Sm Management Minutes Dec

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Minutes of the Management Committee Meeting of Swimming Manawatu held on Sunday 7th December 2008 at 7.00pm at Rose City Clubrooms, 50 Park Road, Palmerston North

Present: Linda Bartosh, Geoff Bilton, Dianne Farmer, Tracey Field, Charlie Greenem, Joanna Kelly, Nancee Linney, Braden Noel, Colin Rose Apologies: Leanne Brownie, Alan Montgomey, Braden Noel (for lateness), Barrie Swailes Dianne Farmer/Charlie Greenem CARRIED Minutes: MOVED that the minutes of the previous meeting be taken as circulated. Colin Rose/Joanna Kelly CARRIED Matters Arising: 1. Leanne Brownie was at the November meeting but not noted in the ‘Present‘ list. 2.

Charlie Greenem still to follow up on FINA Points calculator.

3. Ice Breaker Aquatics wish to make changes to Sue Newth Trophy. This needs to be presented to Management before any recommendations for changes can be submitted to the donators of the trophy. 4. Nancee reported that she has purchased towels for Summer Opens but her contact at Briscoes has now left to work for another company. 5.

Charlie reported that Trevor Nicholls is now on the mend.

6. RAGE form discussed. Circulate this year. Add recipeint information to annual report. Charlie to design a certificate for these awards. MOVED that the minutes be taken as a true and correct record. Geoff Bilton/Nancee Linney CARRIED Correspondence: Inwards Correspondence 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Application to Transfer – N Hyslop Application to Transfer – T Hyslop SNZ – 2009 Officials Applications Dolphin Carnival Flyer Sport Manawatu – SPARC Presentation SNZ – Release of New Short Course FINA Points Kiwi West Aquatics – Requesting Permission to use Centre Stopwatches Jan Cameron – Rankings & Opportunities S Holden – Resignation Dolphin Swimming Club – Requesting Permission to Use Centre Equipment J Pilkington, PNCC – Reply to email re Aquatic Facilities Review L Peckham – Error in Swimming Manawatu Handbook re NZ Open Water SNZ – NZ Swimming Trust Application Forms Availability Clive Rushton – Change of Contact Details PNASC – Swimmers Competing out of Centre Kiwi West Aquatics – Swimmers Competing out of Centre Levin Swimming Club – Paul Kent Medley Cup

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33.

NZ Secondary Sports Council – Sample Entry Form Cancer Society – Use of Resources Endeavour Community Trust – Pool Hire Grant Application Kiwi West Aquatics – Confirmation of Pool Booking SNZ – Appointments P Whitburn – Registration as an Official M A Maher – NZ Summers Team Manager Agreement Kiwi West Aquatics – Swimmers Competing out of Centre Authorisation to Travel / Compete Overseas – C & L Baker SNZ – Age Group Tri Series Camp Announcement SNZ – Re Jan Cameron New Position Application to Transfer – C Gillespie Swimmers Competing out of Centre at College Games T Farmer - Timekeeper Exam Results T Farmer – Timekeeper Exam Result T Farmer – Timekeeper Exam Result

Outwards Correspondence 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Kiwi West Aquatics – Reply to Letter T Nicholls – Get Well Soon Card C Greenem – Cancellation of Coaching Clinic Kiwi West Aquatics – Approval to Host a Carnival Trophy Specialists – Name Badge Order Geon Print – Lane Pad Order Geon Print – Certificate Order NZ Community Trust – Amended Grant Application

Matters arising from the correspondence: Inwards Item 17: Levin Swimming Club have requested an amendment to the rules of the Paul Kent Memorial Cup to read that should there be more than one team tied for first place, then the cup shall be awarded to the team who were the fastest on the day. Agreed rules to be amended as per Levin Swimming Club’s request. Inwards Item 19: Cancer Society have advised that sun umbrellas, sun block and sun block dispensers can be loaned to community organisations. As the replacement cost of loan items is very high (should damage be caused) it was agreed that Swimming Manawatu should purchase two large containers of sunscreen to have available for use at the Swimming Manawatu Summer Opens and Age Group Championships. Inwards Item 23: Peter Whitburn has advised that he is standing down as an official. Thank you card to be sent to Peter. Inwards Item 26: Authorisation to Travel / Compete overseas has been received for Cara & Laura Baker requesting clearance until December 2011. Charlie requested that we get some guidance from SNZ with regards to this application. Inwards Item 31: The following have passed their timekeeper examinations: Ice Breaker Aquatics Laren O’Sullivan

358 5233

Kiwi West Aquatics George Blackwell Brian Brock Bernie Clausen Robert Wilkinson

376 7078 323 9808 359 0039 359 3725

Levin Swimming Club Linda Johnson 06 368 4645 Patricia Richardson 06 368 0783

Inwards Item 32: Helena Watts (359 2442) from Ice Breaker Aquatics has passed her timekeeper examination. Inwards Item 33: Heidi Langtry (323 8364) from Dolphin Swimming Club has passed her timekeeper examination. Outwards Item 3: Charlie reported that the Coaching Clinic needed to be cancelled due to the unavailability of the Linton Swimming Pool. Charlie has now been advised that the new commander is not allowing any outside use of the pool (however, it was noted that this commander now has a new posting). Charlie is hopeful of running a coaching clinic next winter. MOVED inwards correspondence be accepted and the outwards correspondence endorsed. Colin Rose/Geoff Bilton CARRIED Finances: As attached. Noted that a $3000.00 grant payment had been received from Endeavour Community Trust to assist with the cost of pool hire in 2009. MOVED that the Financial Report be adopted . Linda Bartosh/Dianne Farmer CARRIED Budget Report was circulated. Records: As per attached. MOVED that the records be ratified. Charlie Greenem/Dianne Farmer CARRIED General Business 1. Agreed Policy Review meeting to be postponed due to unavailability of some management members. Date for this meeting to be discussed at next Management Meeting. 2. MOVED that swimmers be given blanket clearance for the 2008/2009 school holiday period. Dianne Farmer/Charlie Greenem CARRIED 3. Nancee advised that a computer operator for the summer opens is required. Suggested that Nancee to contact either Irene McHugh or Sharon Hulena to see if they are available. 4. Linda to email SNZ to query is a 12 year old and under aged swimmer who qualifies for NZ Age Groups (but are ineligible to compete due to their age) is that same swimmer still able to compete Division II. 5. Tracey displayed samples of representative shirts for 2009. Agreed to go with forest green with white side panels. 6.

MOVED committee into committee. Charlie Greenem/Geoff Bilton

MOVED committee out of committee. Charlie Greenem/Geoff Bilton 7. Charlie displayed the new medals. Gold and bronze are very similar, but because of the green inserts the bronze could not be made any darker. Everyone agreed that they liked the style and design of the new medals and colour of medal ribbon. 8.

Linda distributed the new management name badges.

There being no further business the meeting was declared closed 8.35pm. Next Management Meeting:

Sunday 8th February 2009 at 7.00pm







At the Porirua Hard Core - Wellington

Cameron Blair



Kiwi West

400m Freestyle



Cameron Blair



Kiwi West

800m Freestyle



Cameron Blair



Kiwi West 1500m Freestyle



Jenna Buchanan F


Kiwi West





50m Butterfly

At the Dolphin Sponsored Carnival - Feilding

Connor Nevin



Palm. Nth.

50m Butterfly

Notes: Cameron's 1500m swim at the Hard Core broke all of the 13yr old long distance records on the way through - well done. Connor's 50m fly has broken a James Palleson record - a pleasant surprise on the day.

Presented to Swimming Manawatu – 06/12/08 By the Records Officer Charles Greenem

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