Simplicity Of The Prophet

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  • Words: 1,345
  • Pages: 14
Simplicity Of The Prophet • "Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) was a very simple person and spent all his life in simplicity. He was very unceremonious and informal in his habits. He ate whatever he was given, wore very thick and coarse cloth, even when he was the ruler of a state and undisputed leader of the people. He sat on the floor, bare ground or a mat without any hesitation, alone or in the company of other people. He ate bread made from coarse flour and even spent days on mere dates. He wore simple clothes and did not like display or show. He was by nature simple and liked simplicity and informality in everything.

Simplicity Of The Prophet

• Ibn Masud said that God's Messenger slept on a reed mat and got up with the mark of it on his body. He said, "O God's Messenger! I wish you would order us to spread something out for you and make something." The Prophet replied, "What have I to do with the world, I am like a rider who rests for a while under the shade of a tree, then goes off and leaves it." Ubaid-Allah bin Muhsin reported God's Messenger as saying, "If anyone among you is secure in mind in the morning, healthy in body and has food for the day, it is as though the whole world has been brought into his Possession."

Simplicity Of The Prophet

• Abu Hurairah reported God's Messenger as saying, "Look at those who are inferior to you and do not look at those who are superior to you, for that is more likely to keep you from despising God's Favour on you." Abu Talha said, "When we complained to God's Messenger of hunger and raised our clothes to show we were each carrying a stone over our belly, he raised his clothes and showed that he had two stones on his belly."

Simplicity Of The Prophet

• He liked simple living and wanted his family to lead a simple life and abstain from ostentatious living. He often wore thick clothes. His bed was sometimes of rough blanket sometimes of skin filled with palm fibers and sometimes of ordinary coarse cloth.. In the ninth year of Al-Hijrah, when the Islamic state had extended from Yemen to Syria, its ruler had only one bed and one dry water-bag of skin. A'isha reported that when he died, there was nothing in the house to eat except some barley.

Simplicity Of The Prophet

• Once Umar entered Muhammad's house and noticed the state of the furniture in it. Muhammad himself had only one sheet of cloth round him to cover the lower part of his body. There was one simple bed, with one pillow filled with nut fiber; on one side of the room was some barley and in one corner near his feet was an animal skin. There were some water-bag skins hanging beside his bed. Umar said that on seeing this tears came into his eyes. God's Messenger asked the reason for his tears. He replied, "O God's Messenger! Why shouldn't I cry! The strings of the bed have left marks on your body. This is a small room with all your furniture; I can see what there is. The Kaiser of Rome and Kisra of Persia enjoy luxurious living while you, God's Messenger, and the Chosen One, live like this." He said, "Ibn Khattab! Don't you like that they choose this world and we choose the Hereafter?". .

Simplicity Of The Prophet

• In short, Muhammad lived and liked a simple life and enjoyed every minute of it. He taught his companions, through his personal example, to lead a simple life and not to be ostentatious

Excellence of adopting moderation in dress • `Amr bin Shu`aib on the authority of his father and grandfather reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "Allah loves to see the sign of His Bounties on his slave.'' [At-Tirmidhi].

Commentary • A simple dress is commendable if one wears it as a gesture of humility wining Allah's Pleasure. • A fine dress is not impeachable in itself but it becomes so, if worn with an air of arrogance and self-importance. On the other hand, an expression of Divine bounty makes it praiseworthy. • In other words, it is the intention which makes an act good or bad. Alongside the practice of the example of Messenger of Allah (PBUH), the sincerity of action and making right intention, therefore, become indispensable.

Simplicity of al-Islam • From al-Hadith: On the authority of Abu Abdullah Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari (R.A.): A man asked the Holy Messenger of Allah (s.a.s.) 'Do you think that if I perform the obligatory prayers, fast in Ramadhan, treat as lawful that which is lawful and treat as forbidden that which is forbidden, and do nothing further, I shall enter Paradise?' He said, 'Yes'.

Simplicity of al-Islam • In a time where people seek newfangled, mystical ways to improve their living situations, they have gone from one extreme to another. Why search far and wide for complexities when the answer is very near and simple: AlIslam! Pure and uncomplicated. • Al-Islam! Total submission to the Almighty Creator of us all. Al-Islam! Total surrender of our wills to the Will of the Glorious Lord, God, Almighty Allah! Just simple declaration of the Oneness of Allah and the truth of the Messengerhood of Sayyidina Muhammad (s.a.s.) removes years of sins and confusion, and brings peace and calmness to the heart. Al-Islam: The religion of Peace, Submission and Oneness.

Simplicity of al-Islam

• Al-Islam! Total submission to the Almighty Creator of us all. Al-Islam! Total surrender of our wills to the Will of the Glorious Lord, God, Almighty Allah! Just simple declaration of the Oneness of Allah and the truth of the Messengerhood of Sayyidina Muhammad (s.a.s.) removes years of sins and confusion, and brings peace and calmness to the heart. Al-Islam: The religion of Peace, Submission and Oneness.

Simplicity of al-Islam • Muslims are not mindless, spineless creatures that follow blindly the leader or Imam of the locality. Muslims are not terrorists, heretics, fanatics who believe that just killing and being killed will afford on Paradise. Muslims are those who have been given the intelligence to submit and chose al-Islam as their way of life. They abhor violence, cruelty, sin, and transgression against the laws of the Almighty Allah. Muslims hold dear the simple message of the Unity of Allah brought to us by Hazrats Adam, Noah, Moses, Abraham, Jesus, and Sayyidina Muhammad, peace and blessing of Allah be upon them all. And it is this simple way of life that we invite all to follow for eternal peace and happiness.

Simplicity of al-Islam • Almighty Allah does not ask a lot from us. Just belief in His Oneness and the Oneness of His message and through His Messengers, prayer to Him. The performance of prayers reconfirm your covenant to Almighty Allah. Abstinence from the unlawful; moderate indulgence in the lawful. Proper Islamic garments which worn manifest proudly one's love for Allah and one's humble submission to His will. Muslim ladies adorning themselves in the chaddars, veils and long garments, that declare their beliefs and their modesty. Muslim men with their "humble crowns of glory" manifest their nobility and grand roles. And the reward for obeying the commandments of Almighty Allah is Paradise, forever, with Almighty Allah. •

Simplicity of al-Islam • During a time where it seems as if the entire world has gone mad, and Satan rules supreme, God Almighty has prescribed a way of life that brings sense to a senseless world. He has given us the ammunition to combat evil on all levels and has taught the secret to success in both this world and the next. Al-Islam: the ways of Muslims - the true vicegerents on this earth. The way of all Prophets of Almighty God. He is One. His Messengerhood is One. His Message is One. His Way is One. Simple, pure, unadulterated. Al-Islam: The Religion of Peace.

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