Solanacea Crop (chillie And Tomato)

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Topi c : Sol anacea cr ops (Chi lie and toma to)

Crop name : chilli

Introduction 

Chilli is one of the popular vegetables among the peoples in Malaysia. It is originated from Mexico and South of America, but now cultivated over tropical climate state. Chilli also known as pepper or chilli, majority chilli plant is cultivated at lowland.

In Peninsula Malaysia, main manufacturer of chilli areas is in Perak, Johor and Kelantan

Proposed cultivar 1. MARDI MC11: spicy  High yield (17-24 mt/ha)  Take out yield 10 week after cultivated  Can pick yield about 30 times for one season and fruiting continuously  Tolerant for Anthracnose disease (7% infection) and Choenophora shoot blight disease

2. MARDI MC12  Medium hot , has the simultaneous ripe property and mature early  High yield 15-25 mt/ha  Yield take out about 7 week after cultivated and very productive, matured early, disease resistant and interval to harvest 5 to 6 day once.

Soil Suitability / Weather     

Suitable to cultivated in low plain, temperature between 22-40 °C medium rain amount between 1500 - 2000 mm / year The best temperatures is 28-29 °C Chilli is suitable in mostly soil type included bris soil, peat soil and ex-mine soil Suitable pH : 5.5 – 6.8

Cultural practices    

Seedling preparation Cultivation at the farm Fertilization Water management

Seedling preparation 

 

Prepared seedling boxes 60 cm x 30 cm x 10 cm for 100 seed Fill in seedling boxes with mixing soil medium (3:2:1). 3 portion of the topsoil, 1 portion of decay chicken dung and 1 portion of sand. 200 g/ha seed (if 50% of germination rate) Seed must be treated by herbicide poison eg. 3g thiram / 1000 g seed

Watering with fine water spray about 2 times each day Seedling boxes must be protected from over sunshine exposure and over rain amount. Transfer seedling to the farm 3 - 4 week after sowing. Exposed seedling for sunlight as long as 3 – 4 day before transfer process ( to harden seedling)

Land Preparation 

 

Plough the soil about 15 to 22 cm depth. Prepared the bed with 1.2 cm wide and 22 – 30 cm high. Length of the bed according to the situation of the area. Distance of the bed is 45 cm. Mix as much as 25kg for 50 square meters area with the rotting chicken dung


Liming - For the peat soil and full of acid, liming at the rate 2 tone/hectare per year. For very low acid soil (pH 3.5-3.7) liming at the rate 10-25 tone/hectare per year.


Seedling 4-7 week years old can change to the bed. Plants distance – 80cm x 80 or 90cm x 120cm for each row.


Mulching - Using the dry grass or paddy straw for the mulching.

Weed control - Reduce / prevent weed – reduce competition source of

growth. - prevent light reaching ground - black plastic - Clean the bed from the weed with the soil, hoe or plough for the plant in the vase, pull the weed to protection.


Fertilizer NPK green (15:15:15) or liquid fertilizer (15:30:15) using for base fertilizer. Fertilizer for the fruits NPKmg blue (12:12:12:17:2:TE) or liquid fertilizer for adult tree.

Total of fertilizer NPK and NPKmg which is using 1.8 – 2.5 tone/hectare and for the 4 timers fertilizer. NPK amount of fertilizer and NPKMg which is used are 1.8 – 2.5 tan / ha and divided into 4 rotation fertilization. Basic fertilize done once before or when crop converter followed up with 3 rotation top-fertilize. A total of 10 g fertilizer are being distributed around tree each 2 week.

WATER MANAGEMENT 1.Watering - Using 2 times per day with ‘sprinkler’ system for early morning and the evening. - Also can using manual way. - Chili needs 3.5 liter water per day. 2.Distance around the bed need the drain with alternation about 75cm to exceed the water from stagnant flood. 3.Drainage is required if to face drainage problem

Pest management

Chilli Disease •

Mosaic disease and leaf curly caused by virus (Tobacco leaf curl virus). Effective way to reduce this disease were having spraying trees with Malathion every month once to control insect.

Sometimes wilt leaf caused by bacteria Pseudomonas solanacearum. All tree have been infected must be extracted and burn

Anthracnose Leaf Spot

Red Hamama

Bacterial wilt Leaf mosaic

Leaf spot which is known as cercospora leaf spot originate from fungus Xanthomoas. Symptom: Leaf become hurt and riddle Red hamama - crinkled leaf, curly, leaf being small and tree stunt. Leaf will curve down. Leaf colour become silver and fall Anthracnose fruit - originate from fungus attack. spread quickly. Fallen and damaged fruit



Leaf spot

Spray Benomyl (Fungicide)

Anthracnose fruit

Spray mancozeb (Fungicide)

Leaf Flea

Spray chlorphyrifos (Insecticide)

Red Hamama

Spray dicofol or malathion

Bent leaf and mosaic leaf

(a) (b)

Bacterial wilt

This disease spread out by leaf flea. Therefore, must control leaf flea. Dump and fire diseased tree

No effective chemical control. Dump and fire diseased tree


Harvesting can be make when the tree achieved 12 to 16 week. Average yield 16-20 tan/ha

Harvesting can be make each 3 or 4 day once.

harvesting can be made according to destination marketing (for eating fresh or to processed as product side)

Chilli can be harvesting after 60-75 day after planting. (depend on variety)

Production Cost / hectare Item


cost ( RM )

Input material cost • Seed • Fertilizer

0.5 kg @ RM50


5 ton @ RM120 2.5 ton @ RM100 30 bag @ RM43

600.00 250.00 1290.00

8% from total of material cost 40 roll @ RM70 160 pieces 10% from total of material cost

488.40 2800.00 480.00 659.34


Chicken dung Lime NPK 12:12:17:2

• • • •

Chemical poison Silver shine plastic Basket Contingency

Total amount I Input cost energy per day (p.e)@ RM15.00 • Soil preparation • Seedling • Transplant • To assemble supporter and wire • Watering • Weed controlling • Fertilization • Controlling pest and disease • Harvesting

7252.74 contract 25 energy per day 10 energy per day 2 energy per day 10 energy per day 12 energy per day 17 energy per day 30 energy per day 180 energy per day

Total amount II Fix cost • Soil tax • Depreciation Watering equipment • Other planting material

400.00 75.00 150.00 30.00 150.00 180.00 255.00 450.00 2700.00 4370.00

8 month @ RM 15/year 8 month @ RM 1600/year

10.75 1066.75 120.00

Total amount III


Total production cost ( I+II+III )


Estimate farmer income and turn over price ( Example : Yield 15000kg / on price RM2.00 / kg )

Item b.Gross income c.Production cost d.Net income e.Return for each investment ( RM ) f.Break-even price ( production cost/kg)

Use family energy (RM) 30000.00 8849.41 21150.59 3.40 0.59

Use wage energy (RM) 30000.00 12839.41 17160.59 2.34 0.86

Crop name : Tomato

Intr oductio n  fruit vegetable type  Short life expectancy  Originate from America South – tropical climate  In Malaysia - Cameron Highland, Johor.  Market– fresh and processed

Cr op R equir eme nt  weather   

Suitable to high land >1000m Temperature 180 – 320c Rain at 460mm

 soil  Suitable for various type of soil ( sands mixture, BRIS, peat )  Good drainage  pH 5.5 – 8.0

The proposed of Cultivar Plant attribute

Cultivar L 24

MT 1

MT 11

Serdang 2

King Kong ( F1)

Plant habit

Straight, leafy dan continuous (indetermin ate)

Straight, leafly, moderate, half continuous (semidetermina te)

leafly, half continuous (indeterminat e)

straight, leafly, half continuous (indetermin ate)

straight, half continuous (indeterminate)


Big Small (> 60 g/seed) (25-30 g/seed)

Moderate Moderate (40-80 g/seed) (40-80 g/seed)

Big (100-150g/seed)



Light red











18-30 tan/ha 15-25 tan/ha

15-28 tan/ha

20-25 tan/ha

25-30 tan/ha

Cultural practices

Work programmer for tomato / hectare Activity Day - 46





Seedling preaparation (for >10000 plant)

• •

Seedling box Plastic bag •beds

70 10000 5

Saiz 60X60cm Saiz 12X12cm Saiz 100X15cm


Seed treatmeant


3g/1000g seed

seed cultivation = deep 0.5cm


spraying foliar fertilizer

Leaf fertilizer

Based on label

spray one time for 1 week until transplant


Disease, and pest control

Chemical poison

Based on label

Spraying when need


Area Cleaning







3-5 tan/ha

Rate of mineral soil


Base fertilizer

Chiken dung

5 tan/ha

Mix in beds


Layout, bed preparation, close bed with plastic

Tractor Plastik silver shine

40 roll



Transplant seedling


1 plant/ hole

0.6 X 0.6m distance






NPK 12:12:17:2

300 kg/ha

broadcast fertilizer around plant




Disease, and pest control

Chemical poison

Based on label

Need to prevent


Disease, and pest control

Chemical poison

Based on label

Need to prevent


Fertilization ii

NPK 12:12:17:2

600 kg/ha

Sown fertilizer around plant


Weeds control

Chemical poison

Based on label

Weedicice spraying in between seed bed.


To fix support & wire

Wood support

16000 trunk



Disease, and pest control

Chemical poison

Based on label

Need to prevent


To cut off/trim



Remove sidebud and leafly.


Disease, and pest control

Chemical poison

Based on label

Need to prevent


Weeds control

Chemical poison

Based on label

Weedicide spraying in between seed bed.


Fertilization ii

NPK 12:12:17:2

600 kg/ha

Sown fertilizer surroundings plant





Period of time = crops 30-45 day


Disease, and pest control

Chemical poison

Based on label

Need to prevent


Disease, and pest control

Chemical poison

Based on label

Need to prevent


Disease, and pest control

Chemical poison

Based on label

Need to prevent

Seedling Preparation   

 

Using a high quality seeds treated seed with fungicide (thiram) Plant seed at least 6 week under insect proof netted 10% more than the number of crops Three way seedling 1. 2. 3.

Polibeg seedling Box seedling bed seedling

Bed seedling  Medium

7:3:2  Seed depth 0.5cm with the distance 5cm  dredge by dry soil to close seed  Shower bed and construct shading those made from transparent plastic

fertilization at seedling stage beginning at third week  Foliar fertilizer (foliar) characterized by NPK spray type  If there were pest infestation sign, spray with insecticide as chlorpyrifos 

Land Preparation Ground clearance  Tillage and bed preparation  Plough and tilth - depth as 22cm  Bed form 1.2m broad X 20 – 30cm high Liming  Do if pH's value land <5  1-2 week before seedling plant  Liming material – Ground Magnesium Limestone (GML)  Rate – 3 - 5 ton / ha

Cultivation At The Farm Change seedling when 5-6 week after sow  Distance proposed is 60cm X 60cm  After a week, dead and unhealthy seedling must be infill. 

Water Management Irrigation system sprinkle is proposed  High efficiency and low workforce requirement  Cost between RM5000 – RM8000 / one hectare  Sprinkle diameter coverage 25 – 30m 

Fertilization Rates of fertilization for tomatoes according to soil type Fertilizer Type of soil


Rate (Ton / ha / season)

Time (MLT) Week after harvest


BRIS -Rudua -Baging

Chicken dung NPK 12:12:17:2 Chicken dung NPK 12:12:17:2

10 2 25 3

-1* 2,4 & 8 -1* 2,4 & 8

Mixing in soil surroundings plant

Ex- mine

Chicken dung NPK 12:12:17:2

25 2

-1* 2,4 & 8

Mixing in soil surroundings plant


Chicken dung NPK 12:12:17:2


2,4 & 8

mixing in soil surroundings plant


Chicken dung NPK 12:12:17:2

5 1.5

-1* 2,4 & 8

mixing in soil surroundings plant



diseases and insect

Diseases name

Part diseases


Control diseases Bacillus permethrin or 14 day. it

: fruit borer (Chloridea obsoleta F.) : Fruit, leaf, buds and flower : Death on young buds and flower : Use are chemical like thuringiensis, acephate after Collect all fruit and destroy

Insect name

Part diseases


Control diseases burn it all


: fruit fly(Bactrocera sp) : Fruit : Fruit hole. : Collect all fruit and

To control use an like methyleugenol

Diseases name Pathogen Part diseases

: Anthracnose : Colletotrichum sp : Fruit


: Sunken spot with black specks Fruit drop, short shelf leaf High during rainy season

Control diseases -Use are healthy seeds - Destroy infected plants -Chemical spray before infection

Diseases name Pathogen Part diseases

: Club Rot : Sclerotium rolfsii / Rhizoctonia sp : Base of the tree


: leaf look wilt Have a white spot at base of the tree finally base will be black and rotten

Control diseases - Good irrigation - Destroy the tree if get the diseases

Fruit disorder

Leaf disorder

Stem and flower disorder


weed prevention  Use mulching technique  For chemical control use  Glufosinate-ammonium  Glyphosate

 Use

(0.5 kg/ha)

(0.6 kg/ha)

silver shine plastic

Estimate production cost Production cost 

Production cost include :  

Fix cost – land tax, equipment Material cost – seed, fertilizer, poison (pesticide, weedicide, Fungicide, ect) Energy cost – wage

Production Cost per hectare



cost ( RM )

Input material cost • Seed • Fertilizer

0.3 kg @ RM250


5 ton @ RM120 2.5 ton @ RM100 30 bag @ RM43

600.00 250.00 1290.00

8% from total of material cost 40 roll @ RM70 16000 stick @ RM0.40 15 roll @ RM43 6 roll @ RM4.50 10% from total of material cost

439.00 2800.00 320.00* 134.00** 27.00 593.00


Chicken dung Lime NPK 12:12:17:2

• • • • • •

Chemical poison Silver shine plastic Supporting stick Wire Raffia rope Contingency

Total amount I Input cost energy per day (p.e)@ RM15.00 • Soil preparation • Ridging • Planting • To assemble supporter and wire • Watering • Weed controlling • Fertilization • Creep of tree • Controlling pest and disease • Harvesting

6529.30 contract 12 energy per day 8 energy per day 20 energy per day 16 energy per day 8 energy per day 8 energy per day 6 energy per day 4 energy per day 30 energy per day

Total amount II Fix cosh • Soil tax • Watering equipment

230.00 180.00 120.00 300.00 240.00 120.00 120.00 90.00 60.00 450.00 1910.00

5 month @ RM 15/year 5 month @ RM 1800/year

6.25 750.00

Total amount III


Total production cost ( I+II+III )


Estimate farmer income and turn over price ( Example : Yield 16000kg / on price RM0.80 / kg )


• • • • •

Gross income Production cost Net income Return for each investment ( RM ) Break-even price ( production cost/kg)

Use family energy (RM) 12800.00 7515.85 5284.15 1.70 0.47

Use wage energy (RM) 12800.00 9195.00 3604.15 1.39 0.57

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