Siddhi Times-november 2007

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Editorial 5

Publisher Hindu Temple of Georgia Special Sections Editors Pundit Sharma

Spirituality 8

Editor Madhu manikandan Photographer C.T. Kumar Contributing Writers Suha Nilima Mehra Mandira Gokuldas Nair Creative Art Director’s Jeyakumar Murugesh Graphic Designer Jeyakumar

10 Reasons to choose hinduism

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Various Hindu Vedic Texts Meditation Kids Park Best Example of Simplicity Interaction with Stars on earth Lord Shiva in the form of “Rudras” Krishna Leela Vedic Astrology Zodiac Connection

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Editorial Om Namashivayaa!! This is a very happy month in our Hindu calendar. One of the important day of the year falls on this month. A day of positive lights, a day of holy lights….yes it’s Deepavali. It is very fascinating day for every Hindu celebrating from all across the world. The significance of the day is that we celebrate the downfall of the evils and incarnation of the good. Though, having new cloths and cracking fire works is practiced on that day, which alone will not change our life. It’s essential that we need to get the purity of mind. Since every one are going to live according to their thoughts, if we are positive in our thoughts, your life will be upbeat. Having negative thoughts will only bring downbeat to your life.

His Holiness

Sri Selvam “Siddhar” (DR. Commander Selvam) Founder: Hindu Temple of Georgia Hindu Temple of West Georgia Sri Akasthiyar Siddhar Peedam- USA

carvers are working on their part in Gujarat, and the granite parts are in Tamilnadu, India. Ms. Minal Ben from Gujarat and Mr. Haresh Shah from California have made a wonderful Architectural planning, which is going to be the only Temple with this kind of Architecture. The temple premises will have approx 51000 sq.ft., of which approx 16,000 sq.ft. will be a court yard inside the Temple. All this is possible just with “BLESSINGS”. As I always say, “YOU COULD CASH OUT YOUR BLESSINGS, WHEREAS YOU CANNOT BUY BLESSINGS WITH CASH”.

The Hindu Temple of Georgia, leading as the Top best Hindu Temple in USA is the only Hindu Temple with the highest priests in the Nation, and the temple’s financial income form the devotees is approximately 2 Million dollars per year. You may ask how it’s possible. The honest answer is that, you will live according to your thoughts, which means that whatever goes around comes around.

Why most of the Temples are struggling with inside politics, egos, and jealousy? I have asked this question in many different ways. Most of us should have come across lot of Hindu Temples, where lot of Physicians and Big business people are the Trustees, or Directors but the temple is still suffering in their monetary area for the Temple. Why is this happening? I know a Temple where they have close to 90 Trustees where most of them are Physicians or High Tech bosses earning at least $5000 a day, however still the temple is in debt for more than 20 years. My advice to those great people is only one. Please donate at least 1 week of your income to the temple, and then definitely the Temple will have Millions of dollars for any much years to run the Temple. Being a Trustee they should have the Trust in the Trust before they go for donation with someone. When I am not interested to put my money being a Trustee of a Temple, how come I could ask someone to donate money for the Temple?

Within just 1 year of opening the Temple, the temple has become very famous all over the Nation and also going to be the Religious tourist attraction of the world, after the completion of massive project of 108 Shivji Temple. In fact it’s going to be the 1st and the only Hindu temple in the world with 108 Shivji. The elaborate arrangements are going on to do the ground breaking for the New 108 Shiva temple and the entire Temple is going to be constructed with 100% pure marble and polished granites. Already, the marble

In Tamil there is a famous saying that “MUN KAI NEENDAL MULANKAI NEELUM”. Donate unconditionally before questioning about someone about his or her donation. In my 40 years of my life in this world, I have come across thousands of people approached me to settle their problems, and as soon as their problems are solved, most of the people never even pick up the phone call from me. Any way they will pay for their bad karmas. I have helped a Physician in an association when he stole lot of money from his Group practice, he approached me to get

Human birth is the best birth comparing to any other creatures birth in this world. Every Veda in our Hinduism talks about having a good personality in our life. However, to the contrary, there is lot of jealous occupied in many peoples mind. Dealing with several people on daily basis, I witness that every day. When some one is doing good or doing something that no one could do, one should learn to appreciate but not to depreciate.

spiritual help, and being a Swamiji, I helped in all the spiritual way possible to come out of the issue. This guy cried like anything, telling that will loose his new home and he is going to come to roads. Now he is doing well after our Spiritual healings, however he never came to our Mandir afterwards. Even to the pity, he is a Trustee of that an association. I am wondering how an association will come good with these kinds of trustees, who do not have any kind of good sense or integrity at all? It doesn’t mean that every one is like him. I have come across thousands of good souls, who have lot of gratitude for my services, and still they are supporting us. Here what I am trying to emphasize, is that one should be responsible and do not be jealousy, or egoistic. Seeing someone who is rich enough, appreciate his or her goodness. No human in the world is 100% right. If the positive side is higher than the negative side, then they are called us Good souls, otherwise they are called us Negative souls, sometime could be living Evils. The Hindu Temple of Georgia is opening a New Hindu Mandir by the name “HINDU TEMPLE OF WEST GEORGIA” on November 10th and 11th in Carrollton, GA and I welcome every one to come and participate in this Holy Venture Also our Temple Devotees Mr Raj, Ms Suganya and Mr Chandra are floating a separate Town ship called “RISHI VILLAGE”, a retirement or a primary home in West Georgia for the people interested to have peace of mind and retreat activities. It’s going to be a master planned community, with a Meditation and Yoga place. The project is coming in approximately 250 Acres. The total project cost is estimated to be 150 Millions. This project is in conceptual stage, and more information will come in the December issu of Siddhi Times. I WOULD CERTAINLY ADVISE TO RESERVE YOUR LAND BY CALLING TOLL FREE 1-800-574 3427 to get more information.

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Pandit L.V.Sharma


the past issues we discussed about few ideas about spirituality and the benefits of leading a spiritual life. In this issue I wish to share some more ideas. I thank Swamiji for giving this opportunity. Now days it is very common to say as “I need to relax for a while”. The word relax has a great meaning in it. R- Rest (not lying on the bed and sleeping but giving rest to the mind) E-Efficiency. By relaxing the mind we can have a great efficiency to work. L- Love. By the efficiency of our work we can give and get the love. A-Affectionate. By giving and getting love we can have the affection and we can show our affection too. X-excellency. By adopting all the aforesaid things we can be the excellent celebrity of this entire universe. Even if we miss any one of the aforesaid, we have to lose all the things. Next a big question arises. How we can get all the aforesaid? The answer is very simple. By leading a spiritual life we can get all the aforesaid things. We have to relax our mind and body. Then we can be very happy. We can conquer the minds of all. A lot of scholars have written a lot about spirituality and the benefits of leading a spiritual life. There is no connection between the religion and spirituality. Religions are only ways or routes to lead to the super human power. But spirituality is not the route or path that leads to the superhuman power but it is the only thing that makes a human being as a super human being. It is a style of life. We have nothing to do such as meditation or prayers to lead a spiritual life. By leading a spiritual life we can easily have a special place in the universe. I wish to discuss some more ideas of Adhi Sankaracharya, the intellectual giant, about the development of one self and lead a spiritual life. Realizing the Atman within is a secular exercise needed to save the human race. It transcends all boundaries of geography and culture. Here one question arises. Can a piece of literature written more than a thousand years ago on a seemingly esoteric subject like knowledge of the Self be of relevance to us as we are on the threshold of the supercomputer age of the 21st century? Even the majority of today’s intellectuals, let alone the common man, would tend to answer this question in the negative. But a closer scrutiny of the subject will soon reveal that not only is it as relevant today as it was at the time of writing, but even the contents and style

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approach of this historic landmarkin Adi Sankara’s metaphysical expositions are eternally applicable, perhaps even more so in times to come. The Light Within tzzo assess the relevance of Atmabodha in today’s and tomorrow’s context, one must first look into what it stands for, so that one can consider how it can be adapted in a fast changing milieu. Atmabodha tells how to realize the Light within ourselves whatever be the forces operating from the external environment. He tells more about spirituality and he has taken the sky and ocean as examples. The sky is color less. But it is blue to the naked eyes. The water is also color less but it takes the color of the thing which is immersed in it. Like that the human soul or atma is very pure. By the practices it becomes either good or bad. There are three major parts in the human soul. They are sat, chit and anand. He describes more about two things that give troubles to the pure soul. They are ignorance and fear caused by the ignorance. He teaches the ways to come out of these two major things. Ignorance is removed not by action, exemplified by today’s ‘retrace’ in pursuit of one thing or another, but by knowledge of Self alone as simply as darkness is removed by light alone. Once the cloud of ignorance is out of the way, the Atman shines brilliantly like the sun. Through ignorance, the mind believes that it is the doer of things (kartritva bhavana) and enjoyer of benefits of action (bhoktritva bhavana). But the Atman is neither the doer nor the enjoyer. It is totally unmoved, eternal and pure, although as the gross body, it shows existence (Sat), as the subtle body, intelligence (chit) and as the causal body, bliss (ananda). Fear Due to Ignorance by wrongly identifying the worldly-wise intellect with Atman, the phenomenon of Aviveka or nondiscrimination results, leading to the “I know” problem. This is a common stumbling block on the path to Atmabodha or self realization of spirituality. Another similar pitfall to guard against is misinterpreting the Self as the living being, like the rope as serpent (‘rajjusarpavat’). Such ignorance causes fear. Knowledge of the real Self eliminates this fear. The Self cannot be realized without negating the upadhis or material things one by one and asserting the real. This comes out beautifully in one of the verses written by him which is called as “Atma Bodha” or self realization. The lakshana vakya of Aitareya Upanishad in the Rig Veda (Prajnanam Brahma), the upadesa vakya of Chandogya Upanishad in Sama Veda (Tat twam asi), the abhyasa vakya of Mandukya Upanishad in Atharvana Veda (Ayam atma brahma) and the anubhava Vakya of Brihadaranyaka Upanishad in Yajur Veda (Aham brahma asmi) distil the essence of realizing the oneness of jivatma and paramatma. Whether deep within one’s own self or in the universe at large, it is the same Indivisible Self

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that prevails. While the visible elements like the body are short-lived like bubbles on water and only attract avidya or ignorance, the real Brahman is for ever and can be described as satya-jnana-ananta or eternal truth-absolute knowledge infinity. Once identified and realized by the individual as “I am indeed the Brahman”, its therapeutic effect in destroying mental agitations can only be paralleled by an effective medicine destroying a disease process in the body. To diagnose and rectify the problem we have to see inward. He detailly gives the ways to look inward. Sankara gives sensible practical instructions to the seeker through meditation on the Atman. Such a relentless effort ultimately pays off, Often to the sudden wonderment of the seeker like- one who keeps looking? For an ornament all around him, only to realize suddenly that it is around one’s own neck. Such an achievement promptly endows the seeker with an eye of wisdom with the help of which the path to merger with the Brahman becomes visible clearly. This ultimate state is one of ‘jeevanmukta’, liberated though living. This liberated living takes one to lead a spiritual life. The crux of this phenomenon is turning inward. Sankara uses the simile of a lamp inside a pot (‘ghatasthadeepavat’) to describe it. It need not illuminate external objects simply because they do not matter any more. The light within, namely Atman, illuminates literally the cave of the heart, where it matters most. Sankara describes the nature of Brahman in vivid terms. It is the Greatest in attainment and know ledge and results in and is itself in his the ultimate bliss. It is wholesome and continuous and is reached by a step by step negation of the peripheral things of life, just as ghee is obtained by a stepwise processing of milk, though it was an integral part of milk throughout, but not grossly visible. In the following issues we will discuss more in this subject. I thank Sri Sri Siddhar Swamiji for giving me an opportunity to share my ideas with you all.

Om Shanthi Om Shanthi Om Shanthi.

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Your health:

Sri Mathre Namaha.

Unlike others Hinduism is not a religion but a way of life. Hinduism grants you a healthy life style. The Hindu practices like bath in the morning, do Yoga, stay away from meat etc. promotes health and hygiene.

Promote peace universally: Hinduism doesn’t say that only Hindus go to heaven, nor proclaims that only Hindu gods are the true one. Hinduism is the only religion which says that all paths lead to that ultimate one. An important Hindu prayer is “Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu” which means let the whole world be happy!

No hard and fast dogma:

Respect living beings: Hindus believe that there is divinity in every one. The Hindu salutation ‘Namaskar’ or ‘Namaste’ means that I bow to that divinity in you.

Hinduism is flexible and there are really no hard and fast rules you need to follow. It is entirely dependant on you to choose what you want to do. There are no particular day in the week where you must visit a temple.

No conversion, no pressure: You really don’t need to convert to Hinduism and still be a Hindu. If you want to get away there is no hard and fast rules either. The process if you want to adopt Hinduism / convert is simple too.

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Care for the environment: You will see that the temples have gardens and promote growing of trees and vegetation. Even snakes are given a place and fed in some places. Animals are given protection and shelter.

Promotes art and art forms: The Hindu temples themselves are masterpieces of art and sculpture. Dance and music forms an integral part of the religion and the classical dance and music are closely tied to Hinduism and a must for many Hindu festivals and occasions.

Hindu festivals: The fun activities associated with Hindu festivals cannot be seen in any other religion. For Deepavali or Diwali, you have fireworks, you play with crackers. For Holi, you play with colors and the list is endless. For Hindus, life is a celebration.

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Worship the female form: Hinduism has high standards for women and Hindus worship godesses also. Hindu woman have a high place in the Hindu society.

Mythology and scriptures: The Hindu scriptures are pearls of wisdom. They have good morals and will help you in every walk of your life.

Punching Lesson A fourteen year boy was in trouble with the swifting waters of a river. He cried for helps. He was sinking. On the way a middle aged person was happened to hear the alarm. He found the situation was worst and judged himself to rescue the boy. Immediately he jumped in to the deep waters and found the boys leg was clamped with a muddy hole. He detached the Elam and saved a boy.

fulness. The boy told to the middle aged person “thanks a lot sir – you have rescued my life” middle aged person with a smile told to the boy “when a soul is in danger – how could be possible to a other soul to keep quite, it is my duty – I did it”. The boy was again requesting the elder man to accept his thanks.

“Alright, I tell you one thing dear boy you see, you The boy was much indebted and shed tears with thank are going to grow as a man on one day you will be one among a men of society – on that day you should feel this event as rightful and worthful.” The boy was not only given a fresh life but also taught with morals of good living.

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The Goal of Life and Peace to Mankind The Goal of Life and Peace to Mankind. The Cosmos or the Universe consists of different religions like Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, Taoism, Shinto, Confucianism, etc. If we delve deep into the teachings/ preaching’s of any religion we find that it rests on the sound principles of love for God, Compassion for Mankind, Peace, Brotherhood and Harmony among the human beings. God is the Supreme Being and the creator of animate and inanimate things in the world. God is ONE We can see God in all HIS creations. The sea, mountain, trees are all the epitome of Gods creativity. Lot of examples has been demonstrated and proved by famous Saints and Maharishis from India and abroad. During the 18th century, Swami Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, was able to see the presence of Jesus Christ in his Garden, even though he was strong believer and staunch devotee of Goddess Kali. We call the same water as ‘Thanneer’ in Tamil, ‘Paani’ in Hindi and ‘Water’ in English. Though it may be called by different names, still water is water…the same applies to God. We may give HIM different names and connotations like Allah, Eshwar, Vishnu, Shirdi Sai Baba, Lord Venkateshwara, Lord Siva, and Lord Brahma. But they all represent the One Supreme Power above us. In modern world, despite the advancement in technology and new inventions taking place every day, and having all the luxuries of life, we are not able to understand and discover our inner self. Whereas, Spirituality takes you closer to God and helps you attain the goal of Selfrealization. This has been demonstrated and proven to the modern world by Swami being taught by Paramahamsa Yoganananda in Self-realization Institute in Los Angeles. The highest form of religion is Spirituality. People tend to use religion as a divisive

force and fight among themselves, based on religions. They create religious wars and disturb the peace and tranquility in the world. People who have reached the highest level of spirituality would not be fighting between religions and create a chaos...since they understand the entire world is one Universal Brotherhood.

f.Most of the Divine experiences should be felt and understood in a holistic manner, than for self oriented or personal convenience. - Sridhar Rangaswamy

When we look at the Bible, Ramayana and Mahabharatha, The Vedas, Sai Satcharitha from Shirdi Sai baba, all of them preach the same concept. How we can lead a virtuous life, as an individual, how we can work in unison with different sects, communities, religions etc…. Through the above Holy books, people can practice Spirituality and lead a harmonious life. Selflessness - Highest Form of Virtue The most important virtue that we need to practice, instill in ourselves is Selflessness. It is pertinent to quote the illustrious example of Swami Ramanuja (who founded the sect Vaishnavism/ Vaishistadvaita) who was taught by his Gurus not to reveal the mantra to reach Liberation of the Soul/Moksha. Despite, disobeying the commands of his Guru, he preached the villagers, the essence of Moksha of liberation from the rooftop of a house. What are we writing here and what are we trying to accomplish or conclude here? a. God is one - Universal for the entire Cosmos - including animate and inanimate things.... His presence can be felt anywhere in the world.... You can call HIM by any names. b. Faith and Belief are individual...through different experiences. c. Being selfless is highest form of Divinity - getting closer to God-through good deed, words and actions. d. God is Omnipotent, Omnipresence-it has been demonstrated including in the Kali Yuga. God can make impossible things happen.

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here’s this story of a young boy whose dialogue with death is as fascinating as it is exploratory, coursing down the six chapters of the Katha Upanishad.

Sage Vajasravasa, to get divine recognition, performed a sacrificial rite which required him to give up all his possessions and pleasures. But he gifted away only those cows which were diseased, old and lame,keeping the good ones for himself. Sensing his folly, his young son Nachiketa asked him, “Father, to whom will you give me?” Finding no response, the son repeated his query. Losing patience, his father burst out, “I give you to death”. Nachiketa took his father seriously. He proceeded to the realm of death.But, Yama, the king of death, was out and returned only after three days. Apologising for having kept his guest waiting so long, he offered Nachiketa three boons. The boy first asked for his father’s well-being.Second, he sought the knowledge required to perform fire sacrifice which could open up the path to heaven.

Yama reverted to the nature and identity of the atman: Soundless, formless, intangible, undying, eternal, without beginning, without end,immutable, beyond nature, is the self, smaller than the atom, greater than the cosmos, subtler than the subtlest, beyond tarka or logic,beyond cause and effect, luminous and not depending on any reflected light. Knowledge of the atman is unique, the fruitful product of spiritual illumination, truthfulness, detachment and devotion and not of intellectual adroitness. One who is freed from greed realises the glory of the atman. Man is the rider, the body the chariot, the intellect the charioteer and the mind the reins. The senses are the horses and the roads they travel are mazes of desire. Man has to rise above worldly attachments and temptations by a judicious use of the sense organs,self-control and

But Yama was taken aback at the third request - Nachiketa wanted to know what happens after death. How could Yama reveal such a profound truth? Yama tried to dissuade the boy from his quest but in vain. Impressed by the boy’s devotion to truth, Yama discrimination. It is necessary to tread the path of yoga, stressed Yama. The one with a steady mind and pure heart reaches the goal and is born no more. Brahmn is the supreme goal, the end of the journey. If one fails to reach it in this life, another birth will follow. relented and spoke to him of death and the metaphysical speculations on immortality. He dwelt on what is good, sreya, and what is pleasant, preya . While sreya implies whatever leads to true well-being, preya includes short-lived pleasures mainly derived through sense organs. The wise concentrate on the former while the ignorant remain satisfied with the latter and get enmeshed in worldly ties. “They fall, repeatedly, birth after birth, into my jaws”, he said. Yama instructed Nachiketa to know the atman, the self, “the ancient effulgent being, the indwelling spirit, deeply hidden in the lotus of the heart. This is difficult. But the wise, following the path of meditation, know him and are freed alike from pleasure and pain”. The self is immortal. One who has realised that the self is separate from the body, the mind and the senses has fully known him and becomes immortal.

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The approach to the goal is difficult to tread, like the sharp edge of a razor. One may take the help of the syllable OM which symbolises the supreme Brahmn, the ultimate reality and its utterance is spiritually uplifting. It is sabda Brahmn or Brahmn in the form of sound and is accorded divine reverence. Gokuldas Nair

Allergy is the PRODUCT of 20th. Century’s PROGRESS.

these Problem By ‘Yogic - Breathing Systems, Drugless, COST-LESS.

Vast NEW products we use to improve the Life style, reduce the Physical afforts, spend more time in front of TV, drastic changes in EATING habits, in the name of PROGRESS More & more meals are taken out of ‘HOMES’, eating round the CLOCK, eating to satisfy ‘MIND’ only (Not thinking- what benefit My Body will get from it ?), Un-balanced diets, Acidic / Alkaline, where One portion of ACIDIC food needs FOUR portions of Alkaline food to make METABOLISAM smooth. Drinking LESS Water & consumes MORE SODAS & related Drinks which cointain Many things OUR Body has NO NEED, instead of fresh Fruit JUICES More & More people take (EASY-wayout) PACKET/Bottled Juieses which has “Chemicals” added to prolong its ‘SELFLIFE’ for stores/home. less EXERCISES, More CREATURE Comferts,iregular (against nature) sleeping Patterns.

During last Century, In Bombay (nowMumbai) A ‘PARSI’ Gentalman Named, SRI SOLI N. TAVARIA,learned at the age of SEVEN Years from His Guru (A Hindu Sage) this System, and at later stage He him self Learned, & Interpreted “The PATANJAL - YOGA SUTRA, and developed This NEW version of “BREATHING Exercises. whose regular practice help to reduce the effects of Ailments & taking the control over it, and in MOST cases drive them off without outside intervention, establish the Emunity back, preventing any future problems.

S T R E S S: Present Generation are suffering more, as MOBILE Phones & Computers + TV with un-limited chnnels to surf, keep their Brain / Mind churning the THOUGHTS, non-stop, The RADIATIONS from, TV, Computers And (worse)”THE MOBILE PHONES” is very Detrimental to our ‘Estral-Body (AURA), results-person loses Humain fillings, become ‘Robot’, Their DNA get disturbed. No wonder Why there are More murders within the Family, Due to Disturbed ‘DNA’, their children inherit similar simptoms, Education in schools, Modern Medications does not work’. As One goes further away from NATURE, He/She pay heavy penalty, nature punishes REMEDY : Go back to BASIC...Modern Medications are ‘Band-aids’, NOT a CURE. Who ever MOVED away from PREVIOUS generation’s life-style are the Victims of these Dreded Ailments. There is A “Light’house” to ward-off

I learned this system during My visit to INDIA in 2002, I was at that time 71 Years of Age, with Heart problems, knee problem,Prostete trouble, Diabete was knocking on the door, After regular daily practice of about 20 Minutes Exercises and changing My normal Breathing pattern to 12 Cycles per Minute.(where Inhailing is longer than Exhailing). Within Six Months My ailments vanished. Since than to spend My RETIREMENT time, I started to teach these System to My relatives, friends & gradually it’s demand increased by spread of WORD. Before Our Guru Sri Tavariaji passed away in 1994, He instructed the followers, “NOT to Charge for TEACHING this System to any one”, And to spread it for the Benefits of General public World-wide without any restrictions, of Colour,Cast, Religion or Country.

ALLERGIES Siddhi Times USA 17


his is a short description of the basics texts of Hindu Vedic culture and its philosophy. Many people do not know quite what it is, and it is often described incorrectly by many who are not a part of it.


However, it is not as mysterious or complex as it is often portrayed to be. So here in the next few pages you can get a quick review and understanding of what it is. I am only going to give a short summary of the Vedic texts here. I have already written a more complete analysis elsewhere and want to keep this introduction short. So, to begin with, the Vedic texts are written in Sanskrit. Sanskrit, which literally means “cultured or refined”, is the classical language of India and is the oldest and the most systematic language in the world. Forbes Magazine, (July, 1987) wrote: “Sanskrit is the mother of all the European languages and is the most suitable language for the computer software.” It is older than Hebrew or Latin. According to the PBS video “The Story of English” the first words in the English language came from Sanskrit. The word “mother” came from the Sanskrit word “mata” and “father” came from Sanskrit word “pita”. Believe it or not the word “geometry” came from a Sanskrit word called “Gyaamiti” meaning “measuring the earth”. The word “trigonometry” came from the Sanskrit word “trikonamiti”, which means “measuring triangular forms”. Numerous other similarities and connections can be found between Sanskrit and many other languages.

They started with Shruti. Shruti literally means “That which is heard”. For long periods of time there was no Vedic literature. It was a vocal or oral tradition, and passed down accordingly. The Vedas and Upanishads were in Shruti form for a long period of time. In fact, the word Upanishad means “Upa (near), Ni (down), Shad (sit).” This means that the teachings of the Upanishads are conveyed from Guru to disciple, when the disciple sits very close to the Guru. The very first of the sacred books of Vedic culture, in fact the oldest books on earth, are called the Vedas. The word Veda means knowledge. The word Veda came from the root word vid meaning “to know”. The Vedas are the very first scriptures of Hinduism. Vedas, as described by the scriptures, were given by God. There are four Vedic samhitas, which are the RigVeda, Sama-Veda, Atharva-Veda, and Yajur-Veda. The Sanskrit word samhita means “put together”. They contain wisdom that has been assembled to teach men the highest aspects of truths which can lead them to higher levels of existence, as well as to God. The Vedas also discuss rituals and ceremonies to attain self-realization as well as wisdom dealing with many

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Aryanakas are additional books that contain mantras and interpretations of the Vedic rituals. These books also known as “forest books” since they were used by saints who had retired to meditate in the forests. The Upanishads are texts by different saints that reveal ultimate truths. Many of them are connected with certain Vedas. The Upanishads basically explain the nonmaterial aspect of the Absolute Truth and the oneness of Brahman.

other aspects of life. These four samhitas primarily contain the basic texts of hymns, formulas and chants to the various Vedic deities. To briefly described them, the Rig-Veda -Veda of Praise -- contains 10,522 verses in 1,017 hymns in ten books called mandalas. The Rig-Veda is the oldest book in the world. The Rig-Veda was around for many years before it was finally compiled in written form. According to Bal Gangadhar Tilak and the Vedic tradition, it was written around 5000 BC. The Rig-Veda is older than Gilgamesh (2500 B.C.) and the Old Testament. In the Rig-Veda there are 100 hymns addressed to Soma; 250 addressed to Indra; 200 hymns addressed to Agni; and many addressed to Surya. Few others are addressed to the Ushas, Aditi, Saraswati, Varuna, and the Asvins. Lord Vishnu is not addressed so often therein because the Vedas focused more on appeasing the demigods for blessings to attain material facility rather than liberation. The Yajur-Veda, which is essentially the Veda of liturgy, contains some 3988 verses dealing with rules and regulations for conducting rituals and also offers various levels of wisdom and advice. It is based on the Rig-Veda and consists of prose as well as verse. This Veda is indeed a priestly handbook, even describing the details of how to make an alter.

The Sama-Veda, the Veda of chants, offers knowledge of music in 1549 verses. Sama means “melody”. The classical Indian music originated from this Veda. This Veda is also connected with the RigVeda. To some extent much of this Veda is a repetition of the Rig-Veda sung in melodious format. Invocations of this Veda are primarily addressed to Soma (the Moon-god as well as the Soma drink); Agni (the fire god); and Indra (god of heaven). The Chandogya Upanishad came out of this Veda. The Atharva-Veda is said to be the knowledge given by the Sage Atharvana. It has around 6000 verses. Some state that sage Atharvana did not formulate this Veda but was merely the chief priest in the ceremonies associated with it. Atharvana who is mentioned in the RigVeda was considered as the eldest son of Lord Brahma (God of creation). The Atharva-Veda is also known as BrahmaVeda because it is still used as a manual by Hindu priests and Brahmins. Ayurveda is a part of Atharva-Veda. A large number of Upanishads also came from the AtharvaVeda. Brahmanas are other Vedic books that provide descriptions as well as directions for the performance of rituals. The word originated from the Brahmana priests who conduct the Vedic rituals.

In this way, they do not really show that much about the personal nature of the Supreme Being. Thus, a person will not have much insight into the Supreme Being’s personal form by studying only the Upanishads. However, some of them do go into introducing the fact that there is more to understand about God beyond the Brahman. The Upanishads also help explain the spiritual dimension of our real identity and our qualities which are the same as the Brahman, but are different in quantity. We are the infinitesimal whereas the Brahman and Bhagavan are the Infinite. Yet, if one does not complete the study of the Vedic literature, a misinterpretation of the Upanishads may lead one to think that this oneness of spiritual quality between ourselves or the jiva souls and the Brahman means that we are the same as Brahman, or that we are the same as God. But that is not accurate. There are a total of 108 major Upanishads, and many more minor ones. The are 13 principle Upanishads which are named after the sages. These are: 1. Isa Upanishad 2. Kena Upanishad 3. Katha Upanishad 4. Prasna Upanishad 5. Mundaka Upanishad 6. Mandukya Upanishad 7. Aitareya Upanishad 8. Taittiriya Upanishad 9. Chandogya Upanishad 10. Brihadaranyaka Upanishad 11. Kaushitaki Upanishad 12. Shvetashvatara Upanishad 13. Maitri Upanishad

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The Vedanta Sutras are another important book that also goes on to explain spiritual truths to the aspirant. But these are presented in codes, or sutras, that were meant to be explained by the spiritual master. So any edition of the Vedanta Sutras will mostly have large purports that help explain the meaning of the sutras. The basis of these explanations will depend on which school of thought in which the teacher has been trained. Thus, some will be more devotionally oriented, while others may be more inclined toward meditation on the impersonal Brahman. Vedanta essentially means the “End of the Vedas”, or the end of all knowledge. The Itihasas are the Vedic histories of the universe, known as the Puranas, which are a large and major portion of Vedic literature. The Itihasas also include the Vedic Epics, such as the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The Ramayana is the story of Lord Ramachandra, an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, and His princess Sita. It was written by Valmiki who wrote the whole Ramayana as the narration of a crying dove (who just lost her lover to a hunter’s wicked arrow) to him. The original text was written in very stylish Sanskrit language. This beautiful poem consists of 24,000 couplets. The Ramayana is a story which projects the Vedic ideals of life. There are many versions of the Ramayana. The Hindi version was written

by sage Tulsi Das. The Malayalam version (Kerala state) was written by Thuncheth Ezuthachan.

Rama over Ravana. Diwali or Deepavali is the “festival of lights” and is celebrated throughout India.

The story in brief is as follows: Jealousy of his step-mother exiled Rama into the jungles along with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana. There poor Sita was kidnapped by Ravana, the demon-king of Sri Lanka. Rama went to rescue her with the aid of the monkey-king Sugriva. In a great battle, Rama annihilated Ravana and his army.

The Mahabharata is another of the world’s great epics which consists of episodes, stories, dialogues, discourses and sermons. It contains 110,000 couplets or 220,000 lines in 18 Parvas or sections. It is the longest poem in the world. It is longer than Homer’s Odyssey. It is the story of the Pandvas and Kauravas. The Bhagavad-gita is a chapter of the Mahabharata.

Thereafter, Rama along with Sita and Lakshmana returned triumphantly to their kingdom. Rama is an example of the perfect husband, Sita is the perfect wife, and Lakshmana is the perfect brother. The Ramayana is a very cherished poem of the Hindus. The holy Deepavali festival is a celebration of victory of

Apart from the 18 Parvas there is a section of poems in the form of an appendix with 16,375 verses which is known as Harivamsa Parva. So in total there are 19 Parvas, even though many saints do not consider the last Parva as important. The Bhagavad-gita, which means the song of Bhagavan, or God, is a part of the Mahabharata, appearing in the middle of it. Many consider the Bhagavad-gita as the most important of the Vedic scriptures and the essence of the Upanishads and Vedic knowledge. Anyone interested in the most important of the Eastern philosophy should read the Bhagavadgita. If all the Upanishads can be considered as cows, then the Bhagavad-gita can be considered as milk. The Bhagavad-gita consists of 18 chapters and over 700 verses. It deals with all types of yogas, the means of self-realization. It is in the form of a very lively conversation between the warrior-prince Arjuna and his friend and charioteer Lord Krishna.

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This was spoken at the outset of the great Mahabharata war, in the middle of the battle field at Kuruksetra. This can still be visited just three hours north of New Delhi. Just before the beginning of the war, Arjuna refused to fight when he found he had to kill thousands of his own kinsmen to be victorious in the war. Lord Krishna advised him on a very large variety of subjects in a question and answer format. At the end, Arjuna took Lord Krishna’s advice and fought and won a very fierce war. The Gita has an answer to every problem a man may face in his life. It never commands anyone what to do. Instead it discusses pros and cons of every action and thought. Throughout the Gita you will not come across any line starting or ending with Thou Shalt Not. That is the reason why the Gita is the darling of millions of seekers of truth throughout the world. There are many versions of Bhagavadgita. The very first English translation of the Gita was done by Charles Wilkins in 1785, with an introduction by Warren Hastings, the British Governor General of India. One of the most popular translations was done by Sir Edwin Arnold, under the title The Song Celestial. One of most descriptive and accurate translations of the Gita was done by

His Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, called The Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Almost all saints in India have published their versions of the Bhagavad-gita, some of which arrive at various conclusions or viewpoints. So one does need to display some caution in picking which edition to read. Most intellectuals in the world go through the Gita at least once in their life time. Aldous Huxley wrote in his introduction of The Song of God by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood: “The Bhagavad-gita is perhaps the most systematic scriptural statement of the perennial philosophy”. The Gita won the interest and admiration of great intellectuals such as Von Humboldt of Germany and Emerson of America. It has also influenced many Western thinkers, such as Hagel and Schopenhauer. Robert Oppenheimer, the very first Chairman of Atomic Energy Commission and father of Atom bomb was a great admirer of the Bhagavad-gita. He learnt Sanskrit during the Manhattan Project to understand the true meaning of the Gita. He really shocked the world, when he quoted a couplet from the Gita (Chapter 11:12) after witnessing the first Atomic Explosion in the state of New Mexico, which reads, “If hundreds of thousands of suns rose up into the sky, they might resemble the effulgence of the Supreme Person in the universal form.” Later when he addressed congress regarding the Atom Bomb he said the Atom Bomb reminded him of Lord Krishna who said in the Bhagavad-gita, “Time I am, the devourer of all”. The Puranas are the Vedic religious histories of the universe which expound various levels of the Vedic truths. They are divided into three sections. The six Puranas that address Lord Vishnu are: 1. Vishnu Purana 2. Narada Purana 3. Srimad Bhagavata Purana 4. Garuda Purana 5. Padma Purana 6. Varaha Purana.

The six Puranas that address Lord Siva are: 1. Matsya Purana 2. Kurma Purana 3. Linga Purana 4. Vayu Purana 5. Skanda Purana 6. Agni Purana. The six Puranas that primarily address Lord Brahma are: 1. Brahma Purana 2. Brahmanda Purana 3. Brahma-Vaivasvata Purana or the Brahma-Vaivarta Purana 4. Markandeya Purana 5. Bhavishya Purana 6. Vamana Purana. Besides these, there are an additional 18 to 22 minor Puranas. The 20 major Puranas include all the above as well as the Shiva Purana and the Harivamsa Purana. Of all Puranas, the Srimad Bhagavata Purana addressed to Lord Vishnu, and which discusses the detailed pastimes of Lord Krishna, is considered the most important. It contains 15,000 stanzas in 12 cantos. It was written by Sage Badarayana, also known as VedaVyasa or Vyasadeva. Vyasadeva, after writing all of His previous Vedic books, said the Bhagavatam was His own commentary and conclusion of all Vedic thought. The greatest exponent of the SrimadBhagavatam is Sage Suka, the son of Sage VedaVyasa. This book was recited to King Pariksit by Sage Suka in one week before the death of the King by the bite of a serpent. Much of the book is in dialogue form between King Pariksit and Sage Suka. The Srimad-Bhagavata consists of stories of all the Avataras of Lord Vishnu. The 10th chapter of the book deals with the story of Lord Krishna in detail. The last chapter deals exclusively with the KaliYuga, the present age, and about the last Avatara of Lord Vishnu, Kalki. There is also a vivid description of the Pralaya or the great deluge in the last chapter. According to the Bhagavata Purana the universe and creation came into existence because God in a pastime (Lila) willed to

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do so, and to manifest His material inferior energy. According to this scripture, there are nine different ways of exhibiting Bhakti or devotion to God like listening to stories of God, meditating, serving and adoring his image and finally self-surrender. This book is an authority on Vaishnavism in Hinduism and is a primary text to all Viashnavas (worshipers of Lord Vishnu and His avataras) including those of the Hare Krishna Movement. The Agamas are another group of scriptures that worship God in particular forms, and describe detailed courses of discipline for the devotee. Like the Upanishads, there are many Agamas. They can be broadly divided into three sets of Agamas, namely: Vaishnava Agamas - worship God as Lord Vishnu; Shaiva Agamas - worship God as Lord Shiva; Shakti Agamas worship God as Mother Goddess. There is no Agamas for Lord Brahma (God of creation). Shaivites have 28 Agamas and 108 Upa Agamas (minor Agamas). Shaktas recognize 77 Agamas. There are many Vaishnava Agamas of which the Pancharatra is one of the most important. Each Agama consists of philosophy, mental discipline, rules for constructing temples and religious practices. The Tantras started during the Vedic age, which consist of cosmology, yogic exercises, etc. Tantra is very important and very vast. The Sanskrit word Tantra means to expand. Tantrism researched into Astronomy, Astrology, Palmistry, Cosmology, as well as the knowledge of the Chakras and Kundalini power, etc. The Upa Vedas are the considered the smaller Vedas. They provide various sorts of knowledge and Vedic sciences. These include: 1. Ayurveda - Hindu science of health and longevity. 2.Dharnur-Veda- Hindu science of archery and war. 3. Gandharva-Veda - Hindu science of Music and Dance.

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4. Artha Shastra - Hindu science of economics and government. The Vedangas are also a group of scriptures attached to Vedas which also contain various Vedic sciences. These include: 1. Dharma Sutras - Codes of Manu Yatnyavalkya, etc. 2. Jyotisha - Astrology and Astronomy 3. Kalpa - rituals and legal matters 4. Siksha - phonetics 5. Chhandas - measurements 6. Nirukta - Etymology and 7. Vyakarana - Sanskrit grammar To explain a little further, Ayurveda is the Vedic scripture of medicine. It consisted of more than 100,000 verses initially. Still it is considered as an Upa Veda of the Atharva-Veda. Sometimes this medical system is called part of the Fifth Veda. The Sanskrit word Ayurveda means medicine. The remedies in Ayurveda are mostly herbs and natural substances. The gods of healing in Ayurveda are Prajapati, Brihaspati,

Indra, etc. Ayurveda originally classified diseases into physical, supernatural and spiritual. Ayurveda is practised widely in the State of Kerala in India. It is taught in the Ayurveda College, Kottakkal, Kerala. The science of Jyotisha is meant as both astrology and astronomy. Both were part of the group known as the Vedangas. Astrology has come out of the Vedic sciences, and it does play a major part in the lives of people. It is still used widely for many purposes. The God of Astrology is Lord Subramaniyam, son of Lord Shiva. Some say that, once upon a time, astrology was a very well developed science, but today’s astrology is only a skeleton of what it once was, with most of the valuable knowledge lost due to the practice of utmost secrecy by the learned men in Hindu society. - Upendra Bhatt

wisdom, which is the gate of oneness, occurs when the bondage is detached and even the freedom exists and the happiness of devotion is observed. There could be no hatred on earthly life; On this finite universe, there is no beginning or end. One with wisdom can understand this fact as told by bodhisattva.

Vimalakīrti is by some considered to be the first Zen Buddhist Master aside from the Buddha himself. He is a historical figure living around the time of Gautama Buddha (sixth to fifth century BC). He is the subject of the Vimalakirti Sutra. Through him we can observe the following principles relating to meditation. Just meditating with a peaceful sitting is not sufficient. The desires should be discarded through heart as well as body. Mind should not be permitted to wander. Any kind of events, which is not appearing as final and also not disappearing, affirms the meaning of instability. It cannot be expected that all people are pure. If two disciples happen to fight themselves, the faults or sins should not be elaborated. The situation should not afflict the hearts. Vimalakirti asked one of the other disciples of Lord Buddha, which would he choose to access the fullness of wisdom; in future or in present times? Or otherwise had he secured it already?

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For discussion if it is past, that had passed already; if it is present, that is not going to stand still; if it is future that has not yet come. The realization of observing the truth is that it connects the moment the birth takes place and also at the moment the destroyable activities are being done; and finally at the moment when death commits leaving of the world. When the wisdom reaches, then the detachments, the thoughts and the looks are settled with a state of peace which is not through body; but through the heart. More can be explained through the practices followed by Gautama Buddha, which are as below: Upon those who committed sin, one should not get anger or hurt him with horrible words. One should not hate old aged and sick patients. To fear upon the death to be thrown away.Understanding instabilities of properties, the total desires are to be sinned. Upon this world, nothing is appearing and nothing is disappearingone should realize this truth. A conversation took place to access the opinions of five bodhisattvas (Monks) regarding the concepts. The

Lightness and darkness seem to be so different but they are one. When one attains the final stay, all will be stopped. There is no light as well as no darkness. That peaceful state is the way for reaching oneness. This information was guided by another bodhisattva. Which is good and which is bad? When one can not differentiate that, he has to leave away and then the oneness will reach him. This was another bodhisattva’s explanation. It was another explanation by a disciple and Bodhisattva Manjushree, who told Vimalakirti, the state of asking any questions and answering to any will give the supreme excellence of oneness. After all these discussions, Manjushree asked the opinion of Vimalakirti about oneness and the state of acquiring it. Vimalakirti described that the perfect silence without any words will show the way to wisdom. Birth and the death are the parts of life. Philosophy, science, religious and arts are telling about birth and death. Lord Buddha described that upon the base of love, with good thoughts of rightfulness should be followed in life. Is death end of life? How to lead the life with meaningfulness could be secured with the

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The Difference between https://

http:// &

Very important........... every one must know The main difference between http:// and https:// is it’s all about keeping you secure, HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transport Protocol, which is just a fancy way of saying it’s a protocol (a language, in a manner of speaking) for information to be passed back and forth between web servers and clients. The important thing is the letter S which makes the difference between HTTP and HTTPS. The S (big surprise) stands for “Secure”. If you visit a website or webpage, and

look at the address in the web browser, it will likely begin with the following: http://. This means that the website is talking to your browser using the regular ‘un-secure’ language. In other words, it is possible for someone to “eavesdrop” on your computer’s conversation with the website. If you fill out a form on the website, someone might see the information you send to that site. This is why you never ever enter your credit card number in an http website!

the contents. You understand why this is so important, right? If a website ever asks you to enter your credit card information, you should automatically look to see if the web address begins with https://. If it doesn’t, there’s no way you’re going to enter sensitive information like a credit card number! http VS https Gokul & Sri Sri Selvam Siddhar

But if the web address begins with https://, that basically means your computer is talking to the website in a secure code that no one can eavesdrop on

The Difference between http:// & https:// Siddhi Times USA 24

To be Continued From Page No 23 answers of Buddha. The awareness should be given preference in every incidence. Every decision should be decided without worry; when such practice is possible, the anger, disappointment and dejection could be controlled and the opinion of pardoning will rise and the life will be with grace. The freedom can be observed. The life will be with ease. This is the way one can meet the death without difficulty. At this juncture, by means of meditation in every aspect if the things are followed, one can realize all kind of things with its distained realities. After the observation of all things with scrutiny, a perfect detachment can be reached. On every incidence of releasing the breath we feel relaxation. All kinds of thoughts and bondages, even forgetting the body, one can become as a person of childish nature. This is occurring as per mediation. If one can continue this properly, then he can understand himself and realize the wisdom. The teachings of Buddha are suitable for all times and to whom ever that may be. An individual can realize himself and become a person with wisdom. The paths formed by Buddha will lead for peace in all the countries of world. This point is illustrated by the former Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. The doctrines of Buddha can make the mankind to relieve from mass destructions.

MEDITATION IS NOT A TECHNIQUE In the life of every one, this should spring automatically. Meditation is not given to any one with certain basic qualities but to one’s capacity. This can be developed in all aspects. You have to select a good place in the bank of a river and sit amid the atmosphere of surroundings of birds and under the shadow of trees. If, that is not possible, the home is good. If the meditation is done in a particular place the vibrating waves will guide to reach the peace. The bondage and difficulties will be detached. You can observe the mind as that of a child. When there is nothing to laugh at, then laughing by self will happen. By that time the hatred will be on everything. Then relaxation will come and dictate that the life itself is a play. Whenever one happens to make a journey inside the mind, the person is not as he, but the feeling of witnessing the

events only the result. By that time the person can not feel any thing. But feeling the happiness and also peace could be possible. Whatever the beautiful and joyful occurrences happens to cross, the reality is that the person is not there. But the state of observer of the feelings only could be possible. Such stage of continuation and then in the end, the specific moment would prove that all the influences and observations are unstable. Even the silence is also not there. The happiness is also not there. It will mingle in the state where there is nothing. To specify any object, that is also not possible. The person involved in it will stand as a subject. Here he can see himself. Even if he looks at mirror, the mirror will not reflect anything. It will be just a mirror. Because the person is the person himself. He can feel and observe the reality and that is wisdom or “Mukthi”. The subject who was considering now turns as object!

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their juices) have better health and body functions and circulations over all, which are most important to super health and long life! After all an average human body is made up of 70% water. Water is a vital component of all body fluids, tissues, cells, lymph, blood, and glandular secretions. Water holds all nutritive factors in solution and acts as a transportation medium to the various parts of the body for these substances. Liquid is necessary for the proper digestion of food. The amount of water a body needs depends on temperature, climate, one’s activities and health - 8 glasses of 8oz each per day is average.

Health TIP: 1 Water - Source of Health and Healing! Isn’t interesting to know that most healthful lifestyle habits are FREE (good posture, clean thoughts, plain natural food, exercise and deep breathing, all of which promotes energy and health into body) The most important factors that make for a healthier, happier, longer life are …. 1. Drinking right amount of pure water 2. Breathing pure unpolluted air and practicing deep breathing 3. Sunshine 4. Natural food 5. Exercise Let’s start with the first factor WATER - Mother nature‘s greatest beauty and health tonic! People who ingest a sufficient amount of the right kind of liquids ( pure water, fresh organic fruits and vegetables and

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When we drink a glass of water it goes straight to our stomach. Part of the water is absorbed directly into our blood stream through the walls of our stomach and some of the remaining goes to our intestines to keep the food we eat in a liquid state while it is being absorbed. This water is later absorbed into the blood. We have 15 billion powerful brain cells which are 75% water. The right kind and amount of water helps improve our mind and brain power and makes us think better and more accurately. One of the most important function of water is to flush the toxins and salt from the body. Also, drinking the right amount of water is one of our best natural protections against all kinds of virus infections, and other infectious diseases. When the body’s tissues and cells are kept wellsupplied with ample water, they can fight viral attacks more efficiently. That’s why doctors recommend plenty of water and rest when we get flu. If the body’s cells are water starved, they become shriveled up, parched and dry, making it easy for viruses and diseases to attack. The new scientific truth and level of thinking about the Human Body that will empower people to become practitioners of preventive medicine for themselves is as follows: Every function of the body is monitored and pegged to the efficient flow of water. “Water distribution” is the only way of making sure that not only an adequate

amount of water, but its transported elements like nutrients and hormones first reach the more vital organs. In simplest terms, Your body needs an absolute minimum of 6 to 8 glasses (of 8 oz each) of water a day. Coffee, tea, alcohol, caffeine-containing beverages don’t count as water. The best times to drink water (clinically observed) are one glass one half hour before taking food - breakfast, lunch and dinner - and a similar amount two and half hours after each meal. This is the very minimum amount of water your body needs. Thirst should be satisfied at all times. With increase in water intake, the thirst mechanism becomes more efficient.

Some more facts…… Humans have survived for as many as 90 days without food, but can live only 72 hours without water before going into a semi-comatose state. Most humans are lacking sufficient water intake to maintain optimum body health. Most people are dehydrated unknowingly most of their lives.Water shapes the earth, controls climate, provides food and a prodigious amount of energy to humans, animals and plants. Water is the source of all LIFE! Aum Namashivaaya!

Mother nature provides plenty of water free of cost to all the living entities. It is up to us to make use of what we are blessed with.

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Daddy When I Was Four......... When I was: 4 years old: My daddy can do anything. 5 years old: My daddy knows a whole lot. 6 years old: My dad is smarter than your dad. 8 years old: My dad doesn’t know exactly everything. 10 years old: In the olden days, when my dad grew up, things were sure different. 12 years old: Oh, well, naturally, Dad doesn’t know anything about that. He is too old to remember his childhood. 14 years old: Don’t pay any attention to my dad. He is so old- fashioned. 21 years old: Him? My Lord, he’s hopelessly out-of-date. 25 years old: Dad knows about it, but then he should, because he has been around so long. 30 years old: Maybe we should ask Dad what he thinks. After all, he’s had a lot of experience. 35 years old: I’m not doing a single thing until I talk to Dad. 40 years old: I wonder how Dad would have handled it. He was so wise. 50 years old: I’d give anything if Dad were here now so I could talk this over with him. Too bad I didn’t appreciate how smart he was. I could have learned a lot from him.

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Think It Over.........Seems true. Looks funny- -- - -- - - right? Whenever I find the key to success, someone changes the lock. To error is human, to forgive is not a COMPANY policy. The road to success is always under construction.

don’t have paper. If you have both, no one calls. Especially for engineering students in India

Alcohol doesn’t solve any problems, but if you think again, neither does milk.

If you have bunked the class, the professor has taken attendance. You will pick up maximum wrong numbers when on roaming.

In order to get a loan, you first need to prove that you don’t need it.

The door bell or your mobile will always ring when you are in the bathroom.

All the desirable things in life are illegal, expensive or fattening.

After a long wait for bus no.20, two no.20 buses will always pull in together and the bus which you get in will be more crowded than the other.

Since Light travels faster than sound, people appear brighter before you hear them speak. Everyone has a scheme of getting rich which never works. If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidences that you ever tried. You can never determine which side of the bread to butter. If it falls down, it will always land on the buttered side. Anything dropped on the floor will roll over to the most inaccessible corner. As soon as you mention something; if it is good, it is taken. If it is bad, it happens. He who has the gold, makes the rules Murphy’s golden rule. If you come early, the bus is late. If you come late, the bus is still late. Once you have bought something, you will find the same item being sold somewhere else at a cheaper rate. When in a queue, the other line always moves faster and the person in front of you will always have the most complex of transactions. If you have paper, you don’t have a pen. If you have a pen, you

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If your exam is tomorrow, there will be a power cut tonight. Irrespective of the direction of the wind, the smoke from the cigarette will always tend to go to the non-smoker. Sri sri Selvam siddhar & Gokul Nair

lot of powers from your eyes, and I do not know whether you remember that, I told that you ae going to be # 1 in the USA among US Indians. Swamiji you have made it. We are all really proud to see an Indian doing miracles in this country Jyotsana Patel, Parlin NJ “I thank God that I picked up the copy of SIDDHI Magazine last month and I was so happy to read through the materials and I decided to contact Sri Sri Selvam to get a relief from my painful health problem that I have been suffering for so many years now. I feel so confident after talking to Swamiji and it’s really a miracle and the best thing happened to me in my life” VikasShah, Washington DC Dear Swamiji, I came across your Siddhi Times in Balaji Temple here. This is the talk of the whole Chicago now. Every Indian store is flooded with this magazine, and I should say every Indian household is anxiously waiting for your next month issue. You are really doing wonders Subramanian Sadasivam, Hoffman Estates, IL This month Siddhi Times was very colorful. Everyone in our family likes it very much. I have picked 12 copies and mailed to my Family in India Thruvas Kumar, Dallas, TX “Thank you for starting the distribution in Chicago area. I have heard about this magazine through my friend and I was really happy to pick up the copy from the store last week. Very informative articles and I can’t believe it’s a free magazine. It has tons of valuable articles in it and colorful and best magazine” Ms. Kumari, Naperville, IL Swamiji, , I do not have words to write about the great things , you do in your life. I met with you in the year 1995 , when you came to NJ , and when you hade a small spiritual booth here in the mandir. I felt

“My daughter loved the article on How to train your dogs by Ms Vishal. Very well done. Keep it up. We love to read this magazine as a family as its for everybody. We have three generations in our house reading this magazine and we just love it. Please continue sending my copy to my home address. We all are eagerly waiting to visit the new Temple getting constructed with 108 Shivas” Ms Vasantha Murthy, Sunnyvale, CA Sir I came across your magazine Siddhi Times three months back, and I became the best lover and so say I am addicted to your magazine. Wov what a magazine, I have never come across a Spiritual Magazine like this anywhere in my life of 83 years. Your swamiji should long live Marotama Parikh, Hayward, CA Vanakkam Swamiji We are all very proud to know that a Nagarathar is doing this Historical venture in USA. We are all very proud of you. Anything from my side to help your Venture....let me know Sivanesan Chettiar, Birmingham, England Pranam Swamiji . Thank you so much for building a Temple for us in West Georgia. You are a living God. We are all well blessed to have you here in GA. Let me know, if I in use of any of your needs

Swamiji thanks for your excellant Vedic Astrology advise to my problems, I am so much happy after talking to you Pranam Maharaj Anita Kuamri , Dallas TX My dear Swamiji Thanks a lot for helping me to come out of this big issue you are a living God, I will give anything in my life for your support you have done for me. My sister is doing well, and my Dad wants me to pass his pranam to you Suhasini Pallapothu, Riverside, CA Swamiji thanks for your wonderful Yagna. I have got the news from India that my Dad came out of the surgery very well. All your blessings Swamiji. Without you, I would have lost my Dad today. Thank you so much Narender Bhatt, WEST Hartford, CT Hi, nice to know about swamiji sri sri selvam”siddhar”. Swamiji settled my court case problems through his rituals in the year 1997, when i had a law sit in my practice in arizona he is our family god. Without him my life in the usa is impossible. I recommand swamiji to,every one, having any kins of problems. Sundaram Shivam, Aurora IL “Can you please include more articles on Alternative Medicine? I liked some of the articles on previous month editions. Otherwise, Siddhi is a great magazine” Mr Joshi, Dallas TX. Att: Hindu Temple of Georgia. Sri Selvam Siddhar / Dr Commander Selvam I am so such entertained with Swamiji Dr Commander Selvam Sri Selvam SIDDHAR’S SERVICES for my son’s daylong time upbeat problems. He is doing extremly very well after Swamiji’s Special Thantra Rituals. Swamiji’s

Maru Patel, Douglasville, GA

Siddhi Times USA 31

knowledge in Vedic Asrology and Vedas are immense. Thanks again Nalini Trivedi, Vestel, NY Few months backs I was sufferering from serious health issues. I was a very healthy person and all of a sudden, life took a turn and my family was under lot of pressure. when the medical procedures did not help me with the situations, I finally gave it up and asked God to show me a way.Then at that moment I saw the advertisement of Swamiji and I got the message that God is showing me the way. I immediately called Swamiji and rest is a history.I am out of all my health problems and wonderful rituals performed by Swamiji and the priests at Hindu temple of Georgia. I am thankful for Swamiji my entire life. I am willing to do anything for him. he is the best Swamiji in the entire universe. Sundram Sivam, Phoenix, AZ “Wow, it’s a wonderful and colorful magazine with amazing information that every Hindu should know about. Very simple articles to read with best design. My hearty wishes for the continued

Siddhi Times USA 32

successful operation of this service across countries.” Ms.Shyamala, Fairfaxstataion Virginia “Very well done interview with Blaaze by Ms Mandira.” Mohan,Lanham Maryland “It felt very nice to read a spiritual magazine than reading a news about movies, problems, issues or someone else making money. I believe Siddhi Times is the only magazine with greatest informative materials and at the same time it has a very good blend of health, nutrition and Meta physics.” Ramesh Krishnan,Pomona Beach, Florida “Very colorful National magazine. It’s not like other magazines filled with advertisements. Siddhi Times is really a magazine that everyone should read. I gave it to my friend from Europe and he enjoyed reading and learning about different subjects on Hinduism principles.”

Bupendra Patel, Athens Georgia “You are really great Sri Sri Selvam Siddhar Swamiji. It’s so nice to know the growing number of readers every month for Siddhi Times. It’s getting better every month and we absolutely love reading the magazine. Please continue your efforts of empowering the community.” ManjuSharma, Austell,New York “Such a beautiful article on Ganesh Chaturthi and Anant Chaturthi that being a very spiritual person, I have never read anywhere else. I thank you for educating all of us through the wonderful magazine SIDDHI times.” Dr.Subramaniam, Wachung Mountains New Jersey. Disclaimer:

Siddhi times and its associates do not endorse these comments. Its purely the readers opinions.


e all at sometime or the other have felt immense strength, inspiration and courage to do something extraordinary. I have seen an old man barely able to walk, doing unebelievable gymnastics at the chennai Railway station, to help save a young boy from falling between a running train and the platform. The strength and courage surges from an unknown source and at the right time. He did manage to save the boy and after that he could barely walk !! The strength is provided to you if you believe. There is abundance of energy and strength in each of us waiting to be awakened. We are not, we perceive that we are ....we are truly the manifest form of the unmanifest supreme and our vedas and learned masters has many times emphasised this truth over and over again. We just mould into some kind of personality. The truth is that our real personality is supreme bliss, immeasurable and inconquerable. There are certain personality types that we all carry within us, such as the son, daughter, child, the lover, the mother, the father, the leader , the saint..... Some of these types present themselves strongly, while others lay dormant. There is immense strength in each one of us, but in some of us this is underdeveloped to the point that we are unable to stand up for ourselves, even when necessary. There can be many reasons for this. We may have grown up with a parent and in a society that is very dominant, and we responded by repressing our potential completely. On the other hand, we may have grown up with parents in whom this aspect was dormant, so we never learned to awaken it in ourselves. There are so many factors that inlfluence our performance. The remedy lies in having faith in ourselves and our Guru. A survivor is someone with the strength to stand up for what he or she

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believes; someone who perseveres in the face of challenges and obstacles; someone who speaks and acts in the service of an ideal; someone who protects those who are too weak to fight for themselves. Regardless of the reasons for an underdeveloped inner strength, you may always notice the lack of its mighty presence and wish to awaken it. You may need to stand up for yourself in a certain relationship or situation, or you may have a vision you want to realize, and you know you will need the courage, energy, and strength of a warrior to succeed. Similarly, if you find that you often feel scared, angry, anxious, or powerless, awakening this sleeping giant, may be just the antidote you need. One excellent way to cultivate the inner strength and closeness to the supreme field of energy and love, is to choose a role model who embodies the qualities of bravery, strength, vitality, wisdom, love and compassion. This person could be a character in a myth, movie, book, or a historical or living person you admire. Simply close your eyes each day and contemplate the quality of energy that attracts you to this person, knowing that the same potential lives within you. Confirm for yourself that you are capable of bigger and mightier things to bring prosperity, happiness, peace and love in this world, and awaken the fire of your own inner courage. If you are able to visualize this in your role model will begin to see it in yourself. See it, hear it believe it and conquer it !!!! Experience the growth for yourself. Just put yourself in the footsteps of your role model....the Guru. I have not met Sri Selvam, but I admire him for his achievements both in the spiritual and material worlds and I know for sure that I admire him for what he is and what he is doing and that I sincerely want to follow his foot steps and strengthen his mission.

Gokul Nair

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Hindu Temple of Georgia’s Kids Committee Chairperson


hether it’s your birthday party or your grandfather’s, it’s an ideal occasion to make the conical caps at home. Making them can be more exciting than buying them. The things you need: 1. Chart paper (12 inches x 18 inches) 2. Glue 3. Scissors 4. Glitter glue 5. Cotton ball 6. Ribbon 7. Pencil Step 1: Use the 12 inch side of the chart paper as the height and the 18 inch side as the base. Draw a wide triangle to get the cone shape. Step 2: Round the base as shown in the figure. Cut out the triangle.

cutouts from old greeting cards. Step 4: Put a line of glue on one side of the triangle. Roll it in a cone shape. Stick the cotton ball on top of the cone. Step 5: Make two holes on the opposite ends at the base of the cap. Tie ribbons two each of the holes. Make caps of different colours for all the friends you are planning to invite at your party.

Step 3: Decorate the caps with glitter glue. If you do not have glitter glue then you can do spray painting or stick

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The Trouble Tree

The carpenter I hired to help me restore an old farmhouse had just finished a rough first day on the job. A flat tire made him lose an hour of work, his electric saw quit, and now his ancient pickup truck refused to start. While I drove him home, he sat in stony silence. On arriving, he invited me in to meet his family. As we walked toward the front door, he paused briefly at a small tree, touching the tips of the branches with both hands. When opening the door he underwent an amazing transformation. His tanned face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss. Afterward he walked me to the car. We passed the tree and my curiosity got the better of me. I asked him about what I had seen him do earlier. “Oh, that’s my trouble tree,” he replied.” I know I can’t help having troubles on the job, but one thing’s for sure, troubles don’t belong in the house with my wife and the children. So I just hang them on the tree every night when I come home. Then in the morning I pick them up again.” He paused. “Funny thing is,” he smiled, “when I come out in the morning to pick ‘em up, there ain’t nearly as many as I remember hanging up the night before.”

student challenged his teacher: “Master, the water was foul. Why did you pretend to like it?”

Gifts From The Heart

According to legend, a young man while roaming the desert came across a spring of delicious crystal-clear water. The water was so sweet he filled his leather canteen so he could bring some back to a tribal elder who had been his teacher. After a four-day journey he presented the water to the old man who took a deep drink, smiled warmly and thanked his student lavishly for the sweet water. The young man returned to his village with a happy heart. Later, the teacher let another student taste the water. He spat it out, saying it was awful. It apparently had become stale because of the old leather container. The

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The teacher replied, “You only tasted the water. I tasted the gift. The water was simply the container for an act of lovingkindness and nothing could be sweeter.” I think we understand this lesson best when we receive innocent gifts of love from young children. Whether it’s a ceramic tray or a macaroni bracelet, the natural and proper response is appreciation and expressed thankfulness because we love the idea within the gift. Gratitude doesn’t always come naturally. Unfortunately, most children and many adults value only the thing given rather than the feeling embodied in it. We should remind ourselves and teach our children about the beauty and purity of feelings and expressions of gratitude. After all, gifts from the heart are really gifts of the heart.

TEACHER : Maria, go to the map and find North America. MARIA : Here it is! TEACHER : Correct. Now class, who discovered America? CLASS : Maria!


: : : :


Why are you late, Frank? Because of the sign. What sign? The one that says, “School Ahead, Go Slow.”

TEACHER : John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor? JOHN : You told me to do it without using tables!

TEACHER : Glenn, how do you spell “crocodile?” GLENN : K-R-O-K-O-D-A-I-L” TEACHER : No, that’s wrong GLENN : Maybe it s wrong, but you asked me how I spell it!


Donald, what is the chemical formula for water? HIJKLMNO!! What are you talking about? BY: ARAVIND, RAVI Yesterday you said it’s H to O! 13 years old, 8th grade. Siddhi Times USA 37

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The Ant and the Grasshopper In a field one summer’s day a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its heart’s content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great toil an ear of corn he was taking to the nest. “Why not come and chat with me,” said the Grasshopper, “instead of toiling and moiling in that way?” “I am helping to lay up food for the winter,” said the Ant, “and recommend you to do the same.” “Why bother about winter?” said the Grasshopper; “We have got plenty of food at present.” But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the winter came the Grasshopper had no food and found itself dying of hunger - while it saw the ants distributing

every day corn and grain from the stores they had collected in the summer. Then the Grasshopper knew: It is best to prepare for days of need.

The Miser A miser sold all that he had and bought a lump of gold, which he buried in a hole in the ground by the side of an old wall and went to look at daily. One of his workmen observed his frequent visits to

the spot and decided to watch his movements. He soon discovered the secret of the hidden treasure, and digging down, came to the lump of gold, and stole it. The Miser, on his next visit, found the hole empty and began to tear his hair and to make

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loud lamentations. A neighbor, seeing him overcome with grief and learning the cause, said, “Pray do not grieve so; but go and take a stone, and place it in the hole, and fancy that the gold is still lying there. It will do you quite the same service; for when the gold was there, you had it not, as you did not make the slightest use of it.”

introduced him. Ahmedi Nijad, the Iranian President who astonished many when he first reached to the office of the Presidency by donating all the high valued Iranian carpets to one of the mosques in Tehran by replacing them with the low cost ordinary carpets.


He observed that there was a huge extravagant loungue for receiving and welcoming the VIPs and he ordered it to be closed and asked the protocol office to arrange for an ordinary room instead with the wooden chairs, though more impressive in fact !

Loves those who are On many instances he joins the humble in cleaning staff of the municipality for cleaning the streets in the area their personal life too! where his home and the Presidency The Fox New TV (US) asked the office locates. Iranian President Ahmedi Najad; “When you look into the mirror Under his authority whenever he in the morning what do you say to appoints any minister to his post he gets a signed document from yourself”? him with many points, particularly He answered: I see the person in the highlighting that he shall remain mirror and tells him “Remember, poor and that his personal and his you are no more than a small relatives accounts will be watched servant, ahead of you today is the and the day he leaves the ministry heavy shall be with dignity, and therefore responsibility, and that is to serve it is not lawful for him or his relatives to take any advantage of the Iranian nation”. his office. And this was how the broadcaster

First of all he declared himself all the “Big” wealth and property he owned was a Peugeot 504 car, model 1977, an old small house inherited from his father forty years ago in one of the poorest zones in Tehran . His accounts with a zero balance and the only money comes in to his a/c was from his salary from the university as a lecturer with an amount of US$ 250 only..

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the hotels he asks them to make sure not to give him a room with any big bed because he doesn’t like to sleep on beds but rather likes to sleep on the ground on a simple mattress with a blanket. Does any of such manners and practices shows any disrespect for the high post of the president????? Refer to some of the photographs which also confirm the above.

For your information the President One of the other things he still lives in that same house. changed was his personal carrier “the presidents Aircraft” to a This is all what he owns; the cargo aircraft in order to save the president of one of the world’s spending from the public treasury important countries; strategically, and he ordered that he will be economically, politically and with flying with the ordinary airline in regard to its oil and defense. the economic class. He even doesn’t take his personal He organizes meetings every now salary with the argument that all and then with all the ministers to the wealth belongs to the nation know their activities and efficiency and he is the safeguard over it. and he closed down the office of One of the things that impressed the manager of the president and the staff at the presidency is the bag any minister can enter to his office the president brings with him every without any permission. He also day, which contains his breakfast; stopped the welcome ceremonies some sandwiches or bread with like the red carpet, the photo session olive oil and cheese prepared by or any personal advertisement or his wife and eats and enjoys it with respect of any kind while visiting all happiness, While he stopped all any place in the country. the deliveries of the special food Whenever he has to stay in any of used to come for the president.

The Iranian president is sleeping in the guest room of his house after getting away from his special guards who follow him wherever he goes and photo is taken by his small brother according to the Wifaq Newspaper which published this photo and the next day the photo was published in most of the world’s newspapers and magazines and particularly the Americans. During the prayer you can see that he is not sitting in the first row!!!! And the final photo is of his dining room where the president is busy eating his meal.

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If you pivote the picture 90º

You see the magnitude of the mountain, depicting a gigantic human face, with native ornaments. It is difficult to explain the posibility of construction by human hands. Certain members of the international scientific community wondered about the theory of extraterrestrial civilizations .

(KKS): When I came in yesterday, I realized just how much I had missed D.C.

Nandani’s News On September 15, 2007 Fairfax Symphony Orchestra presented the Subramaniam family in a classical concert. The world premiere of Dr. Subramaniam’s latest work, Freedom Symphony, was presented in honor of the 60th India Independence. Also in the program were Karnatic Classical Music, Global Symphony, and Turbulence Concerto. Before this concert, Mrs. Nilima Mehra of Chitrmala television interviewed Mrs. Kavita Krishnamurti Subramaniam. Without a doubt this world famous singer is one of the favorites of both the critics and the masses. Her exquisite and mellifluous voice, wide range and versatility to sing various types of songs has placed her in a unique spot amongst the many performing musicians. This artist commenced her vocal training under Sr. Balram Puri at a very tender age. Her outstanding talent was clear at the age of 8. Some of the Hindi movies where she has portrayed her songs are, Pyar Jhukta Nahi, Mr. India, Karma, Saudagar, Khuda Gawah, Chaalbaaz, 1942 Love Story,

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Yaarana, Mohara, Bombay, Saaz, Khamoshi, Pardesh, Prem Agan, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, Bade Miyan Chote Miyan, Wajood, Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam, Taal, Vastav, etc. Apart from film songs, she has song many devotional songs. Kavita has won many prestigious awards which include Film Fare Awards, Screen Award, Sansui Viewers Choice Award, Screen Videocon Award, Lux Zee Cine Award, Priyadarshini Award, Lions Club Awards, Best Singer Award, Kishore Kumar Journalists / Critics Award. Nilima Mehra (NM): I am honored to be sitting alongside Dr. Subramaniam’s wife, Mrs. Kavita Krishnamurti Subramaniam. I call her the jewel, the crown of music. Kavita ji, welcome to Washington DC, and especially to our TV Show, Chitrmala. Kavita Krishnamurti Subramaniam (KKS): Thank you, and thank you for having me on your show. (NM): What’s up with you? We Washingtonians haven’t seen you ever since the 90s.

(NM): No, it’s not only you. We Washingtonians have missed you and your live performances equally. You come to the U.S. so often and always bypass D.C. (KKS): No, it’s deliberate. But I’m so glad to be here. (NM): I know you are nightingale voiced. You have God’s gift. How do you manage to sing in so many different languages? (KKS): To a certain extent, it’s my upbringing. I am from a very traditional Tamilian family. I was born and brought up in Delhi, so I was exposed to North Indian culture. I was adopted by Bengali parents. We lived together and there was an exchange of culture between my parents and them. I was very attached to my aunt, who I said was Bengali, and obviously she was fluent in Bengali. Of course, being in Delhi I learned North Indian classical music, I spoke Hindi, and I could understand Punjabi. Then, when I moved to Bombay to the Indian Film Industry, I sang a lot of jingles and commercials. We would do one commercial and then they would ask us to sing the same in 12 different

languages for different places. Because I knew Bengali, I was able to sing in Udiya, Asameese – and they’re very much related. Because I was in Maharashtra, which is Bombay, I was able to sing in Marathi and Gujarati. Being a South Indian, I was able to cover the South Indian languages. By the time I began to sing for the films, my past experience helped me to sing in various languages. (NM): What was the very first song that you sang for Bollywood? (KKS): The very first song I sang was in Bengali and it was based on Tagore’s song with Lata Mangeshkar for a Bengali film, while the music composer was Hemanth Kumar. This was in the early 70s while I was a student in college. Then, if I fast forward to the 80s – I sang for a film called Mang Bharo Sajna. In those days, I was dubbing songs; by dubbing I mean that I would sing songs that finally Lata Mangeskhar would sing for the films. My voice was used for shooting purposes. Finally the produces saw and thought and I guess it was destined that they should keep the songs in my voice. (NM): What are your current songs that

you are working on in the Indian film Industry? (KKS): I worked on Mera Bharat Mahan, and then Chaitaniya Maha Prabhu. At the same time I have been singing for a lot of religious films, Kanada movies, Bengali movies, and Bhojpuri movies. (NM): Tell me your background. Where in India do you hail from? (KKS): My parents are from Tiruchirapalli, which is in Tamil Nadu. My father used to be in the service in Delhi, so my childhood was in Delhi. Later on, many years in Bombay, and now because my husband and children are in Banglore I live there but work in Bombay. (NM): My goodness (haha). You’re a world traveler! You’re always on the aircraft! (KKS): Yes, indeed I travel a lot. (NM): How many songs have you released in your musical career? (KKS): I’m sure I have released at least 2,500 songs. Unreleased, I probably have

an equal amount. A great number of songs that we sing for films, due to some production problems, are never released. So, those songs just sit there and never get released. Therefore, I can very easily say that my total releases are from 4,000 – 4,500 songs. (NM): You sing in so many different languages. If I were to ask you to pinpoint a favorite language – could you do that? (KKS): Apart from Hindi, one of my favorites is Bengali. I grew up learning Tagore, so I love Tagore’s songs. I find that language flows beautifully, especially when you sing – there’s beauty in the notes. The other language which is very nice – it allows little little music inflections – marathi. (NM): You sing semi-classical, classical, folk, Hindi movie songs, and so on. Out of all these, which do you prefer? (KKS): As a listener, I love to listen to pure raghas. When it comes to singing myself, I prefer the semi-classical songs based on raghas. I enjoy it – may it be ghazals or bhajans.

(NM): What are your thoughts on English – American music? (KKS): I grew up listening to Frank Sinatra, Barbara Streisand, and Fitzgerald. Some of the jazz musicians are simply amazing. In certain concerts with my husband, I have seen them all coming up on stage and there the collaboration and fusion of music is beautiful. I find jazz extremely brilliant and interesting. (NM): I know that music is the language of love. How do you see it and how do you incorporate it with the dances in the Hindi Cinema? (KKS): Some of the songs that I have song, especially in Devdas, Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam, and Hawa Hawaii, have been brilliant. The way Sri Devi was pictured in Hawa Hawaii on my song was breathtaking. The choreography in the song Nimbooda or Kahe Ko Chede or even Piya Ghar Aya were very well portrayed. However, I cannot say the same for all the songs. Some producers/directors have beautiful visions. People like Subash Gahi and Leela Bansali have such perfect vision. (NM): Do you have preferences for music directors. (KKS): Not really, but I have found people like Subash Gahi, K. Vishwanath and of course Sanjay Leela Bansali - - before I come to the microphone, they give me a clear picture of how the song will be portrayed in the movie. This makes the job fairly easy. Then there are other people who are quite new to the industry. They are not able to provide the actual picture – nevertheless you end up singing their songs. Sometimes they end up good, and other times not so good. (NM): I know that both of your children are musicians. You are a world class singer as well as a mother. How do your children look upon you? (KKS): I hope fore and foremost that they look upon me with love. I have very sweet children. They practice music at home. My eldest son, who is becoming a doctor, sometimes sings with me on stage. He is very fond of ghazals and he

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listens to Jagjit Singh, Mehndi Hassan, etc. My daughter even practices Western Music and Ambi, my younger son, practices violin. When I see all this – I feel that my life is complete. It’s very easy for the children to get caught up in pop music. Pop music comes later, but I want that their foundation and roots be strong with Indian Music. Later on, they can explore and experiment further like my husband did. Basically, I feel that you’re an Indian, and you have your strong roots and strong foundation then your esteem only goes up. From there you can diverse into any pop or ethnic music. You must know your music, your culture, and your tradition first. The strength of Indian music is that you can improvise anytime, and anywhere. (NM): Earlier on, I had an interview with Dr. Subramaniam. I asked him to shed light on you. I shall not tell you what he said about you. Now that he’s not on the set madam, what do you have to say about His Highness? (KKS): His presence in my life is the best thing that could ever happen to me. I married late, and got married at the peak of my career. I had decided that when I get married the person whom I married will come first before my career. I should feel very strongly about that person, and that’s what happened to me. Honestly, I have great belief in music. My husband is one of the finest musicians. I have seen as well as worked with a whole lot of classical musicians. What sets him apart is his education – his humility. At home, he’s a very gentle and loving person. He is quite a family man. He makes certain that his wife and children are all well before he touches his violin. He’s a very kind and considerate human being. (NM): Remember Kavita ji, that your husband is first a medical doctor. (KKS): Yes I agree. But I must say, that he is a fine musician. I have yet to find someone who has such fine ears for pitching. If that one shruti is one correct, it is absolutely glaringly clear for his ears. I must admit that he has been born with extremely sharp ears. (NM): Like I said to him Kavita ji, when you are a world famous artist and a world

renowned musician, nothing on Earth can bypass your ears. (KKS): It is also good to know that somebody is so spiritual about your music. I am really happy that I found him in my life. My life is complete with my children and my husband. NM: You have a very good looking family. I saw them at breakfast. We are very anxious to see them on stage. What will your daughter and son be performing on stage? (KKS):: My son will be performing a duet with my husband in one of the symphonies, and my daughter will be joining me in the Freedom Symphony, which is a duet. I will be singing in the Global Symphony by myself. In the first symphony, my husband will play with the orchestra. (NM): Well, we’ll be there. The entire Washington Metro Area is very excited. You have come here to our city after several years. I want to thank you for your time. Before I let you go off the camera, would you like to convey any messages our viewers and to your fans out here? (KKS): First of all, it’s nice to be here. Thank you for your support. I’m looking forward to this concert as this is a new venture for me, to be singing with the Eastern and Western Orchestra. I’d like to tell all the children to please continue your music practice as sincerely as you can, because one day you’ll be able to blend your Eastern Music with the Western music. One day you’ll come out with something that will be totally individualistic for you all. (NM): Thank you ma’am. When East meets West, they create superb artists like yourself. You are excellent. (KKS): It was my pleasure being with you today. It was extremely nice talking to you.

- Ms Azahu Vairavan Director: Alagappa University and Group institutions, India.

Director: Hindu Temple of Georgia, USA

enemies of his devotees and the first left hand is adorned with his pet animal deer. His wife Umadevi is standing nearby seeing her husband. He is very angry with the enemies of his devotees and is very cheerful in blessing his devotees. He is one of the deities to be worshipped by the police and military persons as they have to conquer lot of enemies of the public and the nation. The worship of this deity will work as an escort and a loyal security to the devotees. THRIPURAATHAKA MOORTHY This is the mixed shape of Lord Shiva. When the population of the universe had to be renewed, Lord Shiva got a great anger. That great anger turned into a big fire and burnt the three worlds. The three worlds are the earth, the swargam [place beyond the sky] and the paathaalam [the place under the earth]. Lord Shiva is having four hands in this posture. The first right hand is adorned with an arrow, to shoot the enemies of his devotees. The second right hand is adorned with an axe to cut off the sins and the evil spirits of his devotees. The second left hand is adorned with a bow to shoot the arrow on the

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YAANAI URITHA PIRAAN Once an evil demon named “Gajaasuran” gave a lot of troubles to the people and deities in the Devalokam [divine world]. They all were the devotees of Lord Shiva. They prayed Lord Shiva to save them from their enemy. Then Lord Shiva got a great anger and killed the demon and saved his devotees. He killed the elephant shaped demon and had him as a cover to his body. In this shape He has got eight hands. The first right hand is adorned with a “trisulam” [a three headed weapon]. The second right hand is adorned with a knife to cut off the enemies of his devotees. The third right

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and left hands are holding the skin of the elephant. The fourth right hand is adorned with the tusk of the elephant. The fourth left hand is adorned with a small drum like musical instrument. The second left hand is adorned with a shield to protect the enemies of his devotees. The left hand is adorned with a rope to tie the enemies and evil spirits of the devotees. There are two benefits in the prayer of this deity. The first one is to win the court cases, particularly against the Government. The second is the spiritual. The elephant is referred to the anger of a human being. By praying this deity one can easily conquer the anger, mind and body. The soul gets purified. This is the important deity to be prayed by the lawyers. By that they can

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easily win the cases and earn a very good name and fame. VEENA DHAKSHINA MOORTHY There were four rishis [saints] named Sanaka, Sananthana, Sanaathana and Sanathkumara. They wished to learn the music and Sama Veda. Out of four Vedas Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharvana, Sama Veda has a lot of musical codlings. They wanted to know the meaning and the musical codlings of the Sama Veda. Lord Shiva is the creature of the four Vedas which He created from his four faces. So, they approached Him to teach the Veda to

them. Only in a calm and cool atmosphere it is easy to learn the things well. So Lord Shiva asked them to come under a banyan tree. There He seated in as yoga pose and started teaching. What did He teach? The silence is the first thing He taught to His

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disciples. In this pose Lord Shiva has got four hands. The first right and left hand are

blessed w i t h the best knowledge. The musicians, particularly the players of the instrument should pray this deity. By that they will be the best in their field. Those who wish to emboss their name in the field of yoga and meditation are also sure that they will emboss their name in their field if they pray this deity. This deity is the one and only male in charge for the knowledge. LINGOTHBHAVA MOORTHY

holding a musical instrument veena. The second right hand is adorned with garland made of rudraksha. The second left hand is adorned with a fire torch to give light. The lack of knowledge is darkness and the knowledge is the light. The torch is the symbol of knowledge. This is the best deity for students and the teachers. The teachers who pray this deity are sure to be blessed with the best teaching skills. The students who pray this deity are sure to be

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--Once upon a time, a tug of war started between Brahma and Vishnu as who will see the leg and who will see the head of Lord Shiva? Brahma took the shape of a bird and started flying towards the sky. Vishnu took the shape of a pig and started digging the earth. They went on their affairs. But they couldn’t succeed in their attempt. Then Brahma saw a flower and said “Can you please take me with you? Also, tell everybody that you have seen the head of Lord Shiva and took me from his head”. On having the wish to establish his fame, Brahma told the lie. On hearing this Lord Shiva got angry and came out. He told,”Oh Brahma! you have told a lie that you have seen my head. But you have not seen my head. As a punishment to this, there will be no pooja to you in this world. The flower which made you to tell this lie is unfit for my pooja from this moment. If anybody performs pooja to me with that

flower will also get my punishment. On seeing the truthfulness of Vishnu I take the shape of Lingam. Those who perform to my Lingam shape are the blessed.” Then He took the shape of Lingam. The ling shape is a beautiful shape of Lord Shiva. In the ordinary lingams there will be no face or figure. But in the Lingothbhava, the Lord Shiva is seen with four hands. The first right hand is the blessing hand. The second right hand is adorned with an axe to cut off the sins and evil spirits of the devotees. The second left hand is adorned with his pet deer. The first left hand is the giving hand. His legs are seen only up to the knees. His head is seen only up to 3/4th. Brahma is seen as a bird near his head and Vishnu is seen in the shape of a pig near the knees. By praying his deity we can have a great success in all our attempts. We can be a man of truth. There is no doubt that we will be blessed with everything in our life.

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This story is about one of many attempts by evil King Kamsa to kill Lord Krishna. The demonic King Kamsa had assembled with his ministers and important associates at his palace. They were discussing about the King’s futile attempts in eliminating Krishna, the small boy. One of his minister said “the braveness and the cunningness of Boothana served nothing; she fell dead”. Another associate commented about Sakada Asura, who went as wheel and striked horribly on the child, Krishna, which also resulted in the death of Sakada Asura.

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The King wished to send another valiant Asura from their team. They unanimously agreed to send Bhaka Asura. He was the brother of Boothana. Boothana had disguised as female and attempted to kill Krishna by feeding him poisonous breast milk, but Krishna killed Boothana by sucking the entire strength. King Kamsa gave all his wicked ideas and cunning ways to Bhaka Asura. Bhaka Asura, unlike others, had the talent to change forms, enlarge and shrink his body. He requested King Kamsa for a description of Krishna.

Kamsa, having not seen Krishna himself, couldn’t describe him, and commented that as a child, Krishna should not exceed the size of a calf. Bhaka asura wondered with a big laughter “if he is a tiny boy, a soldier from your court can put an end to the boy; I really wonder why I should be needed!” Kamsa interfered, “No, he is strange and mighty. He seems to be having extraordinary powers.” Bhaka asura challenged and told “I will terrify the cows and cowherds, and when the boy comes to rescue them, I will swallow him and put an end to him.” The Brindavan was as usual busy. The cows and cowherds were getting ready to leave for the green fields. Just as they crossed the city entrance and entered the road to the fields, Bhaka Asura came in the form of a big bird. The beak of the bird was so long and the feathers were so far stretched, that the shadow could cover over 10 banyon trees. The bird blocked the road and with its wings, forced the wind to blow heavily. The strong wind was scattering the cows and cowherds. The monstrous bird projected the long beak to pick the cows and the cowherds. Just as the bird began projecting its beak, Krishna, who was accompanying the cowherds, came to the front. As expected, the angry bird (Bhaka asura) was pleased to see Krishna. When the bird leaned its beak towards Krishna,

he did not have any kind of hesitation or fear. He went straight towards the huge beak and jumped in and sat on the tongue of the bird. With immense happiness on getting its prey, the bird swallowed him and closed its beak. As time passed, the bird began to feel some uneasiness on its wing-sides. As more time passed, it felt some jolting in its stomach. Krishna, the little boy started growing bigger and giving big kicks inside the stomach of the bird. The bird, in spite of all its strength and ability to bear the pain, began trembling. The bird started bleeding in its mouth. Krishna gave a final kick close to the bird’s heart. The bird immediately started to vomit blood. Through that discharge, Krishna came out of the bird’s mouth. His body was drenched fully with blood. The bird fell dead and lie on the ground in the body form of Bhaka asura. The villagers and other people nearby had by now, rushed to the spot. Everyone, including the cowherds was happy to see the heroic deed of Sri Krishna. Rani Yashoda, Krishna’s mother, upon hearing the dangerous adventure of her boy, rushed in haste and took her son back home. She was always a fearful, innocent mother. She felt grateful to god and worshipped the deity at her palace. The Vedic saints were called and prayers were offered for the welfare of her child forever.

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subtle terms, suggesting opportunities or roadblocks.

By Sri Selvam “Siddhar” When astrologers talks about transits, it’s easy to get confused. First, transits refer to the movement of planets across the sky. The ephemeris (an astrological/astronomical almanac showing orbital movement of the Sun, Moon, and planets) tells us just where the planets are each day. Armed with this information, the astrologer can project (or predict) when a planetary transit might impose its influence on a given individual. The study of transits, and the effect that they tell, is fundamental in astrology. A transit aspect occurs whenever a planet, moving in orbit, forms a sensitive angle with one of the planets, the Sun or the Moon in your natal horoscope. The transits show the trends in your life the ups and the downs brought about by circumstances that you face. In an earlier time, astrological predictions generally forecast events. Most current day astrologers now see the effects of the transits in more psychological and

The readings are often not very specific, but nonetheless, if you follow them, you will see that they do foretell the essence of events and changes. Transit aspects often signal opportunities or warnings relative to certain activities and actions. Being aware of pending transit aspects may alert you to the time when you should move ahead, and they may also send a clear message that the moment is not the time to stick your neck out. In either case, astrology is not a science upon which you or anyone should base their life. Transit aspects should not be used as an exclusive tool to make up your mind about important issues, but instead, it’s a tool to help make a balanced decision. It may also be a tool to help you understand whatever problem or situation that is occurring in your life at a particular time. If your situation seems to be difficult now, the transit aspects in play may explain why this is so, and when positive changes may be coming about. The good times and the hard times are all part of the human experience. As per the ancient texts available Jupiter is considered to be the most benefic and powerful amongst all the planets and capable of warding off the evil results and bestowing prosperity and contentment to the native. Jupiter takes about 12 years to

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complete a complete cycle of 12 zodiac signs. It stays for about a year in each sign. Whenever Jupiter moves in to 2nd , 5th , 7th , 9th and 11th houses from the rashi chart as per its transit it gives good results. We can say it is a Karaka planet for these houses. In Astrology 2nd house indicates about monetary position and family. If, Jupiter is transiting over the 2nd house and is in strong position it will bestow native with Gain of money, domestic happiness, addition to the family if it is expected, marriage to the native if he/she is not married, new position, status, it’s transit over 2nd is also good for material possessions, good for investment, purchase of articles of enjoyment; good speech and increase in business. Similarly 5th house is house of creativity, children, love, amusement/entertainment, progeny, speculation etc. If Jupiter is transiting over 5th house and is strong in natal chart it will bestow native with happiness from progeny, gain of money, new love relations, favor from elders, rest assured enemies will be defeated, it will give success in education, increase in

progeny, purchase of precious stones will be possible, It will provide mental peace, marriage if native is still unmarried and success in romance. 7th house is house of partnership and marriage. This house also is concerned with native’s ability to work in harmony with others. Seventh house is exact opposite of the first house or ascendant of self which basically means you blend your own personality with people you see and work with so that you may pursue shared objectives and goals. If Jupiter is transiting over 7th house and is strong in natal chart it will bestow native with gain of wealth, marriage, meeting with senior officials, this transit is also better for social relations, improved relations with partners, gains in litigation; birth of children, acquisition of vehicles and gains in bed pleasures. In Astrology 9th house is the house for long distance traveling, spiritual and religious deeds, higher education, philosophical pursuits, this house also rules your public expression of your ideas and it is also called house of literary efforts. If Jupiter is transiting over 9th house and is strong in natal chart it will bestow

native with General success, pilgrimage, philosophical advancement, distant residence, it is also good for marriage, writing/literary pursuits, publication, it will also encourage expenditure on good deeds, it will bestow honor, favor from Govt and senior officials, induce foreign travel, birth of children, give promotion and increased income. In Astrology 11th house is considered house of friends, it is also considered house of gains, ambitions and its fulfillment, elder brothers, society and community. If Jupiter is transiting over 11th house and is strong in natal chart it will bestow native with Gain from friends, elders; gain of honor, blessed with son, marriage if unmarried, it invokes interest in religion, this transit is good for speculation, shares, promotion, success in education, exams; stable mind. When Jupiter transits in 1st, 3rd , 4th , 6th , 8th ,10th and 12th houses from rashi chart it is not considered very favorable, but as Jupiter is the most benefic amongst the benefic planets it does not give very bad results unlike a malefic planet. Jupiter is transiting over 9th house for

natives having Aries as their Ascendant. For these natives Jupiter is lord of 9th and 12th houses of their horoscope. According to ancient Hindu Vedic astrological texts available this transit will give excellent results to Aries ascendants. The natives will come out of all the obstacles and hitch in their career and financial pursuits. Desired and expected result will flow to you and give you remedy from the heart aches in Career related matters. You may face sudden and unexpected divine helps while achieving and striving for your goals. Stay away from potentially risky ventures if you are running a business. Speculative activities should be curbed and avoided at all costs. Jupiter is transiting over 8th house for natives having Taurus as their Ascendant. For these natives Jupiter is lord of 8th and 11th houses of their horoscope. According to ancient Hindu Vedic astrological texts available this transit will give malficious results to Taurus ascendants. People who are expecting marriage should wait for one more year to get good match and proposals for their happy married life. If you are married then expect happiness and contentment and good married life.

This transit though not indicates success in almost every sphere for you. Whether you are running your business or working for someone this transit will not be good for you. Any way you can get relief by performing the rituals prescribed by a learned Vedic Scholar. If you are in a job then chances of up gradation/elevation in position or long due promotion is entirely possible. Jupiter is transiting over 7th house for natives having Gemini as their Ascendant. For these natives Jupiter is lord of 7th and 10th houses of their horoscope. This is a very good transit for you. Saving grace is the aspect of Jupiter on your Ascendent, 3rd and 11th houses which will give you a prosporous growth in this year. If you are running your own business then expect a good profit and a great speed in achieving your goals. Results would be very easy only by taking simple o efforts. You can enter in to new ventures as results will be good for you. Those who are waiting for the marriage will get a very good life partner. Jupiter is transiting over 6th house for natives having Cancer as their Ascendant.

For these natives Jupiter is lord of 6th and 9th houses of their horoscope. This position of transit is considered to be not good and this is going to be an inauspicious transit for you. Transiting Jupiter’s aspect on 2nd, 10th and 12th houses also shows worse results to you. This transit shows a lot of problems connected to profession and family life. Even though your social contacts would increase and you’d be unable to derive even minimum benefits from them. Jupiter is transiting over 5th house for natives having Leo as their Ascendant. For these natives Jupiter is lord of 5th and 8th houses of their horoscope. This is going to be a mixed transit for Leo Ascendants. Transiting Jupiter will aspect on 1st, 9th, and 11th houses also and affect these houses. You may find that your mother may get ill or have sluggish health in this year. You will come across the problems over real estate/property issues. Even though your Health may give you a few causes for concern you will come across these problems by the divine aspect of Jupiter on your ascendant during this period.

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and unexpected gains. Your confidence level could be at its peak and any work undertaken will give you the delayed benefits. At work you’d be much appreciated and if expecting promotion or increase in pay/salary it will get delayed but you will get the benefits at the end of the transit period i.e. by the last week of October 2008.

Jupiter is transiting over 4th house for natives having Virgo as their Ascendant. For these natives Jupiter is lord of 4th and 7th houses of their horoscope. This is going to be a mixed transit for Virgo Ascendants. By virtue of transiting Jupiter’s aspect on 8th, 10th and 12th houses Virgo natives will have good fortune of benefits of these houses. You may have increased contacts with people around you. Extended traveling is quite possible during this transit even you may not greatly be benefited but would come out to be with more understanding of the worldly matters. Jupiter is transiting over 3rd house for natives having Libra as their Ascendant. For these natives Jupiter is lord of 3rd and 6th houses of their horoscope. In Astrology3rd house indicates about monetary position and family. This is also known as house of moveable possessions owned by a native. It also shows your ability to handle money and earning power. It is also known as the house of eloquence of speech. Jupiter is karaka or significator of 3rd house. If you’d be clear and focused about your goals then there are indications of monetary gains in this transit. Your ability to earn will be tested in this transit and subject to what you want and how much you want this transit will help you in achieving your financial goals. Jupiter is transiting over to the 2nd place for natives having Scorpio as their ascendant. For these natives Jupiter is lord of 2nd and 5th houses. Transiting Jupiter will be having it’s aspect on 5th,

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7th and 9th houses which are considered to be good aspects of Jupiter, so in spite of not so favorable transit for Scorpio Ascendants the over all results could be fair to medium in over all context and analysis. You could face a few obstacles in your career and other activities, but in the end with your hard work and intelligence you’d be able to achieve satisfactory results. Unexpected and unplanned expenditure could upset your over all planning, but the expenditure won’t be on worthless objectives. Jupiter is transiting over the Ascendent for natives having Sagittarius as their ascendant. For these natives Jupiter is lord of 1st and 4th houses. Jupiter’s transit over the ascendent is very good and has mixed implications. This transit may give sudden and heavy expenditure, As the Lord of your ascendant has moved to his own house you will have his full power and divine helps. At work even though you could be loaded with work and extra work pressure and dead lines which may give you unwanted tensions, you will easily overcome all those things by the divine help. Your superiors may expect a lot from you and you could not find it hard to meet their expectations by virtue of the divine power of Jupiter, Jupiter is transiting over the 12th house for natives having Capricorn as their ascendant. For these natives Jupiter is lord of 3rd and 12th houses. This is a very good transit and should give you the desired results in almost all spheres of your life. 11th house is considered as prime house of gains, fulfillment of wishes/desires etc. During this transit you can expect sudden

Jupiter is transiting over the 11th house for natives having Aquarius as their ascendant. For these natives Jupiter is lord of 2nd and 11th houses. Jupiter’s transit over 11th house is mixed in giving results, though 11th house transit is not considered good but it’s aspect on 2nd is going to be an alarming factor and will give minor troubles to Aquarius ascendants as far as family and financial aspects are concerned. At work you could face some obstacles whether in service or in business, but you’d be at all times will be in control of the situation and be able to over come the obstacles and derive the desired results. Jupiter is transiting over the 10th house for natives having Pisces as their ascendant. For these natives Jupiter is lord of 1st or Ascendant and 10th houses. Transiting Jupiter is having its aspect on 2nd, 4th and 6th houses. This is a very good position for Jupiter. This transit will give you positive results and positive direction to move ahead in life. If you are in a job then your long due promotion could be yours for taking, you will be suitably rewarded and praised. Associates and colleagues will be favorably disposed towards you. As the Lord of 1st and 10th houses focuses on the 6th place you will have a very good strength and courage and you will see new ways to settle all your loans and debts. I pray the Almighty Sri.Vanadurga to bless you all with a happy living and good fortune. We will discuss about various problems of day to day affairs.

Om Shanthi Om Shanthi Om Shanthi.

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uhá gy‹fŸ, Rasi Reding, Kind Attention: Zodiac Connection is based upon moon and not upon sun Students of higher education are in a position to do their jobs properly but the circumstances and the happenings are with difficulties. Though, the progress will not be disturbed. Professionals and business men are going to speed up their processes and find a new benefit. A target of aim during this month will lead for luck; you are going to force extra labour to execute it. That is something good amids the challenges that you might face. For lovers the occupation of Sun in 7th to your sign is creating a gloomy atmosphere. There is no good grace at this juncture. You will feel with uneasiness. Next month may bring happier moments.

MESHAM This month is a fully packed month with hectic schedules and burden to execute them. You are not in a position to allot the provisions systematically. You may be puzzled with confusions around. The financial needs and the possible attention to self and the family are moving gradually for an extent to solve the needs. Ladies and children at home will feel a sort of insufficiency. School going children can learn lessons properly but the events will be with so many hurdles. Take slow process of attendance and keep the things in order. The ladies are asusual to complete the targets of home affairs.

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Married couples in family are with much attention only clearing the necessities of family. The routine will be as usual. The privacy and a time of pleasure may happen very rarely this month. The days which are not suitable for good ventures are 11th and 12th.

RISHABAM The month will begin with frantic trend and occupation of Mars in Miduna will

By Sri Selvam “Siddhar” continue for months together. You have to move with steady and concrete plans. Finances might be affected amongst the list of commitments. Ladies and children at home may not feel at ease. Lord Venus is in a state of dubitation will move in the sign Kanya, which will be considered as a back ward situation of health and happiness. The worship to Lord Venus on Fridays will do well for you. Students may not be attentive. Many extra curricular activities will spoil the education. It is better to avoid unnecessary companions. The health and activities will be brisk, the main attention in studies are likely to be spoiled. Professionals and business men will be busy in their activities. The earned money will be facing big expenditure. Difficulties may arise in caring for the family and finances. The activities are proving to be good and profitable. Lord Jupiter will give all the powers with grace so; it will be possible to make all the circumstances to be controllable. The lovers are actually still having the suspicions and the conclusion is not yet taking place. Some persons may insecure about their relationship. Married couples may have some financial concerns in this month and upcoming months. Proper planning is must. The days which are not good to do the new things are 14th and 15th of the month.

conclude the things properly. The days which are not good for important matters are 19th and 20th November.

MITHUNAM Your sign is occupied by Lord Mars. Undoubtedly it is a crucial period for you. You may face great challenges and heavy burdens in your engagements. Continue the efforts though you may feel the results are too far to reach. The experiences that are influencing now will give you good reward after 2 months. Students are spending useful times and raising their status in their classes. Studies will be beneficial for a perfect understanding and will be revealed as leading students in the institutions. The ladies and children at home will feel good in the beginning of the month itself. The combination of Lord Sani, Kedu and Venus in Simham will be a favourable period of good company and team for the successful plans. The routines and financial status will be in order. For the professionals and business men, the tenth house is favorable and good aspect by Lord Jupiter, who will be gracefully guarding the trend and nature of all your activities. The status of Lord Mercury is also in a powerful status to assist your progress and developments. For lovers, it is still in a hidden way and not coming to lime light to make a progress in your process. The hesitations, fears, and condition with out support are causing the slow down in the relationships. Better month will be coming soon. For married couple and family men the commitments and duties are being executed with best efforts. Timely rise in incomes and supports will make you to feel the better times. The proposals and plans are loaded tightly in you brain and the same will be giving good results step by step. The days which are not suitable to do good things are 16th, 17th and 18th.

KADAGAM Lord Moon is ruling well the first week of this month. All of a sudden, some kind of experimental behaviors could be recognized both in family matters as well as the behaviors of members in family. The sign is accepted by Lord Jupiter, so all the things will be manageable. The finance position may show a level of decreasing. For the ladies and children at home and with domestic nature are in grip of tight circumstances. They have to face this situation through out this month. Studying children will be in an unsteady position in their education. Every thing may go on a slow trend. But the capacity is there to manage all matters. Students of higher education will be spending the times in a mixed trend which is actually keeping them in a confusioned stage. Good attention is required to cover the lessons. It is quite possible to score essential marks by hard work. For the professionals and business men, the financial need will be more this month. Some persons will feel acute shortage of funds. Though the job and trade will be of concern, it will certainly progress well. Transit of Mercury to the sign Libra will do specific change of trend during the middle of month. Nothing to worry as you are actually managing everything with your talents. Lovers are not in good mood as Lord Mars given trouble by creating some kind of uneasiness. This state will be continuing through out the month. Take the measure to be calm and follow slowly. Married people are the real champions in completing all the needs of the family. The grace of Lord Jupiter favours you the timely helps. At the home, the list of needy things will be going on increasing. Of course more attention is needed to

SIMHAM Lord of your sign is in debilitation and going to have the company of Lord Mercury. This indicates that your exertions and continued efforts in attending your duties will keep you with tediousness. This month on 9th and 10th, the trend will change and keep you in enthusiastic mood. The usual incomes and attending the important affairs will be favorably continued. For ladies at home and children, the plans and programs will be with pleasure. Have the habits of reading stories. Don’t keep yourselves with vague thoughts and loneliness. Your mind will be vibrating unnecessarily with so many thoughts. Your regular works will be going on with the usual routines. For students, the subjects they are studying will be giving so many doubts. Better to have a consultation with your professors and get the things to a perfect sense. Your company and friends will keep you in good mood. For professionals and business men, this month, will be with the guidance of Lord Jupiter. The trend of your affairs will be alright. Some kind of changes and new proposals may come into force. This month will be with extra expenditures. All the challenges will be faced properly. For lovers, the prolonged talks and plans stand still with many questions. But the meetings and conversations are with good mood. It will be continued further. Lord Venus is going to reach Kanya by this week end. So, the change in program or a delay is likely to come.

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Family persons will be fully engaged with several commitments. You are weary and feeling the target is going beyond control. The privacy or sense of humor comes only on a strange occasion. Every thing is manageable by you. The days which are to be avoided in dealing the matters of property or finance are 21st and 22nd of this month.

to Lord Mercury has to be followed with out fail. As for as the lovers considered, there is a polite policy is going on. Lord Jupiter is aspecting the 7th house; so the mood, terms, and times are smoothly moving. The married couples are also capable of looking to their duties properly. The husband and wife relations will be much better. The expenses are more but they are unavoidable. The days which are not good to make new ventures are 22nd and 23rd of November.

KANYA Lord Mercury is on the way to his next house Tulam. He maintained certain good things that you could have experienced in the last 2 weeks. Fortunately the lord of sign behaved favorably for you. This month some kind of challenges in facing one loss or little opposition from others will keep you in a critical mood. Be balanced to speak and the scrutiny is needed in giving words to others. Ladies at home as well as children may feel some involvements which may cause your restlessness. Peculiarly you will feel certain experiments in domestic activities. Children will be engaged in logic and smart games. The financial status will be with up and downs. Students will have to face a diversion in studies; some times the preparations done will not be useful in exam. Unexpected questions may cause failures. The careful using of lessons are most important. Professionals and business men are engaged in their jobs fully, but the expected results will not be there. Some times great expenditures may occur. All careful measures are to be taken at the early stage to avoid financial loss. The occupant Lord Mars in 10th square will make you further busy but the incomes will be very limited. The worship to Navagraha on Wednesdays, specifically

TULAM The occupation of sun is in Tulam, which will be with scene of confusion and weariness. This month, till 15th of November the trend will be with challenges. The engagements and works are likely to be in favorable trend to assist with finance. The health condition and the strength of your body will be below normal. The capabity of maintenance and leading in your own way are not disturbed. For children and ladies at home, they are better this month and will be doing well and spend happy times. Education of children should be cared more. They behave to forget the studied lessons. Ladies will feel a joyous month with continuous engagements. The planning and doing the routines will be with success. For students the Lord Mars in 8th will be camping in Miduna for another month. This will give some false view of preparations of lessons. Your prepared portions may not be asked as question in exam. You have to be thorough in all the subjects. For business men and professionals, the things will be on proper way. Save

the developments also reach. Only the financial assistances are lacking. But you will be managing this with your talents. Lord Jupiter governs your activities and guides for betterment. Lord Venus will be reaching to 12th house powerlessly. You have to take care of your health definitely. Lovers will be left helplessly this month. No chance of improvement. The aspect of Lord Sun in a status of debilitation creates this scene. By the 3rd week of November some good rays are appearing for the betterment. Married people and family persons are with more burdens to solve. The grace of Jupiter aspects you on time. You can manage all the matters. The privacy and time of pleasure is less. Other aspects of family will be in good trend. The days which are not good to sign important documents are 25th and 26th. This relate to the major jobs at office also.

VIRCHIGAM: The month begins for you with sportive mood and braver nature. The transit of Lord Jupiter occurs on 22nd and he is going to grace the Lord of your sign. This is a better time which will be giving good results in your activities. 9th and 24th of November are good days in which some new improvements will begin to take place. You can observe this in a fortnight. Ladies at home and children will be getting relaxed in the 3rd week of this month. Lord of your sign is in 8th place, you have to make all your moments and memory in a steady and slow process. Finance and the commitments are tight and you have to plan every thing properly and lead this month. Children education will also getting a draw back. Continuous study is advised.

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Students will be facing the tediousness of studies. More attention is necessary. The team and friends are diverting your attention. You have to take measures of keeping steady in your career. Since Lord Jupiter is expected aspect and with Lord Mars, nothing to worry. This month will be passed comfortably. Business men and professionals will be doing hard work. But they will find some new experiences. Business men will be with new test to capture new customers; so that the expansion of trade is likely to increase. The occupation of Lord Saturn, Lord Kedu and Lord Venus in the 10th house will give good support for all your activities and the income will be raised. Lovers could feel a trend of disappointment. It will be continuing unsteadily for another month. The status of Venus is lowered due to dubitation. As per the planetary positions, the delay prolongs. For the family people specifically married couple are trying the best to perform more but bringing home a very little. This month is a month of big expenses. But that can be adjusted well with your talents. Next month some kind of proposal about sharing property or making new one will arise. Regards to happiness and privacy with life mate, it is good. The days which are not suitable to do important works are 27th and 28th. For some of you, it may start on 26th itself.

DHANUR: You have crossed a long way and experienced many helpless situations this year. That comes to an end on 21st November. Even now the fiery look of Lord Mars dictates many challenges. On the first week Venus enters your Jeevan sign i.e 10th house where he gets the

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statues of debilitation. This will expose a scene of better health and execution of certain commitments. On 21st, you have to make a special prayer to lord Jupiter who reaches your sign. i.e his own house. This will give you prominence this year. For house hold ladies and children will be given proper assistance with finance for easy maintenance of family. Children will spend times with good mood. The look of Lord Mars will lead for any incidence of trouble either by travel, fire or handling with equipments. Caution should be there in all affairs. Students’ education will be disturbed unnecessarily. Some times the lessons are not understandable even after twice or thrice referred. They should worship Lord Jupiter on Thursdays. Any way the easy and smooth moments will prevail. Business men and professionals are facing oppositions in their activities. Some times they feel good but that go out of order. Slow process of understanding the things, you have to play first and should avoid abrupt attentions. The casual things and routines may be keeping in good mood. The transit of Lord Jupiter will favor you from 21st November. For Lovers, this month will be very hot month of arguments. To come to an understanding and to move with pleasant times it is not yet settled. The planetary situations are little controversial. A slow process will be helpful. On 21st Nov the time comes for your expectations. Family persons are actually in a grip to feel the tight situations. This will continue for the whole of month. The transit of Lord Jupiter will be doing well from the 4th week of this month. The Lords Sun and Mercury will guide to manage the scenes till 11th November. This will keep you in a smooth mood with the spouse. The days which are not good to attend the new ventures are Nov 29th and 30th.

MAGARAM: Brains of Magara sign will be occupied with lots of thoughts. You should follow a very careful process. The Lord of sign and the Venus are in Simham, which is a state of consolation and adjustability. You can feel flexible but the cost and expenses will be at your risk. Very hard days are yet to pass. Keep calculative of your all efforts and do the things. For household Ladies and children, the events are going on very and education is getting disturbed. The family routines are tight and with need of more funds. Lords Sun and Mercury join together and grace you well all possible assistance to set the things alright. Students are little diverted in their studies, but the experimental and argumental ways of understanding the lessons will provide good name. Finance position will be much critical and insufficient. Gay and joy will be there with the friends. Business men and Professionals are getting proper programs for their engagement. They are good and profitable. Even though the present financial position is getting dried, the routines will be proving to fetch essential funds. Jobs are properly maintained and the hopes are going to be succeeded. For Lovers this month, certain critical scenes on 4th and 5th 9th and 10th may occur. Very slow dealing and speaking less will compromise the situations. On 12th and 13th the situation will come to normality. Better understanding for a durable and long lasting love, the aim should be focused. For family persons and married groups, they are working hard as bull. The burden and the extra load of affairs will be with weariness. The executions of the things are good to keep the family in a prestigious way. The insufficient bank balance will worry you. But the hard work

and attempts will fulfill the needs. The days which are not good to do new things are 4th, 5th and 6th.

The married people will be passing times with all the duties fulfilled. This month the grace of Lord Jupiter will give good facilities and certain settlements are going to be delayed but the same will be completed. The privacy between husband and wife will be in a good mood. This month is little bit expenditure but will prevail with happiness. The days which are not good to do important jobs are the last three days of 1st week 6, 7 and 8th.

KUMBAM The Lord of sign is Saturn and He is in association with Lord Kedu. This occurs in the 7th square; so your companionship and the partnership will be giving a new trend ofcourse on a favorable ground. The family and the finance situation are governed properly by Lord Jupiter. In the works, under taken will be having certain changes or little objectionable by the other. Careful measure to complete it, with proper attention needed. For ladies at home and children, the happiness and gay will be continuing through out the month. Children will be properly doing the lessons and will improve. Ladies maintaining the home will feel good moments and the things will be going on as per expectation. For students Lord Jupiter will be favoring all the best and the study will be continued as for your likings. Transit of Lord Jupiter in this month will bring fortune for you. If you can strain yourself little more the best marks can be scored. Business men and Professionals will be forcing mixed trends and the progress will be a limited achievement only. All these eleven month, so many changes occurred but the steady position was not reaching you. This month will begin with very good hopes and lead for a success. For Lovers, the planets are giving good occasions and hopes. Certain times, there will be very interesting and joyful mood will rise. The next event will turn as irritating or argumental in nature. Any way, it seems that certain conclusion will reach shortly.


the situation this month and decide the matter next month. For Lovers, it is a free time to speak lot of things but, a useful status is still under suspense. Your stage of variations found. Certain wobbling and yet, the correct formation is not reached. Lord Mercury in 8th house with 6th house Lord Sun creates this confusion. But bold decisions are shortly awaited. For married and family persons, the maintenance and the controlling of family matters are quiet clear. The ways and trends in earning money are with little troubles. You have to worship Lord Jupiter on Thursdays to get clear of all the attempts you make. The privacy and Lord Jupiter will grace you by the 3rd week of this month. The days which are not good to start new things are 9th and 10th November.

Lord of your sign is Jupiter which is moving to reach Dhanur this month. He will keep you good with finance. The family affairs will be smooth. The education and improvements in all your efforts will be registered with positive sign. The job and engagements are getting several changes keeping an unsteady position. Ladies and children at home will be busy with their modification, alteration and new appearance of home. The mood will be pleasant. Education and playing will be enthusiastic. The transit of Lord Jupiter will keep them in a better way. Students are given support of Lord Jupiter and the progress will be good. The happy times and studies will keep them with smart and brisk order. They can expect in exam to score good marks. For Business men and Professionals, the arrival of Lord Jupiter to Dhanur will give certain set back in old position. The opposition of Lord Mars and Lord Jupiter will be giving a scene of understandable methods of recovery. The most vigil and care should be taken and nothing sort of quick decision will guide you. Think twice and proceed. One of plans or two are going out of grip. Feel

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