 604.534.1155 (extension 103) or email [email protected]. Action Item: Staff to arrange a presentation at an upcoming AAC meeting. 2.

Agricultural Viability Strategy Task Force Meeting The first meeting of the Agricultural Viability Strategy Task Force was scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on June 3, 2009 at the Township Civic Facility. The following are members of the Agricultural Viability Strategy Task Force: Dave Melnychuk, Steve Trummler and Vic MacDonald. Action Item: Staff to arrange for a presentation/workshop on the Terms of Reference for the Agricultural Viability Strategy for the next AAC meeting.


NEXT MEETING Date: Thursday, June 18, 2009 Location: Salmon River Committee Room 4th Floor, 20338 – 65 Avenue Time: 7:00 p.m.


TERMINATE Moved by V. MacDonald, That the meeting terminate at 9:26 a.m. CARRIED CERTIFIED CORRECT:

Chair, Ted Bowman Agricultural Advisory Committee

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