Siddhi Times-june 2007

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  • Words: 26,380
  • Pages: 80
- Publisher - Hindu Temple of Georgia





- Chief Operating Offcer - Veeriah Muthukrishnan





- Editor - Rajagopal















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Atlanta’s 1st full Color “National News Paper” for the Spiritual, Health & Nutrition Free magazine in Georgia Submission and Disclaimers: We accept Ar ticles, ‘Photography and Ar twork’ which are in line with our mission goal and objectives. We do not endorse any par ticular program, ad or opinion. We reserve the right to accept or reject or edit any material we receive and we do our best to honor the integrity of the writers and our readership. We simply hope to help our readers achieve success in their lives. SIDDHI TIMES owned by Hindu Temple of Georgia (USPS - 590) published monthly by SIDDHI TIMES 5900, Brookhollow parkway Norcross GA 30071 periodicals postage paid at Norcross GA & Additional Offices. POST MASTERS: Send address changes Siddhi Times, 5900 Brookhollow parkway Norcross GA - 30071. SIDDHI TIMES does not accept any responsibility for products or services adver tised. Publisher has the right to deny and adver tising at his discretion. web:

Editorial His Holiness

Om Namashivaya!!

Sri Selvam Siddhar


all with this 2nd issue. Please pass on your comments, concerns, and feedback to us. If you feel this magazine is good and benefcial, please pass on to your friends and relatives, whereas if something is not right, please bring it to our knowledge only. All the team members of SIDDHI TIMES never had much of publication, Journalism, or editorial experience so far. We are all united for the last 2 months to bring a good spiritual magazine to empower the community. and the efforts are hearing fruit. Also if you have any of your temple, or any kinds of spiritual activities to be published, please feel free to send the pictures, or the articles to [email protected]. We would happily publish the same. We like to guarantee that we are not like the other magazine with dictatorship. We love to support the community. Even I have questioned the owner of the other Magazine in particular about their saying that theirs is a community magazine, is it their own home community or general community? No one is bigger than any one. We are after all human beings. The human birth is based on the past karma. Live peacefully without having any kind of jealousy, and please practice appreciation to every one. Don’t keep adding the bad karma to your life account by the bad thoughts and crooked mentality. Except very few Hindu temples in USA, lot of other Hindu temples are running with lot of fnancial hardship. Also can you count the Hindu temples with no politics between the members, ego and jealousy? You would be surprised that

am really delighted with the welcoming responses to our SIDDHI TIMES news magazine. I am extremely surprised with this great success in the very frst issue. At least we get 20 to 30 people calling every day from all parts of the country and appreciating our Siddhi Times. I truly thank all the good souls who called us and congratulated our efforts. As you all know, this is the 1st All color NATIONAL NEWS PAPER published from Atlanta for the Spiritually enlightened community, New Age community, and Metaphysical community. Also our magazine is focusing on Health, Yoga, Nutrition, Beauty, Alternative medicine and healings. What differentiates our magazine with other community magazines is that this is a REAL magazine with informative article, serving the purpose. It’s not like a yellow page book with 90% advertisements. SIDDHI TIMES serves the induvidual and community in a positive way. Every edition will be preserved by our readers and can be used as a reference at any point of their life. Hence the advertisers get more and everlasting focus for their advertisements. I should really thank all my team members who made it possible. Special thanks to Pankaj Bhatt, Muthu, JK, Jana, Madhu, Govindarajan Iyya, Rajagopal, Suganya, Vani, Madhavi, Sushan, Josuha of Carrollton and all the priests from Hindu temple of Georgia. Special thanks to Gopalakrishna Paruchuri Garu for sponsoring this issue. SIDDHI team is very delighted to reach you Siddhi Times USA


(DR. Commander Selvam)

it’s very rare. It is my frm conviction that there should not be any kinds of politics inside our Temple and any one who visits the temple will experience that every one are equal and no one is superior or richer than any one. There is a Hindu temple with lot of rich people and millionaires and leading physicians as the board members. Then what is the need for pleading $50.00 and $100.00? If those board members could donate their one-month income to the concerned Temple, then the temple should have Millions of Dollars as constant income, so that they could pay- off their Temple loan, and still they could run the temple in a beautiful way. The main problem is that most of the people want positional fame with the titles as President, Secretary and many other, but with some one else’s efforts and fnances. Does writing a check to the temple, mean that you are doing lot of dharma and charity? “Having purity in the mind, coming out of all kinds of ego, negativity in the mind and politics only will make you as great personality.” There are no back doors for spirituality!!! It’s a shame that many are taking advantage in the name of service. There are lots of dance and music teachers who are conducting classes in one of the temple premises. There is nothing wrong in supporting them. The students are charged $60.00 to 100.00 per month for the classes and $5000.00 to $50,000.00 for arangetram. However only $50.00 of this fee goes to the temple per month to use the temple premises. Is this a service or willful cheating? These so-called teachers, on an average per month, put $5000.00 or more and arangetram is the tune of more than $100,000.00 per year in their pocket, but unwillingly give only $50 to the temple. To top it all, they still claim that Temple should do more community Service. Is this not a heartless act? Lot of people around here, always wants to

receive all the good things for free, every time from others, however they forget to think whether they give anything to anybody free any time? Recently, some board members of temple came to me and said that “Swamiji, we do not like the lady who is doing lot of politics, and she herself needs lot of Psychiatric help and we like to be the director in your temple and we will put lot of money.” I have clearly and boldly explained them that we do not need any money and then inviting politics inside the temple. However everyone are welcome to the temple. After this conversation, all of them have absconded from the Temple. The reason for me to bring this to your attention is that the mind status and purity of thoughts is more important than being in a position for fame. Unity is so powerful. Why to fght and differentiate as South Indian, Tamil, Telugu or Kannada temple, Punjabi, Gujarathi, Jain Mandir, etc.? We all came from India to this wonderful nation. Why can’t we be united? It’s a history, that this nature was the reason that British were able to rule us for long time. We should learn the lesson. We came to this excellent Nation, which is very wonderful, gave immigration to live, work, enjoy our life. This country has given us lot of wealth and good health and rich education for our children. Here people do not recognize someone according to their wealth; however they respect you to your caliber and personality. We need to take these good things always in our life wherever we go. Let us have a calm and peaceful life. Salute this great American Nation, which has given everything in our life. Support this wonderful USA with our integrity. There is no other Nation in the world would give this much freedom and respect to the immigrants like USA does. Be proud to say that we are all living in a very safe, clean, respectable, rich nation in the world and keep your thoughts pure.

”Om Shanthi” Siddhi Times USA


VOL: 2


uring the past issue, I explained what is Spirituality and the difference between Spirituality and Religion. In this issue, I will explain more about Spirituality. I wish to take the quotes from the ancient Monk Thirumular’s writings. He has written nearly about 3000 verses, which are the highest in spiritual ideas. I wish to take a few verses from his entire writing as examples and try to explain what spirituality is. One of his verses starting as “Natta kallai sutri vandhu naalu Pushpam sathiye sutri vandhu munumunuenru sollum mandhiram yethada. Natta kallum pesumo Nathan ulle irukkaiyil. Sutta satti sattuavam kariyin suvai ariyumo”. This verse is the most beautiful verse of his entire writing. If we read, it as it is it will show as if it is a verse written by an retheist. However, if we go deep into it we can see how best the poet is in spirituality. Normally in all the religions, there is some resemblance for the superhuman power. For example, if we take Hinduism there are many divine images. If we take, Christianity the holy Cross and in a few sub divisions, some divine images are worshipped. For Muslims the Kahfa is considered as the holiest one. In some religions, they worship fre as the super human power’s resemblance. The monk denies the image worship. He tells all the divine images just as stone. There is no use in simply going around the stone or metal images and murmuring some verses even without knowing what that verse says or without

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knowing the inner meaning of the verse. The super human power lives in the minds of all. The super human power can speak to all of us. Without speaking with the super human power, is it impossible to lead the life with spirituality. There are also a lot of writings and quotations on spirituality. In his famous writing, Geetanjali, the great poet Rabindranath Tagore says, as “This is my prayer to thee my Lord, strike at the root of penury in my heart. Give me thy strength to bear the joys and sorrows”. This is just an example. How we will gain the strength to bear the joys and sorrows? Only if we have the mental strength to have an equal vision of all we can easily have the strength to bear the joys and sorrows equally. Spirituality

is the only tool to help one to have the mental strength. There is no difference between the religions or Gods. There is only difference in the people those who adopt the religions. The innermost idea of all the religions is only to achieve the super human power. However, the ways adopted are different. However, today what is happening in the world. We fght with each other saying that the religion we adopt is the best. Therefore, the humanity moves out from our mind. When the humanity goes out the spirituality also goes out. When spirituality goes out the peaceful ness also goes out. Therefore, we lose everything in our regular life. As such, we should adopt the spirituality. I wish to give one more quotation from the

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main Monk Sri Akasthiyar, the founder of our siddhar peetam. I quote the meaning only. One should be the best human being. How to be the best human being? Only by adopting peace between the minds one can be the best human being. The one and only way to get peace in the minds is to lead a life with spirituality. The simple way to lead the life of spirituality one should equalize or have equal vision towards all. To bring that equal vision is very hard at the beginning and only by the continuous practice, we can have the equal vision. If we have the equal vision towards all we can lead a successful spiritual life. The religion and spirituality are entirely different. Religion is one of the ways to affair spirituality. Spirituality is not achieved on a single day. We can achieve it only by continuous practice. The techniques used to have spirituality are of three types. They are named as Sariyai, Kriyai and Yogam. An ancient monk named Sivagnana Siddhiyar explains in detail about all these three techniques in his book Sivagnana Bodham. Sariayai tells the rules and regulations to be followed. Kiryai is the technique to be followed and Yogam is practice. Yogam is a process, which joins the human power with super

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human power. The words Yoga and Yogam even though they seem to be the same have different meanings. Yoga is the process of exercise to the mind and body. However, yogam is the process that helps to join the human power and super human power together. The base of the word is “Yug” from Sanskrit, which means, “to join”. By practicing the yogam, one can make the mind as the best and lead a great spiritual life. The second part to have a spiritual life is love and affection. The love and affection are to be shown to all creatures including plants and animals. An old saint Vallalar says in Tamil as “Vaadiya payirai kanda pothu vadinen”. This means he felt pity on seeing the dried plants. Even though he was a famous saint in the Hindu religion, he followed the both of love and affection as his religion. He never practiced any kind of Hindu religious rituals. Even today, we can see many people eating well at his ashram center in the southern part of India. He created a trust only to feed the poor people. This is a kind of spirituality. The next example I wish to quote is Mother Teresa from Christianity. Even though she was a nun in a famous Christian missionary, she was never

addicted to the religious rituals. She used to do a little prayer only. However, she spent a lot of her time only in serving the poor, needy and diseased people. That in addition, she was very fond of uplifting the people, those who suffer from leprosy. She never felt shy or sad of touching the lepers. Of course, she felt very happy to serve them. That is why she is considered as the most sacred woman of the world. In Islam, also many people consider the service to the humanity as main object. Therefore, the spirituality is entirely different from the religion. Love, affection, devotion towards our regular duties are the fundamentals of spirituality. To show love, affection and devotion, no religion is needed. It cannot be denied that one can be the leader of the universe by virtue of the Almighty. However, for that leadership one should lead a spiritual life. We can realize the saying “Love is God”. By leading a spiritual life, one can watch, open and still the mind and body. The spirituality is so to say the fundamental base of the worldly evolution. We need a new world now. We are most advanced in all kinds of science and technologies. But it is not enough. We need to be well advanced in humanitarian base also. To be advanced in science and technology, even though it is very hard, it is easy by reading and doing research studies. However, it is very hard to achieve spirituality as it is a subject, which cannot be studied but to be lived. By leading a spiritual life according to the directions and instructions given by our elders and leaders of the spiritual community, we can easily develop not only the personal living standard but also the living standard of the entire human race. Our Swamiji Sri Selvam siddhar often used to say, “There is nothing to be lost or nothing to worry to see one happy. By making one happy, we can be the happiest in the entire world. Even though we cannot afford a higher quality of living style, we can make one to have a comfortable living style.” This is spirituality. If each and everyone of as start making others to lead a comfortable life, the entire society will be very comfortable. If the entire society is comfortable, the entire universe will be very comfortable. Therefore, we can reach our goals very easily. I pray the Almighty to bless all of us with peace in all lifestyles and help us to lead a comfortable spiritual life. n

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Almighty. He had mysterious troops of devils and giants. They were ordered by him to ruin the Divine’s land. The devines prayed, Sri Mahavishnu for help and rescue. One among the three Great Lords (Mahavishnu, Eshwara and Brahma) Lord Mahavishnu took the pleasure to save the Divine Community. To destroy a Giant King, it is not possible to do in a second, because of the boons he had and the fate upon him prevailed. It took a long course. Sri Mahavishnu had the “Avathar” (divinely birth) through Devaki, the sister of “Kamsa”. Devaki was wedded to Sri Vasu Deva as per the will of Devaki. On the wedding day, King Kamsa was very happy. The happiness came to write the God’s name or to think the a hault, when be heard the “Sayings” from the Sky. The God’s fame, that itself is boon of warning was “Oh King Kamsa – your death is fxed Lord. Here the thought on Kri begins. – your sister when she delivers a male child through her Kri in Sanskrit to continue as ‘Kriya’ or ‘Krishi’. eighth delivery – that will put an end to you”. Kamsa Kriya is linking with formation or creation. Krishi got very angry to hear this bad news. He wanted to - (Krushi) – deals with cultivation. So the name of cut of head of his sister on that moment itself. But the the God “KRISHNA” gives the fame to cultivaters elders interfered and said Kamsa’s death would come (Agriculturists). The “KRISHNA AVATHAR” here through her child only. The husband and wife were comes in “Mahabharatha” gives great regards for put in the Jail of under ground. “Yadhava”. Yadhava is the group of agriculturist who He mercilessly killed all the possess farms and cattle’s. Mainly cows and Bulls seven children, one after are looked after by Yadhavas. The child hood of another when his sister Lord Krishna begins from the palace delivered. This pitiable life of mighty “Nandagoba” they continued who possessed large with grief. number Lord of cows Krishna’s birth and took place in bulls the Jail. With all the supremacy and and the divinely personalities of leading a big Lord Mahavishnu. The child smiled at his community of yadhavas. father and mother. Words could never be suffcient, to Lord Krishna is the real son of Vasu Deva and describe the happenings. By the grace and blessings, Devaki. The History explains further that the real the doors of the Jail opened. The divinely spell took mother Devaki born as sister to Demon King “Kamsa”. charge of the circumstance. All the soldiers, watch and Even though King ‘Kamsa’ was so kind and nice to ward infuenced with deep sleep. The sky started to his sister Devaki, he was a terrible enemy to divines pour the rain. The thunder and lightening continued. Sri and torchered the mankind also. The people actually Vasudeva the Father, after keeping the new born baby feared for his misrule. Kamsa being a Demon, he, by in a fat basket moved towards the River “Yamuna”. the virtue of boons, had enormous strength and long The river was running with food. Sri Vasudeva age. The state was that, no one could put an end to should reach to the land of “Nandagoba” the Yadhava. his life. He was very greedy. He declared himself as In the palace of Nandagoba “Rani Yashodha” was


Siddhi Times USA



sn’t amazing? Let’s dwell in to it. Practically speaking, faith and fear, both are seeing the unseen. Then, what’s the difference? The difference is the impact of it. What do you experience and what energies are created within? Faith gives lots of positive energy, feeling of contentment. Fear drains your energy, leaving the feeling of unhappiness. FEAR, as read somewhere, is an acronym for False Evidence Appearing Real. To many people, in any new encounter with a stranger, fear could be based on the perception of what this person could do to us. This “something wrong,” whatever it is, dogs us in our daily lives, troubles our sleep, and sours our entertainments. Each morning, reading the news paper or turning on the television, we blame it on something new. Deep down inside, however, we aren’t fooled; your subconscious is labeling all the events, people and conversations. The “something wrong” remains forever, if we don’t decide to fade it away. Well, how do we tackle this? What are the choices? The one factor is to exercise Faith. Do not blame the circumstances. Rather, when one decides to create his/her own destiny with pure heart and right intensions, that’s the seed of faith. The beauty is that more and more you exercise faith, you become strong in every aspect of your life just to realize that you really don’t have to fear anymore. Yes, faith can really fade away the fear! The path to enrichment and enlightenment is nothing but complete faith. When you truly surrender yourself to the divine, a guru, a master, God or you name any, there is no identity for the ego. In the path of life journey, faith is the road one travels. When there is a lack of faith, it gets rough and more painful the journey becomes. Fear is the road block and it’s up to the individual to get stuck or go over and go through it to continue the journey. But

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aith means seeing the unseen. ear also means, seeing the unseen -Suganya Pratap

with faith, one can achieve anything and everything to go over the block and continue the journey to the destination. “To one who has faith, no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.” - Quote Once you know, you have faith on the divine, a spiritual source, do not doubt the source. Win that positive energy on daily basis. Love the experience and allow the spiritual power to come through. Do not ever doubt those positive thoughts. The minute you have the doubt, the Satan wins the race and possibilities are blocked. Faith and doubt can not be together. Practicing the faith will eliminate the “something wrong” impressions which are created on daily basis. Faith is truly a stretch for the mind. It can not be identifed, but can only be felt. When you have the fear, exercise the faith. Move on and believe on your faith. Do not label anything as impossible. Have faith on yourself and achieve your goals. Make it possible. Why does a child not have any fear? Because, there are no judgments done. There is no accumulation of “something wrong”s. The trust factor is so high for the child and the child chooses to exercise faith completely, 100%. Wouldn’t life be great if we all can practice child like faith in our lives. The trust and faith yields lot of love and passion. It is the foundation upon which we build relationships, encourage and motivate others. Fear brings lot of hatred and jealousy. We may need facts for evaluating people but not fear. The wisdom is, knowing when to use what. Never allow any fear to grow greater than your faith! Exercise the faith on your self to experience the personal victory and then to enhance and empower the people around. Enjoy the life journey! Best is yet to come ! ! !

Books are many to chew and swallow but only few to be digested - Sri Selvam Siddhar




or a healthy living, hearing, seeing and growing are the important actions, a man needs. Breathing and sensing, support for longevity. Tasting and eating will improve the growth of body. From the child hood, the habit of eating should be with control. Many children eat sweets and chocolates. Sugar is with lot of chemicals. For the sake of sweetness, everybody forget the synthetics used in sugar which will even destroy the hardest portion of the body “the enamel” on teeth. The gums and teeth are to be kept in strong condition for good living. The proverb “Aalum Velum pallukkuruthi” explains the necessity of “tooth caring”. Aal means banian tree, vel means acacia tree. From the child hood small stick of Aal or Vel like brush, if used for cleaning the them, up to the age of 75, there will be no damage to teeth. Children should avoid eating of sweet-snacks in plenty. Elders, who use to take brandy, whisky and other intoxicating drinks will have to face the ruining of the enamel. So, the soda water or water is used to rinse the teeth in every thirty minutes during the time of drinking. Even for good eating, the teeth should be suitable to grind the food properly. Otherwise stomach problems will be cansed.

Now a days the siddha medicines for keeping the tooth in perfect condition, have come and sold in shops. The banian or acacia, thin stick just a fve inch length as that of a brush to be taken and rinsed well in water and then one end of the stick to be chewed until the streng fber is formed. Then the brushing can be done on teeth. The essence of the stick will give strength to both gum and teeth. Like this every day to be cleaned. If tooth paste is the regular practice, at least once in 3 days the usage of stick is to be followed.

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e h T D

talents of Sri Dharma

uring the time of jungle-life of fve-brothers called Pancha-Pandavas, there lived a Brahmin all alone in the jungle. One morning a deer, imagining as a fruit took the instrument of the saint and ran. The Instrument if snatched with cotton the fre will come. The Brahmin asked the help of fve brothers to get back the instrument. All the PanchaPandavas went behind that deer. But they were not able to fnd the deer. Dharma, eldest brother orderd Nakula he youngest brother to fnd out a place of water for drinking. Nakula found a natural water- source in a place. When he tried to take and drink that water, a voice of yakshan (giant) came from the sky. “Don’t drink. This water source is in my possession. If you want to drink and take water, answer my questions” . Nakula discared the voice in the sky and drank that water. Soon he fell dead. Like this all the four brothers went for water refused to obey the Yakshan-voice and drank the water and fell dead. Finally Dharma the eldest brother came to the water source and heard the Yakshan’s voice and replied “what

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are the questions you have?” The questions and answers are as below. Question of Giant : which makes the “Sun” rise every morning? Answer of Dharma : omni-present Question : what is the thing that always helps a man? Answer : “courage” courage is the only thing, that helps a man always. Question : what sort of Shastras or scriptures that makes a man intelligent? Answer

: It is not that learning scripture that makes a man intelligent. It is elders and learned persons advices that make a person intelligent.

Question : which is the thing that has more-weight and bigger than “earth?”

Executing the duty is the only way to observe ability - Swamiji - Swamiji








n an outskirt of city of London, several hundred years back, there was a fortress. A witch called ‘Jola’ was living there. She was having a Lime-Garden. To enter into the garden it was not an easy job. There were guards to watch the fortress. The peculiarity of the garden was that the lemons produced were of Gold. The witch had instructed the watch men that if any human being touch the lemon or tree and also attempt to pick the lemon by hooks, they will become stones. She warned further, that if any one against her

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order, touches the lemon tree would become a stone at the same moment. Nearby the fortress, one poor man lived. He was having a monkey. He tamed the monkey to act upon his oral instructions. At the place of gathering of people, he used to order the monkey to dance. He would ask the monkey to throw away the cap. The monkey will do it accordingly. If he says the monkey should make circle and come around him hundred times, that order also will be obeyed by the monkey. One day the witch happened to go to her elder sister’s town which was hundred miles away from her fortress. The three watch men and the monkey master, planned to steal the golden lemons. But they did not believe each other. The frst-gate-man, told that he would require the half the quantity of the stolen lemons and three more from the share of the monkey master. The middle gate man also told that when he reach the middle gate, the monkey master should give half the quantity to his share and three more from the share of monkey master. And also put the term that the garden lemon should not be shared in fractional way like half or quarter. Share should be in a form of full fruit only. For that condition also, the monkey master agreed. The entrance gate-man, of course he was the frst person who would permit to allow him inside the garden, the was also putting the same condition as that of other two. Monkey master was actually living a hard life but he was intelligent. He knew that if he touches the lemon tree he would become a stone. That fear was also there to risk his own life. So, he decided to take the monkey along with him inside the garden. He went in and convinced the gate men and he too, enjoyed the share and went home. How?

If the result is not found yet, please look page no. 64

Reading all looks. One day will be concise to Tirukkural - Sri Selvam Siddhar


ids, in general, relates to the feeding child only. When the birth occurs, the baby is coming out of the womb of mother and feels the earth and its atmosphere. As a baby, even to suck the breasts of the mother, for the milk, will be an unknown experience. No teaching, no instruction or signals from mother will be of action. She has to train the baby by feeding. Early child hood is a time of big changes for a child. At age one; the baby will be actually feeling the atmosphere and

the caressing of mother. By age four, the baby will be ready for pre-school. The Child’s world will be opening there only. The thinking abilities of the child will grow. The child will be able to be use the power of imagination and start to play. The frst lesson the baby had from the mother would to suck the breasts and have the milk. This helps baby to grow. Then little by little the feeding through feeding bottle and eating some semisolid foods are helping to the development of baby. Offering healthy foods such as grains, fruits, vegetables and dairy products will be improving the health of the baby. We can permit the child to choose the food and eat as much the child likes. Then we can give cups, bowls and spoons which are easy to use. Step by step the dining habits will be observed by the child. Small foods like nuts, raisins, meat chunks and whole grapes can get struck in throat. So, avoid giving hard foods. Training the child to move on foor and to stand by

Kids from Age 1 to 4

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balancing the body-weight are the next processes. Evening time, by keeping the child on jogger (3wheeled trolley cycle) which can be operated by mother who can show the child the surroundings and other things. Young children need lots of attentions and chances to play and learn. We have to choose the child care that gives all these things to child. The home or child care-center where the child spends the day should be safe and caring. It should have toys,

books and activities that encourage learning. We have to be just as careful when we hire a babysitter whom we have to pick with the ftness of matured persons who can give the child loving attention the child needs and wants. Care should be taken in checking the vision, and speech of the child. The dental care is most important It is better to have the medical checkup then and there. l

Help the child to learn

Physical activity

Every day the child should begin to look in to the book with pictures. Parents can give explanation about the pictures. By that way the power of remembrance will come easily to child. The language will begin to enter in to the brain of the child. For the growing child physical activities are important.

Permit the child to play as long as the child has the energy and interest. High energy may come in spurts. We have to limit the amount of time of the child watching TV and playing video or computer games. Sleeping is most important for the growth of the child. The child will feel to take rest after energetic physical activities.

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and wise mens’ theory

Psychic Medium Siddhi Times USA 26


spirits are defned in all the epics, as good spirit and evil spirit. In grammer while we read, the abstract noun, the God will come in the category of abstract noun as well as Ghost. In this year 2007, the great improvements and destroying nuclear weapon are possessed by several countries. Swami Vivekananda, the monk of India and the notable disciple of Sri Ramakrishna Parama Hamsa, has delivered several lectures in America and boldly confrmed about the rebirth and convinced about the acceptance of the same by several religions. When, we know about all such informations, the medical science will protest this and proclaim the domain of man’s birth, ends in death and nothing more after that. Where the education comes to an end? From chemistry to Biochemistry; from physics to metaphysics; from metabolism to philosophy. The profound knowledge and peace will be attained through philosophy. Like a balance-sheet of the past births came this life. One has to enjoy the pleasure as well as pain. That is the fxed theory. For a fruit on earth, the quality of sweetness comes only on a matured season. If a man is not taking it and eat it, the fruit will have no meaning of its formation. In the life of a

human being, he has to enjoy the pleasure and he has to know about his future. So, the real guide by study, theory, experience and all kind of intuitional appliances only, he paves his way for a planed future. One among the way is the medium of psychic. This connects the contact with spirit. When ever a puzzled situation or highly complicated occurrence comes in one’s way, he has to come to the Medias- help. This art is well developed in all over the world in different way of predictive forms. The capacity of media as between human to human is observed by getting response of some close one who passed away several years back. This is doge by the constant research. Even the animal like elephant or the famous kings who lived several hundreds of years back are also brought in, for real consultations which served, several people for a perfect solution of problems. Sri Akasthiyar siddhar Peeda Ashram has the pleasure to serve the human Community in this specifc media also. In India the saints and Rishi’s were with full power to forcesee all sorts of happenings which were about to come. Swamiji Sri Vivekananda has quoted in this sayings “Education leads to physics to metaphysics”. That metaphysics is now become famous as “Phsychic”.

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“Respected Guruji I am putting the coins in river only, but my heart reminds me of my hard earnings.” Swamiji in his reply pointed out “you have decided to sacrifce one thing and also in a frm decision to have these coins. When you are confdent of executing your decision, you will be a man to win, your decision only if you throw away the entire thing as a bundle. The rethinking of any thing will be against your will. No oscillation should be permitted. You stand steady in your aim to and achieve the goal.” The man realized his

position and threw away the remaining in the river and became a disciple to swamiji For the living of man, food, belonging and soul will play the important could take to his control and rule the frst two, the food and belongings, But there is no possibility to command the soul which is in the hands of Almighty. So, the matter of sacrifce relates to, one’s belongings that is his property, The earthly life and pleasure through money is totally sacrifced by this village man who prefers renunciation. n

Mr. Muddy pit


nce upon a time in a city, there lived a couple, they did not have any children for many years. They went to all sacred places and prayed for a child. After some years a baby was bron. The parents named the child and called him “Muddy pit”. When Muddy pit grew up, he became a wise merchant. Muddy pit had a grievance in his inner heart, One time a saint visited that city. Muddy pit met that saint and told his grievance. He told that his name Muddy pit make him unhappy and asked to give him another good name The saint told him to go to the city town or a major market place, and enquire some good name, that may suit Muddy pit. As per the saint’s words, Muddy pit went in to the major market place of town and enquired about the other good names of the people

there. One person said suddenly a name “Mr.Longlive” On enquiry he came to know that Mr.Longlive died at an young age. Muddy pit was startled and wondered “How a person whose name being “Long live” could die very soon in his young age?”. Another person said other name

called “Mr. Good Lord” but he was caught in a theft case. Again Muddy pit confused and thought “How a person whose name is Good Lord became a thief?” The second name, Muddy pit heard also was of the pitiable nature. The names of the persons are contrasting to the characters and nature of those persons. He came back to the saint and explained what had happened in the major market place of city. Then the saint said “See Mr.Muddypit” what is there in the name? A person’s nature and character make him as an important person in the society”. At last Muddy pit understood about his own duty and service to the society. He worked hard and moved with people well and got fame. The people elected him as the Mayor of town. The name is crowned with Mayor and people called him as MAYOR MUddY pIT.

Tell the good about someone to everyone; however tell the bad about someone to the same person

- Sri Sri Selvam “Siddhar” Siddhi Times USA 31

“I am a Confident Person Today”


ffrmations are powerful positive thoughts you can say to yourself and visualize it happening to you which will make a big positive difference in your life. It will take only 10 minutes a day. It will help you change your bad habits, clear your thoughts and make you stay focused and moves you towards your goals. The words that we speak, think and read are very powerful. It has healing powers. It will have a lasting effect on ourselves and the people we interact with. Let’s give you an example, Close your eyes, and say it in your mind or say it a aloud. “I am a confdent person today” “I have all the time today to do everything I wanted to do” How do you feel? Certainly good. Just imagine, saying positive things like this every day for 10 minutes will change your life for ever. Ten minutes is a very little fraction of time we spend entertaining ourselves. Why not change that 10 minutes into a powerful self help tool. Our mind is more powerful than

Discover the

Power of

actually we realize. Scientifcally it is proven that the power of thoughts can change the chemicals in our brain which in turn affect how we physically and mentally feel. Deep inside us, these positive thoughts are converted to chemicals and electrical signals which spread through our body changing our feelings altogether. Our thoughts can even affect the people around us. With that said, it is too dangerous for us to hold on to negative thoughts such as anger, fear or resentments. By doing so, it creates unfavorable production of chemicals, making a shift to prepare for the worst and attracting the worst since we are prepared. Do affrmations really work? We’ve all heard about using affrmations as part of self development in many places like books, speeches, spiritual writings and this article as well. But have any of us tried it? The question is, How long it will take for the affrmation to work? What is the right way to use them? Why it is not working all the time? Well, all the questions seem to be valid. Nobody will waste time on anything that will not produce favorable results to them. Affrmations are like people taking medicine. It works different for different people. For some people a few doses of medicine will do and for others it may take a while. But eventually the disease will be cured. To answer the second question, you can use affrmations by looking at yourself in the mirror and saying it out loud, saying it in your mind

while you are meditating, when you wake up from bed or just before going to bed whichever works for you. But consistency is the key. Keep doing it for minimum 6 weeks of time and it gets stored into your subconscious mind. I will explain about it in detail later in this article. If the affrmation is not working then there is a confict between what your say and who you are. When you actions become harmonious with what you say, things you wanted in your life will show up in your life just in front of your eyes. It is called “Law of attraction”. Affrmations change the way you think, feel and believe. How to create your affrmations? Let’s move on to next level to learn about how to create your own affrmations. It should be, • Positive • Present tense • Specifc to over come your issues using everyday language. Affrmations should be positive. If you think about positive things you will manifest positive things in your life. For example, you are saying “I don’t want to be sick”. And the assumption here is “You are sick” and the result will be thinking about sickness and act like a sick person and will become more sick. Now you are rephrasing it like “I want to be healthy” and here again the assumption is “You are not healthy” and the result is you will not be healthier. The right way to phrase an affrmation is “I am always healthy”. The assumption here is “You are healthy” even you may not be. But you will act like healthy

A F F I R M AT I O N S Siddhi Times USA 32

person and one day you will become healthy”. Now you know how this works and how to create it without using the word “don’t” and “want”. I hope you are enjoying this article so far. Believe me it really works. I am personally using affrmations for almost 6 months and I am seeing results. It is not a good idea to create too many affrmations for one goal. Limit it to 20. It Some times more affrmations you have, some of them will be conficting with another. After you create the affrmations ask yourself the following questions to each affrmation. Is that what you wanted? Does it say when and how will you get it? Another example, “I always eat healthy food and I am healthy” gives “Yes” to the above two questions. When, where and how to use Affrmations? Our subconscious mind is overloaded everyday with tons of information and it is hard for our brain to process and prioritize things and also it happens in random order. I would recommend starting with three or four issues you want to change

or improve in your life and move on from there. Each affrmation should be used at least three times to get stored in your subconscious mind. Choose one the following technique or combine them based on your need and comfort. Mirror Technique: Stand in front of the mirror. Say the affrmations loud and clear with confdence as if you already have it. Repeat each affrmation three times. Meditation Technique: Meditation is a powerful technique which has its own benefts. You can add affrmations to your existing meditation regime. Sit with your spine straight and start meditating. Once you reached a focused state, start saying your affrmations in your mind and repeat each affrmation at least three times. Practice this technique for 6 weeks and when ever needed after that. Power Integration: You may combine meditation technique with this. Sit in a relaxed posture and close your eyes. Say the affrmations in your mind three times. Visualize your self in getting the benefts of those affrmations. Believe and feel everything. Think about

things that you can do to speed up your progress to achieve your goal. Let us say the affrmation is “I am rich”. Visualize yourself surrounded by abundance and all the richness you wanted like your dream car, dream job, dream salary, dream house etc. Feel the richness. This technique adds more power to your affrmation because you are experiencing the results straight away. Sleep Learning: This is the easiest technique you can use. Record your affrmations in audio and overlap your affrmations with some soft and soothing music and play it when you go to sleep. You need some technical knowledge about audio recording to do this. It is also called subliminal messages. Writing: Another easiest but time consuming technique is writing your affrmations. Find a place where you can focus. Writing down the affrmations in a paper and saying it in you mind at least 10 times. The more you write the more benefcial it will be. Practice this everyday. To conclude this article here is the list of affrmations you can use to discover you life purpose. Enjoy the benefts.

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Each day in my life is filled with love, magic and wonders. The power of god is guiding me in everything I do, I see and I hear. Every step I make takes me towards my life purpose. I surrender myself to god. I allow myself to experience things that reveal my life purpose. I am fulfilled as a person. I choose to do things I love to do. More good things are happening to me. I receive and give love unconditionally I am attracting things I need in life with joy and passion. My vision is well ordered and illuminated with love. - By Janarthanam Murugesh samy

Discover the

Power of

A F F I R M AT I O N S when they happen to stay in a Hotel or Inn. In the name of time passing, it will start in theatre or games, then to gambling and fnally prostitution. These types of events shall ruin the norms of happiness in living. To go to theatre is not objected but the self-control and the necessity to maintain the status and dignity are to be given the needed preferences. Either a male or female who care to live happily must take necessary steps to prevent the habits which are obstructed to enter the regulations of a happy life. The dealings with life partner should be with kindness and politeness. Expediting the duties, each has their freedom but with the pre spoken systems. The time table and the work schedule, in side the home will improve the relations for better living. A joint formula on account of the child-issue and the welfare of the family will also support to settle with good future. Some persons shall be in a position to regain the status and others, may need for strong and built up future. All depends upon the wealth which needs continuous fow of funds. There should be justifcation for taking funds for personal expenditures. Total income after deducting the personal

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and domestic expenses of the listed needs, shall be kept positively for saving the money. Totally the love and affection are to be exchanged between husband and wife. The main principles of “Happy Living” are blooming only through these two factors. n

How to live



Ball-catch will be skill but in cricket. Crow-catch will be shameful in life - Sri Selvam Siddhar


erfection in life by means of heavenly bliss which the system of Siddha medicines, is giving the guidance to the human community. “Saiva siddhantha Siddham” is the Tamil word, derived from siddham. Siddham gives the meaning the aim of conclusion. The internal system of a human has got the qualities related to the external world. First, the space (ether) which gives to the shape to the body. If we imagine the world and planets, we see and observe the fullness as almost in ball-shape. All stars and sun when researched through the powerful telescope by the scientist, observe this result only. So the space, gives the shape to the body. Water plays it role with food and air and gives the breathing, heat and energy.

The human body is by nature, self resistant to the attacks of virus, and external pollutions. The Pranic Healings deal, this subject well and

gives strength to the body to overcome of the disease. There are other alternative medicines in the notable cadre are Ayurvedha and unani. For long life without any kind of disorder in body, the saints collected the plants and herbs and with results after research, the treatments to human body began. It is every where common to know, many persons are loosing their charms by grey hair and also the shrinkage of skin. Saint Sri Akasthiyar in poetry has written the methods to prevent grey hair and to keep the Skin in healthy condition. There is important fve extracts of herbs needed. In general fve herbs are almost essential. They are 1) Terminalic chebula (Kadukkai / Galnut tree) 2) Azadirachta indica (Neem) 3) Alangium salvifolium (Alingium) 4)

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Terminalia bellerica (Dhanikkai) 5) Meliahudia (Malai Vembu). The extracts either from the surface of tree or planet or the route of the plant to be collected and preserved. They should go in to the cleaning process. In the shadow where there is no sun light, to be dried for fve days. All the herbs in individual form but same weight to be taken and added with gingelly oil. The ratio of herb and oil may be 1:4. Herbs dipped in oil for minimum four days shall be brought for heating process in a big stainless steel vessel. Light heating but continuous heating until the herbs


are turning to a state of moisture less and fully reaching to the condition of wood. It is not to an extent of as that of charcoal. This is the method to collect all the extracts of herbs in form of oil. The oil after getting cold, shall be fltered to a pure extract form. Like the same way all the other Herbs are also to be converted as oil with herbal essences. In fnal stage, all in equal quantity, after fltration to be mixed in one big stainless steel vessel. There is a copper oxide process in Siddha medicine based on Akasthia’s principle. “Sendoora Pashpam” is the name. It is available

in all herbal stores. The famous company and genuine manufacturers are producing the product. For the total collection of Herbal oil, a percentage of one spoon to a litre shall be diluted along with extracted oil. One Magnetic rod should be in use, while the dilution process takes place. After a day, the oil can be packed and kept for usage. Appling to the hair as well to the skin of the body, will give good result. Similarly, the other process for every kind of disease there are perfect medicines manufactured with the formula of “Akasthiya” the great Siddhar. n

am having trouble I am having a hard time handling my 3 yr old trying to hide from my son. He’s become selffriend. The trouble is she centered and stubborn smells and it puts off anyone and will not share his toys in the entire zone. I feel like with anyone. Overnight, I am the only friend she has he has become a monster and hence cannot be mean (pardon, my reference) from to her. a sweet innocent child. It is Is there a subtle way to a nightmare to take him in tell her? She is pretty sensifront of an audience. tive. Please Help Friend in hiding, LoganANS: Dear Desperate ville, GA Mother ANS: Dear Friend in Consider this for a mohiding ment: Take a deep breath I do not envy the position Patience is a virtue and take you are in. It is diffcult to the time to tell your child be truthful and tactful at the your own personal story. same time. However, you He will feel the realism of have to remember that sugar your own words Your son’s coating facts will only help A WAY TO SAFE GUARD THE FUTURE OF A CHILD in confusion and ambiguity. behavior though not commendable is pretty common Since you say, you are and all it requires is Truth and Tolerance. her only friend, I would suggest its time you start behavI would suggest that if your son is currently not going ing like one. Trust is the basis of any relationship. Do not to any pre-school put him in one so that he interacts with give her reasons not to trust you. Leave the better judgother kids and follows the basic rule of discipline. Ignorment to her. She may sulk, get angry and not talk to you ing negative behavior and encouraging positive attitude for a while but you know in your heart that you did the is the key. Try to ignore his temper tantrums at home. right thing. Increase her self-confdence. She would need Taking away favorite toy, books, cartoon or a play date is you right now more than anything. Just be there. And buy usually successful. Remember to tell him why your have her a very nice bar of soap fragrant and beautiful and start done this tell him honestly. the conversation rolling. n

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hildren! es Ladies And C Come, Comrad wer. ple Full With Po Here Is The Tem ine. nd Cor ridors Sh A s t gh Li nd A Domes Shivji. ght The Shrine Hundred And Ei e Spread. Sacred Words,W he T ’ m O i ar H m ‘O s Wealth lth Another Need One Needs Hea ldren! s Ladies And Chi Come Comrade Boon Of Lord, Full With Have The Grace ? how Us The Path Who Is He To S Spells? n The Darkness he W o D o T t ha W airav To Rudra And B Do The Worship oor. at Opens The D “Om Hari Om” Th Is First t “The Siddhar ” Two In Name Tha ext To Follow The N Then “Selvamji” s e Pooja He Pray Go And Join Th t ible’ He Is In Fron What ‘Not Poss - Pundit. Murali Murare

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Hindu Temple Of Georgia Temple Festivals (May 2007)

Sankatahara Chaturthi May 05,2007

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Community Night May 12,2007

Pradosam May 14 2007

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Narayaneeyam May 20, 2007

Mahavishnu Kalyana Utsavam May 2007 Siddhi Times USA 40

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Govindaraj & Rajasekara Reddy from Tamilnadu - INDIA Team up to enter into Banking Industry in Georgia, USA

- Madhu Manikandan


he leading entre preneurs from South India, Govindaraj and Rajasekara Reddy are actively pursuing the initiatives to start banking operations in Georgia, USA. The team is planning to acquire two existing Community Banks in the State of Georgia. Govindaraj, known as Grill Chakravarthi (Emperor of Grills) in South India, frmly believes that this business venture will be a great success. Govindaraj is also well known as GR by his customers and friends in Chennai, India. He is the Founder Director of KingcraftChennai, India, the number one manufacturers of Grills, Gates, Fencing and other accessories in India. He is also the Founder President of Tamilnadu Grill Manufactures Association, which has more than 72,000 business members from all over the State of Tamilnadu. He is well associated with leading corporate executives and notable leaders. It should be noted that any big size building construction project, worth 2 Crore Rupees (US$225000.00) or more anywhere in Chennai, Tamilnadu, is having Kingcraft works. Kingcraft is a major supplier and holding a monopoly in Indian market for its products. The exclusive customers include State, Defense, Police, Court

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houses, Movie celebrity,Government Buildings, Bungalows, Apartments, Condominiums, Temples, Churches and many others. The giant factory in Thirumullaivoil, Chennai, India, employs hundreds of direct employees and thousands of indirect workers. GR is also taking initiatives for the public offerings for the USA based corporation, Kingcraft LLC with an IPO of $100 Million. Kingcraft will be the 1st India based corporation to enter into the IPO market and to go public in India and USA. Kingcraft LLC, is managed by GR and Rajasekara Reddy, a billionaire, an Indian Celebrity, a mega real estate owner and an exporter from Chennai. Govindaraj, is a very humble personality and also a strong devotee of Sri Sri Selvam”Siddhar’ – a famous Indian Celebrity and a spiritual leader in USA. He is a philanthropist and a true devotee of Lord Shiva, has helped numerous Temple constructions around the world. He is supported by his 2 brothers in his growing business. Major part of the business is managed by his son, who is implementing lot of new ideas and strategies for the global business. Their service includes the fencing and gates to Hindu Temple of Georgia, Norcross, GA. Banking operations from this team of two growing entrepreneurs will also be supported by the owners of very famous Indian Restaurant

based from Chennai- India and 7 other investors, who is already in to the Banking, Financing, Real estate, Entertainment, Construction, Hotels, Export and Import businesses. We wish their projects to be a grand success.


the epics of India, there are lot of intutions, justices, themes and lessons which combined in every events. In the land of Divines too, many happenings took place. As upon earth, there were competitions, jealousies and even vengeances. All the Divines called Devindra, Sun, Jupiter, Venus Moon Saturn, Mars and Mercury all of them had the duties to act upon the vast sky and space. The creator’s orders were obeyed properly and the same continues still. Divines live in Divine land and their transformed mass of bodies as planets circle around the Sun. Our earth is controlled by sun. In the actual lives of Divines, they continue their lively hood, worships and learnings which are endlessly continued. ‘Jupiter’ is called as “Prahaspathi”. He was generous and had the qualities to do good to the world as well as Divine world. He was considered as a great teacher to the Divines. Guru is the meaning for teacher. This expertism was known to all Divines. The desciples to him were huge in numbers. He taught all the lessons to become as mighty as possible. And the art of disappearing and again coming to the visibility was also taught. During the attacks of Demons, they come as wind and cause great losses to the Divines by venomous air. Any tricky and dangerous attacks could be easily understood and equally protected by the help of Guru from whom all lessons were spread to the Divine land. The Demons were in need of such Guru. But “Guru” Prahaspathi won’t teach for Demons. They approached the other Guru who was called as ‘Sukkra Acharaya.’ The planet Venus is the transformation of Sukkra Acharya, Demons praised much and much about him and had the boon of learning lessons from him. Even though Sukkra Acharya was belonging to Divines, he had the principle that if any one come and surrender as disciple, he used to teach the lessons. No Divine could restrict him. He was as mighty as Guru (Prahaspathi). Sukkra Acharya was teaching lessons to his disciples in a big Ashram which was constructed in palm leaves. Students from Divine and Demons were equally treated by him. In the Divine land, there prevailed a doubt. The doubt was relating to the ability of two Gurus, one was Prahaspathi and the other was Sukkra Acharya. Many Divines informed that Sukkra Acharya was expert in giving life to the dead ones. This secret of bringing alive of dead persons, that too, to the same shape and age at which one dies, who would be regaining the life. This wonderful method was not known to Prahaspathi. The Divines themselves felt and came to the decision that, this specifc learning was important and needy one for them. Otherwise, the whole Divine community may face destruction. They planed to send one brilliant disciples from the Ashram of Guru. That student was no other than “Khasha” the son of their Guru “Prahaspathi”. The plan was to send ‘Khasha’ to the Ashram-School of ‘Sukkra Acharya’. Khasha should be obedient and brilliant to learn the secret art and must return, successfully after studying it properly. Khasha went to the forest land of Sukkra Acharya and found the Ashram. By his talents he joined the school without giving the identity of his father. He was learning the lessons properly. He was growing as an effcient student. The daughter of Sukkar Acharya was Devayani a very beautiful and kind hearted girl. She noticed the talents of ‘Khasha’ and fell in love with him. She used to meet him near waterfalls and was telling her willingness. Sukkar Acharya did not know about his daughter’s eagerness.

The other students and dull minded disciples noticed the moments of Khasha and Devayani. They joined together and planed to kill ‘Khasha’. One student told that even if we kill him; Guru Sukkar Acharya will be giving life to him; there fore whole plan might be spoiled. Final decision was reached. The decision was to kill him and burn him to ashes. This horrible conspiracy was successfully done by them. A little more ‘shrewd among bad’ told that the ashes in a little they should add in the “Somabana” which their Guru uses to drink it. (A concentrated herbal liquid which would intoxicate if any one drinks that is ‘Somabana’) Their plan went on with success. Devayani was looking for the arrival of ‘Khasha’. Having found his absence she felt doubt about other disciples. Then one of the killer team’s exposed the matter to here about the demise of Khasha. She went straight away to father’s chamber and threw her self in front of his legs. She wept and told with agony what all that happened. Being the only daughter, Sukkar Acharya too felt abundantly and through his power of aggression to know the past-events he understood and told Devayani “Oh my pitiful daughter I am helpless . Now – Khasha is in my stomach in the form of ash, She wept and wept. Her father asked Devayani “Are you willing to loose your father on account of your lover – if I give life to him I will die”. This could be possible after piercing the stomach of me”. Her lover Khasha could come out with life. But sure Acharya would be no more. Devayani cried and exposed she could accept no loss either father and lover. Sukkar Acharya fnally told her “Dear Devayani I” m going to teach you the Mandira (Secret chanting of sanjivini the technique of bringing alive the dead person). You hear it carefully and I m going to give life to Khasha “He will come alive from my stomach - after his survival you have to carefully chant the mandira for my survival.” Saying this words he chanted the mandira. The ash of Khasha turned as full structure of Khasha. Devayani delighted to see him again. She chanted the Mandira for her father’s survival. Khasha when he was in the stomach of Sukkar Acharya he heard the mandira while Sukkar Acharya was chanting. In deed, his mission granted grand success. The valiant Guru “Sukkar Acharya was pleased to see both Devayani and her lover. Sukkar Acharya the great and powerful Guru had understood everything in his power of aggression of events. He was actually proud to get Kasha as his student because Khasha was the son of very generous Guru Prahaspathi. He new the fate of every one. After the completion of studies Khasha was willing to go back to his father. But Devayani pleaded with him to stay with her and marry her; Khasha told her cleverly “Dear Devayani I’m pleased to have your courtesy all the times of my staying; your status is here as the daughter of Sukkar Acharya by birth; my status is also the same because I have come out of the stomach of Guru Sukkar Acharya; I am actually brother to you. Those who understand the Sanjivini Mandira deem to be scholar of scholars. They already attained the status of Gnani. Certainly they will follow the Judgement of God. “A brother cannot marry a sister”. Even if it is Divine land Nothing proved to be easy.

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Skilled Lazy Man is there but no Lazy scholar any where - Sri Selvam Siddhar



he Beauty is the gift of God. All the Births upon the earth are not blessed with equally well as another. But theoretically male is male and female is female. If a male is permitted with a freedom to grow his hair years together, the length of beard will be for several yards. So is the case with hair on head. It will be one way ugly and on the other trouble some. When compared to the female, she is in a position to twist the hair in bundle and have to provide actually a basket upon her shoulders. The necessity-born naturally and the importance to maintain every part of a body to the proportionate state found necessary. Can any one agree big nose? That too a growing nose this will spoil the charm of a man. From the period of savage to further developed stage, the ‘civic’ regulations spread all over the world. Next step to the civil regulation, the civilization bloomed. When we take our kids to a Zoo, there will be animals like Deers. The types of Deers will be several. Some peculiar kinds of Deers will be there in different apartment. Some will have horns adding more charm to their style. The horns will be long and with branches. Specifcally male deers will be attracting the crowd. The kids will show much interest to the deers with horns. Where there are charm, beauty and style, there is always danger. In side the forest, the tigers will roam for their prey. If they look deers, it will be great lucky for them to have their lunch. The deers will be trying to escape and run into the forest. The very elaborately spoken “Horns” will be the cause to detain the speed of deer. Because, the horns will search and dash with branches of small trees and plants. So the pitiable Deer will fall as prey to the enemy. When nature gives this lesson, to deal with beauty is very caution able.

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It is necessary every one should appear with smartness and charm. The civilization permitted further for haircut and to keep the face after fne shave. For the section of females, the hair style, trimming of the eye brows, moderate and tight ftting women wares, came one after another. The models changed according to the times, Sophisticated designs of dresses, cosmetics and jewells thronged in lot to the market as per the customers anticipations. Wherever we go the ftness, will have its own credit. The ftness comes only through the perfect maintenance of physic. Regulation in best habits and routine of exercises will take care of the structure of the body. The food habits and keeping the body in a normal condition are also to be programmed with physical care. There could be no chance to get cold or fever. From the drinking water to the atmospheric condition the utmost care should be shown. Keeping the stomach with the suffcient food and fruits, will be the guideline for increasing the health with beauty. No carelessness s h o u l d occur in permitting any kind of virus in side the Body. Certain personal habits to ruin the health, will convert the mind to discare the norms spoken here, but any such habits that

could be controlled in duration little by little. No Bungalow is constructed without Basement which is the most important matter with foundation. For the Beauty therapy, the referred important matters relevant to physic-care will be footsteps to bring our position felt in any thing and every thing. Fitness, for children: The healthy child with brilliancy will be wanted for the admission into the school. Neatness and self adjusting capacity will be much noticed. Fitness for Boys and Girls: Clean habits with good resemblances are the required matters duly with educational back ground. The resemblances can be promoted with smartness, brilliancy and beautiful appearance. The marks and honours, start from look and the face. The habit of washing the face properly and cleaning the same with soft cotton towel should be a routine for minimum three times a day. The nails both in hands and feet are to be kept cleaned with nail cutter once in 20 days. According to the climatic condition the lotion or medicated creams to be used on the surface of face for the care of skin. Fitness for youngsters: In the present days the youths and virgins are diverted by mass advertisement of beauty parlours and cosmetic goods. Total ignorance for inner health prevail every where. The external personality and hair style and the usage of perfumes are ruling in the domination of Beauty therapy. The word ftness deals with many titles, “job and ftness” “Fitness to

be a wife”. “Fitness to be a husband” “Fitness for Bride” “Fitness for Bridegroom”. “Fitness to be a lover”. Such kind of various characters are found through out the universe. The main control to maintain the beauty lies in tongue which should not show much interest in “Taste”. Limited and permitted food, every body can eat and keep the physic in perfect condition. Over eating gives over fat and leads to Then how can we speak about “Beauty”. The sport person and weight lift challengers follow the norms suitably, but they should also care more for their beauty and avoid unwanted habits. It is a need of the people of the present days. This will guide good understanding and terms with husband for a life of satisfaction. The easy breathing and the chest expansions by morning exercises are to be regularized. When we read about physic and chest, the condition of a woman is to be dealt by three divisions. The frst one is teenage before marriage, next one is after marriage and the third one is after giving delivery of a child. Woman’s chest and care for breasts are most important matter for the present girls and ladies. To maintain the health and beauty, some of the persons may need best exercise to keep their breasts in a proportionate suitability as that of the bodies. Medical treatments for the vital increase of glands and specifc drugs also followed in many of the nursing homes. Some of the hospitals conduct operation therapy and reduce the size of the breasts. That is purely the willingness of an individual but God dictates up on every body to act the role what he gives. When he gives the characters of


wife, mother and grand mother. It is a must for one and all, to act accordingly. As a mother, the feeding to child, up to the age and after that the methods of keeping up the health and ftness of the body a mother should continue with sanitations and routines specifed by the doctor who assisted during the delivery time. One has to live for long the life is to be planed and performed. All the essential things come again for ftness, to play the role, young, middle and old.

eward is there for hard work


nce in a city there was a merchant. The merchant had two sons as his offsprings. He told his wife after his death all property and wealth would go to their elder son only. By hearing this the merchant’s wife wept for a long time. She asked her husband to promise not to tell this “will” secret to their sons. The merchant agreed. An eldest person and one of their relatives visited that merchant’s house. The merchant’s wife told the elderly person what her husband had in his heart. As per the advise of the elderly person the merchant’s wife told her sons what their father had decided, about the property, which was meant only to the elder son. The younger son by hearing that and fnding beneft from his father even after death, ran away from the house. The younger son worked hard; day and night. He became rich in a short-period. The elder son, as years passed, became lazy because of wealth. His laziness and lavish spending made him poor.

Understand yourself before you make others to understand you. -Sri Sri Selvam “Siddhar” Siddhi Times USA 45

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the real life of the divinely saint “Sri Akasthiya” he was very short in height but with great powers and knowledge. In the epics of India, the river Cauvery, took its fow only from the copper vessel of the saint “Akasthiya”. One crow when he was in meditation,came nearer to him and toppled his copper vessel which was full of water. By the grace of saint Akasthiya the river Cauvery was born. He has rendered all his services and duties to the people of India. For a good and healthy living he taught the lesson of “Yoga.” It is physical exercise to the human body with classic energy and a good art of body building. That is most important for present world to live a longlife with happiness. If a person makes the physical practices in young age that will be useful in later half of his future life. There are some physical trainings which are to be known by every one. Bujangasanam Put down the body or whole physical constitution in fat and toppled condition or position. Place both the palms of the hands on near to the soulders. Press the palms with the fore-hands and lift the upper part of the body. Raise


the head and look at the roof. Practice in this position for fve minutes. Come again to the normal condition by placing the upper part of the body and head in fat position. This exercise gives digestive power and gives the body the power of ant infection. Dhanurasanam Put down the whole body or constitution in toppled condition. Then slowly lift the legs as if imagining swimming in water. And slowly catch both the toes of the legs. Take breath in this position for fve minutes. And then slowly place down the legs on the foor. It looks like bow and arrow and it gives strength to the shoulders and


increase digestive power. Sarvangasanam Put down the whole body or constitution on the foor slowly and look into the roof. Give support to the back shoulders through the palms of the hands. Then make the body vertically upwards then the body upper parts hip and legs leaning into the roof or sky. Practice this position by inhaling breath and released breathed. Practice this for six to seven minutes. This exercise stimulates pancreas and digestion. Trikona asanam


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Be in standing position by enclosing both the legs closely. Stretch the legs wider. Stretch both the hands evenly against the chest. Then slowly bend the upper part of the body as if to stoop

down-wards by pushing and lifting the body, up-words to straighten the legs towards the roof. Practice this for seven minutes and come back to normal position. Do this practice with all kinds of care. This practice will give good sleep, blood circulation and will help the growth of hair in the head. Savaasana or Shanthaasana Imagine the body has lost it’s soul or spirit. Place or put the whole constitution on the foor in fat position looking upwards to the roof or sky. Close the eye lids half-open. Loose your


Savaasana or Shanthaasana

and place right hand to touch the left leg’s toe. Then come back to normal standing position. And bend the body as if to stoop and place left hand to touch the right leg’s toe. This practice makes the spinal card stronger and system. Gives digestive power.

strengthen the whole Halasana Put down the body or constitution on fat on the foor as if looking into the roof or sky. Then raise the fore-legs and thighs by giving support to the back-side of the shoulders with the palms of the hands. Then make the toe to touch in leaning position to touch towards the roof practice in this position by giving support to the back-side, Practice in this position for fve minutes. Then come back to the normal position. This practice is benefc to the liver and pancreas and Gall-liver. Sirasasana Keeping the head down and looking from the foor or earth is called Sirasasana. Some people put ‘pillow’ for the safety of the head. Choose any corner of the room and to give support to the weight of the body to the room-walls. Place-forth the forearms and hands to support the neck and head, curve


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consciousness from the both legs to the fore-head. Slowly and partly by part feel the energy. This is the last exercise noted with great observation. This will help a lot to practice pranayama and controlling the breath. Poorakam is the breathing of inhaling air, Resakam is the outgoing breathed air. Kumpaham is controlling the air in the spinal card where from the energy spreads to the whole-body. Practice this for ten minutes to twenty minutes. All these practices are to be done in empty stomach and early in morning or early in evening times.

Trikona asanam






he diseases which are very diffcult to diagnose are rising day by day. Major reason is the habits of food. During the olden days, our forefathers continued several processes in the common and practical way of life.

Many of the items were actually without ghee or oil. Even the bread, chappathi, barota, etc., were the products of wheat. The people, who were desirous to eat rice, prepared idly, dosa and cooked rice. The usage of butter was very less. The butter milk, after skimming out the butter, was the classic usage of those days. The village men took the boiled rice or wheat as food. Remaining after the lunch, they would pour water in the cooked rice or / wheat and preserve it for next day. The water poured, would create yeast to proportionate strength to that watery- food which if used along with butter milk, fresh energy as well as

briskness will increase. In place of pickles they just had green chillies as snap-bites. Those who lived the life of farmers had to work from dawn to dusk. In the noon, again they would have to take cooked food which was assisted with vegetable, gravy and mainly rasam (the essence of spices like pepper, jeera garlic and tamarind, which served for good digestion. All the forefathers of the community, were either as farmers or lived as hard workers. The diseases like “Heart Diseases” were very rare in those days. The importance for hygienic condition were very less during that period. In these present days all the hunts go for money. Every one is faster in action. So, the norms to dine properly and work properly are missing. The usage of pan parak (Betel nut) with calcium is in practice still. Certain amount of calcium is needed in our food. So, the people of olden age as well as present times the “Panparak-habit” is popular in India, Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai and other places. The calcium circulates in blood and remove the deposits of the fats. It is known fact in those days. The civilization and the modern facilities are actually a costly measure. To fnd the heart disease the following check up and observation are most necessary. It is not essential that a person having heart disease will have all the symptoms. It can be a combination of one or more of these symptoms depending upon the severity of the disease as well as the physical condition of the patient. 2. Heart and its functions Heart can be considered as a tireless pump-house supplying blood rich in oxygen to each and every part of our body via big tube that comes out of fourth chamber. On an average, blood is pushed in to this big tube 72times. This is also known as heart rate or pulse rate. Heart is situated obliquely in the chest more on the left side than

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on the right. The shape of heart is that of a clenched fst, weighing about 300gm on an average. Heart is one of the most important organ of our body. Heart consists of four different chambers, out of which the fourth chamber (left ventricle) is the most important. 3. What is the Heart Disease Angina or coronary heart disease is the most common form of heart disease (95 out of 100). There are three main tubes supplying blood to the heart muscle. When they get gradually blocked with the deposit of cholesterol and fat, the coronary heart disease develops. These blockages develop over the years. Whenever the percentage of the blockages reach more than 70% a person develops coronary heart disease Shortage of oxygen in the heart muscles leads to pain in the chest, typically known as angina pain. Coronary heart disease is also known as Ischaemic Heart disease.

REASONS FOR DEVELOPING HEART DISEASE Reasons for this disease are numerous, certain reasons are within our control (modifable) and others are out of our control (non modifable). Let us frst discuss nonmodifable reasons. Non – modifable reasons 1. Age - more common in 50-60 years of age group. 2. sex- males are more prone to this disease, male to female ratio is 10:1

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3. Hereditary plays a crucial role and the probability of getting this disease relatively high if a close relation is already suffering from Heart Disease. MODIFIABLE REASONS Related to fats and oils. 1. Increased cholesterol This is a fat of animal origin and is one of the components of blockages. An increased value of cholesterol in blood is absolutely not desirable. Normal blood level of cholesterol is between 130-200 mg per 100ml. 2. Triglycerides This is oil of vegetable origin and is one of the component of blockages. It should always be kept within reference limits. Normal value of triglycerides is between 60-150 Mg per 100Ml. 3. LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) This is a combination of cholesterol and triglycerides along with proteins formed in the liver. Its amount in blood is directly proportional to cholesterol and triglycerides. Normal values should be less than 130 Mg per 100 Ml.

4. HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) This is the only good cholesterol present in the blood. It helps in the removal of block-ages. It’s higher values are desirable. Normal value is -60 Mg per 100Ml. B. Conditions which Aggravate the deposits 1. High Blood Pressure (Normal blood pressure value Systolic = 110-140 mmHg Diastolic = 70-90 mm Hg) 2. High Blood Sugar (Normal fasting value 80-110Mg % and after 2 hours of meals 110-150 Mg %) 3. Obesity (More than 10% of normal weight is overweight & more than 20% of normal weight is obesity) 4. Smoking Includes cigarette cigars, beedi and chewing tobacco 5. Low level of physical activity sedentary lifestyle. 6. Low fbre diet, fast foods etc. 7. Alcohol Strict food habits will help a lot. Not more than 10% of calorie of intake milk only 200ml that too skimmed milk. Except white of egg, all nonveg to be avoided. Fiber food to be taken more.

People of the modern world, almost are well aware of so many things. But with the busy schedules and more engagement, they are lacking in many of the important matters. So, this message will be acting as a needed one for every body.

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n i l l A d o o G

“What is in a Name? A rose is a rose by whatever name called “- thus observed a great poet (I don’t remember his name!) But, passing to think of it, I have to differ from this great man. Oh – ladies and gentlemen! You will also side me after reading this! Before getting a child the parents, elders and each one in the family (in some cases helpers also join the hunt) start thinking a suitable name for the baby. When N.Nagarathnam the gender is known, active considerations dominate the scene. Elders suggest various names of Gods in the Hindu families. Presently parents decide shortened modern names. One child was however named “Venkata Subramanian” You know how & why? “Venkateswaran” was the name of the mother’s paternal grandfather and “Subramanian” was that of the name of the mother’s maternal grandfather and this name combination was suggested as a compromise to the few days quarrel of the mother’s parents. Finally, the child is called “Venaka” here! The “Shiva Sahasranamam, Vishnu Sahasranamam and Lalitha Sahasranamam” are more than enough. The manifestations, permutations and combinations of the names contained in these are only prevailing in the names all over the world. Ponder over this – I am sure, you will agree. Names of holy rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, Godhavari, Saraswathi, Narmada, Sindu, Kaveri, Krishna etc are liked by many. Twins are named as Rama Lakhsman, Usha Sandhya, Neela Nisha, Suma Sudha, Lava Kusha, etc. I still remember with- of course- great reverence and gratitude my English Teacher in High School whose nick name was “Giraffe” as to his height. Really a tall man in all respects! Then, there is the case of Chandrasekharan of my village, schoolmate college mate etc. He was a pet child to his parents, born after long years of marriage and after vow of penance to various Gods. His parents took him year after year to temples at Palani, Tirupathi,

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Tiruchendur, Vijayawada, Guruvayoor, Rameshwaram etc for tonsure in fulflment of their vow, with the result that we rarely found him with a few hairs on his head. We nicknamed him as “Mottai Sometimes I had diffcult times in train journey as I get reservation in ladies compartment since my name is also the same commonly used by ladies in Karnataka. In north India, people generally ask “Aap Ka Shubh nam?” “Your initials” etc. to elicit you name. In Tamilnadu, mainly chettinad, elderly or wealth will not be called with their full names. They will be called “Chona” for Chokkalingam, “Aana” for Annamalai, “Mena” for Meyyapan, “Kavanna” for Kasinathan etc. There are some pet popular names in Tamilnadu wholly unconnected with the full name as “Cho” for Ramaswamy actor and writer turned political critic. Here is a case of mistaken identity. My college mate Mr.Natarajan, whom we call shortly as ‘Nut’ is in New York, had invited us. Before meeting him, we went to visit United Nations Offce and stood in the line. When I turned around, I saw ‘Nut’ standing at the end of the line. In my ecstasy, I brisked away and patted him on his back saying “ Hey… Nut… you are here!” The person turned and Oh… he is a different man with some semblance of ‘Nut’. He looked menacingly at me as he was called a nut and every one looked at us curiously. I had to apologize, profusely, before returning to my place in the line and my wife chided me “you are the nut!” As usual, I did not pay heed to her endearing terms. In public, she calls me with great respect and when we are together, she has different names to call me … well…hee….hee…hee. You know I am not afraid of her to tell you what all she calls me by name… you know.. this is all to give respect to her…. (Hee… heee… married men, are you listening?) So ladies and gentlemen! In case any of you meet that great poet who exclaimed “What is in a name?” Please tell him on my behalf “Oh Boy…. there are so many things in it!” n

Hindu Temple of Georgia

MAY 12, 2 0 0 7 Co mmunit y Night A grand Success


he Hindu Temple of Georgia is organizing monthly community night in the temple’s grand auditorium. The 4th community night held on May 12, 2007 was a grand evening for the community to get together, share their thoughts and ideas, show their talents, and have fun as one community in spite of their multiple cultural backgrounds. The evening began with a Ganesha prayer sung by Mrs. Kalyani Ravi. After receiving the blessing from Lord Ganesh, the community night started with an Aarthi for Lord Shiva and Parvati in the auditorium. It was an honor for me to MC this event for the second time. The frst event was an Open Discussion on “Spirituality”. The panel members were Sri Selvam Siddhar “Swamiji”, Mr. Govindarajan (also known as Emperor of Grill Manufacturers), Mr. Nagarathnam and Mr. Neelamegam Subramanian and the chief priest Sharmaji. There was a great exchange of thoughts, questions and answers, active participation from the audience. Chief priest Sharmaji and Mr. Nagarathnam talked about what Spirituality is and Mr. Neelamegam Subramanian talked about practical application of Spirituality in every day life. He quoted from the book of Stephen Covey’s “Seven habits of highly effective people” and summarized by saying a balanced mind is a way to get spiritual. Mr. Govindaraj talked about the two

frequent sayings of Swamiji; “Know thyself”, “You will live according to your thoughts” and stressed the need to build the temple community. Swamiji shared with us about what is Spirituality and how to attain it. Following the Open Discussion event, the entertainment segment of the community night started with Kumari Sruthi’s song. She delighted everyone with four songs (i) Sivaya Namaha (ii) Hara om (iii) Ayyappane Vaa Vaa (iv) Natavara Krishna. Next, Ms. Seema Mothi entertained everyone with a Karaoke from a bollywood song. The next was a dance performance by Ms. Alekhya Korrapatti and Apyaya Nimmagadda for a Telugu Medli song. Ms. Vishaal played western music on the Violin followed by Ms. Aarthi’s dance performance for a bollywood song “Gumurao”. The Bal Vihar kids entertained everyone by singing bajans. As per the audiences request,

Mrs. Kalyani Ravi sang a “Oru Iniya Manathu” song from the movie “Johnny” and Mrs. Raji subramanian sang a song “Putham Pudhu Kaalai …” from “Alaigal Oyvadhillai”. Mr. Nagarathnam delighted everyone with a song from Thiruvasakam and Mr. Govindaraj followed that with a Thirupugazh. The entertainment segment was a highlight of this community night. All the kids who performed received certifcates from Swamiji, Mr. Govindaraj and Mr. Nagarathinam. The fun flled sports event followed the entertainment segment of the evening program. The kids had fun participating in Lemon and spoon race, Tug of War, Musical Chair and Hot potatoes. The youth, men and women also participated in games like Passing the ball, Tug of war and other fun events. The potluck dinner with several delicious dishes was served in the buffet manner.

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The success of the community night is a joint effort of many volunteers. Special thanks go to Mr. Balakrishnan Ramasubbu, Mr. Neelamegam Subramanian, Mrs. Raji Subramanian, Mr.Sainathan Sivasubramanian Mrs. Parvathi Sivanadiyan, Mrs. Sankari Subramaniam, Mrs. Kalpagam Sainathan, temple staff and Master Aravind for helping with the sports

events. The dinner concluded the 4th community night with a grand success. All the attendees thanked Swamiji for sponsoring such a great event for the community. Pictures of this event can be seen at temple website URL: http:// Community_Night_May_12,2007.

html. Readers are also encouraged to attend the next Community Night event with family and friends. Please visit the website http://www. for the next community night schedule. - Sainathan Sivasubramanian l



ow a days in this modern world, girls and ladies typically underestimate the importance of diet, behavior and usual routine. Even for sleeping, it is most important one-to be followed for a proper sleep with out disturbance. In support of health of skin one can testify from looking in the mirror every day. The quality of one’s life determines the depth of the beauty. The girls and ladies should understand the outer appearance are related to the levels of (A) body (B) sense (C) mind and (D) spirit. This formula is determined by t h e previous generations. This has got its own weight. Beautifcation can be commenced only for body means, it is after all a temporary process as if the cosmetic powder to face applied keeps the freshness only for some time, for two hours or three. This in other words can be called as “Make up.” So, the beauty in three ways are the information of “Siddha-Principle”. They are (a) inner beauty (b) outer beauty and (c) Lasting beauty. Charming is outer beauty, the visible appearance such as skin, nails and hair. Cosmetics industries are thoroughly familiar for outer beauty only. It is not suffcient, the food practices and keeping the body in a fne condition and good health are to be steadily followed. What are they and how to prepare them are the points of reference here. Best, it is always good, to follow the natural and simple implementation with out side effects. to be Continued page No: 61

Guru Nanak

In India there is a state called Punjab In that state there is a village in the name of Thalvanthi. In that village a great poet cum saint was born. His name is Guru-Nanak. His father’s name was Kalyan chandh and mother’s name was Thriptha. The parents named and called him as “Nanak”. Their family was a wealthy one. When Nanak grownup, his parents sent him to a school. In the school a teacher taught a lesson and asked him to write-down the lesson. But Nanak did not do it. When that teacher asked Nanak “why you have not written down the given lesson.” Nanak replied “I am thinking about the origination of sound and formate of the sound” By hearing his reply the teacher got surprised. Then the teacher took Nanak to his home and told the parents that “this boy has incomparable superior-knowledge, so treat him well and choose some other good-teacher to teach him.” The time for naming-ceremony (Poonool Kalyanam) came. That is ‘upanayana’ putting a sacred thread on the chest and around the waist. Nanak refused the holy-thread and sang a song meaning” Mercy is the cotton. Every one’s mind with satisfaction is the sacred thread and truth is the knot to be cared and to be worn on the chest. Then Nanak’s father gave him some work of attending cows and cattle. Then again asked Nanak to do the work of farmer in the wheatfeld. One day when Nanak due to the hardwork slept under a tree. At that time,a venomous serpent came nearer to Nanak and extended it’s

fore-head upon the Nanak’s fore-head and went away as a sign of blessing. Nanak’s father arranged marriage for him. Some years passed, Nanak became a father to two children. Even then Nanak was in philosophic mind only. While Nanak was in meditation he achieved some super-natural powers such as, visualizing objects of the very distant places and hearing the voices of some persons from far away distances. But Nanak was not interested in that super-natural power or siddhies. Again Nanak went into deep-meditation to know about God’s nature and qualities. He actually meditated in a grave yard. Then Nanak attained the pure wisdom. During his life too many miracles took place. When he went to Mecca. Nanak and some other Muslims were nearer to a mountain. But water was not there in the lower part of the mountain. Nanak went upwards of the hill and tried to fetch some water. But at that fountain, a cruel person was there and refused water; to be taken. Then Nanak came below the mountain and asked one of the fellow-men to dig at a place. That fellow digged the earth for sometime. Then water began to fow from that particular spot. While the water was over-fowing in the digged spot, the fountain upon hill started to decrease. Then Nanak completed the visit to Mecca and came back. Nanak and his disciples preached Nanak’s Gospel, Allah or Eshwar is one-but different in names. Once Nanak met a person who was slaughterer and thief whom Nanak made him a pious man. Nanak attained Maha-Samadhi or moksha where a huge temple was built and the temple was decorated with Gold. It is called Golden Temple for Sikhs. It is to be noted Nanak’s golden temple and acres of agricultural land in a village were given by that thief-man who later turned as a devotee of Guru-Nanak. One of the poem of Guru-Nanak ever to be remembered is the worldly people used to call, “God-minded persons as ghost caught people and the pious people as mad-persons.” It is happening every where in the world. Nanak was against caste and untouchability.

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(Ou r True self, Self r ealization) Why Atma - Jnan? ( self realization) Every human being has three types of energy, (I) Physical energy (ii), Intellectual energy and (iii) Internal Energy that is our Soul. Among all three , the energy of Pure Soul is the source for the other two forms of energy. When the soul leaves the living body Physical energy and Intellectual energy are no longer there in non living body. , . That is why the Pure soul is superior to Physical (Body), and Intellectual (mind) energy since it is the very source of our Existence. Now in many Vedic scriptures it is said that Atma, pure soul itself is Parmatma, meaning pure Soul is God which is why all scriptures say “Know Thyself”. Without this knowledge, one cannot attain the state of Parmarthma Atma Jnan or experience of Pure Soul or self realization is akin to God realization. The consequence of this is One sees

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only the Pure Soul everywhere all the time and he always remains in His Blissful state of mind unperturbed by the events and for ever living in the Present. One of the distinguishing characteristics of the Gynani is that he is always living in the Present. Where and how can we get AtmaJnan? It is common knowledge that to be able to swim or drive a car it is not suffcient to read books on the subject or watch others do so. . Books and other forms of instruction can give only useful guidance and understanding of swimming and car driving. In the same way. spiritual books or spiritual Video and Audio cassettes can give us guidance and knowledge (to an extent) what is Atma Gynan?? To be able to experience and truly live a life of a realized soul, one has to seek a Gynani who has and is living in body, mind and speech just like us and can lead us on the right

path so that our mission is fulflled. Again, he can only be a guide but a Living guide with whom we can freely communicate and seek proper guidance. Lord Krishna highlights the importance of the Gynais to Arjuna to bring out the Greatness of the Gynani, He categorically tells Arjuna that this Knowledge can only be obtained by Complete Surrender to the Gynani who will then guide you and take you to your fnal liberation. Why so??? Because Lord Krishna knows that the Gynani sees only the Pure Soul , God, in each and every living being and to him everything in this world is Only Atma and Avastha, the former being your true Self and the latter the circumstances that continuously come and go which are refected in our mind, speech and body, again, due to the Existence of the SELF (Atma)within us.which remains as the “ witness” of everything All the religious scriptures, Vedas, Upanishads proclaim after repeated negations of everything around us in this world that” “this is Not the I,” this is not the I (Brahman) that the “I,” is not something that is external to us but it is a State of Being. From this we can infer that what we refer to as a Gynani is not the Person but the Dasha---the State of Being. At all times while living in the mortal body the Gynani’s state remains UNPERTURBED, This state is the culmination of the search for ones true identity in many former births. From then on it is the Liberated State of the Gynani that we see and experience if we are fortunate to meet one in our life time. By living out his natural life in this state he is the exemplar of what the scriptures refer to as the Nirvikalpa Samadhi. The Jains refer

to this state as the Vitrag (no Rag and dwesh) state.Those who have been sincere after the pursuit of liberation birth after birth, for the sake of those souls, Nature bestows amidst them in age after age a Gynani who, through his infnite Grace and infnite Karuna, liberates them from the shackles of birth and death. Lord Krishna affrms to Arjuna when asked what happens to those who seek the Atma Gynan but do not attain this in this lifetime .. Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that In this path there is no return, you only go up and realize your True Self.. Vashistha was a Jnani himself, a self realized soul and he, through his divine grace, gave Atma- Jnan to Lord Rama The understanding that who you are, the knowledge of one’s true self enabled Rama. who was already ready for this Knowledge, to separate his roles and conduct himself in a way that ultimately led to Moksha.. Vashista was at the level of Pure soul that’s how he was able to see that Rama will reach the level of Pure Soul and achieve Moksha. In the same way, Lord Krishna the Atma –Jnani . gave Atman-Jnan to Arjuna through

his grace during Geeta-Jnan. For Krishna, everyone was equal because he had vision of Atman in every living creature. Another example of an AtmaJnani is Lord Vrushabhdev ( Adi-Nath Bhagvan) who gave Jnan to his son Bharat ( after whom the nation, became Bharat Desh which is now India) . From these well established examples it becomes very clear that only a living Atma-Jnani can give the Jnan to others. The element of time, however. Plays an important role in this and that is why it is rare to come in contact with a living Gynani purush. In Kaliyug, for reasons other than what we normally attribute to Kaliyug (dishonesty, jealousy etc) it is rare to come in contact with a Truly enlightened soul--one who is totally detached from mind, speech and body. Detachment that is referred to is not indifference but total detachment meaning not even a trace or speck of Rag or Dwesh. In all actions of the body, mind and speech. Of all this, at all times, the Gynanis total detachment to his own speech(not possessive) is the TRUE SIGN of Gynan ..

The Necessity for Reading Scriptures, Religious Books , Cassettes etc… The initiation and awakening within us starts by reading and associating our self with people who have similar interests . Lord Shankara extols the greatness of Satsang and it is also a common saying that the character of a person is very much infuenced by the company he or she keeps. Just as we need food , water and air for our subsistence (physical and

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mental), we should also give Food for our spiritual development. Therefore the books, temples and all Adhyatmic activities should be balanced in our day to day life. By studying spiritual books, lectures etc and assimilating the knowledge and living a life of morality and sincerity one is prone to do good deeds which will result in Punya. By leading such a life, at the right time, we are given the gift of a Gynani by Nature (the birth and time of a Gynai in our midst is purely a Natural process) whose only purpose is to set the ripened and ready souls on the path of Liberation--Moksha. What Books can not give : Books, Cassettes etc. cannot take away the Ego which is the source of our wrong belief starting with I am this BODY with a name and all other attributes. Along with this wrong belief we associate doership to everything that happens---I did, he did , she did, which is far from the truth. The Gynani in his unique way fractures these wrong beliefs and makes one realize One.s own true identity, At the same time, the ego in us is rooted out and in its place is seated. if you will, the Awareness that we are not the doer but only a witness all the time of what is happening. Gradually this awareness results in a state where we accept everything in the course of obligations or debts (and receive the benefts as gifts or credits) and use the ego only in the Functional needs of the body, mind etc ---eating ,sleeping, working etc but always careful to refrain from assertions , insistence, opinions, judgement etc which is the nature of the worldly ego.. Books Cassettes are non-living, it has no vitality, while Atma is Vital, It is Life itself/. How can a non-vital entity give experience of the vital?.

What is Moksha ? Moksha is not a state to reach as is commonly believed. It is the awakening and dawning which culminates in total freedom from all types of bondage which result in the repeated birth and death cycles of the physical body to dispense the Karmas(papas and punyas). Paradoxically while we dispense our past karmas, we also accumulate new karmas due to our wrong belief that we are the doer and our mind, intellect and ego endorse all our actions as “ours” which bears the consequence of repeated births. Atma Gynan imparts that Knowledge and Right Belief that leads to freedom from our actions even in this very life. It changes our understanding completely and that knowledge becomes the guiding light for the remainder of this life and the lives to come Is there any rules or any requirement for having Atman Jnan ? No there are no rules at all, Jnani never tells do this or that or don’t do that. He never tells, give up this and accept that, He never tells anyone to give up his or her religious belief. Atma Jnan is a Vision, the vision Arjuna got from Krishna. The Only requirement is readiness to submit your ego and the frm conviction that I don’t know anything ( like Arjuna said to Krishna “ I don’t know anything” ) Eyes and Ears can not see or listen by themselves without the primordial energy which is the Vital Atma, When the Vital Atma leaves the living body eyes can not see and ears cannot listen. So only a Vital media can give the experience of vital, give experience of vital. Another example, is the picture of a candle on paper can not give light, it can give understanding of how candle burns gives light. In order to get light ,a real lighted Candle is needed. . If books were suffcient to give Atma-Jnan, Lord Krishna could have referred Arjuna to the sacred books . Instead, he imparted this Knowledge directly without any MEDIUM to Arjuna and having received the knowledge , Arjuna emphatically tells the Lord---All my doubts are dispelled Krishna, I am ready to fght now. The entire discourse of the Gita and the Essence of the Atma Gynan---the Pure

Soul and its characteristics was given to a Single person in the battleground. This only shows the Power of the Giver of the Gynan and the gifted pupil Arjuna who was ready and evolved to receive this Gynan inside (developed soul) but deluded by what he was seeing externally together with the belief that He is the DOER (ego). Once this was annihilated, the true vision dawns and the rest is known. Special Note: This Article was writen solely due to the Divine grace of Jnani Purush Kanudadaji. What Lord –Krishna was to Arjuna , Kanudadaji is to me. He gave me same Knowledge and Vision through his Divine grace. Special Thanks to Dr. Radhe Krishnan from Oak Ridge TN for timely Contributing, correcting, editing and doing proof reading of this article. Dr. Haresh Patel Bremen, GA-30110

Writing a check to the temple doesn’t account for Dharma in your life - Sri Sri Selvam “Siddhar” Siddhi Times USA 58

SCHOOL OF PHILOSOPHY maid mistook the habits of Vinoba and Visutha. Several hundred years ago, there lived a teacher Farm house called Triguna who was teaching the village people, The servent maid reached the farm and informed grammer, philosophy and spiritual matters.There were something about Vinoba to his father, who as hastily two brilliant students, Vinoba and Visutha. Vinoba arranged the marriage for his son. was at the age of nineteen and Visutha was about School seventeen. Vinoba was the son of a land lord Marg. of Visutha was the daughter of a Blacksmith. Philosophy and Chadur Vedha were also philosophy taught; Both Vinoba and Visutha were brilliant Under the shadow of a tree in the school Vinoba met Visutha and told “Dear Visutha we are youngsters–we are dreaming for a happy life on this earth–but my father is not aware of in our love-he is arranging some one as a wife to me–my l e a r n i n g . heart in broken into pieces now”. Having these words, Visutha’s eyes were with tears During the period of learning, they loved each other. and she spoke “I am an unfortunate girl–my fate is too The father of Vinoba did not know about their love. bad–better I shall die”. Vinoba told then “My dear, we have read everything BURIAL GROUND On the way to river, a burial ground was there near in the school–we are taught to worship the Mother, the village. The walls were covering the area of the Father, Teacher and God – I do not know to act against ground. By that time, the servant maid of the house of the will of father.” “My world is this” I know Father, Mother, Teacher Vinoba, happened to look him with Visutha. Servant maid in her eyes showed some suspicion.Vinoba did and you” if I happen to go against mother and father, not care and went inside the compound. The servant our teacher will also curse me–tell me what to do?” She continued to weep and came to the decision that this birth will be not fortunate enough for her, to be the wife of him. She prayed the Almighty for a boon to have Vinoba as her husband at least in the next birth. FARM HOUSE A farm land and the home in the midst of the trees and crops were the properties of Vinoba’s father Marg. The girl Sushma belonged to a rich family was wedded to Vinoba. She was always proud of her wealth and jewels. Vinoba was looking the farm works and started earning. Since he was a true and honest son to his father, he obliged him and cared all the welfare of his wife Sushma. She was behaving like a queen of the farm.There was a shed adjacent to the house where a bullock cart was ready for the use of travel. Vinoba was leaving to a distant place for collection of dues. Sushma ordered him to bring the money safely with out doing any expenditure. He commenced his travel in the bullock – cart. BLACK SMITH YARD After collection of money, Vinoba was returning home. One of the wheels went out of order. So, Vinoba Siddhi Times USA 59

came to the yard of black smith who had gone out side; but was received by his classmate Visutha. She was enquiring the welfare of his wife. Considerable time passed and yet the father of Visutha had not returned. During their occasion of this meet, she had a doubt in the theory they read. So, in order to examine the question they had to go inside the room of the house. The servant maid of Vinoba’s house, happened to cross nearby she suspected the events and went to farm.Then Vinoba and Vishutha came back again to blacksmith yard and taking about other subjects. After few minutes the blacksmith came and repaired the wheel. Vinoba has paid the cost of the material and labour to Visutha’s father. Vinoba started to his home. FARM HOUSE The cart was reaching near the house. Sushma and the servant maid were standing near the door. The husband did not even enter the house, Shusma asked “Have you brought all the money safely?” Vinoba smiled and told “Little money is spent on account of repair of Cart-Wheel the balance is safe.” The wife began to spoke wantonly. “It is just a lie I can’t accept it. The money is spend for some other purpose. I know you have met a girl she could have taken it.” This loose talk was opposed by Vinoba and he in reply told “What nonsense, you are speaking Shushma? Am I a person of lust? Don’t behave like this–It is not good for you.” Saying these words he went in to his room. The suspicion grew deeply in the heart of Sushma about the character of her husband. Vinoba was always Siddhi Times USA 60

obliging to his wife and days were passing. RIVER SIDE WAY Two years after, when Sushma was returning from river along with the servant maid, she saw a dead body of a female, which was taken towards the burial ground. The servant maid after enquiry revealed that Visutha fell ill for last two years and died. Sushma behaved as if she grieved with demise of Visutha. Again one year passed, one day the rain was pouring like anything. Vinoba was on way to his friends house. Because of rain, he entered in-to the people -shed of the burial ground. He was looking at the grave yard of Visutha. The rain was lashing the grave yard. In those days there were no coffns. Soil and mud removed little by little. Vinoba happened to see the skull of Visutha. On curiosity and the enthusiasm he took it and looked into the skull of Visutha. He felt very sorrow, and covered the skull in his towel and went back to home, without going to his friend’s house. His mood was actually painful. Farm House Vinoba went straight to cart-shed and kept the towel covered skull in a hole of the roof of the shed. Through the window, his wife saw this event. The dresses of Vinoba were drenched in rain. So, he went to his room and changed the dress and slept. The suspicious Sushma went to the cart shed and took the towel-covered skull. She was with great doubts and imagined that her husband could do some black magic in the night. With confusion she kept that skull at the same place. Next day when the servant maid came,

she consulted with her. Servant maid told to Sushma that her husband used to go to burial ground and on one occasion, she saw him along with Visutha. The statement concluded her, that part played by Visutha was something black magical with her husband. So, even without waiting one second, she went to the cartshed and took the skull. She kept it on a tool which was used to separate rice from paddy. She brought the striking rod and began to attack the skull with all her vengeance; she was breaking the skull into pieces. Hearing this noise, Vinoba wake up from sleep and came. He saw his wife as a ferocious woman. She was scolding her husband in a slung language “While I am alive, you do, black magic and bring back your lover and want to lay with her” Husband replied in a soft manner “You see, Sushma I am not so mean, as you say–I act only upon the orders of my father–I still follow and doing the duty of husband. My conscience will do no harm to anybody. Visutha is just a class mate for me, of course our friendship turned as love, but, we did no injustice on this earth. Sushma asked then “why should you bring a skull to home and hide it.” He replied “Sushma, you are always with doubt and imagine the worst. The secret is this–my teacher Beautifcation.... For the surface of face, the synthetic mixed bleaching agents are sold with gold labels and also with heavy costs. In the olden days, the turmeric powder, sandal wood powder and Bengal gram powder were used. Still it is popular. The sandal wood powder with water base; can be applied to face during night times. After one or two hours, the face washings can be made and rubbed through cotton towel. Turmeric powder is not advised since the colour of skin is getting turned for yellowish shade. Bengal gram powder is superb to keep the face with softness. This application also just for a hour or two will serve the purpose. The dryness, pimples on face and oily resemblance will vanish. Those who are thin, and want to become moderately stout can take Cassia aurticulator (Avaram Powder), one spoon with milk three times a day. This will give improvements in second month itself. Those who are stout and want to become thin shall start drinking the butter milk with Galnut powder (Tamarind Chebula) in a dosage, one spoon twice daily-morning and evening. Apart from nourishing skin and body, there are other necessities of shaping the

taught the lesson of skull reading to me and Visutha a precious art to know, one’s fate being written by the creator on skull. It is belonged to Visutha. It is written upon her skull, at this young age, she should die. Even after the death she has to face torchers as if, you have done it now to the skull of a dead woman.” When her husband himself confrmed the skull to be of Visutha she felt her conclusion ‘that her husband was crazy and that he attempted the black magical processes.’ She spoke to him “Tell, tell, what all you could lie. If it is just a friendship, why should you preserve her skull at home and hide it in Cart-Shed? As a reply Vinoba told “you are with jealousy and suspicions. No one, could stop the fate–it is written in her skull that when the skull happens to be damaged by anyone, the life mate of the person will die–so I wanted to preserve in a secret place.” Saying these words, he fell down and died on the spot. The Spiritual, Metaphysics, and Secret of fate are dealt as very secret things. Shusma with a hasty and vehement act lost her husband and a life. Pure love is immortal. As per the prayer of Visutha, God will have all his grants to give them rebirth and a happy life as per the prayer of Visutha. body and maintaining the typical proportion of every part of body. This is possible by means of yoga and physical exercise. Girls and ladies should minimize eating saltish, sourish and sweetish dishes. Best yoga proposed for the maintenance of body and beauty is Mayurasana “ any one is interested to improve the beauty, these are all the norms which are to be strictly followed. Very costly items are sandel wood oil and crocus sativas. Sandel wood oil will be with fne smell. In night times apply to the face once in 4 days. Just two to three hours after application, the face shall be washed. Crocus sativus (kungumapoo) is grown in abundance in Kashmir. When pregnant ladies desire to have delivery of children with good complexion, they can take these tiny leaves along with milk. This is a costly item. The weight shall be just .25milligram. (.25) For purpose of taste to all kinds of food, ghee and milk products. But huge quantities are not advisable. Always the vegetarian food with vegetable salad and fruits are the best, to maintain the beauty.

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n the last issue, I discussed about the Vedic Astrology and the basics ofAtharava VedicAstrology. In this issue, I wish to discuss about the problems faced by each one of us and the ways to get rid of those problems. First, I wish to take the basic problem that is Sex. As an old saying, “Even though it does no good it is very hard to be without it”. Certain works in the world needs only physical strength. For example lifting a weight. Certain works need only mental strength. For example working with a computer. It needs only mental power and there is no need for physical strength. Only sex is the work, which needs mental and physical strength. As according to Atharva Veda the planet Venus, which is called as Sukran, is the in charge of enjoyments. Many people suffer due to this and they go to a sexologist for their health check up. They undergo a lot of medication but the result will be nothing. The planet Venus, if he is in his own house individually in one’s horoscope it is very sure that the person will have a satisfed sexual life. If the plant Venus is in his full power (uccham) it is sure that, the person will wander for more and more sex. If the planet Venus is powerless in a male’s horoscope, he will have the problem of premature ejaculation. If the planet Venus is powerless in a female’s horoscope, she will wander for having sex with more than one man. If the planet Venus is along with the Planet Moon in a female’s horoscope it is sure that she will have more than one partner for sex. If the planet Venus is with the planet Mars in a male’s horoscope it is sure that he will be a homosexual personality. If the planet Jupiter is with the planet Venus, in one’s horoscope, he/she will have no interest towards sex. These are only examples. There are many things to analyze regarding one’s sexual life and how much enjoyment one will have in the life. The transit of major planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Raaghu and Kethu also play a major role in deciding the capacities of an individual. The planets are the only authorities to decide on the life of an individual. There is a vast differen between the regular astrology and Vedic astrology. According to the regular astrology, only the planetary position of an individual is analyzed. However, in Vedic astrology the Karma is also being analyzed. Especially Atharva Veda deals a lot in all these aspects. Our ancestors were intellectual giants. They have foreseen what will happen in future and how to come out of those troubles. It will be the best way to consult

an Atharva Veda scholar before taking important decisions. Only by taking the consultation and adopting the procedures advised by the Vedic scholar, anybody can come out of their problems very easily. The procedures may be tough at times to adopt but having in keenness to get out of the problems one should adopt the procedures as prescribed by the Vedic scholar. We all consult the doctor to come out of our physical ailments and we take the medications as per the advice of the doctor. Like that, we should undergo the prescribed procedures prescribed by the Vedic scholar to have a beautiful life. The next problem that I am going to analyze is the problem in getting good children. Many of us get married and lead a family life. However, a few are unable to get a child in the proper time. Some get children in the proper time, but they face many troubles with the children. The children may be always sick, mentally retarded, very dull in their education and other activities etc. There are many reasons for all these kinds of problems. In deciding the factors, the ffth place, called as “Santana Sthaanam” and the ninth place, called as “Anubhava Santhaana Sthaanam” plays major role. The planets sitting in the places, their relationships with the owner of the house are to be analyzed. The Vedic Astrology can also easily analyze the gender of the child. If the ffth house happens to be the house of a male planet, the child will be a male. If a female planet focuses the house with her full power, the child will be a female child. If the snake planets such as Raaghu & Kethu either occupy the ffth place or ninth place it is called as “Naga dosham”. This is a major problem for the child issue. If this problem is seen in anybody’s horoscope,

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they have to do many rituals to come out from that problem and get nice children. If the planet Saturn occupies the ffth place, it is worse than the Naga dosham. More rituals are to be performed to get out of this problem. The fourth place in a female’s horoscope also plays a major role in deciding the children. That place is called as “Udhara Sthaanam”. The place is for stomach and uterus. If the planets in the fourth place are good, they will be having their menstrual period properly and they will get good kids in the appropriate time. Their children will also shine well in their life. However, if the fourth place is occupied by the evil planets or by the ferce planets such as Mars and Saturn, it will create more problems in getting the children. They will have more problems related to the uterus and related organs. The horoscopes of the life partner are to be scrutinized. If the planets in the horoscope of a male horoscope, are not in a good and energetic position he will be either impotent or his sperms will have the least motility. By performing proper rituals with the aid of a well-learned Atharva Veda scholar, using mantra, thantra and yantra, we can easily solve our problems in this regard. There is no use in simple consultation with the scholar. We have to adopt the procedures advised by him very strictly and in the proper way. Without the proper adoption of the procedure, nothing can be done to solve the problems. The help from the physician will never put an end to the problem in getting the good children. However, the planets do a lot more in getting good children. The scholar’s advice is the must and the scrutiny of the horoscope by him will help to solve the problem in a smooth way the next thing I wish to discuss is the education problems faced by kids. We will discuss about the education according to their horoscope and the horoscopes of the parents. The planets Jupiter, Mercury, and Sun play a major role in deciding the education of a person. Some will be having many degrees from various universities but they will not be able to write even a single page. Some will not have entered the school gate but their knowledge will be very great. They will be advisors to lot of people. What is the reason for all these things? The answer is nothing but planetary positions in one’s horoscope. Some parents may be very rich and will not be able to spend money in the right manner for the education of their kids. Some may be very poor but will spend a lot for the best education of their kids. Even though some parents may spend a lot for the education of the kids, the kids will show the

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least intrest in their studies. For all these things the planets are the only reason. The second place from the ffth place in the parents’horoscope and the second place form the rasi or ascendant in the horoscope of the kid are to be analyzed for getting the result. The second place from rasi or ascendant is called “Vidhya Sthaanam” or the place for education of the planet, the owner of that house is very powerful it is very sure that the kid will be very great in studies and will have great knowledge and wisdom. Some kids will shine well in their early education but do not do well in the secondary and higher level of education. Some kids will be very dull in their primary education but they will shine well in their secondary and higher education. We will see the power of each and every planet in deciding the education of the kid. For example, if the Planet Mars is the owner of that second house and is in a powerful position in the horoscope of kid that kid will have very good knowledge in the felds of medical, engineering and agriculture. If the planets Sun and mercury join with the planet mars the kid will have a many degrees in the related feld. If the same planet Mars is not in powerful position and in the enemy’s house every thing will be reversed. The proper analysis of the horoscope is to be done by learned Atharva Veda scholar and we can easily direct our kids in the proper way and make them as the best in their feld. I pray the Almighty Lord Shiva and Vanadurga to shower their blessings on each one of us to have a trouble free and peaceful life.

- By Sri Selvam “Siddhar” Result It is 66 Lemon. It is only detective capacity and not to encourage stealing. Monkey is an animal not human being. So it will no turn as stone.

Worshipping of Idols


n the Indian state of Tamilnad is there a great Tamil scholar lived by the name K.V.Jagannathan. One day one person asked worshipping Idols are we really “worshipping Gods themselves?” To that question K.V.Jagannathan replied “While worshipping the idols, people use to think that the idols or vigrahas are really Gods and not just statues. That kind of faith and frm-belief the people get “blessings” Then he explained “what we are using as currency are not really currency notes but, they are only promisary notes; in every rupee note, we can see the following words written. “I promise to pay to the bearer the sum of rupees such and such” like that we give respect and importance to the idols of Gods and idols of Gods grant blessings to the devotees. The scholar’s answer will suit to the whole people of world and religions.

“Meenakshi Kum Kum”


nce world famous bishop Charless peter visited India. He was against the policy of worshipping idols.Bishop Charless peter visited many places in India. He also made visits to the main temples and churches in India. One person asked him a question;“Is God present in temples and in the sacred powder and sacred kum- kum (viboothi-kum kum) given in the temples”.To that question, the bishop replied “In Tamilnadu I made a visit to the Meenakshi temple at “Madurai”a temple town and received the sacred “kum kum.” I have examined thoroughly the sacred kum-kum and found ‘there is a deep magnetic-power in that powder’.I had kept it for years and after that again I examined the sacred ‘kum-kum’and found the same magnetic power was presenting then in that kum-kum which made me surprised. We can realise power of Goddess present in the sacred ‘kumkum’and sacred powder. (Viboothi)

Judging upon appearance


ichale Angelo was a great artist in Italy. Once he went into the market. At one shop, he saw a fat-marble stone for sale. He asked the shop keeper, “What is the price for that marble stone?” The shop keeper replied “That stone is here for a long time, and no one is willing to buy it and it is also an obstacle for my business, Then again the shop-keeper said “I give you the fat marble stone free of cost, if you take it to your place.” Michale Angelo took that marble stone through labourers to his house. One year had passed. He invited the shop-keeper to his house. To that shop-keeper Michale Angelo, showed a piece of painting in that every same marble stone. A painting work was done by him as if the mother Mary was bringing down the crucifed Jesus from the holy cross and keeping him in her laps. The shop-keeper was astonished. Michale Angelo said “the fat marble stone was with dust and dirt. When that dirt, dust unwanted matters were removed a piece of painting was born. When we remove the unwanted things in our mind we get dignity and respect.

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unique history has been created in this planet for Hindu lineage of spiritual path. A massive Shiva temple with 108 Shivji is beyond the imagination and Hindu Temple of West Georgia is going to be the 1st temple with 108 Shivji, serving the people all across the world. This expansion of Hindu Temple of Georgia is a magnifcent and noble task, expanding the horizons of spirituality. This blessing has been manifested by Swamiji Sri Selvam”Siddhar’, a revered authority in USA of Indian origin. He is famously known as Dr Commander Selvam and going to be the 1st Indian in the entire Hindu lineage to build a Shiva Temple with 108 Shivji, not Shivlinga, or Dance poses of Shiva. The largest portion of the idols of 108 shivji and other fne divine statues were imported to USA by Sri Selvam”Siddhar” and the remaining are expected to be arriving by the end of this year. Sri Selvam Siddhar is the unique personality in the entire North America, who pledged the highest donation for a Hindu Temple in USA. Most highly respected and addressed by his devotees as Swamiji or Siddhar, and Commander by very close people he is very unique from most other spiritual personalities who come to this country to fund their projects. Whereas, Swamiji never acc free money. He always says that, one need to give before getting from others. He beautifully explains the principle of life, as “You will live according to your thoughts”. Sri Selvam”Siddhar” has acquired 120 Acres of multi-million dollar land on Highway 27 in Carrollton GA, where the board of directors of Hindu Temple of Siddhi Times USA 66

GA, where the board of directors of Hindu Temple of Georgia have decided to build the Hindu Temple of West Georgia for 108 Shivji. This amazing property is ½ hour drive from Atlanta International Airport, on Hwy 27. Most of the lands acquired by the Hindu Temple of Georgia are already zoned as General Commercial. Swamiji and the board has decided to set up a plaza with Gas station, Convenience store, Fast food restaurants, Indian Restaurant, Indian Grocery Store, Residential Apartment Complex, Motels, Mini Amusement park, Kutil for the Devotees, Yoga Studio, Auditorium, Concert Hall, Luxury Housing Track and Swamiji on the New Temple Land with Govindaraj Subdivision. (Chairman-Kingcraft), Joshua, Sanjay The fnancial income from these projects would support the Temple activities for the lifetime, without Also all these projects will be exclusively assigned and having any kinds of fnancial burden to the Temple. joint ventured with the Temple members only. More information about this project is yet to be announced, and any one interested in any of the aforesaid projects for joint venture, can approach any of the Board members of the Hindu Temple at (770) 447 9393. Hindu Temple of West Georgia, is an expansion of Hindu Temple of Georgia, will be serving more than 3000 families living in and around West Georgia and also around 300 families from Alabama, who was living in the border between Alabama and Georgia. Let us wish this noble endeavor to be a grand success. Swamiji with his followers in front side of the River creek on end of the property. Siddhi Times USA 68

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Swamiji, Temple CEO - Muthu, Kingcraft Govindraj on the Temple Land.

Swamiji is explaining the Temple Vasthu.

The temple has an approx road frontage of 2100 feet on Highway 27

The Temple Land in Carrollton, GA.

If you understand “Yourself” than you are the best Swamiji in the world Sri Sri Selvam “Siddhar” Siddhi Times USA 68

Value of human life


n Hindi there was a great writer called Duvethi. His full name was Acharya Higaari Prasad Duvethi. Once he went to his farm house, in the morning. He walked around the wheat feld. By that time one woman in that farm cried seriously. Hearing that, Duvethi went to that direction and saw a woman worker who was bitten by a poisonous snake. The snake had bitten at the right fore leg of that woman. Duvethi tried to give frst-aid treatment to that worker. He looked around, but no one came to rescue her. So Duvethi was wearing the sacred thread which was in his chest around the waist, Duvethi belonged to upper caste of Brahmin, where as the worker belonged to scheduled caste. Duvethi picked out the sacred thread (thick twine) from his chest. Through that sacred thread, he tied the upper part of fore leg of that woman. Then with the edge of knife which was used to cut the crops, Duvethi pierced the spot where the snake had bitten her. With some quantity of blood, snake poison went out down wards. By that frst aid, worker woman saved from death. But hearing this, all the upper caste people and Brahmins gathered there and they began to abuse him. Because Duvethi disobeyed the norms by using sacred thread for the sake of a woman, that too she belonged to scheduled caste. But he discarded the horrible words of the crowd and went in-to his farm house with the satisfaction of saving a human life. God has created every one as human only and foolish principle of untouchablity is against the will of God.

Gowtham O

The Power of Silence


nce in China a great prophet called Confucius felt tired of preaching to the people. He said to one of his disciple “Here after I wont spell out anything throughout my life” The disciple got surprised and said; “if you stop speaking we may not be able to learn anything from you. So do not stop and practice that silence “(Mouna-Viratham)” But Confucius replied. this: “The infnite sky never produces any sound but seasons like summers and winters are occuring regularly, through out all the years; and many miracles and changes, take place in the infnite sky without making any noise” That is the power of Silence and practice to be Silent !


An Incident with

nce the disciple of Gowtham Buddha appraised him by saying “you are the light of the world which brings mercy to the universe. No one is equal to your wisdom.” After hearing this Buddha ordered him to stop his ‘praise’ and asked the disciple in the following manner; “Do you know anything about the great persons of wisdom. Who had passed away from this world? The disciple said “No” Then Buddha asked; “Do you know anything about the forth coming great saints who will have wisdom.? The disciple said again “No.” Buddha asked him “At least Do you know any thing about this name as Buddha, which really exists? The disciple said “No.” Then Buddha said “Don’t praise or pay attribute to any one. By praising some one, either you or me shall get nothing, so don’t pay attribute to any one in this world.

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“ G comments nani

is not left from


n India, the southern region is Tamil Nadu.Several hundred years back one saint lived near chennaiappan pattinam.He was very courtecious to all the human beings and animals. He was considered as “Gnani” (saint with spiritual power).It was a hot summer. “Pattinathar” was his name who was loved by one and all. Since he travelled from a distant place he was in a sleepy mood. There was a paddy feld closer to a banian tree. The shadow of the tree was spreading on the paddy feld. Because it was summer; there were no crops on feld. The feld was dry and fat. He lay down on the feld which was under the banian tree.. During the seeding times, the feld would be made in segments and square so as to store the needy water for paddy-plant. So, a little thickness of border of soil, all around the square and blocks, would be created for the convenience of irrigation. That will stretch all over the irrigating area. The Ggnani in an ease to sleep, he treated the soil border as pillow and laid his head on it. He tried to sleep. By that time the ladies of village, in order to fetch the water from canal, were passing on that way. Usually the village ladies would be shrewd and fun .One of the lady, commented “look dear friends, the Gnani is using the soilborder as pillow and sleep.” The other lady told her “it is quite natural for every body, when the body feel the exertion, they have to take rest. Do you mean Gnani should

not look for any comfort?” This conversation’ Gnani Pattinathar’ happened to hear casually. Then he felt, that he should not expect such pleasure any where and even when he happened to lay on ground. He moved away and kept his arm in support to head and slept. The village ladies were then, returning from canal. They noticed the Gnani and again started to speak. One lady began her talk “see now, the Gnani is sleeping by putting support of his folded arm in place of pillow. It is sure Gnani has over heard what we have spoken” This comment was confrmed by another lady who replied “yes-yes, how a Gnani could act as an ordinary man, with a sense to over hear our talks?” Gnani heard this conversation also while the ladies were crossing the boundary. He felt a lot and prayed the God “Oh Lord, still how many years and times I should be upon this world? When am I to receive your call?” After suffering with so many hinderances one day, he came to the sea-shore where the children were playing the “hide and seek”. There was a big bamboo basket near by. He called the children and told “Oh my lovely children permit me to hide my self in this basket.Gnani sat on ground and covered him self with the basket. After the play was over, the children found that Gnani who sat in side the basket was no more and diappeared It was the will of the Almighty to take him to Heaven. Gnani Pattinathar had the blessings of God and attained immortality. n

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Zodiac Connection

June - 2007

- Sponsored by - Paruchuri Gopalakrishna Garu

uhá gy‹fŸ, Rasi Reading,

Mesham (Aries)


his month June ’07 will be giving challenges more than usual. A measure of, vigil in every affair and careful dealings of both usual and important matters are the essentialities to be adopted this month. If the full trend is taken in to the account, past six months the infuences and happenings were so controversial to the expectations. The boldness and the confdence are suffciently increasing to control the situations. The students should be very attentive in the lesson, even if they are leading students in class. The house wives and also the professional class will feel, hard times to manage the circumstances. But with the good plans, the matters will be solved. The dates which are not favourable will be May 31st 1st and 2nd of June. The worship of God Sri Siddhi Vinayaka will be graceful for early progress in all affairs.

Rishabam (Taurus)


ll the thoughts are focused on the wealth and pleasure. Some deep thoughts on

mother and her hereditary assets will be in mind Time is passing halfway with plan and the other half to get the fulfllment of the deeds. The promises and talking convincingly, will be guiding all this month. Whether knowingly or unknowingly the unwanted company will begin to rule the situations. It is most essential to keep away the persons from these situations. Either proft or loss the job is guiding the pleasure in securing further continuous works. The trend is busy. Expansions in works are also noticed. Since Jupiter is favoring the Rishaba, the natives

of this sign will be achieving a partial proft during the end of this month. The dates unsuitable to enter in new and do important things are 3rd,4th and 5th of this month. The worship of God Sri Siddha Lingeshwara will be graceful for early progress in all affairs.

Miduna (Gemini)


he natives of the sign Midunam will feel comfort this month. So is the situations, in the jobs they are engaged now. The Lords of the ffth house and the ninth house are having a proftable accommodation in the second house “Cancer”. This is a sign of progress and in this month itself the development will start. In this scene of improvements, there is a hindrance by way of law or through third parties. In case of objection, it is necessary a deep plan in convincing manner will have to be adopted for, furthering the affairs. The position of fnance and external supports are also likely to assist in the problems. The days to be cared and the main jobs which are to be postponed will be 5th, 6th and 7th. The worship of God Sri Maha Vishnu will be graceful for early progress in all affairs.

Kadagam (Cancer)


he occupation of Venus in Kadagam will pose challenge to the natives of this sign. The position will be with more complication and yet the problems are facing delays. Financially the purse is facing acute shortage. The Jupiter’s aspects are helping and paving certain ways of solutions. Siddhi Times USA 73


ouse is having the favor from Lord Saturn. So, the profession, job and trade will be busy with the proft Only to cover the expenditure. For the savings and development it will take little more months. The married people will be facing some targets to be fulflled. Lovers will be feeling the matters in order. For business community the anticipated full shape of result will reach with in 20days. The days which are not good to do important matters are 7th, 8th and 9th. The worship of Goddess Parvathi Devi will be graceful for early progress in all affairs.

and success. The look of Mars will halt you to involve in illness or by troubles of heat. You have to care For the health. For the last six months the important works are delayed. You have to continue with constant efforts. Students’ education needs good study. Married people and lovers are facing hot exchanges of words. Deal with politeness. The days which are not good for important works. 11th, 12th and 13th. The worship of God Sri Shankara Narayana Moorthy will be graceful for early progress in all affairs.

Simham (Leo)



he native of Simha will be getting the grace from Jupiter. The month will be properly guided and the personal activities will be reaching to a good shape. The job profession and trade will be projecting to a satisfactory level. In the end of month, a new proposal will occur and will lead for a good fortune. Mars is active to challenge the full need of funds. But the personal capacity will support for the fulfllment of the aims. Married people will be having views of accumulation of funds and gaining property. Lovers are in a state of freedom-less condition. The days which are unfavorable will be 11th, 12th and 13th of this month. The worship of God Sri Siddhi Shuha Aasana Moorthy will be graceful for early progress in all affairs.

Kanya (Kanni)


ign of Kanya is “Virgo”. Virgo means virgin. The people born in this sign will be handling the things very softly. The Lord Mercury is in Gemini which is his house of Ruler ship. This month will be a notable month and give prestige Siddhi Times USA 74

Tulam (Libra) he natives of Tulam will be feeling uneasiness in the present engagements. The frst week will be with diffculties. The other three weeks will be giving good results. The relation of husband and wife during pushya-venus will be giving the happiness in privacy. Students will be observing new lessons and experiences. Health question is in good support. The Mars is occupying Meena to create over heat in body. The food restriction in adding oil and ghee mixed food should be cared more. As for as the occupation and job concerned, it is with proper support and progress. The hidden Sun is good for Tulam. The oppositions and enemies will be without power. The days which are not good will be 13th, 14th and 15th. The worship to Goddess Sri Mahalakshmi will be graceful for early progress in all affairs.

Virchigam (Scorpio)


ign Lord – Mars in Revathistar is good and looked by benefc Jupiter, also good. By these positions the health and status are in favorable trend. For children it will bring good name. For youngsters, they feel realappiness. The elders will feel satisfaction in routines of maintenance.To Professionals and those who go for higher education,the Mercury will guide for a better development. The seventh house occupant is

For lovers, the question of displeasure in usual routine will occur but will be subsided on dialogues. Business circle and the proprietors will be seeing betterment this month. The days which are to be avoided for important works will be 15th, 16th and 17th. The worship of God Sri Karthikeya will be graceful to get early progress in all affairs

in all endeavors and the matters of bringing up the children are with support. The days which are not good for important matters 20th, 21st and 22nd. The worship of Goddess Sri Durga Parameshwari will be graceful for early progress in all affairs.

Dhanus (Sagittarius)



he sign Lord Jupiter, in Jyesta, denotes the accommodation in the star of a enemy. This reveals that the living condition as well as behaving routines are in a state of cornered condition. Another four months, the natives of Dhanur should be with politeness to deal the situations. At present the profession, and the studies are in the way of progress. The seventh Lord Mercury is in comfortable position. That gives good understanding between the spouses. The time to spend happily with life mate is quite good. The health and age of improvements are graced by Jupiter. The education of school going children to be cared more in order to project their ranks. The days to avoid in attending most important works will be 17th, 18th and 19th. The worship of God Sri Thirumoorthi will be graceful for early progress in all affairs.

Magaram (Capricorn)


aturn is the Lord of this sign. His association with Venus is helpful to achieve the aims and plans. There is a peculiar happening which comes to make a change in property as well as the seniority. Venus is graceful and Jupiter is in eleventh house. This position guides for good progress of future. There is an income of unexpected funds or asset. The family matters for elders and studying students and common situation in fnance are very limited. The profession and business circle, a limelight is seen for good development. The health and physique will be with tediousness. The husband and wife relations as well lover’s moments are better with privacy. The confdence

Kumbam (Aquarius) or Kumba also Saturn is the Lord of the house. His hidden position with Venus in Kadagam give importance for, good sleeping, the pleasure in bed, timely food with taste and happiness. The brain will be active and new experience will be observed. Family, fnance, education and promise are in the satisfactory way. Feeling comfort, traveling with ease and the maternal grace are very limited. Family people, the children and youngsters are gaining good positions. The professon and business are unsteady and the decision making is delayed. Privacy, time with lover, such matters are much in control. Brisk moments and smartness are always with you. The time is not active on the days 22nd, 23rd and 24th. The worship of God Sri Gayathri Devi will be graceful for early progress in all affairs.

Meenam (Pisces)


his sign is looked favorably by Jupiter. As usual the natives are attending their engagements well. There is a support reaching from Jupiter. The uneasiness and tediousness are controlled. Health improves but in this stage virus feaver is likely to disturb the health. Pure drinking water to be taken always. The family happiness, the fnance expectations are likely to settle down in frst half of month. Relating to own property, maternal happiness and grace, and good times with family members are the better moments to happen this month. Business circle will have good ideas and plans for success. Students and professionals will be lacking a little but constant approach will give then good results. The days which are to be avoided for important works 25th, 26th and 27th. The worship of God Sri Brahmapuri Eswara will be graceful for early progress in all affairs. - By Sri Selvam Siddhar

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