Siddhi Times-august 2007

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  • Pages: 80
- Publisher - - Hindu Temple of Georgia - Chief Operating Officer - Veeriah Muthukrishnan - Special Sections Editors - - Pundit Sharma - Priya Tybaert - Editor - Madhu manikandan - Photographer - C.T. Kumar - Contributing Writers - Suha - Nilima Mehra - Mandira - Gokuldas Nair

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Editorial “SIDDHI TIMES”




Bhagavath Gita




The Great Indian Masters Kids Arts

19 23

Hariharan Interview


Temple Festivals




Quotations of George Eliot


Vedic Astrology


Bhaktha Kabirdas




Kalidasa Shakuntalam


Student’s Special


A R Rahman Interview


Synopsis of kena upanishad


Lord Shiva in the shape of “Sri Rudra”


Zodiac Connection


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Atlanta’s 1st full Color “National News Paper” for the Spiritual, Health & Nutrition Free magazine in Georgia Submission and Disclaimers: We accept Articles, ‘Photography and Artwork’ which are in line with our mission goal and objectives. We do not endorse any particular program, ad or opinion. We reserve the right to accept or reject or edit any material we receive and we do our best to honor the integrity of the writers and our readership. We simply hope to help our readers achieve success in their lives. SIDDHI TIMES owned by Hindu Temple of Georgia (USPS - 590) published monthly by SIDDHI TIMES 5900, Brookhollow parkway Norcross GA 30071 periodicals postage paid at Norcross GA & Additional Offices. POST MASTERS: Send address changes Siddhi Times, 5900 Brookhollow parkway Norcross GA - 30071. SIDDHI TIMES does not accept any responsibility for products or services advertised. Publisher has the right to deny and advertising at his discretion. web:

Editorial His Holiness

Sri Selvam Siddhar (DR. Commander Selvam)

Om Guruve Namaha! Om Namashivayaa!!


do not have words to express my gratitude to thousands of appreciating phone calls and e-mails. It is beyond our imagination for us Siddhi Times Team, to get this great success within short span of 2 months. Yes, of course I am very successful in my spiritual path, and as rightly said by one of our Temple supporter Ms Nina Gupta, “Swamiji, Your blessings are working very well for you”. I accept it now.

I am really proud of this accomplishment as when we get numerous phone calls from all over USA, asking us to mail a copy of Siddhi Times personally to their home and they are ready to pay any money. Our siddhi Times is published by our great Hindu Temple of Georgia and any of your support financially or in any kinds are welcome. Any one living in Georgia should admit that ours is not a Yellow page book like few magazines are coming with only Ads and no one cares to keep the same with them for reference. However, our 8 out of 10 Siddhi Times readers keep their copy of the magazine and preserve the same. Once you read the contents, any one who is seeking for knowledge in this world will agree to the same. In regards to the temple, the “Balalayam” period is going to end very soon, and after that the main shrine construction will get started. After finishing the new expansion of the mandir, this will be the only Hindu Temple in the Universe with 108 Shivjis, not Shivalingam. Being a human, I too have traveled a hard path in my life. However, with Shankar Bhagawan’s blessings all the miracles are happening. The Hindu Temple of Georgia never had any a kind of financial crunch like most of the Hindu temple in USA has. This is the 1st Hindu temple with 45,000 sq ft in USA, came to operational within just 3 months. The main reason is the pure blessings of Gods, Grahas and Angles which comes with the purity in the mind. That’s why I always say that “You will live according to your thoughts”. Obviously, when any one person is growing, there are some people who do not like it. It happens every where in this world. Being a human, you cannot make every one happy, that’s why I always say that lot of people are unhappy, because they feel some one are happy. Jealousy, Politics and Egos makes any person to feel not so

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good about themselves and others too. The main reason that we never called any one in the USA for donation is purely to avoid politics inside the temple; we still get millions of dollars from the good hearted people all across the world. The residents of Atlanta should agree the growth of our Hindu Temple of Georgia as we are the talk of the Indian Communities and everyone is amazed about the growth as the temple is not even 1 year old, but has set the standards high to all the other temples in USA. I was giving a sat sang yesterday in our Temple and was saying that being Trustee, you should have a trust on your Trust, however it is not happening. One of the real estate broker, formerly a priest in the local temple met with me and told me that the concerned temple is asking $500 as donation for some of the project as a 1st donor, where as the other 10 board members have not put any money, he felt very bad about the same. The reason why I am mentioning is this because Atlanta has lot of rich Indians and lots of them are associated to some temples as Board members or Trustees. Then, why are those organizations suffering financially and sometimes unable to pay the priest wages. That’s what I said in the beginning,”YOU WILL LIVE ACCORDING TO YOUR THOUGHTS”. I never admit someone made lot of money is intelligent and some one who lost money is an idiot. It is all Karma based, however with proper Atharva Vedic Swamiji’s Support, we should be able to make up our various problems comfortable. I have learned the Atharva Veda Thantra in a proper way, so that I could make up the KARMA comfortable. It is a truth that no one could change any ones life. However with the purity in the mind and with good actions, someone should admit their Karma in a comfortable way. As an easy example, when I buy a home for a million with 20% down payment and the bank pays the rest. As soon as I close my Escrow/Contract I say that’s my home, I own and living in a million dollar home. Please come to MY HOME. However 99% of the homes in USA are owned by the financial institutions. We never say that it’s a Bank of America home, Wells Fargo Home etc. When we say it’s my home, literally that’s not our home. Here bank is a make up factor. What I am trying to emphasize is that, always we should be able to resolve our problems in a comfortable way through

Atharva Veda. Our Hindu Temple of Georgia is well versed in the same. One of the devotee asked me a question “Swamiji, do I need to pray to God or believe in God?” The devotee was quite shocked by my answer as I said there is no need to believe in God or pray to God. Then I continued, praying to the God or believing in God is like having a full bumper to bumper insurance. You could drive your car without insurance; (of course that is not legal), you will be alright until the time the cop don’t catch you or you don’t get in to any kinds of accidents. If any one of the above things happens, then all the pain and fine starts. If any accident happened, then the insurance company will take care of the losses, however without insurance we need to take care of the expenses ourselves. What is the idea here is praying to the Gods are like taking an insurance, when we are going to have any kinds of problems because of our Poorva Karma (Past Incarnation Sin), the Godly forces will come and ease the situation. See, even in the accident the insurance company comes in to help only after the accident, and naturally we cannot call the insurance company to pay for the damages before the

accident happen. The same way because of our Poorva Karma, if we are going to have some problems, the Godly forces will help us WHEN THE PROBLEMS ARISES. Although India is a Hindu Country, we have not printed anything about Gods in our Rupee notes, however in the US dollar bills, it is printed as GOD WE TRUST. We are living in a very beautiful country in the world, where you are respected properly as long as you don’t mesh up with something or any one. The law and enforcement is great. Very excellent system of management, that’s why Americans are considered #1 in the world for their management capabilities. Always in anything good, there will be a bad. But it’s always great to have good in a higher proportion. Salute this GREAT USA which is giving us wonders to us and to our children. We are blessed to live in this great USA. Let us pray to our Gods to give all the excellence to the president of this nation and other members of the parliament to long live with their family and children.

Om Shanthi!!!

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Pandit L V Sharma


ndia is the most famous for her culture and respected globally for the same. A lot of saints and monks lived and living at India. A good lot of them also live at foreign countries. Even though they live at foreign countries, they are respected more. The reason for their respect is on two ways. One he is an Indian and the second they live a spiritual life. As discussed in the last issues spirituality is entirely different from the religion. Religion goes only to a certain group of people but spirituality reaches to all. To reach all the love and devotion are the required things. In this issue we will see the spirituality of a few monks. First we will see Sri.Adhishankaracharya. In one of his verse he says as “Janthoonaam Narajanma durlabamatho”, which means it is very hard to get a human birth. As it is very hard to get a human birth, it is our duty to get the full meaning of that human birth. How to give the exact meaning to the human birth? Only by leading a spiritual life we can make our life meaningful. To lead a life of spirituality we need only love and not any religion. The love is mentioned as the gist of life and humanity. In his another verse Sri. Sankaracharya says as even though we come from the dirtiest place (womb of mother), we are beautiful only because

Vol : 4 of the love and affection shown to us by our parents and other circle. If we make our life an exemplary one we can set as a practical example to the entire humanity. I wish to quote some more from the other works of the aforesaid great saint. Once the saint was walking to the river Ganges for having his holy bathe and for performing some religious rites. By that time Lord Shiva appeared before him in the shape of a scavenger. Four dogs followed him. The worst smell from the pot of indigenous alcoholic liquor was also an awesome one. On seeing this, the saint’s followers and the saint asked the scavenger to move away from that path. The scavenger replied, “oh saint you want either me or my athma to move away from here”. Then the saint understood that the man who has come in the shape is

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is the greatest one. It starts as “Kim Gangambhuvi”. I wish to give the meaning of the verse. The moon reflects in the holy river Ganges, and the same reflects in the small water pond of the slum, Either the moon or the Sun never see difference between the holy and ugly. They see only the human being and humanity. Like that we should never see any difference between the people. We have to see all in an equal humanitarian base only. The great saint considered the scavenger as his Guru and he bowed him. As the verse speaks of higher quality humanity it is called as “maneesha”. In the language Tamil and Sanskrit the word “Manishan” means “the man of higher qualities”.

a man of higher spiritually qualified man. He immediately wrote five verses named as “maneesha panchagam”. Even though the complete verses speak a lot about spirituality, the first sentence

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Baja Govindam, He quotes a lot about spirituality. I wish to quote only one verse starts as “Nahi nahi rakshathi Drukilinkarane”. The meaning of this verse is “no grammar or the education will help a human being to lead a holy life. But only by leading a spiritual life one can be the leader of the entire human race. By strictly adopting the procedures to develop the spirituality in all our minds we all can lead the highest quality of spiritual life. By leading a spiritual life the entire human race will be happy. Once again I thank Sri Swamiji for giving me an opportunity to share my ideas with you all. I pray the Almighty to make us meet again through the next issue. Om Shanthi ! Om Shanthi ! Om Shanthi !

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? Doubts

Some thing new experience! Put a screen and access the depth which will guide the mind to filter the good. - Sri Selvam “Siddhar”



evotees with stable mind worship the Lord with pure devotion and meditation and the other kind of devotees do their worships, which are a part from observation of five senses so shall I know! Which one deemed as better kind of realization? This was the doubt of Sri Arjuna! Lord Sri Krishna answered him.

“The whole hearted by duty-consciousness and the steady minded of the worshipping practice is one of the ways needed for meditation and those who follow these norms are considered as the well acquainted meditators. Even then, balanced mind in all the stages is needed. Senses are habitual slaves which should be kept aside. To be in a search of the great thing that is unexplainable by words, even the eyes could not scale it by vision, the domain that is not reachable by thought that has no change-that is unshakable. But it is existing every where, in an established firmness which is un-destroyable. Those who are desirous with bodily attachments, it would be very difficult to come in to the circle of pure meditation. For those who are with earthly clutches and if they surrender themselves with all the duties and responsibilities with the God, and ensure the entire devotion with him only; then they are released soon from the ocean of rebirths which are annexed with deaths. This deed is possible when they set apart everything and confidently establish the purity with God. This devotion is set to reach the shore of grace of god. The mind and the knowledge should be concentrated and centralized with determination of reaching the goal. This will be undoubtedly coupled with goal. If the concentration vibrates, then try through practical meditation. People with over- anguish and strong desire are committed to all big offences. If they are admitted to govern, the justice will vanish. For the sake of a country, a city shall be

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sacrificed; for the sake of a city, a village shall be sacrificed, for the sake of a village, a family shall be sacrificed. The scholars do not have the feeling of wail about those who were dead and the geniuses do not feel grief about those who are living the lives with unworthiness. The people with the knowledge have attachment towards duties. Those who have no knowledge do not have attachment towards duties. A person who does not have attachment, towards anything gets freedom from worldly affairs. That person has got stability in wisdom. That person performs duty with devotion. That duty may also slip down a person who does not celebrate victory, that person does not feel sad about defeat. That kind of person does not get confusion and gets fixed to strong-will. Mind gets attracted due to the attentions of beauty of natural things in the external world. Thought and imagination appear because of soul

Needs will be much and more; but terminate with absolute so as to conclude the real need. - Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

and mind.

mind in God’s divinity.

A person, who attained renunciation, conceives all the senses within himself. He destroys all kinds of sins.

God has merciful form. God has no hatred towards anybody or anything. Almighty lives in kind-hearted people. Almighty is near to one who worships him. Almighty is the medicine. Almighty pervades in all the things. Almighty is architect among all technicians.

Being attached to the omniscient, that person enjoys endless joy. This universe is filled with affection and passion. Even animals have this tendency.

God is the beginning and He is the end of every living being. The place of soul is invisible and the eyes do not see and perceive. One who bears the abuses and under-estimation and degradation and one who is unmoved by praises and fame and dignity, that Even the mind does not know the origination of the soul. person attains the virtue of divinity. That person does not link The three kind persons are one, who suffers from sickness with desirable and undesirable things. He lives without any and, a person who wants to attain wisdom and other person, kind of external attachment. That person is unmoved by the who wants wealth and property all the three kinds worship the five senses. That person achieves birthlessness. supreme. This human body or physique is a machine that one should The Almighty is originator of origination. The Almighty is the know how to operate it and one should know how to occupy it. creator of all living beings. The Almighty is the hero of all epics and poems. One should know how to enter into a deed and how to come out from the same deed. That person knows well about the nature Among weapon God exists as the vajrayudha, the weapon of of all kind of deeds. Devendra. Among the divinely great saints, God is Prahaladha (a born genius). When one is performing meditation, when one is reciting holy Among the secrets, God is silence. scriptures, when one is offering the valuable things to the poor, is the time that person realizes the nature of true-self. One who dwells in God’s grace, that person dwells in the cosmic elements like air, fire, ether, water and soil. The state of venomous at the beginning and found as nectar in the final, that stage the soul is in conjunction with purity and With the help of chastity one should achieve the good power. feels the happiness of realization which is called as ‘satvika’. Even the poison of a snake is powerless if one can firmly resists that poison. The Almighty is the supreme soul Mahatma among the common human beings. The Almighty invades every direction The soul is not enlightened by Sun or the Moon it has its own and every space and distance. The Almighty destroys the evil. enlightenment. The Almighty has all the manifestations such as air, fire, ether, water and space. God is the Almighty among the mighty. By devotion, God is easily reachable. The small offering of a fruit or a leaf of a tree will satisfy him. He appears himself in non-violence. He appreciates worship and offerings. Fix the

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The philosophic path will be the best friend to provide peace and happiness. - Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

Suprabhatam with translation in English A pre dawn in many south Indian temples and homes .. Suprapatham To Lord Balaji (Mahavishnu) ( with its translation in English) 1

“kausalya supraja rama!purva sandhya pravartate, uthishta! narasardula! kartavyam daivam ahnikam “

Sri Rama! Kausalya’s endearing son! Wake up, dear! You have to do your day-to-day duties do wake up please.

May it be an auspicious dawn (morning) to Thee, O Lakshmi, the Mother of the Worlds, the ever dweller on the chest of Vishnu ( i.e., the enemy of the demons, madhu and Kaitabha), of attractive and divine form, the Mistress and of the nature of granting the desired objects of those seeking refuge! 4


“uthishtothishta! govinda! uthishta garudadhvaja! uthishta kamalakantha! thrilokyam mangalam kuru”

O Govinda, wake up! O Garudadhvaja! Wake up. O Kamalakanta (i.e., the husband of Kamala)! All the three worlds are under your rule, they have to prosper, Wake up, my child. 3

“ matas samsastajagatam : madhukaitabhareh vakshoviharini ! manohara-divyamurte : sri swamini srithajana priya danaseele ! sri

Venkatesadayithe thava suprabhatham”

“thava suprabhatham aravindalochane ! bhavathu prasanna mukhachandra mandale vidhisankarendra vanithabhirarchithe ! vrishasaila nathadavithel dayanidhe”

May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee, O Lakshmi of the eyes like the lotus, of a bright face like the Moon, worshipped by the wives of Brahma, Shankara and Indra and a treasure of compassion. You have an endearing attachment to your devotees. 5

“athriyadhi saptharushays samupasya sandhyam aakasa sindhu kamalani manoharani aadaya padhayuga marchayithum prapanna: seshadrisekhara vibho! thava suprabhatham”

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Having worshipped the morning twilight (i.e., having said the morning prayer, namely, the sandhyavandana) the seven sages like Arti, bringing the beautiful lotuses from the Divine Ganges, have arrived to worship Thy feet. Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee?


“unmilya nethrayugam uttama-panjarasthaa : Paathraa vasishta kadhaleephala payasani bhukthvaa saleelamatha keli sukha: patanthi Seshadri-sekhara-vibho! thava suprabhatham “

The parrots, kept for pleasure in the foremost cages, opening theireyes, are graciously singing, after eating the remains of the plantainfruits and the payasam in the vessels. Lord Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee? 9

“hava naradopi Bhashasamagrama sakruthkara sara rammyam seshadri-sekhara-vibho! thava suprabhatham”

Thumburu Narada is speeding up to you. His Veena is set to sing your glory. Do hear these melodious songs of Narada. 10

“brungavaleecha makaranda rashanuvidda jhankara geetha ninadaissa sevanaya niryathyupaantha sarasee kamalodarebhyaha seshadri-sekhara-vibho! thava suprabhatham”


“panchananabja bhava shanmukha vasavadhya: tryvikramadhi charitham vibhudhasthuvanthi bhashapathipatathi vasara shuddhi marath seshadri-sekhara-vibho! thava subrabhatham”

Aran, Aryan, Shanmuga and Devas are all-anxious to adore you. The daily Panchangam is to be read and approved by you. Get up, Srinivasa, dear. 7

“Eeshathprapulla saraseeruha narikela phugadrumadi sumanohara Balikanam aavaathi mandamanilassaha divya gandhai: seshadri-shekhara-vibho! thava suprabhatham”

The breeze, carrying the wonderful fragrance of the partly opened lotuses and the beautiful ears of the trees like the Areca and Coconut, is gently blowing. Lord of Seshachala! May it be an auspicious dawn to Thee.

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Lotus hidden bees, having come out in the open with the opening of the petals, are singing solemn hymns. Oh Srinivasa! You are omnipotent. 11

“yosha ganena varadhadni vimathyamaane ghoshalayeshu dhadhimanthana theevraghoshaaha Roshaathkalim vidha-dhathe kakubhascha kumbhaha seshadri-sekhara-vibho! thava suprabhatham”

Ayarpadi, ladies are singing their sweet melodies as they are churning butter. They announce the day-dawn. Get up, oh Govinda! Bless these endearing Gopis.

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To be greedy or much greedy depends upon the one’s position which has relation with inferiority. - Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

1. Kowsalya supraja Rama poorva sandhya pravarthathe Uthishta narasardoola karthavyam daivamahnikam (Twice) Vandu udithay Rama nee, Kausalai than thiru maganai, Chindumoli chirukalai, Disai engum pularkirathu! Mandirangal vaay mozhindu, Vandanaigal purindu arula, Chendiru kan arul pozhiya, Vengadava ezhundaralvay. Oh, Darling son of Kaushalya, The early dawn has broken, Oh the lion among men, Be pleased to open your eyes. And perform the rites of the morn 2. Uthishtothishta Govinda uthishta garudadhwaja Uthishta kamalakantha thrilokyam mangalam kuru (Twice) Ezhundu arulvai vel garuda, Kodi udayay ezhundu arul vay, Ezhundu arul vay thiru kamali. Vizhai maarba ezhundu arul vay, Ezhundu arul vay moo ulagum, Kathu arula ezhundu arul vay, Ezhundu arul vay Govinda, Vengadava ezhundu arul vay. Awake and awake, Oh Lord Govinda, Awake Oh Lord , who has an eagle flag, Awake Oh Lord of she who sits on a Lotus, And fill the three worlds to the brim with happiness. 3. Mathassamasta jagatham madukaitabhare: Vakshoviharini manohara divyamoorthe Sree swamini srithajana priya danaseele Sree Venkatesadayithe thava suprabhatham Por purindu madhu kaidabar, Thamai azhithan ula tholiye, Paar anaithum kathu alikkum, Perazhagin arul uruve, Paar akathar vizhaindu

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Tholai vidathum pala vidathum, Chuzhandru thiri Ezh munivar, Chalithariya thavam iyathi, Sandhya vandanam mudithu, Nilai peru nin pugazh cholli, Nin padam sevikka, Malai adainthu kathu ulaar kaan, Vengadava ezhundu arulvai.

ethum, Cheer seela perum thaye, Kaar vanna vengadathan, Thirthevi, ezhundu arul vay. Oh mother of all the worlds, Oh epitome of beauty in the heart of the Lord, Who killed Madhu and Kaidaba in war, Oh Goddess who lights the hearts, Of those who worship thee, Of Darling of Venkatesa, A very good morning to you. 4. Thavasuprabhathamaravindalochane Bhavathu prasanna mukhachandra mandale Vidhisankarendra vanithabhirarchithe Vrishasaila nathadavithe, davanidhe Thingal oli thiru mugathil, Pongum arul pozhibavale, Ingukalai vaniyudan, Indirani ambigayam, Mangayargal thozhudu ethum, Manbudaya thani thalaivee, Chenkamala vengadathan , Thiru thevi ezhundu arulvai. A very good morning to you, Oh Goddess with lotus like eyes, Who heralds happiness, From her full moon face, Who is served by consorts, Of Brahma, Shiva and Indra, Who is the storehouse of mercy, And who is the darling of him , Who has the Venkata Mountain. 5.Athriyadhi saptharushay ssamupasya sandyam Aakasa sindhu kamalani manoharani Aadaya padhayuga marchayithum prapanna: Seshadrisekhara vibho! Thava suprabhatham

The seven great sages of yore, Lead by the great sage Athri, After wandering far and near, After doing their morning Sandhya , And after singing your praise heartily, Are waiting to worship at thine feet, And so be pleased to get up, Of Lord of the Sesha mountain. 6. Panchananabja bhava shanmukavasavadhya: Tryvikramadhi charitham vibhudhasthuvanthi Bhashapathipatathi vasara shuddhi marath Seshadri sekhara vibho! thava subrabhatham Aangu antha brahmavum, Aaru muganum devargalum, Ongi ulagu alanda, Uyar kathaigal paadu gindrar, Eengu inda vyazha muni, Panchangam oodugindrar, Theenkavigal chevi madukka, Vengadava ezhundu arul vay. The five faced God Brahma, The six faced God Shanmuga, And all the devas, Are praising by relating thine story, Of measuring the universe by three steps, And the Teacher of devas , the God Jupiter, Is reading the almanac of the day, And so be pleased to get up, Oh, Lord of the Sesha mountain. 7. Eeshathprapulla saraseeruha narikela Phoogadrumadi sumanohara Balikanam Aavaathi mandamanilassaha divya gandhai: Seshadri shekara vibho! thava suprabhatham Nal kamugu thennaigalil, Paalai manam negizhndanaval, Pal vanna mottugal thaam, Panithenodu alarnthanaval, Pullarikkum mel era, Poon thendral thavazhkiradal, Ellamum anindarula, Vengadava ezhundarul vai. The pretty incense filled flower buds,

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Of the betel nut and coconut trees, Have started opening with films of snow and honey, And the pleasant breeze of the morn has started to Waft, And so be pleased to get up, Oh Lord of the Sesha mountain. 8. Unmeelya nethrayugamuththama panjarasthaa: Paathraa vasishta kadhaleephala payasani Bhukthvaa saleelamatha keli sukha: patanthi Seshadri sekhara vibho! thava suprabhatham Nin thiruper pala kettu, Ninnadiyar mey marakka, Nin koil pain kilikal, Theenganiyam amudarundhi, Nin thiru per ayirathal. Nedumpugazhai mizathidumal, Nin cheviyal thuytharula, Vengadava ezhundarl vay. Those parrots in your temple’s cages, After a yummy repast of thine Naivedhya , Of the sweet meal with tasty banana fruits, Sing thine dear names again and again, To the ecstasic stupor of thine devotees great, And so be please to get up to hear them, Oh, Lord of the Sesha mountain. 9. Thanthree prakarsha madhuraswanaya vipanchyaa Gayathyanantha charitham thava naradopi Bhashasamagrama sakruthkara sara ramyam Seshadri sekhara vibho! thava suprabhatham Evvidathum nilayaga, Nindru ariyaa Naradarum, Ivvidathu un perumaigal tham, Eerpathanal nilai kondar, Chevviya than veenayil un, Thiruccharithai meetuginrar, Avvisayai kettu arula, Vengadava ezhundu arul vay. The holy sage Narada is singing. Thine endless story, Composed in faultless verse, Accompanied by his divine veena , In the sweetest possible voice, And so be pleased to get up to enjoy them, Oh, Lord of the Sesha mountain. 10. Brungavaleecha makaranda rashanuvidda Jhankara geetha ninadaissa sevanaya Niryathyupaantha sarasee kamalodarebhyaha Seshadri sekhara vibhol thava suprabhatham Ven kamala onn malargal, Vilaitha madhu miga varaundhi,

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Kan mayangi malar mugattun, Kaalai varai chirai kidantha, Vandinangal reengarithe, Vandanaval ninai thozhave, Thannarulal sevai thara, Vengadava ezhundarl vay. The bees drunk by the honeyed juice of the pollen, Of the opened lotuses in thine holy ponds, Are dancing to the accompaniment of their own buzzing sound, To drink thine form and to salute you, And so be pleased to get up to see them, Oh Lord of the Sesha mountain. 11. Yoshaganena varadhadni vimathyamaane Ghoshalayeshu dhadhimanthana theevraghoshaaha Roshaathkalim vidha-dhathe kakubhascha kumbhaha Seshadri sekhara vibho! thava suprabhatham Kana mulaigal nimirndu asaiya, Kai valaigal oli ezhuppa, Mana makizhndu thayir kadayum, Mathu oliyum disai oliyum, Chinandana pol edir olikka, Nedum thudigal muzhangidumal,

Every action has got its own reaction- but how it is going to act will be suspense. - Sri Selvam “Siddhar”


(476 CE) MASTER ASTRONOMER AND MATHEMATICIAN Born in 476 CE in Kusumpur ( Bihar ), Aryabhatt’s intellectual brilliance remapped the boundaries of mathematics and astronomy. In499 CE, at the age of 23, he wrote a text on astronomy and anunparallel treatise on mathematics called “Aryabhatiyam.” Heformulated the process of calculating the motion of planets and thetime of eclipses. Aryabhatt was the first to proclaim that the earth is round, it rotates on its axis,orbits the sun and is suspended in space - 1000 years before Copernicus published his heliocentric theory. He is also acknowledged for calculating p (Pi) to four decimal places: 3.1416 and the sinetable in trigonometry. Centuries later, in 825 CE, the Arab mathematician, Mohammed Ibna Musacredited the value of Pi to the Indians, “This value has been given bythe Hindus.” And above all, his most spectacular contribution was the concept of zero without which modern computer technology would have been non-existent. Aryabhatt was a colossus in the field of mathematics.


Born in the obscure village of Vijjadit (Jalgaon) in Maharastra, Bhaskaracharya’s work in Algebra, Arithmetic and Geometry catapulted him to fame and immortality. His renowned mathematical works called “Lilavati” and “Bijaganita” are considered to be un paralled and a memorial to his profound intelligence Its translation inseveral languages of the world bear testimony to its eminence. In his treatise “ Siddhant Shiromani “ he writes on planetary positions, eclipses, cosmography, mathematical techniques and astronomical equipment. In the “ Surya Siddhant “ he makes a note on the force of gravity: “Objects fall on earth due to a force of attraction by the earth. Therefore, the earth, planets, constellations, moon, and sun are held in orbit due to this attraction.” Bhaskaracharya was the first to discover gravity, 500 years before Sir Isaac Newton . He was the champion among mathematicians of ancient and medieval India . His works fired the imagination of Persian and European scholars, who through research on his works earned fame and popularity.

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Cement is made from the powder of rock- a scholar is born through the knowledge he gained rock-strength and mind-power both are strong.- Sri Selvam “Siddhar”


As the founder of “ Vaisheshik Darshan “- one of six principal philosophies of India - Acharya Kanad was a genius in philosophy. He is believed to have been born in Prabhas Kshetra near Dwarika in Gujarat . He was the pioneer expounder of realism, law of causation and the atomic theory. He has classified all the objects of creation into nine elements, namely: earth, water, light, wind, ether, time, space, mind and soul. He says, “Every object of creation is made of atoms which in turn connect with each other to form molecules.” His statement ushered in the Atomic Theory for the first time ever in the world, nearly 2500 years before John Dalton . Kanad has also described the dimension and motion of atoms and their chemical reactions with each other. The eminent historian, T.N.Colebrook , has said, “Compared to the scientists of Europe , Kanad and other Indian scientists were the global masters of this field.”

ACHARYA CHARAK Acharya Charak has been crowned as the Father of Medicine. (600 BCE) FATHER OF MEDICINE

ACHARYA SUSHRUT (600 BCE) FATHER OF PLASTIC SURGERY A genius who has been glowingly recognized in the annals of medical science. Born to sage Vishwamitra, Acharya Sudhrut details the first ever surgery procedures in “ Sushrut Samhita ,” a unique encyclopedia of surgery. He is venerated as the father of plastic surgery and the science of anesthesia. When surgery was in its infancy in Europe , Sushrut was performing Rhinoplasty (restoration of a damaged nose)

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His renowned work, the “ Charak Samhita “, is considered as an encyclopedia of Ayurveda. His principles, diagoneses, and cures retain their potency and truth even after a couple of millennia. When the science of anatomy was confused with different theories in Europe , Acharya Charak revealed through his innate genius and enquiries the facts on human anatomy,embryology, pharmacology, blood circulation and diseases like diabetes, tuberculosis, heart disease, etc. In the “ Charak Samhita “ he has described the medicinal qualities and functions of 100,000 herbal plants.He has emphasized the influence of diet and activity on mind and body. He has proved the correlation of spirituality and physical health contributed greatly to diagnostic and curative sciences. He has also prescribed and ethical charter for medical practitioners two centuries prior to the Hippocratic oath. Through his genius and intuition, Acharya Charak made landmark contributions to Ayurvedal. He forever remains etched in the annals of history as one of the greatest and noblest of rishi-scientists.

and other challenging operations. In the “ Sushrut Samhita ,” he prescribes treatment for twelve types of fractures and six types of dislocations. His details on human embryology are simply amazing. Sushrut used 125 types of surgical instruments including scalpels, lancets, needles, Cathers and rectal speculums; mostly designed from the jaws of animals and birds. He has also described a number of stitching methods; the use of horse’s hair as thread and fibers of bark. In the “ Sushrut Samhita ,” and fibers of bark. In the “ Sushrut Samhita ,” he details 300 types of operations. The ancient Indians were the pioneers in amputation, caesarian and cranial surgeries. Acharya Sushrut was a giant in the arena of medical science.



(100 CE) EMINENT ASTROLOGER AND ASTRONOMERA WIZARD OF Renowned astrologer and astronomer who was honored with a CHEMICAL special decoration and status as one of the nine gems in the court SCIENCE of King Vikramaditya in Avanti ( Ujjain ). Varahamihir’s book He was an extraordinary wizard “panchsiddhant” holds a prominent place in the realm of science born in the nondescript of astronomy. He notes that the moon and planets village of Baluka in Madhya are lustrous not because of their own light but due Pradesh . His dedicated research for to sunlight. In the “ Bruhad Samhita “ and twelve years produced maiden “ Bruhad Jatak ,” he has Revealed his discoveries and inventions in the discoveries in the domains of geography, faculties of chemistry and metallurgy. constellation, science, botany and Textual masterpieces like “ Ras Ratnakar ,” animal science. In his treatise on “Rashrudaya” and “Rasendramangal” are his botanical science, Varamihir renowned contributions to the science of presents cures for various chemistry. Where the medieval alchemists diseases afflicting plants and trees. The of England failed, Nagarjuna had discovered rishi-scientist survives through his the alchemy of transmuting base metals unique contributions to the science of into gold. As the author of medical books like astrology and astronomy. “Arogyamanjari” and “Yogasar,” he also made significant contributions to the field of curative medicine. Because of his profound scholarliness and versatile knowledge, he was appointed as Chancellor of the famous University of Nalanda . Nagarjuna’s milestone discoveries impress and astonish the scientists of today.

ACHARYAPATANJALI (200 BCE) FATHER OF YOGA The Science of Yoga is one of several unique contributions of India to the world. It seeks to discover and realize the ultimate Reality through yogic practices. Acharya Patanjali , the founder, hailed from the district of Gonda (Ganara) in Uttar Pradesh . He prescribed the control of prana (life breath) as the means to control the body, mind and soul. This subsequently rewards one with good health and inner happiness. Acharya Patanjali ‘s 84 yogic postures effectively enhance the efficiency of the respiratory, circulatory, nervous, digestive and endocrine systems and many other organs of the body. Yoga has eight limbs where Acharya Patanjali shows the attainment of the ultimate bliss of God in samadhi through the disciplines of: yam, niyam, asan, pranayam, pratyahar, dhyan and dharna. The Science of Yoga has gained popularity because of its scientific approach and benefits. Yoga also holds the honored place as one of six philosophies in the Indian philosophical system. Acharya Patanjali will forever be remembered and revered as a pioneer in the science of self-discipline, happiness and self-realization.

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Acharya Bharadwaj had a hermitage in the holy city of Prayag and was an ordent apostle of Ayurveda and mechanical sciences. He authored the “ Yantra Sarvasva “ which includes astonishing and outstanding discoveries in aviation science, space science and flying machines. He has described three categories of flying machines: 1.) One that flies on earth from one place to another. 2.) One that travels from one planet to another. 3.) And One that travels from one universe to another. His designs and descriptions have impressed and amazed aviation engineers of today. His brilliance in aviation technology is further reflected through techniques described by him: 1.) Profound Secret: The technique to make a flying machine invisible through the application of sunlight and wind force. 2.) Living Secret: The technique to make an invisible space machine visible through the application of electrical force. 3.) Secret of Eavesdropping: The technique to listen to a conversation in another plane. 4.) Visual Secrets: The technique to see what’s happening inside another plane. Through his innovative and brilliant discoveries, Acharya Bharadwaj has been recognized as the pioneer of aviation technology.

ACHARYA KAPIL (3000 BCE) FATHER OF COSMOLOGY Celebrated as the founder of Sankhya philosophy, Acharya Kapil is believed to have been born in 3000 BCE to the illustrious sage Kardam and Devhuti. He gifted the world with the Sankhya School of Thought. His pioneering work threw light on the nature and principles of the ultimate Soul (Purusha), primal matter (Prakruti) and creation. His concept of transformation of energy and profound commentaries on atma, non-atma and the subtle elements of the cosmos places him in an elite class of master achievers - incomparable to the discoveries of other cosmologists. On his assertion that Prakruti, with the inspiration of Purusha, is the mother of cosmic creation and all energies, he contributed a new chapter in the science of cosmology. Because of his extrasensory observations andrevelations on the secrets of creation, he is recognized and saluted as the Father of Cosmology.

- Gokuldas Nair

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Desire is the way to passion which alternatively turns as sin that comes to the hault at hell.- Sri Selvam “Siddhar”




ha Vis on’t let this Easter pass by without enjoying an egg rolling competition. And for more fun, decorate the eggs.

The things you need:

them.The features can be made out of coloured paper and wool can be used to do the hair. Here are some faces that we made. Try out this craft and enjoy Easter!

1. Paints 2. Paint brushes 3. Wool 4. Coloured paper 5. Scissors 6. Glue




Step 1: Pierce the egg at one end and drain the egg white and the yolk. You will have a hollow egg shell to decorate. Step 2: Paint the egg in colourful patterns and gift it to your friends. You could hang the egg from shrubs and trees. Another way to decorate the eggs is to make different faces on

Work while you Play.


nce upon a time there was a king who didn’t want anyone to have fun. “If people have fun, they don’t get their work done,” he said. To make sure no one had fun, he passed a law. The law said, “No Fun!”To remind people about the law, the king put “No Fun!” signs around the entire kingdom. So no one had any fun, and everyone was sad. Then, one day, a knight named Sir Arty Smartypants came to the kingdom. Sir Arty said, “I, Sir Arty Smartypants, would like to do my dance in smarty pants.” The king shook his head. “I order you not to dance,” said the king, “because dancing is fun. Remember the rule: No Fun!”. Arty thought for a moment. Then he said, “Okay. So, I guess I will not dance my smarty pants dance... which goes a little something like this.”

They danced baking tarts. They danced building carts. They danced training ponies. They danced making bolognas. It was wonderful! Everyone was having fun! But what about the work? Did it stop? Did everyone go home? No, they most certainly did not. The king saw that everyone baked more tarts, built more carts, trained more ponies, and made more bolognas. So the king (who really liked to dance, it turned out) changed the law to “Have fun while you work.” And everyone in the kingdom had fun while they worked, happily ever after.

And before the king could stop him, Sir Arty showed the king the exact dance he said he was not going to dance! And what a great dance! Soon everyone in the kingdom was dancing. Even the king!

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“The Boy Who Cried Wolf”

practice one more time. If I see a big wolf . . . I’LL JUST CRY “WOLF!” A BIG BIG WOLF! JUST CRY “WOLF!” ALL THE FOLKS WILL COME A-RUNNING. ALL I HAVE TO DO IS CRY “WOLF!” A big crowd from the little village came running to help me again. But there was no big wolf again. “Wow, you came even faster this time!” I said. The villagers were not happy. Not one bit. “I don’t believe this. That’s the third time I came running for nothing! I think this big job has gone to that little boy’s head!” And they all headed back to the village. But then the big hungry wolf really did come to steal the sheep! I cried “WOLF!” No one came. I shouted “WOLF!” No one came again. I yelled “WOLF!” No one came some more. I screamed “WOLF!”


hat’s me. I’m the boy. This is my story.

I was given a big job to do: watching a big herd of sheep. I had to protect them from the big hungry wolf. If I saw the wolf, the people from the village would come running to catch him. This is a pretty tough job, so I got a book from the library called “How to Watch Sheep.” It said: YOU MAY BE SCARED YOU MAY BE WORRIED THAT YOU WON’T KNOW JUST WHAT TO DO IF SOMETHING BIG AND BAD AND FURRY COMES TRYING TO STEAL THOSE SHEEP FROM YOU! JUST CRY “WOLF!” I was practicing shouting “wolf!” and the villagers heard me. They came running. “Somebody cried ‘wolf!’ Where’s the wolf?” “I heard you cry ‘wolf’? Are the sheep okay? What’s happening?” But there was no wolf, so I said, “False alarm! Sorry!” I went back to my job, and the villagers went back to the village. I was practicing shouting “wolf!” and the villagers heard me. They came running. “Somebody cried ‘wolf!’ Where’s the wolf?” “I heard you cry ‘wolf’? Are the sheep okay? What’s happening?” But there was no wolf, so I said, “False alarm ! Sorry!” I went back to my job, and the villagers went back to the village. This was fun! It’s not often a whole village will listen to a kid like me. After a while, I decided to

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“That’s me,” said the wolf, and without so much as a huff or a puff, he disappeared with all my sheep - the big ones and the little ones. Boy, I was in big, big trouble! So, what did I learn from this? Good question. I think I learned two things. 1. If you need help, people will come and help you, if they know you’re telling the truth. 2. Never lie about something as important as needing help. Dear kids, from this storywe can easily understand that we should never try to fool anybody and we should always speak truth.

When the earth is digged you get the water. God gives even petrol-but many men, ‘they not even light a candle to God’. Is it the gratitude also, to be digged. - Sri Selvam “Siddhar”






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resent way of life and the circumstances prevail the chastity and the modesty are less considered by several and they are constrained to loose the peacefulness first and the good family life next.

The planetary positions are also differ to those people who fell a pray for this topic. The main planets Lord venus and Lord Mars are the reasons for such awkward status. A-part from accuracy to the Lagna of chart of a person (Jataka) the common adverse are notable by a mere sight on the chart. If the Lord venus and Lord Mars exchange each other sign it is occurring. For exact answer if the Lord Venus in the house of Lord Mars. (i.e. Mesha and Virchigam Aries Scorpio) and at the same time Lord Mars either in Rishaba or Tulam (Taurus/Libra) – the subject which is discussed here will have its ruling. This will result in manner of yielding the heart to other person. Still a serious type is the occupation of Lord Moon with Lords Mars and Venus that too specifically in the house to Lagna or Rasi.

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Why this happens? Even in matching the Horoscope of a Bride and Bride-groom the present world is very keen to check the effliction of Lord Mars in both the Horoscopes. Above all the blood tests and permitting the physchiatric to meditate the marriage matters. The food life, is very, very, are rarely get settled. The fastest world and they don’t have time to be pure. Certain cases it is said “nothing wrong” “take it easy” – to such an extent the norms are getting spoiled. If such permission is engaged the hospitalization for severe cases of ‘AIDS’ will be increased. Of course, the sex is an essential one but with good justice and principle. Several Horoscopes are affected much by this affliction of Lord Mars. The Angharaha Dosha (Sevvai Dosham) if found in any horoscope (Birth chart with planetary positions) they have to take measure by themselves. They should get the strong will to be honest, sincere, and faithful to their spouses. The impossibilities will lead only for divorce to continue for a chain of matter, one after another, through out the life which will result only with worries and sadness. The consultation for this specific subject “The Hindu Temple of Georgia” will be rendering the possible remedies.

NANDANI’S NEWS Exclusive Interview

Hh ari


Interaction with stars on earth


ariharan is one of the greatest pioneers of Indian fusion music. Born in Kerela India and growing up in Mumbai he has a bachelor’s degree in science and law. He mastered Carnatic music at a young age and he attributes that this music was in his blood and bones. He is a renowned and a versatile Indian playback and ghazal singer in Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Telugu movies. Hariharan began his career with numerous TV appearances. One of his first ghazal albums was “Abshaar-e-Ghazal” with Asha Bhosle which went gold in sales. Hariharan first broke into the world of Tamil films in 1992 with music director AR Rahamn with the patriotic song “Thamizha Thamizha” in Maniratnam’s film Roja. Hariharan has won numerous awards like MTV’s Indian Viewer’s Choice award and best playback singer by the state of Tamil Nadu for his song “Uyire Uyire” also known as “Tu Hi re”. More of his internationally loved songs are from the movies “Border” and “Bombay”. In 2004 he was awarded the Padma Shri and Yesudas award for his superb and outstanding performance in music. On June 17th, 2007 HariHaran ji blessed the stage in Washington DC. Here he joyfully enthralled 8,000 attendees inspiring them to cheer and sing with him. This concert’s promoter was Vijay Taneja of Financial Mortgage Inc. and Re/Max Summit. His sensational performance and genuinely motivation voice surpassed all language and musical barriers. I, Mandira Nandani Mehra, sat down with the stardom of Carnatic/Hindi music and had the following interview.

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If courtesy and generousity are your principles then your offspring and generation will be with prosperity.- Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

MN - I am Mandira Nandani from Chitrmala. Hariharan ji, welcome to our show and to Washington DC. You are no stranger to Chitrmala or our city. Welcome once again and how was the response to your concert in New York City last night? HH - Thank you Mandira. It was absolutely fabulous we had 12,000 people and it was full of energy. MN - You are a very educated person, you hold a degree in law. How did you get diverted into the world of music? HH - I have been singing since the age of 8 and my first performance in Carnatic music was at the age of 9. I am lucky enough to have had a musical childhood, I come from a family of musicians. Then I became Ghulam Mustafa Khan Sahib’s shagird where I learned north Indian music. MN - Your father was a Carnatik music expert, how did that influence you as your first love for music? HH - Its in my subconscious in my blood basically. And my music has a fusion of north Indian and south Indian. You can see that in ghazals in my films songs and in Colonial cousins. This fusion is me. MN - Correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that at one point you dedicated 9 hours a day to singing. HH - We have to do that! (He laughs reminiscently) 9 to 10

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hours, those are the years for training your voice. A lot of classical singers in India have done this. It has to be a subconscious act, and you can only do so much of it by doing riaz. MN - So my guru ji may get mad if I say this- but we all have busy schedules, you especially with touring, recordings, performanced. However my guru ji says “Mandira- riyaaz everyday, the practice is nessearry” How do you find time to do riyaaz everyday? Or be honest, do you find time to practice and do riyaaz everday? (smile inquinisitively) HH - Yes and No. My riyaz is 2-3 hours. Now because of my schedule I don’t have this time everyday. But 20 minutes a day just pitching one note and holding it like “Sa”, “Sa bhanrna” as they say, that I do. I have 20-30 minutes of tanpura in my ipod. I just play that and tune yourself. Basically the body is like a machine, and you have to tune yourself and basically tunning is riyaaz. MN - That’s a beautiful description, that a classical guru could understand or a non musically oriented person can comprehend as well…. HH - Haha, its like calibration, you know? When you go to studio or laboratory all recordings are now digital, but even when it was analog- everyday every morning, the recorder is calibrated.

MN - That is a superb analogy! Like a thermometer or scale, one must set a zero point- or calibration as you are saying. You are a musical genius! (he laughed modestly) On occasion I’ve seen you practicing, or performing, recording doing riyaaz - and you close your eyes. What do you visualize when you close your eyes and you have this ultimate focus on your notes? HH - Actually when you sing you don’t think about anything else. There are instances when you are performing and you are not there. But very few times. Its an an experience. Out of world experience, like when you do yoga, your not there, you’re not a being, you feel so light, but you can’t really think about anything when you’re singing you’re totally focused. MN - What do you prefer singing in front of a live audience or a studio type of recording. HH - It’s a different ballgame. In a studio type of setting your creating something new and its fun that’s where the adrenaline is flowing and you’re being a perfectionist there and you want to give the best. It’s going down in history, so that high is there. When you sing in front of an audience its like you see the people enjoying or whatever. MN - So it’s like live feedback. Tell me, you’ve worked with many artists more then I can name right now. You invented the term “Urdu Blues”. How did you think of this term?

that moment that creative moment that energy that comes to you. I don’t know from where it comes. MN - Do you believe its god gifted? HH - Yea, it comes from a higher plane, it has to. It just comes to you. Certain things. Some songs, as if you’ve already written it. You just start singing. How does it come? God assimilated it in your subconscious. Your subconscious is much stronger then your conscience. And then it comes out and your subconscious says ‘from where did it come?’ But that kind of surprise element is still there… MN - Very well said. Our time with you, as always, is too short. Do you have any final messages to your fans here? HH - Hi everybody, I’m very thankful for all of my fans who have supported me all of these years, given me the strength, good vibes, and I’m coming out with two albums this year and I hope you will like them. We will have this bond forever. MN - Thank you, good luck and come back visit us soon. HH -Thank you Mandira, and thank you for having me on your show. - Mandira Nandani

HH - Well it happened, when I was doing “Kash”, we had some good musicians, and we were in AR’s tour then traveling. We had a lot of jazz musicians on that. We had 2 or 3 songs that sounded very “Bluesy” what’s blues anyway? Singing your heart out. And whats Urdu? Singing your heart out. So I found a similarity somewhere. MN - This is not your first tour with AR ji, but how does it feel working side by side with AR ji? HH - It’s nice, he is one of the most creative musicians and composers I’ve seen. The way he does his orchestrations is amazing. We have been working together for 15 years. But that is what really surprises me, is that it’s very easy to become stagnate, but he keeps moving. That’s impressive. I’ve been working singing for 30 years. I’ve tried to do the same. You got to move on. You can’t just be very happy with what you do and sit back because then you become outdated. MN -So part of the reason for your success is you’re constantly reinventing fresh ideas. Tell us about your upcoming projects. HH - There is a new project called “For You” It should be out at the end of July. It has some flavors of the blues. It took me two years to do the album. It is being marketed by Sony. Another good news, in December me and Leslie will be coming out with the new Colonial Cousins. MN - On a different note, you inspire so many globally, where do you find your inspiration? Is it people, nature…? HH - I find inspiration in music itself and in humanity. When I meet people their emotions and expressions register in my mind and these things inspire me. I don’t have to be in the best of nature to compose. I can be in a car or in a traffic jam, but it’s

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Abdundance and


e all know t h a t the universal source is one of abundance ...the air ,the ocean, time, space, the stars, planets,..this universe...... everything is abundant......there is no end and beginning..there is perhaps no wall and even there is one ...what is on the other side of the wall ?? Divinity or the source of all love and energy does not know anything about creating anything less..nothing is in short supply......the source continues creating in abundance...what if the universal source of creation says I have created enough air and that is all I can create !!! or that I have created enough water and that is it !!! and what if the sun says...enough light and no more !!! ..there is abundant supply and this is the nature of God. The source is in a state of continious creation.....the day it stops creating, this material world will collapse and life will cease to exist....we can approach the ocean with a tear drop, a bucket or a million gallon will not make any difference to the ocean.......everything in this universe is in abundant supply...the question is whether we are able to attract abundance in our lives or we chose to live in a state of less energy and resources. The learned masters tell us that a state of lack is a state of mind that is unreal and untrue. We all know what it feels like to want something we don’t have. It may be a pair of expensive designer clothes, a million dollar home, a million dollar job, or tons of money; it may be a certain attitude, a car, winning a lottery or anything material. In most parts of our life, we experience a constant flow of money, companions and experiences, in and out of our lives. But we fail to appreciate the many blessings and many of us linger in a state of wanting and not having , eventhough we have everything and so much more than others. The more the less. We never seem to appreciate what we have and sadly, we prefer to dwell on what we do not have. we seem to live in a state of lack that never seems to subside. We consistently perceive ourselves as not having what we need or not having what we want. This is an emotionally and spiritually draining state to be in. It is also self-perpetuating and self defeating because how we feel about ourselves determines what we are able to create for ourselves. How we feel, profoundly influences how we perceive our

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Lack . . .

reality. When we feel we are lacking, we look around and see what is not there. On the other hand, if we feel abundant, we can look at the very same situation and see a completely different picture, one full of blessings and advantages. The more we see the blessings, the more abundant we feel, and the more blessings we attract. Similarly, if we see lack, we tend to create and attract that negative energy. We often find ourself habitually residing in a feeling of lack, which may be due to a core belief formed in our childhood or even in a past life. It is mainly because our connection with the source is corroded and rusted. In any case, our idea of lack is a misperception that can be corrected with awareness, prayers, effort , guidance and the help of a true master. Everyday we need to meditate in silence and pece and imagine ourself in a state of unlimited abundance, handling the many material and spiritual demands in our life with total ease, drawing from an endless supply of resources. Let us affirm that it is our birthright to be fully supported in the fulfillment of our needs and desires and to feel abundant in inner joy , spirit and resources and let us all pray that the omnipotent and omnipresent source of all love and enegry bless us and show us all the path towards him.. May the source bless us all, with a true Guru who is selflessly interested in our progress and welfare. To find a true master is the most fortunate event in many many lives that can ever happen to a soul in its journey towards the source of all bliss, love, knowledge, creation, energy and ultimate perfection........our march towards divinity.

Param Pujiya Dada Bhawan & His Holiness Sri Sri selvam Siddhar with Devottees Pujya Dada Bhawan’s Visit To Carrollton Temple Land Param pujya Dada Ji & Sri Sri Selvam ‘Siddhar’ Ji Blessing Navin Patel’s Doughter Wedding

Param Pujiya Dada Ji With Music Legend Parthasarathy Ji Siddhi Times USA 31


PRADOSAM July 12 2007

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As an acting foreman anybody can do; but to be an active foreman it is difficult; because he has to satisfy every one under him. - Sri Selvam “Siddhar”


amology is a beautiful science of naming children using Astrology and Numerology. The names are suggested by Astrology and checked for Numerological compatibility. All the numbers are related to Astrology and hence the planets. The lucky number is based on the date of birth. Where as, the date of birth, month and year, summarized is called as Fadic number. The nine numbers are related with nine planets. Namology can be applied only for the names in English. Let us study this science with few examples.

Planets by Nature (Friendly, Neutral or Opposition)

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THE CATEGORY AND PERFECT LINKS The Birth could occur in the following Categories. Sun Example A: If Birth Date is 1-10 -1988, The Lucky Number is: 1 The Fadic Number is 1+1+0+1+9+8+8 = 28= 1 So, It is under Category 1&1 Example B: If Birth Date is 1 - 11 - 1988, The Lucky Number is: 1 The Fadic Number is 1+1+1+1+9+8+8 = 29= 2 So, It is under Category 1&2 Like wise there are 81 Categories as below




1&1 1&2 1&3 1&4 1&5 1&6 1&7 1&8 1&9

5&1 5&2 5&3 5&4 5&5 5&6 5&7 5&8 5&9

7&1 7&2 7&3 7&4 7&5 7&6 7&7 7&8 7&9

2&1 2&2 2&3 2&4 2&5 2&6 2&7 2&8 2&9

9&1 9&2 9&3 9&4 9&5 9&6 9&7 9&8 9&9

3&1 3&2 3&3 3&4 3&5 3&6 3&7 3&8 3&9

6&1 6&2 6&3 6&4 6&5 6&6 6&7 6&8 6&9

8&1 8&2 8&3 8&4 8&5 8&6 8&7 8&8 8&9

4&1 4&2 4&3 4&4 4&5 4&6 4&7 4&8 4&9

For example, if the date of birth is 22.10.2004, The Lucky Number is 22 = 4 The Fadic Number is 22+10+2+0+0+4=38=11=2

are belonging to neutral or Opposition group. The application of numerology is used to acquire GEMS of recommended supporting group.

Referencing the “Planets by Nature” chart, No.2 (Moon) is enemy to No.4 (Raghu). So the Lucky and Fadic numbers are not suggesting for a successful match. It is a match of challenges and opposition. What we should do now. We have to find a friendly neutral for both 2 and 4. As per the chart, Raghu is neutral to Jupiter and Jupiter is Friendly to Moon. So, make Jupiter as compromising Planet and put the name in Jupiter Category which is 3. Like wise, the calculation will suggest to find a good mediator. And we can put the name accordingly. In this 81 group of Categories, some are friendly by exposing the relation between birth date and the Fadic Number.

Deep study of numerology is linked with genetic letters A,E,I,O,U. That for keeping one’s name or name of a firm to be formed.

It is not necessary that every birth should be coming in the friendly group. The expansion of friendly group is nothing but the relation of Lucky and Fadic numbers. The other friendly

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Here are the suggestions given to get accompanied with the basic norms of numerology. When the name of father is used as initial, it is added along with name. Operating the office, bank account, please follow Fadic number. It is advised for prosperity and progress. Even for buying vehicles and home, Fadic Number should be followed.

One should know the birth star as per the list furnished here. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.




Present generation show much interest to know their Star’s name in Greek, so the above details are given.

Numerical value for Letters A I Y Q J = B K R = C G L S = D M T = H E N X = U V W = O Z = P F = - - - ( No Letters) =

1 denotes SUN 2 denotes MOON 3 denotes JUPITER ( GURU) 4 denotes RAGU ( NODE) 5 denotes MERCURY (BUDHA) 6 denotes VENUS ( SUKRA) 7 denotes KEDU (NODE) 8 denotes SATURN 9 denotes MARS

Examples RAM 2 1 4 = 7 It is under category 7. But if we want it to be category 8 (If his lucky No 8 to be fixed), then R A A M 2 1 1 4 = 8 One ‘A’ is added But no sound wave is changed when we pronounce it. By the same method, we can reduce the Numerical Value Example L A T A 3 1 4 4 =


L A T H A 3 1 4 5 1 = 5 M O H A N 4 7 5 1 5 = 4 M O G A N 4 7 3 1 5 = 20 = 2 There are several ways to modify the name as per Lucky or Fadic number. The magic of the number 9 is that if it’s multiplied by 9, it is 81. If we add 8+1 it is 9 only. So if it is multiplied again by any number of times the total will be 9 only. Example 9X9X9 =243= 2+4+3 = 9. This is the equilant quality of water which will make the other substance to unite and it will pass away. A pot maker will make pot in wet soil and keep its shape in heating furnace. Due to heat, complete water goes away as vapor and a sound pot comes away. Such as the number 9 will make the other substance to unite and water will go away. So the value for MARS is 9.

While modifying the name to suit the numerology, the aim will be to suit the lucky or Fadic numbers that should match the name in order to access the luck and good future according to numerology. To make change in name so as to accommodate as per Lucky or Fadic Number of a person you can use the following technique. How to modify the name?

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Letters to t


r o t di

E Swamiji, your Siddhi Times is really Superb. You really nailed the guys who are doing so called news magazines here. I have literally watched the movement of your magazine. It’s like a hot cake on the market today.,and all my friends are just waiting like anything for the August issue. Keep it up Swamiji - Natwar Singh, Stone Mountain, GA The Siddhi Times magazine is really very good. All my children love it very much. Even I picked up more than 25 copies and I sent to all my friends in USA. We are so lucky to have a Swamiji in Atlanta to do these kinds of good things. Namasthe!! - Saroja Ramanujam, Duluth, GA Swamiji Pranam, So far we were seeing magazines with lot of Ads here, and it is the 1st time, I am seeing a magazine which is really worth taking and reading. All my friends in our Sub division are very excited about Siddhi Times. Of course some spelling and grammatical errors, hope in the long run the same would get adjusted. - Nina Gupta, Chamblee, GA Swamiji , Siddhi Times is the talk of whole Georgia Indians today. Excellent!! Superb magazine with tones of information. This is a Treasure.. Again you have proved your powers and Siddhi. Even I have hared that one of the local magazine so called editor keep calling your advertisers not to advertise and called one of your contributor girl in VA and to write for his

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so called news magazine. Anyway you have created already fear in that guys mind about his business success. None of we advertisers, like that guy,that guy is a Nut, however without any other magazine we were advertising there so far. Here afterwards we will come to you Swamiji. My unconditional support is always for you. - Ricky, Atlanta, GA I have come across the magazine Siddhi Times. Very informative and useful to all family members. Dr Commander Selvam is doing a great service to our Indian Community in USA. I am so happy - Bhalla Virender, MI Guruji thanks for coming to my home yesterday for a dinner. We are all so delighted by your visit. You are a great Swamiji, and you really made our life yesterday. My husband wants to pass his pranam to you. I have got happy news from India that, my sister’s marriage proposal got accepted I really do not have words to express my happiness. All my life is devoted to you Swamiji You are really powerful. We felt that Sacsath Lord Shiva visited our Home. Our House is well blessed by your visit Thanks Swamiji - Your Everloving Bakthai Ms.Malathi, Alpharetta, GA

Every body’s forehead is also called Temple. The grace and the knowledge both are divine qualities exist of the temple. - Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

Dear Swamiji Dr Commander Selvam(Siddhar Iyya) Thanks for coming to my home to bless my new home. We every one were excited. We had a doubt that, being a great Celebrity, will you come to the people’s home like ours. You have made it. I have come across so many Swamijis in my life, however you are totally different. You are very straight forward and positive. I like your attitude, and also all my friends who came for the house warming were really thrilled after talking to you Swamiji I should say that you attract every one at the 1st sight. I like to pledge a small amount of $ 1009.00 every month from my credit card on your file Please have your hands always around me and my wife Sadhna and my kid Nalan Thanks Swamiji - Thirucheran Springs, GA



To my knowledge(I am 82 years old), I would guarantee that Dr Commander Selvam , now famously known to every Indians in USA as Sri Selvam:Siddhar” is the best Swamiji and the Astrologer in USA. I met this great Swamij/ Maharishi in the year 1999 in California, when my grand daughter was having serious Drugs and character problems. Without him she would not have even got married. Now my Grand Daughter is well settled with her husband and they are living happily with their kids in Corpus Christi- TX. I always make sure that things should be proper. However because of my poorva Karma, I had this issue in my family. By the blessings of Lord Shankar Bhawan I was able to connect with this Great Swamiji Sri Selvam”Siddhar”.His knowledge in Vedic Astrology is immense. I would say that he is only purified minded swamiji in USA. Every penny which comes to him, he donates 100% to the Temple.. If at all I am living this much age after 2 heart Surgeries, is only because of Dr Commander Selvam. He shall live long to help the mankind. One more thing I forgot to add, now he has developed partly the 1st Hindu Temple in the world with 108 shivji in GA, without having any kinds of Group politics in the Mandir.. Also a new magazine called Siddhi Times is coming every month

from his umbrella. I would say that Siddhi Times not only gives Knowledge, but it gives you SIDDHI(Holy Success) - Shailesh Parikh, Dallas, TX I came across your siddhi Times . I have never come across a magazine with these much of useful contents. Keep it up - Suketu Patel, Fairfax Station VA Swmiji,your sat sang was really very exciting yesterday. Your knowledge in the Vedas, Astrology, Alternative medicine, healing, are great. We are all blessed to have a Swamiji in Atlanta like you. - Madhu Kutti, Rosewell, GA Swamiji, My eyes are with full of tears when I am typing this comments. Swamiji my wife came out of the surgery very well yesterday night, and the doctors told me that nothing to worry here afterwards. Swamiji without your Divine help these things are impossible. All my family is always under your Holy feet Swamiji Om Guruve Namaka - Narendranath, Acworth, GA Att: Dr Commander Selvam/ Sri Sri Selvam”Siddhar” Swamiji Namaskaram!! Thanks for your Homoms. My son’s problems are getting settled, I am seeing lot of changes in his activities. All because of your blessings Swamiji. - Rudramurthi Sahadevan, Edision, NJ Att: Param Pujya Sri Sri Selvam”Siddhar” (Dr. Commander Selvam) Swamiji , our new home is well blessed by your holy presense. Thank you very much for coming home. We are really very thankful to your wonderful Pundit’s Yagam. Namaskaram Swamiji - Narayanee Vasanthkumar,Alpharetta, GA Dr Commander Selvam is really a very admirable personality. I visited Hindu Temple of Georgia today. The services were really beautiful. Being a yoga teacher intrerested in Hinduism and traveled to many Hindu Temples in the world, so far I have never seen a Hindu Temple with this much vibrations LET ME KNOW if I could be of any help to you. - Gregapoulous .M. Julie, Norcross,GA

The above are the comments from the readers and community and we do not endorse or guarantee the same.

- Editor

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eorge Eliot was an English novelist. She was one of the leading writers of the Victorian era. Her novels, largely set in provincial England, are well known for their realism and psychological perspicacity.

l What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined for life to strengthen each other…to be one with each other in silent and unspeakable memories.

ABOUT LIFE l Be courteous, be obliging, but don’t give yourself over to be melted down for the benefit of the tallow trade.

ABOUT CHARACTER l Miss Brooke had that kind of beauty which seems to be thrown into relief by poor dress.

l Blessed is the influence of one true, loving human soul on other living beings.


l Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving wordy evidence of the fact. l If one could have plenty of music, need no other mortal wants. Music infuses strength into one’s limbs and ideas into brain. Life seems to go on without effort when one is filled with music. l Be a proof against the word failure. The only failure a man ought to fear is failure of cleaving to the purpose he sees to be best.

l Animals are such agreeable friends they ask no questions, they pass no criticisms. ABOUT SOCIAL LIFE l Some people did what their neighbors did so that if any lunatics were at large, one might know and avoid them. ABOUT MIND l What we call as despair is often only the painful eagerness of unfed hope.

l One must be poor to know the luxury of giving.


l The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone.

l Our deeds are like children that are born to us, they live and act a part from own will. Children may be strangled, but deeds never; they have an indestructible life both in and out of our consciousness.

ABOUT SOCIETY l The important work of moving the world forward does not wait to be done by perfect men. ABOUT DUTY l The reward of one duty is the power to fulfill another. ABOUT AMBITION l The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice. ABOUT DECISION l We are all apt to believe what the world believes about us.

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ABOUT THE NATURE OF HUMAN LOVE l Every man who is not a monster, mathematician or a mad philosopher is the slave of some woman or other. A PHILOSOPHY ABOUT MIRROR l Nothing is so good as it seems before hand. A PHILOSOPHY ABOUT MUSIC l There is no feeling, except the extremes of fear and grief that does not find relief in music.

Feeding the poor the “Biksha” is marked for a relief, you could observe in a later stage. - Sri Selvam “Siddhar”



am sure you enjoyed reading the information about 27 stars in the zodiac which was referred in the last month article. The mentioning of star gives the full explanation that the family of sun in the space has to find the location in the space of galaxy. To specify the existing spot in the space while the earth is on travel around the sun, the identifying boundaries are needed. So there exists a star group several million miles away. These star groups are 360° around the earth. With the locations of the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn, one can find as a snap shot in connection to the birth time of a child or to a specific time. So, in the circle of 360°, the identifying places are fixed with zodiac signs of 12 houses which are starting from Aries(Mesha), Taurus(Rishba), Gemini(Miduna), Cancer(Kadaga), Leo(Simam), Virgo(Kanya), Libra(Tulam), Scorpio(Virchiga), Saggitarius(Dhanur), Capricorn(Magara), Aqua(Kumba), Pisces(Meena).

Selvam “Siddhar”

make a RESEMBLANCE like Horse head. This is the first star group of the sign ’ARIES’. Ashwin in Aries occupy 13.33°. Like wise, all the 27 stars are being sub divided to each house to have the accommodations in the 12 Signs. The calculations show one sign to be shared by two and a quarter star-area in a House. Like wise, 2¼x12=27. The stars are named as below:

For a view of resemblance, each sign is pictured like Goat, Bull etc. For these 12 signs, 27 stars are notified as identification to the houses. Each star is scanned to four parts as 1, 2, 3 and 4 parts for accuracy of area. For example Sign, Aries (Mesha), there are 2 full stars (Ashwin & Bharani) and one ¼ star (Maga). 1: Ashwin (Full Star) 2: Bharani (Full Star), and one forth of Krithika belonged to Mesha. The 27 stars are divided to get accommodation in to 12 houses. So every house can be split up to allot two and a quarter of a star in one house, i.e. sign. The exact meaning to the star, here meant is a street of 13.33° (degree) in a circle, which will be having a group of stars to

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These 27 stars are of 9 groups. The 1st group ASHWIN-MAGAMOOLA belonged to KEDU; 2nd group for VENUS, 3rd group for SUN, 4th group for MOON, 5th group for MARS, 6th group for RAGU, 7th group for JUPITER, 8th group for SATURN and 9th group for MERCURY. SUN, MOON, MARS, MERCURY, JUPITER, VENUS and SATURN are known to every body. What about RAGU and KEDU? This is to be known clearly. Earth has got the Moon which circles around the earth. The orbital route and the

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When the stability of human mind and circumstances are discouraging, the only assured place with good vibrations is Temple, where one can receive guidance and comfort. - Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

inclination of Moon with its axis rotate to the occurrences of Eclipses. These elliptical occurrences are connecting to the world and on such day of Eclipse, the appearance of Sun or Moon disappears to certain hours that are also merited in Astrology to predict the events in one’s life. The day of Eclipse proves that the shadow of earth on an exact day falls on Moon and will mash rays of Sun. Alternatively, in other day, the shadow of Moon falls on Earth. This is the status of the occurrence of eclipse. So Ragu and Kedu are the Nodes of Moon and create shadow. They are not planets but DEEMED as shadow planets. Astrology is terming to give life of a person as 120 years. In olden age they lived such life. Recent times, age is different. Even at the age of 60, the man is considered very old. For all the 9 planets i.e (7 from Sun to Saturn and 2 of Ragu and Kedu) the time of their REGIME, in a man’s life is decided according to the position and place in which the Moon was in TRANSIT. That means the star in which transit occurred comes to an account. This star will be certainly in one group. In the nine groups, the specific group in which the birth took place is taken for account as the first and the beginning period of the planet to which the star is belonging.

birth or proposed program. In the eastern horizon the signs will be ascending and that particular sign is called is be Ascendant/ Lagna. By this time sun could have passed the either ¼ day or ½ or 3/4 days counting from sun rise.


For example say star ‘Kritika’, in the tabulation chart it is annexed in Sun’s group, so, we call it as Sun’s Dasa, in which the birth has taken place. In the same order, as indicated above the other planets like Moon, Mars etc will come in a cyclic order. The order is Kedu Dasa will be in ruling for a 7 years; Venus for 20 years, Sun for 6 Years, Moon for 10 years, Mars for 7 years, Ragu for 18 years, Jupiter for 16 years, Saturn for 19 years, Mercury(Buddha) 17 years and thus the total years of 120. When the age is increasing the order of other ruling planets would come to act after completion of one Dasa. The escorting Dasa’s are always according to the birth time and the occupation of Moon in that particular star. That can be adapted in order as mentioned above. This fundamental knowledge is essential to be known. Otherwise the prediction as per birth chart of Astrology can not be understood.

BIRTH CHART It is 12 Signs, and 27 Stars, and the ruling period of 9 planets are being imprinted in the mind file now. Next thing, we have to chart out the positions of planets and box it in 12 signs. The books “panchanga” as per the Ephimeries, the government observations are, sold in book shop. It is necessary one should keep the book for one year. The books are released once in a year. For the needy date, one can check up the planets and its position and box it as below. Now the Lagna (Ascendant) is also to be known. On a particular day, the sun rise time of that place and the sign in which the sun is visible to be noted. Actual time of sun rise, the day starts and links to the particular time of

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Like wise, the chart is prepared. From the position of Moon, the MOON SIGN is derived. In Indian Astrology the preference is given to Moon Sign. In news paper, the predictions or signs to be followed are by the Lunar-basic. In Europe, particularly in London, they prefer sun sign. According to them, it is “Cancer” on 1.8.2007. The Sun will be there for one full month. There will be only one sign for whole one month, which is Cancer. But the Moon will move for other sign with in 2¼ days as it circles the earth and make one full round with in 28 days. Indian astrology prefers only Moon’s position. The habit of people who live closer from equator will like the coolness more, where as the people who dwell far away to equator prefer only warmness. That is why it’s said “warm welcome”. Warm relates to heat. Likewise, the necessity permitted the usage of LUNAR accommodation to be good for hot country like India, Africa. We will continue further in the next issue. - Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

Kabir possessed huge knowledge he could not be able to acquire the name of a scholar or degree holder in modern education terms. He turned out to be poet, singer and a composer. Whatever field he touched they were in devotional path.


hen I had an ego, guru was not there. I attached a guru, ego vanished. The path of love is narrow. It can not attach both ego and God in one place!” This is the gospel of Kabir. Kabir can be compared to a flower of a tree. The tree bends in summer and shivers in winter. It is in the receiving end. It absorbs nutrients from land, life from water and pranic energy from sun-rays. On the other hand the flower that is born to such a tree is soft and delicate. Its message is vast. It’s a feast to the eyes it spreads a fragrance around. Though the flower’s life is short, it lives for the sake of others. It gives its sweet nectar to butterflies and finds happiness in other’s happiness. The same way the hard hearted selfish around rise saints like Kabir. They spread universal love. They lead an ideal life (solititude). A muslim weaver called ‘Neeru’ came across a baby floating on the leaf of a lotus. He took the baby into his loving hands named him Kabir and brought him up. Kabir means good of human souls or Mahatma. Little did he know, when he named him that, he would really become a Mahatma. Love to the almighty was in born quality of Kabir. That is why he had been a sincere devotee to the God from the childhood. His affection and love was blended with a quest for knowledge. He asked such probing questions that his teachers were unable to answer. The teachers sent back Kabir to his house. Though

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To attain knowledge of self, one requires pure wisdom with severe penance. Pure wisdom teaches dualism that is the true nature of universe and twin nature of illusion. The penance detaches him from the external world. When Kabir learned this basic principle of life, his affection of love to God grew up. He also learned lessons of mortality from nature around. Kabir’s search for knowledge was so much that he did not leave any religion untouched. He learned and listened to Hindu Sastras, Muslim Koran, Sufi masters lectures etc. Kabir’s father forced him to take up his weaver’s job. The affection of love in him dominated over the craftsmanship. At times because of the noises of human being Kabir entered into deep silence of godliness. Once as he was walking across a house, he saw a woman grinding the jowar seeds in a manual processing machine. He wept for that. A sadhu or saint who happened to pass that way asked him the reason for his weeping. Kabir explained his feelings and asked whether there was no escape from death. The saint being touched by his renunciation explained philosophy of life, from that very example “Look my son, the grinding machine crushes all the jawar seeds. But look carefully a few seeds that are struck to the core-rod are intact they can not be crushed. The same way that ever is struck to the core-rod of godliness, though being grinded in the worldly affairs, will not be affected by death. Kabir was very much impressed by his teaching and devoted his time totally to God. Some months after Kabir’s father passed away and the burden of running family fell on Kabir’s shoulders. He was forced to take up the weaving task, but half the time he was engrossed in the love of godliness. God came to his rescue then and finished his task. Ultimately, they were wonderfully woven. He took those clothes to the exhibition to To be Continued Page No: 65

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L O V E Rich or Poor Siddhi Times USA 48


nce upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, and all the others including Love. One day it was announced to the feelings that the island would sink, so all repaired their boats and left. Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to persevere until the last possible moment. When the island was almost sinking, Love decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a grand boat. Love said, “Richness, can you take me with you?” Richness answered, “No, I can’t. There is a lot of gold and sliver in my boat. There is no place for you here.” Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by in a beautiful vessel, “Vanity, please help me!”. “I can’t help you Love. You are all wet and might damage my boat,” Vanity answered. Sadness was close by so Love asked for help, “Sadness let me go with you.” “Oh...... Love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself!” answered Sadness. Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not even hear when Love called her! Suddenly, there was a voice, “Come Love, I will take you.” It was an elder. Love felt so blessed and overjoyed that he forgot to ask the elder her name. When they arrived on dry land, the elder went her own way. Love, realizing how much he owned the elder, asked Knowledge, another elder. Love: “Who helped me?” Knowledge: “It was Time” Love: “Time? But why did Time help me?” Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and answered, “Because only Time is capable of understanding how great Love is”.


ne day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live. They spent couple of days and night on the farm of what would be considered a poor family. On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, “How was the trip?”. Son replied, “It was great Dad”. “Did you see how poor people live?”, the father asked. “Oh yeah!”, said the son. “So tell me, what you learned from the trip?”, asked the father. The son answered:“I saw that we have one dog and they had four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end…

We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night. Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon. We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond. We have servants who serve us. But, they serve others. We buy our food, but they grow theirs. We have walls around our property to protect us; they have friends to protect them.” The boy’s father was speechless. Then his son added, “Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are.” Isn’t perspective a wonderful thing? Makes you wonder what would happen if we all give thanks for everything we have, instead of worrying about what we don’t have. Appreciate every single thing you have!!!

Not all hopes develop into success. But, those with divinely foundation will sure.- Sri Selvam “Siddhar”


PL . Subbiah

he freedom fighter in Southern India called V.O.Chidambaram, had stated in his writings during the improvement period as “No life exists without tears”.

Related to the same, Lord Buddha’s theory explains as “Desire is the reason for all the sufferings”. He found the answer through Meditation. Through meditation, a person can realize the ‘self’. The ‘self’ gives the meaning, diverting the mind towards inner and finding the good nature of the human soul. The wizards in meditation are too many. Some notable persons are Saint Pathanjali and Saints ‘ATHISA’ and ‘THILOPPA’ who are from a state called Tibet in China. The benefit of meditation is wisdom. Wisdom gives a person the true pleasure. “Wisdom and Truth” are some; but as two different words. Another benefit of meditation is making a person’s habitually a matured person. Maturity gives happiness. Happiness is not coming from the external world but within one person’s own mind and self. When a person achieves wisdom and happiness his life becomes enlightened. Money, authority and influence of famous big people have the nature of destruction. Mind does give the knowledge to understand the world but meditation gives the consciousness and concentration power.

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One who knows the thesis of causation, realizes everything in the world have changeable nature. By knowing the causation a person obtains realization. It is a courageous deed. Meditation by simple words is diverting physical energy and thought power into the centre of the mind. By folding legs in sitting posture one should start meditation. Controlling all the five senses, may not be possible to all kind of people. So choose a silent and clean place and meditate upon a personal god or goddess. This practice is called Niyaman. One should bring it into practice early in the morning and before the sun-set. The society has its own time table and its own superiority consciousness. A person may suffer because of his over dominating wife and another person may suffer because of his workmanship, thru shed by the boss or owner. Some may suffer because of bad kind of parentage. Through meditation a person gets relief for some hours. That relief can give that person a good health. Meditation’s miracle achievement is liberation. By liberation, a person can grow to the stage of Lord Mahavir. Another important thing is that liberation is not sold in any fancy shop. It is within one’s own-self. Mind can be compared to a monkey as it would wander like

Having Gems, Stones and extra costumes are not the solution for difficulties. But, pure devotion with God and the self confidence are the best solution.. - Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

anything. Some great people have said live like a snake either when it’s alive or dead. Living like a cat, the cat has no confidence in the external world so it always closes its eyes. Living like an Ant, the ant does the work collecting the food-grains and has the nature of regularity. In Chandogya Upanishad it is stated; “When a person understands the mind he speaks the truth. No one speaks the truth without understanding, the truth. Understand the understandable! “Though a person is not able to understand, yet by getting maturity that person slowly begins to understand. The result of meditation is the “self” is not other than the object. Awareness is an important thing; good intuition has the same power as that of bad intuition. While meditating, a person is grasped by good intuition that good intuition purifies the mind. Clearness is essential to choose which is good and which is not good. One need not run away from family and family life. A small corner in a person’s room can become a holy place like Rishikesh. Awareness also indicates avoiding too much of sleep. It may look like a mad person’s deed but while growing in meditation a person can perform miracles. Meditation is the key to a person whose wandering mind becomes calm and quiet and a person wants gets changed into another form. So the master-key meditation makes a person detached from the demon called desire. When one sees another person he compares his status with his own status; that may bring unhappiness or happiness. One should understand appointment is closely related with disappointment. One should stop comparing one-self with another person. Instead of that-one should know his own-self. In the mirror, one’s reflection is visible. Like that when a person sees himself or herself through meditation that person gets clearness and detachment, which is very helpful to get-rid of the monster called over-ambition.

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oncentrating, Silence, Search, Everlasting thirst to find the supreme and meditating only with soul forgoing the status of body, all are concerned with penance which is the hardest of all the acts. In several circumstances the death too occurs, but one who is very sure and rigid of destination achieves with all his purity and devotion to the supreme. Rishis, Maha Rishis, Brahma Rishis and Raja Rishis were the high position in renunciation.

superior of the divine land prevented the king and sent him back. Maha Rishi, Viswamithra, knowing the return of king ‘Sangu’ he created a “heaven” itself in the midway and permitted the king Tri Sangu to stay there. Dev Indra was not a foe to Rishi Viswamithra but he had inconvincible anger towards Dev Indra. The Epics further explain that the Maha Rishi used to be always with great anger and he could never be consoled even if the ‘Almighty’ takes the responsibility. Such a famous Maha Rishi in his life failed once.

Maha Rishi ‘Viswamithra’ a born (kshatria) his great achievements and the heroic deeds in penance gave him the prestigious rank of Raja Rishi. Even in the lives of Rishis, there were drawbacks and failures.

Event of the past It was near by a mountainside, green trees, bushes and plants were in fertile growth; a lonely atmosphere with the echoing sound of “Om… Om… Om…” an act of deep meditation, a Rishi was continuing his penance, the posture and the nature if described, it was not accountable to know the years and time that was being continued.

Maha Rishi “Vasista” from his child hood, and the days of learning in Ashrams, gained his knowledge and fame for a remarkable status of Brahma Rishi. Maha Rishi Viswamithra through his enormous power of meditation created even a heaven. The king Tri Sangu with very big boundaries and regiments desired to leave the human life and wanted to dwell in heaven. His intention was to go to heaven with his physique of human body. The divine land and the heaven are not the places to reach so easily as a common man with the soul. He tried every where with all the prominent Gurus and Rishis. He could not get the proper way. Finally he surrendered before Maha Rishi Viswamithra who gave asylum to the king Trisangu. T h e meditational a n d penancial power of Maha Rishi provided the King to climb up the route for heaven. He was reaching fast with sky way to enter the heaven. But he was stopped and sent back. Dev Indra, the prominent

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In Indra loka, Dev Indra was in the court hall. There spelt a gloomy atmosphere with suspicion. The penance was growing stronger and stronger by the Rishi at the mountainside. That was the topic, which gave a sense of fear to Dev Indra, the prominent superior of Devaloka. The Rishi who was indulged in the spiritually engaged meditation with Almighty was no other than Rishi Viswamithra. The ability and confidence of the Rishi were well known, that he would never leave it without success. The fear for Dev Indra was about his position; in case Rishi claims the power of ruling Indra Loka, what would become of him? Anything could happen. He planned for himself and sent words to Urvasi, Thilothama, Menaka and Ramba. They were the dancers with great beauty of his esteemed court. They assembled and paid the honor to their divinely leader Dev Indra, who was with his enquiring eyes to select the suitable dancer, and decided to send Menaka to Booloka which was the place where Rishi Viswamithra was doing the great penance. All his aims circled with only point to make “Spoil” of the sacred penance of Rishi Viswamithra. He ordered Menaka to reach the mountain side and to be in front of meditating Rishi Viswamithra. The tactful task of converting the mind of the Rishi, she had the conclusions to dance before him and invite him to the earthly pleasure. Her dance was in an attractive way with gravitation. Her beauty added to increase the mood of intoxication any one that looks. The continuing of the dances with her all skills, she felt something an achievement of her hopes. The Rishi opened the eyes and looked at her. The passion and grasping tendencies were flourishing with the moments of Menaka. Rishi Viswamithra was well enough to access the circumstances; his power indicated him about the events. Even then the fate did not permit him to go away from the clutches of Menaka who was waiting for his yielding.

Vedic rituals are proper and best methods which will give power and resist the hurdles. - Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

Astonishing matters were overflowing during the renunciation and irresistible attention towards the welcoming of Almighty became a question to the Rishi. A strong minded as well as a Rishi with abnormal anger; no one could dare to be as an nuisance before him; such splendid philosophic personality happened to see a dancer in her movements with the kamarasa (Passion inducing sex). Rishi from the level of child boy, youth and as a purified saint, threw away all the attachments appreciations and affections on earthly livings. During the renunciation and meditation, months and years would be passing on. The power, will with concentrations and the journey with episode of godliness, were all the assets the Rishi. Would it become something lesser when a female appeared before him? Almighty is the master, He plays with men and if His desire is that, who could relieve from such clutch? Even to the most powerful nuns who were doubtlessly rigid and firm are their renunciation were also happened to meet with tests and scrutiny of the Almighty. The birth upon earth and the nature of earth would positively lead for a sense of faults, but the self protection and voluntary enforcement of confidence should never be jolted. This law was scattered into pieces before the beauty of Menaka who was considered the beauties of all the beauties in the Divine land. Rishi Viswamithra on his way to Brahma Rishi and Raja Rishi, slipped down and wished to enjoy all the earthly pleasure with Menaka who came to earth on the orders of Dev Indra. It was immaterial to consider as loss to loose a divine dancer at the court of Indra who was the main cause to demote Rishi Viswamithra from his positive process of renunciation. Victory of Indra resulted to the failure for Rishi Viswamithra, who lost his gained powers and began to love Menaka.

A parnakashala (Hut) near a cascading waters of stream, and the breezy evening, enhanced a pleasant mood of Menaka and she spoke to the Rishi, “I thought that something detachable and felt I could go away from you” Rishi said “Those who are well trained to be detached in every thing feel the loneliness; ‘Perhaps’ they could even dislike a life with woman; but when circumstances annex they too fall as the victims. My experience! It is altogether an unexpected turn”. Menaka added, “Your nobility and the great aims I do not know. But it could have been for a notable achievement of my position! It is to be bound by the orders of Dev Indra- I did it.” Rishi continued, “It is not your own-you are just an arrow-but the bow and the hunter I consider that’s Indra. It is never been the plan of your own” Menaka open heartedly spoke as “The life with Rishi, that too, just for a stay of few days-your benevolence, your greatness, your periods of youth-above all the true and soft love; I hope I am indebted to the grace of Almighty- I feel I could never spare from you”. Rishi with great affection spoke, “My nature, my anger, my command, all I consider have gone now, Of course I was a talented-student, I was taught with all the Vedic principle which raised me the with regards of status to be so high; now I come to know something ever known subject of love” They continued the life of Rishi and Rishi Pathni. (Husband and Wife).

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n the heart of every one, among the list of wants and wishes, there are only one or two dominating aims or needs. These needs may mainly focus on personal development and ambition. The ambition is connected with desire. The desires can be of different nature, so called money making, reading, comfort, extending supports to the fellow men, improving the external - Ms Azahu Vairavan personality, Director: Alagappa University and Group institutions, India and engaging Director: Hindu Temple of Georgia, USA always with

friends and companions. While all these desires are agreeable and lawful in nature, there is also sections of society with diverted nature fall as victims, lose money in bad habits and spend the times only in intoxicating activities. These are four stages of the students as well as every one to enjoy their lives 1st stage: To acquire good education. 2nd stage: To possess knowledge/wealth. 3rd stage: To have parental care/married life. 4th stage: To live long with family and children. All humans have commonsense. But, how is it applied to lead a peaceful and happy life. Proper planning and awareness are the real necessities and foundation of a successful and meaningful life. Child hood, young age, middle age and old ages are the seasons of any human life. There are structures and norms for every stage. First aim should be to get a good education with good health. Second aim should be to accommodate with the norms and earn wealth. Third aim should be to provide the care for parents and

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follow a married life. Fourth aim should be to get settled in a peaceful life with children. Where as, the people of servicing mentality and aiming for spiritual life with noble cause follow their own views. For those who practically engage themselves with honesty and nobility should practice the self observation method of meditation. Meditation purifies the thoughts and feelings. It’s very likely that love, affection, anger, enmity, vengeance and sorrow will rise from the mind. The filtration process by means of meditation will guide every one to reach their goal of dignified life. It is the strong faith of the philosophers and saints that even the Almighty Lord Shiva does the meditation. How do we do Meditation? The middle place in the fore-head, just little above the two eyebrows lies the yard to store the observed knowledge. This particular spot is “Gnana Peedam”, which means the pedestal with knowledge. The knowledge is unlimited and has no boundaries. Sitting on a ground and keeping two hands on two thighs with eyes closed the meditation can be started. Each and every family upon this universe should do this practice including children and adults. In the morning, soon after bathing, dedicate just five minutes for this process and begin with the sacred word “OM”. Nothing apart from this holy word “OM” is essential. This will give the concentration, peace and happiness. Adhi Buddha (founder of Buddhist religion) had followed the same syllable of a-u-m being venerated by Lord Shiva. One should be courageous; fear and braveness both are human qualities. When fear is more, hesitation will grow more. Hence, the confusion of knowing the right from the wrong. When the braveness is more, the magnanimity will rule. Clear vision on the object of the subject should be annexed with justful norms. Naturally the circumstances will be fortified with godliness. When you happen to throw a stone on water in a pool, the water

will sprinkle up and create a formation of wave which enlarges and develops as circle after circle to reach the bank of the pool. This formation of circle you deem it as ‘O’. This ‘O’, let it be cyber according to mathematics. In ancient ‘Vedic findings’ it is ‘omkara swaruba’. Every thing inform of ‘O’. All the stars Sun, Moon, Earth, Planets all are in shape of ‘O’- let it be cyber shape. In English, a,e,i,o,u are called vowels notified as genetic letters. ‘O’ generates every where. When a child is in mother’s womb, the posture of folding the legs and hands occupy the place as round shape like ‘O’. When a person gets to the old age, the spinal cord will be in curved form and the head will be bending towards floor in the shape of ‘O’. What about eggs? Are there any eggs in square form? The nature and the Lord of creation, God Brahma has given the self rotation system to all the planets and each of the planets has their axis. The languages name this ‘O’ formation or God as Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient (Om Kara Swaruba). In those days there were no telescopes and planetariums and computers etc. The heavenly secrets and the cosmic theories were observed by naked eyes with proper knowledge. In Sanskrit words “LOKA VEERAM MAHA BOOJIAM SARVA RAKTSHAKARAM VIBUM” were the chanting words in prayer. The word “MAHA BOOJIAM” is giving the meaning cyber, big, bigger or the biggest cyber? Cyber gets the birth spot as dot and gets concluded, making full circle to reach the beginning point. Thus the “Maha Boojiam with Poornathwa”, the fullness is blessed by God. This is certainly possible with the basic discipline utilized with intellectualism.

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AR Rahman’s career has flourished over the past twenty

years. He has sold over one hundred million records worldwide and over two hundred million cassettes. His work includes film scores, soundtracks, theatre, world music and instrumentals. Along side film composing he made an album “Vande Mataram” (1996) singing the title song on the album. Rahman teamed up with Andrew Lloyd Webber to compose the music for “Bombay Dreams” (2002). Some of his award winning compositions include: “Lagaan”, “Kannathil Muthamittal”, “Bombay”, “Dil Se” “Roja”, “Taal” and “Rang De Basanti” On June 17th, 2007 AR Rahman and his musicians gave a remarkable and an outstanding live performance in Washington DC. Here he swept over 8,000 attendees off their feet. This concert’s promoter was Vijay Taneja of Financial Mortgage Inc. and Re/Max Summit. He condluded the concert with the audience’s standing ovation during his “Vande Mataram”. I, Mandira Nandani Mehra, sat down with the extremely humble AR Rahman Ji, and had the following interview. • Mandira Nandani (MN) - AR Rahman ji congratulations on a superb concert. I won’t praise you any further because anything I say would cheapen the experience of your concert. What or who do you owe your success to? • AR Rahman (AR) - I owe my success to God, the love of my family and my fans. Because without love you can’t do anythingand that’s the motivation behind me. • MN - You’re an icon and idol internationally. You inspire millions globally. Who your inspiration? • AR - All good people are inspiration to me, because you need infinite things because you are living a mortal life and you need Mandira Nandani good nature and art and stuff like that (he smiled). • MN - I know this is an unfair question- you have 5 fingers you can’t choose your favorite, similarly, you have many songs and projects- do you have any favorities or specials that touch your heart? • AR - I have many, it depends. Last year it was “Luka Chupi” with Tabu sang by Lata Mangeshwar ji, and this year it was “Tere Bina” where all the songs are dedicated to Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. • MN - One of your first gigs was a coffee jingle. From coffee jingles to your success now, would you go back and change any of your steps along the way? • AR - I wouldn’t I think each step was difficult for me, but I try my best to perfect it. Some of them are successful and some of them are not. It’s important to have an intention behind your life and what you are. That comes from

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within, if you have that intention you can go on with the journey of your life. • MN – Many artists I spoke with today owe their success to you. You have brought up many artists and contributed to their success as well as the fact you have given them their first break. They revere you- and listen to you daily. Who do you or listen to on your cd player? • AR - I’m surrounded by music, so I usually don’t want to listen to music. But sometimes I want to listen to classical, new people and folk music. You tube is now blessing us (he laughs) and sometimes I listen “rad jams” there. • MN – Speaking of modernizing and music- What is your opinion on being able to download music on the internet? • AR - The time has come that we can all judge how we are and we should support each other. People are not going to police you and what you are going to do on the net. We’re all grown ups, we all have our own thoughts. What goes around, comes around. What you give is what you get- You give love then you get love. If you download someone’s hard earned stuff then that should be denied. • MN - The last concert was titled the “unity of light”. Many of your songs deal with love: a romantic love, love for a child, love gained, love lost and the sorrows and happiness that comes with it. How do you, AR ji, define love? • AR - It’s a very good and big question with a very big

answer. For me the love for God comes first, he comes first, he created all of us he created love and since I am of Sufi path that is more important and of course because of that, he has commended us to love each other then comes secondary love and then your life is peaceful or you suffer from love too much haha! (he smiles) • MN - You’re an international success and an icon figure- I can tell from your many concerts there is so much happening here (pointing to mind) and here (pointing to heart). You have amazing focus and have accomplished more then one can comprehend. With so much success now what do you wish to accomplish? • AR - For me it’s not really about success or not success, my life is taking its own path. I am surprised everyday. I am surprised here today to see the crowd respond. So I take it (life) that way like a child, not like a grown up with my thoughts torturing me, I really want to maintain my naivety at least intentionally. (he laughs innocently) • MN - That’s a superb answer and an inspirational one as well. Any last final messages to anyone in DC or anywhere in the country? • AR - I want to thank everyone for coming to the concert and supporting all us musicians and singers and hope to see you again next time possibly (he subtly smiles and gives a goodbye handshake). • MN - Thank you AR ji and we hope to see you soon. - Mandira Nandani

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he title of this Upanishad, kena (“by whom”), is simply the first word of the text. The Kena Upanishad is also sometimes called the Talavakara Upanishad because it forms the ninth chapter of the Talavakara Brahmana of the Sama Veda. This UPANISHAD is about knowing Brahman. More exactly, it’s about the paradoxical nature of that knowledge. It stresses the idea that when we consider ourselves to be performers of actions, we are unable to recognize Brahman (God), because Brahman is the real actor. Among the Upanishads it is one of the most analytical and metaphysical, its purpose being to lead the mind from the gross to the subtle, from effect to cause. By a series of profound questions and answers, it seeks to locate the source of man’s being; and to expand his self– consciousness until it has become identical with God–Consciousness. The KENA UPANISHAD falls into two halves. The first half, consisting of two khandas or chapters, records a dialogue in verse between a student and teacher. The second half, in prose, tells a fable in which the gods fail to recognize Brahman because they imagine they are responsible for a victory that was in fact won by him. The Gods stand for the psychic forces that control the sense-organs. Indra, or Iconsciousness, is their ruler. The demons [who were overcome in battle by Brahman] represent a man’s evil passions. Now and then the senses are able to overcome a passion and get a sudden glimpse of Atman. Then they proudly feel that they can understand Atman’s whole nature. The organ of speech (Agni, or Fire) thinks it can know the whole of Brahman. Prana, the vital force (Vayu, or Wind), thinks it alone controls man’s activity.

They soon realize, however, the futility of their power and beat a retreat. Then the ego, or the individual soul (Indra), chastened and humbled, steps forward, and the vision of Atman vanish. There appears before him Grace (Uma, the consort of the Lord), who is the Power of Brahman (Sakti) and also the Wisdom of the Vedas (Brahmavidya). She destroys the wrong notion of the ego and the senses and ultimately reveals the truth of Brahman. I) The Brahman once won a victory for the Devas. Through that victory of the Brahman, the Devas became elated. They thought, “This victory is ours. This glory is ours.” Brahman here does not mean a personal Deity. There is a Brahma, the first person of the Hindu Trinity; but Brahman is the Absolute, the One without a second, and the essence of all. There are different names and forms which represent certain personal aspects of Divinity, such as Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and Siva the Transformer; but no one of these can fully represent the Whole. Brahman is the vast ocean of being, on which rise numberless ripples and waves of manifestation. From the smallest atomic form to a Deva or an angel, all spring from that limitless ocean of Brahman, the inexhaustible Source of life. No manifested form of life can be independent of its source, just as no wave, however mighty; can be independent of the ocean. Nothing moves without that Power. He is the only Doer. But the Devas thought: “This victory is ours, this glory is ours.” II) The Brahman perceived this and appeared before them. They did not know what mysterious form it was. III) They said to Fire: “O Jataveda (All– knowing)! Find out what mysterious spirit this is.” He said: “Yes.”

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IV) He ran towards it and He (Brahman) said to him: “Who art thou?” “I am Agni, I am Jataveda,” he (the Fire–god) replied. V) Brahman asked: “What power resides in thee?” Agni replied: “I can burn up all whatsoever exists on earth.” VI) Brahman placed a straw before him and said: “Burn this.” He (Agni) rushed towards it with all speed, but was not able to burn it. So he returned from there and said (to the Devas): “I was not able to find out what this great mystery is.” VII) Then they said to Vayu (the Air–god): “Vayu! Find out what this mystery is.” He said: “Yes.” VIII) He ran towards it and He (Brahman) said to him: “Who art thou?” “I am Vayu, I am Matarisva (traveller of Heaven),” he (Vayu) said. IX) Then the Brahman said: “What power is in thee?” Vayu replied: “I can blow away all whatsoever exists on earth.” X) Brahman placed a straw before him and said: “Blow this away.” He (Vayu) rushed towards it with all speed, but was not able to blow it away. So he returned from there and said (to the Devas): “I was not able to find out what this great mystery is.” XI) Then they said to Indra: “O Maghavan (Worshipful One)! Find out what this mystery is.” He said: “Yes”; and ran towards it, but it disappeared before him. XII) Then he saw in that very space a woman beautifully adorned, Uma of golden hue, daughter of Haimavat (Himalaya). He

asked: “What is this great mystery?” Here we see how the Absolute assumes concrete form to give knowledge of Himself to the earnest seeker. Brahman, the impenetrable mystery, disappeared and in His place appeared a personal form to represent Him. This is a subtle way of showing the difference between the Absolute and the personal aspects of Deity. The Absolute is declared to be unknowable and unthinkable, but He assumes deified personal aspects to make Himself known to His devotees. Thus Uma, daughter of the Himalaya, represents that personal aspect as the offspring of the Infinite Being; while the Himalaya stands as the symbol of the Eternal, Unchangeable One. Thus the aspirant attains the supreme knowledge. It should be noted that one cannot even have a glimpse of the indwelling Atman unless the evil passions are subdued. “A person begins with dissatisfaction. Not content with the world he seeks satisfaction of desires by prayers to God; his mind is purified; he longs to know God more than to satisfy his carnal desires. Then God’s Grace begins to manifest. God takes the form of a Guru and appears to the devotee; teaches him the Truth; purifies the mind by his teachings and contact; the mind gains strength, is able to turn inward; with meditation it is purified yet further, and eventually remains still without the least ripple. That stillness is the Self. The Guru is both exterior and interior. From the exterior he gives a push to the mind to turn inward; from the interior he pulls the mind towards the Self and helps the mind to achieve quietness. That is Grace. Hence there is no difference between God, Guru and Self. - Ramana Maharshi

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Lord Shiva is a great God. For the sake of all lives inclusive of human, He engaged Himself to destroy the evils. The atmosphere of war with anger, several times resulting with abnormal heat on earth, which was, actually intolerable by mankind. In such occasions Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma used to bring Lord Shiva for normalcy by music.

Dance was the best art for the Lord, who after hearing the music started dancing. The garland that He was wearing was with the chain of skulls. Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma brought Him to normality for the human beings to live happily. In this facet, God Shiva is seen with Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma. The devotees, many times in their lives have to cross the situations in great tension and restlessness. For all such crucially engaged people, the idol “Nardana Rudhrar” with Lords Vishnu and Brahma will give an amicable way of getting success with peace. High officials with busy jobs will be rendered with successful solutions in their critical activities.

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SWARNA AKARSHANA BAIRAVA Most glorious scene that one can witness is the image of Swarna Akarshana Moorthy, with the crescent moon on head and His wife goddess Uma Devi on the thigh. A pot full of gold is also seen in the image. The divine Kubera is the richest in the divine land. The pot of gold in the image means that Lord Shiva gets the gold from Kubera and gives the same to His devotees. We have one story for reference. Once “Saint Adhi Sankara” went to a house of a poor family and the lady of the house was not able to offer any thing to Saint Sankara. Knowing the situation of poverty, Saint Sankara, composed a hymn upon Lord Shiva. That is the “Kanaga Thara” stothram, a powerful poem to create wealth. Soon after the ending of poem, Saint Shankara had the powers to bless that poor family with lot of gold. Lord Shiva is having his blessing hand in the right side and the pot of gold is also in the same side but in the second hand. The devotees with sincere devotion and prayer can have all comforts and become rich. The word “Swarna Akarshana” relates to gold only. Mainly the ladies in the family, who need wealth, should worship the Lord for His boons. God “Swarna Akarshana Moorthy” will be graceful to yield the prosperity with wealth.


The different facets of Lord Shiva, in the title Rudhra, resemble with the manifestation of great anger with bold and positive look of destruction. The appearance is exhibited with teeth, which are projecting horribly in both side of mouth. At a glance, if any one happens to look, will feel great fear. He kills all the enemies who does harm to his devotees.

One can get lucky without any knowledge. But, to reap the rewards of luck, need the intelligence.- Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

In this atmosphere of destruction, He continues to put an end to devils and demons. But in the human heart itself, occurs the injustice, unlawful desires, thoughts of killing, plans of stealing, ideas to possess the other’s properties etc. These kinds of acts are also considered as devilish nature. The mankind should give importance and abide with norms for them selves to live a dignified life. All these doctrines are imposed in this idol. When a person happens to behave out of gears, the lesson-teller is Lord Shiva. So, one can attain peace first and proper development with prosperity will reach next.

SHATKARA MRUTHYUNJAYA MOORTHY Lord Shiva is with six hands in this facet. “Mruthu” defined here is for the kindness. Some people suffer with frequent sickness and feel much about their longevity. Since the jaba “Mruthyunjaya” helps to cure several illnesses, Mruthyunjaya Homa will be the best for longevity. The ‘Padmasana’ is one of the rules of yoga. The Lord is having a vessel full of nectar (Amirtha - which will give external life). The appearance or “dharsan” of Lord Shiva is upon the Kalai (Bull) and in the state of Padmasana with peace and calmness. So, the devotees with their prayer from the depth of heart can put their appeal before the Lord who is with Rudhraksha. The meditation and yoga are routines of Lord Shiva. Devotees should pay sincere homage to Him and possess the good health.

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Bhaktha Kabirdas sell them. But nobody dared to buy those clothes. Kabir was un-mindful of the situation when a Brahmin came begging for clothes. Kabir gave a cloth generously free of cost to that person. Then a Muslim came asked for clothes. He gave the remaining clothes to the second person. Kabir could able to see God in both Hindu and a Muslim. God deprived him of his business took the form or total impression of Brahmin and went to Kabir’s mother and placed the complaint. The mother came angrily to the exhibition and beat up Kabir with a hard-stick. Since Kabir was immersed in meditation the wounds were reflected on the Brahmin nearly him. When Kabir opened his eyes he saw ‘Lord Sri Ram’ himself was the person who received the wounds. Kabir and his mother were thrilled as she embraced her son with tears of joy. Her tears of joy were short lived. Her eyes were covered with illusion. She was scared that her son would be lost. So to bring him back to mundane world, she performed his marriage with Loyee. Though Kabir was not inclined, he had no other go. But his quest for knowledge was unquenchable. Kabir being a muslim was not accepted by the Hindu masters. He was not also accepted by the Muslim masters since his behavior was against

Shatkara Mruthyunjaya Moorthy will give boons to His devotees and save them from illness and give long life. Aged people, and those who suffer with physical and/or mental illness and disabilities should positively make the homage to Lord Shiva for their welfare.


Lord Shiva, during the time of reformation of world, co-operated Lord Brahma in the creation of sounds, language, phonetics, music etc. Lord Shiva is a great lover of music. When He happens to hear the melody, begins to dance. Dance is the art, which had its birth from Lord Shiva. There lived a king called Mathura who prayed the Lord to give him appearance (dharsan) engaged in dance. The king, ministers and all persons in the court of King experienced the same when Lord Shiva commenced His great methods of dances with grace. As Lord Shiva changed the legs and danced in so many astonishing ways, the entire crowd was experiencing the divinity by His gesture and benevolence. As Lord Shiva is the creator of art, the communities of artists like the musicians, singers, instrument players, and dancers should get the blessings for their fame and progress. The crescent moon “Chandra” is in his head. The snake and drum represent the musical beat. All are beautifully accommodated in his facet, which gives a very pleasing appearance with an immense peace. the norms of his religion. Kabir was not confined to any religion but it was not understood by great people. With a broken heart, he was loitering on the banks of river Ganga. He lost all hopes of meeting a guru. He almost fainted and dozed off to sleep there. The next morning, a guru by the name Ramananda Swami on his way to Ganges happened to step over him. Then he uttered “‘Ram”. Kabir woke up to these uttering’s and accepted him as his guru. The guru too had no objection to receive him as his disciple. He did not have any objection since it was all designed by the God. Ramananda Swami was a staunch devotee of God. Once Goddess Lakshmi decided to test him and created a Rose Garden on his path. He plucked one rose, but the Goddess almost snatched it away from his hands and took it straight to Lord Vishnu and she said “Look your disciple is a thief”. God smiled at her and said “He plucked it only to offer it to me and you brought it all the way to me personally”. Lakshmi Devi was moved by his devotion and offered to help him. The Lord explained, “Kabir is not after the riches or material comforts. He wants to spread affection of love to the God around him. He needs a right disciple for that. So I will create a disciple out of the flower you brought here”. Speaking thus he changed it into a baby and that baby was no other than Kabir himself. So, Kabir and Ramananda Swami made a good pair. He felt he had lost his ego.

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Hindu Temple of Georgia

Chief Priest Daughter’s Wedding

Temple Treasurer Ms. Sivanadiyan with Priest Sharma’s Family

Temple Treasurer Ms. Sivanadiyan is giving Rs 1,00,000.00 as a present to Chief Priest Sharma’s daughter on behalf of Hindu Temple of Georgia, USA From left to Right:- Mr.Ashok- Temple Youth Committee Chairman, Ms. Sivanadiyan- Temple Treasurer, Ms Mathangi- Priest Sharma’s wife, Ms.Sowmya- The Bride, Mr. Ramesh- Bridegroom, Pundit Sharma, Mr. Annamalai & Ms.Kalyani- Temple Directors.

The Grand Marriage performance by Sri.Swamiji.

Temple Treasurer Ms. Sivanadiyan with priests wife

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- By S.Balasubramanian.


he Chief Priest Sharma of Hindu Temple of Georgia has two daughters. Swamiji, on perusal of his elder daughter’s horoscope said that the marriage of the girl should be performed within the month of July. So, he contacted a few persons in India and I’m one among them. I’m a retired staff of Government of Tamilnadu. I’ve got two sons and a daughter. My daughter got married three years ago. Sri. Swamiji fixed my elder son Chirnjeevi Ramesh alias Srinivasan for the elder daughter Sowbagyavathi Sowmya of the Chief Priest Sharma. My son is working in Bangalore as an automobile engineer. The boy and the girl met each other and they liked very much. After getting the full consent from both, Sri. Swamiji ordered the Indian Ashram people to make

Temple Board Members , Staffs of Indian Ashrama elaborate and grand arrangements to perform the marriage. He himself fixed the date as July 11th as the fit date for the marriage. He ordered his family to go to India for the marriage. As the Brahmin family marriage rituals are to be performed for three days, the marriage rituals started on the 10th morning. A group of priests under the leadership of the senior most priest Sri. Krishnamoorthy Sastrigal performed the rituals. The purification of the couple was done as per the Vedic specifications. In the evening a grand reception was given to the couple. A lot of invitees took part in it. Sri. Swamiji’s parents, wife and children were the chairpersons of the reception. A grand dinner was served to the invitees. The catering was arranged by the team of the ashram’s chef Sri. Sathya and Mrs.Latha Sathya. On 11th morning the Kasi Yathrai took place as the beginning of the ritual. Then the couples were seated on an Oonjal and the evil dhrishty on the couple was removed. Then the couple exchanged their garlands. After that the couples were taken to the marriage Dias. After a few Vedic rituals, the holy Mangalyam was tied by the groom. Then the sapthapathi, a Vedic ritual of taking the girl for seven steps took place. All the functions were graced by the Swamiji online. Swamiji’s family took an active part in all the rituals and graced the holy and happy occasions. As I and my family members got the blessings of the Swamiji, I request all to have the same blessings of the Swamiji and Lord Shiva.

USA based Kingcraft LLC, co founder MR Jeyakumar with the Ashrama Staffs.

Temple Treasurer Ms. Parvathi Sivanadiyan with Ms Kalyani and Priest Sivaswamy

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Mr Dhanraj Pandiyan , Managing Director of $ 2 Billion Dhanraj Group of companies a strong Devotee of His Holiness Sri Sri Selvam”Siddhar’ with Pundit Sharma, & Pundit Manikandan Kutty with Siddhi Times magazine.

Swamiji Sri

Selvam “Siddhar”

The newly wedded couples with Siddhi Times magazine. Siddhi Times USA 68

No Husband could understand his wife 100% , with the obvious reason that both are different sex. - Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

St. Mary and Angel Next morning when he went to church, an old woman was sweeping the front hall of the church. While John was leaving, after the prayers to St Mary, the old woman came closer to him and told, ”Johnson, I know you well from your child hood; you should reveal your worries and feelings to me; I will do whatever possible”. These words of support and grace gave a new strength to him and he told his worriers about loan taken from the neighbor, the big interest to be paid and his unfulfilled wishes to buy gold jewels to his wife, etc. The old woman then turned as an Angel and blessed him “Since you are one of the best devotees of mother St Mary; I feel courtesy upon you and I can give you a boon. I have powers to grant only one boon which you have to claim. Not a big list”.

Mr. Johnson

was a farmer and lived with his family in the farm house. He was a disciple of St.Mary. He was so convinced that the real grace, kindness and service were the born nature of a mother. He was blessed with a great father, mother and wife. Since his childhood, he worshiped St.Mary with the mind of purity. Having given birth to the “good shepherd Jesus”, the deep devotion upon St.Mary grew as a banyan tree in his heart and he never missed the prayers. As both of his father and mother were blind and the income from the agriculture was very minimal. For the studies and education of Johnson, they had a loan of ten thousand dollars from the neighbor by the pledging their property. The loan added up as they got more for Johnson’s marriage. Johnson was married to Teresa and 6 years passed by. They could not repay the loan yet. Even though John was such a hard worker and honest man, he was very unhappy about his wonderful wife Teresa suffering with no wealth. Johnson once asked Teresa “Are you happy with me in this poor status?” “I don’t need any status. I just want to be a good wife of a good husband” she said smilingly. “I feel I have given nothing to you. I could not provide you any comfort, not even gold jewels to you”.

Johnson was confused and replied cleverly, that the Angel should permit him to consult with his family and be back. Angel agreed to his wish. When he went home, he discussed the same with his father and mother. They were so pleased to hear about the blessings of the Angel. But the parents insisted him to get the vision power to their eyes. Now it is Teresa’s chance. She told that for the last six year she could not conceive and her desire was to be blessed with a child. Johnson wanted to get lot of gold so that he can settle the loan and live comfortably with his family. Johnson spent hours of thinking about this and he wanted to make every body to be happy in his family. He decided to use his wits and ability to face this challenge. Johnson went again to church and asked the Angel “Oh my mother St Mary’s Angel!! Kindly grant me the boon that my parents should see my son in a golden cradle!!!” The boon was granted and the Angel vanished. After some months his wife conceived and delivered a male child! Then appeared the golden cradle!! John’s parents got their vision to look at their grandson! As all of their wishes came true and they lived happily ever after!!!

“Silver, gold, diamond etc are not my desires. Our hardworking hands and the aim to do good cultivation are the means for a reasonable income and we can live our life comfortably.” She spoke most responsibly.

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The Raasi Readings below are based on your Raasi(Moon Sign) not sun sign. Please do not get confused with other readings in different news papers. This is the only reading in USA done to the standard of ATHARVA VEDA and not to the Jyothis Sasthra.

- Sponsored by - Paruchuri Gopalakrishna Garu

MESHAM (ARIES) Stars Concerned : (Ashwin – Bharani and 1st Part of Kritika) The natives of this sign will be getting good influences and supports from Lord Jupiter – the position of Mars is with Jupiter’s of opposition will be guiding to get relief from pressure of financial requirements, the domestic maintainces , and development in savings. The prevailing condition is causing an atmosphere of dryness. In common , the astama Jupiter till October create challenges. Astama is the place of loss or expenditure ; so the circumstances are to be covered for more income by additional way of earnings. That will be possible and the critical scenes will be solved. A care towards children and scrutiny of the property, you have to give preference this month. For House hold wives : The management will be with difficulties but governed part after part with a mood of confusion, this month will be going on like this. For Students: This month is dictating more lessons;(everything) needed for deep survey. More Attention is necessary For Business people and professionals: The plans and routines are guided with good scopes. The first half of month will give full support. Next half, will be needing very proper attention in every thing which you will finish it satisfactorily. For lovers: Very unsteady and mixed trends will be prevailing. More cautious nature and filtered decision are advised. The delay will lead the way with expectation of good results. On August 14,15,16 the Lord Saturn , kedu , venus and moon

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will be in the fifth house i.e simha and create a base for a comfortable status of your aims. The days which are not good for important works are 20,21 and 22. Your Lord of sign is Mars. Master of Mars is God Karthikeya. You have to worship this God for all the good. RISHABAM (TAURUS) (Kritika 2nd 3rd 4th part – Rohini 1st and 2nd part of Hrugasheera) Lord of Rishaba – venus is with lords kedu and sani. This will be affecting your regular works, meternal matters, and properties and vehicles. Lord Ragu is occupying your house of profession / Business. Regular improvements will be there with restlessness. Lord Jupiter guides you till October and supports you for all achievements. On 14,15,16 of this month some program in your career will have some modifications. It is an occurance of new branches and wide range of hard works which will be giving new experiences before October 13th. Because the graceful Jupiter’s helps are on one side and the conjuctions of venus and Saturn in simha, happens on other side. This is a new experienc for good. For house hold wives: Matters are more. Unadjustable scenes are to be met with challenges. Timely helps and supports are sure- but your mind will be much confusioned. For students: Your planning and studying are quite parallel to your scopes. Better store the knowledge rigidly in your mind file.

For Business people and Professionals: Lord saturn’s present asterism ‘Maga’ will give you a kind of cunning way, you have to be very careful in making decisions. Of course no loss but one should aim for fame. For lovers: When Lord Mars sits in Rishaba, it is a negative way of moments. Fortunately Lord Jupiter favours you. And still it is one month to be passed for exact decisions and real understandings. The Lords Saturn, Venus, Kedu, and Mercury happen to join in ‘Simha’ on 16 th August. That day and for further 15 days will be of certain changes and experiences. You have to be anxious to meet as well as with vigil to face the occasions. MIDUNA (GEMINI) Mrugasheera 1,2 parts and Tirrvathirai Punarvasu 1,2,3 parts The lord of Midhuna Mercury(Budha) is with Sun in Kadagam. The result will be fear or suspicion in all the attempts to prevail. The major supports are blocked and the self confidence will be in a reduced form. The feeling of something that your plans are not moulding to the exact shape. From this first week of August the days are changing for a better trend. Business and earnings will be governed by Lord Jupiter. Finance and family matters are also amicably going on. For Household wives: As usual the things are maintained with your talent. Nothing to fear. Certain confusions are there and will be given solution by Lord Jupiter. For Students: Your studies are all in good shape and you have to spare more time to score high marks. For Businessmen/ professionals: Usual income and the improvements are going on by the grace of Lord. Jupiter . The financial situations are also coming to the control. For lovers: The seventh house lord Jupiter is looked by Lord Mars who is always against love affairs. He will not permit the situations for smooth ways. Another one month to be passed for a real answer. The lords Sun, Venus, Saturn and Mercury(Budha) in ‘Simham’ (Leo) will be diverting your mind for a deserted situation. The neck and shoulders will be facing little pains. 14th 15th and 16th of this month have liesuerly times at home. The days which are not for important works 26th ,27th and 28th. KADAGAM (CANCER) Punarpoosa 4th Part- Poosam(Pushya) The month is the beginning of Dhakshinayana (sun will begin to create the influence of second summer to earth-september). The planets Saturn- Mercury-Venus-Kedu will with sun in your second house which relates to finance education and family matter. On the 1st and 2nd of August, the days will not be so good. You will be feeling in a state of mixed trend and facing certain problems for clearance. The establishment and

maintenance will be cleverly managed. Lord Jupiter will be keeping you with balanced status and the timely supports and good ideas will help you for success. For House hold wives: There are many problems are queue for settlement. Atmosphere will be busy and the important guests will also paying the visits. Financially the requirements will covered and little over expenditures also there. For Students: The subjects are more for study. Certain delay will cause you. Some kinds of extracurricular activities will divert your mind. Keep a good vigil in the subject. Business men and Professionals: The accommodation of Lord Mars is good in the star Kritika which is looked by Lord Jupiter. That is a good sign. Use all your talents to get success in your career. The Venus, Sun and Saturn in ‘Maga’ will be giving you the some sort of dissatisfaction. But it is only temporary. The time will become good shortly. For Lovers: The occupation of Lord Mars in Taurus, and the position Venus in Simha with Lords Sun and Saturn and also Lord Kedu, create an unsuitable circumstances with out any freedom. This month is with Red flag only. You have to wait for good times. Worship to Goddess Parvathi will give you good change. On the date 16th and 17th August. It is a combination beautifully occurs. SIMHA (LEO) Magam-Pooram(Purvaphalguni) uttira(uttraphalguni)





This month up to 15th August, the trend will be very normal. The combination of four planets with Lord Sun will create a good future for you. The new programs, are forming for your benefits something else the power of planets are getting to a better shape. The ‘Maga’ is the first star in your sign Leo-the arrival of Saturn will cause some troubles. They have to be very steady during travel and even in crossing the roads. The second phase of 7½ year rule of Saturn is likely to lead for another 5 years. Lot of lessons, he will give. But all are good to build a good future. For House hold wives: You have to chant the mantras for Lord Saturn. Have good prayers for him; so that the affairs will come into your control. From 16th August, you will feel certain improvements. For Students: The talents and remembering powers are likely reduce. You have to take more care for your studies. The students belonging to Magam. Star should be very careful. No, attachments with friends. You do not know who is good and who is bad. For one full year be vigilant. For Business/Professionals: You will feel everything as slow. But the regular routines are going on with the grace of Lords

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Mars and Jupiter. Since another 5 long years you have to be in check of Lord Saturn. Take decisions with deep study. Nothing a kind of quick decisions will help you.

there won’t be any kind of blocks. Even the matters which are under process will be coming of the expected plans. Domestic and the financial matters are with certain vegulation in conrol.

For Lovers: The beginning of month is good. The second half will be with restlessness and confusion. Lord Saturn to be worshipped with good prayers for better times. This is for all simha- natives. The days which are unfavourable are 29, 30, 31st of August.

For house hold wives: The burdon is heavy for the last 7 months. Many methods are being handled by you , still the hopes are not fully settled. Since the Lord of sign is in retrogration, the brave ventures and strong methods will guide you for a way of ashtonishmant specific achievements will come.

Something you can understand according to the events that occur.

For students: Studies will be in an order of disturbance. You have give perfection and concentration. Even then upto September the scoring of marks will be lasser.

KANYA (VIRGO) 2nd ,3rd ,4th part of uttiram (uttiraphalguni) Hustham and chitra 1st and 2nd part. The natives of this sign will be feeling a sort of fear and the events which are now in-actions may discourage them. This month you have to be very cautious. Be steady in taking decisions and there should not be any urgency and adamancy. This is most important for another 2 months. The 71/2 year Saturn has commenced and there should be a measure of judging every action. The occupation of Lord Jupiter in 3rd house will also prove certain failures. This month is a very ordinary month. The grace of Lord Jupiter falls on your Rasi Lord Mercury. This will support you to manage the circumstances. For House hold wives: Very normal month with a need of much for more expenditures. Major planets are helplessly hiding. With good planning only you can pass this month. For students: The situation is not helping to do good. The precious times will be disturbed by other activities. You have spend more times in reading. For business people/ professionals: Unnecessary expenditures and good for nothing times will take place. You can not aim for huge profits. On that expectation the time and money will be wasted. You have pass this month will intelligence. For lovers: With the difficult times, you are in a position to discuss your subjects bravely. Moral supports and guidances are reaching. Some what, a better month you can feel. The worship of God Mahavishnu the forth coming months will be in proving a lot. The days which are not favorable to you are 5th ,6th ,7th, of August. THULAM (LIBRA) (3rd ,4th parts of chitra and – swathi and 1st ,2nd and 3rd part of visaga) The native of this sign Libra will be with extra load of usual matters of this month. It is not critical but with confusion in want of decision. The combination of Lords Vnus ,kedu, and Saturn in simha will create a scene to challenge your ability. Your constant attemts will give you the success. Regards the regular incomes,

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For lovers: The expectations are more , very dreamy times may cause a kind of separation. Some time the visits engaged also will not be with convenient. The daysare to be passed till 3rd August . In common all the natives of libra have to show a care in driving vehicles and also to be cautious while crossing the roads. For few person , the health will be affected in this second half of month. The remedial measure and worship will be giving a peace. Goddess Mahalakshmi in the temple of Mahavishnu to be worshipped Certain days are not proving good for this natives. Those days are to be noted and there should be no matters of signing important documents. Those days are 7th ,8th ,and 9th of this month. VIRCHIGAM (SCORPIO) Stars in this sign: 4th part of visaga-Anusham(Anuradha) and kettai(Jeysta) Native of scorpio is Lord Mars who is expected were by Lord Jupiter. The positions of Lords Venus, Kedu Saturn are likely to join with Lord sun shortly. This is a time of good beginning for all your efforts. The happiness in the job, profession and business will be going you the progress. New ventures are also likely to come. At home if the elders are suffering from any kind of sick or trouble, the major attention should be given. The combination of planets in the 10th square will give you a prominent role in your activities. The expansion of works which you do, will give you proper income also. Your health condition also to improve. For house hold wives: Your burdon is increasing. The budgets also more. Some kind of insufficiency, you could feel. By your own approach and intelligences the pending affairs are going to be cleared by you. Atmosphere at home with your suggestion and expectation will be honoured. For Students: Improvements in studies are going ahead in a suitable way, you are doing your best. Time passing should be avoided. All the necessary ways to score your rank must be given prefence. For Lovers: The occupation Lord Mars in Rishaba, will be keeping you restlessly. The programs are not as per your

expectation. Any how the days are coming to your hopes and control. For Business People and Professionals: This month’s forecast is desirable and plans are on the needed way. Good thing will occur and keep you pleased. This month, the worship to Lord Sun, who give prominance in society and surroundings. The special pooja to Lord suryanarayana will give you good supports in everything. The day, which are not good for you, are 9th, 10th and 11th of this month. DHANUR (SAGGITTARIUS) Stars concerned:Moola-pooradam-(Purnashada) Uttiradam(Uttrashada) 1st part The ruling time for this natives are really in a dark atmosphere. You are feeling in a state of isolation. A kind of challenge and a problem of uncertainity are mixed to find suitable solution. The tenth house Lord Budha is hidden in eighth house. Upon all these factors, the prevailing situation seems to be discouraging. The persons of the star moola will be facing a compulsory situation of decisions. All the need of this hour is patient. One month will be with vagaries. But new experience and correct way of concluding the things are likely to come shortly. This month the combination of Lords Sun, Kedu, Venus and Saturn in Simha will give a sound status for your hard work. A fortune on account of Lords Mercury and Sun in ‘Kadaga’ will do good things for all your waitings. For House hold wives: The first week and also second week of this month will be with the crucial hours to execute your duties. You will feel little difficult to manage. For the labour and good efforts taken by you, the times will be favouring you in the third and fourth week of this month.

The natives of Magara are advised to be very careful. The Astatma Semi, the beginning stage may create some kind of trouble. Need not be worried much. This will be in charge for the first month only. Finding the capacity and pocket money everything to be carried out. The technic of following the slow procedure and reducing the speed and calculative executions are needed. On 14th and 15th of this month the Lord Venus and budha are encountering each other to grant you the strength and good plans to carry out the 21/2 year long Astama Sami. You can do your all works with confident and good hopes. The prayers to Lord Saturn on Saturday should be most essential. Doing so, the burdens and heavy loads, will be minimized. For House hold Wives: So, for the process of economical ways of handling the funds and saving the best for future were in order. Now the scene will be teaching lessons to be perfect in every thing. Some times, the situation may go out of control. It is always better to deal everything with scrutiny. For Students: There should be no marks upon you to go below the normal of 50%. Sincere way of readings and giving the preferencial studies also confuse you. Some time the prepared topics will not be coming in way of question in exam. More times, you have spend in reading. Business people and Professionals: The trend will be going for certain improvements with benefit. At the first sight, you can not access the exact picture but the deep study will pay you the benefit by September. For Lovers: The first half of the month is unfavourable. The second half will be in a useful way. The natives, should do the Navagraha pooja and specifically to Lord Saturn. The days which are not good for you are 14th, 15th,16th of August.

For Students: Good circumstances, the elders, the teachers are guiding for a progressive knowledge. The society of unwanted friends to be cut off. They will try to divert your attention towards gay and time passing.

KUMBAM (AQUA) Stars concerned: Avitta(Dhanista) 3rd, 4th part of sadhaya(Shadapisha) Poorattathi (Poorvabadra) 1st, 2nd and 3rd part

For Business People/Professionals: The usual work with no briskness and improvement may be dragging the way this month. You have to think deep about everything and continue. By the beginning of third week the better position will reach.

The native of this sign, will get a good influence of happiness and pleasure. The transit of Lord Saturn to the star ‘Magam’ in Leo(Simha) will give a test with your balance. You can see the things during your routines of work or in handling the vehicle or any instruments. You have to be careful. Be slow and steady. In common a month of good support and time of luck is predicted. The combination of Lords Venus, Saturn, Sun and Kedu in Simha (Leo) will favour you good status and fame.

For Lovers: Very slowly the moments are passing; it is not better but seems no good the circumstances prove. After two weeks, certain decisions are reaching for a concrete proposal. Worshipping to the Lord Maha Vishnu by way of Archana the things will be settling with order. The days which are not suitable to you are 11th, 12th and 13th. MAGARAM (COPRICORN) Stars concerned:2nd 3rd 4th part of uttiradam(uttra shadha) Tiru vonam (Shravana) Avitta 1st and 2nd part (Dhaneishta)

For House hold Wives: The times are good and the things will be moving with proper dimension as you except. The burdon at home, will be met with ease. Your health will be disturbed due to heat. Have good medicines and keep the physique in good order. For Students: Improvement in studies and the syllabus of

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understandings will be in order. You will feel lucky to write answers for, what the subjects you prepared. Sure you are going to score good marks and rank.

The sixth house Lord sun gets power on 15th, 16th of August. This will give a restless times and also a kind of sickness. You have to provide your selves with easy mood and rest.

For business men and Professionals: The fixed matters are not continuing, there are things always. Your expectations are not fully satisfied; but the changes will be going on without stoppage. Lord Mars will give you good capacity to adjust with circumstances and give success.

For House hold Wives: Scenes will be with busy in maintenance of family. You will be excecuting the things suitably. The first week will be little bit confusion, than it will disappear.

For Lovers: You feel happy but with great hinderences. Sometimes you will be facing heated exchange of conversations. Such kind of nose cuts to be neglected. Have the vigil to spell the word. All the natives of Kumba should pray the Lord of sign “Saturn”(Lord Sani) on Saturdays. The days which are not favourable will be 16th 17th 18th August. MEENAM:(PISCES) Stars concerned poorattathi-(Purvabadra)4th Uthirathathi(Uttir abadra) Revathi Lord of your sign Jupiter empowers your sign to enjoy the benefits. His grace will certainly guide for you a satisfactory sailing of this month. The tenth house is looked by Lord Mars who takes care of your duties. The planetary positions Lord Mars verses Lord Jupiter will make you to feel a good fortune for the forth coming months also. The seventh Lord Mercury is also aspected by Lord Jupiter who grants the happiness in family.

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For Students: Intelectual society and good friends and good teachers are guiding you for a good progress. Astrologically it is a keepful in all the ways. So, you have to maintain it with good health. For Business men/Professionals: It is the time to get all kind of supports and it is your duty to develop the positions. The planetary combination Lords Sun, Venus, Kedu, and Saturn are giving a good time of fortune. For Lovers: Open hearted conversations and the suitable decisions are likely a- head. The time is favourable. For all the natives of ‘Meenam’ Lord Jupiter and Lord Brahma to be worshipped. The times will be seltling with success. The dates which are not favourable to sign or decide important things are 18th 19th 20th of August. - By Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

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