Feb '08 Svmc Minutes

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SOUTH VILLAGE OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MINUTES February 6, 2008 – Recreation Centre Chair – Rob Wallingford Present: Denise Dawson, Kim Dawson, Gisèle Devaney, Susanne Mackey, Rick Piironen, Robert Wallingford (Co-Chair).


Administrative Procedures • •

Call to order at 7:10 p.m. – chaired by Rob Wallingford Review of action items of the January 16, 2008 Minutes: 1. Denise sent out the South Village Owners’ Association committee Members list to all residents. 2. Rob provided a copy of the ballot form and Denise Dawson will print 50 copies for the AGM. The January 16, 2008 meeting were adopted as motioned by Denise Dawson and seconded by Frédéric St-Louis. 2.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING • An official Annual General Meeting document will be prepared for the meeting. • All committees are to send in their report to Denise Dawson, no later than Sunday, February 10th. • Rob Wallingford, after discussions with Kelly Youngdale, will send the official AGM agenda to Denise Dawson for inclusion in the official document and invitation email. • Denise will collate the information and prepare the official document for the AGM. She will forward it to Rick Piironen who will arrange for the printing of 50 copies.

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One email to all residents will be sent out containing both the invitation to the AGM as well as the Agenda. Denise Dawson will send out the e-mail. As per Section 118 of the By-laws, a Ballot Form will be available for voting at the AGM. Kelly Youngdale will be the designated Chair and will have the deciding vote if required. Gisèle will contact Pauline Drummond and Lionel Nolet to remind them of the AGM and the information required as well as the deadline. Pauline will provide a status of the 2007 and 2008 annual fees and Lionel will speak to the 2007 financial statement and the proposed 2008 budget. Lionel will provide 50 copies of the Financial Statement. The physical set-up will be done by the Social Committee with the help of volunteers. The Wine and Cheese will be held upstairs at the Recreation Center. And the meeting will be held downstairs. Joanne Wallingford will have the AGM information prepared for the Sandwich Board which will be displayed in front of the Recreation Center. Denise Dawson informed the Committee that the Social Committee has prepared a survey for residents attending the AGM, asking for their input as to the continued practice of hosting Activity Nights at the Recreation Center. It was decided to add a request for volunteers. Denise will modify the survey. A drop box will be available at the AGM.

10. NEW BUSINESS • Rob Wallingford distributed an estimate for the installation of a sprinkler system at the Recreation Center. It was proposed but no decision made, that the Beautification Committee Budget should be used to pay for this expense. Denise Dawson will call a meeting of the Beautification Committee to discuss their plans for 2008 and will report back to the Management Committee. • Letterhead and envelopes – Gisèle Devaney will look into the cost associated with purchasing SVOA letterhead and envelopes and report back to the Committee. • The Department of Natural Resources will be contacted as to the stock of our lakes with fish. Gisèle will report back to the Committee. • Denise reported that the SV Forum has been modified and those who are registered now need to re-register in order to access it. 11. ADJOURNMENT


The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. The next meeting of the South Village Management Committee will be held M arch 5, 2008. The AGM will be held on February 13, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at the Recreation Centre.

As recorded by Gisèle Devaney


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