Siddhi Times-sep 2009 - Dr. Commander Selvam

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  • Words: 28,086
  • Pages: 68
Special Sections Editor .......................................... Pundit Sharma Publisher Shiva Vishnu Temple

Editor ................................................ Madhu Manikandan Photographer .......................................................... C.T. Kumar

Contributing Writers Suha Seema Patel Mathangi Iyer Shobana Menon Jolly Abraham Sriya Gokuldas Nair Nilima Mehra Mandria Mehra Poorani Nanda................................... Sweetha Sridhar Jaya raj Annapoorani

(Also Known as Hindu Temple of Georgia)

Content... Gauthama Guru Vedic Astrology Recipe Corner Krishna Leela Chettinadu Chamayal Laugh & Think Hormony Sprituality Atherva vedic Astrology Swapna Sasthram Transit of Saturn Zodiac Sign

4 8 16 20 22 24 26 29 37 40 46 55

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When Satyakama entered the ashram, a conference of learned men was taking place in the main hall. It was presided over by the sage Gowthama Haridruma himself. He had a long beard; he had holy ash smeared on his forehead; he had a string of Rudrakshi around his neck; he had a Kamandala (a vessel of holy water); he wore a pair of padukas and his clothing was saffron in color. One could see that he was chanting a holy mantra and he had a innate radiance on his face by which he could attract everyone. The new disciple was very much impressed by the sage’s appearance. He was lucky to have the “darshan” of this great sage who knew the past and could see the future. He was beyond the “thrigunas” and would treat everyone in an unbiased fashion. Satyakama felt that he had acquired divine eye sight; he felt like a lame person regaining the use of his legs, and that he had acquired what he had been looking for, for a long time. It was as if he had been foraging for a rare herb, and he found it without much effort.


here were tall trees. They seemed to be kissing the sky. All around he saw greenery, plants filled with flowers and fruits. The variety of plants made the surroundings look exquisitely attractive. The fragrance of flowers greeted the visitor. Beautiful animals such as rabbits, reindeer, and peacocks were moving about freely. One could hear the melody of the songs of cuckoos all around. They seemed to welcome Satyakama. Streams were flowing, making pleasant sounds. It was a pleasure to watch the pellucid waters of these streams. When one went near they made him extremely happy. Satyakama’s happiness knew no bounds. Satyakama went across the greenery and suddenly he was greeted by the melodious chanting of Vedic Mantras. He was entering an altogether different world. The smoke from homakundas had enveloped the entire area and that made the place look holy. Those who breathed the air filled with the homadhooma would be in the pink of health. Their eyes shone with luster. A number of young Brahmacharis of Satyakama’s age were collecting Samith and Darbha, the holy grass, and chanting the Vedic Mantras. Siddhi Times USA 4

In the great assembly the learned sages put forth their views on the subject: “The Right to knowledge.” At the end, the great Gowthama began to give his views on the subject: Om ricassamani yajoogumshi I Sa ni shriramritha satam II (The three Vedas, Rig, Yajur, and Sama are the eternal sources of knowledge for the well-disposed human being). He then said, “I thank all the learned Acharyas. A lot of discussion has gone on, so far, regarding the subject namely, who has the right to knowledge. A very simple answer to the question, in that, everyone has the right to knowledge, according to the Upanishads.” The early part of the Vedas deals with the Karma Kanda (doing one’s duties) - the study of which is not very easy. It requires great devotion and hard work. Even a small mistake in the pronunciation could lead to the wrong interpretation, and in such a case the performer will not get the desired result.

But the Upanishads, which form the essence of Vedas, are the concluding part of the holy texts. Therefore they are referred to as Vedantha and Jnanakanda, what is explained in the Upanishads is the light which brightens every soul. It is the same in the case of everyone. The ultimate goal of everyone in life is to see that, and to understand it. Everyone is entitled to this knowledge. Our ancient sages refer to ‘Saptadweepa vasundhara,’ that is: the whole world and all the people living in it have a right to the wealth of knowledge found in these Upanishads. Complete knowledge is not the monopoly of any one individual. In this way the thinking of our ancient wisemen transcended caste and creed, place and time. It was really very broad minded and liberal in essence. Deliverance, or Mukti, the ultimate release from the bonds of repeated births, should not be mistaken as a state that one attains after death. One who journeys in along the path of knowledge and wisdom can get deliverance even while living and he can enjoy bliss during his life time. There is no sinner according to Hindu belief. Every life is sacred and we are all children of immortality. “O children of immortality, just listen to this massage,” thus the great sage addresses us all. “Every one should strive to attain this awareness. In order to achieve this we have to seek the help of men of wisdom. Everyone can attain this supreme state through the ‘satsang’ of good people and by following the path of such good ones. Live according to Dharma; speak good words, and do good deeds. Let everyone tread this path. Let everyone try to have a glimpse of the sun of wisdom,” thus concluded the great sage. Sahanavavatu, sahanow bhunaktu I Sahaveeryam karavavahai II Thejaswina vatee tamastu I Ma vidwishavahai II Om shanthih, shanthih shanthih II The seminar of wise men concluded with this Shanthi mantram. At the conclusion of the meeting of the wise

men, Satyakama placed the bundle of Samith(Sticks meant for holy fire offerings) he had brought at the feet of the great sage and prostrated before him and said with great humility, “O great Kulapathi, you are the one to be remembered first in the morning. I surrender myself at your feet. I beg you to accept me as your disciple and allow me to serve you. I am interested in acquiring knowledge. You are my Guru, and you are Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwara to me. Please bless me.” There was a great humility in his words. One could see great devotion in him. The words he spoke came directly from his heart. The chancellor, who heard him speak, said, “Dear son, which Gotra (class identity and origin of community) do you belong to? He sincerely said that he did not know his gotra. The sage then asked him who his father was. “O revered sage, so far I do not know who my father is; I have not seen him. I know only my mother,” he said in a childlike tone. Listening to the boy the sage said the following words: “Dear child, your mother should know the Gotra. Go and ask your mother and then come back here.” Satyakama agreed and returned home. He asked his mother for the information: “Dear mother, the Kulapathi asked me about my Gotra and my father’s name. As I did not know anything about the details, I could not give him a specific answer. He has sent me to you to get the information. Tell me mother which Gotra I belong to.” Jabaalaa was perplexed by what her son asked her. She did not know her husband’s Gotra. She had not asked him for the details because he was with her only for a very short while. Jabaalaa told her son the following simple truth. “My dear son, I do not know much about your father. I was looking after the guests in this ashram. Once, a nice young man came here and we fell in love with each other. We married and you were born. I do not know either his name or his Gotra. I am the mother who gave birth to you Satyakama Jaabaala. I know this much, and that is the truth. Go and tell the Kulapathi what I have told you now.” Satyakama took his mother’s blessings and went back to the sage’s ashram.

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The Significance of Navaratri Sri Mathre Namaha Goddess Parasakthi, wife of Lord Shiva is the united shape of the holy trinity Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. She created this universe. As it is very common to have a few bad things while creating good things, a few evil spirits, called “Asuraas,” were also created. Nobody was able to conquer them. So everybody prayed Goddess Parasakthi to kill these evil manifestations and protect the universe. So, Goddess Parasakthi killed all the evil spiritss in a span of nine days. These days usually come in the Tamil month Purattasi or Aippasi (According to the English Calendar from the 3rd week of September to the 3rd week of October). These nine days are called, “Navaratri,” and the 10th day is called, Vijaya Dasami. This 10th day is the best day to begin the learning of any kind of art or to start a new business. If we pray to Goddess Parasakthi on these days, it is sure that we will get the best blessings from Goddess Parasakthi. We have made elaborate arrangements to celebrate the Navaratri festivals here at the Hindu Temple of Georgia. It is the best to perform Deepa Pooja / Thiruvilakku Pooja on any of these 9 days. For the convenience of the devotees, we have made special arrangements to perform this Deepa Pooja /Thiruvilakku Pooja on Sunday September 20th 2009, from 10:00am onwards. Please contact Temple for participation details. Furthermore, we have made elaborate arrangements as per the following schedule and we invite you all to take part in this holy occasion on all the days and receive the blessings of Sri. Parasakthi. 09-19-2009 Saturday: The Beginning of Navaratri Celebrations. 10:00 am - Special Homam and Abishegam to Sri Vishnu Durga. Special Alankaram (decoration) Sri.Yoga Durga. 05:00 pm - Durga Sapthasathi Parayanam (Devi Mahathmiyam/Chandi Paad). 07:00 pm Sahasranama Archana and Maha Mangala Aaraathi. 09-20-2009 Sunday: 10:00 am - Abishegam. Deepa Pooja (Thiruvilakku Pooja). For participation details, please contact the Temple. Special Alankaram (decoration) SriRajarajeswari. 05:00 pm - Durga Sapthasathi Parayanam (Devi Mahathmiyam/ Chandi Paad). 07:00 pm - Sahasranama Archana and Maha Mangala Aaraathi.

09-21-2009 Monday: 10:00 am - Abishegam. Special Alankaram (decoration) Sri. Annapoorneswari. 05.00 pm - Durga Sapthasathi Parayanam (Devi Mahathmiyam/Chandi Paad). 07:00 pm Sahasranama Archana and Maha Mangala Aaraathi. 09-22-2009 Tuesday: 10:00 am - Abishegam. Special Alankaram (decoration). Sakambari. 05:00 pm - Durga Sapthasathi Parayanam (Devi Mahathmiyam/Chandi Paad). 07:00pm Sahasranama Archana and Maha Mangala Aaraathi. 09-23-2009 Wednesday: 10:00 am - Abishegam. Special Alankaram (decoration) Parvathiji’s Siva Pooja. 05:00pm Durga Sapthasathi Parayanam (Devi Mahathmiyam/Chandi Paad). 07:00 pm - Sahasranama Archana and Maha Mangala Aaraathi. 09-24-2009 Thursday: 10:00 am Abishegam Special Alankaram (decoration) Karumariamman. 05:00 pm - Durga Sapthasathi Parayanam (Devi Mahathmiyam/Chandi Paad). 07:00 pm Sahasranama Archana and Maha Mangala Aaraathi. 09-25-2009 Friday: 10:00 am Abishegam Special Alankaram (decoration) Sri. Dhanalakshmi. 05:00 pm - Durga Sapthasathi Parayanam (Devi Mahathmiyam/Chandi Paad). 07:00 pm Sahasranama Archana and Maha Mangala Aaraathi. 09-26-2009 Saturday: 10:00 am - Sri Durga Ashtami. Sri Jaya Durga Homam and Abishegam. Special Alankaram (decoration) Parvathi Parameswara. 05:00 pm - Durga Sapthasathi Parayanam (Devi Mahathmiyam/Chandi Paad). 07:00 pm Sahasranama Archana and Maha Mangala Aaraathi. 09-27-2009 Sunday: Saraswathi Pooja. 10:00 am Special Alankaram Sri. Maha Saraswathi. 05:00 pm - Durga Sapthasathi Parayanam (Devi Mahathmiyam/Chandi Paad). 07:00 pm Sahasranama Archana and Maha Mangala Aaraathi. 09-28-2009 Monday: Vijayadasami. Special Poojas will be performed by the children. Vidhyarambam/Aksharabyasam for children. For participation please contact the Temple. Evening: 07:00 pm - The procession of Sri. Parvathi in Horse Vahana. Special Ambuseva (Shooting of the evil spirits by the Goddess with arrow). Om Shanthi Om Shanthi Om Shanthi.

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Vedic Astrology. Anybody can reach me @ USA tollfree no: 1-800574-3427 or email me to [email protected]

In the last issue I explained about nine stars. In this issue I wish to explain about nine more stars. All these are only hints and guidelines. The situation will vary according to the individual’s horoscope. Simply by knowing the star or Nakshatra no problem can be solved. To have spiritual salvation of a problem, the horoscope is a must. That too the horoscope must be calculated according to the norms of Atharva Veda and the Atharva Vedic Astrology.

Magham Magham is ruled by the Ancestors. This is 10th nakshatra of the zodiac, ruled by the node Kethu and spanning from 00°-00’ to 13°-20’ in the sign Leo, ruled by Sun. Magham is derived from Maghamban. Magham is the causes of brightness and light. Magham stands for noble impulses and incentives, the gift of Magham must always be a noble one. It shows that we are coming to the end of a cycle. Its condition is prior to that of Bharani which indicates the movement of the soul away from the body. A person born in this Nakshatra is strong-hearted, respects his father, is a learned man, intelligent and is a winner. Magham born will respect the elders and their experience. They are straight forward, do not like to harm others and expect that others should not harm them in any way. These people are often failures if they undertake independent business, as reckless profit making is not in their blood. A person born in this Nakshatra will respect others and in turn expect respect from them. Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from diseases like asthma, epilepsy or cancer. .Males born in this nakshatra get a good, trustworthy wife. Females born in this nakshatra are religious minded and most devoted to their husbands and they will suffer from uterine problems. They have the capacity to command, are wealthy, devoted, social workers and have moral standard. Poorvapalguni Poorvapalguni in the Vedic order is ruled by Aryaman, the God of contracts and unions. This is the 11th nakshatra of the zodiac, ruled by the planet of arts and beauty, Venus. It is also called the Bhagadaivata Star. It is the symbol of the call for creation, it announces creation

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Swamiji Selvam “Siddhar” and development. Poorvaphalguni brings about union and procreation on all levels. This nakshatra implies by the bed or hammock, it is a time of rest and relaxation. Poorvaphalguni is the symbol of good fortune and luck. It is the birth star of Brihaspati. A person born in this Nakshatra is very brave, fosters many people, clever but cunning, lusty and rough. They will have a long face and are generally handsome. They do not like underhand dealings and given a chance, would like to prevent others form indulging in those activities. Their independent nature often makes them difficult to enjoy the confidence of their superiors. These people eat a lot and tend to suffer from headache, sinus or high blood pressure. A person born in this Nakshatra tends to be scrupulously honest and cannot stand back quietly and watch any illegal activity. Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from ailments like asthma and related breathing troubles, dental problems and abdominal complications. Uttaraphalguni Uttaraphalguni in the Vedic order is ruled by Bhaga, the God of happiness. This is the 12th nakshatra of the zodiac ruled by Sun. This nakshatra spans from 26°-40’ in Leo to 10°-00’ in Kanya. The lords are Ravi and Budha, symbol is a bed. Uttaraphalguni indicates both the

need for union and for organizing the resources gained through it. A person born in this Nakshatra is charitable, kind hearted, possesses patience, and achieves fame. They are straight forward and do not like to be taken for granted by others. Those born under this nakshatra have a strong physique, good eyesight and are generally very ambitious. The efforts undertaken by these people have a certain aura of royal authority around them. They will enjoy a satisfactory married life and they are happy with their family. Uttarphalguni particularly has special reference to patronage, favor, granting reliefs, person approached for monetary help or relief in sickness. A person born in this Nakshatra will especially be successful in careers that are associated with new beginnings like construction industry, hospitality industry, event planning, publicity management, etc. Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from ailments like dental problems, gastric problems and bodily discomforts. Hastham Hastham is ruled by Savita, the creative form of the Sun God. This is the 13th nakshatra of the zodiac, ruled by Moon. Hastham spans from 10°-0’ to 23°-20’ in Kanya. The symbol is a closed hand or fist. Hastham gives the ability to achieve our goals in a complete and immediate manner. A person born in this Nakshatra is famous, is religious minded, respects Brahmins and learned people and possesses wealth. They are tall and thin in physical appearance. They know how to win over the other party; hence these people can be good diplomats or are suitable for any profession. They do not have the formal education, but they can carry out the responsibilities assigned to them through their all round knowledge and efforts. A person born in this Nakshatra is a very creative person and work very well with their hands. Those who born under this nakshatra are good at organizing and managing things. They also excel at jobs, which involve a lot of traveling. People born in Hastham tend to suffer from sinusitis, cough, cold and asthma. Overindulgence may lead to high blood pressure and heart ailments. They are more talented, wealthy, materialistic, fluent speaker, quarrelsome and sacrificing tendency.

future. Many of them will pursue higher education and will retain a lifelong thirst for knowledge. Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from ailments like kidney and bladder troubles, psychiatric and brain disorders etc. They are earned, sickly, magicians, superstitious, tactful and of hard mind. Swati Swati is ruled by Vayu, the God of the Wind. This is the fifteenth nakshatra of the zodiac, having all its four quarters in Tula, spanning from 6°-40’ to 20°-00’. This Nakshatra is concerned with air, wind, breeze or knowledge of Akaash since Akaash is the abode of air. Swati Nakshatra can be destructive unless we learn how to use it to remove negativity. A person born in this Nakshatra is endowed with tremendous beauty, flirts with many women, is jolly and receives wealth from the king. Females born in this sign and nakshatra walk as if they are thinking deep before taking every step and trying to balance their body before taking any further action. They do not like to do any injustice to others neither do they like any injustice being done to them. Swati people have an ability to “bend with the wind” in order to survive the forces of change which they may encounter. A person born under this star is good at buying and selling, his wealth and property come and go quite easily. They are broadminded and attract people from diverse backgrounds. Many of those born under this nakshatra will be involved in religious or social work. Swati’s primary motivation is artha or material prosperity. Raaghu, the ruling planet, can create a strong desire for financial success and lust for life. They are cultured, learned, famous, submissive to ladies, passionate and wealthy. Vishakham Vishakham is ruled by Indra and Agni, who represents the powers of heat and lightning in the atmosphere. This is the “Star of Purpose”. This is the 16th nakshatra of the zodiac,

Chitra Chitra is ruled by Twashta, the cosmic craftsman. This is the “star of opportunity”. Chitra reflects the world of Maya and delusions, which they are to over come. This is the 14th nakshatra of the zodiac, ruled by the fiery planet Mars. It spans from 26°40’ in Kanya to 6° -40’ in Thulam. The symbol is the gem on the serpent’s crest .It is anthropomorphically the forehead of Kalapurush. In ancient time the star was known as the ‘Star of Prosperity’. Chitra allows us to gain the fruit of our good karma that comes through righteousness. It has a highly spiritual energy and effect. A person born in this Nakshatra defeats his enemies gallantly, is an expert in politics and has extraordinary intelligence. They enjoy good health and always appear much younger than their actual age. If a Chitra born native has a powerful Neptune in his/ her chart, the person will have dreams that can foretell the Siddhi Times USA 9

spanning from 20°-00’ in Tula to 3°-20’ in Vrishchika. Another name of this star is Radha, a compliment to Anuradha, the birth star of the Sun. It has the Symbol of a leaf-decked triumphal gate. Vishakham does not give immediate results but perhaps greater long term gains. Indra and Agni here are related to agriculture showing the ripening effect of heat, rain and seasonal changes. A person born in this Nakshatra is religious minded having inclination towards performing rites and rituals etc., is of unstable nature and unfriendly. Vishakham born have a wellproportioned body, but they tend to be obese and put on weight with the passing of age. Vishakham people can be envious or covetous of the success of others. They may lack a strong social network of friends and feel isolated and alone against the world. Bitterness and resentment may result. Those born under this nakshatra are likely to have a very happy marital life and will make good marriage partners. A man born under this star works at various things but hardly concentrates on any one of them. They are an excellent communicator, and they write and speak well. Females born in this nakshatra are beautiful and religious in nature. They need to have a well balanced diet and should exercise regularly to keep them fit. They will have a sweet tongue and quiet diplomatic in their choice of words. They are dreamers, liking astrology, administrators, brave, strong and of charitable nature. Anuradha The Nakshatra Anuradha is ruled by Mitra, the Divine Friend. This is the 17th nakshatra of the zodiac, spanning from 3°20’ to 16°-40’ in the sign of Vrishchika. Anuradha Nakshatra gives balance in relationship, both honoring others and seeking ourselves to be honorable. A person born in this Nakshatra possesses luster and splendor, achieves fame, is enthusiastic, a destroyer of his enemies, an expert in many forms of arts and a sensualist. People born in this nakshatra also show some very peculiar characteristics. Those born under this star have to face several obstacles in their life, and hence they have a somewhat defeated look on their face. They can reside in foreign lands and achieve success away from their homeland. Anuradha people usually possess good health and vitality. Called the “star of success,” Anuradha natives can demonstrate organizational skills and call others to activity. Anuradha born, are not on good terms with their parents a n d other

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close relations. Some of them may be creative, especially in the performing arts. Many of them will shine in social and political fields. Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from minor bodily ailments like asthma, breathing trouble, cough and cold and dental problems. They need to watch their dietary habits due to an inability to bear hunger or thirst. They have a strong appetite for life in general. They are learned, have deep devotion, softness, musical talents, royal position, quickness. Jyeshta Jyeshta is ruled by Indra, the ruler of the Gods. This is the 18th nakshatra of the zodiac, spanning form 16°-20’ to 30°-00’ in the sign of Vrishchika. Jyeshtha means the eldest one, the senior most, the chief one, more excellent than, preferred one or someone or something supreme glorious. The person born under this star is full of luster and splendor, achieves fame and greatness, is rich, brave, a hero and an excellent conversationalist. The chief deity is Indra, the King of the Gods and protector of heroes. He is the divine warrior and “dragon slayer.” He rides the mighty elephant, carries the thunderbolt and demonstrates the power of truth. Indra is known for his daring nature, courage, power, and glory. Jyeshta allows us to reach the summit of our personal powers but it requires great courage and effort. People born in this nakshatra possess a mix of the qualities of Mercury and Mars. Jyeshtha born have excellent physical stamina and a good physical appearance. The qualities make them appear like a very proud person, but the facts are actually different. The people born under this star are not very clear about the profession they want to pursue for life, and hence keep on changing jobs or the lines of business often. They are an expert at working with their hands and at fashioning metals. They can be involved in religious practices while simultaneously entrenched in materialistic pursuits. The primary motivation of Jyeshtha is artha or material prosperity. They are artistic, lover of ornaments, costly dresses, dreamers, brave, agriculturists, philosophical and well-talented.

Even though I wish to discuss about all the 27 stars, the readers will get confused. So, I wish to conclude this chapter with nine stars only. In the next issue I will explain more and more about the stars. I pray Lord Shiva and Sri Vana Durga to shower their entire blessings on all of us to have a very comfortable living.

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PRESS RELEASE On Behalf of M/s The Hindu Temple of Georgia executive senior Vice president-Temple operations (India) Mr.S.Ilavarasan MA has prosecuted Google Inc of USA, the Director and also top level officers of Google India P ltd in India for the offences u/s 500 r/w 109IPC& u/s 67 of Information Technology act. It was posted on 28.08.2009 before the Judicial Magistrate- III Coimbatore.

weeks. All the above 3 applications were filed by Google company in the High court. The same was conveyed to the Lower court – Judicial Magistrate – III – Coimbatore. All the orders are “EX-PARTE” orders.

Now we are given an opportunity to present our case. I am of the considered opinion that on hearing On 28.8.2009 the counsel appearing for Google had our side version, the Hon’ble High court will be filed 3 applications before the court. The details pleased to vacate the stay and the Google Company are as follows:will be directed to face the trial in the Lower Court – Coimbatore – India. I. The Google Company had approached the Hon’ble High Court of Madras with 3 applications II. As far as Khabar Inc. of USA and Hindu Temple :of Atlanta are concerned, all the 29 accused had approached the Hon’ble High Court – Madras vide (a) 15962/2009 for Quashing u/s 482 Crl.O.P.No:18126/2009. His Lordship Justice CrPC by the accused no:18 – Mr.Sailesh Rao. It Regupathy had admitted the case u/s 482 but came up before Justice Siva Kumar and the court refused to stay the proceedings. However all the Proceedings in JM-III were stayed. accused appearance is dispensed with. It is coming up for hearing on September 17th 2009 before the (b) Crl.O.P.No: 16713/2009 – for Quashing u/s 482 Hon’ble High Court – Madras. On 17.9.2009, we CrPc by 8 accused filed by Google Inc. – Directors will make our appearance and substantiate our Mr.Ram Sriram & others. It came up before Justice contentions before the High Court - Madras and Regupathi. His Lordhip was pleased to stay the their applications are likely to be DISMISSED. proceedings only for 3 weeks. ALL THE CASES ARE POSTED TO (c) Crl.O.P.No:16714/2009 – for Quashing u/s 482 SEPTEMBER 10TH 2009 CrPC filed by Mr.Vinay Goel – Country Head for BEFORE THE JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE – III Product management – Bangalore & 3 Others. It COIMBATORE – INDIA. came up before Justice Regupathi. His Lordship was pleased to stay the proceedings only for three Siddhi Times USA 12

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Atharva Vedic Spiritual solution for recession. Today, the greatest problem amongst the job going people is recession. Why the recession happens only to particular persons? Somebody get good jobs even though they are not qualified much and somebody sticks on to that particular job permanently. Whereas, some highly qualified people suffer much due to the recession. What is the reason for all these things? Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar replies in one sentence. That is Dharma and Ishta Devathas Pooja. By properly adopting the dharma and knowing the Ishata Devathas through the Atharva Vedic astrology and performing proper Pooja to the proper deities give wonderful Atharva Vedic spiritual salvation from this worst problem. This is the period of recession when everyone is having problems of different dimensions. Therefore it is better to know the divine future so that a person is able to know himself better from dharmic angle. Why should we take this Dharma and Ishta devathas report? What relevance it has for the present day situation? Dharma is the cornerstone of the Vedic tradition and it encompasses all aspects of human life. Thus a righteous way of life is not just for spiritual progress but also for leading a meaningful life in the world. The oft-quoted dictum is that Dharma protects one who upholds it. It is the only armor that protects man and not worldly power and your position which can easily fall away. In Ramayana, when Lord Rama went to the forest for 14 years, Kausalya gives advice to Rama which provides insight into the nuances of Dharma. She blessed Rama: “May that Dharma protect you on all sides” Was this an expression of a mother’s anxiety about her son’s welfare? It was more. This is a pointer to the fact that in the present day turmoil, if one worships the dharma devatha and Ishta devatha, and has unshakeable faith in its working, he/she will be surely protected from all the problems of present day life. Rama’s life proved that even animals favored the righteous while Ravana’s is a pointer to

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the truth that even one’s sibling would desert the unrighteous. Through your Dharma and Ishta devatha report you will have an inspiration to broaden your horizons, and through prayers to your Dharma devatha and Ishta devatha Our consultation will contain the following: 1. Who is your Dharma devatha? 2. Who is your Ishta devatha? 3. How do you offer prayers to the dharma devatha and Ishta devatha who can give you deliverance in these hard times? According to Hindu philosophy, there are four Vedas. Among all the four Vedas, Atharva Veda is the only Veda that describes the usage of the super human power to solve the problems faced by the human beings. The diagnostic part of the Atharva Veda is the Atharva Vedic Astrology. Vedic astrology is as old as the Vedas. That too The Vedas, which are the sacred Hindu scriptures, embody eternal knowledge. To the uninitiated, the Vedas might appear as nothing more than ritualistic oblations to air, water and thunder, etc. In order to decipher what lies concealed in the Vedas, a study of certain subjects is considered a prerequisite. These subjects are called the ‘Vedangas’ or the body organs of the Vedas. There are six such Vedangas. They are: Shiksha, Chhanda, Vyakarana, Nirukta, Kalpa and Jyotisha. Now let us see the brief description of all these things. Shiksha:-, which deals with an understanding of the Vedic ‘Varnas’, ‘Swaras’ and ‘Matras’, and thus with the technique of correct pronunciation. Chhanda:-, dealing with the appropriate lyrical utterance of the Vedic ‘Suktas’. Vyakarana:-, expounding the grammatical aspects of the language. Nirukta:-, which explains the difficult

words, ‘padas’ and ‘mantras’. Kalpa:-, dealing with the understanding of Sutras and the use of Mantras, hence concerned with the ritualistic aspect of the Vedas Jyotisha or Vedic astrology: The Vedic way of analyzing the positions of planets. So to say this is the base for the modern astronomy based astrology. Of the body called the Vedas, astrology represents the ‘eyes’, with its capacity to ‘see’ the past, the present and the future. Vedic Astrology is considered as the most important of the above Vedangas. Vedic Astrology is an analysis and forecasting system, based on astronomical data, which allows its practitioners to carefully assess and understand behavior, to measure the effects of the past, the influence of the present and the tendency of events to unfold in the future. Vedic Astrology appeared in Sanskrit. Later day authors came up with the name – “Vedic Astrology”. The word “Vedic” means “pertaining to Vedas.” Vedas are the sacred scriptures of, what is known today as Hinduism and they are supposed to contain knowledge of all subjects. Moreover, astrology in particular is supposed to be a “Vedaanga” (which means a limb of Vedas). Vedic Astrology is becoming popular these days. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar’s role is very notable in popularizing Vedic Astrology in western countries. He has great research knowledge of Atharva Veda and Vedic Astrology. There is a vast difference in scrutinizing a horoscope as a “Jyothish” and Atharva Vedic scholar. With the Atharva Vedic astrology one can easily find what the “Ishata Devatha” is and perform the proper rituals to that Ishata devatha and get rid of the problems faced today. To know more and more about individual horoscope and to solve your problems contact Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) @ USA toll free 1-800-574-3427 or 1-888232-1818 or Hindu Temple of Georgia @ 770-447-9393 or email to avtemple@

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Recipe Corner.

The useful tips for making the body and soul very beautiful.


he seven super foods that help the entire human to stay young are Barley, Sprouted wheat, wheat bread, Hand pounded rice, Turnip green, Garlic and Orange Juice. These super foods could help men also in retaining their youth, but the stark truth that is that neither sex adds even two of these foods in their diet. These seven super foods are rich in Selenium, Mineral, which, along with Vitamin ‘E’ acts as an anti – oxidant. These two vitamins – mineral Combination boosts the disease resisting strength of delicately skinned cells and tissues. They protect the cells and tissues and keep the tissues young, strong and well lubricated. Thus the ageing process is delayed. If the body is deficient in selenium, it becomes vulnerable to high risk diseases like frequent inflammations, cancer and heart ailments. Production of free radicals which damage the cells increases. Afflicted person looks older

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than her age. The famous dietitians of USA introduced a diet system known as the “Rainbow diet”. This diet regimen includes all colored fruits and vegetables. This ‘rainbow diet’ plan, helps women to shed extra weight, and live younger and longer. Using this diet, our calorie intake could be kept between 1000 and 1200 calories, thus keeping us younger. The diet plan given here is not complete by itself, but indicates what should form part of your usual diet. Morning diet:Red colored food:-This is for the breakfast. 1 cup orange juice or Tomato juice with 3 slices of bread or one cup yoghurt or Yellow colored Banana, Pine apple slices or 1 cup pine apple juice, with 1 slice of roasted bread or orange or apple (any one) can also be taken. Benefits:Orange & Yellow fruits eliminate undigested food and prevent constipation

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foods’. They contain Carotenoids and anthocyanins, which provide color to these foods. These have the health enhancing anti oxidants. Therefore colored foods are good for the heart, prevent heart diseases and cancer. Some of these foods are:Red – Tomatoes that contain lycopeine which protects yainst prostate and cervical cancer. Green: - Broccoli – prevent colon cancer and spinach provides calcium. Orange / yellow:- Carrots, Pumpkin, Sweet potatoes, Yams – avert skin cancer and Deep blue / purple:Brinjal, Plums, blue berries, Straw berries, Raspberries and black berries – keep hart healthy by reducing Cholesterol levels. The following is a simple recipe, which has the capacity of reducing excess weight. Noon Meals Green colored food:- This is for Lunch. Greens, Green vegetables and Green Grapes are to be included. Other foods are Rice or chapatti (one), 1 cup salad made of Lettuce, Onion, Cheese, Cucumber and if available 1 tsp olive oil. Add 50 gms of greens or vegetable soup with green grapes. The soup may contain Letzuce, Cabbage, Spinach and Green apple. Benefits:The Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium etc contained in the greens, vegetables and fruits fortify heart and bones. They help heart function. These green substances help in proper functioning of Pituitary glands. These foods also help in digestion. Night Meals. ‘Blue’ colored food for the night:Foods that are blue purple or indigo in color calm and soothe the nerves and promote sleep. White or golden colored foods can also be included in the night diet. Idli, Milk and Butter milk can be taken. One cup rice, Beetroot, Brinjals (boiled) with a slice of bread or Roti can be taken. Beet root can be taken in the form of juice. If one can follow this “rainbow” diet even for a week or 5 days in a month, he or she could lose 5 pounds of weight and become slim and beautiful! One could see the results in the first month it self. One would feel younger and more energetic. Hence, obese and over weight people better start this diet system. Selected ‘Super foods’:- Red, Green, Orange, Deep blue, Purple colored vegetables or fruits are ‘Super Siddhi Times USA 18

Ingredients:Ash Gourd – 250 gm, Water – 200 ml, Carrot, Beans, Garlic, Onions, Tomato, Ginger, Coriander leaves, Curry leaves, Mint leaves – all mixed – 75 gm Salt, Pepper, Cumin seeds, Sprouted cereal ‘milk’ or milk powder — as necessary. Method of Preparation: Cut the Ash gourd into pieces and boil in water. Add other vegetables to the boiling water and cook. Mash the boiling vegetables. If available add sprouted wheat powder, cereals etc. This soup helps in proper kidney function. Regular consumption of this soup helps in reducing cholesterol levels, obesity and nervousness. It is good for soothing peptic ulcer. Read the wonderful magazine Siddhitimes to learn about the most useful subjects like these.

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treated with good honor. In the name of justice, a good astrologer could not refuse or tell lies. Open heartedly he concluded that the “Ammasa Day” (New-Moon day) was a date of success which could win victory for the Gouravas. The faithfulness and generosity of the Pandavas was really great. Even though this prediction foretold their failure, the Pandavas did not conceal the fact.

The Lord was about awake from his sleep. Arjuna sat on a seat close by the side of the feet of Lord Krishna. The Gouravas’ head man, Duriyodhana, sat closer to the side of the Lord’s head.


n The Maha Bharath Yudh, between the Pandavas and the Gouravas, both sides were making preparations. The help of neighboring countries, states, and friendly kings was sought after. Duriyodhana, being the leader of Gouravas, was making plans with his kinsman, Saguni. On the side of Pandavas, the task was difficult. They had to join soldiers and troupes together to form the needed military strength. Lord Krishna was the relative and close associate of both the Gouravas and Pandavas. One day, in the morning, Arjuna visited the palace of Lord Krishna. At the same time, Duriyodhana also presented himself there to request assistance from the Lord. Siddhi Times USA 20

After a little while, the Lord opened his eyes and found the both of them sitting close to his bed. Both of them requested the Lord to give his support to them. It was a delicate situation for the Lord. He could not say “no” to anyone. After discussions, the Lord offered his support in a way they desired. Duriyodhana, had all of Lord Krishna’s soldiers to his favour. And, Arjuna willingly accepted the personal support of Krishna. The job of driving Arjuna’s chariot in the battlefield was the support offered him by Lord Krishna. What else should one need when the Lord Himself becomes your helper? Saguni, the kinsman, induced Duriyodhana to set a good date for the commencement of war. Saguni knew well that Shahadeva, one of the Pandavas, was well versed in Astrology. So, he sent Duriyodhana to seek the help of Shahadeva, even though he was an opponent. Duriyodhana approached and requested Shahadeva to give a date on which if the war should begin, that beginning should positively bring success to him. Being a cousin, Duriyodhana was

Duriyodhana’s group was very happy to receive this prediction from Shahadeva. Accordingly, the war-date was fixed and announced. Since Lord Krishna agreed to give his personal support to The Pandavas, he took care of them at every stage of preparations. The Lord knew all about the prediction of Shahadeva. He decided to give his assistance in the form of brilliant and factual methods. Lord Krishna went to “Kunthi,” the mother of the Pandavas. He had to save the life of Arjuna on the battlefield. Then only would victory reach the Pandavas’ side. Karna, a mighty person, quite like Arjuna, was in the camp of Duriyodhana, who gave him the status of a king for his “Angatha Country.” Karna was faithful

and a most important person in Duriyodhana’s army. Karna was a valiant person in the implementation of Asthras (Weapons). “Naga Asthra” was a deadly poisonous weapon. If imposed directly to the head of enemy, the certainity of death would befall the maimed person. Lord Krishna wanted to protect Arjuna from danger, so he asked ‘Kunthi’ to visit the palace of Karna and request a boon from him. The boon was actually related to saving Arjuna from danger. Kunthi should request that Karna not use the Naga Asthra on Arjuna, and even if he did, he should not repeat a second attempt. Kunthi then went to Karna’s palace. She was worshiped and honored by Karna. During their conversation there came a surprise that revealed the hidden truth of Karna’s birth. The sage Durvasa had visited the palace of Kunthibhoja who had a daughter called Kunthi. The sage told the King that he would stay there for a year. The king was well aware of the sage’s temper. He was an angry person. Kunthi came forward and accepted the task of looking after the sage. She served the sage for the whole year and had the honor to receive boons from Durvasa. The sage told her “Dear Kunthi, I would like to grant you a boon. What do you desire to have? Ask for it with out reservation.” To this Kunthi said, “Oh great sage, my father would be happy when he knows that you are pleased. What more do I need than yours as well as my father’s happiness? I am a simple girl. I do not know much about the world. I do not know what to ask for. If I have erred in my words or deeds, I beg pardon of you. I will be happy with that.” Kunthi explained all this to Karna. The sage decided to give a “Manthroupadesha” to Kunthi. By the virtue of this manthra, she could invite any of the Gods, and they would appear and grant their blessings. Then the sage left for the forest to attend to

his own duties. A few weeks later, she was beset with the curiosity to test the power of the manthra. She saw the Sun shinning gloriously in the sky. She chanted the manthra. SuryaDeva the Sun god came in front of her. He came after reducing his great heat and brightness. She stood duly folding her hands. Surya Deva knew the importance of the manthra and placed a small baby boy in her hands and vanished. Being an unmarried girl, if she brought the child home, society would outcast her and abuse her. On that fear she placed the child in a box and made it sail upon the river waters of Ganga. Some how or other, fate deemed the child to live as a motherless child. The child would grow up with honesty and benevolence. And that child would join the camp of Duriyodhana. And the same child, another child, Arjuna, would have to fight on the battlefield. All these fate bound matters were revealed to Karna. Karna is now the son of Kunthi by virtue of her boon from Sage Durvasa. All these interlinked facts were spoken with great agony. Karna felt much pleased to know that his mother was Kunthi. He felt overjoyed, and granted the boon to his own mother that he would not use the Naga Asthra on Arjuna a second time. But out of sincerity to his friend and to take care of Duriyodhana, he would certainly pass on the Naga Asthra and only shoot upon Arjuna upon the battlefield. The truth, justice, affection, and duty were peeping one upon another establish their individualities. Kunthi shed tears on the spot for she could not bear to loose any of her sons. (Karna was considered as the eldest of Pandavas). Lord Krishna, the actual guard for Arjuna, was carrying out his duty to put the Pandavas on the most beneficial footing.

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a India is very famous for the dishes to eat. That too the southern part of India is very famous for mouth watering dishes. Even though there are many parts in South India, the place called as Chettinad is very famous for the mouth watering and healthy dishes. In this issue we will see about some of the mouth watering and healthy dishes of Chettinad. The Chettinad is a small region in the districts of Sivagangai and Pudukkottai. Chettinad includes Karaikudi and 74 other villages. Chettinad is rich in rare cultural heritage, art and architecture. It is well known for its palatial houses/mansions, constructed with imported marbles, Belgium Glasses and Burma teak woods. The mansions of the Chettinad belong to the 19th Century and they have a wide courtyard. The spacious rooms have walls that are polished with egg whites to give a smooth and fine texture. Another interesting factor is that. The chettiars are the only community who has built highest number of Hindu Temples all over the world. Try these tasty dishes.

cooked vegetables, salt turmeric powder and chilly powder. Cook till it becomes thick. Add whipped curds at the end. Boil for a minute and remove from fire. Garnish with chopped coriander and serve with Idiyappam.

Chettinad Kulambu Powder

Kurma for Idiyappam

Ingredients: Dried Red Chilies – 500 Gms, Coriander Seeds – 1 Kg, Fennel Seeds (Sombhu) – 2 Tablespoons, Cumin Seeds (Jeeragam) – 2 Tablespoon/Black Pepper – 1 Tablespoon/Raw Rice – 50 Gms. Preparation Method: Except the dried red chilies dry roast all ingredients separately and keep aside. Sun dry the dried red chilies and make them drier. The stalk of dried red chilies may or may not be removed. Mix all together and grind well into a nice fine powder. Ingredients: Big onions – 3, Tomatoes – 4, Turmeric powder – 1/4 tsp, Dhania Powder – 11/2 tsps, Diced & mixed vegetables (Carrots, cauliflower, cabbage, potatoes etc.) – 3 cups, Cooked green peas – 1/4 cup (fresh or Dry), Chilli powder – 11/2 tsp, Fresh thick curds – 1 cup, green chilies – 2, Salt – as required, Oil – 3 tsps, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cloves – few- Grond together, Grated fresh coconut – 3 tsps (heaped), Cashew nuts – 10, Poppy seeds – 2 tsps. Method: Slice chilies lengthwise, cut onions and tomatoes finely. Steam cook all the vegetables. Heat oil in a frying pan. Add cardamom, cloves, cinnamon, green chilies and then onions. Fry till golden and then add chopped tomatoes. Stir till it becomes pulpy. Add dhania powder and fry for a minute. Add ground paste,

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Milagu Podi Ingredients: 400 Gms urad dhal, 10 more milagai (green chilies soaked in butter milk and dried in sun), 50 gms raw rice,1 tsp black pepper, salt to taste. Preparation Method: Roast all the ingredients slightly without oil. Make into a fine powder.This podi can be taken with hot rice and ghee. Sambar powder Ingredients: 11/2 Tbl.sps – dhania, 1Tbl.sp – black gram dhal, 1 Tbl.sp – Bengal gram dhal, 11/2 tsp – gingelly seeds, 20 nos – red chilies Preparation Method: Fry all the spices in a teaspoon of oil till golden brown color. Powder and keep. This will give a yummy taste to the sambar. In the next issue we will meet with some more delicious recipies from Aaachi.

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monkey. Officer: “When the plane took off what were the travelers doing?” ‚ Monkey: “Tying their belts” Officer: “What were the airhostesses doing?” Monkey: “Saying Hello! Good morning!”

1. An officer and a Monkey Once in some place of the world a plane crashed, only a monkey who was traveling in the plane was left alive. Fortunately the monkey was intelligent enough to understand our language and reply in actions. The officials went to see the monkey in the hospital and had a talk with the

Officer: “What were the pilots doing?” Monkey: “Checking the system” Officer: “What were you doing?” Monkey: “Looking for my people” Officer: “After 10 minutes what were the travelers doing?” Monkey: “Having beverages and snacks” Officer: “What were the airhostesses doing?” Monkey: “Serving the travelers” Officer: “What were the Pilots doing?” Monkey: “Handling the steering” Officer: “What were you doing?” Monkey: “Eating and throwing” Officer: “After 30 minutes what were the travelers doing?” Monkey: “Some were sleeping and some were reading”

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Officer: “What were the airhostesses doing?” Monkey: “Make up” Officer: “What were the pilots doing?” Monkey: “Handling the steering” Officer: “What were you doing?” Monkey: “Nothing” Officer: “Just before plane crash what were the travelers doing?” Monkey: “All were sleeping” Officer: “What were the pilots doing?” Monkey: “Handling the air hostess” Officer: What were you doing? Monkey: Handling the steering???

The interviewer was very impressed with the third answer and thought he had found his man. “It is hard to beat the speed of light.” he said. Turning to the fourth man, a Newfoundlander, he posed the same question.

2. The quickest funny thing…….. Four men were sitting around a conference room table being interviewed for a job. The interviewer asked, “What is the fastest thing you know of?” The first man replied, “A thought. It pops into your head, there is no forewarning that it is on the way; it is just there. A thought is the fastest thing I know of.” “That is very good,” replied the interviewer. “And now you, sir,” he asked the second man. “Hmmm, let me see..... A blink”, said the second man. “It comes and goes and you do not know it ever happened. A blink is the fastest thing I know of.”

“After hearing the three previous answers, it is obvious to me the fastest thing known is diarrhea,” said the Newfie. “What!” said the interviewer, stunned by the response. “Oh, I can explain,” said the Newfie. “You see, the other day I was not feeling so well and ran for the bathroom. But, before I could think, blink, or turn on the light, I shit my pants.” He got the job. 3. A pregnant Lady A three-year-old kid walked up to a pregnant lady while waiting with his mother in the doctor’s office. He inquisitively asked the lady, “Why is your stomach so big?”

With big eyes, he asked, “Is the baby in your stomach?” She answered, “He sure is.” Then the little boy, with a puzzled look, asked, “Is it a good baby?” She said, “Oh, yes. It is a real good baby.” With an even more surprised and shocked look, he asked, “Then why did you eat him??” The lady????????

She replied, “I am having a baby...”

“Excellent!”, said the interviewer. “The blink of an eye. That is a very popular cliché for speed.” He then turned to the third man who was contemplating his reply. “Well, out on my dad’s ranch, you step out of the house and on the wall there is a light switch. When you flip that switch, way across the pasture the light at the barn comes on in an instant. Turning on a light is the fastest thing I can think of.”

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involved in the war fields were thousands and thousands. Then on one turn, it was to the extent of lakks and lakks. There were no democratic methods in force. In federal governments and the systems had the importance only on a later stage. Even in this collective leader ship by the choice of regional and state wise selections, the merit for the humanity was disregarded. The weapon for destructions were introduced. The big and mighty nations started to manufacture the mass killing bombs and made the storage of such in huge quantities. Now the democratic nations declare it as self guarding formula. Every term of five or six years, the leaders under banner of ‘Party’ get changed and what will be the guarentee that they will follow the norms and promises of the predecessors. At any time on an emotional and angry situation, that can be misused. Irrespective of promises and treaties, the danger can arise. For a moment one and all should recall to the memory, the natural environments. God hath created all the essentialities for a comfortable living of all mankind, and other creatures. The brotherly love and affection between the people of different comtries, different languages and religions had not yet regarded fully.


resent world and the people all around the universe are now bound to develop the brothern – hood between countries of different languages and religions. The earth by nature, possess all the needs of mankind. From a fruit to petrol, the mother earth delivers. The paper money, is a manipulation or made up only for account and value purpose. On different names and titles as, cost; creation; labour; principle interest, profit; infrastructure; construction progress; development; the money gets involvement. The opinions like insufficiency, shortage, lesser value and unsuitable price, will interfere and the disputes will arise. So, the thoughts towards greediness leads to accumulations of more and more. That may be with the point of wealth. Even the annexings of lands in vast area. This kind of matters started in the olden days by kings. As a king, he behaved himself as a warrior. His duty was judged with his invasion of neighbouring villages and towns. Gradually, the war with other countries and annexing the total lands to his kingdom and for his own gain to the fame of “Chakravarthy” (King of kings). Lives Siddhi Times USA 26

The next issue to be checked is insufficiency. The shortage of fuel, gas and even drinking water is now getting increased. Per day how many lakhs and tons of oil products and petrol are being emptied. When the earth is loosing all the storages, one day it will be hallow. The activities on earth will stand still. Just for the last 350 years only the usage of kerosene, petrol came in to practice. Before that only vegetable oils and candles were in use. Present society of youngsters are all running fast with their own aims and expectations. The medical science gives support for long living. But the people donot have proper methods to keep the body in a suitable way. The man has got several seasons. Most important seasons are child-hood and boyhood. The learning of the culture and determining the noble habits are in the forms of lessons taught at school. Several people even at the old age speak proudly of their school days. Our organization, Hindu Temple of Georgia teaches the yoga and meditation to the children and youngsters. The character building, following the nonviolence and observing the peace will lead every person for a happy and a comfortable life. The duty conciousnss, if centralized, then the routine life will coincide

only with sound progress. Diversion of attention and giving prominence to bad qualities will create arrogant nature and spoil the future of a person. The terrorism is one which begins with disturbed mind on an acute failure of unwanted ambition. About 64 years back a tragedy took place on earth. Present student community should know what had happened. Such thing should never repeat. All the prayers of all religion give preference only for non violence and justice. A universal society on its journey to peace, more should show prominence to the verse “Live and let the others also to live”. This policy alone will save the entire world. Here it is submitted with details, how a tragedy took place to the human kind during 1945. The victims were the people of Hirosheema and Nagasaki in Japan. The very cruel bomb “compelled the Empire of Japan to surrender to the American Nation. The bomb was the product of many minds. For decades physicists had dreamed of unleashing the power which lay imprisoned in the tiniest particle of matter that the current scientific theories postulated the atom which by school boy definition, was the smallest portion of an clement which still retained all the Qualities of that clement. If once the power latent in an atom could be released, they promised – sanguinely or guardedly, according to their several temperaments – the worlds work could be soon would be transformed to child’s play. In their laboratories, men of genius, of talent of craftsmanship conducted obscure experiments. ‘Bombarding’ atoms with electricity, experimenting with radium, building elaborate apparatus, producing flames that leapt from point to point flashes representing an astronomical number of volts The war in Europe was scientific enough pilotless planes rockets which struck unheralded by sound or sight – but the war in Europe had drawn to its end. A nation of eightly million had been smitten from an eminence greater than that of Napoleon’s France into catastrophic defeat. Yet still, wearily, drearily, savagely, the war in the

East went on. While the marines and the sailors the soldiers and the airmen were working their way from bases in Australia to assail Okinawa and raid the island of Honshu, the scientist were working in Los Alamos in desert New Mexico in oak Ridge, Tennessee, working furiously, in spite of all the patience science imposes, against time, striving to harness the ultimate secret, to liberate the ultimate power in Nature…. Not for peace but for war like purposes. With an element called uranium a special Variety of uranium designated U235 The single items are poignant enough the cry of a woman: There are people here about to be drowned help us – the water is rising “groups of on a spot of jutting into the river so weak that they could not climb into the boat come to help them: girls shivering though they burned: skin sloughing off supporating scalded flesh. Ten thousand causalities went to a single hospital, and the only light the surviving doctors had to work by were candles held by ten nurses and of course the conflagrations out side. The victims had not eaten all day but, when food was brought to them, the strength of not only the wards but the whole area surrounding the hospital was so nauseating that they could not swallow. Apart from the magnitude of the onslaught, its Quality was unutterable. It is neither defeats it’s own end. So let a single attested incident convoy this unique Quality of unearthly evil: the words are Horsley’s.

to something like the speed of light. By the slow process of trial and error, correcting, amending, improving, they finally produced a working bomb. It was tested in the ‘bad land’s where it would do no harm. The news of the achievement was given to Washington – and to London. The statesmen and the politicians were confronted a tragic and agonising dilemma to use it or not. To with hold it meant the deaths of uncountable men, the protraction of untellable suffering, the condemnation to still further torture of prisoners who had already been beaten and starved and subjected to bestial cruelties. At such on hour the hardest – headed statesmen and soldiers with the stoniest hearts must have cursed the gift perhaps the illusion – of free will. Imagine the debate between high principles and low practice. The apostles of “greatest good for the greatest number” joining hands with the savagely vindictive protagonists whose arguement was no more than, “They started it did not they? They asked for it well, let them have it. To hell with it” To hell with it a facile, trivial phrase, said as one orders an extra drink or smokes a forbidden cigarette, but “it” in this case, was a city of a Quarter million people. Some of these people were men who had tortured prisoners or approved of the torture yet there were men and women gentle enough to admire the petals of cherry blossom industrious enough to slave in the paddy – fields. They expected to live, as does every human being in the ritual circle of birth and marriage and death.

“He (Father Kleinsorge a German missionary) heard a voice ask from the underfrush, “Have you anything to drink? “He saw a uniform. Thinking there was just one soldier, he approached with the water. When he had penetrated the bushes, he saw there were about twenty men, and they were all in exactly the same night marish state, their faces were wholly burned, their eye sockets were hallow, the fluid from their melted eyes had run doun their cheeks. The atomization of Hiroshima and later of Nagasaki – was in every sense monstrous enough inflicting 160,000 men, women & children. They finally achieved what was termed a ‘chain reaction’ a substance which proliferated explosion as a cancer proliferates its disesased cells, a proliferation accelerated

Then the sun went out, eclipsed not by shadow but by light: a light too blindingly incandescent that the familiar ball of fire which travels through the sky seemed far an instant extinguished There was no sound. No ‘crump’, no thud, no explosions only as the survivors regained consciousness, the brilliant morning was obscured as if a sudden mist had been cast by an enchanter’s hand; a mist formed of infinitesimal particles of brick and stone of earth and Vegetation and human tissue. The scientist had achived the reaction. The new age had been born, not with a bang but a whimper of a child whose mother had been flown from its side a hundred feet in physical space, and the irremediable distance between life and death, away. No one in Hiroshima heared Siddhi Times USA 27

a thing. For hours afterwards there hung about the span of sky over the town, ominous and evil in its brownish – purple colour. The mushroom – shaped cloud that is, to day the commonplace concurrent of an atom – bomb in the minds of men. Four and seven –tenths square miles of Hiroshima were devasted. Eight percent of the city’s buildings were damaged or destroyed. In the settlement of at that time, a Quarter of a million inhabitants (for evacuation had reduced the population by nearly 135,000) three- fifths were casualities major or minor. One single bomb had killed as many, wounded as many as a mass raid of 279 huge air crafts, laden to capacity with bombs. Sticking at a city ten times as populous. There come moments when even those who hold that one weapon differs from another only in degree must recognize, that when the degree or difference reaches such a scale, the difference becomes one of kind. For long the argument continued in the west: to with hold or to drop the bomb. At last the decision was taken ultimately that decision lay in the hands of three men; President Truman premier Attlee, Marshal Chiang Kai-shek Franklin Roosvelt who had transcended American tradition by serving not only three presidential terms but a fourth, was dead Winston Churchill, embodiment of embattled Britain, had been unbelievably cast aside by the electorate in the very hour of his triumph. In the place of the great liberal and the great European there Bat at the council table men of undeniably smaller stature; one, a small town politician thrust unexpectedly on to the stage during a crisis which required statesmen of world rank the other a man of integrity who had come to his party leadership as a compromise candidate. The third figure was a enigma; the Chinese who had turned from communist to Nationalist, whose conflict with Japan had endured for many years longer than that of the Allies. Stalin was no party to the consultations; Russia was still at peace with Japan. Seven Boeing Super Fortresses were detailed for the operation. Three were sent ahead, to report on whether conditions and to consider alternative targets (including Nagasaki which a few days later, was able to be atomized) Two aircrafts were detailed to carry instruments and observers. One, stationed at Iwo JIMA was ready to take over the bomb if anything happened to the B29 into which it was actually loaded. From the Tinian in the Mariana Islands, colonel panl W.Tibbets, U.S.A Air force, took off at a Quarter to three on the morning of 6 August 1945. For over five hours he sailed serenely through the lightening sky. It was bright sunshine when he arrived more than five miles above his target, flying at some 31,000, feet. Hiroshima was just setteling to another day! The summer sun gave promise of fair weather and the air raid warning meant no more, probably, than just another inconvenient routine interruption of the day’s war- work. Raiding aircraft, no matter what their target always assembled at Lake Biwa and, almost inevitability, crossed the city’s sky. Then- ironically sounded the all clear; only the three advance machines had been plotted and by the time colonel Tibbets was overhead they had passed the city. Unseen in the empyrean Tibbets ignored, the anti aireraft shells that bursts in futility about him. The bomb was fused, set to explode not on

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contact but after dropping the height of Everst; 29,000, feet. It was to burst just 2,000 feet above the town, “Thereby achieving the maximum destruction, disseminating its force as widely as possible” For just 42 seconds after the bomb-doors were opened nothing happened – absolutely nothing. The instrument fell in its irresistable acceleration – 32 feet per second is the formula – gathering speed and impetus, some thing like a Quarter of a mile. High above it, racing to escape it eyes guarded with dark glasses, instrnements attuned sat the air – crew on the kindly earth, the little people men women and children – went about their daily tasks. Some of them it is true, tasks of destruction and duties of death. Indiseriminately, death, mutilation, irreparable loss. But the immediate effect, horrific beyond belief as it was is not all. The aftermath of atomination is not fully charted, even by scientist Many who were not, charred or shatterd, who were out of immediate reach of the bomb explosion and the blast that spread over a circle with a radius of a couple of miles, were stricken down secretly in one way or other when an explosion generates a heat which fuses tiles with a melting point of 1300 °C as far as yards away the aftermath can be expected to be extensive. The effects of those remote from immediate injury vary. Some victims it is believed of radion – are permanently sterilized the pregnant women in Hiroshima aborted and did not conceive again others are reduced by wasting diseases, where the corpuscles of the bood diminish. Their white blood-count fell within a month from the normal 5000/7000 to 3000 surfaces wounds – grayes abrasions, seratches a lose and for no reason, re-open. Hair suddenly starts falling and a minor burn may take months to heal. Fever accompanied by an almost dysentery – like diarrhea, sends temperatures rocketing up as high as 106°F. Then nearly a month later, comes bleeding, usually from the gums a drop in the white blood count, a drop in the red blood – count. Nature, striving to re establish her equilibrium, bred leveocyts by the million until the white blood – count rose as for above normal as it had dropped below, and this frantic endearor also brought death and new desease in its train. The aftermath of the desease was due to radition: the physicians described the symptoms as akin to those due to over exposuwre to X – rays. Over Hiroshima,an atom – bomb based on clranium. Only a few days later over Nagasaki an atom – bomb based on plutanium; one of even greater power Now the key has been found to release forces yet more destructive the force of by drogess. Side by side with the memory of these two chique air- raids. The scientists are busy trying to harness atomic energy as was at first so happily dreamed for the benefit of mankind. But a measure of guilt remains for the action of 6 August 1945 when up on one of the civilian centres of an enemy, was let fall the first atomic weapon.

Siksha Valli, the Brahmananda Valli and the Bhrigu Valli. Each Valli is further subdivided into anuvakas or verses. The Siksha Valli deals with the discipline of Shiksha (which is the first of the six Vedangas or “limbs” or auxiliaries of the Vedas), that is, the study of phonetics and pronunciation.

Pandit L.V. Sharma

First Anuvaka of this Valli starts with Shanti Mantra “OM Shamno Mitra”. Second Anuvaka lists the contents of Shiksha discipline. Third Anuvaka tells about the intimate connection between the syllables using five examples and implicitly tells that one should meditate on those examples to realize connections told in them. Each of these examples is called a Maha Samhita. Each Syllable is called a Samhita. There is also a method of reciting Vedic Mantras where each syllable of mantra is recited separately of preceding and next syllables known as “Samhita Patha”. This anuvaka also declares that one, who realizes connection between syllables, will get good fruits including heaven. One of the example used under the heading of self or Adhyaatmaa tries to make point that the connection between syllables is as intimate and innate as speech and elements producing it. “Lower jaw is former form (or first syllable), upper jaw is next form (next

During the past issues, I had an opportunity to share my thoughts on Spirituality. In this issue, I wish to discuss the spirituality mentioned in the Upanishads named Taittiriya Upanishad. The Taittiriya Upanishad is one of the older, “primary” Upanishads commented upon by Shankara. It is associated with the Taittiriya school of the Yajurveda (Krishna Yajurveda). It figures as number 7 in the Muktika canon of 108 Upanishads. It belongs to the Taittiriya recession of the Black Yajurveda and is constituted by the eighth and ninth chapters of Taittiriya Aranyaka. The Taittiriya Upanishad is divided into three sections or vallis, the

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syllable), speech is union or connection, tongue is connector”. Fourth Anuvaka consists of Mantras and rituals to be done by those who aspire for Divine Knowledge (Medha Kama) and Wealth (Shree Kama). In this anuvaka teacher prays, “As water flows from high land to low land, as months join to become year, let good disciples come to me from everywhere”. Fifth and Sixth Anuvakas try to describe Brahman in the form of Vyahrutis. The words “Bhooh” , “Bhuvah”, “Suvah”, “Mahah”, “Janah”, “Tapah” and “Satyam” are called seven Vyahruti’s or Sapta Vyahrutis. These denote different worlds in Puranas. The term “Vyahruti” means pronunciation, since these above-mentioned words are pronounced in Vedic rituals like Agnihotra, these are called Vyahruti’s. Fifth Anuvaka states that the fourth Vyahruti “Mahah” was discovered by a Rishi called “Mahachamasya” and “Mahah” is Brahman all other Vyahrutis are its organs. This Anuvaka says that “Bhooh” denotes earth, fire, Richa’s and Prana. “Bhuvah” denotes space, air, Sama’s and Apana. “Suvah” denotes heaven, sun, Yajus and Vyana. “Mahah” denotes sun, moon, Holy Syllable OM and food. This way, each of first four Vyahrutis become four each and in total they are 16. So, all these four Vyahrutis should be meditated as all of their sixteen manifestations. This is known as famous Vedic term Shodasa Kala Purusha in Vedic literature. Finally, this anuvaka says that one who knows all sixteen manifestations of Vyahrutis knows Brahman and all gods bring gifts to him. Sixth Anuvaka tells that in the space inside the heart there exists an immortal golden being (Hiranya Purusha) and states that there is a subtle route through the middle of the head through which a self realized Yogi travels when he/she leaves the body and joins

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the all pervading Brahman. The Seventh Anuvaka describes a meditation called Paanktha Upasana, where Brahman is meditated upon as a Set of Five called Paanktha. There is also a Vedic meter of five lines called Paanktha. Outer world seen is classified into three sets of five things called “AdiBootha” and inner body world into three sets of five things called “Adhyaathma”. This innerouter grouping is then meditated upon and meditator realizes both inner and outer paankta are one and the same Brahman and every thing is Paanktha. This Anuvaka states that Earth (Prithvi), Space (Antariksha), Heaven (Dyu Loka), Directions (North, South etc), Sub directions (South-East, North-West etc...). Worldly set of Five or (Loka-Paankta) and Fire (Agni), Air (Vayu), Sun (Aditya), Moon (Chandra), Stars (Nakshatra) (Divine-Five or DevaPaanktha) and Water, Herbs (Oshadhi), Trees, Sky (Akasha), Body of meditator (Elemental Five or Dhaatu-Paanktha) are called Adibhuta or Outer Elements. Further it states that Prana, Apana, Vyana, Udana, Samana (all these are Five inner pranas of the body) and Eye, Ear, Mind, Speech(Vaak), Outer-Skin(Tvak)(SensoryFive or Indriya-Paanktha) and Inner-Skin (Charma), Flesh, tendon-Ligaments, bones, Fat or Bone-Marrow (Elemental Five or Dhaatu Paanktha) are called Adhyaatma or Inner Elements. The Rishi who realized oneness among these says, “Thus everything is Paankta”. It further says that one, who realized everything as Paanktha, completes Paanktha with Paanktha itself. Eighth Anuvaka states the greatness of Holy Syllable OM. It says that OM is Brahman and everything. Ninth Anuvaka explains a pious way of life to be lead by persons aspiring realization of Brahman. See a prescription for an ideal life. Tenth Anuvaka is a Mantra for self-practice (Swadhyaya) or meditation. It is stated by a Rishi called Trishanku as an exclamation of awe after he realized that he is one with Brahman. It is also called Mantramnaya of Trishanku. Eleventh Anuvaka is a set of instructions that teacher (Acharya) gives to his disciple after completion of Vedic education. The ninth and eleventh Anuvakas collectively define life. Twelfth Anuvaka concludes the Shikshavalli with Shanti Mantra “OM Sham no mitra.” expressing gratitude toward gods who removed obstacles for study of Upanishad as prayed for in first anuvaka of this Upanishad. Now let me explain a few thoughts of this Upanishad and how it shows the way for an ideal life. The second anuvaka tells about the conjunction of various things. The third anuvaka explains how a human being can become the greatest in life. The Om that is the most exalted in the Vedas, that pervades all worlds, and that emerged from the immortal Vedas as their quintessence, Let he (Om that is Indra), the supreme Lord, gratify me with intelligence. O Lord Let me be the receptacle of immortality. Let my body be fit; Let my tongue be surpassingly sweet; Let me hear much good things through the ears. You are the sheath of Brahman: you are covered by (worldly) wisdom. Protect what I have heard. Then vouchsafe to me who am her (i.e. Prosperity’s) own, that Prosperity which brings, increases, and accomplishes quickly for me clothes, cattle, food, and drink for ever, and which is associated with furry and other animals.. Let the Brahmacharins (i.e. students) come to me from all sides. Let the Brahmacharins come to me in various ways. Let the Brahmacharins come to me in the proper way. Let the Brahmacharins have physical selfcontrol. Let the Brahmacharins have mental self-control. Let me become famous among people. Let me become praiseworthy among the wealthy. O adorable One let me enter into you, such

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as you are. O venerable One, you, such as you are, enter into me. O adorable One, who is greatly diversified, let me purify my sins in you. As water flows down a slope, as months roll into a year, similarly O Lord, Let the students come to me from all quarters. You are like a resting house, so you become revealed to me, you reach me through and through. The grammatical meaning for the word Brahmacharin is –being a bachelor. However, the actual meaning is having the best self-control and adopting Brahman in ones self is called as Brahmacharin. If one has a good control over the mind, body and soul, he or she will become great. Everything they need in their life will automatically reach them. In the space that there is in the heart, is the Person who is realizable through knowledge, and who is immortal and effulgent. The thing that hangs down between the palates like a teat, through it runs the path of Brahman; and reaching where the hairs part, it passes out by separating the skulls. (Passing out through that path, a man) becomes established in Fire as the Vyahriti Bhuh; he becomes established in Air as the Vyahriti Bhuvah; in the sun as the Vyahriti Suvah; in Brahman as the Vyahriti Mahah. He himself gets independent sovereignty; he attains the lord of the mind; he becomes the ruler of speech, the ruler of eyes, the ruler of ears, and the ruler of knowledge. Over and above all these, he becomes Brahman, which is embodied in Akasa, which is identified with the gross and the subtle and has truth as its real nature, which reveals in life, under whose possession the mind is a source of bliss, which is enriched with peace and is immortal. By practicing this, the entire universe will enjoy the “Ananda”, the greatest bliss. There is no need for a caste, creed or religion. Only humanity and spirituality are needed to enjoy the bliss. According to the sayings of Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam), by adopting the spirituality in the day to day life of a human being, one can have a comfortable living style. The thoughts are the base for the development in the life of a human being. That’s why Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) always says that “You will live according to your thoughts”. The following are to be practiced by each and every individual to

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lead a peaceful spiritual life. They are Righteousness, learning, teaching and truth. Austerity, learning, and teaching are to be resorted. Control of the outer senses learning and teaching about the control of outer senses are to be practiced. Control of the inner organs, learning and teaching about the control of inner organs are to be resorted to. The fires are to be lighted up; the learning and teaching about the procedures of lighting the fire are to be followed. The Agnihotra (worshipping the Almighty through the Fire) is to be performed; learning and teaching about Agnihotra are to be carried on. The guests are to be entertained; the learning and teaching of the methods of entertaining the guests are to be practiced. Social good conduct is to be adhered to; the learning and teaching of the social conduct are to be practiced. Children are to be begotten. Truth is the thing; this is what Satyavacha, of the line of Rathitara, thinks. “Speak the truth. Practice righteousness. Make no mistake about study. Having offered the desirable wealth to the teacher, do not cut off the line of progeny. There should be no inadvertence about truth. There should be no deviation from righteous activity. If anybody practices the Truth and obedience to the teacher or Guru it is sure that the particular person will lead a very happy and spiritual life. That person will make all others to feel very happy. If everybody adopts this best lifestyle taught by the Vedas and Upanishads, it is sure that the world will be the land of peace. There should be no error in the duties towards the gods and manes. Let your mother be a goddess unto you. Let your father be a god unto you. Let your teacher be a god unto you. Let your guest be a god unto you. The works that are not blameworthy are to be resorted to, but not the others. Actions of ours that are commendable are to be followed by you, but not the others. You should, by offering seats, remove the fatigue of those Brahmanas who are more praiseworthy among us. The offering should be with honor; the offering should not be with dishonor. The offering should be in plenty. The offering should be with modesty. The offering should be with awe. The offering should be with sympathy. Then, should you have any doubt with regard to duties or customs, you should behave in those matters just as Brahmanas do, who Let happen to be there and who are able deliberators, who are adepts in those duties and customs, who are not directed by others, who are not cruel, and who are desirous of merit. Then, as for the accused people, you should behave with regard to them just as the Brahmanas do, who let happen to be there and who are able deliberators, who are adepts in those duties and customs, who are not directed by others, who are not cruel, who are desirous of merit. This is the injunction. This is the instruction. This is the secret of the Vedas. This is divine behest. This is how the meditation is to be done. This is how this must be meditated on. These are all the great teachings of simple moralities of human life. By adopting these simple moralities one can lead a calm and peaceful life. By leading a calm and peaceful life we can lead a wonderful spiritual life. The entire universe will become the greatest. Even though I realize that I am a Brahman, I wish to thank the other Brahmans, i.e. the almighty, Swamiji and the readers. In the next issue we will meet with some more thoughts on Spirituality.


tharva Vedic Astrology was invented by a group of seven rishis /monks called as “saptha rishis”. They were all intellectual giants. As they were the intellectual giants they were known as Siddhars. They followed the rules and formulas of Atharva Veda and they created a new path of astrology. This astrology is based on astronomy and the principles of Atharva Veda. They lived during the 10th to 12th centuries BC. In the 21st century, the only Living Siddhar/ Rishi in the entire western countries, that too particularly in USA is Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar. He is also famously known as Dr Commander Selvam. He has written and published thousands of articles about Atharva Veda, Vedic Astrology and related subjects and he is the 1st Rishi in the entire North America, to write about Vedic Astrology based on Atharva Veda which is the 4th Indian Veda. Presently Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar is the only Siddhar in the entire world, following Atharva Veda. Dating back to 6000 years, Vedic astrology was evolved as a part of Vedas or Vedic scriptures. Vedas are considered as the world’s most primordial scripture which offers an intrinsic belief and study with the essence of arts, science, philosophy and religion. Vedic Astrology was first explained in Rig Veda, the oldest one among the entire Vedas. Atharva Veda, the second oldest of the Vedas has more detailed and elaborate calculations, predictions and the spiritual remedial techniques. Many researchers and enthusiasts consider Vedas as the complete wisdom defining the entire mankind and its significance in relation to cosmological force. Jyotish Shastra or Vedic astrology is an important cornerstone of Vedic Shastra as a whole. As taken from Sanskrit language, one of the most ancient languages, Jyotish means illumination or light and Shastra means study. Hence Jyotish Shastra implies a study of illumination or light. In other words, Jyotish Shastra means the study which helps in eliminating the darkness and makes a pathway to the direction of divine light or wisdom, pure, superlative, absolute and dignified. Jyotish Shastra or Vedic astrology is envisaged by great ancient Indian scholars and sages, while they were at their super-conscious state of understanding, with a through knowledge of cognizing life beyond the boundary of time and space. In their super-conscious state, they understood that the cosmological forces of the planets function like reflectors or transmitters in the form of light energy. These light energies transmit the signals in different angles, and were found to have influence over the animate and inanimate beings, both at physiological and psychological levels.

It is assumed that the wise men monitored this influence and conducted experimentations on the basis of their observations with the intention of codifying into principles and standards which, in turn, turned out to be the laws depending on which Jyotish Shastra or Vedic astrology was evolved. Since the Vedas is a set of complete knowledge and wisdom based on holistic approach to life, it integrates every constituent of this understanding on the basis of the whole. All the components of Vedic astrology deal with the knowledge of Vedic philosophy incorporating the belief of dynamism and reinforcement of artistic orientation. The integrated understanding and philosophical point of reference to life sets contrast with the long lasting well-liked scientific approach advocated by Western belief and culture, which has cataloged life in the ever-changing form or fixation with one specific section or another. This uneven and scrappy perspective of life causes several isolated understanding of knowledge, but in strong conflict with one another, where science never goes at the same plate with religion, philosophical queries can not be answered by scientific principles, and so on. According to Vedic astrology and Vedic philosophy, individual awareness is explained as a composite form of understanding of all phenomena perceiving an individual’s life in the context of great entity or understanding, influence the Karma, as explained in Vedic philosophy. According to this belief, nothing precisely can simple avoid the ultimate consequence, the inescapable integrity and justice of nature or Supreme. This phenomenon is known as Karma. In other words, Karma is an understanding of the law of cause and effect, resembling Newton’s third law, “Every action has its opposite and equal reaction”. This law is actually very fundamental to the philosophy of Vedic Shastra. To clarify all your doubts regarding Vedic Astrology, to know about the individual’s horoscope and to get spiritual solution for all the problems contact Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) @ 408 829 7780. email: [email protected] . Visit the website

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interactions. Father-child bonds also tend to develop with respect to topics such as political views or money, whereas mother-child bonds tend to develop in relation to topics such as religious views or general outlooks on life. The relationship between father and son is in three stages. Up to 5th year of the son’s age he should be brought up as a prince. From the 6th year of age to 16th year of the son’s age he should be brought up as a slave. After the 16th year of the son he should be treated as the best friend to his father. The beginning of the teen age is always a problem. That too from the age of 16 to 19 the period is very tough. Only if the planets’ position in the horoscopes of father and son the boy will have a good relationship with the father. If not the son will go out of ways and he will have only wrong and harmful relationships. He won’t have a cordial relationship with the father. There is a fair chance for some kids to become as drug addicts. To avoid all these problems the horoscopes of both the father and son are to be checked as per the Atharva Vedic standards by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam).

The relationship is normally viewed as a connection between two individuals, such as a romantic or intimate relationship, or a parent-child relationship. Among all those relationships some relationships are called as bonding relationship and some are called as non bonding relationships. Human bonding refers to the development of a close, interpersonal relationship between family members or friends. Bonding is a mutual, interactive process, and is not the same as simple liking. Bonding typically refers to the process of attachment that develops between romantic partners, close friends, or parents and children. This bond is characterized by emotions such as affection and trust. Paternal bonds tend to vary over the span of a child’s development in terms of both strength and stability. In fact, many children now grow up in fatherless households and do not experience a paternal bond at all. In general, paternal bonding is more dominant later in a child’s life after language develops. Fathers may be more influential in play-interactions as opposed to nurturanceSiddhi Times USA 38

If the planet Sun is not placed properly in the horoscope of the son there will be great problems in the relationship between the father and son. If the planets Saturn and Jupiter are not placed properly in the horoscope of the son, the relationship with the father will be with quarrels often. At times this will lead the departure of the son from the family. Atharva Veda has prescribed a lot of Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini devathas to solve this problem. By properly worshipping the Yaksha/Yakshini devathas as per the directions of Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) the problems in the relationship between the father and son are spiritually solved peacefully. There will be the most understanding and cordial relationship between the father and son. To know more about your personal horoscope and to solve the problems spiritually in the father and son relationship

contact Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) @ USA toll free 1800-574-3427 or 1-888-232-1818 or Hindu Temple of Georgia @ 770-447-9393 ext -241or email to [email protected]

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By Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam)

The Atharva Vedic astrology has a lot of sub clauses in it. One of those clauses is dealing with the dreams. In Sanskrit it is called as “Swapna Saastram”. The dreams have many meanings. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) explains a lot about dreams on the basis of Atharva Veda. Let us read about this wonderful science through the words of Sri.Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam). The “Maha Rishi Kabala Muni”, one of the authors of Atharva Veda is one of the main disciples of the great sage Sri.Agasthiyar. He has written a wonderful Saastra/ theme about the dreams and their meanings, and the same is still in the old palm scripts and not yet published anywhere in the world. The palm scripts came to me from my “Maha guru Sri Chinnappa Siddhar” and being the Guru Parampara and the next successor of the Ashram, I had an opportunity to read and utilize the same for the benefits of the mankind. I like to give some important features about the Dreams exclusively for the readers, which I hope, are the most useful for all human beings. The dreams are so much connected to our future, or some times, it would be a warning for the expected problems. The dreams are divided in to 4 different segments of Dreams. One is at the time, which happens, immediately, as soon as we sleep. The second one happens at the mid night or called as rendaam jaamam. The 3 rd one occurs in the early morning. The 4 the one occurs in Siddhi Times USA 40

the afternoon or evening times. . We need not worry about any kinds of dreams come to us after the sun light and before the sun set. . The Dreams occur in the night always are related to our past life or to the last incarnation. The mid night dreams have got connection with our present life. The early morning dreams, lot of time related to our present life and lot of times, could be the warning for the forthcoming issues. Rishi Sri Kabala Muni has divided the dreams in to 74 parts, and even to my experience with my followers, devotees, all of their different kinds of Dreams are falling within the 74 segments. I would be able to give only crispy ideas here. Temple related dreams; If we see, a large temple, implies that, we are going to get miracles or excellent Gods’ grace very soon. If we see the closed temple, or no body in the temple and we are the only people, implies that, we would be getting lot of hurdles and bad luck in our different issues, and the same could be settled by proper advice and rituals through an Atharva Veda scholar. If we are getting a dream like opening the Pooja room or the door of any spiritual place, implies that, we are going to get in to some new business or job. If we see lot of temple ceremony crowds, implies a business/ job opportunity and if we see that we are standing in the crowds implies that, somebody is going to come to us to give great help. Bell sound and bells related dreams. If we hear a big bell sound either from the temple or from any sources imply that, all of our problems and stress in the life is going to be settled very soon, and also it implies that, again we should not get in to the problems or causing stress to somebody. Green trees or Tree Avenues; seeing some kinds of Avenues with lot of Trees or Green leaves implies that, we are going to have excellent new baby in our life. Chances to get some huge money from the unexpected channels, winning lotto, getting money from the Politicians are the possibilities. Seeing in the dreams about Raja, (government people) Elephant, Horse, Cow, Bull, Gold would give Dhana laabam (excellent immediate wealth), lucky children, traveling to the holy places. Dreams like you are riding or happened to climb bull, elephant, mountains, tree and dreaming like garbage or split of other person fall on our body and seeing blood, dead body, and prostitute would yield a special benefit or quick luck, betterment of the health, or would absorb new cloths. Seeing a very low cadre people ( in India we call them as scheduled caste people) or the cleaning persons come with dangerous instruments to fight with us, - soon we would get lot of health related problems. . Feeling like, we clean the home with cow dung and praying, would yield unnecessary feeling about robbers and bad peoples. .Happened to see a pundit comes to the home that is not married; chances are to get fire problems or accidents.

Climbing on a tree with lot of flowers and fruits gives siddhidefinite success in our endeavors. Snake climbing on the right shoulder is the symbol for definite success to get gold/ money, or getting new children. Eating on the walls or crossing the border of sea in any means of transportation, gives an unexpected promotion or the increment in the job. Seeing snake or cancer means getting money or success. Seeing like eating the sweet on the Lotus Leaf, the person is going to be a Millionaire soon. Seeing like catching the birds, would yield to enjoyment with a new girl or lady and all the material blessings. Seeing like drinking or making Liquor and seeing or getting or giving Blood would yield Excellent Education or wealth. Seeing dheepam (dhiya), Bird, Umbrella, Chaamaram and Prostitute will bring definite success in the action or job. Seeing like having the intestine of a human being around us means the concerned person will become the leader for the place, town, country, or Nation. Seeing like traveling in the carts having Donkey, Camel, or Buffalo means death is soon. Seeing Thaamboolam, (Marriage Plate), Sandal or Sandal Paste, Curd (Yogurt), Pearls, Flowers will bring excellent growth of wealth. Fruit tress/ forest Dreams; if we happened to see trees or fruits, which we are using in our day to day life reflects that, we are going to have sudden “Kubera Sampatthu” (great wealth) and all kinds of material wealth very soon. Seeing an Accountant or a writing person; these kinds of dreams reflects that, any kind of Court cases are going to be ended to our favor. The persons with some kinds of Arts back ground would be getting awards and lot of money too. Police station/ police/ legal buildings; If we happened to see a police station, police, court buildings, lawyer office, reflects that, soon we are going to get in to some kinds of court cases, or litigations. We should be very careful in all kinds of financial transactions, property related, and Business related deals. Otherwise, we would be put in to lot of hard ships. Flowers; if we happened to see flowers, means, lot of happiness is going to be started. If we happened to see that, a small girl is presenting Flowers, means, love success, seeing a girl putting flowers on other girls/ ladies on their head, reflects happy understanding between the couples is going to happen. Beautiful girl; seeing a beautiful girl in the Dreams reflects the Happiness in the Life.

It also reflects some kinds of will deeds too. Beggar; if we happened to see that we are doing begging on the roads, reflects that, chances to get in to Bankruptcy, or somebody could cheat us. For the Business people it reflects that loosing our business and for the Job people loosing our job or de promotion etc., For an Industrialist, chances to get either labor strike or big labor court cases. Dreams related to Spirits, Evils, fights, death, and Gods. House birds; If we have a dream related to the usual House pets/ birds, means, that, we are just wasting our excellent smartness and some times the Husband always controls us by the Wife or. Aggressive Birds. Seeing some kind of Aggressive Birds like Eagle etc. Reflects that, soon we are going to get into heavy troubles by our own surroundings or by the close circle of friends. It also reflects that, we will not be in a position to understand who is initiating, the concerned negative ness or Black Magic around us. Hunting the birds; having a dream like Hunting or Shooting Birds or Animals reflects that, we are unnecessarily disturbing somebody and bothering somebody, and the same should be avoided. Birds/ Animals escape; if we see like some kinds of birds or Animals are escaped from our Possession reflects that, we are going to have lot of relief from the long-standing issues and problems. Sandal Paste; if we happened to see that, we are pasting a good Sandal wood powder on our Body reflects that, we are going to get excellent name and fame very soon in our carrier and lot of chances to get the prizes from the Government or from the Employer. If we Dream like, we are putting Sandal paste on Somebody’s body, means, we are going to get into the

If we happened to see a girl entering our home with good / subha products on her hands reflects that, some kinds of happy ceremony in the house is going to happen very soon. Marriage, age attainment for the girls, getting a property is the possibilities. Girl with lot of Jewelleries; if we happened to see a girl entering our home with lot of jewellery reveals that, we are going to get huge assets from some of our relatives or from the ancestors. Siddhi Times USA 41

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clutches of the opposite Sex and the opposite person is going to use us for all sexual pleasures. Umbrella; if we happened to see an Umbrella related Dreams reflects that, we are going to get a permanent stable life very immediately or we are going to have a permanent job, or chances to get back our loans, which are uncollected for a long time. Chances to get away from financial burdens too. Meeting a Stranger; this dream elects that, we are going to get an excellent Status in our life very soon. Even our enemies are going to be very thick friends soon. Chances to get somebody to help our life struggle too. Injury related Dreams. If we dream like we had some kinds of hurt in the body and the injury is only inside, reflects that, we sooner or latter, is going to have lot of problems from the secret enemies. Lot of chances to get in to highest mental stress. In the business to get in to Bankruptcy or to get in to legal litigations etc., if we happened to see an accident for us or lot of blood from our Body reflects that, we are going to have excellent name and income from

some source. Money would flow like waterfalls. Seeing a dream like getting a bandage for the injury reflects that, we are going to get cheated by somebody very soon. Carpet’; Seeing a Carpet reflects that some one who is very close to us, is going to die and at the same time, the same person is going to give some kinds of good wealth to us. It is something like somebody is getting huge funds from somebody, and the person who gave loan die suddenly without informing to his people that, the concerned loan or some kinds of payments made to us. These are just hints to tell about the Swapna Saastram or dream science. The bad effects of the bad dreams can be converted as good effects and the having of bad dreams are also eradicated by the Atharva Veda Thantric rituals. To know more and more about dreams and the results of the dreams, contact Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) @ USA toll free 1-800-5743427 or Hindu Temple of Georgia @ 770-447-9393 ext –241 or email to [email protected]

Schedule for the month of October 2009 10-01-2009 Thursday. Pradosham 06.00 pm onwards Homam, Abishegam to Lord Shiva and Nandhi followed by Prakaara Utsavam (procession) of Lord Shiva. 10-03-2009 Saturday. 3rd Saturday of the Tamil month Purattasi. 10.00 amThirumanjanam to Lord Mahavishnu. Prakaara utsavam (Procession) of Lord Mahavishnu. Poornima 12.00Noon PADAYAL. Special poojas for Sri Atharva Soolini. 06.00 pm Monthly Sathyanarayana Pooja.

pm Preliminary poojas for the beginning of Skanda Sashti Festival. 10-18-2009 Sunday to 10-22-2009 Thursday. Special Poojas for Skanda Sashti. Daily Morning 10.00am Yagasala Poojas. Evening 06.00pm Special Decoration, poojas for Subramanya Swamy followed by Maha Mangalaarathi.

10-07-2009 Wednesday. Sankatahara Chaturti 06:00pm onwards Sankatahara Ganapathy Maha mantra Japam, Homam and Abishegam to Lord Ganesha.

10-23-2009 Friday Skanda Sashti. 10.00 am Special Poojas to Subramanya Swamy. 06.00pm Special Poojas to Sri. Parasakthi. Soora Samharam (Destroyal of evil demons by Lord Subramnya Swamy). 07.30 pm Special Abishegam and Arathi.

10-10-2009 Saturday. 4th Saturday of the Tamil month Purattasi. 10.00 amThirumanjanam to Lord Mahavishnu. Prakaara utsavam (Procession) of Lord Mahavishnu.

10-24-2009 Saturday. 06.00 pm Devasena Kalyanam. Wedding of Lord Subramanya Swami with Deivanai.. 07.30 pm Maha Mangalaarathi.

10-15-2009 Thursday. Pradosham 06.00 pm onwards Homam, Abishegam to Lord Shiva and Nandhi followed by Prakaara Utsavam (procession) of Lord Shiva.

10-26-2009 Monday. Sravanam. Special Abishegam to Lord Mahavishnu.

10-16-2009 Friday. Naraka Chaturdasi. 06.30 pm Atharva Veda ukta Lakshmi Kubera Pooja followed by Maha Mangal Arathi. 10-17-2009 Saturday. Deepavali Amavasya. 09.00 am Special Poojas to Lord Shiva. 5th Saturday of the Tamil month Purattasi. 10.00 amThirumanjanam to Lord Mahavishnu. Prakaara utsavam (Procession) of Lord Mahavishnu.10.00 am Sree Sooktha Mahalakshmi Homam and Lakshmi Sahasranama archana. 11.30 am Maha Mangala arathi. 06.30

10-29-2009 Thursday. Ekadasi. 10.00 am Special Abishegam to Lord Mahavishnu. 10-31-2009 Saturdy Special Sanivara Mahapradosham. 06.00 pm onwards Homam, Abishegam to Lord Shiva and Nandhi followed by Prakaara Utsavam (procession) of Lord Shiva.

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Business Problems and spiritual solutions. down trodden business and it can make the worst businessman as a successful businessman. The rituals for the following Yaksha devathas are to be performed be at least seven learned scholars. The rituals should be performed only in a divine and auspicious place. The rituals are to be done as per the directions of Siddhar Swamiji. By adopting these one can become a successful businessman. The following Atharva Veda Yakshini Devathas are to be worshipped with the utmost dedication and devotion. The first Yakshini Devatha is Shodashi Devi. She is called Shodashi because she possesses all the sixteen Supernatural powers. Goddess Shodashi is the most enchanting beauty of all the ten great learning. Shodashi, who has the mantra consisting of sixteen letters, has organs glowing like a rising sun. She has four hands and three eyes. She is seated on the lotus, which is placed on the body of Shiva who is lying in a peaceful posture.

A business is a legally recognized organization designed to provide goods and/or services to consumers. One who owns a business is called as businessman. Each and every one who starts a business does not shine as a successful businessman. It is not that they are not capable of running a business. The horoscope and planet position in the horoscope make a n individual as a successful businessman. The 2nd, 10th, and the 11th houses, the owner of those houses and the planets occupying those houses decide the factor of a businessman. Atharva Veda explains a lot more about the business. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar has done a vast research in Atharva Vedic astrology and he has written a lot of articles on this subject. The planetary positions cannot be changed. It is called as “Destiny’ or “Karma”. None can change it. But by proper Atharva Vedic Yaksha devathas rituals one can make this karma or destiny in a smooth way. The evilness of the planets can be removed and the same evil planets will be made as the best, by the Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini Devathas. The worship of Atharva Veda Yaksha/ Yakshini devathas is called as ritual. There is a great difference between the regular prayer and rituals. Physically one may show many reasons for the loss in the business or closure of a business. But the fundamental base is only one. That fundamental base is astrology. If the planets and their positions are good, everything will go smooth and well. But if the planets and their positions are not well the entire things will be spoiled. There are many examples for the best businessmen, who have become the worst businessmen and lost everything they earned. All are not planned but when the planets’ positions change everything gets changed. What is the remedy for this? Atharva Veda is the only remedy and solution for this. The horoscope of the person is to be scrutinized by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam). After scrutinizing the horoscopes he will prefer some Atharva Vedic Thantric rituals. Atharva Veda has wonderful mantras and rituals to bring up the Siddhi Times USA 44

She has a noose, a hook, a bow and an arrow in each of her hands. Eveready to shower blessings on her devotees, her appearance is completely cheerful and gentle. Her heart is full of compassion. A devotee who takes her refuge achieves great divinity like the deities. In fact her splendors are indescribable. Even the Vedas are incapable of describing her greatness. Being pleased with her devotee she gives more than he demands. The next Atharva Veda Yakshini Devatha is Siddhidatri. She is capable of giving all sorts of occult powers. According to Atharva Veda there are eight types of these powers - Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Isitwa and Vasitwa. The number eight is given special consideration in Atharva Veda. The mother Siddhidatri is competent enough to give all Siddhis to the strivers and her devotees. According to Devi Purana the Lord Shiva acquired these powers only by the grace of this goddess alone. Only due to her grace the Lord Siva became Ardhanariswara. The mother Siddhidatri is four-armed. Her vehicle is lion. She is seated on a lotus flower. She holds a Chakra in her right lower hand and a mace in the upper. In the left lower hand there is a conch and in her upper left hand a lotus flower. By performing the rituals in a manner prescribed Swamiji Sri Siddhar and with his full faith the Sadhaka acquires all Siddhis. There remains nothing unattainable in the universe. He develops competency to conquer the whole universe. It is the duty of every person to always try to propitiate mother Siddhidatri and earn her favor. By her grace only a devotee crosses the ocean of miseries and remaining quite untainted, enjoying all worldly pleasures. By adopting the rituals prescribed by Swamiji Siddhar through the learned pundits in a holy place even the dull most businessmen can become the best businessmen. To know more and more about bringing up the down trodden business visit Hindu Temple of Georgia,5900 Brook Hollow Parkway, Norcross , GA. To know more and more about Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) and to solve your business related problems contact Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) @ USA toll free 1-800-574-3427 or 1-888-232-1818 or Hindu Temple of Georgia @ 770-447-9393 ext -241- or email to [email protected] also visit the websitewww.

correcting the negative thoughts rising in a human mind. By performing the rituals mentioned in Atharva Veda one can easily master the mind. There are some Yaksha/Yakshini Devathas. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) explains in detail about two Rudra forms of Lord Shiva as spiritual solution for the mind related and psychological problems. The first is Yoga Rudra, the second is Virinchi Rudra. Yoga Rudra. Once upon a time, the world was covered with darkness. The saint and sages called all the Rishis and studied the position and reason for the darkness. The community of demons was increasing and the light to the earth was decreasing. All the Rishis with Saint, ‘Pragadharana’ started the yagna (sacred Fire) and prayed the Lord Shiva for the rescue of universe. Lord Shiva appeared before the yagna and put a part of him in the sacred fire. A kid called ‘Yoga Rudhra’ came from the yagna. He was very beautiful with a garland of pearl. With the benediction of this God, the mankind and devotees were able to get the light and heat to the world. Where there is darkness, the need of a Lamp is essential that Lamp is “Lord Shiva”. As he removed the darkness and saved the entire universe he will clear off all the darkness from the minds of his devotees. The psychological problems cause darkness in the human minds. Spiritual Solutions of Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar for Mind related problems. According to Atharva Veda, there are three kinds of thoughts. The first is positive, the second is negative and the third is neutral. The positive thoughts will be beneficial for the persons as well as the society. The neutral thoughts do neither good nor bad. But they are always dangerous to the society and they are harmful to themselves also. The psychological problems are worse than the physiological problems. The physiology problems will result only in physical disability but the psychological problems will result in social disability. One can survive with the physical disability but none can survive with the social disability. What are the reasons for a person to have the aforesaid problems? Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) replies in a single word for this question. According to Atharva Veda the planets are the only reasons for the thoughts of a human being. If the planets like Sun, Venus and Jupiter are well placed in one’s horoscope or astrological chart, that person will be only with positive thoughts. If the planets like Mars, Raaghu, and Saturn are powerful in one’s horoscope or astrological chart the concerned person will have only negative thoughts. If the planets Moon, Mercury and Kethu are well placed in one’s horoscope that person’s thoughts will be neutral. What is the spiritual solution for correcting the human mind? The correction of the planetary positions through the Atharva Veda Thantric rituals to the Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini Devathas as per the direction of Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) is the only spiritual solution for

Virinchi Rudra: We can observe an excellent view in the form of Virinchi Rudhra Moorthy. Lord Shiva is seen here just like Lord Brahma. The word “Virinchi” has a close connection to the task of creation. Lord Brahma, the creator of human beings and other lives on earth. He is the authority for knowledge and wisdom. The sensitivity to all beings and plants is bestowed by Lord Brahma. Whole creations of stars earth and worlds are being the conducts of ‘Trimoorthy’. Three great Lords in unity take care of the functioning. So the joint establishments are exposed every where in several types of idols. Here Lord Shiva is dressed with silk and has the ‘Rudhraksha’ and a small pot with holy water. He appears like Lord Brahma. His benevolent presence is with full of knowledge and wisdom. Virinchi gives the meaning of blossom. Every body’s knowledge will have to attain the fertility. This Virinchi Rudra enlightens the minds of his devotees. He improves the creative thinking of his devotees. The increase of the creative thinking clears off all the psychological problems. To solve your

contact Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) @ USA toll free 1-800-574-3427 or 1-888-232-1818 or Hindu Temple of Georgia @ 770-447-9393 ext -241- or email to [email protected] problems spiritually

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sign and the accommodation of Lords Raaghu and Venus were also happened. On August 6th and 9th, 1945 the atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima was dropped and continued with another city so called as “Nagasaki”. Both are of the country Japan which was under the ruler ship of an emperor. The present terms of Democratic formalities were not regularised during that period. It was called as Second World War. Just imagine how many lives were lost and what a great loss with tragedy which was acting upon the fate of “Japan’. Previous histories were checked and found that the transiting houses, Gemini and Virgo never left with out calamities. So, it is the duty of all nations to follow the peaceful measures setting aside the dispute which lead to war. The natural calamities like Tsunami, earth quake and rupturing of volcanoes may also spell danger. All people, irrespective of caste, creed, religion and region should pray for the mercy of god. For an individual person what are the unwanted affairs and trouble shall affect? For these questions all the 12 signs are referred and the opinions are charted out here. Time of action and the plans to manage properly will be main issue for one and all. This period is considered to be long for two and half year. All these are only guidelines and hints. The results will vary according to the individual horoscope. To know about an individual’s problems caused by the transit of Lord Saturn, contact Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) @ USA toll free 1-800-574-3427 or 1-888-232-1818 or Hindu Temple of Georgia @ 770-447-9393 ext -241- or email to [email protected]

The transit is the nature of the planets. But the transit of the major planets Jupiter, Saturn, Raaghu and Kethu will bring major changes in the human life. In common the “Saturn’s Transit” will show so many changes in the universal affairs as well as in the personal affairs of individuals. Certain signs will spell most critical moments and struggles. This year he transits from the sign “Simmam” to the sign “Kanya”. The sign referred is “Kanya”. This sign belongs to Lord Mercury. We give grattitudes as angel and demi gods to the planets. While writing, the “Lord” in front of the name of the planets are to be most reasonable with the grade of worship. The Houses of Lord Mercury are Gemini (Mithunam) and Virgo (Kanya). When Lord Saturn reaches there, these two houses are considered to be trouble some. An incidence to this reference is fit to be explained here. During 1945, Lord Saturn entered the Siddhi Times USA 46

Mesham: All the natives of this sign will face 1) Set back in Finance, 2) Dull trend in education, 3) Confusions and disputes inside the family, 4) Less enthusiasm in trade and profession, 5) Inconclusive affairs and 6) Improper sleep and food. “Kanya” is 6th House from ‘Mesham’. Stomach disorder and medical regulations will have to be adopted to keep every part of the body in order. Nothing, sort of untolerable is indicated. To the normalcy, then and there the good guidance will also reach. This is because, the Lord is occupying only a hidden House. To remove all the aforesaid evil things, the special rituals to Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini devathas are to be performed as per the instruction of Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar. Rishabam: The persons born in the stars Krithika, Uttraphalguni and Uttrashada will have major stress and have to witness themselves with hard

works. Similarly persons born in Rohini, Hastha and Sravana and the third of this cadre are the group Mrugasheera, Chitta and Dhanista. Each category will have to feel strain for at least 8 months. 1st group till May2010, The 2nd and Rogini group from May2010 to Jan2011 and Mrugasheera group Feb2011 to October 2011. The pressure of duties and basic preparation are more for a fortified Future. More times to be specified for the preference of work. The elders should pay more attention to children and family affairs. To remove all the aforesaid evil things for the above mentioned stars the special Atharva Vedic Thantric rituals are to be performed as per the instruction of Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar. Mithunam: You could feel some sort of dull mood. The foes and trouble creators will be around you. Due to new experience, your colour too, with little dark complexion. Your business profession are on way to speed. There could be reasonable awards. Your happiness and pleasure will be reduced. Then and there the medical attendance will occur. To have good food or to have fine sleep, you have show attention. Specifically towards the care of maternal matters and assets matters, you will be facing difficulties. The legal care will be raising on account of properties. Remedial measures are to be taken as per the instructions of Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar Kadagam: A grip fold of hard experiences will be helping you for the successful way of life. Lord Saturn in his Term of 71/2 years, he tested you and all your abilities. He is now on his teachings to ‘Kanya’ and relieves you. The married persons should give more attentions to spouse whose health will be declaiming. The children’s progress and proper health to be focused for almost two and half years. Heridetory assets and peternal saving should also have a good maintenance and checkup. Because of your new spead in your activities, what the pleasure in Bed will be less. Does not matter, you will be enthusiastic and smart. The physical care like care for better sleeping and to have timely food are to be taken along with the spiritual cares are to be taken to solve this worst situation.

and way. Mainly maternal asset and your duties for her will be the issue for attendance. The Relief is there when you begin to worship Lord Saturn every day with the mantras initialized by Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar. Remedial measure is to be programmed as per the instructions of Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar Kanya: It was June 2006; the tuff time began day by day, the commitments increased. Now it will be like a big mountain. You should take care for your health mainly. The abnormal self-confidence and the false hood stockist were in charge to block your provisions and funds. Another 5 years, you will not be having easy times. This year, and the next Lord Saturn dictates terms sitting upon your head. You should not try for haste decisions. Slowly and as the favourable tides begin, you should do one after another. You are considered to be major strain Bearer of this transit. By aspecting your house of job and trade, he guides with support in rare hours. That will be like ‘Oasis’ in the midst of desert. Less and limitted happiness with spouse is scarcely seen.

Remedial measures are be taken as per the instructions of Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar

Relief is there when you worship the ‘RAKSHA’ For Saturn. This Raksha should be had from Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar. Then only it will give the proper result.

Simmam: For your account, Lord Saturn has spent 5 years in your sign and has troubled all your activities. From the head to the shoulder, now the burden is getting lesser pressure. Yet 21/2years, the Lord will give the challenges and tests. You are considered as out going student with the final years of 2 ½. You will have tight schedules, short of finance and mixed responsibilities at home. Sometimes the fear and lack of braveness will rise. You have to manage every thing. A scene of impossibility will come; by slow and steady approach. you will get the things settled little by little. You can not move the coin as you like it. It will be pressurized to that nature

Thulam: A long way is ahead for you. From today seven and healf years to be influenced by the Lord Saturn who is very hard and punishing God. All you do, you should have a norm of justice. In money making if you happen to fall as victim to multiple the money with wrong norms, then the trouble will be doubled. Your accute shortage of finance positions will thrive you to do boldly the unwanted ways. You have to be very careful. Property assets, vehicles too will put you unnecessary expenditures. Your paternal support or blessings what ever, it comes lately. The health point and to care the grants of father will also be with question mark. Siddhi Times USA 47

Magaram: Among 12 signs your sign is the one which will have the minimized tense. You had sufferings of Ashtama Sani, which is being relieved now. Your past periods of almost 5 years, the very hard situations were met and passed. This year the occupation of Lord Jupiter in your sign will be till Dec2009. The loneliness and thoughts on philosophy will rise often. Since you are trained for the last 2 ½ years with the influence of Astam Sani, your ability is increased and now your fitness is acting to proceed with possible reach of success. Since Lord Saturn is likely to reach his House of exaltation by 2012, your position and status should also have a steady progress. Your strong and rigid methods of executions will be supported and awarded. Even though there is no need of rituals as salvation of the problems, it is advisable to do pre cautionary steps as per the divine instruction of Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar. Relief measures are focussed for continuous and proper way of increasing the in come. As mentioned to ‘Kanya’ Rasi people, the properly energized Raksha to be established at home. Viruchigam: Hereafter there will be a check in all your activities. That is for 2 ½ years. The look of enemies and trouble creators will be increased. Some kind of settlement or rights creating will be there for you. This is with reference to the Assets. The children at Home will feel often with sick and poor health. Every year during June, July, you will be facing critical scenes in travel. Some times little accidents will also happen. Your life with spouse will be with uneasiness and half hearted. You have to care more on your partner. Savings or accumulations of funds will be marginally possible. More expenditure than income will be there. As a remedial measure and to face the challenges, you have to do the rituals as mentioned in Atharva Veda under the guidance of Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar. Dhanur: You felt several years several kinds of events which were fetchings only a limited incomes and slow progress. When Lord Saturn gives no one could stand in between you and the Lord. It is professionally and trade wise a turning point. You have to utilize this. Your health and inside your family some sort of discomfort will prevail. But you have to manage and persist on progress and improvement. The happy times with spouse will also are less and limited. Any how the steady improvement is ahead for you. Before December you can witness the development by 2010, when Lord Jupiter reaches the “Kumba” you have to stabilize the reached trend. Lord Jupiter can give you set back by that time. You have to be pre arranged and keep the situation with vigil. Remedial measure is to be programmed as per the instructions of Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar, so that the grants of Lord Saturn should not be affected by Lord Jupiter. Siddhi Times USA 48

Kumbam: You are going to be experienced by the transit of Lord Saturn as well Lord Jupiter. It is Ashtama Sani for you for further 2 ½ years. You have to draw the chart of projects of small but possible problems. The major, if you think, it will give suffering and failure. When the success – tides are for away, aiming the same now will not be advisable. Since Lord Saturn is a punisher, everybody should bow head and do the matters humbly and gently. He governs your trade/ profession place and supports. Family education and finance will have the set back. The expectations and desires are in all level you yourself should bring to the minimum. Some jobs started already will have a set back. In such way a deserted feeling will rise. The ‘Raksha’ as per the divine instruction initialization of Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar is to be worshipped for the welfare and uplift. Meenam: Your travels, your walkings, even crossing the roads, in all such you have to be very care. Be steady and do slowly. This is what Lord Saturn will like from every one. Seventh Square is such a place; some kind of accident may come. Certain people the hugmoney will be blocked. The safety for money should be concerned much. Otherwise loss will come. When the first year is gradually passing (2010) the normalcy and grip in your activities will start. Lord Jupiter will govern your place of asset, spouse, and fortune. His transit is during December 2009. Since Lord Saturn’s look falls directly to your sign, even your complexion will have a light coating of dark. To be in a balanced way, the relief measure should be cared. First you have to be very slow in activities should not drive your brain fastly and vehemently. The specialized rituals to remove the evilness of the7th house Saturn is to conducted as per the divine instruction of Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar.


The nature is praised. The words of prophet guide the entire Islamic religion and the followers. To the best understanding of one and all, the following devotional ways of worship and the Islamic norms are explained to the entire world.

Allah! There is no god but He the ever living, the self subsisting, by whom all subsists. “Alif – Lam – Meem – Allah! There is no god but He, the ever living the self – subsisting, by whom all subsist. And down cast will be the faces before the living, the self subsisty. There is no god but Thee, Thy glory I extol. Verily, I have been of the wrongdoers. O one Absolute and independent! He who begets not nor is He begotten. And none bears likeness to him. O most merciful of the mercifuls! We have wronged ourselves, And if Thoug forgivest us not. And bestowest not upon us Thy mercy we shall certainly the losers. Our Lord! Forgive us and turn toes mercifully; surely though art the oftreturning (to mercy) the merciful and the most gracious. O Allah though are the most forgiving and kind. Thoce lovest forgiveness. Kindly forgive us. O Allah! The turner of the Hearts turn our hearts to thy obedience. O Director of hearts steadifast to thy religion. O Allah verily our hearts, our forelocks and our limbs are in thy hand. Thou has not given us control over any one of them thou has ordained so in our case, Thou (alone) be our proteetor and guide us to the even way. Oh Allah! Show us the truth as truth, and render us help to follow that: and show us falsehood as falsehood and help us to avoid that.oh Allah! Endow us with thy love of thy messenger, and the love of that which is beneficent for us in thy eyes. O ever living and self – subsisting! Unto thy mercy we appeal and ask forgiveness. O our Lord! We ask repentance; set right all our affairs; and entrust us not, even for the twinkling of an eye, to ourselves, for if thou entrusts us to ourselves, thou in fact entrust us to weakness, and faultiness, sin and offence. Oh Allah! Nothing is easy; save that which thou makest it so, and thou makest the difficult easy whensoever thou likest. There is no good besides Him, the forbearing the Magnanimous pure is He the Master of the Highest throne. Praise is for Him only, the Lord of all the worlds; we ask of Thee the qualities which move. Thy grace and forgiveness; and the apportunity of doing every kind of good and protection against every kind of sin. Let no sin of ours remain unforgiven. O merciful of the mercifuls! No worry unremoved and no want, which is according to thine liking unsatisfied, O Merciful of the mercifuls! O Lord! Endow us thy love and instill in our hearts; a yearning for submission to thee, and exalt us in the eyes of the people and, protect us against adoping a wrong behaviour, and (give us strength) to stand firmly on the right conduct and to the straight path, and against (our) enemies, thy enemies, the enemies of Islam Help us, O Allah! Help us, and we beseech thee not to lend (anyone) and help against us. Oh Allah! Order our affairs for us, and do

not manipulate affairs against us. O Allah! Make us prosperous, and decrease us not, and impose not upon us a ruler, who takes no pity upon us. O Allah! Open our hearts for Islam O Allah! Make faith something cherished for us, and embellish with that our hearts; and make repulsive and make repulsive and hateful for us unbelief, immorality and transgression. O Allah! Make us those those who rightly guided. O Allah forgives me, takes pity upon me, preserves me, and grants me sustenance. O Allah! Make sublime in their outcome; all our actions and save us from disgrace in this world, and from the chastisement in the Hereafter. Allah! Improve my religious life; for that is to be my refuge; and improve my worldly life, for I have to live it; and prepare me for the afterlife, to which I shall have to return; and make this life a mean to achieve every kind of good; and turn death into a bliss before before any evil state, supervenes. A Allah! for-give me, and turn to me thou art most forgiving and merciful. O Allah! I did a grave wrong to myself and none except Thee forgivest the sins. So grant me forgiveness from thyself, and take pity upon me. Thou art the most forgiving, most merciful. O Allah! Give us a part of thy fear which may serve us a barrier between us and the sins, and a part of yearning for thy obedience which may entitle us to thy heaven, and a faith which may make easy for us the hardship of this world. O Lord help me in remembering Thee, in expressing gratitude to Thee, and in worshipping Thee in the best of manners. O Allah! Thou art the most forgiving, Thou Lovest forgiveness, so forgive me. O Allah! Make me insignificant in my own eyes and significant in the eyes of others. O Allah! Purge my heart from hypocricy. My conduct from dissimulation, my tongue from falsehood and my eyes from treachery for thou in deed knowest the treacherous glance of the eyes and that bosoms conceal. O Allah! I seek thy refuge from the knowledge that brings no good, and from the heart that has no fear (of Allah) and from the prayer that can not be entertained, and the self that can not be satisfied. O Lord, make not our hearts to deviate after thou hast guide us, and grant us mercy; surely thou art the most liberal Giver.

Siddhi Times USA 49

s r tte


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1. Rajkumar Yerramnaidu, Fairfax, VA Swamiji, I learnt about your good self and the temple through the wonderful magazine Siddhitimes. I approached you to fix the marriage problem of my daughter. You scrutinized her horoscope and found that the planets’ positions in her horoscope are not in favor for her marriage. You personally performed the Atharva Vedic Thantric rituals for fixing that problem. My daughter’s marriage is fixed now after a long time only by your blessings. I wish to donate a sum of $25,000 for the new Temple to be built in my state.

4. Netha K Shah, Columbus, GA Swamiji, I had the worst relationship with my husband and in-laws. By your powerful mantras and rituals, I now have a very good relationship with my husband and my in-laws. I will be indebted to you and the magazine Siddhitimes for the rest of my life. Namaskars.

5. Charles Misty, Miami, FL Dear Dr.Commander, I am a regular reader of Siddhitimes USA. Due to some kind of bad spirits, my only son has become a drug addict. By your great power, you brought my son out of his bad habits and you have given him a new life. Thank you very much for this. I do not keep any kind of photographs other than yours in my prayers. As I do not know how to say “Thanks” in your language, I can only say, “My entire family’s lives are surrendered to you!” Thanks! 6. Ganesh Sentala and Geetha Sentala, Danville, IL Swamiji, by your gracious blessing we are blessed with a beautiful boy after fifteen years of marriage. Thank you very much for making our unfulfilled life the happiest one. I have named my son as “Siddha” to remember your blessings for the entire lifetime of our family. Namaskars, Namaskars, Namaskars, and thanks to the Siddhitimes magazine for introducing us to you.

2. Vamsi Krishna Rao, CT I wish to have your esteemed blessings for the third business I have started. My first two businesses are running good only because of your blessings. Daily I chant your holy name “SRI SIDDHAR SWAMIYE NAMAHA” for 108 times before starting my daily affairs. Om Namashivaya and Sri Siddhar Swamiye Namaha. Thanks a lot for the great magazine Siddhitimes.

7. Torah Andrew, Camarillo, CA. Swamiji, because of some “black magic” I had to face many great problems in my life. Only because of your mantra power, that black magic is gone. Thank you very much for making my life a more trouble-free one. I pledge a donation of $501.00 every month throughout my lifetime for the wonderful magazine Siddhitimes. Thanks a lot Swamiji.

3. Mehta Bhen , Washington, DC I approached you after reading the best magazine Siddhitimes to cure my ill health. Respected Swamiji, only because of your wholehearted and holy blessings; I have come out of my worst health. Now, I have become the healthiest woman. Thanks and Pranams for making me healthy again.

8. Ali Mohamed, East Liverpool, OH Swamiji Sri Siddharji, I am an African Muslim, 70 years old. Even though I am a Muslim, I love Hinduism. I read Siddhitimes regularly. I have only one daughter. She is 39 years old. Even though she is very pretty, I was unable to perform her marriage. After reading the magazine, I approached you to solve her problems. By your Atharva Veda skills you solved the problems and now my daughter’s married. Now, I am the happiest man in this world. I pray that the Almighty bless me to be your devotee always. 9. Ketar Prabhu, American Fork, UT Thank you very much and Namaskars Swamiji. You have made our failing business turn around. Our entire lives are dedicated at your golden feet. Om Namashivaya. 10. Selvi Inbarasa, Colombo, Sri Lanka Swamiji Sri Siddhar Ayyya Vanakkam! After learning about you through your magazine I approached you to solve my son’s education problems. On your way to Malaysia, you came to SriLanka and gave us wonderful mantras and blessed my entire family. By the great mantra power, my son is doing well in his

Siddhi Times USA 50

studies now. Nanri and Vanakkam for making me happy. 11. Amrita Kaur Zurich, Switzerland Swamiji, I wish to recall the holy days of your spiritual tour to my home town a few months back. I met you in person and requested your blessings to solve my marriage problems. Only because of your blessings and prayers my marriage is settled. My Namaskars to you. Thanks for publishing the Siddhitimes USA. 12. Zafir Ahmed Ajmeri, Englewood, CO Thanks a lot, Swamiji, for your wonderful contribution of the Siddhitimes magazine for enlightenment of the entire human race. Even though I am an Ajmeri, I respect you as an equal to the leader of my religion. 13. Senthilkumar Chandrasekaran, Dacula, GA Siddharji, you have done a great miracle with my son who had a very quarrelsome nature. I came and met you in person after reading Siddhitimes. After your rituals, he is much nicer to be around. Once again, thanks Swamiji! 14. Pravin Balubai Patel, York, NE Swamiji, I had too many problems in my life. I was not able to find a spiritual solution for those problems. When I had been to another Hindu Temple, I got the magazine, the Siddhitimes. Immediately, I called you to give me a spiritual salvation for my problems. You checked my Horoscope and gave me the Raksha Kavacha. By the power of the Raksha Kavacha and your blessings, I am getting out of my problems. Thanks a lot for such a wonderful spiritual healing.

18. Chandrika Karan Sinha, Dubois, WY Swamiji, I had no peace of mind. Only after your consultations, and the rituals, am I having peace of mind. I wish to donate $1,001.00 every month for the magazine Siddhitimes for giving me peace of mind by introducing your good self to me. Please be kind enough to accept this donation. Please bless me and my family with the same continued peace of mind. Namaskars. 19. Ram Narayan Iyengar, Somerset, MA Swamiji, Namaskarams. Even though I am a Hindu Priest, I haven’t seen anybody with such great knowledge and wisdom. Please bless me and my family. Please bless me with the opportunity to be a contributing writer for your wonderful magazine, the Siddhitimes. 20. Hari Bhat, Evansville, IN Siddhar Maharaj, I am an old man of 75 years. Suddenly, I had some sort of evil spirits’ attack and due to that effect I was not even able to concentrate on work. One of my friends told me to contact you. On hearing of my bad condition you personally came to my house and performed the Atharva Vedic Thantric Rituals. With your blessings now I am getting out of the evil spirits’ attack and I am doing well now. As a devotee, I humbly do my Pranams; and as an old man, I pray that you to have a long and devoted life in order to make the entire human race happy and peaceful. Thanks to you and your Siddhitimes Magazine!

15. Brinda Henry, Holbrook, AZ Swamiji, I am very happy to be your devotee. Even though I am a Christian, I have a deep respect for Hinduism and all the world’s religions. Only after talking to you and reading the Siddhitimes do I have a clear idea about my future. Your astrological predictions were so accurate and your mantras are so powerful. Thanks for accepting me as your devotee. 16. Vetrithambi Kumaran, Birmingham, UK Basically I am a Sri Lankan Tamilian. I came to London many years ago. I had a good business, but all of a sudden the business started to go down. I met you during your visit over here. You blessed me whole heartedly. My downtrodden life is being brought up only because of your holiest blessings. Thanks and namaskarams to you and your magazine. Swamiji, my entire life is indebted to you! 17. Anshul Mishra, Richmond, VA Thank you very much Swamiji for bringing out an ego free temple in my town. I came to know the news from the magazine, the Siddhitimes. Even though I wish to contribute a lot to the Temple and the magazine, I am not able to do so because of my poor earnings. Please kindly accept my small contribution of $501.00 for the magazine. Next month I will donate to the Temple.

Siddhi Times USA 51

A small idea about

Vedic Astrology invented by the Siddhars Sanskrit language is powerfully suggested for captivating the optimal benefit of this reading in this particular subject. Earlier than taking into consideration this area of astrology, we will give further details about few terminologies that are classic to the acquaintance of Sanskrit and Vedic Hindu astrology. The word ‘planet’ has been taken as ‘graham’, zodiac as ‘rasi’ and house as ‘bhava’ or ‘sthana’.

Even though there are many branches of astrology, the Vedic Astrology is the most important and it is the oldest of all the techniques of astrology. Now let me explain about the Vedic Astrology. The essential ingredients of Vedic astrological study takes in the kind of nine planets or heavenly bodies as well as 12 zodiac signs and 12 houses of the astrological table. In other techniques of astrology the houses will be viewed only in a few angles. But in Atharva Vedic astrology each house is to be viewed in 12 different angles. In total the horoscope is to be viewed for 144 angles. This gives the most accurate readings and predictions. Atharva Vedic Astrology is actually founded on the rich legacy of ancient Hindu society and philosophy. A clear perceptive and proficiency in Siddhi Times USA 52

Even though the cosmos has many planets, only ten planets control the human being’s life. The regular astrologers only calculate nine planets. But according to Atharva Veda there are ten planets. The ten Grahams are Sun or Ravi, Moon or

Chandra, Mars or Angaraka or Mangal, Mercury or Budha, Jupiter or Guru, Venus or Sukra, Saturn or Sani, Raaghu, Kethu and Maandhi. The twelve signs are Aries or Mesham, Taurus or Rishabam, Gemini or Mithunam, Cancer or Katakam, Leo or Simmam, Virgo or Kanya, Libra or Thulam, Scorpio or Viruchigam, Sagittarius or Dhanus, Capricorn or Makaram, Aquarius or Kumbam and Pisces or Meenam. Out of the ten planets, seven planets share these twelve houses. Sun owns Leo. Moon owns Cancer. Mercury owns Gemini and Virgo. Mars owns Aries and Scorpio. Jupiter owns Sagittarius and Pisces and the Saturn owns Capricorn and Aquarius. The three planets Raaghu, Kethu and Maandhi own no house but they have the places of exalt and debilitate. Conversely, the Vedic astrological graphic

legacy, legal stuffs and throat stipulation in common. This sthana is passed on to as dhana sthana and kutumba sthana. Tritiya Sthana (Third House) This is passed on to as bhatru sthana, Parakrama sthana. It has been understood to administrate the affiliation between younger brothers and sisters. Set apart with spirited activities, intelligence, scholastics to medium level, writing expertise, restricted travels, this sthana is also taken as the answerable signing bonds and documentations. Arms, right ear, shoulders etc are prejudiced by this sthana.

representation has been separated into two parts. It is assumed that these kinds of differentiations in the model of the progress of these two forms of graphic representation come up from the concept of Aryans and non-Aryans people, currently set apart as North-Indian style and South-Indian style correspondingly. Each sthana or house qualifies for a cross of 30 degrees, consequently the intact astrological diagram contains of 360 degrees in general. There is an extensive range of astrological graphs which has been acquired from the principal astrological chart, passed on the same as Rashi chart. Now let me explain the meanings of different houses in the Jathakam/ Kundali. Prathama Sthana (First House) The first house or prathama sthana has been taken into as the lagna sthana or the ascendant, which are applied for representation of life, endurance, personality, wellbeing and appearance of the imaginative. This house is accountable for facial look, exuberance, cares, and earnings to younger siblings and secure cohorts. Prathama sthana has been given the duty of the controls head and face primarily. Dvitiya Sthana (Second House) The second house or dvitiya sthana controls inflow of funds, financial immovability, and circumstance of right eye, family dynamics, in the early hours of childhood, and obviously the spiritual direction. Whilst located on this house, it points towards the income, smash up of acquisitive assets, and loss of grandfather or affectionate figure. It principally controls the domestic harmony, right eye circumstance, issues relating to

Chaturtha Sthana (Fourth House) This sthana is acknowledged as the matru sthana and sukha sthana. This sthana is accordingly dependable for creating persuade over mother, possessions, transportation, domestic choirs and environments and gratification. In addition, this sthana governs mature surroundings, private dealings, community, legacy, forged indictments, undeveloped land and it’s bringing into being. The bodies’ parts on behalf of this sthana consist of breasts, chest, lung, stomach and elbow joints. Panchama Sthana (Fifth House) This sthana has been taken to as vidya sthana and putra sthana. Both of them are conscientious for pressuring offspring, gossip, studious circumstance and providence. This house integrally is administrated in the distinct areas which are allied with gratification, love affairs, care, lady love, legal or unlawful enjoyments, seizure, rape and sexual violence, etc. The bodily areas are predisposed under genre of this sthana are stomach, heart, liver, and annoyance. Sashta Sthana (Sixth House) This sthana is referred as ripu sthana and roga sthana. This sthana are responsible to govern the upcoming events and activities that are associated to rivals, physical provision, occupation, slam relatives and protective relatives. This sthana is predominantly taken as the responsible for any happenings which is regarding to foodstuffs, subordinates, charges, obstacles facing in daily life, psychological nervousness. stresses, robberies and devastations. Kidney, large intestine, uterus and anus are the parts of nearly all affected body ingredients of this sthana. Saptama Sthana (Seventh House) This sthana has been taken to as the bharya/bharthru sthana and the maraka sthana. The location of this sthana is significantly imperative for marital balance and success. Approximately all the critical aspects including next of kin thoughtful, friendship Siddhi Times USA 53

between spouses, health of external sex organs, marital fulfillment and satisfaction that are governed by this sthana. In adding together, this sthana also pressures love associations, litigations, divorce, reputation and status in foreign country. This sthana controls the hidden and private body parts together with uterus and mummery glands etc. Ashtama Sthana (Eighth House) This sthana is taken for referring the mrutyu sthana. This sthana is also called as Ayus Sthana or the place meant for the longevity of life. This sthana is directly associated with various diseases, life span, quality of life, internal sex organs, psychological disorders, dowry, inheritance or gifts from in-laws, death, incarceration, anxieties and stresses. Scrotum, pelvis, seminal vesicles, external and genitalia are influenced by this sthana. Navama Sthana (Ninth House) This sthana is taken for bhagya sthana and pitru sthana. This is directly linked up with the karma or destiny of an individual. This sthana influences foreign travel, exposure, preceptor, higher edification, scholarship, plus reliance, wisdom, wealth, powers of prudence, spiritual organizations, fortunate help, etc. This sthana influences hips, and thighs. Dasama Sthana (Tenth House) This sthana is referred as karma sthana, This sthana integrally governs the areas associated with fatherly figures, life status, outdoor activities, excitements, honor, authoritative power, authority favor, business, leadership qualities and adoption in family. This sthana also answers all the queries related to materialistic activities and burden. Knees, joints, bones, hairs and back are the influential body parts. Ekadasa Sthana (Eleventh House) This sthana is taken to as the labha sthana. As its name suggests, this sthana is associated with accumulation of wealth, siblings’ relationships, unpredictable fortune, club or social activities, emotional relationships, attachments, romantic relationships, friends, admiration and shared success etc. Legs, left ear, teeth and ankle are mostly governed by this sthana. Dwadasa Sthana (Twelfth House) This sthana is referred as viraya sthana. This sthana characterizes hidden rivals, sexual pleasure, legal issues, incarceration, spiritual enlightenment, hospitalization, non-marital sexual relationship, pains, and liabilities. Feet, left eye and teeth are the body parts mostly influenced by the position of this sthana. Reading the Jathakam/ Chart: Fundamentally there are two components of chart. One is reading the horoscope in the view of a regular Jyothish or Astrologer. The second is preparing and scrutinizing the horoscope as per the techniques of Atharva Vedic astrology. Among those two views, the second is the most accurate. It is called as the view of Atharva Vedic Thantric scholar. The shining piece mostly takes in numerical and astronomical indulgent where the actions or gati of the grahams are in use under contemplation. Depending on the earthly situation or grahabasthana of the birth time, Siddhi Times USA 54

the transmitting of the graph is accomplished. Conversely, forecast of astrological diagram absorbs an in-depth learning of the controls of unusual graham or planets in dissimilar rasis or zodiac. The scrutiny of a horoscope or birth chart not only needs the knowledge of astrology but it needs vast practical knowledge also. More than these things the blessings of the Yaksha/Yakshini devathas are needed. Only with the blessings all predictions will become the most accurate.

Call Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar to know more and more about Atharva Vedic astrology and to discuss any of your problems to be settled. Swamiji Selvam Siddhar is the authority of Vedic astrology in USA. He is the 1st and the only Hindu in the USA who has published the highest Vedic Astrological articles in the American History. Swamiji could be reached in USA @ 408 829 7780. You can also e- mail to commander@ Also visit the website

Zodiac Connection Rasi Reding,

Sponsored by

Suganya Garu

By Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

Kind Attention: Zodiac Connection is based upon Moon and not upon Sun


Lord Jupiter governs you’re the place of family, finance and education. The house of happiness, assets and belongings is also looked by Jupiter. He controlls your liabilities and burden. The job and profession will be with time to time changes. Some people may feel it to be in a trending decreasing load. Since Lord Venus is with Lord Kethu, the married persons will have to care their companion with medical aid and also guard them from small accidents or sickness. The education will be good for students. For lovers, their plan and estimation will have a set back. They have to wait for another month. In total this month will be good for your future plans. Since the planetary changes occur, and the Lord Saturn’s transit is on 09.09.2009, separate information is given. It is good to know the matters and follow the notes for the welfare. The combinations of Lords Sun and Saturn will be creating inconveniences in the affairs of paternal as well as assets. Any way Lord Jupiter is guiding the family factors with his good support.

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The profession or trade will have two opinions for implementation. Those proposals may not be followed. Again a new proposal will rise. In the 3rd week of this month a clear picture will be formed. Since Lord Jupiter shows his grace on your sign, your ability will be capable of managing everything. Students will have to be very attentive or otherwise the rank in studies will decline. Lovers will not be with peaceful trend. Lords Venus and Kethu in one constellation create anquish and disappointments.

To manage the scenes, the Lord Mercury is in exalted position and will pave paths for early clearance of the mounted programs. Since, the separate pages are explained with details of Lord Saturn’s transit. You have to adopt the procedures explained in those pages to have a spiritual salvation for the problems and also for the welfare of the entire family.

Lord of your sign, Lord Venus is transiting with Lord Kethu. This month, you will be accommodated in a confused way. Even the health may get a set back. House of finance is blocked by Lord Mars. The burden in family is more. The expenditures are more and the income is less. Lord of the second and 5th House is seated well. The children issue, the poorva punya and the planning for new income will be settling to your expectation.

Family persons, spouses will be with more tension. This month will have to go and the next month, they can have good privacy.

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Your sign is occupied by Lord Mars. Your brain is with full of tension and further burdens are also likely to be loaded. Lord of your sign, Lord Mercury is powerful. Your capacity will be doubled. You can make all the programs for execution. In the House of finance Lord Venus has affiliation with Lord Kethu. This will create certain new problems with your dearest or spouse. Lord Jupiter stands in opposition with Lord Venus. That is a scene of argument in your home and out side places. Children’s education will be affected a little. Students could not read well.

Altogether, this month will be a good month.

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The first week will be very crucial. You have lot of works to be done. For every program or plan, the finalization will not be easy. You will have many self discussions and draw the matters endless. For further 2 weeks the situation will not be cleared. Some thing unwanted and with big oppositions only crossing before you for clearance. Students can not under stand their lessons properly. Their times will be spent unnecessarily. Scince Sade sath sani getting relieved this month. You will shine day by day and better to best. Spouse and lovers, they can not be with peaceful trend. Lord Venus is in difficult transit with Lord Kethu. This month the happiness will be less. Merchants will find a dull trend in trade. The persons who are doing jobs are doing more work and the benefit is less. Management of family, medical expense, and short in finance will be prevailing. This month is a new test when Lord Saturn and your sign Lord Sun combine together. You can manage any situation.

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Lord of your sign Lord Sun is in your sign as the ruler of that house. You are keeping up your command and prestige. You have the fear that the same is not being meritted by others. You will have the individuality and strength, when Lord Saturn moves to “Kanya” on 9th of this month. This year you will be engaged in several affairs. Ofcourse all are with more burdens and duties. For the past 5 years, you had the excellent raining with Lord Saturn, who has taught many great lessons. He is going to reach ‘Kanya’ and give you final shape and touch for another two years. It will be little bit hard; but you should have that experience. Since the Lord Venus is with Lord Kethu, your nearest relatives and companions will be facing certain weakness and sick. It will be alright after 3 weeks. Students will shine well in education. Domestic and finance matters will be to your expectation. Lovers, spouses are with little inconvenience, however that is only for a short time. Your capacity ability and activity all are gradually rising to good position.


Lord of your sign, Lord Mercury is good with exaltation in Kanya. You are capable of projecting your schemes with effort. Still you find an incompletion. Lord Mercury empowers you to fulfillment. Yet your affairs are increasing and needing the financing touch up. Lord Saturn arrives to your sign. You have to take much care even to walk a distance. Take slow process to do every thing so that you can avoid any slip down or minor accidents. A separate “Raksha” for your welfare is explained in the article “Transit of Saturn” and you have to follow the norms stated there. Your future and welfare will be cared much. Lovers and spouses will be with uneasiness for further two weeks. Students will be bright with brilliance. They are capable of studying well. Family, personal and domestic managements are moving well. The traders and job goers will be fetching proper incomes and rising for developments amidst this 71/2 Sade sathi Saturn period.


This month will be a hard one to pass. Your sign Lord, Lord Venus is in the heavy clutches of Lord Kethu. Your engagements are clamped with more responsibility and burden. Certain times you can feel your inability to complete the matters. Your attempts and affairs are more and more. Some times the financial struck up too gives pressure in all sides. Since Lord Mars is on way to his house of debilitation, you have to calculate in all the way with economy and save money. It will be going out of your hands fastly. The pending works will be mounted. The students may not be able to score good marks. They should strain much to show their progress. Since Lord Venus is with Lord Kethu, this will give an uneasy scene and more complicated event in the matters with spouse. The lovers also will not be able to see a smooth trend. All because, the combination of Lords Venus and Kethu in the star Poosam (Pushya) Anyway this month will pass only with hard ship.

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When your sign Lord Mars is in 8th, it is impossible to put your place in high command. A fearful and gloomy atmosphere will prevail. Lord of 2nd sign and 5th sign, Lord Jupiter is in debilitation. The is draw back is adding for a delay or postponement or faileure. You have to be very careful in all affairs. The expenditures are to be cut down. The Lord of your sign Lord Mars is heading for the debilitation and makes you to feel lonely and helpless. Some how or other the routine trade/ job will be there to meet the sequence. Regarding privacy, happy times with spouse and domestic attendance all will be very less. The lovers feel dejected and the waiting time will be increased endlessly. They have to care the health of their counter parts. Students are not permitted to engage with reading. The friends circle or call from home people will disturb a lot. Since Lord Jupiter plays the role creator of disturbance, you have to move with slow approach and do the works and jobs till December 2009.

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Even though your sign Lord, Lord Jupiter is in debilitation, Lord Saturn is likely to reach 10th square. This will give good improvement in job and trade. Lord Mercury, the Lord of 7th and 10th house is in exaltation. This is one way a big challenge and other way the profession uplifts are possible. Financially Lord Raaghu as well as debilitated Lord Jupiter will not favor you. You can cover your targets only with all sorts of arrangements and adjustments. Since Lord Mars in 7th sign, your privacy or times with sweet heart or spouse are all limited and gives disappointment only. Fortune House and peternal blessings are there but Lord Saturn disturbs to postpone the entire affair. Spouses and sweet hearts are not having good privacy and happy times. Even if it is tried, the delay and postponement will occur. This month is with mixed trend of good and uneasiness.



In the 7th house “Kadagam” Lords Venus and Kethu combine and give disappointment in your privacy expectation of happiness with your dearest. The 3rd and 4th week, the favorable tides are there. Students will be facing more doubts and they could feel hard to understand the lessons. Better to have the teachers’ advice during the leisurely hours. Domestic trend and children’s need will be maintained properly. For Traders, it is advised, that there should be good vigil in investment. Your money is going to be blocked.

When the situation is foreseen all kinds of vigil and preventive methods are to drown. The thoughts on pleasure or happy times will reduce. The mind will be getting settled with religious and pilgrimic thoughts. Separate ‘Raksha’ for prayer, is specifiend in the pages ‘Transit of Saturn’. You have to speak the smooth and flexible words only. Irritation and anger will come and even the quarrels are possible. On Saturdays pray to Lord Saturn. If any thing happens contrary to your expectation, you have to make yourself calm and mix with situation. All people from children, elders, professionals, lovers will be really the sufferers.

For Magaram people good times are heading little by little.

They have to worship Lord Saturn and get his grace.

Your sign Lord, Lord Saturn and the 8th house Lord, Lord Sun join in 8th House. This reveals the the fact, that the terrible load of duty bound commitments are heading for clearance. All these 2 ½ years, so called as Ashtama sani (Saturn in the 8th house) is getting relieved. You are going to find the brightness and success little by little. The occupant of your sign, Lord Jupiter aspects your 5th, 7th and 9th Houses. This is good and supporting trend for all your proceedings. A scene of green signal to your efforts and better prospects are likely to come little by little.

Lord of sign Lord Saturn and the Lord of 7th sign Lord Sun sit jointly in 7th House. This is a position of some what complicated drama. The affairs are going against your will. It seems there are much opposition also comming in your way. Specifically Lord Venus is also powerless to you. You have to pass the first two weeks of this month with entire carefulness. Since the Ashtama Sani is going to begin, calculate how to reduce your establishment expenditure. Some times, it will keep you to be troublesome in finance. Sometimes the increase in trouble may arise.

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The holiest Priests of the holiest Temple.


An unsettled trend will be the scene in the attempts created. Your sign lord, Lord Jupiter is in debilitation. As your sign Lord is so powerless, he puts you answerable for the commitments. Lord Mercury is powerful. He is projecting some of the events which you could not manage. Such are the time for the September is engaged. Finance, plan to meet out, time fixed for settlement, are not coinciding with program. All because of the debilitate status of Lord Jupiter. This month, you have to take care during travels. Generally kandaka Sani, ie Lord Saturn in 7th square to your sign may give sickness, or minor accidents. Regarding education of Students, they can proceed well. Children will be restless and tired. You have to give them the proper vitamins, minerals and feed them with fruits. Lovers and their trend will not be good for another week. Spouses and their health questions are little dragging with weakness. Till January 2010, the time will be fluctuating and certain fortunes are also likely to come. Traders and job goers can see only a very normal situation.

A priest is a person having the authority or power to administer religious rites for the betterment of the entire human race. The prayers are of various types. They are Poojas, Prayers and Rituals. Pooja is an important part and important daily routine of a human being. The Pooja is the Thanks Giving for the Almighty god. The rituals are to be performed to have spiritual salvation from a problem. According to Hindu Philosophy, there are four Vedas namely Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. The first three Vedas explain the power of God or Almighty or Super human power. The Atharva Veda is the only Veda which tells the utilization of the power of the super human power to have spiritual salvation from the problems faced by the human beings. Mostly, the Temples all around the world will be based either on the first two Veda, Sivagamas or Vaishnava Agamas. But Shiva Vishnu Temple (Hindu Temple of Georgia) is the only Temple that follows the principles of Atharva Veda. The priests of Shiva Vishnu Temple are highly knowledge, well learned and well trained in performing poojas, prayers and rituals. The basic qualification of a priest is that the priest should be able to perform the routine poojas of the temples and help the people to maintain thw tradition. This needs enormous training also. The knowledge of any vedic scripture is useless if the priest is unable to work with a smiling face. The priests should always have a mentality of dedication and devotion. The priests of Shiva Vishnu Temple are well learned, well trained, well cultured and highly dedicative personalities. The happiest photos of the learned scholars adorn the cover page of this month.

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