Sk B1 Rollout Fdr- 6-15-04 Commission Memo Re Pr Strategy 502

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  • Words: 465
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15,2004 10:02AM


NO, 2945

General •

Provide justification for releasing recommendations before findings. o The Chairs need to understand this better to present to other Commissioners. o 9-11 staff argued loudly against splitting in original meeting. Edelman presented a compelling justification. Please replicate in short memo. o Updated example - Congress already is asking staff to release recommendations before final report so hearings can be scheduled.

Break down the proposed budget into more specific numbers. o Commission has modest budget. o How many people will Edelman commit to the task? What are their rates? o Obviously principals are costlier than assistants. Which tasks would be completed by assistants and which by principals?

Calendar •

Provide alternate calendar for presenting findings before 7/26. o If split is approved, recommendations can drop on 7/12 - no WH review necessary. o Still bound by legislation to release findings by 7/26. If changed, likely only 8/2 or 8/9.

Calendar should consider how to utilize all 10 Commissioners. o Parallel media tours - pairs of Commissioners in different cities simultaneously o When are all 10 necessary, when just the Chairs?

NYC must be emphasized - center of narrative and location of most families. o At least one day of media in NYC during both rollout weeks. o Another press conference in NYC? Tailored to Emergency Response?

National media tour must be more compact o Two week maximum - Commissioners have other responsibilities. o Tour should end before September. o Schedule parallel media tours to involve multiple Commissioners. o Tour should be cohesive and begin after the final report is released. o Concentrate on top markets and geographic diversity (DC, NYC, LA, Chicago, Dallas/Houston, Miami, San Fran, Seattle, Phila.) o Provide idea of which secondary markets we would hit in satellite radio tour. o Attached is an example of a more realistic media calendar incorporating some of the points above.

More than media - other items need to be built into calendar. o Family briefings (If not before release, how to fit them In during rollout week?). o Congressional hearings. o Annual or seasonal meetings of appropriate national associations and organizations (NGA, Police Chiefs, etc.). o Important think tank forums, o Other potential national validator groups. o More local validator groups - beyond editorial boards: local columnists, professors, etc.

Provide an imprecise, informal future calendar - September and beyond o Ideas for Sept. 11 anniversary. o Fall possibilities for Congressional hearings - Sept.? Lame-duck session in Dec.? o Rough sense of relevant fall campaign peaks and troughs (debates, important weeks). o Conferences and forums advocating plans for new Presidential, Congressional term. • To influence State of the Union, First 100 Days plans. o Top 5-10 universities/schools to visit.

P, 2

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