Soal Tryout Kelas Xi.docx

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  • Pages: 4
TRYOUT I TAHUN PELAJARAN 2018-2019 LEMBAR SOAL Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Peminatan Kelas/Semester : XI /I Program Studi : Hari,Tanggal : Waktu : Petunjuk Umum 1. Tuliskan terlebih dahulu nomor Tryout I anda pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan 2. Semua soal jawablah sesuai dengan petunjuk yang ada 3. Serahkan lembar soal dan jawaban pada pengawas apabila telah selesai mengerjakan 4. Laporkan pada pengawas ulangan jika terdapat tulisan yang kurang jelas,rusak,atau jumlahnya kurang Petunjuk khusus 1. Semua soal pilhan ganda,pilihlah jawaban yang benar yaitu jawaban a,b,c,d,atau e dengan memberikan tanda silang pada lembar jawaban Pilihan Ganda 1. “When will the debate contest take c. Inhale peppermint or lavender oil d. Dab some clove oil directly on place this year?” “I’ll let you know later as it …. your feet a. Has not schedule yet e. Eat some chicken soup b. Has been scheduled 5. Every woman will envy your soft c. Has to schedule hands if you use Pears Soap. d. Has been scheduling What is the purpose of the e. Has not been scheduled yet advertisement above? 2. Mom,I feel like staying away from a. To describe the Pears Soap school today. b. To information the Pears Soap “I wouldn`t if I were you.! c. To promote the pear Soap] We may conclude that mother ….. d. To tell the pear soap a. Thinks he should go to school e. To entertain the pear soap b. Wants him to stay home 6. I ….. (drive) to the next city for an c. Thinks they should both go to hour when I saw a man waving stop school me. d. Thinks it`s good idea a. Had driven e. Would like to do what he wants b. Had be drive 3. My family ……. (move) into a new c. Had be driven house and I am very exicited to have d. Had to drive my own room. e. Had drive a. Have just moved b. Has just move c. Have just move d. Have just moving e. Has just moving

4. If your feet swell,you will …. a. Soak your feet in hot water b. Take a warm salt balt

7. ….. you ……. ( visit) Medan yet? a. Has,visiting b. Has, visited c. Have ,visited

d. Have,visiting e. Have,visit 8. A : Was Nuri at the party when you arrived? B : No,she …… home. a. Had already gone b. Has already gone c. Already went d. Already goes e. Was already going 9. Wina used to have long hair,but now she…. a. Has cut it off b. Had cut it off c. Cut it off d. Will have cut it off e. Cuts it off 10. They`re still building the new road. They ….. it. a. Didn`t finish b. Are not finishing c. Had not finished d. Will not have finished it e. Haven`t finished 11. Mita : I have tried to go on a strict diet but still I keep putting on weight. Resty : …. a. You must not exercise regularly b. You oght to exercise regularly c. You should exercise irregularly d. You should not exercise regularly e. You are exercising regularly 12. Rosda : You look so pale. I strongly recommend that you see the doctor. Dian : …. a. Thanks.I`ll take your advice b. Thanks I`m following you c. Don`t worry,I won`t take your advise d. No thanks.I won`t take your advise e. No thanks. I don`t follow you.

13. Vegetarians …. Food that comes from animal. a. Do not sell b. Do not hate c. Do not consume d. Sell e. Always buy 14. Tom : You know.I`m exhausted after all this work. Ben : ….. Jenn : I think that’s good idea

a. I think you must continue working b. I don`t think you must work c. Maybe you should take a rest d. You must continue working,right? e. Why do you work? 15. “….. Otherwise we will be late for the football match.” a. Let`s not hurry b. Please be patient c. Let`s hurry d. Don`t worry e. Don`t be patient 16. The meaning of poem …. a. Depends of the reader b. Is very literal c. Is usually not literal d. Is always difficult to understand e. Depends on the writer 17. Poem normally contain …. a. A general topic b. Advice c. Words of love d. Verses e. An instruction 18. Rhyme basically refers to …. a. Similarity of meaning b. Similarity in sound c. Similarity of line length d. The number of lines e. The number of words 19. The word cloud in “ I wandered lonely as a cloud” is used here to give the reader images of …. a. Motion and colour b. Colour and touch c. Motion and smell d. Smell and feeling e. Colour and smell

20. The figure of speech that you find in the line “ I wandered lonely as a cloud” is a …. a. Simile b. Metaphor c. Hyperbole d. Personification e. Symbol 21. ….,I will pass the test. a. If I have prepared well b. If I will prepare well c. If I prepare well d. I don`t prepare well e. Will I prepare well 22. If everyone takes care of the environment well,our world ….

a. Would be much better b. Has been much better c. Will be much better d. Is much better e. Is being much better 23. If only Indonesia…..,all the people will live in prosperty a. Has been well managed b. Had been well managed c. Was well managed d. Is well managed e. Were well managed 24. X : Susy didn`t pass the exam Y : I wish ….. a. She had studied better b. She studied better c. She could study better d. She would study better e. She was studying better 25. If you pass the exams. I will buy you a sports car. The meaning of sentences above is…. a. A threat b. A warning c. A promise d. An offer e. An apologize Text for no 26-30 In the Kingdom of Medang Kamulan, in Java, came a young when man, by the name of Aji Saka to fight Dewatacengkar, the cruel King of The Country who had a habit to eat human flesh of his own people. Aji Saka himself he came from Bumi Majeti. One day he told his two servants, by the name of Dara and Sembodo, that he was going to java. He told them that while he was away, both of them have to guards his Heirloom / Pusoko. No one except Aji Saka himself not a allowed to take the Pusoko. In the big battle, Aji Saka could successfully push Dewata Cengkar to fall to the South Sea. Dewata Cengkar did not die, he became a Bajul Putih (White Crocodile). Aji Saka became a ruler of Medangkamulan. Meanwhile a woman of the village of Dadapan, found an egg. She put the egg in her Lumbung (Rice Barn). After a certain period the egg vanished, instead a snake found in the rice barn. The villagers would like to kill the snake, but the snake said : “I’m the son Aji Saka, bring me to him”.

Aji Saka told the snake, that he would be recognized as his son, if the could kll the Bajul Putih in the South Sea. After a long stormy battle which both sides demonstrating physical strength and showing skillfull ability of fighting, the snake could kill Bajul Putih.

As had been promised the snake was recognized as Aji Saka’s son and he was given a name Jaka Linglung (a stupid boy).

In the palace Jaka Linglung greedily ate domestic pets of the palace. He was punished by the King, expelling him to live in the Jungle of Pesanga. he was tightly roped until he could not move his head. He was instructed only to eat things which fall to his mouth.

One day, a group of 9 (nine) village boys were playing around in that Jungle. Suddenly it was raining heavily. They had to find a shelter, luckily there was a cave. Only 8 (eight) boys went inside the cave, the other one who was suffering from very bad skin disease, sting and dirty, he had to stay out of the cave. All of a sudden, the cave was falling apart. The 8 (eight) boys vanished, only the one who stayed outside was safe. The cave in fact was the mouth of Jaka Linglung.

26.Who was Dewatacengkar ? a.

a young wise man


The cruel king


White crocodile


Bajul Putih


Jaka linglung

27.Where did the woman put the egg ? a.

In a rice barn


In the south sea


In the palace


In the jungle of pasanga


Inside the cave

28.Where did Aji Saka come from ? a.

Medang Kamulan


South Sea


Jungle of Pesanga


Bumi Majeti


Dadapan Village

29.Who was Jaka Linglung ? a.

A greedy pet belong to Aji Saka


The cruel king


A stupid boy

d. The snake was Dewaracengkar’s son



e. The snake was recognized as Aji Saka’s son

30. Why did the king punish Jaka linglung to live in the jungle of Pesanga? because ...... a. Jaka linglung greedily ate human flesh of the village b. Jaka linglung greedily ate domestic pets of the palace c. born

Jaka linglung put the egg in the rice


Jaka linglung could kill Bajul Putih

e. Jaka linglung pushed Cengkor to fall to the Sout sea


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