Social Objects July 8

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,622
  • Pages: 7
Moderator (Maria Droujkova): Math 2.0 is the ability of users to create their own math-rich social objects, using web technologies. --------------------Deb-Portsmouth, NH: What is a math rich social object? --------------------Sarah: Maria- what do you mean by social objects? --------------------Fred Feldon: Our college has an island in Second Life --------------------greg limperis: How about a math cartoon using pixton? --------------------greg limperis: that is --------------------Fred Feldon: what's pixton? --------------------greg limperis: Pixton is a social cartoon making website. It is great. Check it out. --------------------Fred Feldon: ok --------------------martakcalvo: In what way these social communication is an 'object'? --------------------Sarah: It's just not a term I've ever heard before. --------------------Shamblesguru: Is Social Object the same as Digital Media? --------------------Cal Stanley: social objects are extremely important in mathematics, but I really don't see them yet in math --------------------jashby: Is it like a ning? --------------------greg limperis: Shambles, not all digital media is social --------------------martakcalvo: Why do you call it na 'object'? --------------------Shamblesguru: @Greg ... could be --------------------martakcalvo: Isn't that a 'social theme'? --------------------greg limperis: I agree but does not have to be --------------------George Mayfield: EdModo, LearnCentral, Discovery Education Student Center, Math Wiki --------------------Deb-Portsmouth, NH: This feels abstract to me not concrete. --------------------Cal: pixton isn't a social object, though, is it? cuz the construction of the object isn't a collaborative action --------------------Andrew Forgrave: YES -- please give some examples of social objects.. ---------------------

PeggyG: classroom20, learncentral, wikis --------------------Fred Feldon: it sounds like a "vehicle" for social networking? --------------------john rosasco: I used Youtube and Photobucket to communicate to my students --------------------kim caise: math and technology are my fortes but i am still unsure of the definition of a social object --------------------Barb from Oz: an idea or device for sharing? --------------------Deb-Portsmouth, NH: How about a smartboard lessons on fractions? --------------------sdreyer: @PeggyG especially when they are created using VoiceThread --------------------kim caise: a discussion forum? --------------------PeggyG: I agree sdreyer! --------------------Cal: Ihor Charischak (CLIME ) can't get in... he suggests Math 2.0 is a contraction of Math and Web 2.0... not a software upgrade. --------------------Moderator (Steve Hargadon): A means for people to communicate and collaborate? --------------------Deb-Portsmouth, NH: smartboard? --------------------greg limperis: Video share on teachertube, would that be a social object? --------------------Cal Stanley: a mathematical social object would be equations/expressions that can be easily shared on the web --------------------Khou Vang: a social object can be skype, myspace, email.... --------------------Lorraine Leo: So a social object would be something that is created with a web 2.0 tool? --------------------martakcalvo: an 'entity’, or a 'theme' seems more appropriate than an 'object' --------------------Tammy Moore: A math product that can be shared in a socail platform? --------------------Andrew Forgrave: So perhaps a voice thread showing a set of polygons with students contributing their understandings of what might be similarities or differences ... --------------------George Mayfield: podcasts, screencasts --------------------Deb-Portsmouth, NH: A lessson --------------------Maria H Andersen: How about shared bookmarks, mindmaps, discussion boards --------------------greg limperis: Lorraine, that sounds like a good definition ---------------------

Deb-Portsmouth, NH: Sounds like a lesson plan on a specific topic. --------------------kim caise: a blog post --------------------greg limperis: Maria, I would agree Diigo shared bookmarks would be --------------------PeggyG: inspiration charts that can be shared online--especially webspiration where people can collaborate in creating the mindmap --------------------ccross: It's not just the vehicle, but it contains some content or ideas or discussion for people to react to--at least in my definition --------------------Andrew Forgrave: How about a scale model that a group of students build as they work to understand measurement? --------------------greg limperis: These are all things that can be placed on a Ning --------------------mbteach: any object that is created through a collaboration between people --------------------Deb-Portsmouth, NH: conversation about math --------------------Cal Stanley: a specific video on youtube would be an example of a social object, but the video would not necessarily have to be on youtube, it could be on any video platform --------------------Kathy Goins: a completed fishbone where students discuss it merits on a wiki --------------------kim caise: object that fosters conversations --------------------barbarawp: like our definition of social object that we are coming up eith here --------------------Andrew Forgrave: sounds like the object + the student discussion = social object --------------------Barb from Oz: @Kathy Fishbone? --------------------Shamblesguru: Quote="Another way to describe a social object is as the centerpiece in a dialogue between two or more people. People don’t just talk — they tend to talk “around” objects. For example, if I’m speaking to my mother about the flowers I sent her, the flowers are the social object." --------------------PeggyG: this is a new way of thinking of it for me--wasn't really familiar with the term "social object" --------------------PeggyG: that's very helpful for me Shamblesguru! --------------------greg limperis: @shambles where is the definition from? --------------------Kathy Goins to Barb from Oz: mind map that looks like a fish for detailing ---------------------

Cal Stanley: we don't have the ability to share equations with students, nor do students have a way to share equations with us --------------------Maria H Andersen: how about an object around which a conversation forms ... an interactive applet, a video, or an engaging blog post --------------------Deb-Portsmouth, NH: Please give an example of this in Elementary school. --------------------Andrew Forgrave: Sounds like a "learning artifact" that is extended with discussion transforms into a "social object." --------------------martakcalvo: So, do you mean the results of the social meeting? Or the communication that occurs around it? --------------------Andrew Forgrave: So is the "no trace" important, or is the "trace" important? --------------------Cal: @Deb-Portsmouth ... definitely Voicethread --------------------Deb-Portsmouth, NH: Fractual makers on the web? --------------------kim caise: @cal stanley, what do you mean that we dont have a way to share equations with students? --------------------Shamblesguru: My quote above from --------------------Cal Stanley: in this environment, show me a square root function --------------------greg limperis: Thanks shambles --------------------Cal Stanley: you can't here nor can you on wikis blogs or twitters --------------------Fred Feldon: sqrt(16) = 4 --------------------Deb-Portsmouth, NH: --------------------Maria H Andersen: @Cal I can --------------------kim caise: sure you can in here --------------------greg limperis: What is Scratch? --------------------Cal Stanley: Fred I understand what you did, but its not mathematical correct --------------------kim caise: you can in words or on the whiteboard --------------------George Mayfield: i agree that math instruction typically not object oriented --------------------Kathy Goins to Barb from Oz: ---------------------

Cal Stanley: it is only correct as code --------------------Fred Feldon: sqrt(16) = +/-4 --------------------martakcalvo: Why is technology necessary, or helpful? --------------------Andrew Forgrave: Second Life, Scratch, Geometer's Sketchpad let students construct, but do they support "social objects" without an add-on conversational environment? --------------------Maria H Andersen: @cal --------------------Andrew Forgrave: Okay -- the Scratch site supports sharing and collaboration ... --------------------Laura Schaffer: which web 2.o apps best to create math social objects? --------------------Maria H Andersen: @cal^2-4%2C+2x-3 --------------------Cal Stanley: wolfram alpha is great if you know the code, not typical for 8th graders --------------------Cal: @maria/cal : would you use elluminate with your kids... it would show in GDocs, which you would use in class --------------------George Mayfield: math playground a great site --------------------Maria H Andersen: @cal --------------------Maria H Andersen: @cal also I use vyew and wiziq (both free) --------------------Cal Stanley: you all are giving good examples, but they are not social networking tools --------------------Deb-Portsmouth, NH: --------------------mbteach: I don't think these tools have to be social networking. They have to be collaborative. --------------------Shamblesguru: Is this list of urls available .... I cannot type fast enough .... and eat breakfast at the same time --------------------Maria H Andersen: I've got most of these archived on my mindmap of Internet tools for math: --------------------Cal Stanley: social means that all parties involved can enter equations --------------------Deb-Portsmouth, NH: instructables --------------------Deb-Portsmouth, NH: escher's --------------------Maria H Andersen: @Cal I think that W|A is starting to give us that easy ability to share equations & graphs via a hyperlink ---------------------

Cal: @calstanley ... my students develop solutions on GDocs with equation collaboratively (and teachers are doing it now at PCMI math camp) --------------------colleenk: Maria, there seem to be a lot of examples of Math 2.0. Are you hoping to see more? Different kinds? --------------------sdreyer: You can also use Google docs for sharing and collaboration of math problems. --------------------DanR 2: It seems that environments such as LearnCentral could lend themselves to the evolution of a Math 2.0 environ, where mathematical discussions and collaborative problem solving takes place among teachers, students and parents in an ongoing fashion. Imagine shared whiteboards and Web 2.0 tools that could be employed in such environments. --------------------Deb-Portsmouth, NH: I think children early development and playing doing early puzzles etc..are missing in our children. --------------------Tammy Moore: My kids make games too --------------------Maria H Andersen: @andrew forgrave ... um, can't say how, but give it a year --------------------Cal Stanley: Exactly they need a palette to create mathematical objects --------------------Andrew Forgrave: We need to re-think math education in the new context of learning with technology ... --------------------George Mayfield: yes, it worries me it is a problem --------------------colleenk: Yes, I understand. --------------------david hoo: --------------------Deb-Portsmouth, NH: I love to have children discover area with geoboards and smartboards. --------------------Andrew Forgrave: Voicethreads seems like a natural for exploring "social objects" for students with math .. --------------------martakcalvo: Children first need to be given math tools, and then use them. Than happens most in one on one interaction. Does it have to leave a trace on-line? It woiuld be nice if it did, but is it necessary? --------------------barbarawp: graphic organizer tools and drawing tools that are collaborative could be used. --------------------George Mayfield: LearnCentral Group would be excellent. I have joined already --------------------Cal Stanley: We need to get support from NCTM, AMATYC, MAA --------------------Deb-Portsmouth, NH: Guess the algebra --------------------Deb-Portsmouth, NH: I love graphing calculators and excel for algebra

--------------------Jeff Cooper: I host Math Resources K-20+ at Tapped In ...first Tuesday fromn 5-6p.m. Pacific. --------------------Jeff Cooper: the trouble is... systems like elluminate don't have math symbols... systems like mathway have the symbols, but not the collaborative possibilities.

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