Dec '07 Svmc Minutes

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SOUTH VILLAGE OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION Management Committee MINUTES December 5, 2007 – Recreation Centre Chair – Kelly Youngdale Present: Vitor Avila, Denise Dawson, Kim Dawson, Gisèle Devaney, Michael Devaney, Rosina Koutsovasilis, Ken McCafferty, Lloyd Mackey, Susanne Mackey, Beverley Morgan, Anne Nolet, Lionel Nolet, Mira Oldak, Tony Pasqua, Christine Piché, Rick Piironen, Caroline Proulx, Raymond Rousson, Suzanne Rousson, Frédéric St-Louis, Rino Verzeroli, Robert Wallingford (Co-Chair), Kelly Youngdale (Co-chair).


Administrative Procedures • •

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Motioned by Kim Dawson and seconded by Lloyd Mackay, the November 6, 2007 South Village Management Meeting Minutes were accepted. Formal naming of a secretary (article 3.6 of Bylaw No.1), Gisèle Devaney was confirmed as the South Village Management Committee’s Recording Secretary. Susanne MacKay will act as backup. Meeting Protocol - attendees are asked to stay on agenda, make progress on items and are reminded that only Management Committee Members may vote on issues with one vote per lot. Code of conduct – Attendees are reminded to be respectful of others, every one has a voice and to hold one conversation at a time. Membership list update – Denise Dawson informed the Committee that fourteen (14) lots were added to South Village on West Beach Way. This brings the total number of lots to 131 with 90 resident families. Anyone wanting a copy of the list should send an email to Denise Dawson. Board Members are de facto Management Committee Members as per article 1 of Bylaw No. 4. ACTION: Denise Dawson to email the Committee List to residents asking for review and update and new volunteers.

2. Finance Committee Report • •

Update – collection of 2006 and 2007 dues – The letter to all residents was mailed. Some residents/Builders will receive a letter highlighting unpaid 2007 dues. Signing Authority Resolution was prepared and signed by those concerned. It will be provided to Pauline Drummond who will deliver it to the TD Bank in Manotick. Two (2) signatures are required to effect a payment. Invoices will be brought to the Management Committee for approval and signing. Motioned by Lloyd Mackay/seconded by Mike Devaney and Denise Dawson.

3. Communication/Residents’ Directory/Welcoming Committee Report • •

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Susanne Mackay reported that updating the Residents’ Directory is an ongoing task. Denise Dawson inform the community about ongoing events/issues. The South Village Forum site is up and working. Some residents have problems with registering into the forum. ACTION: Denise to contact the Administrator, Martin Jones, to check. The Welcome Committee continues to meet new resident as they move into the community. The Committee’s 2008 projected budget will be provided to Lionel Nolet. ACTION: The Management Committee to consult Lionel to determine if the Management Committee should have its own budget.

4. Recreation/Social Committee Report •

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The 2007 financial report is submitted. An increase to the 2008 budget is required because of the increase in the number of residents. The Christmas party was a success and the organizers received several congratulatory emails. Any comments from the attendees are welcomed. Gift winners are Robert Wallingford and Martin Coker. A wine and cheese will be held at the AGM in February 2008. The January Activity night was cancelled. All committee members have accepted to stay on for 2008.

5. Community Beautification Committee Report • • • •

No activity to report from this Committee. This committee needs a leader – already has a few members . Areas needing attention/tidying up were identified as well as some planting required surrounding the Entrance sign, once installed. The name of a resident was provided as a possible volunteer.


6. Physical Plant/Pool Committee Report • • •

The 2008 budget will be provided to Lionel Nolet. The list of physical requirements and the parameters of the pool maintenance contract need to be finalised. Budget projections will be submitted covering the costs associated with the extension of the pool season impacting heating, chemicals and the need for an attendant. Mike Devaney reminded the Committee of the importance that all Committee budget submissions be available to the Management Committee before any final decisions are made to accommodate identified requirements. A discussion on the budget will be held in January 2008. ACTION: Physical Plant/Pool Committee members to provide more concrete details and related budget projections regarding the costs and impacts of extending the pool season for the January SVMC meeting.

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The committee is informed that Enbridge Gas noted some infractions to the Recreation Centre’s pool heater/fence installations and has given the association 90 days to correct or the gas may be cut off. Sunset Lakes Development will move the heater and fence but stated that they will not cover the costs of reconnecting the gas. ACTION: 1) Rob Wallingford to contact Dan Anderson to determine if Sunset Lakes Development will cover the cost of reconnecting the gas. 2) Rob will obtain the Site Plan Agreement available from the City of Ottawa to determine if any other items were not completed before the SVOA took over responsibility. Kim Dawson informed the Committee that Sunset Lakes Development will be involved until all the homes are built. Mike Devaney reminded the Committee that Dan Anderson stated at a meeting about seven (70 months ago, that all assets were transferred to South Village. Maybe a lawyer or Lionel Nolet could clarify this situation and the intentions regarding parkland. Three (3) names were provided as possible volunteers on this committee. Robert Wallingford to contact them. ACTION: Lloyd Mackay to follow-up with the City regarding the legal commitments – site plans.

7. Entrance Sign Committee Report •

Sunset Lakes will pay for the installation of 2 SV Entrance Signs to a maximum of $20,000. Three (3) designs are being developed for consideration: a rock design, a stone wall/steel design and a steel fence/railing design. Expectations are that a Spring time installation date will be met..


ACTION: Committee Members will advise the SVMC of any variance/overall costs in order that it is factored into the overall budget.

8. Design Review Committee Report • •

The Committee members met on November 9 but this area has not seen a lot of activity over the last year. A question was raised about the enforcement of existing covenants. Since most covenants relating to landscaping, buildings, etc. fall under city bylaws, if a violation is identified, the city could be called to enforce the bylaw. Kim Dawson advised that covenants regarding the unauthorized use of certain motorized recreational vehicles within the subdivision can be dealt with by phoning the police. SVOA management has been advised that (3) calls are required to the Police Department for repeat violations of the same covenant before the recreational vehicle will be confiscated. ACTION: During the next year, the Design Review Committee will take proactive steps to encourage and educate residents about the covenants and their purpose with respect to the Design Review Committee’s role.

9. Government Relations/Legal Committee Report • • •

No past activity was reported by this Committee. A question was raised about whether all landscaping had been completed on the common areas and lakes before the responsibility was handed over from Sunset Lakes Development Corp to SVOA. Mike Devaney reminded the Committee that Dan Anderson stated at a meeting about seven (70 months ago, that all assets were transferred to South Village. Maybe a lawyer or Lionel Nolet could clarify this situation and the intentions regarding parkland. ACTION: Lloyd Mackay to follow-up with the City regarding the legal commitments – site plans.

10.Government Relations/Legal Committee Report •

No activity reported on this Committee. No issues identified.

11. New Business • Snow Plowing - several residents contacted the city about this following the recent significant snow fall. Denise Dawson reported that our


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councillor, Doug Thompson, confirmed that the situation has been resolved. Coyotes – There are five (5) coyotes roving the neighbourhood. Their den is located under the hydro line backing South Village Drive. There has been a recent attack on a family pet. The coyotes have been seen all over the neighbourhood. They are dangerous to small animals and to young kids and seem not to be scared of adults. Residents are urged to be very careful of their children and pets. As motioned by Michael Devaney and seconded by Lloyd Mackay, this being a safety issue, the Management Committee approved to use the contingency fund to cover the costs of hiring a trapper who will catch and dispose of the coyotes in a humane way. ACTION: Denise Dawson will advise residents via email once the traps are set. 2008 Dues – the letters to residents were sent out. If residents have problems with the information contained in their letter, they should contact Gisele Devaney via e-mail ([email protected]) or call her at 613821-9154. Quotes – Robert Wallingford listed several items that will be included in the 2008 budget for approval. Any additional items should be sent to Robert Wallingford or Rick Piironen for inclusion in the 2008 budget. Board of Directors – At the previous meeting, members were elected to the Board of Directors. It was agreed, for practical reasons, that members of the Board of Directors should be appointed within members of the Management Committee. As a result, Lionel Nolet, the only member on the Board of Directors not a member of the Management Committee agreed to resign from the Board of Directors and was replaced by Raymond Rousson. Residents’ Business Directory – a proposal was made to create a community business directorate. The Communication Committee, through the Newsletter, will ask residents who operate a business, if they would be interested in having their business listed in a directory. This would allow residents to encourage our neighbours before going outside of the community. ACTION: Denise Dawson will pursue.

12. Adjournment • The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. The next meeting of the South Village Management Committee will be held on January 6, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. at the Recreation Centre. As recorded by Gisèle Devaney


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