Sme Technology Summit 2009 Showguide

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 12

SUMMIT 2009 1 December Waterview Convention Center Sydney

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Welcome... Today, your business success depends on how well you tap the potential of technology. Small and mid-sized enterprises (SMEs) are taking a larger share of the business pie, and increasingly driving economic growth. This powerful trend is driven largely by technology and connectivity, creating a world in which smaller, more nimble, better connected companies can outsmart their monolithic larger brethren, competing globally and tapping opportunities as they arise. Using technology well in business is proving to be one of the most prominent drivers of success. Almost every aspect of business is becoming driven by technology. The SME Tech Summit is an intense day of learning in which we’ll discover the practicalities of using social media to attract customers and generate sales, building an online presence so customers can easily find you, generating revenue while you sleep with eCommerce, selling effectively with email marketing and leveraging your relationships with powerful CRM. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors and partners, and to encourage you to share your knowledge, insight and experience with fellow delegates for an ever richer learning experience. We’d also like to take this opportunity to thank our speakers and presenters whose experience and passion for business will today help deepen your own. We hope that you’re able to tap our flexible agenda to your greatest advantage and gain the knowledge from today that will help with planning an incredibly successful 2010 for your business. See the website for speakers’ notes and follow the Twitter back channel at with tag #smetech.

Twitter Code #SMETECH

Kind regards,

The Insight Exchange Team

Beth Etling CEO

Ross Dawson Chairman

Jess Nelson Communications Manager

Julianne Commins Support Services

The Insight Exchange Level 14, 309 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 Phone 02 9994 8980


Floor plan toilets

terrace kitchen service area

Plenary and Marketing Pond Rooms 1-2


Effectiveness Lake Room 2 (breakout)

catering station

sponsor tables

Social Media Lake Room 1 (breakout)

registration bar

catering station

guest entry

Bel Parco 2 (business lounge)

Waterview Convention Centre



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Summit Agenda 8:00am

Arrival & Registration


Welcome Remarks


Opening Keynote: What is technology and how can I leverage it? Presenter: Tim Pethick, Entrepreneur at Large & Nudie Founder


Morning Keynote: Using the network for business success Presenter: Mark Pesce, Inventor, Writer, Educator & Futurist


Morning Tea Break

Case Study Breakout Sessions Attendees can create their own agenda. Marketing track (Pond Rooms 1-2)

Social Media track (Lake Room 1)

Effectiveness track (Lake Room 2)


Search marketing: Harnessing search for increased revenue Carl Bellamy, Group Sales Manager – Small Business, Australia and NZ Yahoo! Search Marketing, Co-presented with Stuart Milne, Operations Manager, LawLive

Managing your brand and reputation online: Providing practical instruction on managing your brand and reputation online. Sharon Williams, Founder and CEO, Taurus Marketing

Using online freelancers to leverage your business How to use online freelancers and crowdsourcing to get things done and grow your business fast Matt Barrie, Chief Executive,


Case Study: Increasing revenue through effective CRM: SME Case study of implementing a CRM system and steps to generating business outcomes. Daniel Bartels, Director, Aussie Whitegoods Rescue

How to get business results from blogging: Practical lessons on building your business and extending your community using blogs Suzi Dafnis, Community Director, Australian Businesswomen’s Network

Building your business with mobile: Case studies of how smaller companies are using mobile technologies to cut costs and drive new business Shane Williamson, Co-Founder, Mobile Monday


Performance marketing: Using affiliates and other online techniques to drive revenue and business. Matt Bateman, Managing Director, Viva9

Tweet THIS!: How to effectively use and build a business community on Twitter David James, CEO & Director, Brasserie Bread

Engaging with clients Building smart and lasting client relationships with technology Dominic Thurbon, Managing Director, The Centre for Skills Development


How to make the most from online advertising: Detailed insights into how to do online advertising to get results. Steven Power, Managing Director, ReachLocal Australia

Social media strategies: Identifying & Creating strategies to utilize social media tools for business Kate Carruthers, Director, Digital Media Group

Analytics & measurement: Tools to help you keep a pulse on your clients changing preferences Benjamin Mangold, Analytics Director, Mangold Sengers


Networking Lunch


Keynote entrepreneurs panel: How to use technology to grow companies fast Moderator: Josh Mehlman, Editor, NETT Magazine Suzi Dafnis, Community Director, Australian Businesswomen’s Network, Phil Morle, Co-Founder, Pollenizer



Business Lounge Opens: The Business Lounge is for attendees who are not attending workshops but need to place to work before the networking drinks.

Optional Workshops (Attend 2 different workshops during the afternoon) Choice 1

Choice 2

Choice 3


Google AdWords 101 workshop James Toepfer, Industry Marketing Manager, Google

Using social media to drive your business Tony Hollingsworth, Business Manager, Task Exchange

Secret formula for email marketing success Adam Franklin, Managing Director, BlueWire Media


Afternoon Tea Break


Google AdWords 101 workshop (Repeat)

Using social media to drive your business (Repeat)

Secret formula for email marketing success (Repeat)


Networking Drinks Reception and Live Entertainment


Sponsors and partners Platinum sponsor

Netregistry does far more than sell domain names, web hosting and marketing services. After all, your goal isn’t the web server or the technology – it’s to build a better business. Netregistry is a complete online business partner, providing valuable seminars, workshops, weekly newsletters, free online business advice, free technical support and much much more. This is why Netregistry is Australia’s most trusted online provider.

Gold sponsors is the market and technology leader in cloud computing. The company’s portfolio of Software-as-a-Service(SaaS) applications, including its award-winning Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application has revolutionised the ways that customers manage and share business information over the Internet. For more information visit: Midsize businesses are responsible for nearly 65% of the global GDP. Right now we’re working with thousands of these businesses around the world to help build a smarter planet. Visit IBM and discover how IBM and our Business Partners are helping to turn their vision into reality, and ideas into results. or call: 1800 557 343 ReachLocal brings order to the fragmented local Internet by connecting advertisers, publishers, and creative solutions providers together on one platform. Wherever customers are online, ReachLocal helps businesses find them with the broadest reach of local digital media, a dedicated force of local Internet Marketing Consultants, and technology that continually optimizes results.

Branding sponsor

Technology partners



Thomas Marsden is a Sydney based digital agency specialising in providing creative, development and marketing services for your businesses online and mobile presence. From web design to SEO, ecommerce to iphone development our highly focused in-house team, which consists of both creative and technical specialists, provides a high quality, holistic web and mobile development service, giving you solutions that really work.

Expanded agenda 8:20am Welcome remarks

8:30am Opening Keynote:

Tim Pethick Entrepreneur at Large & Nudie Founder

Ross Dawson Chairman The Insight Exchange

What is technology and how can I leverage it? The term “Technology” can mean so many things to many people. Perhaps you think of technology as the box and keyboard that sits on your desk or the phone you use to take appointments and if you’re online, perhaps technology is your website and email. You are right on all these accounts but there is so much more! Join Tim Pethick, Entrepreneur at Large and Founder of Nudie Juices as he breaks down the technology landscape and gives you examples of how to leverage it. You’ll gain: • A better understanding of the spectrum and technology silos that are appropriate to your business • How technology can be an enabler to do better business and • How Tim himself views and utilizes technology for business success. Technology is not complicated and not that expensive. To kick off the SME Technology Summit, Tim will give you the tools to understand and feel confident to approach technology with excitement and an investment. It’s fun after all!

9:15am Morning Keynote:

Mark Pesce Inventor, Writer, Educator & Futurist


Using the network for business success The past five years have seen an explosion in the ways we can connect with one another. Just five years ago email was a bit risqué – now people use Facebook and Twitter and Google Wave and don’t even give it a second thought. All of this ‘hyperconnectivity’ means we can be reached anywhere, everywhere, all the time. This has enormous implications for SMEs. More than just supercharging your rolodex, these network connections can become the channels to increased sales and productivity. The network represents a new force, pressing down from the outside, as your hyperconnected customers (both satisfied and not-so-satisfied) use new channels to spread the word about your products. You need to be there, wherever those conversations are happening, whenever they happen. You really do need to have eyes and ears everywhere across the net. How can a small business afford to do this? New tools make it easier, but to make best use of these tools, you have to empower your employees to use them. Social media in the office is powerful – and a little bit dangerous. But with some simple ground rules, it can change your business.

Morning tea break


Pond Rooms 1-2


Search Marketing: Harnessing search for increased revenue

Carl Bellamy Group Sales Manager – Small Business, Australia and NZ Yahoo! Search Marketing

Search Marketing can offer businesses massive exposure online without much work. It’s about understanding how search works and then creating a plan to make it work for you. This session will run through a real life example of how a company can harness the benefits of online search for increased revenue and exposure.

Stuart Milne Operations Manager, LawLive

10:50am Daniel Bartels Director, Aussie Whitegoods Rescue

Case Study: Increasing revenue through effective CRM Case study on how the company implemented and uses to manage its customer contacts, which were transferred across when the company bought the services division of Kleenmaid. The presentation will cover the key issues faced by the company, the experiences and lessons learned in the CRM implementation, and their future plans.


11:20am Matt Bateman Managing Director Viva9

11:50am Steven Power Managing Director ReachLocal Australia

TRACK TWO — SOCIAL MEDIA 10:20am Sharon Williams Founder and CEO Taurus Marketing

10:50am Suzi Dafnis Community Director Australian Businesswomen’s Network

Performance marketing: Using affiliates and other online techniques to drive revenue and business Partnering with online affiliates is one way to increase exposure and sales. This session will dive into an overview of affiliate marketing and how it could work for you.

How to make the most from online advertising Detailed insights into how to do online advertising to get results Increasingly people are finding suppliers by going online. Find out how to reach people exactly when they are looking for your kind of business. Learn specific and proven techniques for designing and implementing your online advertising campaigns so you get the best results for your investment.

Lake Room 1

Managing your brand and reputation online: Identifying whether to use existing social communities or to create your own. This session will provide instruction on managing your brand and reputation online, including: • What are the risks? • Review your online presence • Importance of monitoring your brand online • Business owners and employees are extensions of the brand • How to engage in social media and when is the correct time to deal with issues • What strategies can you put in place to manage your brand online?

How to get business results from blogging: Practical lessons on building your business and extending your community using blogs Have you ever wondered if it was worth your while to start a blog? Are you unsure of the benefits of a blog and whether they offer much return? This session will give you the basics of what’s behind starting a blog, maintaining the content and managing the feedback ultimately allowing you as a business owner to extend your community and reach.

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11:20am David James, CEO & Director Brasserie Bread

11:50am Kate Carruthers Director Digital Media Group

TRACK THREE — EFFECTIVENESS 10:20am Matt Barrie Chief Executive

10:50am Shane Williamson Co-Founder Mobile Monday

Tweet THIS!: How to effectively use and build a business community on Twitter Twitter is all the rage but is it a productive means of communication and marketing? David James, CEO of Brasserie Bread will explain how he has been able to create a twitter community to expand his business. He’ll teach you the ins and outs of Twitter, how he manages his posts (or Tweets, as they’re called) as well as the reaction, feedback and insights he’s been able to gain through learning this new platform.

Social media strategies: Identifying & creating strategies to utilize social media tools for business Identifying the social media landscape can be an overwhelming task. Which technologies should you use? Which technologies give you control? Which technologies make sense for your business? This session will help you identify social media technologies to ultimately create a strategy for your business.

Lake Room 2

Using online freelancers to leverage your business: How to use online freelancers and crowdsourcing to get things done and grow your business fast Small businesses are now finding that jobs that used to cost them $2000 to get done locally can now be outsourced quickly and to a high level of quality for around $100-200! What’s more is that this highly liquid pool of labour is “on demand”, so that jobs can be outsourced at any time of day or night. This presentation will provide an overview of the next revolution that the Internet has delivered, which will forever change how small businesses operate.

Building your business with mobile case studies of how smaller companies are using mobile technologies to cut costs and drive new business Is mobile the next big thing? Many people in the technology community believe that mobile will be the future of communication, web experiences, and business activity, but what does that mean for SMEs? Is it really a viable platform? This session will outline best practices on how to use mobile technologies for business success.

11:20am Dominic Thurbon Managing Director The Centre for Skills Development

11:50am Benjamin Mangold Analytics Director Mangold Sengers


Markets today are different. Real-time, mass communication is taking the power out of the hands of the organisation and handing it to the newly connected consumer. Transparency, accountability and dialogue are now genuine areas of competitive advantage, and organisations are struggling to keep up or fully understand how this will impact on them. But the technology driving this change also creates an opportunity for organisations to better connect, promote dialogue and build relationships with their clients… these same tools that are letting people out can be leveraged to help you connect with customers.

Analytics & measurement: Tools to help you keep a pulse on your clients changing preferences So you have an understanding of online tools and are interested in putting them in place, but how do you measure their success? This session will provide an overview of analytic and measurement technology tools to help SMEs keep a pulse on their online activity as well as consumers changing preferences.

Networking lunch

1:20pm Keynote Entrepreneurs Panel:


Engaging with clients: Building smart and lasting client relationships with technology

How to use technology to grow companies fast Moderator:


Josh Mehlman Editor NETT Magazine

Suzi Dafnis Community Director Australian Businesswomen’s Network


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Phil Morle Co-Founder Pollenizer

Business Lounge Opens: The Business Lounge is for attendees who are not attending workshops but need a place to work before the networking drinks. 2:30pm

Workshops James Toepfer Industry Marketing Manager, Google

choice one

Tony Hollingsworth Business Manager Task Exchange

choice two

Adam Franklin Managing Director BlueWire Media

choice three

Google AdWords 101 workshop Take part in this in-depth workshop on how Google AdWords can help your business succeed online. This workshop will give you the practical steps you need to start and implement a Google AdWords strategy, ultimately increasing your companies visibility online.

Using social media to drive your business There are so many components that can be considered social media, so how do you as a business owner and manager, know which platforms and technologies make sense for you? In this interactive and hands-on workshop you will learn: • insight into which social media platform is right for your business • how to start and engage conversation without promotion • the steps to creating a social media strategy

Secret formula for email marketing success • 6 Mistakes people (like me) make & how to avoid them • “10 commandments” for engaging emails • How to harness social media to broaden your reach • Includes “Hypoxi case study”


Afternoon Tea Break


Workshop choices repeated

4:45pm: Networking Drinks Reception and Live Entertainment

We do Web Design & Development Content Management Systems Online Marketing & SEO Mobile Development Ecommerce

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The Insight Exchange Level 14, 309 Kent Street Sydney NSW 2000 Phone 02 9994 8980

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