Siddhi Times-september 2007

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  • Words: 27,120
  • Pages: 80
Publisher Hindu Temple of Georgia

Special Sections Editors Pundit Sharma Priya Tybaert

Editorial “SIDDHI TIMES”

Editor Madhu manikandan Photographer C.T. Kumar Contributing Writers Suha Nilima Mehra Mandira Gokuldas Nair Creative Art Director’s Jeyakumar Murugesh Graphic Designer Jeyakumar

Advertising & Marketing Chandra Mohan Loganathan


Page no 4

Spirituality 7 The Presence of Hindu Temple of Georgia & Siddhi Times USA at Festival of India (FOI) 2007 14 Explore the effect of Planets on mankind


The art of giving Kids Arts

19 22

Siva for September


Post modernism, Hindu nationalism


Adithya Hrudayam


Letter to the Editor




Hindu Ideas


Kabirdas “A great Islam saint”


Vedic Astrology


A. Sivamani Interview


Temple Festivals


Zodiac Connection


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Editorial His Holiness

Sri Selvam Siddhar (DR. Commander Selvam) Om Namashivayaa!!


amasthe! Vanakkam! To my dear and good souls on the earth, this is our 5th edition of Siddhi Times coming at you with Shivji‘s blessings. Every day we are getting at least 5 to 10 people calling from all parts of the country to appreciate the content and value of our Siddhi Times. It’s just not enough to thank the Siddhi Times team, but I should bless each and every one to long live with good health and wealth. Now we have started our store front free distribution in Southern and Northern California. I personally thank Subash Bhai and Parikh Ji for their timely distribution of the magazine in California. The Tri state distribution, Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia is starting from October 2007. The beautiful angel Nilima Mehra is taking care of this noble task from Virginia, who lives a very meaningful and dedicated life with her blessed husband Dr Rajesh Mehra and their 3 beautiful and wonderful children. They are proud founders and president of Global TV Network also known as Nilima TV for the Tristate Indians. I always say that YOU WILL LIVE ACCORDING TO YOUR THOUGHTS, and with the blessings of Shivji, our Siddhi Times is leading #1, all over USA with more than 250,000 readers. Approximately 10000 copies are mailed to most influential Indian Americans in this country and in India. There is a tremendous welcome for the distribution of Siddhi Times in India too. Many people wonder, how all these things are possible in a short span of time. The answer is very simple. It’s not a one person’s task. With Lord Shivji’s blessings, all my actions are supported and protected. During a Satsang in Virgina, among the crowd of thousands, one of my devotees asked, ”Swamiji, what is your business? How do you make money?” My response was that I am working as a General Manger for the richest and blessed personality in the whole universe, and He likes me so much and I get the best salary with all perks. As many were puzzled, I then said that the “person” whom I work for is, “LORD SHIVA”. Looking back the path I have traveled so far, it’s like rags to riches story with absolute blessings from Shivji. There may be lot of great people, great sanyasis, swamijis, multi-millionaires and billionaires in this world who can financially do anything for the spiritual cause and for Gods, but I believe Lord Shiva

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has a greater reason for choosing an ordinary person like me to venture this unique one and only SHIV MANDIR with 108 Shivjis in this world. People who know Vedas should admit that this subject was tried by numerous people for thousands of years; however I am blessed to have got jackpot of doing this wonderful Historical venture in this Great nation. When you see someone who is rich in wealth or anything for that matter, please learn to appreciate and definitely not to question the richness. Human mind can do good as well as bad, why don’t we choose to do good things. As I say quite often “LOT OF PEOPLE ARE UNHAPPY IN THIS WORLD, SINCE THEY FEEL SOMEONE ARE HAPPY.” Those people need to change their attitude and respect someone to the caliber not to his money. Some one who has made lot of money in his life should not be assumed as an intelligent, and at the same time some one who has lost money should not be felt as an idiot. All our life is karma based. Destiny cannot be changed. But, we could admit our destiny in a comfortable way. It’s like some one has an ugly nose, wishing to be changed. In today’s technological world, it’s easily possible by plastic or cosmetic surgery. It’s not a natural process, but still it’s possible. Right? I can give another example, you could pull the 12”x12” plastic bag couple of more inches bigger by properly stretching it, and however you cannot convert the same to the size of 24”x24”. Many people worry about the financial issues in their life and it is interesting when somebody wanted to solve their financial problem and all they wanted was to win a big lotto and willing to pay $50 for making this possible. If somebody knows the lotto number for $40 Million, why would they give it for $50? Make sense? There is nothing wrong is wishing to be wealthy. There is a price to be paid for every success. Each and every successful person in this universe has paid their price in different terms like money, time, love, hard work etc. Do not look for short term happiness. What do you gain by bad mouthing others without knowing the facts and their goals? Jealousy is going to make one’s own life miserable, may not be in their time, but God’s time.

What do you think of a person who says “I want to go to heaven; but I do not want to die’?. Well, I relate the same with the people who are wishing to be wealthy, but not ready to work for it. Many lack in the knowledge of their own family responsibilities and also of their community. Be willing to learn the facts by seeking the right knowledge. When you appreciate the success of others, God will bless yours. This planet earth can provide for everybody. You do your part and God will do the rest. No one else can make your dreams come true. You may hear and see commercials to make all your dreams come true in 7 days and their results are guaranteed. Who can guaranty God’s creation? Nothing in the spirituality is guaranteed. Know the good from bad and be aware of your approach to solve your problems. Don’t be a victim. The good thoughts and actions would make up or lead our Karma/Destiny comfortable. Knowing the science and practicing the Atharva Veda principles, I always insist that one should live a life with standards. You just can not make any short cuts to win the inner consciousness. That’s why all our Rishis were praying to Shivji

not to be reborn and to get liberation. None of the great Rishis prayed to any Gods to reborn as the President or Secretary to their organization again. Nothing will come easy in our life. Please do not always expect anything free. Before you stretch your hands to take anything free, think twice what have you given to earn that free thing? Do you really deserve that? Do not use your intelligence for a wrong reason. Intelligence is like a knife. You could use to cut the fruits or to take a life away. You choose to do a good thing! Come out of the rut life of jealousy, misery, bad mouthing, fighting, group politics etc. No is superior to others. Live a peaceful life and follow the principles for manifesting the spiritual destiny. Hindu Temple of Georgia is servicing people all across the world, providing the spiritual solution and everyone is welcome to make the service beneficial for their lives. Om Shanthi ! Om Shanthi ! Om Shanthi !

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Vol: 5


uring the past issues we discussed a lot about spirituality and the benefits of leading a spiritual life. In this issue I wish to discuss more about the works of the great saint Sri Adhi Sankaracharya. In his great work named “Bajagovindam” he tells us a lot about the spirituality. One should be a human being first. Then only he can become a great soul. This is the gist of “Bajagovindham. He says no grammar or anything what you have learnt will never follow you, when you die. Only the result of the good or bad things you do will only follow you when you die. It is widely thought that there is no life after death, But according to the ancient Vedas and other epics such as Ramayana, Mahabharata, Bhagavat Geeta, Bible and Holy Quran, the life continues even after death. At the time of death the physical body becomes vacuum and the air which is called as “prana” or life only goes away. The air enters into some other physical body according to the result of good or bad things it has done in the life

time. It is called as Karma or Destiny. As according to Pandit L.V. Sharma our Swamiji Sri. Siddhar, the Karma or Destiny can’t be changed. It can be only altered according to the horoscopes of an individual. How we can make our Destiny or Karma as good? This is the most valuable question which arises from the minds of all. The simple and only answer is “by leading a spiritual life “. The help of a Guru or teacher is required to practice the spiritual life We are going to practice spirituality in our life or we are going to live a spiritual life. What is the part of a teacher in framing our spiritual life. For this Adhi Sankara gives a detailed in his great work Bajagovindam. Govinda Bagavatpada is the Guru of Sri.Adhi Sankara. Only to inform us not to forget our guru or teacher he concludes the stanzas with Baja Govindam.. Only by praising guru or be

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selfconfidence. If we show dedication and devotion to all walks of our life, and if we develop self confidence, we can have the most beautiful spiritual life. By practicing the spiritual way of life, we can have the help from all our surroundings including the natural forces such as air, water etc. The personal benefit is one can become as”Buddhimaan,Madurabashi, Poorvabaashi, Priyamvadha”, which means, one can easily become great having a great knowledge and wisdom. By that great knowledge and wisdom one can have sweet words. By having these two, we can have a great oratory skill and we can speak in a lovely and pleasing manner, which is admired by each and everybody. If we start loving each other, the entire human race will have a very smooth walk of life. We can reach the peaks and achieve our goals very easily. There is no need to become a monk or saint to lead a spiritual walk of life but we should have self confidence. With the blessings of our parents, teacher(guru) and the almighty we can easily come across all the troubles and we can be the leader of the entire human race. We can easily get new powers and we will be forced by our inner conscious to utilize these powers for the betterment of mankind. We cannot use them otherwise. In today’s world it is very hard and at the same time it is very easy to practice the spiritual walk of our life. Each and everybody wishes to come across all the problems of the life.

being obedient to the teacher one can get the blessings of the teacher. By the blessings we can get the guidance of the teacher either in this worldly education or spiritual education. The saint even gives us a guidance as how we should respect our parents. We have not seen any of the divine powers. The only divine power we see is our parents. By giving proper respect to our parents and teacher we can have good guidance from them. The saint further says to ignore the caste, creed and the fight between the religions. Now a days the quarrel between the religions are more. If we avoid all these quarrels. What are the basic things we need to lead a spiritual life. First devotion, second is

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All are ready to accomplish with this. This is so widespread and fast growing. But nobody knows how to start the mission. Only to make all happy our Sri Sri Siddhar Swamiji has started this “Siddhi Times”. We can join in the mission and start a beautiful walk of life. We can easily develop love, affection, dedication and devotion.By having all these qualities we can easily become the best citizen of the world. If each and everybody has all these aforesaid qualities there will be no quarrel at all. We can have a beautiful and peaceful atmosphere throughout the universe. By the peace wecan easily reach our target and goal. We can be a model to each and everybody. I humbly request all to join in the mission to lead a spiritual life and have a very peaceful and beautiful life. If we start the mission now, we will be very happy and our next generation will live in a peaceful and hassle free universe. I wish to thank you all for giving me an opportunity to share my ideas with you all. I particularly thank Sri Siddhar Swamiji for this opportunity. We will meet in the next issue with some more new ideas.

Om Shanthi ! Om Shanthi ! Om Shanthi !

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Philosophy Charles Schultz



he following is the philosophy of Charles Schultz, the creator of the “Peanuts” comic strip. You don’t have to actually answer the questions. Just read the e-mail straight through, and you’ll get the point. 1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world. 2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners. 3. Name the last five winners of the Miss World Contest. 4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer Prize. 5. Name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress. 6. Name the last decade’s worth of World Series winners. How did you do? The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners. Here’s another quiz. See how you do on this one: 1. List a few teachers who aided your journey through school. 2. Name three friends who have helped you through a difficult time. 3. Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile. 4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special. 5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with Easier?

The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They arethe ones that care.

- Gokul Siddhi Times USA 10


ts Presence of mind and the right answer at right time that matters!!

Q. How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it? A. Concrete floors are very hard to crack! Q. If it took eight men ten hours to build a wall, how long would it take four men to build it? A. No time at all it is already built. Q. If you had three apples and four oranges in one hand and four apples and three oranges in the other hand, what would you have? A. Very large hands. Q. How can you lift an elephant with one hand? A. It is not a problem, since you will never find an elephant with one hand. Q. How can a man go eight days without sleep? A. No Probs , He sleeps at night. Q. If you throw a red stone into the blue sea what it will become? A. It will Wet or Sink as simple as that. Q. What looks like half apple ? A. The other half. Q. What can you never eat for breakfast ? A . Dinner. Q. What happened when wheel was invented ? A . It caused a revolution. Q. Bay of Bengal is in which state? A . Liquid “Technical Skill is the mastery of complexity, while Creativity is the master of presence of mind.”

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The Presence of Hindu Temple of Georgia & Siddhi Times USA at Festival of India (FOI) 2007

“If God were not forgiving, heaven would be empty.” - Sri Selvam Siddhar

belief “Service to Mankind is Service to God”, Siddhi magazine team is taking all necessary steps to improvise on an ongoing basis to serve the spiritually enlightened community which includes people from all walks of life such as doctors, engineers, IT professionals, scientists, home-makers, students, business owners etc. It is also amazing to earn a readership of 250,000 within a short span of 3 months and growing rapidly. Additionally, it is the only Indian magazine to be distributed in 400+ outlets in Georgia and FREE subscription sent nationwide. Many Business owners showed interest in advertising in the magazine due to fact that 80% of Siddhi readers preserve the magazine as resource/ reference guide and it leads to high shelf life for advertisements as well. As the Siddhi Times team is growing steadily, there were a good number of interested people enquired about job opportunities with Siddhi Times as Sub-editors, Marketing and Sales both full and part-time positions. Almost every visitor and guest who came to the booth had a chance to look at the Art Crafts and audio devotional/ music CDs display from Hindu Temple of Georgia. Many of them bought different Art Crafts and CDs. There was one item that was bought like hot cake was “Baby Ganesh” idol. It’s a small idol but the handcraft work was done very meticulously. Some of the people who visited the booth had a good understanding of what the “108 Shiva Temple” means and also got an update of the commencement of the temple project.


he Hindu Temple of Georgia and Siddhi Times USA magazine joined hands with IACA to participate and celebrate the Festival of India 2007 held at Gwinnett Civic Center on August 11th 2007 from 9am to 7pm. It was indeed a remarkable event to be a part of India’s 60th Independence Day celebrations. The day commenced with setting up of our booth for the Temple and the Siddhi magazine in a 250sqft area on the aisle. Grand decorations were exhibited with God Shiva & Goddess Parvathi idols and lot of traditional south Indian silk saris were hanging at the backdrop to add multiple colors for the background of the booth. Three Priests from Hindu Temple of Georgia were exclusively assigned to take care of the decorations and display of Art crafts at the booth. The Siddhi Times USA magazine marketing team headed by Mr. Chandra M. Loganathan were constantly interacting with the visitors to the booth and educating them about the magazine. All visitors and special guests coming to the booths got a copy of Siddhi magazine and were very much appreciative of the magazine and its contributions to the society. True to the

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Sri Sri Selvam Siddhar, the Managing editor of Siddhi Times USA magazine came with his entourage to the booth early afternoon and proactively participated in greeting and discussing different matters with the visitors and guests. Coincidentally, the TV Asia team also came to the booth and did a personal interview with Sri Selvam Siddhar. He expressed his happiness in participating and socializing with a huge crowd at the Festival of India 2007. There was also a quick photo shot done with Miss India Georgia 2007, Roshni Devlia and Dr. Commander Selvam Siddhar expressed his hearty congratulations for her accomplishment. Altogether it was an eventful day to serve the community and feel a sense of achievement and success. Contributed by S.B. Roy & C.M. Loganathan

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The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools a despise wisdom and discipline. -Sri Selvam Siddhar


n our past issues, the study about Sun and Moon were analyzed. In this issue, we are going detail about Lords Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Ragu and Kethu.

LORD MARS Present world of scientists say that Mars is a red planet. When the astrology was known to the world about 5000 years back, the saints named Mars as “ANGHARAHA” which reveals information of one’s blood and the brother and sister who were born along with. Keeping the position and the star in which Mars is traveling, the predictions about, elders, youngsters, the accidents of fire, one’s anger, ill health, landed properties, the disturbances and the hurdles in married life are calculated. For all such category, the spiritual remedies and ritual practices to set the things in right way are arranged by the Vedic principles. The prayer rituals are done for the selection of life partner’s according to their horoscope and especially the position of the planet Lord Mars in their horoscope. We go to see the doctor to get relieved of sickness. Same way one goes to astrologer to live comfortably and peacefully for the continuation of life, along with society. In week days, Mars is ruling on Tuesday. For peaceful married life and comfort there are several rituals to do for Mars.

LORD MERCURY The planet Mercury is called Budha. In week days, Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. In astrology, by observing the position of Mercury, the education, brain power, brilliancy, and the smartness of a person can be found out. The reason for failure in any venture, exams, disturbed school days and career, etc are dealt by Budha. In short, He is the Lord for knowledge. If any one is much affected by the matter of knowledge, there are amazing astrologic ways for improvement and progress. We follow certain methods of chanting the secret words and do the whole-hearted prayers. These divinely rituals are mostly done for many school going children and the elders who are not capable to control their activities in proper manner. Every one must get the practice to rectify the defects. There are several ways to get the things done in a successful manner. The Mercuric power in brain of the human permits the aim to the basic and best way for success. LORD JUPITER The most graceful and blessing planet Jupiter, rules the day of the week Thursday. Astrology calls Him as “Prahaspathi”. A trouble free life with success and prosperity reaches to the native of horoscope in which the Jupiter will be accommodated in train to the Lagna or Rasi. The earth revolving on its axis goes around all the 12 signs of the zodiac in one day. It takes about two hours to cross from one sign to the next. The sign rising on the horizon at the time of one’s birth is the “Lagna”. The sign of occupation of moon, on that same hour and day is called “Rasi”. Total progress of the individual like status, dignity, family prestige, honor and high position are revealed well as per the star and sign in which the Jupiter moving in accordance to the time of birth. So Jupiter’s positions in good signs will lift the

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person for happy life. For those who are suffering, the position of Jupiter will be on 6th,, 8th or 12th house of either Lagna or Rasi. Since, good grace from Jupiter will yield the happy life, how to get the grace? It’s possible by way of prayers and rituals which are taught while attending the class of yoga and meditation in our temple, Hindu Temple of Georgia, Norcross, GA. The physical exercises, yoga and meditation will relate with brain concentration and the power of controlling desires. Natural way of observing self activities and acquiring the power by divinely prayers are quite possible. One will be blessed with philosophic nature, high life with knowledge and wisdom when we do the prayers to Lord Prahaspathi. LORD VENUS Lord Venus rules the week day Friday. The effect of this planet in astronomical positions can be on matrimonial life, love, affection and can also be on wind, rain, cyclonic effects. Forecasting can be done for hurricanes and tornados too. These primeval forces of Mother Nature are well appreciated and are needed for the mankind. When it exceeds the limits, we fear. For example,

one glass of water when compared to ocean, the multiple and enlarged ratios, actually create fears. So, the big we see, we call it as giant. The giant gives the meaning of superhuman size and nature. Here comes the astonishment to access the God, the creator of earth, sun and stars. Even the small creatures like virus, and mosquitoes which are very small, but they do have eyes and other sensitive parts. Is it not a wonder? It is really a matter of deep thinking to reach a conclusion of the Almighty. In astrology, the job of Venus is several. As far as human being is concerned, the matter of love to child issues, all are coming to the account. Will one’s love be a successful one? Will a person get married early? What is the nature of person? What is the strength of one to give a child birth? Will one be able to secure good life mate with chastity? Is there any matter of divorce? If divorce what is the next to happen? All such things are dealt by the position of Venus. So, the rituals and pre-cautionary actions are to be conducted after a complete study of position of Venus in every horoscope. The compatibility of a male and female should also be checked for a successful married life. LORD SATURN The last of the week, Saturday is for Roman God of agriculture, Saturn. As per science, Saturn takes 30 years to make one full round around the sun. Where as earth takes only 365 days to

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When there were no deeps, I was brought forth, when there were no fountains laden with water. - Sri Selvam Siddhar make a circle. Saturn does it in 10,950 days. That counts to approximately 30 months to cross one zodiac sign. For the living beings, Saturn stands authority to age and life. Saturn is considered as a strict teacher. While teaching lessons, the punishment is also there for one who does wrong. Astrology tells that the fate is decided by Saturn. The position of Saturn in every body’s horoscope is deeply checked. Since He is a punisher, one and all fear for his behavior. Certain zodiac signs are very cruel and critical when the transit of Saturn happens. Such bad place will be dealt with fear for life, failure in marriage, unbearable poverty trouble, some court cases, and demotions in jobs and all kinds of losses. Such kind of sufferings may continue for 7 to 8 years. Some people will have miserable experience. This is noticed as 7½ year-Saturn. The health conditions will grow worse. Medical expenses will be heavy. Some persons may go mad. Some will be with fear of devils. Many persons will have to face the enemies and loose their opportunities. Still further, some might be suffering with a peculiar type of illness related to psychotherapy. With the birth time of a person and analyzing the astrological positions, it’s possible to get relief from all the struggles to live with peace and continue the life with happiness. The rituals to the Lord Saturn are specified in astrology. We can adopt all such needed measures and live with the piece of mind.

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RAGU AND KETHU In astrological norms, they are defined as shadows; if one straight line is drawn from Sun to Earth, once in a year or twice the moon’s transit will occur in between Sun and Earth. That day is called Solar Eclipse. Some days, between Sun and Moon, the traveling route of earth will cross and create Lunar Eclipse. This long line, infinity to infinity should also possess two edges. One is Ragu and other one is Kethu. (The contact with orbital points of moon) In olden age, the life of a person who sees the crescent moon (on the waxing period-specifically 3rd crescent) on the 1000th time from his birth was honored. That comes to the account of 83 years to 84 years of living. Rahu and Ketu take about 19 months to transit through a sign. Transit of these planets brings in important changes in the life of an individual. The impact is not always negative. But the malefic effects can be loss and pain to the investors, ego clashes, verbal fights within married couples, problems with bosses, lack of courage and confidence and many more. Astrological consultation is needed to identify the various areas of the life which will be affected by Ragu and Kethu and get remedial solutions for mitigating the negative affects.

Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors. - Sri Selvam Siddhar

It could also mean being generous philanthropists with few billions pledged like Bill and Melinda Gates (Microsoft cofounder), Gordon and Betty Moore (Intel co-founder) and Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway CEO). The art of giving for the spiritual guru, divine personality and Atharva Veda Scholar, Sri Sri Selvam Siddhar, is all about dedication to the mission and empowering the community with spiritual transformation. The act of true giving is something wonderful and amazing. With most things in this world, there is only a limited amount of what you can give away. Fortunately, generosity and kindness are not bound to these same material limitations. “You have something to give everyone” Your act of giving doesn’t necessarily have to be limited to an exchange of presents at Christmas time or Birthdays. You can treat every person you come into contact with as someone who you can give a gift to. A very special act of giving can be in the form of small, personal acts of kindness. Very often it is not money or belongings that people need, it’s the things that can’t be seen, such as advice reassurance, a kind word, compliments or a smile. The thought of giving is the creation of the art of giving. The act of giving is the art of living. You may be a bit skeptical, wondering what exactly you have to give. Unfortunately, in this fastest moving world, the word ‘giving’ is so much intertwined with just financial aspect of human life. Each and every one of us has something to give everyone! Everybody has something of value for another person or community or nation or to the world. It could be a kind word, a simple smile, some appreciation, the sharing of some special knowledge, even a helping hand or a bit of support during a difficult emotional time.

The most of basic law of life is “every single act of love, kindness and generosity will multiply and return to you many times over”. The more you give, the more you get and the more you will feel happy. The true art of giving is to give from the heart without any expectation of its return or results. What you give out is what comes back in direct proportions to the feelings you have in the act of giving. It’s very simple. If you want to experience more joy, give joy to others, if you want more love, learn to give love, if you want attention and appreciation, and learn to give appreciation to others. These are some of life’s most precious gifts and they don’t cost you anything.

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Philosophy has no end in view, save truth. Faith looks for nothing but obedience and piety.” - Sri Selvam Siddhar

How often do you expect back from the person you gave something to a gift of a similar or greater value? Is this true giving or merely an unvoiced expectation of an exchange of similar goods? Have you ever heard anyone saying “I just give and give and give until I have nothing left”? This behavior is called self denial or self pity. This is an ego based form of giving. It is giving with an expectation of something in return. In reality, this is not giving at all but an un-vocalized form of barter. If, through the act of giving, you feel that you have “lost something or are somehow lessened” then the gift was not truly given from your heart.

When you meet someone, you can silently send them a blessing, wishing them happiness, joy and laughter. This kind of silent giving is very powerful. Do this exercise for the next 21 consecutive days, (with no thought of return) and you will suddenly find people around you opening to you in joy and happiness? Make a decision that wherever you go, to whoever you meet, to give. As long as you are giving, you will also be receiving. The more you give, the more will flow back to you and be returned many times over. Giving creates a pattern of happiness, joy and love in your life beyond your wildest expectations. In ancient China, Lao Tsu wrote “Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in Giving Creates Love.” Many thousands of years ago a great sage in Babylon said “The reward of charity depends entirely upon the extent of the kindness in it.” Truly giving something from the heart is an action which will fill your life with joy. Practice the art of giving in your daily life to the people around you and extend it to communities, organizations and to countries. Start from wherever you are with whatever you have, but with the biggest and greatest heart of kindness in it. Do not think of lack. If you focus on the lack, lack increases. The joy reduces! This is where the expression to “give whole heartedly” comes from. The intention behind your giving is the most important thing. The intention should always be to create happiness for both the giver and the receiver. If you experience resentment and a feeling of “I don’t really want to give this to this person, but I feel that I have to” or “I really should give them something,” this is probably what ultimately will come back to you. Perhaps in this case, you need to consider not giving the gift at all! A gift is something that is enjoyed twice. First by the giver who enjoys the pleasure of giving something special and then also enjoyed by the person who receives the gift.

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It is one of life’s wonderful paradoxes that you limit the power of your giving by having an expectation of getting something in return. When you give without any thought or desire for something back, your returns will be truly limitless. Our life is like a river, full of energy, continually flowing. What happens when a river is stopped from moving? It gets very muddy and stagnant. A fast flowing river is full of life and clear water. Where would you rather drink? The acts of giving and receiving are a continuous process of circulation that continues the flow of your life’s energies. For one person to receive someone else has to give. It’s a cycle of energy that flows continually onwards. Pause for as moment as you read this, and take a big, deep breath. Hold it for as long as you possibly can. As you hold it inside, notice how uncomfortable you begin to feel when you are holding on to something that is meant to be released. Now, breathe out, completely and hold your breath with your lungs fully emptied. Feel how uncomfortable you feel when you are resisting taking in something that you need. True giving, without expectation of anything in return is as effortless as breathing. Practice the art and act of giving in your family for a happy, joyous life and teach the giving spirit to your children. Nurture the thought of giving in their minds through daily simple activities. Teachers and parents can be the biggest inspirations for the children, to be the best ‘givers’ with love and compassion. “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” - Winston Churchill Give with abundance mentality and make a life, a life filled and blessed with abundance of health, wealth and happiness. - Suganya Prathap

l a h s Vi


ow do we make sure that our favourite person stays by our side at most times? Simple - we frame their photographs and keep them in a place where we can always see them. What fun if we could make the photo frames too! And it is not at all difficult. The things you need: 1. Ice Cream sticks. 2. Adhesive. 3. Colours. 4. Thick string or wire. Step 1: Collect around 15 ice cream sticks. For the base of the frame, stick the ice cream sticks as shown in the picture. Step 2: Leave half-an-inch space from all the sides and glue four sticks on the base to make the upper layer of the frame. Step 3: Slide the photograph through the gap. Step 4: Take a thick wire or a string to make a loop. Stick the two ends of the loop at the back of the frame. You can now hang your photo frame. You can draw a variety of patterns on the side of your photo frame with the help of crayons.


- By Vishal Have you heard the saying what goes up must come down? Well what goes up and never goes down? Your age! What do you throw out when you want to use it but take in when you don’t want to use it? An anchor. Take off my skin and I won’t cry, but you will, what am I? An onion

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What kind of tree do you find in the kitchen? A pantry. There is an ancient invention still used in some parts of the world today that allows people to see through walls. What is it? Windows What can be heard and caught but never seen? A Remark.

Lord Murugan’s lesson for Poetess Avvaiyar A short story by Abhirami Nathan


ne day Avvaiyar Paati, a well known South Indian legendary poetess, was thinking proudly, “Oh! I have learnt everything in the world, what else to learn?” She went and sat under a cherrytree. Lord Murugan (an Indian God, son of God Shiva and Goddess Parvathi, also known as Karthik) did not want Avvai Patti to think that she knew everything because no one in the world knows everything. So, Lord Murugan took form of a Shepherd boy and appeared on top of the cherry tree. The little boy greeted Avvai Paati “Hello!” and asked her “Would you like some cherries from the tree?” Avvai Patti replied back “Thank you for asking. I will have some.” The boy asked, “Do you want hot cherries or cold cherries?” “Cold or hot cherries!” wondered Avvai Paati. With some doubt, she replied, “I want only cold cherries” The Shepherd boy started shaking the cherry tree branches hard and the cherries started falling down. Avvai Paati picked some from the ground and started blowing

the dirt off. “Oh the cherries must be very hot that you have to blow them before eating! I thought you got only cold cherries from the tree”, said the Sheppard boy. “Ah!” said Avvai Paati. It struck her mind that there is nothing really like a hot or cold cherries and realized “What she learnt so far was only handful and a lot more to learn.” Simply put, “There is no end for learning.” Avvai Paati thanked the Shepherd boy humbly and through her siddhi knew that the boy is none other than Lord Murugan himself. The moral of the story is “What you’ve learnt so far in your life is only a handful and the rest of what you have to learn is as big as the world. So, keep learning and there is no end to learning”

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s according to Hindu beliefs, Lord Shiva is the supreme most power among the holy trinity. He has got various shapes according to the Atharva Veda. Each and every form of him gives remedy to the problems. To say in thee worldly language, the family physicians take care of minor ailments. The stomach surgeon cures the stomach and so on etc. Like that Lord Shiva gives remedy for various ailments and sufferings. In the past issue we learnt about Nardana Rudra, Swarnaakarshana Rudra, Agora Rudra, Shatkara Mruthyunja and Kaal maari aadiya murthy. This month we will see about Sugaasana Moorthy, Aalingana Chandrasekara Moorthy, Ananda Thandava Moorthy. SHUKASHNA MOORTHY The beginning of the name is explaining the comfort. The happy with peacefulness is the atmosphere in which the Lord Shiva gives this appearance. The facet is adorning with gracefulness and magnanimity. Lord Shiva is the deity with the name “PRANATHAARTHIHARA”. The true meaning is “He is the savior of his devotees” People use to attend prayers every day. Due to their busy atmosphere the concentration in chanting the proper “Mantra” is vibrated. So the practice to utter the “Mantra” in a simplified form “OM SHIVAYA NAMAHA” will be most convenient and the same can be followed during crucial times. Our fore-fathers have shown a proper way to cultivate our habits in a highly dignified manner. We follow and teach our children also to follow the same for a peaceful and happy life. In the initial stages, the worship gives discipline first and step by step the best character. Shukashna Moorthy to be worshiped by all the members of family and specifically the ladies engaged in domestic routines and all those who are awaiting for their carrier in education, profession and business. The Name Shukashna is a combined meaning of shukam and aashana. Shukam means pleasure. Aasana means chair. This indicates circumstance of comfort with happiness. Aashana is involved for firm and right status of sitting. This will also relate to one’s profession and business. To be steady and to have a positive development, the devotees shall have the practice to make separate prayer for Shukashana Moorthy. At a glance we can observe from this idol, which gives a lot of peace and nobility. The people in the rank of head of the department, elders in family, presidents of associations, captains, principals and political leaders should devote time to pray this deity regularly. The result will be with peace and satisfaction in

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their routine of work. ANANTHA THANDAVA MOORTHY This is one of the dancing states of Lord Shiva. At the time of the creation of this universe, Lord Brahma created the creatures and all kind of beings on this universe. Then the Lord Brahma wanted Lord Shiva to give the phonetics, languages and their sounds. Then He started his dance. This is called as “cosmic dance”. He is having four hands. The first right hand is the blessing hand. The second right hand is adorned with the small musical drum which is called as “damarukam” or “udukkai”. The second left is perpendicular to the first right hand with the palm facing his left foot. He stand on one leg and lift the other leg with magnificent appearance. Those who pray Lord Shiva will the blessed with happiness. This posture indicates Lord Shiva is influencing the time, earth sky and space. Just imagine where a stage for her dance could be arranged. All over the shy and space the marvelous way of dances (Thandavam) He perform and create the sound, music, languages and ragas (tunes). This image is mainly for proper worship to the people of education and arts. AALINGANA CHANDRASEKARA MOORTHY. Aalingana gives the meaning of welcoming guests and also when they depart. This traditional act is observed as a mark of respect and gratitude. This connects to love and affection also. Chandrasekara Moorthy with all his grace and deep love appears here with his sweet heart Uma Devi. The devotees are blessed with comprehensive possession of boons from this divinely appearance. When we worship Chandrasekara, our needs such as peaceful life with wife and family will be the awards of the prayer. The practical example for the boon is the Moon, also called as Chandra. Even though he had 27 wives, he showed his love and affection to only two of them. They are Krithika and Rohini. So, his father-in-law got angry with him and cursed him. Due the curse, the charming beauty and health of the Moon began to reduce. He prayed Lord Shiva and got asylum on the head of Lord Shiva. So, in a month the moon will be diminishing for 14days and the boon of Lord Shiva will be giving power to regain strength in the next 14 days. That why the waxing and vanning of the moon occur in zodiac. People who are in need of healthy and happy life should pray this lord. As according to Swamiji Sri Sri Selvam Siddhar, one should understand what we do and then only we will get the full result out of the affair. Thatswhy we give the writeups about the various shapes of Lord Shiva in the form of Rudra. Please understand this and worship Lord Shiva and come out of all your troubles. - Ms Azahu Vairavan Director: Alagappa University & Group institutions, India. Director: Hindu Temple of Georgia, USA.

“God is the indwelling and not the transient cause of all things.” - Sri Selvam Siddhar

Post Modernism, Hindu Nationalism and


he mixing up of the mythos of the Vedas with the logos of science must be of great concern not just to the scientific community, but also to the religious people, for it is a distortion of both science and spirituality.

Enlightenment, which is taken to be the core of modernism. Of course, there is no simple characterisation of the Enlightenment any more than there is of postmodernism. A rough and ready portrayal might go like this: Enlightenment is a general attitude fostered in the 17th and 18th cent u r ies on the heels of the Scientific Revolution; it aims to replace superstition and authority of traditions and established religions with critical reason represented, above all, by the growth of modern science. The Enlightenment project was based upon a hope that improvement in secular scientific knowledge will lead to an improvement of the human condition, not just materially but also ethically and culturally.

” e c n e i c s c i d e V “

THERE are two kinds of claims that feed the notion that the “Vedas are books of science”. The first kind declared the entire Vedic corpus as converging with modern science, while the second concentrates on defending such esoteric practices as astrology, vastu, Ayurveda, transcendental meditation and so on as scientific within the Vedic paradigm. The first stream seeks to establish likeness, connections and convergences between radically opposed ideas (guna theory and atomic particles, for example). This stream does not relativise science: it simply grabs whatever theory of physics or biology may be popular with Western scientists at any given time, and claims that Hindu ideas are “like that”, or “mean the same” and

“therefore” are perfectly modern and rational. The second stream is far more radical, as it defends this “method” of drawing likenesses and correspondences between unlike entities as perfectly rational and “scientific” within the nondualistic Vedic worldview.

While the Enlightenment spirit flourished primarily in Europe and North America, intellectual movements in India, China, Japan, Latin America, Egypt and other parts of West Asia were also

The second stream, in other words, relativises scientific method to dominant religious worldviews: it holds that the Hindu style of thinking by analogies and correspondences “directly revealed to the mind’s eye” is as scientific within the “holistic” worldview of Vedic Hinduism, as the analytical and experimental methodology of modern science is to the “reductionist” worldview of Semitic religions. The relativist defence of eclecticism as a legitimate scientific method not only provides a cover for the first stream, it also provides a generic defence of such emerging “alternative sciences” as “Vedic physics” and “Vedic creationism”, as well as defending such pseudo-sciences as Vedic astrology, palmistry, TM (transcendental meditation) and new-age Ayurveda (Deepak Chopra style). In what follows, I will examine how postmodernist and social constructivist critiques of science have lent support to both streams of Vedas-as-science literature. But first, I must clarify what I mean by postmodernism. Postmodernism is a mood, a disposition. The chief characteristic of the postmodernist disposition is that it is opposed to the

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“Faith is believing something you know ain’t true.” - Sri Selvam Siddhar

influenced by it. However, the combined weight of colonialism and cultural nationalism thwarted the Enlightenment spirit in non-Western societies. Postmodernists are disillusioned with this triumphalist view of science dispelling ignorance and making the world a better place.Their despair leads them to question the possibility of progress toward some universal truth that everyone, everywhere must accept. Against the Enlightenment’s faith in such universal “meta-narratives” advancing to truth, postmodernists prefer local traditions which are not entirely led by rational and instrumental criteria but make room for the sacred, the non-instrumental and even the irrational. Social constructivist theories of science nicely complement postmodernists’ angst against science. There are many schools of social constructivism, including the “strong programme” of the Edinburgh (Scotland) school, and the “actor network” programme associated with a school in Paris, France. The many convoluted and abstruse arguments of these programmes do not concern us here. Basically, these programmes assert that modern science, which we take to be moving closer to objective truth about nature, is actually just one culture-bound way to look at nature: no better or worse than all other sciences of other cultures. Not just the agenda, but the content of all knowledge is socially constructed: the supposed “facts” of modern science are “Western” constructions, reflecting dominant interests and cultural biases of Western societies. Following this logic, Indian critics of science, especially those

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led by the neo-Gandhians such as Ashis Nandy and Vandana Shiva, have argued for developing local science which is grounded in the civilisational ethos of India. Other well-known public intellectuals, including such stalwarts as Rajni Kothari, Veena Das, Claude Alvares and Shiv Vishwanathan, have thrown their considerable weight behind this civilisational view of knowledge. This perspective also has numerous sympathisers among “patriotic science” and the environmentalist and feminist movements. A defence of local knowledges against rationalisation and secularisation also underlies the fashionable theories of post-colonialism and subaltern studies, which have found a worldwide following through the writings of Partha Chatterjee, Gayatri Spivak, Homi Bhabha, Dipesh Chakrabarty and others. All these intellectuals and movements mentioned here have their roots in movements for social justice, environmental protection and women’s rights - all traditional left-wing causes. Social constructivist and postmodernist attacks on science have proven to be a blessing for all religious zealots, in all major faiths, as they no longer feel compelled to revise their metaphysics in the light of progress in our understanding of nature in relevant fields. But Hinduism displays a special resonance with the relativistic and holistic thought that finds favour among postmodernists. In the rest of this two-part paper, I will examine the general overlap between Hindu apologetics and postmodernist view of hybridity (part I) and alternative sciences (part II).

“The truths of religion are never so well understood as by those who have lost their power of reasoning.”

use of physical force. Hinduism, in contrast, absorbs the alien Other by proclaiming its doctrines to be only “different names for the One Truth” contained in Hinduism’s own Perennial Wisdom. The teachings of the outsider, the dissenter or the innovator are simply declared to be merely nominally different, a minor and inferior variation of the absolute and Universal Truth known to Vedic Hindus from time immemorial. Christianity and Islam at least acknowledge the radical otherness and difference of other faiths, even as they attempt to convert them, even at the cost of great violence and mayhem. Hinduism refuses to grant other faiths their distinctiveness and difference, even as it proclaims its great “tolerance”. Hinduism’s “tolerance” is a mere disguise for its narcissistic obsession with its own greatness. Whereas classical Hinduism limited this passive-aggressive form of conquest to matters of religious doctrine, neo-Hindu intellectuals have extended this mode of conquest to secular knowledge of modern science as well. The tradition of claiming modern science as “just another name” for the spiritual truths of the Vedas started with the Bengal Renaissance. The contemporary Hindu propagandists are inheritors of the 19th century neo-Hindu nationalists who started the tradition of dressing up the spirit-centered metaphysics of orthodox Hinduism in modern scientific clothes. The neo-Hindu intellectuals, in turn, were (consciously or unconsciously) displaying the well-known penchant of generations of Sanskrit pundits for drawing resemblances and correspondences between religious rituals, forces of nature and human destiny.

The contemporary Hindutva follows in the footsteps of this tradition. The Vedic science movement began in 1893 when Swami Vivekananda (1863-1902) addressed the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago. In that famous address, he sought to present Hinduism not just as a fulfilment of all other religions,

Postmodernist theories of knowledge have rehabilitated this “method” of drawing equivalences between different and contradictory worldviews and allowing them to “hybridise” across traditions. The postmodernist consensus is that since truth about the real world as-it-is cannot be known, all knowledge systems are equivalent to each other in being social constructions. Because they are all equally arbitrary, and none any more objective than other, they can be mixed and matched in order to serve the needs of human beings to live well in their own cultural universes. From the postmodern perspective, the VHP justification of the guna theory in terms of atomic physics is not anything to worry about: it is merely an example of “hybridity” between two different culturally constructed ways of seeing, a fusion between East and West, tradition and modernity. Indeed, by postmodernist standards, it is not this hybridity that we should worry about, but rather we should oppose the “positivist” and “modernist” hubris that demands that non-Western cultures should give up, or alter, elements of their inherited cosmologies in the light of the growth of knowledge in natural sciences. Let us see how this view of hybridity meshes in with the Hindutva construction of Vedic science. It is a well-known fact that Hinduism uses its eclectic mantra “Truth is one, the wise call it by different names” - as an instrument for self-aggrandisement. Abrahamic religions go about converting the other through persuasion and through the

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but also as a fulfilment of all of science. Vivekananda claimed that only the spiritual monism of Advaita Vedanta could fulfil the ultimate goal of natural science, which he saw as the search for the ultimate source of the energy that creates and sustains the world. Vivekananda was followed by another Bengali nationalistturned-spiritualist, Sri Aurobindo (1872-1950). Aurobindo proposed a divine theory of evolution that treats evolution as then adventures of the World-Spirit finding its own fulfilment through progressively higher levels of consciousness, from matter to man to the yet-to-come harmonious “supermind” of a socialistic collective. Newer theories of Vedic creationism, which propose to replace Darwinian evolution with “devolution” from the original one-ness with Brahman, are now being proposed with utmost seriousness by the Hare Krishnas who, for all their scandals and idiosyncrasies, remain faithful to the spirit of Vaishnava Hinduism. Vivekananda and Aurobindo lit the spark that has continued to fire the nationalist imagination, right to the present time. The Neo-Hindu literature of the 19th and early 20th centuries, especially the writings of Dayanand Saraswati, S. Radhakrishnan and the many followers of Vivekananda, is replete with celebration of Hinduism as a “scientific” religion. Even

secularists like Jawaharlal Nehru remained captive of this idea that the original teachings of Vedic Hinduism were consonant with modern science, but only corrupted later by the gradual deposits of superstition. Countless gurus and swamis began to teach that the Vedas are simply “another name for science” and that all of science only affirms what the Vedas have taught. This scientistic version of Hinduism has found its way to the West through the numerous ashrams and yoga retreats set up, most prominently, by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and his many clones. ALL these numerous celebrations of “Vedas as science” follow a similar intellectual strategy of finding analogies and equivalences. All invoke extremely speculative theories from modern cosmology, quantum mechanics, vitalistic theories of biology and parapsychology, and other fringe sciences. They read back these sciences into Sanskrit texts chosen at will, and their meaning decided by the whim of the interpreter, and claim that the entities and processes mentioned in Sanskrit texts are “like”, “the same thing as”, or “another word for” the ideas expressed in modern cosmology, quantum physics or biology. Thus there is a bit of a Brahman here and a bit of quantum mechanics there, the two treated as interchangeable; there are references to “energy”, a scientific term with a definite mathematical formulation in physics, which gets to mean “consciousness”; references to Newton’s laws of action and reaction are made to stand for the laws of karma and reincarnation; completely discredited “evidence” from parapsychology and “secret life of plants” are upheld as proofs of the presence of different degrees of soul in all matter; “evolution” is taught as the self-manifestation of Brahman and so on. The terms are scientific, but the content is religious. There is no regard for consistency either of scientific concepts, or of religious ideas. Both wholes are broken apart, random connections and correspondences are established and with great smugness, the two modes of knowing are declared to be equivalent, and even inter-changeable. The only driving force, the only idea that gives this whole mish-mash any coherence, is the great anxiety to preserve and protect Hinduism from a rational critique and demystification. Vedic science is motivated by cultural chauvinism, pure and simple. What does all this have to do with postmodernism, one may legitimately ask. Neo-Hinduism, after all, has a history dating back at least two centuries, and the analogical logic on which claims of Vedic science are based goes back to times immemorial. Neo-Hinduism did not start with postmodernism, obviously. And neither does Hindutva share the postmodernist urgency to “overcome” and “go beyond” the modernist fascination with progress and development. Far from it. Neo-Hinduism and Hindutva are reactionary

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cultural construct of the West as other sciences are of their own cultures. This view of science is derived from a variety of American and European philosophies of science, associated mostly with such well-known philosophers as Thomas Kuhn, Paul Feyerabend, W.O Quine, Ludwig Wittgenstein and Michel Foucault. This view of science has been gaining popularity among Indian scholars of science since the infamous “scientific temper” debates in early 1980s when Ashis Nandy, Vandana Shiva and their sympathisers came out in defence of local knowledges and traditions, including astrology, goddess worship as cure for small-pox, taboos against menstruation and (later on) even sati. Over the next two decades, it became a general practice in Indian scholarly writing to treat modern science as just one way to adjudicate belief, no different from any other tradition of sorting out truth from mere group belief. Rationalism became a dirty word and Enlightenment became a stand-in for “epistemic violence” of colonialism. modernist movements, intent on harnessing a mindless and even dangerous technological modernisation for the advancement of a traditionalist, deeply anti-secular and illiberal social agenda. Nevertheless, they share a postmodernist philosophy of science that celebrates the kind of contradictory mish-mash of science, spirituality, mysticism and pure superstition that that passes as “Vedic science”. For those modernists who share the Enlightenment’s hope for overcoming ignorance and superstition, the value of modern science lies in its objectivity and universality. Modernists see modern science as having developed a critical tradition that insists upon subjecting our hypotheses about nature to the strictest, most demanding empirical tests and rigorously rejecting those hypotheses whose predictions fail to be verified. For the modernist, the success of science in explaining the workings of nature mean that sciences in other cultures have a rational obligation to revise their standards of what kind of evidence is admissible as science, what kind of logic is reasonable, and how to distinguish justified knowledge from mere beliefs. For the

According to those who subscribe to this relativist philosophy, the cross-cultural encounter between modern science and traditional sciences is not a confrontation between more and less objective knowledge, respectively. Rather it is a confrontation between two different cultural ways of seeing the world, neither of which can claim to represent reality-in-itself. Indeed, many radical feminists and post-colonial critics go even further: they see modern science as having lost its way and turned into a power of oppression and exploitation. They want non-Western people

modernists, furthermore, modern science has provided a way to explain the workings of nature without any need to bring in supernatural and untestable causes such as a creator God, or an immanent Spirit. For a postmodernist, however, this modernist faith in science is only a sign of Eurocentrism and cultural imperialism. For a postmodernist, other cultures are under no rational obligation to revise their cosmologies, or adopt new procedures for ascertaining facts to bring them in accord with modern science. Far from producing a uniquely objective and universally valid account of nature, the “facts” of modern science are only one among many other ways of constructing other “facts” about nature, which are equally valid for other cultures. Nature-initself cannot be known without imposing classifications and meaning on it which are derived from cultural metaphors and models. All ways of seeing nature are at par because all are equally culture-bound. Modern science has no special claims to truth and to our convictions, for it is as much of a

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“Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.” - Sri Selvam Siddhar

of “critical traditionalism” propounded by Ashis Nandy and Bhiku Parekh in India and by the numerous admirers of Homi Bhabha’s obscure writings on “hybridity” abroad. In the West, this view has found great favour among feminists, notably Sandra Harding and Donna Haraway, and among anthropologists of science including Bruno Latour, David Hess and their followers.

i t holistic

not just to resist science but to reform by confronting it with their traditional sciences.

What happens when traditional cultures do need to adopt at least some elements of modern knowledge? In such cases, postmodernists recommend exactly the kind of “hybridity” as we have seen in the case of Vedic sciences in which, for example, subatomic particles are interpreted as referring to gunas, or where quantum energy is interpreted to be the “same as” shakti, or where karma is interpreted to be a determinant of biology in a “similar manner” as the genetic code and so on. On the postmodern account, there is nothing irrational or unscientific about this “method” of drawing equivalences and correspondences between entirely unlike entities and ideas, even when there may be serious contradictions between the two. On this account, all science is based upon metaphors and analogies that reinforce dominant cultures and social power, and all “facts” of nature are really interpretations of nature through the lens of dominant culture. It is perfectly rational, on this account, for Hindu nationalists to want to reinterpret the “facts” of modern science by drawing analogies with the dominant cultural models supplied by Hinduism. Because no system of knowledge can claim to know reality as it really is, because our best confirmed science is ultimately a cultural construct, all cultures are free to pick and choose and mix various “facts”, as long as they do not disrupt their own time-honoured worldviews. This view of reinterpretation of “Western” science to fit into the traditionsanctioned, local knowledges of “the people” has been advocated by theories

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To conclude, one finds a convergence between the fashionable left’s position with the religious right’s position on the science question. The extreme scepticism of postmodern intellectuals toward modern science has landed them in a position where they cannot, if they are to remain true to their beliefs, criticise Hindutva’s eclectic take-over of modern science for the glory of the Vedic tradition.

Ms. Meera Meera is the author of Prophets Facing Backward

The Significance of Pradosham


t the time of taking the nectar from the milk ocean, a lot of things came out from the ocean. First a white elephant came. Lord Indra took it. The next came is Sri Maha Lakshmi. Lord Mahavishnu took her. The thing that came next was the worst poison named Aalakala Visham. Even if it is smelt it will kill the person. Nobody wanted to take the poison. So, all the divine powers went to Lord Shiva to protect them. Lord Shiva took the poison and swallowed it. On seeing this, Lord Shiva’s wife Parvathy put her hands across the throat of Lord Shiva and stopped the poison from entering inside the body of Lord Shiva. On seeing this all the divine powers were stunned. Lord Shiva started dancing in front of all the divine powers. As per the prayers of all the divine powers Lord Shiva gave a boon to all as, “I will shower all kinds of wealth and health to all those who perform poojas and prayers to me on this day”. According to the words of Lord Shiva, if we pour a drop of water and offer one leaf named “Vilvam” it grows in the multiples of “n”.

“Kanakabishegam” (pouring gold coins) for Lord Shiva. There are different types of Shiva Lingas. Emerald Linga is the first in the list. By performing kanakabishegam to the Emerald linga, we can have a very good wealth. The Pradosha Pooja dates for the month of September are 09-08-2007 Saturday and 09-24-2007 Monday. Please mark your calendars and plan on attending this auspicious event and participate in abishegams to receive the blessing of Lord shiva. Sponsors & Donations Welcome

Contributed by Pundit L. V. Sharma

As we all need health and wealth, our Hindu Temple of Georgia has made very elaborate arrangements for the Pradosha pooja at our Temple every two weeks tentatively (Please check the Temple calendar for the exact Pradosha pooja days). The Pradosha Poojas are normally performed in the temples without performing homam. But in our Temple the poojas are performed with homam by very well learned Sivacharyas. The biggest Emerald Linga of USA is kept in our temple. Normally the devotees are not allowed to perform poojas to Lord Shiva in the temples. But in our temple the devotees can perform milk abishegam (pouring of milk), jala abishegam (pouring water) and

Pradosham 09-08-2007 Saturday and 09-24-2007 Monday.

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Adithya Hrudaya Sthothram


eaning of adithya hrudayam : the purusha which is in the innermost part of the soorya mandala.” Please see “ ya yeshontharadithye hiranmaya: purushodrusyathe “ etc.. Before we chant this sthothra with devotion every day , we must chant* agasthya bhagavaan as rushi, anushtup as chandus and brahma as devatha. And use it for warding off all obstacles to attain brahma vidhya and to succeed in all our attempts, “ shadanga nyaasa “ is performed by chanting bhoorbhuvasva: with pranavaand using the three words of gayathri. “ Jayathu jayathu suryam sapthalokaika dipam kirana shamitha papam kleshadu:khasya nasham arunanigama gamyamchadimadithyamurthim sakala bhuvana vandyam bhaskaram tham namami” is the dhyana sloka. This sthothra comes in the 107th chapter of sri. Vaathmiki ramayanam “yuddha kaanda: as taught by the sage agasthya, to sri rama before he went to wage war against ravana who was tired in war, 1. “ Thatho yudhha parishrandam samare chindaya sthhitham Ravanam chagratho drushtwa yudhhaya samupasthhitham 2. Daivathaischa samagamya drashtumabhyagatho ranam Upagamyabravidramamagastho bhagavanrishi:” Meaning * sage agasthya who went along with devaas to see sree raama , who was tiredwaging war with raavana due to war preparedness and was standing with “chintha”(thoughyfulnes s) , told sri rama thus :3. “ Rama rama mahabaho shrunu guhyam sanathanam Yena sarvanareen vathsa samare vijayishyasi 4. Adithyahrudayam punyam sarvashathruvinashanam Jayavaham japennithyam akshyyam paramam shivam 5. Sarvamangalamangalyam sarvapaapapranashanam Chinthashokaprashamanam ayurvardhanamuththamam” Meaning : hey vatssa (hey dear) rama who is lokabhirama, having great and robust shoulders and hands with strength , please listen to my words by which you can win war against all enemies . The secret that adithya hrudaya sthohram is sacred . And which remains from time immemorial and which endows success in all attempts, and sanathana ( Continues to be endless ) and which is auspicious and which

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gives all the best in life and which eradicates all papas (sins), and which removes all worries and sorrows , and which gives dirghayus ( long life ) and which is most sacred among all the manthras should be chanted nithyam (daily or always ) with devotion. -2G i have seen another version of this meaning that lord rama was tired of waging war with ravana and was thoughtfully gazing the war field. If read chapter 106 of yuddha kandha then we will come to know that ravana was tired. G some are of the opinion that instead., Anganyaasa and karannyaasa can be performed by chanting pranavam and karannayasa by chanting the 6 names of adithya as given in the 6 th stanza as om rashmimathe nama:angushtaabhyaam nama; etc. 6. “ Rashmimantham samudyantham devasura namaskritham Pujayaswa vivaswantham bhaskaram bhuvaneshwaram “ You perform pooja to this adithya deva who rises with rays and who is prostrated or worshipped by devas and asuras equally and who is the responsible to lighten up and who is the lord of loka (bhuvana). 7. “ Sarwa devathmako hyesha thejaswi rashmibhavana Esha devasuraganan lokan pathi gabhasthibhi” This lord adithya is the same who is the embodiment of all devas (esha hi sarva devathmaka) , and enlightens all and who is responsible to provide rays (rashmibhavana) it is this lord adithya who protects by his rays (gabasthibhi) all devas and asuras, and all the worlds (lokan). 8. “Esha brahmacha vishnuscha shiva: skanda prajapathi Mahendro dhanada : kalo yama: somo hyapampathi” It is only this lord adithya , who is the brahma deva , the lord of creations, vishnu deva (lord of protection), lord shiva (lord of destruction), lord subrahmanya (skanda) and lord prajaapathi (the swamy who is the lord of all those souls who have been created. (Prajanam janya vasthunam swami). Again it is this adithya deva who is devendra, kubera ( Dhanada), who is the destructor of the whole of the universe

(kala) , yama (the lord who punishes) i.e. “Yamayathi shikshayathithi yama), soma ( who is the ardha narishwara i.e “ maya prabhaya , uma sarvada sahitha soma : “ and who is the lord of jala ( water ) i.e “apampathi” Note : i have also seen soma being interpreted as lord chandra 9. “ Pitharo vasava: sadhhya hyaschinou mrutho manu Vayurvanhi : prajaprana ruthukartha prabhakara: “ -3It is this lord who bestows light to the worlds who are the “pithrus” ancestors. Ashtavasus ; the yogis who have attained the power to do any thing (sadhyas) Ashwini devas those who have no death ( “ mriyanthe na kada chidithi marutha:”) Manu (who has attained knowledge in all subjects – “sarvanjnhan”. Vayu deva, Lord of fire ( vanhi deva ) and who is the soul (praja prana) of all subjects, and who is the creator of seasons (ruthukartha), and enlightens all (prabhakara means the lord who brings out knowledge in all) 10. “ Adithya savitha surya khaga poosha gabasthiman Suvarnasadrusho bhanurhirnyaretha divakara” 11. This adithi devi’s son adithya is the creator; he is the catalyst who makes us to do our “karma “; he is the person who travels through the sky; he is the god who develops the world with rain (pushnathithi pusha) , he is the lord with rays (gabhasthhiman) . His complexion is like gold; he is the person who gives light (“bhanu”) he is the creator of the golden coloured universe (“hiranyaretha”) ; he is the person who makes day (“divakara”). “Haridashwa: sahasrarchi sapthasapthirmarichiman Thimironmathhana shambhusthwashta marththandaamshuman”.

The word “haridashwa” has many meanings. One meaning is the person who wins all the hearts ( handsome ), another meaning is the person with green horse (haritha = ashwa there are many more meanings. I leave it to the experts in sanskrit to analyse. Sahasrarchi means the god with countless rays although literally sahasra means thousand. Sapthasapthi : means one who has a horse by name saptha. Another meaning is one who has seven horses. Those who have very good knowledge in sanskrit can interpret this with many other meanings. Marichiman means one who has bright rays of light. Thimironmathana means one who destroys “thimira” or darkness. Shambhu means one who endows happy life (“ kshema”) Thwashta means one who is the destroyer. Maarththanda means one who brings back those destroyed. Amshuman means one who has many rays. 12. “Hiranyagarbha: shishrasthapano bhaskaro ravi Agnigarbhe/dither : puthra : shamkha : shishiranashana “ Hiranyagarbha : means one who remains in the middle of the universe; shisira : means one who cools down the mind of

those prostrating before him. Thapana means one who chars those who are enemies of those depending on him. Literal meaning -4“Thapana” is only one who chars by burning others. Bhaskara means one who gives light. Ravi means one who is revered by all “ ruyathe sthuyathe sarvairithi ravi”. Agnigarbha means the one who possesses fire himself during day. “ Diva agnirgarbhe Yasya sa” . Abhithe puthra: means the son of abhithee devi. Shamkha means the one who becomes calm himself after dusk. “ Shamyathi swayameva sayamkale Ithi shamkha `. Shishiranashana : literally means one who removes mist. Here, it means the one who destroys unintelligence ( “manda budhhi” ). 13. “ Vyomanathhasthamobhedi rugyaju:samaparaga: Ghanavrishtirapammithro vindhdhyavithhi plavamgama“ Vyomanathha means the king of sky; thamobhedi means one who kills darkness or one who destroys rahu or one who destroys the thamoguna of his devotees. Rugyajussamaparaga means a scholar who is a master of rug veda, yajur veda and sama veda; ghanavrishti means the one who brings heavy rain; apammithra means the one who is friendly with “ ap “ i.E. Water; vindhyavithhi plavamgama means the one who goes with ease through the difficult terrain like the vindhyas . Note : many interpretations are given by sanskrit pundits for the words “ vindhya veethhi plavamgama `. 14. “ Athapi mandali mruthyu : pimgala: sarvathapana Kavirvishwo mahatheja raktha: sarvabhavodbhava” Athapi means the one which has heat in it. Here we may interpret it as the one who gives sun rays (veyyil). Mandali means the one which is round shaped. Mruthyu means the one who is the destructor of every thing. Another meaning is the one who destructs all enemies. Pimgala : means the one who is golden coloured during rise. Another meaning is the one who makes us to perform our duties. There are many meaning for this word. Sarvathapana means the one who troubles with heat during noon. Another meaning is the one who destructs the whole universe.Kavi: means the one who is proficient in all subjects (sarvanjna). Vishwa: means the one who directs the universe. This word has much more meanings which only a person with very high knowledge in sanskrit can explain. Mahatheja : means the one with great personality (tejas) . Raktha: means the one who likes all creatures. Again, another meaning is the one who is red in colour during rise and set. Sarwabhavothbhava : means the one who is the cause for the wellbeing of all. 15. “ Nakshathragrahatharanamadhipo vishwabhavana : Tejasamapi thejaswi dwadashathman namosthuthe “

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“ Nakshathragrahatharanam means the lunar constellations, planets and other non-lunar constellations; adipa meand the ruler or king; vishwabhawana means the one who protects all the universe; tejasam api tejasvi means the one which is brighter -5Than the brightest; dwadashathman means the one which is the soul of lord indra, lord dhatha, lord bhaga, lord pusha, lord mithra, lord varuna, lord aryamav, Lord archchis, lord vivaswan , lord thwashtwa, lord savitha and lord vishnu. The namah asthu means to thy i salute .

of brahma, vishnu and shiva; suryaya means the one who induces all to work; adithyavarchase means the one who is having the brightness of adithya; bhaswathe means the one who is bright; sarvab Akshaya means, the destructor of all ( universe ); raudraya vapushe means the one who destroys the sufferings or the one who is ferocious during the destruction of the universe; namah: means i prostrate. -6 20. “ Thamognaya himaghnaya shathrughnayamithathmane Krithaghnaghnaya devaya jyothishampathaye namah”

16. “ Namah: purvaya giraye paschimayadraye namah Jyothrgananam pathaye dinadhipathaye namah; “ Thamognaya means the one who removes darkness; himagnaya means the one who removes hima ( cold, mist, snow etc ) ; shathrughnaya means the one who wards off the I pay obeisance to thee ,who has the east mountain as thy enemies of his worshippers; amithathmane means the one who rising place and the western mountain as the setting place and has many attributes or facets; krithagnagnaya means the one swamin of all objects in the horizon and the owner of the day who destroys those who are thankless; devaya means the one time. who shines himself; jyothishampathaye means the one who is the master of the whole universe ( jyothis) namah means i 17. “Jayaya jayabhadraya haryaswaya namoh: namah prostrate before thee. Namo namah :sahasramsho adithyaya namo namah” 21. “ Thapthachamikarabhaya vanhaye viswakarmane Jayaya who is the the brahmadwarapala called “jaya” Namahsthamo/bhinighnaya ruchaye lokasakshine” or by the help of whom the bhakthas win their mundane duties jayabhadraya means the one who gives victory and Thapthachamikarabhyaya means the one who is melted propitiousness haryashwaya means the one who possess green golden coloured; vanhaye means the one who in the guise of coloured horses; namoh: namah: means i pay my obeisance fire carries the oblation or offerings (havis). Vishwakarmane to him. Again i pay my obeisance to him who is sahasramsho means the one who makes the worlds to perform ; thamo/ means the one who possess innumerable types of life or the bhinighnaya means the one who destroys darkness or the one one who possess innumerable rays; adithya means the son of who removes ajnhana Ruchaye means the one who has the adithi. shape of brightness or the one who is liked by all “Rochathe ithi ruchi”. Lokasakshine means trhe witness for all the sins 18. “Namah ugraya viraya sarangaya namoh namoh Namah and goods which we perform; namah: means i prostrate. padmaprabodhaya marththandaya nomoh namah” With this sloka the ashtoththara shatha naamah: (108 Ugraya means the one who is the deadliest enemy of those names of lord soorya) Which starts from rashmimantham who do not worship him and ends with the name lokasaakshine, ends. Viraya means the one who induces all creatures to perform their duties (vividham irayathithi) saramgaya means the 22. “ Nashayathyesha vai bhutham thadeva srujathi prabhuh: one who travels very fast through the skies or the one Payathyesha thapathyesha varshathyesha gabhasththibhih” who is one who is dealt thoroughly through “pranavam” (Esha: vai bhutham nashayathu prabhu) nashayathyesha padmaprabhodhaya means the one who makes lotus flower vai bhutham means ,it is this deva who destroys the worlds to blossom marththandaya means the one who gives life to thadeva srujathi prabhu means thath srujathi eva means it is the dead universe namoh namah: means i prostrate again and he who creates them also; payathyesha means eshapayathi again. means it is also this deva who makes every thing to dry up hapathyesha ( esha thapathi) means It is this deva who makes 19. “ Brahmeshanachyutheshaya sooryayadithyavarchase everyone to burn or it is this deva who makes everyone to Bhaswathe sarvabhakshaya raudraya vapushe namah” suffer; varshathyesha gabhasthibhi ( esha gabhasthibhi: varshathi ) means it is this deva who with his rays make rains to fall. Brahmeshanachyutheshaya means the one who protects brahma, lord shiva and lord vishnu or the god who is the god

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23. “ Esha suptheshu jagarththy bhutheshu parinishtitha: Esha evagnihothram cha phalam chaivagnihothrinam” This deva remains as as invisible and awake in all creatures when they sleep. It is this deva who is the shape of the five indriays which are the five fires (Panchagni) and it is this deva who is the ultimate goal of agnihothris. -7 24. “ Vedascha krathavaschaiva krathunam phalameva cha Yani krithyani lokeshu sarva esha ravi prabhu” It is this soorya bhagavaan who is the embodiment of all vedaas, yaagaas and their results. It is this almighty bhagavaan, who is the embodiment of all the deeds of the worlds. 25. “Enamapathsu krichchreshu kaanthaareshu bhayeshucha Keerththayan prusha: kaschinnavasidathi raghava.” Hei raghava means the one born in raghu kula i.E sree raama, a person who recites with devotion , this adithya hrudaya, remains protected from all accidents, difficulties and fears which threatens him. 26. “ Pujayaswainamekagro devadevam jagathpthim Ethath thrigunitham japthwa tyuddheshu vijayishyasi.” Without anything in mind or without thinking of any one (ekagrachiththan), perform puja to this adithya bhagavan who is the deva of all devas. If you recite this “sthawa” three times you will win the war.

-8The brave rama, after sipping water three times (achamana), cleaning himself, took the bow and stood before the sun god and after chanting (adithya hrudaya), became very happy. 30. “Ravanam prekshya hrushtathma yuddhaya samupa gamath Sarvayathnena mahatha vadhe thasya dhrutho/bhaveth.” Happy and cheerful, sree raama went near raavanaa to wage war against him with a determinant mind to kill him 31. “ Athharaviravadannirikshya ramam Mudithamana: paramam prahrusyamaana Nisicharapathisamkshayam vidithwa Suraganamadhhyagatho vachasthwarethi.” At that time the surya bhagavan in the midst of other devas became very pleased and happy and blessed sree raama with the power to kill raavana and said “start war immediately” Ithyaarshe sreemad raamaayane vaalmeekiye aadi kaavye yuddhakaanddhe sapthoththarashathathama sargha samaaptham - end of 107th chapter.. - Gokul

27. “ Asmin kshane mahaabaaho ravanam thwam vadhishyasi Evamukthwa thadagasthyo jagamacha yathhagatham. “ Hei mahabaho (person with strong forearms) i.e. Sree raama, without any wasteof time, immediately you will kill ravana. Thus advising , agsthya bhagavan went away, like he came. 28.“Ethacchruthwa mahatheja nashtashoko / bhavaththa thada Dharayamasa supritho raghava: prayathathmavan” This is an important sloka wherein it is cleared that it was sree raama who was tired and was full of chintha (thoughts as to how to wage war with ravana and win over him). Hearing these words of sage agasthya, sree rama became “nashta shoka” i.e. Sri rama overcame his grief. Srirama, became happy and started praying by controlling his body and mind (indriyaas). 29.“Adithyam prekshya japthwa thu patam harshamavapthavaan Thrirachamya shuchirbhoothwa dhanuradaya viryavan”

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Namaste, Ji. I looked at the pictures of your temple, and the murthy are beautiful beautiful. The mandir I pray at has a wall with 1008 Shivling and several enormous Shivling on the floor. It is overwhelming to be around such extreme presence of Mahesh. I’m sure to be around your 108 Shiv murthy is at least as much an incredible experience. N Sundar, Dallas ,TX Thanks Swamiji for sending this amazing Siddhi Times magazine personally to hour home. We love reading it and we preserve it every month in our home library.” Siraj Patel ,Houston, TX “To Editor of Siddhi Times, can you include more articles about Yoga and meditation? Wonderful and informative articles. I love reading it. Good Job Siddhi Times!!” Suganya Madan Aurora, IL

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Vastly studied some time wastely burried because the moto was not inclined to get appreciation.- Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

MEDITATION Part- 2 Meditation & Yoga: An ancient discipline


editation is a process that leads to a state of consciousness that brings serenity, clarity and bliss. Without much effort, just be as an audience and witness the mind how it acts. What are the desires that the mind is longing? What are the dreams that the mind enjoys? From the reminiscences, what is the expectation? Without giving a judgment or argument, the watching is noticed. Without coming to any conclusion about good or bad, just continue watching. In a state of watcher, the meditation in a form of witnessing is also one kind of meditation, which can be called as ‘watcher’. Just by sitting and thinking a subject or witnessing in a state of witness, the moment when the mind observes the silence is like a sky. That experience will connect the self to the sense and nerves of one’s lift, which is exposed as a picture. In your heart of heart i.e. in deep mind, a deep silence will occur. It is like a sky, where clouds will come and go, planets like moon will appear and disappear, stars will appear and disappear, but the sky, is stable as it is. No one can touch it or destroy it or even separate it. That is the phrase “such of inner sky”. This is the object of meditation. You have to go in and find the large sky and enjoy the expanded happiness. What ever you happen to look; you cannot be as that of what you have seen. You can find the thoughts but you cannot become as thoughts. You can find your feelings but you cannot become as feelings. You can see the dreams but you will not become as dream. Likewise, you can desire, but you cannot be as desired. You can imagine b u t cannot be converged as imagined. Leaving all sorts of such experiences, you have to step in, and one

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day all of a sudden the wonderful event will occur and what all you have seen will disappear. The future and the induction will be in your vision. That is called prophet of seer. That is the vacuum sky. Through that broad sky, the fear of us will disappear. We can find and observe the love. We can see the God and get the deathlessness. Such kind of meditation comes actually and not a givable object. Meditation cannot be added to you. This can only come to you through a basic transformation. Almost 5000 years back, even in Bhagavat Gita, the meditation is considered as a part of yoga. The vibration in life is set aside by meditation. In Vedas we find the originator of yoga is ‘Hiranyakarpana’. The divine Brahma is the creation of Hiranyakarpana. He has established a religion called ‘Yoga Smiruthi’. Saint Pathanjali has done it as theories with the experimental processes like Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Prathyakara, Tharanai, Thiana and Samathi. Likewise, the eight steps are defined as yoga. Many people think that the third step of the art of yoga (Asana) when read the yoga comes to an end. This is totally wrong. Controlling the actions and controlling the mind are not at all possible for anyone all of a sudden. The human body is practiced to involve in ambitions, desires and passions. This state derives to enjoy the earthly pleasure and settle with worries. So, the human body is the main one to be trained. That is why the “Asana” (physical exercise) becomes important. The Saint Pathanjali, in his writings gives the theory “Stability (Sthira), Happiness (Sugan) and exercise (Asana)”, gives the meaning that the happiness and the stability lie in Asana. The neck, the head, and back, these three to be steady in a straight line and projected perfectly. This posture is most important in Yogasana. What is called “Yoga”? The scattered mind to be controlled and focused to a perfection that is “Yoga”. It is said in 4 stages, which are: 1. Scattered stage. 2. Brisklessness stage. 3. Confused stage. 4. Bringing to perfection-stage. In all of the above, the essential one is the important stage of, united aims to be in perfection. Saint Pathanjali confers “Siddha Viruthi Nirothi Yoga”. This means the knowledge of developed thoughts and its unification. ‘Vidya’ is Sanskrit language and it’s meaning is ‘Art’.

From that art, 1. To frame the body (Asana-Art) 2. To frame the mind (Prathyakara) 3. To frame the thoughts (Thiyuna-art) 4. The physique, mind, knowledge and all together to be brought to a stage and find the soul is called “Samathi”. Let it be any religion or any caste, let it be a male or female, which prevails makes no difference. Whether young or old, no such restrictions apply. Every one can do the ‘Thiyana’. Involving yourself you can become Gnani (A person with wisdom). The physique should have the best health and purity. The “Asana” is the first step where one should keep the body parts clean from his stomach to mouth, also, from the lower portions of stomach and abdomen. By following this habit, the diseases like piles, appendices, hernia, hydrosol, and stomachache will be cured. As we are active, through out the day, the cheeks, stomach, hands, legs, and their flushes are drawn towards earth. To balance this out, at least for a few minutes of the day, let us try to focus our body to be upwards. It will give lot of comfort to body. To do this the practice in “asana” is most important. The mind based on thoughts where the sickness commences and that are why the feelings got the elaborative and results in blood pressure. To avoid all these, one should practice to do ‘asana’.

After practicing all these things the next formalities are to be followed. 1. Purity (Clean, sacred, and faultless) 2.Penance (Constant worship forgetting the atmosphere and surroundings) 3. Theoretical study. 4. Happiness in equalized state. 5. Worship to lord. The above formulas should be stabilized and the asana (posture) should be commenced and the yoga will be regulated. Without the regularity, the art of yoga cannot be materialized in this birth. So many of the have been exploited. When you happen to do this, you are also recognized as persons with wisdom like Sri Shankara, Sir Ramanuja, Sri Viswamithra and Sri Vasista. If the yoga is followed, so many benefits and aims can be achieved.

Padmasana, Sarnanga Asana, Bujan Asana, Yogamudra and Mayura are few of many kinds. Yama explains 1.Ahimsa (No harm to living being) 2. Truth (Not telling lies-speaking the facts only) 3.Thief tendency (Stealing others property) 4. Deathlessness (Immortality) 5.Controling the senses (Control of sex desire and its ejaculations)

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To be kind is good, but there should be a check to access the worthiness. - Sri Selvam “Siddhar”


nformation travels fast, but ideas often move slowly. The assimilation of information leads to knowledge, which may help you win a job or even a career.

But knowledge is not to be confused with education. In the name of education, mushrooming institutions offer job-oriented courses. Education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain and runs riot there, undigested all your life,’’ said Swami Vivekananda. “We must have life-building, man-making, character-making, assimilation of ideas. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you have more education than any man who has got by heart a whole library.’’ Information spread depends on technology, which is at the mercy of obsolescence. Therefore, there is a constant need to update one’s knowledge in any sphere of specialisation. But ideas, travelling slowly, take root. Consider this great idea from Joseph Mazzini’s `The Duties Of Man’. He writes ``My voice may sound too harsh, and I may too severely insist on proclaiming the necessity of virtue and sacrifice; but I know, and you too-untainted by false doctrines and unspoiled by wealth-will soon know also that the sole origin of every Right is in a Duty fulfilled.’’ In a chapter on education, Mazzini writes ``Present directors of education imagine that they have fulfilled their duties towards you when they have opened a certain number of schoolswhere in your children may receive a certain degree of elementary instruction, consisting principally of reading, writing and arithmetic.’’ Mazzini points out that this is merely instruction and not education. However, he says that both are necessary. ``Education addresses itself to the moral faculties; instruction to the intellectual. The first develops in man the knowledge of his duties; the second gives him the capacity of achieving them.’’ Information and ideas may not be directly linked. The role of education in the digital age is to make them compatible. No information overload, but ideas that can take the reins.

Mr. Nirmaldasan

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The soil is wet -How for it could be? When heat comes it is tried. Time factor is there for every thing. - Sri Selvam Siddhar

du f Hin d, o t n wor tude n a s the fore e e b m e fro e has SanHow e, to quot m a a (in r h u k a r r t a n h a Dr. G ell be ld th n in c es years it may w ut this fie t has bee ich reach ras-4hat y n a s d o h e n b m r w at a te chak ,a or ophy ws more special in teaching are six y located d. s o l i o of s rg ph ea ere he kn .” Hi form ught. Th gical ene art, the h m that “ is country ology, a o e o l h h t n fro e ho n th “) psych f Hindu and psyc ragm, th gradatio i e n o anyo a circle m past ical the diaph cates the ensi i phys “ cond me skrit nto the d entres of , such as centre ind f o k y i c w so e tas back bols or f the bod o a hig er ssibl show ho erapy, o o t m p r y s l m s e i th e . t to w is, nt lev rom a lo al reality he almos ntion is in psycho tely the e r e f f f e c n na di hi ed int pt t psyc fortu s and nsitio ttem dest be us A tra matter to oes not a ore mo ed may icine. Un d in word s of m d e d d e gross , wisely, om. His it is foun atic me express uish shad difd e m t e g h s b o i How stern w on whic psychos always to distin d, canno ddit a s n d o e E o u e l t n c o p In a d ing rinci eference cepts can e introdu e same s entical. an p e h r r th rams con tters a t id of t pecial g g o u n o n i d e k n d e e i a s i l r with ment of H nd small words, m lf-love a signs or se e a e s c e i r tho n S h d o m fi L f p n a a s re a r A ’ r e T i the VE by g API How s eas so C ng which SELFLO esented atter thought. from m r i e s mak deas plify mean iate. Thu s are rep s not than sim Eastern i s, Indian a t e e n o d e i d r e s r f n d in porword rathe ehen certa icatio tion grams. t to plain mplicate to compr eir publ or no im a e o n th g by di uppleme agrams c in tryin e from ttach littl e g i s a nea d d m s u i d t o Th n to tha re welc st. To j dge an o i d t n n e fi e e sts ir att who ny aids a f the W n knowl r t the sychiatri a o s e c , p t t r e s a r n e i i e h r d o p ev W e p l y l P d ma tan d, a gy. alue the s iatrists v psycholo ul books ch, indee i f h t a h psyc to chakr ough , from w ’s th tance m Howe f wisdom a o Grah d source e t c gle arn. e can l


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Temple Volunteer Opportunity “Manava Seva Is Madhava Seva”


(Service to Humanity is Service to GOD)

ssociate yourself and your family as a Volunteer, Member, and Trustee of Hindu Temple of Georgia, the 1st and only temple in the world with 108 Shivji (Not Shivlinga or dances of Shiva). Your time and efforts will make a difference in the temple and in yourself !! Thoughts from the growing list of volunteers of YOUR temple, Hindu Temple of Georgia, located in the most convenient, central location of Norcross, GA … “I believe this is the only Hindu Temple with absolutely no group fights, group politics, egos and jealousy. I love volunteering myself along with my family every week. The standards are set very high. Nobody imposes any kinds of fees to be Trustee or a Member. However, people who fame for creating politics will not be engaged” - Madhu Manikandan “I like the concept of oneness in this temple. There is no differentiation of South, North, Jain, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali etc.. I love making new friends and we have lot of fun together. In my opinion, this is the best Hindu temple in the nation” - Anu venkatraman “It is amazing that this temple has the highest servicing Hindu Priests in the American Hindu Temple History. Pundits never take even single penny for their personal use from anyone. Best Service and happy people around all the time. Everybody is welcome here. This is the only Hindu Temple in USA to operate 24/7 to help the devotees all across the world.” - Rangachari “This temple brings a feeling of satisfaction and inner peace in me. This is the only Hindu Temple to celebrate Shiv Pradosh every month with Kanakabishekam, where the devotees are allowed to bath Shivji with pure 24 CT Gold. Also, the biggest Maragatha Lingam is very unique to this temple. Come and join us for this noble task.” - Rohini Mohan

For details about the activities and procedure, CALL today! Chandra @ 678 - 234 - 7182 Viswanatahn @ 678 - 232 - 5999 Hindu Temple of Georgia, 5900 Brook hollow Parkway, Norcross; GA-30071

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Tel: Toll Free@ 1-800-574-3427 / 1-888-232-1818 or Tel @ 770 447 9393 / Fax: 770 447 9392 web: -; E- mail:[email protected]

‘Hope’ of course it is nature which should not mix with greedy and jehousy. “God is not without sins: He created the world.” - Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

A Great Islam Saint


“the Great” is also one of the 99 names of God in Islam. Born in 1398 according to some accounts, Al-Kabir was one of the most interesting personalities in the history of Indian mysticism. Born in or near Benares, there is a mystery about his family background. However, in early life he became a disciple of the celebrated Hindu ascetic, Ramananda, who brought to Northern India the religious revival which Ramanuja, the great twelfth-century reformer of Hinduism had initiated in the South. A Bhakti saint, a contemporary of Guru Nanak Dev, who sang the ideals of seeing all of humanity as one, and also the path of natural oneness with God; some even believe him to be the preceptor of Guru Nanak. His Baani is registered in the holy book of Sikhs Guru Granth Sahib. He was known to be a weaver and later became famed for scorning religious affiliation. His philosophies and ideas of loving devotion to God are expressed in metaphor and language from both the Hindu Vedanta and Bhakti streams using vernacular Hindi. Kabir is also considered one of the early northern India Sants. He was initiated by Ramananda. Kabir is associated with the Sant Mat, a loosely related group of teachers (Sanskrit: Guru) that assumed prominence in the northern part of the Indian sub - cont i nent from about the 13t h

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century. Their teachings are distinguished theologically by inward loving devotion to a divine principle, and socially by egalitarianism opposed to the qualitative distinctions of the Hindu caste hierarchy and to the religious differences between Hindu and Muslim. The Sants were not homogeneous, consisting mostly of these Sants’ presentation of socio-religious attitudes based on bhakti (devotion) as described a thousand years earlier in the Bhagavad Gita. Sharing as few conventions with each other as with the followers of the traditions they challenged, the Sants appear more as a diverse collection of spiritual personalities than a specific religious tradition, although they acknowledged a common spiritual root. The first generation of north Indian Sants, (which included Kabir), appeared in the region of Benares in the mid 15th century. Preceding them were two notable 13th and 14th century figures, Namdev and Ramananda. The latter, a Vaishnava ascetic, initiated Kabir, Raidas, and other Sants, according to tradition. Ramanand’s story is told differently by his lineage of “Ramanandi” monks, by other Sants preceding him, and later by the Sikhs. What is known is that Ramananda accepted students of all castes, a fact that was contested by the orthodox Hindus of that time, and that his students formed the first generation of Sants. Philosophies of Kabirdas The basic religious principles he espouses are simple. According to Kabir, all life is interplay of two spiritual principles. One is the personal soul (Jivatma) and the other is God (Paramatma). It is K a b i r ’ s view that salvation is the process of bringing into union these two divine principles. The social and practical manifestation of Kabir’s philosophy has rung through the ages. It represented a synthesis of Hindu and Muslim concepts. From Hinduism he accepts the concept of reincarnation and the law of Karma.

missionary intention. Kabîr’s songs are of this kind: out-births at once of rapture and of charity. Written in the popular Hindi, not in the literary tongue, they were deliberately addressed—like the vernacular poetry of Jacopone da Todì and Richard Rolle— to the people rather than to the professionally religious class; and all must be struck by the constant employment in them of imagery drawn from the common life, the universal experience. It is by the simplest metaphors, by constant appeals to needs, passions, relations which all men understand--the bridegroom and bride, the guru and disciple, the pilgrim, the farmer, the migrant bird--that he drives home his intense conviction of the reality of the soul’s intercourse with the Transcendent. There are in his universe no fences between the “natural” and “supernatural” worlds; everything is a part of the creative Play of God, and therefore--even in its humblest details—capable of revealing the Player’s mind.”

From Islam he takes the affirmation of the single god and the rejection of caste system and idolatry. Not only has Kabir influenced Muslims and Hindus but he is one of the major inspirations behind Sikhism as well. His greatest work is the Bijak (that is, the Seedling), an idea of the fundamental one. This collection of poems demonstrates Kabir’s own universal view of spirituality. His vocabulary is replete with ideas regarding Brahman and Hindu ideas of karma and reincarnation. His Hindi was a very vernacular, straightforward kind, much like his philosophies. He often advocated leaving aside the Qur’an and Vedas and to simply follow Shahaj path, or the Simple/Natural Way to oneness in God. He believed in the Vedantic concepts of atman and therefore spurned the orthodox Hindu societal caste system and worship of statues, thus showing clear belief in both bhakti and sufi ideas. The major part of Kabir’s work as a Bhagat was collected by the fifth Sikh guru, Guru Arjun Dev, and forms a section of the holy Sikh scripture “Guru Granth Sahib”. According to legendary accounts Kabir and Guru Nanak had met once. While many ideas reign as to who his living influences were, the only Guru of whom he ever spoke was Ramananda, a Vaishnav saint whom Kabir claimed to have taken initiation from in the form of the “Rama” mantra. Kabir’s Poetry “The poetry of mysticism might be defined on the one hand as a temperamental reaction to the vision of Reality: on the other, as a form of prophecy. As it is the special vocation of the mystical consciousness to mediate between two orders, going out in loving adoration towards God and coming home to tell the secrets of Eternity to other men; so the artistic selfexpression of this consciousness has also a double character. It is love-poetry, but love-poetry which is often written with a

His poems resonate with praise for the true guru who reveals the divine through direct experience, and denounced more usual ways of attempting god-union such as chanting, austerities etc. His verses, which being illiterate he never expressed in writing, often began with some strongly worded insult to get the attention of passers-by. Kabir has enjoyed a revival of popularity over the past half century as arguably the most acceptable and understandable of the Indian Saints, with an especial influence over spiritual traditions such as that of Sant Mat and Radha Soami. Prem Rawat (‘Maharaji’) also refers frequently to Kabir’s songs and poems as the embodiment of deep wisdom. O SERVANT, where dost thou seek Me? Lo! I am beside thee. I am neither in temple nor in mosque: I am neither in Kaaba nor in Kailash: Neither am I in rites and ceremonies, nor in Yoga and renunciation. If thou art a true seeker, thou shalt at once see Me: thou shalt meet Me in a moment of time. Kabîr says, “O Sadhu! God is the breath of all breath” Are you looking for me? I am in the next seat. My shoulder is against yours. You will not find me in the stupas, not in Indian shrine rooms, nor in synagogues, nor in cathedrals: not in masses, nor kirtans, not in legs winding around your own neck, nor in eating nothing but vegetables. When you really look for me, you will see me instantly You will find me in the tiniest house of time. Kabir says: Student, tell me, what is God? He is the breath inside the breath. Religious Affinity It is a fruitless endeavor, indeed one that Kabir himself disliked, to classify him as Hindu or Muslim, Sufi or Bhakta. The legends surrounding his lifetime attest to his strong aversion to established religions. From his poems, expressed in homely metaphors and religious

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symbols drawn indifferently from Hindu and Mohammedan belief, it is impossible to say of their author that he was Brâhman or Sûfî, Vedântist or Vaishnavite. He is, as he says himself, “at once the child of Allah and of Râm. In fact, Kabir always insisted on the concept of Koi bole Ram Ram Koi Khudai..., which means that someone may chant the Hindu name of God and someone may chant the Muslim name of God, but God is the one who made the whole world. In Kabir’s wide and rapturous vision of the universe he never loses touch with the common life. His feet are firmly planted upon earth; his lofty and passionate apprehensions are perpetually controlled by the activity of a sane and vigorous intellect, by the alert commonsense so often found in persons of real mystical genius. The constant insistence on simplicity and directness, the hatred of all abstractions and philosophizing, the ruthless criticism of external religion: these are amongst his most marked characteristics. God is the Root whence all manifestations, “material” and “spiritual,” alike proceed; and God is the only need of man--”happiness shall be yours when you come to the Root.” Hence to those who keep their eye on the “one thing needful,” denominations, creeds, ceremonies, the conclusions of philosophy, the disciplines of asceticism, are matters of comparative indifference. They represent merely the different angles from which the soul may approach that simple union with Brahma which is its goal; and are useful only insofar as they contribute to this consummation. So thorough-going is Kabîr’s eclecticism that he seems by turns Vedântist and Vaishnavite, Pantheist and Transcendentalist, Brahmin and Sûfî. In the effort to tell the truth about that ineffable apprehension, so vast and yet so near, which controls his life, he seizes and twines together--

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as he might have woven together contrasting threads upon his loom—symbols and ideas drawn from the most violent and conflicting philosophies and faiths. His birth and death are surrounded by legends. He grew up in a Muslim weaver family, but some say he was really son of a Brahmin widow who was adopted by a childless couple. When he died, his Hindu and Muslim followers started fighting about the last rites. In Maghar, his tomb or Dargah and Samadhi Mandir still stand side by side. Another legend surrounding Kabir is that shortly before death he bathed in both the river Ganges and Karmnasha to wash away both his good deeds and his sins. One popular legend of his death, which is even taught in schools in India (although in more of a moral context than a historical one), says that after his death his Muslim and Hindu devotees were fighting over his proper burial rites. The problem arose, as Muslim customs called for the burial of their dead, whereas Hindus cremated their dead. The scene is depicted as two groups fighting around his coffin one claiming that Kabir was a Hindu, and the other claiming that Kabir was a Muslim. However when they finally open Kabir’s coffin, they find the body is missing, in lieu of which is placed a small book in which the Hindus and Muslims wrote all his sayings that they could remember some even say a bunch of his favorite flowers were placed. The legend goes on to state that the fighting was resolved, and both groups looked upon the miracle as an act of divine intervention. Kabir is revered as Satguru by the Kabirpanthi spiritual group, based in Maghar.

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Bobby Patel’s Son’s Marriage

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Nandani’s News

Mandira Nandani’s int erview with Anandan Sivamani

Interaction with stars on Earth


nandan Sivamani, an Indian percussionist, was born in 1959 Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. This artist is commonly known to the world as Sivamani. He plays many instruments which include mridangam, tabla, maddalam, kanjira, drum and odukku. Sivamani first laid his fingers on the drum at the age of seven and then began his music career at the age of eleven. One of his noteworthy performances was with Zakir Hussein at a fusion concert in Mumbai. He has performed at many tours with A,R, Rahman, which includes Bombay Dreams. Sivamani has given outstanding performances on drums for numerous Bollywood films, which include Rang De Basanti, Taal, Roja, Lagaan, Dil Se, Guru, and Kabul Express. Many know Sivamani for his remarkable contribution in the famous tune, Chaiya Chaiya. Sivamani’s albums are Kaash, Golden Krithis, and Drums On Fire. He has given remarkable performances in many cities across the globe, including Dubai, Moscow, New York, Toronto, and Washington D.C. It was here in Washington D.C., at the last A.R. Rahman concert, where Sivamani stole the hearts of thousands. This concert’s promoter was Vijay Taneja of Financial Mortgage Inc. and Re/Max Summit. I, Mandira Nandani Mehra, had a chance to sit down with Sivamani and have the following conversation: Mandira Nandani (MN): Hello, welcome to Chitrmala. You were absolutely phenomenal out there on stage. Congratulations! How do you feel?

Sivamani (SM): Hello Mandira and everybody. This is a gift that I got from God that I am just sharing with everyone through A.R. Rahman. Every concert has some magic on stage with A.R. Rahman. Every concert has been nice and I love to rock on stage. I love to play! MN: I myself am a musician but not a drummer, so I have to ask you: your set of drums on stage is simply crazy! Tell me the key components of the set. SM: My set is unique, it’s simply global. I collect wherever I go. For example, Africa, China, India – I just collect lots of percussion. Whenever I close my eyes I feel global. If I want to feel like I’m in Africa, I close my eyes and turn to the instrument from there. The framework for the set is custom made and was the gong drums were specially designed for this tour. I am the first Indian to use these drums, designed by Remo – whom I have to thank. I love my instruments and I love to talk to them. It is just like Alankaar, a god decorated with jewels. When I close my eyes I can talk to my instruments as if I were talking to God.

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Sankatahara Chaturthi August 2nd 2007

Mr. Mit Sr, Mr .Tracy Perry & Mr.Brooks

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Pradosham August 10th 2007

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Shailesh Bhai Patel family & Sainathan Family Doing Special Abishekam

Community Night August 19th 2007

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Hindu Temple of Georgia


August 19, 2007


Grand Night of knowledge sharing, thought provoking discussions, cultural events, games, fun & yummy food… The Hindu Temple of Georgia organized its 6th monthly community night in the temple’s grand auditorium. It was held on August 19, 2007 from 5 to 8 pm. It was a grand evening for the community to get together, share their thoughts and ideas, show their talents, and have fun as one community in spite of their multiple cultural backgrounds. The Evening began with an arthi for Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvathi Devi. After receiving the blessings from the Lord, the community night started with the Open Discussion on “Spirituality - How it helps everyone to be more effective in day to day life”. The panel members were Sri Selvam Siddhar “Swamiji”, Mr. Hiresh Patel, Mr. Thakor Patel, Mr. Mani Subramanian and Mr. Chandra Mohan Loganathan. Mr. Mani Subramanian introduced the topic of discussion in the beginning followed by the panelist’s speeches with interactive audience participation. The key points of discussion included the following: n Leading Vedic principles centered life; helps attain the balance of body, mind, and intellect to maximize the inner energy flow to be effective in everything we do in day to day life. n Hiresh Patel shared some of the teachings of the Gnani-

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purush, Ambalal Patel, who is called as “Dadashri” by his followers. He stressed the importance of ridding oneself off of ego. He talked about egoless state, selfless soul, and total surrender to the Lord, unity of body, mind and speech, and the importance of the virtues of humility and patience. n Human attempts to describe God as “satyam - truth”, “anbe shivam – love is God”, “consciousness”, “all wisdom and knowledge”, “all energy”, “sundaram - beauty”, as well as God is within each of us were discussed. n Lord Sri Ramachandraji was recognized as the highest role model of principle centered spiritual living. n Chandra Mohan briefly discussed about spiritual enlightenment and spiritually enlightened community who are people from all walks of life such as doctors, engineers, scientists, business professionals, home makers, students, IT professionals etc. He added to say that all religions converge at

“Patience is the most beautiful prayer.” - Sri Selvam Siddhar

n Leading - after the 5 above, you will be able to lead them to success in their chosen pursuit of life. n Winning - Win with your children in the principle centered Vedic way of life. Most importantly, be a role model to your kids. You as parents are always their first teachers and never forget that. Your attitude towards anything directly reflects on them as well. So, be positive and be optimistic. Also, please keep in mind that you are raising adults not kids. Until the age of 17 or 18 they are with you all the time, but what matters is after they leave you and face the outside world without you – how they take it or react to it? one point and can take you only up to that point. Beyond that, you have to go alone all the way to understand the secret of creation or know the creator (whom you can call as God). He also emphasized that to know beyond what we already know, it not enough just to rely on our five sense organs (eye, nose, mouth, ear, skin) but at least attempt to get the sixth sense (it’s more of intuitive nature rather than logical reasoning). The first step in that process is to bring your body, mind, energy and emotions at the same level through daily and consistent practice of sadhanas (yoga, meditations etc.). It is also 100% possible for every human being to know the unknown. But the unfortunate fact is more than 95% of world’s population are not even aware of that or even if they are aware, not attempting to take the spiritual path. When the question was asked about how to teach such values to the children, it was summarized as a few basic steps n Caring - taking genuine interest in the children n Learning - what their interests are and what they will enjoy as their life pursuit; what their dreams are. n Appreciating - all the things they do well / respecting them for all of their positive accomplishments. n Contributing - Adding value to their efforts. n Verbalizing - Affirm them and make them feel good about themselves. Praise their strengths and sincerely compliment them at every opportunity.

Following the Open Discussion event, the entertainment segment of the community night started with Mrs. Kalyani Ravi’s Bhajan songs. The Bala Vihar children namely Arti, Vishal, Shilpa, and Abhirami sang a group devotional song as the following item. Next, Abhiramii sang a Tamil Song, “Puthiyathor Ulagam Seivom” from the new Tamil movie “Elakkanam”, lyrics by great poet Bharathidasan. Ajay Sai Nathan, a Pre-K student recited Aathichudi written by great poetess Avvaiyaar. Sabarish Sainathan played “Song for a Scarecrow” and “Journey by a Camel” on the Key-Board. Following it, Arvind Ravi played a Tamil Film Song, “Ennai Konjam” from Tamil movie “Kaakka Kaakka” and a Hindi film song, “Dhoom Machale” from movie “Dhoom”. Following that, Mr. Chandra Mohan Loganathan rocked the stage by singing the “Thiruvilaiyadal” Tamil film song from 1960’s, “Onraanavan…” - a song in praise of Lord Shiva, sequencing from 1 to 10; lyrics written by great lyricist Kannadasan and the song sung by great legend K. B. Sundarambal in the movie. The fun filled sports event followed the entertainment segment of the evening program. The kids and adults played musical chair and passing the ball games. In the end, the potluck dinner with several delicious dishes were served in the buffet manner. The success of the community night is a joint effort of many volunteers and the temple staffs. Special thanks go to all the volunteers and all the attendees for making the 6th community night a grand success. All the attendees thanked Swamiji for sponsoring such a great event for the community. Pictures of this event can be seen at temple website URL: ht t p://w w w.h i /Com mu n it y _ %20Night_%20August 19,2007.html. Readers are also encouraged to attend the next Community Night event with family and friends. Please visit the website http://www. for the next community night schedule. - Compiled by - Mani Subramanian - Sainathan Sivasubramanian - CM Loganathan

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Continued from page no :59 MN: Earlier on when I spoken to A.R. Rahman ji and Hari Haran ji they explained that they allot time each day for riaz. As a drummer, what do you do to warm up? What is your riaz? SM: Whoever wants to be a musician has to practice. I used to practice six to eight hours a day. Whether I am in an aircraft or in a car, I practice. Whoever wants to practice the drums needs to follow the beat or the music, whether it’s the radio or the television. You can’t play against the beat, you have to follow the pulse. Actually, my first drum beat was my mother’s heart beat. I follow three gurus of which my father is the first one. I never forget Ustad Zakir Hussein as my inspiration. MN: For every song you are the pulse. As in Hinduism, Natraja holds the drum – that’s the heartbeat. SM: In every concert, I think that Lord Shiva is dancing there. He gives me the energy – through me I can feel the energy that goes to everybody. That’s the trance. MN: In the concert they gave you fifteen or twenty minutes of time as a solo artist. During that time, what’s going on in here (points to heart and mind)? What are you thinking with your eyes closed? SM: I don’t know what happens on stage – it’s some kind of magic. I can’t think of anything else except matching with the pulse. I don’t want to disturb it. In India I have done solo concerts up to two hours. I basically meditate through my concerts.

MN: When was the first time in your life that you knew that this was what you were going to do? SM: That’s a good question. I remember the moment – I was at IIT. I was doing the first fusion show with Gayatri Vena. I am crazy about my guru and the audience started shouting his name. After the concert my father was crying and holding me. I asked him why he was crying. He told me that I was given a gift and I am realizing the dream. I knew at that moment and his blessings are always there even though he is no longer with me. MN: Sorry to hear that, but he’s always with you, in and through your music. I know that we’re running out of time, but do you have any message for any music lovers either in Washington D.C. or throughout the nation? SM: Namaste, A Salaam Walekum to everybody in Washington D.C. I always love to come and perform here. Please take care of your ego, share with everybody, love one another, and keep peace. MN: Thank you for sharing your precious moments with us. Once again, my hats off to you on your superb performance. SM: Thank you for the interview Mandira. You should continue to be a musician and keep on rocking! -Mandira Nandani

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HOW IS SEPTEMBER 2007 FOR YOU These forecasts are based on ‘Janma Rasi’ (birth sign), which is the sign occupied by the Moon when you are born. These predictions are based upon a clear interpretation of movements of transition of planets.

MESHAM (ARIES) Karthigai (Part and Bharani [Ashwini, 1)] The position of Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Ketu indicates that you are having happy life now. As your bank balance increases, financially the second part of the month will be significantly well. Some of you will carry through your gift of the gab. Overall, you will enjoy a good health and you may overcome some minor problems in the first part of the month. As Jupiter aspects to Mars

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and Venus, agriculture lands will give increased produce. Regarding career, this is a period to hope for a position with power. For students, your intelligence will be sharpened and you will study very seriously and conscientiously. eschew should natives Ashwini extravagance. Bharani born natives will get the help of their brothers in times of need. Some of the Karthigai (1) Natives will be blessed with a government job. Visit the temple of Dakshina Moorthy and worship Lord Guru.

RISHABAM (TAURUS) [Karthigai (Part 2, 3, 4), Rohini, Mirugasheeram(Part 1,2) The position of the planets in their respective houses indicates that you should take good care of your health during this month and be extra cautious while driving. Not a favorable period for real estate related matters. At work, allocate your duties and responsibilities to your sub-ordinates appropriately, as this will make improvements in your organization’s growth. Avoid any misunderstanding with your spouse and children. Some of you will

be immensely happy on the arrival of a new baby in the family. There could be some obstacles in the matter of sensual enjoyment. Try to solve bilateral problems mutually and avoid any litigation. Karthigai (2, 3, and 4) Natives are advised to visit Shiva temple on Mondays. Rohini natives should not part with their secrets to strangers. Mirugasheeram (1, 2) natives should avoid going to crowded places to avoid any eye related issues.

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Visit Sani (Saturn) Temple on Saturdays and feed crows. Pray to Lord Hanuman and recite Hanumam Chaleesa daily.

September 2007 uhá gy‹fŸ Rasi Reding

[Mirugasheeram Thiruvathirai, 1,2,3)]

MIDUNA (GEMINI) (Part 3, 4), Punarpoosam(Part

You will be immensely pleased with the financial flow this month. You may have to take extra precaution in health and be cautious with the diseases related to blood impurities, bile or heat during the second part of the month. Agriculture lands will give you increased yields. This is not a favorable period for any real-estate deals. Your ability to work will increase. Happiness will be in abundance as your enemies will be challenged. You will enjoy good food

and avoid any harsh words with your wife and children. Traveling is favorable and you will gain respect in your society. Be polite while talking to your siblings. Mirugasheeram (3, 4) natives can leave a sign of relief as a long standing problem will get solved. Thiruvathirai natives should keep off from games of chance. Punarpoosam (1,2,3) Natives will get a chance to go abroad for higher studies. Pray to Lord Shiva / Dakshina Moorthy and recite Sri Vishnu Sahasranamam.

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KADAGAM (CANCER) [Punarpoosam (Part 4), Poosam, Ayilyam] The position of planets designate that, speculation when done prudently will be favorable to you. Charity work will dominate your expenses column. Export related businesses may be favorable. The natives will feel healthier and it’s advisable to consume Satvik food which helps the mind to keep cool. In real estate matters, first part of the month is favorable for making addition to your landed property. But you should take care of your agriculture produce. Regards to career, you will be able to complete difficult tasks due to your hard work and some of you will get a commanding position. For students, intelligence will get sharpened

[Magam, Pooram, Uttiram (Part 1)]


The positions of the planet in their respective houses indicate that financially this month may not pose any problem. A part of your expenditure will be on various kinds of entertainment. Some of you will buy a vehicle. During the first fortnight drive carefully as exhaustion may trouble you. During the 2nd fort night avoid crowded places and safeguard your health. In real estate matters, second fortnight will be favorable for land and property transactions and some of you will be lucky to get a good house. In career matters, some of you will be blessed with an advisory job. Those who are in service should obey the orders of their superiors. For students, you will do well in your examinations and come out successful with flying colors. Some of you may consider learning an art or more

KANYA (VIRGO) [Uttiram (Part 2,3,4), Hastham, Chitra (Part 1,2)] The positions of planet indicate that you will buy a vehicle and expenses may increase. In health matters, you should take nutritious food in order to overcome weakness and to enhance the resistance power. Care is needed while outdoors. Distance yourself from the bad. In real estate matters, you will consider buying a house or a piece of land. Farmers should be happy that their lands will give higher yield. In career matters, by the grace of Almighty some who had lost their position will regain the same. Those who try for Siddhi Times USA 70

and you will attain success in your efforts. Creative ideas will sparkle in your brain. In personal matters, the planets above will confer on you all kinds of enjoyment. As always, beware of cheats. Long standing problems will get solved in the second fort night. For some of you, wedding bells will ring and foreign travel will be helpful. Health of your wife needs care. Some women natives of the childless will adopt a child. Punarpoosam (4) born natives will get married. Poosam natives should scrutinize the documents very cautiously if they propose to make any deals. Ayilyam born natives will consider buying a house Pray Lord of Saturn and Lord Karthikeya. Give alms to the poor and the needy. Recite Hanumam Chaleesa daily.

so music. In personal matters, you will be blessed with domestic happiness and some of you may be blessed with a baby. Avoid misunderstandings with your near and dear. Take care of your health and you may go on a tire some journey, with enemies around. You may be forced to take up a change of place. But do not sign any surety yet. For women, your husband will leave no stone unturned to make you happy. Magam natives will be happy as they will agree to what their children want. Pooram born natives may earn through music if that interests them. Uttiram born natives can hope to get transfer to places their choice. Recite Aaditya Hridayam daily and visit the temple of Lord Saturn on Saturdays and feed the needy. Recite Hanuman Chaleesa daily and light a ghee lamp before Dakshina Moorthy on Thursdays.

a job will succeed. Regards to personal matters, you will be bestowed with all types of happiness including conjugal happiness. The stars above will ensure safety and protection; some of your efforts will get fulfilled. Change of place is indicated. For women, some of you will be blessed with a son. You will acquire perfumes and other related things. Uttiram (2,3,4) natives are cautioned not to invest huge capital even if any one forces them to do so. Hastham an Chitra (1,2) born natives should be cautious while driving. Pray to Goddess Lakshmi and recite Kanakadhara Stotram, Hanuman Chaleesa and Hridhayam daily. Visit Lord Sani temple and help people.

THULAM (LIBRA) [Chitra (Part 3, 4), Swathi, Visagam (Part 1,2,3)] The planet positions indicate that during the first fortnight, income would be from many directions. Speculation could also bring in some gains; you can consider expansion of your activities. Business loan is not advised as expenses are likely to go up. In health matters, you should be happy that you will enjoy good health. Be cautions as there may be a bodily injury. Agriculture lands will give increased yield. In career matters, some of you will be blessed with a new position with power and prestige. Never antagonize your superiors. In personal matters, your relatives will be happy with you and you will be held high in your circle. However, restrain your unruly speech and do away with any quarrel either with your family members or relatives. You will

have success in litigation; if any is indicated don’t sign any surety. There may be some undesirable travels; charity work will go on smoothly without any impediments. For women, be extra cautious with your work and some of you who are unmarried will get good news in the 2nd fortnight. Chitra (3,4) born natives should be cautious when handling machines or while driving a vehicle. Swathi natives will be lucky to get high class food. Visagam (1,2,3) born natives will be able to recover the amount lent by them. Do pooja for Goddess Lakshmi with lotus flowers. Recite Kanakadhara Sthothram and Shri Vishnu Sahasranamam. Visit Shiva temple on Mondays and offer “bilwa” leaves for pooja.

VIRCHIGAM (SCORPIO) [Visaga(Part 4), Anusham, Kettai)

good month. For romance, some of you will go abroad and marry a girl you love there.

The planets indicate that some of you will buy a vehicle and in health matters, you should avoid going in to crowded places, always remember that we eat to live and not live to eat. Do include green leafy vegetables in your diet and be cautious in your activities. There will be enhanced agricultural produce and normal activities will continue to go on. In career matters, your earning capacity will enhance. Good work always has its rewards. Business will be successful. This is favorable month for students and they will acquire knowledge of various spheres. For women, give much needed support to your husbands. Work on creating peace at home. Be careful while cooking and during other activities.

You will involve yourself in activities like construction of temple, well and charity work. You will spend some time for religious rituals. In case you are entangled in any litigation, you will succeed. Be patient with your spouse and friends. Don’t sign any surety, beware of enemies.

In personal matters, your family and children will be happy. Auspicious functions like marriage take place in your house. You will enjoy domestic happiness. This is a

DHANUR (SAGGITTARIUS) [Moola, Pooradam, Uttiradam (Part 1)] The planet positions indicate that increase in income may be noted and there will be gain through gold ornaments and copper vessels. You may get some money from unexpected sources. In health matters, some minor eye ailments and stomach problems could trouble. You should always watch out what is before you and safeguard yourself. In real estate matters, you can hope for some gain in a transaction relating to a plot of land. In career matters, a challenging task will be posed before you and you will complete it successfully. This will bring in due recognition from your bosses. In personal matters, an auspicious function like marriage will take place in your

Visaga (4) natives should take important decisions only after consulting their well wishers. Anusham natives may hear the good news of the arrival of a child. Kettai natives can hope to get a favorable turn in their career. Visit the temple of Lord Dakshina Moorthy and do pooja with yellow flowers. Donate educational materials for poor children. Visit Thiruchendur and pray God Karthikeya. Also visit Shiva temple on Pradosham days and offer milk for abishekam and bilwa leaves for pooja. Recite “Om Namah Shivaya” at least 32 times.

house, where you will meet your friends and relatives. You will win over your enemy and end of your mental strife may be noted. Change of residence is indicated for some. Litigation if any will end favorably. You will be friend to a great man in your family and children will be happy. Moola natives will hear good news from a distant place. Pooradam born natives will get a comfortable house. Uttiradam (1) natives will be lucky to get married to a girl who owns a house. On Mondays visit the temple of Lord Shiva on pradosham days and offer milk for abhishekam as also ‘bilwa’ leaves for pooja. Recite “OM NAMAH SHIVAYA” at least 32 times daily. Siddhi Times USA 71

MAGARAM (CAPRICORN) [Uttiradam (Part 2,3,4), Thiruvonam, Avittam (Part 1,2)] Financially, this will be a good month. There will be gain from gold and copper items. Loans given by you will be recovered. In health matters, some minor ailments like stomach disorder, fever etc. may nag you. In real estate matters, you will succeed in a house transaction with moderate gains. Agricultural lands will give increased produce. In career matters, you will meet with success in your career. Change of job is indicated for some of you, you will earn a good name in the office in the 2nd fortnight. For student, you will shine during this month more so, those having mathematics and managements as their field of study. For women, some of you will be blessed with a baby. In personal

KUMBHAM (AQUA) [Avittam (Part 3,4), Sadhayam, Poorattathi (Part 1,2,3) The planetary positions indicate that monetary difficulties could arise. Though your income will be same, expenses will increase. In health matters, stomach disorders, fear of poisonous insects and minor injuries could be causes for worry. For students, you should not waste your precious time for trivial entertainments and concentrate well on your studies. In career matters, you have to work hard and sustain the same. In personal matters, you will achieve success in your efforts. You should avoid any quarrel with your near and dear be it

MEENAM (PISCES) [Poorattathi (Part 4), Uthiratathi, Revathi] The planetary positions indicate that financially this month is excellent and there will be an increase in income and bank deposits. Speculation may be favorable and some of you may buy a vehicle. In health matters, avoid over-eating and enjoy a good health for this month. In real estate matters, you will also consider buying a good residential plot. There will be gain from transactions pertaining to houses and agricultural land. For students, you are mentally sharp and you will able to grasp easily and you can possibly develop debating skills. In career matters, a government service is available for some of

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matters, life is a cycle and good and bad come alternatively in first fortnight you may face some adverse happenings like misunderstanding with women in the family, various types of fears, bad friendship, trouble to your spouse, loss of peace at home, change of residence etc. During the 2nd half fears will vanish, enemies will with draw and you will enjoy all types of happiness. Some auspicious function like marriage will take place in your house. You will spend more time in prayers. Uttiradam (2,3,4) native will go abroad. Thiruvonam natives should not reveal their secrets. Avittam (1,2) natives will get married. On Saturdays, visit Lord Sani temple and help the needy people. Recite Hanuman Chaaleesa daily.

your wife, children, relatives or friends. Otherwise you will have to face the consequences. Beware of foes. Avoid any harsh words with the women in the family. Try to understand the feelings of your children objectively. Avittam (3,4) natives should take the blessings of the family deity and the elders before commencing a new activity. Sadhayam natives should avoid giving surety. Poorattathi (1,2) natives may go on a pilgrimage in the last week of the month. On Saturdays visit the Lord Sani temple and help lame and handicapped people. Recite Hanuman Chaleesa daily.

you. In personal matters, you will find sorrows and mental tortures. You will have the good opportunity of meeting a guru, who will guide you about your future. There will be success in your efforts and your enemies will lose. Avoid quarrels with your near and dear. Some of you may plan a pilgrimage. Poorattathi (4) native will buy a vehicle. Uthiratathi natives may take up social work activities and Revathi born natives will acquire dress materials. On Friday, perform Rahu kalam pooja at durga temple with red flowers and recite Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Sthothiram.




va Sel


dh Sid


Ms. Nilima Mehra(Global TV Network)

is Holiness, Sri Sri Selvam “Siddhar” is also known as Dr. Commander Selvam. Many in the US and throughout the globe also know this divine personality as “Swami Ji”. Needless to say, this Swamiji is a great scholar and the only living “Siddhar” (in the U.S.) with the powerful knowledge of Atharva Veda. In all paths and walks of life, Swamiji is known to relieve and resolve all human related problems; may it be

mental, material, stress, etc. Sri Selvam “Siddhar” was initiated by his Guruji – Sri Sri Chinnappa Siddhar (an Atharva Vedic Swamiji from Kerala, India). Besides attending to the world’s demands and needs, Sri Selvam “Siddhar” is also managing Sri Akasthiyar Siddhar Peedam as the 126th Madathipathi. His ashram is in also famous in California. Currently, a massive Hindu Temple (in Atlanta, Georgia) with 108 Shivji is being developed by Swamiji. This Shiva Temple will be the first and the only one of it’s kind in the world. Swamiji is the highest single donor in this globe for a hindu Temple in USA and have contributed a major money for the Hindu Temple of Georgia. On August 26th, 2007, Sri Selvam Siddhar paid a visit to the Sri

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Shiva Vishnu Temple (SSVT) in Lanham, MD. There he was very graciously greeted by the president of SSVT – Mr. Raja Gopal. Thereafter he was given a grand tour of SSVT, where he met various pundits in session. He also was gracious enough to address many attendees. Later that afternoon a gala event hosted for Swamiji was that of a grandeur garland and a shawl around His Holiness. Swamiji then met, along with Mr. Raja Gopal, the other Board members and Trustees of SSVT. After his address to these Committee members Swamiji, along with his three pundits from Hindu Temple of Georgia, were treated to a luncheon that was prepared and served at SSVT.

temples to give a satsung at both of their premises in the near future. Swamiji ended his trip to the Washington Metro Area with private satsungs held in devotees’ homes. The Washington Metro Area looks forward to another visit by His Holiness Sri Sri Selvam “Siddhar” in the near future.

After the departure from SSVT Dr. Commander Selvam then proceeded onto Murugan Temple where he was once again greeted very graciously. Swamiji is invited by both of the

- Photography, Shailendra Singh (Global TV Network)

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For more information about meeting with Swamiji or to organize a Satsang, Seminar, Lecture in Virginia, Maryland, Washington D.C., New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania. please contact@ Toll Free 1.800.574.3427. E-mail: [email protected]. Web:,

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