Sm Management Minutes - Feb

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Minutes of the Management Committee Meeting of Swimming Manawatu held on Sunday 8th February 2009 at 7.00pm at Rose City Clubrooms, 50 Park Road, Palmerston North Present: Linda Bartosh, Geoff Bilton, Leanne Brownie, Dianne Farmer, Tracey Field, Charlie Greenem, Joanna Kelly, Nancee Linney, Alan Montgomery, Braden Noel, Colin Rose Apologies: Tracey Field (for lateness), Barrie Swailes (for lateness) Nancee Linney/Dianne Farmer CARRIED Minutes: MOVED that the minutes of the previous meeting be taken as circulated. Dianne Farmer/Nancee Linney CARRIED Matters Arising: 1. Charlie advised that discussions regarding the Sue Newth trophy are still to occur. 2. Coaching Clinic. Charlie reported that he has had a meeting with Trevor Nicholls with regards to the Coaching Clinic. This will now be held sometime during winter at the West End Aquatics pool over a period of four afternoons – one stroke per afternoon. 3. Nancee advised that Irene McHugh coped very well as computer operator at the Summer Open Championships. Nancee did however suggest that perhaps Irene work in the Louis Noel at the Winter Championships to answer any queries that Irene may have as a result of being the computer operator at the Summer Opens. 4. Policy Review Meeting. Clubrooms.

This meeting to be on 22nd February at 7.00pm at the

5. Reported that the new style of medals were well received at the Opens and Age Groups and that the sunblock supplied by Swimming Manawatu was also appreciated. 6.

Shirts for the NZ Juniors team have been ordered by Tracey.

MOVED that the minutes be taken as a true and correct record. Dianne Farmer/Geoff Bilton CARRIED Correspondence: Inwards Correspondence 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Pub Charity – Declining Grant Application SNZ – Reply to Query re Division II Te Kawau Swimming Club – Carnival Flyer PNASC Swimmers Competing out of Region Ice Swimmer Competing out of Region SNZ – Reply re Service Award Badge Query Mary Ann Maher – NZ Summers Team Managers Report SNZ – Open Water Swimming World Cup Sport Manawatu – Coachforce Newsletter SNZ – Service Award Badge Query Update Application for NZ Age Group Team Manager – C Greenem Swimming Wellington – Asking Date of 6 Regional Meet Quality Presentations – Confirmation of Lapel Order SNZ – Junior Pan Pacs Team Update SNZ – Further Update re Service Award Badge Query SNZ – Completed Travel Authorisation Form – C & L Baker

17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.

PNASC Swimmers out of Region Kiwi West Aquatics Swimmers out of Region Ice Breaker Aquatics Swimmers out of Region Levin Swimming Club Swimmers out of Region SNZ – Youth & Age Group Newsletter Special Olympics Manawatu – Date of Regional Meet Stewart Dunlop – 400m Events at Age Groups SNZ – Newsletter Development SNZ – Tania Black – Letter of Introduction SNZ – Annual Reports for Clubs Ocean Swim Series Flyers Levin Swimming Club Swimmers out of Region PNASC Swimmers out of Region T Field – Application for NZ Age Groups Team Manager Jo McGirr – Signed NZ Juniors Team Manager Agreement Linda Nevin – Suggestion for Website re a Page for Trophies Sport Manawatu – Course Dates Levin Swimming Club – Autumn Fun Carnival Flyer Hart Sport Catalogue Application to Sit Timekeeper Exam – T Turner Application to Sit Timekeeper Exam – E Hillary Application to Sit Timekeeper Exam – C McKnight T Farmer – Timekeeper Exam Results

Outwards Correspondence 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Officials Stood Down for Dolphin Pentathlon Ice Breaker Aquatics – Timekeeper Cards Dolphin Swimming Club – Timekeeper Card Kiwi West Aquatics – Timekeeper Cards Levin Swimming Club – Timekeeper Cards Ernest Adams – Requesting Assistance with Catering Connor Nevin – First Record Congratulations Harry Finlay – First Record Congratulations GEON Print – Certificate Order S Swimwear – Thank You for Donation at Summer Opens D Farmer to Clubs re Registrations B Noel to Clubs re Norm Still Relay Results Levin Swimming Club – Thanks re Age Group Refreshments Jo McGirr – Confirmation of Appointment as NZ Juniors Team Manager B Noel to T Field re Representative Shirts Letters to NZ Junior Championships Swim Team

Matters Arising from Correspondence: Inwards Item 22: Linda to ascertain from Special Olympics the exact finishing time of their regional meet as stopwatches are required same day for League in Levin. Inwards Item 23:. Email from Stewart Dunlop regarding 400m events at Manawatu Age Group Championships. Reply to be sent to Stewart to advise that Management agree that his comments are valid, and his email will be discussed further at the next Swimming Committee Meeting. Inwards Item 24: Email from SNZ with regards to a bi-monthly newsletter to be forwarded to clubs, with the request that any items submitted to SNZ for inclusion in this newsletter please be copied into Swimming Manawatu. Inwards Item 32: Email from Linda Nevin suggesting a trophy page on the Swimming Manawatu website that could include a list of current trophy holders and perhaps a photo. Email of reply to be sent to Linda thanking her for her suggesting and advising that her suggestions will be investigated further.

Inwards Item 39: Carl McKnight (ph 355 4153) from Ice Breaker Aquatics, Emma Hillary (ph 06 367 6136) and Trish Turner (ph 06 367 9469) both from Levin Swimming Club have all qualified as timekeepers. MOVED inwards correspondence be accepted and the outwards correspondence endorsed. Colin Rose/Joanna Kelly CARRIED Finances: As attached. Concern expressed that Kiwi West Aquatics still have outstanding fees for both the Manawatu Open and Age Group Championships. Phone call to be made to Leigh Buchanan to chase these. Agreed that a letter should also be sent to Kiwi West Aquatics to advise that there is an on-going issue with late payment of entry fees for Manawatu fixtures and that we regret to advise that any further entries for Manawatu events will not be accepted without payment. Alan queried why walkie talkies had been purchased. Braden advised that this purchase had been made during the Age Group Championships (with consultation with other Management Members in attendance at the meet) as there have been on-going issues with communication between personnel presenting medals and the announcer (at both Opens and Age Groups). Use of the walkie talkies will help to stream-line medal presentations and avoid any miscommunications and delays. MOVED that the Financial Report be adopted. Linda Bartosh/Charlie Greenem CARRIED Records: As per attached. MOVED that the records be ratified. Charlie Greenem/Dianne Farmer CARRIED Noted that records for the NZ Summer Championships were not included for ratification. Charlie apologised for this error and will include these records in next months list. General Business 1. Team Managers Report - NZ Summer Championships. Noted that Dianne and Tony Farmer were officials at this fixture. 2. NZ Age Groups Team Manager Applications. Applications have been received from Charlie Greenem and Tracey Field. Both Charlie and Tracey were excused from the meeting. MOVED committee into committee. Braden Noel/Dianne Farmer MOVED committee out of committee. Dianne Farmer/Nancee Linney Charlie and Tracey returned to the meeting and it was advised that that Tracey Field has been elected as Team Manager for NZ Age Groups. 3.

Summer Opens / Age Group Discussion.

Surveys Dianne circulated spreadsheet of responses received from survey’s circulated at both the

Summer Opens and Age Groups. Feedback tended to be very positive, with most respondents reporting that the timing, formant and events were ideal, and that the meets were run to a high standard. Facilities Letters to be sent to both Lido and Makino voicing our disappointment with the standard of the toilets. Toilets at both Lido and Makino ran out of toilet paper and Makino had a missing door on one of the women’s toilets. Meet Programmes Colin requested that two meet programmes be issued to each club, regardless of the number of swimmers entered. It was agreed to issue each club entered in a Manawatu fixture with two meet programmes. Norm Still Relay – Age Up of Swimmers Discussion with regards to the Norm Still relay and the ageing up of swimmers. Agreed with to be referred to the Swimming Committee for further discussion. Pool Set Up Braden gave a reminder that the Pool Set Up Officer needs to be on hand before the start of each session of every fixture to assist with the set up of the pool. Medals Presentations Discussion regarding presentation of medals at session four of the Manawatu Age Groups. A number of swimmers came to collect their medals before the end of this session which resulted in a number of medal presentations being made to one swimmer only in a race. It was therefore agreed to announce medal recipients during session four and advise that there will be no medal presentations (during session four only) and that medals can be collected during the meet. 4. Charlie advised that the family of Tony Davenport wish to donate two cups (both for 200m Backstroke events). One cup for Ice Breaker Aquatics and the other for Swimming Manawatu. 5. Nancee advised that the next Swimming Committee Meeting will be on Wednesday 18th February at the Linney residence at 7.30pm. 6. Agreed that the North Island Secondary School flyer should be distributed by the end of this month, as some schools will possibly be unaware that the event date has been moved to May. Linda to update flyer for checking and approval at next Swimming Committee meeting. 7. Tracey advised that representative shirts for Ice Breaker Aquatics Swimmers this season will have the name ‘Tony Davenport’ on one sleeve. Tracey advised that this addition to the representative shirts will funded by Ice Breaker Aquatics families. 8.

Approval given to Charlie to book bus for Fairbrother Cup.

9. Noted that new Management Name Badges were well received whilst being worn at Summer Opens and Age Group Championships. Suggestion that these badges should also be made for Swimming Manawatu Referees. MOVED purchase of one name badge for each Swimming Manawatu Referee. Charlie Greenem/Dianne Farmer CARRIED 10. Team Manager 5. Braden suggested that update be looked at and if there are any significant changes (which there don’t appear to be) we can look at purchasing, but at this stage it was agreed to hold off purchasing Team Manager 5.

11. Discussion regarding Starting System. Braden to look into seeing if there is any way of cutting the starting signal short if the button is depressed for too long. 12. Requested that the Technical Committee be asked if they could discuss the option of allowing black shorts / trousers to be worn at Swimming Manawatu fixtures. 13. Charlie advised that there are changes to FINA Rules regarding the wearing of swimming costumes. For an update on the FINA Rules with regards to swimming costumes please refer to the Kiwi West Aquatics website. 14. Braden advised that Crimson Whakatihi was the successful recipient of monies this year from the Hokowhitu Swimmers Fund. 15. Braden issued a reminder that all Swimming Manawatu members must adhere to the SNZ Code of Conduct. Please remember to keep the rules of the SNZ Code of Conduct in mind when speaking with any member of the swimming fraternity. There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 9.30pm .

Swimming Committee Meeting:

18th February 2009 at 7.30pm

Policy Review Meeting

22nd February 2009 at 7.00pm

Next Management Meeting:

Sunday 1st March 2009 at 7.00pm







Manawatu Summer Opens - Palmerston North

Cameron Blair


12 Kiwi West

200m Freestyle



Cameron Blair


12 Kiwi West

400m Freestyle



Cameron Blair


12 Kiwi West

200m Butterfly



Cameron Blair


12 Kiwi West

400m Medley



Swim Wellington Summers LC - Wellington Hamish McGirr


12 Kiwi West




Hamish Mcgirr


12 Kiwi West

100m Backstroke



Hamish McGirr


12 Kiwi West




Hamish McGirr


12 Kiwi West

100m Butterfly



Cameron Blair


13 Kiwi West

1500m Freestyle

17:59.05 08/01/09

400m Medley


Manawatu Age Groups - Feilding Cameron Blair


12 Kiwi West


Notes: Cameron and Hamish continue to dominate the current record-breaking spree accounting for the likes of Kendall Dooley, Troy Greenem, Jarrod Wilson and Haydon Donnelly to name just a few who have been eliminated.

Presented to Swimming Manawatu – 08/02/09 By the Records Officer Charles Greenem

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