Sk B1 Rollout Fdr- Undated Draft Pr Strategy 498

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  • Words: 774
  • Pages: 4

"What do we want people to say on July 22, 2004?" • The Commission's report is a credible and objective historical document. • The report provides a thorough and authoritative account of the events and circumstances surrounding the 9/11 attacks. • The Commission's recommendations should be implemented on a bipartisan basis. • The Commission fulfilled its mandate. TARGET AUDIENCES

1) Policy 2) Press 3) Public a. b. c. d.

9/11 Families General U.S. International Higher Learning


Design and implement a three-tier campaign that addresses the unique needs and challenges of the Commission's target audiences. GENERAL TIMELINE...

Report Release: Pre-Rollout Phase: Roll-out Phase: Post-Rollout Phase:

When: Thursday, July 22 Where: DC, New York (Reverse order?) June 1-July 16 July 18-August 6 August 9 onward


House & Senate Democratic Convention Summer Olympics GOP Convention

In Session: June 1-25; July 6-23 August Recess: July 26-September 6 July 22-26, 2004 August 11-29 August 30-September 2, 2004


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PublicAffairs (see proposal for more details) The report release will coincide with the book's national distribution on July 22 If and when we announce this partnership, what will we say? POLICY


Objective dissemination of the 9/11 story, thereby laying the factual predicate for policy recommendations. • Buy-in by key stakeholders on recommendations prior to the report's release. • Widespread awareness of, and bipartisan support for, the Commission's recommendations at the release and beyond. • Incorporation of recommendations into party platforms and policy debates. • Implementation of recommendations through executive orders, legislation, and/or other vehicles. TARGET AUDIENCE

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)

President and Democratic Nominee Executive Branch Congress Think Tanks/Research Institutions Elite Experts a.k.a. "Wise Men" Foreign Governments State Governments Local Governments Private Sector


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Private meetings and roundtables scheduled with the aforementioned stakeholders, starting months before the report's release—perhaps as early as May depending on the subject. Create a menu of major policy speeches, possibly one speech per "big idea" along the lines of the Commission's recent policy discussion. Lay factual predicate for recommendations as it relates to the 9/11 story. Send Commissioners to targeted events and locations across the country. Op-Eds released in seriatim in various publications, similar to themes listed above. Hearings after Labor Day


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Report Executive Summary Monographs (as appropriate; perhaps on CD) Niche Recommendation Materials Op-Eds


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Accurately tell the 9/11 story, separating fact from fiction. Maximize "inches and airtime" for policy recommendations. Keep focus on substance, not process. Maintain bipartisan message.


Print Media • Regular Beat Reporters/Wire Services • National News Reporters • Syndicated Columnists • Editorial Boards • Book Reviews • Online News Forums (sponsored by major periodicals) Broadcast Media • Television o Network News o Cable News o PBS, C-SPAN o Morning and Sunday Shows o Newsmagazine o Talk Shows o Pre-Recorded Town Hall Meetings (i.e., Nightline on July 22) o Local and Satellite News • Radio o NPR o Syndicated Shows POSSIBLE ACTIVITIES

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Send embargoed executive summary/report to carefully selected group Pre-release backgrounders Prioritize broadcast media, assign 1 -2 Commissioners to cover the spectrum Think about outsourcing press clips in July/August


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Press Release(s) Report Executive Summary Unclassified Monographs (as appropriate) Commissioner and Senior Staff Bios "Final Report" Section on the Internet, with stock photos and Commission Seal available on the website FAQs Op-Eds


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Establish awareness of the Commission's work by delivering the report directly to the American people. Accurately tell the 9/11 story, separating fact from fiction. Keep focus on substance, not process.


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Families General U.S. International Higher Learning


Family Package • Final Report (How do we deal with the issue of gratis copies?) • Executive Summary • Unclassified Monographs • Family Question and Answer Sheet Event Ideas • Preview of the report to select family group on the morning of the release • Do we "invite" families to the rollout? • Nightline Town Hall meeting in NY on July 22 INTERNATIONAL & EDUCATIONAL

PublicAffairs can... • Ensure international distribution of report • Seek various translations of the report • Promote the report at academic shows and associations • Promote the report to university libraries and academic departments • Can or should we reach below the university-level (i.e., AP Government and History programs)? Event Ideas • University speeches (KSG Forum, Georgetown) • Outreach to Arab-American community?

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