Siddhi Times July 2009-dr. Commander Selvam

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  • Pages: 68
Special Sections Editor ....................................................... Pundit Sharma Publisher Hindu Temple of Georgia (Also Known as Shiva Vishnu Temple of Georgia)

Editor ............................................................ Madhu manikandan Photographer ....................................................................... C.T. Kumar

Contributing Writers Suha Seema Patel Mathangi Iyer Shobana Menon Jolly Abraham Sriya Gokuldas Nair ............................................Nilima Mehra

Content... Atharva Vedic Chakras & Yahshini Mantras 4 Salvation of children problems through the Atharva Veda 8 Agasthiyar Meditation teachings 10 Atharva Vedic Spiritual Healing 11 Atharva Vedic Mudras 16 20 Vedic Astrology Love Astrology 24 Rudra Thandavam 28 Anger 34 Wavering Minds 35 Cyber Terrorism 40 Spirituality 46 Zodiac Connection 51

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a By Pram Siddhar”





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face and mouth before sitting for Jap in the morning.

The spine or the human energy field contains Chakras, or energy centers, that vibrate at different frequencies. Each Chakra presents us with the opportunity to establish a root relationship and to satisfy the deep soul desire. Each frequency holds the gift of a certain power, which enhances our human experience on Planet Earth. As we tune into this power along with specific MANTRAS for each CHAKRAS, we are internally empowered to deal with the specific life challenges of that energy center or Chakra. There are seven Chakras in the human spine each for different body function. As a consequence we live a long meaningful and fulfilling life. We can also heal our self through meditation and chanting of the specific MANTRA with awakening of each CHAKRA. Mantras are powerful sounds and when chanted with devotion produce enormous effects. Mantras are well-off in their meanings and their meanings can also be meditated while chanting. As the mind concentrates more and more on Mantras and their meanings along with Chakras, they condition the mind and take up to the higher state and form the path to salvation the eternal bliss. Read on to know about the significance of specific Mantras.

#2 Sit facing east or north during the practice. This enhances the effectiveness of the Jap.

CHANTING OF MANTRA Chanting of Mantra is a concept of the Vedic Saints that includes Mantras as one of the main forms of worship, whose end is seen as salvation. Basically, Mantra Jap means repeating the Mantra. Mantra Jap involves repetition of Mantra again and again, usually 108 times completes one cycle. Due to this, the Rosary (Mala) used for Mantra Jaap has 108 beads in it. Practical Aids for Jap:#1 Take a shower or wash your hands, feet,

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#3 Sit on a rug to conserve bodyelectricity. #4 Sit in a separate meditation room or in any suitable place, such as a temple, on a river bank or under a Banyan or Peepal tree. #5 Maintain a steady pose. You can sit in Padmasana, Siddhasana or Sukhasana. Resolve to complete a certain minimum number of Malas before leaving your seat. Select any Mantra and repeat it from 108 to 1,080 times daily (one to ten Malas).

is of no use except waste of time. Total devotion and surrender to the deity to whom the Mantra is supposed to be appropriate is a must. Your faith in the Lord has to be total. Then only you will be able to reach the goal and be benefited by the blessings of God. #10 Mantras are more powerful if uttered with utmost devotion, dedication and in totality. In fact for a common man, a Mantra is an occult formula to remove various worries and troubles. It is a tool to get one’s desires fulfilled through positive vibrations. CHAKRAS IN HUMAN BODY Try to associate the chant with the rhythm of the breath and meditate in the form of your Deity. Keep a picture or idol of the Deity in front of you. Think of the meaning of the Mantra while repeating it. Muladhara(Root Chakra) Connects Body and Earth The Muladhara, First or Root Chakra, is located at the base of the Spine, at the Perineum. It is the Lotus with four petals. The name means support, or foundation. The Kundalini lays here coiled up three and a half time. The Kundalini shines in the Muladhara like ten million suns shining at

#6 Use a panchabootha Mala of 54/108 beads. Do not allow the Rosary to hang below the navel. The Rosary (Mala) must not be visible to you or to others, so cover it properly. Use the middle finger and the thumb of the right hand to roll the beads. The use of the index finger is not allowed. Do not cross the Meru (main bead) while rolling the beads. If the mala / Rosary is of 54 beads select the counts 108 to 1080 by counting 2 to 20 malas / Rosaries. #7 Chant Atharva Vedic Mantra Jap by mind sometime without a panchabootha mala. When the mind wanders, do the Jap aloud, or whisper the Mantra for some time and come back to mental Jap again as soon as possible. #8 Do not chant Mantra in haste. Do it slowly with feeling, devotion and concentration of mind. #9 If Mantras are chanted mechanically, it

one time. Dakini Shakti lives here. Presiding Deity – BRAHMA. Related with the large intestine in the body, feet and legs, with the element earth, and with the colors red and maroon. Primal Relationship - with Physical reality, the earth, natural forces, body, feeling & sensations.

Best for the spiritual Healing of - large intestine problems, digestion problems & rectum problems (piles).

“Jewel of the Lotus” or “Lustrous Gem”. This is the seat of element fire. Lakini Shakti dwells here.


Presiding Deity – RUDRA (SHIVA)

Tavadhare mule saha samayaya lasyaparaya shivatmanam vande nava-ras-mahatandave-natam; Ubhabhyam etabhya mubaya-vidhim uddisya dayaya sanathabhyam jagyae janaka-janani-majjagad-idam. FOR BEST RESULTS, GETTING THE MANTRAS BESTOWED FROM Swamiji Selvam Siddhar is a MUST

Related with - The Small Intestine, Kidneys, Adrenals, Pancreas, Gall Bladder, Liver, with the element fire, and the color yellow. Primal Relationship - With Internal source of Power, Identity, Statu. Best for the spiritual Healing of stomach problems & Internal INTESTINE problems.

Swadisthana(Sex Chakra)Unleash, freedom The Swadisthana,Second or sex Chakra, is located at the Sacrum - the pelvic area between pubis and navel. It is the Lotus with six petals. Its name means “abode of the vital force” or “dwelling” place of the self. Rakini Shakti dwells here.

Primal Relationship - With other Human beings, emotions, emotional body, Inner Child, Wildman or Wildwoman. Best for the spiritual Healing of - Prostate glands in Male, uterus problems in Female & urinary problems. Mantra- Tav svadhisthane huta-vaham adhisthaya niyatam tamide samvartam janani mahatim tam cha samayaam; Yda-loke lokan dahati mahati krodhakalile dayardra bhridrigbhi shishira-mupcharam rachaysi.

FOR BEST RESULTS, GETTING THE MANTRAS BESTOWED FROM Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar IS MUST. Mantra - Samunmilt-samvit-kamalamakarandaika-rasikam bhaje hansa-dvandvam kim api mahatam manasa-charam; Yad-alapaad ashta-dasha-gunita-vidyaparinatim sam adatte doshad gunam akhilam adbhyah payaa iva.

The Vishuddha,Fifth or Throat Chakra is situated in the Throat, at the base of the Neck between the Collar bone and Shoulders, at the site of the Reptilian Brain or lower Brain Stem. It is the Lotus with sixteen petals. Its name means pure. Shakini Shakti dwells here. FOR BEST RESULTS, GETTING THE MANTRAS BESTOWED FROM Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar IS MUST Mantra - Taditvantam shaktya timira-paripanthisphuranaya sphuran-nana-ratanabharanaparinaddendra-dha-nusham; Tamah shyamam megham kam api manipuraiika-sharanam nisheve varshantam hara-mihira-taptam tri-bhuvanam. Anahatha(Heart Chakra) Clarity and Purity


The Anahatha,Fourth or Heart Chakra, is located at the Heart. It is the Lotus with twelve petals. It is the region of vayu (air). Its name means unstuck, fresh, clean unhurt. Kakini Shakti dwells here.

Manipuraka (Navel Chakra)

Presiding Diety –ISHA.

The Manipura,Third or Navel Chakra, is located some 2-3 inches below the Navel. It is a Lotus with ten petals. It’s name means

Related with - The Heart, Hands, Arms and Thymus Gland, with the element air and the colors green, pink, and rose.

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Best for the spiritual Healing of - Heart Problems, Blood Pressure, Diabetes.

Vishuddha(Throat Chakra)Claim Your Voice.

Presiding Deity –VISHNU. Related with - The Genitals, reproductive organs, and bladder, with the element water, and the color orange.

Primal Relationship - With Higher Spiritual Power, our own Heart and the Heart of others, the Pulse that unites us with the Universe.

Presiding Deity (PARVATI).


Related with - The Throat, Ears, Thyroid, Parathyroid, with the element ether, and the color royal blue. Primal Relationship - With our Vibrational connection with all existance. Best for the spiritual Healing of - cervical, Asthma & Bronchitis. Good for lungs. Mantra - Vishuddhau te shuddha-sphatikavishadam vyomasadrisham shivam seve devim api shiva-samanavyasanineem; Yayoh kantya yantya shashi-kiranasaarupya-saraneem vidhutantar-dhvanta vilasati chakoriva jagati. FOR BEST RESULTS, GETTING THE MANTRAS BESTOWED FROM Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar IS MUST

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koti-dyuti-dharam param shambhum vande parimilitaparshvam parchita; Yam aradhyan bhaktya ravi-shasishucinaama-vishaye nir-aloke’ loke nivasati hi bha-likbhavane. FOR BEST RESULTS, GETTING THE MANTRAS BESTOWED FROM Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar IS MUST Sahashrara (Crown Chakra) Internal Reflection The Sahashrara,Seventh or Crown Chakra is located at the Crown or Top of the Head, Baby’s soft spot. It is the Lotus with thousand petals. It controls the Whole Brain. Ajna (Third Reflection




The Ajna (Aagya chakra),Sixth or Third Eye Chakra, is located between the Brows in the Inward, Center of the Forehead. It is the Lotus with two petals. Its name means Command, Perception, Knowledge and Authority. This is the seat of Mind. This is the Chakra where the Yogi attains liberation and gets highest knowledge and bliss. Hakini Shakti dwells here. Presiding Deity – SHAMBHU (SHIVA). Related with - The Pituitary Gland, Eyes, Brain, with the element light. Primal Relationship - With Inner and Cosmic Knowledge. Best for the spiritual Healing of - Eye Sight, Nose, Ear & Mouth. Mantra - Tavaagya-chakra-stham

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Presiding Deity ISHWAR(ALMIGHTY)



Related with - The Pineal Gland & Cerebral Cortex, Consciousness and beyond the Elements, and with the colors white, silver and the quality of luminosity. Primal Feeling - One-ness & Bliss. Best for the spiritual Healing of - BRAIN related problems. Mantra - Shariram tvam shamboh shashi-mihiravaksho-ruha-yugam tavatmanam manye bhagavati bhavatmanaman-agham; Atah sheshah sheshety-ayam-ubhayasadharanataya sthitah sambandho vaam sama-rasaparanand-padayoh.

FOR BEST RESULTS, GETTING THE MANTRAS BESTOWED FROM Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar IS MUST.. AuraWholeness The Aura, is the Electromagnetic Field, the Physical Field of Energy surrounding all Beings, Human or Otherwise. Its size can vary from a few inches to many feet in all directions. Related with - The Health of the Physical Body. All the Organs impact the strength and the size of the Aura. It includes and is impacted by all the Elements, and its colors vary and change depending upon the Mental, Emotional and Physical states. Primal Relationship - With Self and Soul. Best for the spiritual Healing of - The whole BODY and SOUL. Mantra Shiva shaktya yukto yadi bhavati shaktah prabhavitum na ched-evam devo na khalu kusalah spanditum api; Atas tvam aradhyam hari-haravirinchadibhir api pranantum stotum va kathama-krtapunyah prabhavati. Note: You need to get initiated by Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar personally to get the proper powers of the above practice, otherwise the results will be adverse and will not work properly. Reach swamiji in USA, please call USA # 408 829 7780 or e- mail [email protected] or visit for more help. Disclaimer: The above article is not intend to treat, substitute, alter, change any kind of medical advise, medicine or any other medical protocols

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LESSON 3 The principle of Embracement in meditation.

Myth of positive thinking; The principle of embracement; The power of crazy wisdom; The pain of judgment and resistance; A cardinal principle; The wandering mind; secret of allowance and non-resistance; A simple exercise; Prove it for yourself.

LESSON 4 The Silence Behind Thought.

The joy of stillness; Why we meditate; Pain of avoidance; How to transform the feeling ‘I don’t want to meditate’; Why these feelings are vital to your success; How to deal with the uncontrollable mind; A great discovery; An experience of pure awareness; What it feels like ; A new exercise.

LESSON 5 Meditation Feelings.

What would happen if you could relax every single atom of your body for a few moments every day and stop the incessant noise and chatter of your mind? What would happen if you could experience pure awareness?

Is bliss our true nature? What would you experience?

Why are meditation and sex comparable? People who have practiced meditation have described it as: ‘When you start to feel it moment after moment, coursing through your physical, mental, and emotional bodies, you will shed tears of gratitude. It is the most exquisite thing possible to feel in the body. All other pleasures fade beside it. You will be filled with indescribable gratitude.

LESSON 1 Meditation:Introduction.

Purpose of Meditation, What it feels like; Time is an illusion; No waiting, no delay: How to transform agony into ecstasy; Your essence is Joy; How to uncover it. A final fact.

LESSON 2 The Abc Of Meditation.

A simple assumption; The real goal of meditation; Obstacles to success; self -hatred, feelings of resistance, boredom and restlessness. Key to success; Myths of meditation; How to meditate, basic principles of; Your first meditation.

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A quantum leap; All emotions are valid ? ; Secret of Transmutation; Turning agony into ecstasy; Facing Pain; An eye-opening experiment; The simple truth; discovering all emotion at a higher octave is joy; An exercise.

LESSON 6 A Full Meditation.

Experiencing the full joy, power and bliss of meditation. The illusion of time. There is only now. True meaning of enlightenment?

LESSON 7 Obstacles To Joy.

Comparing; Looking for results; The danger of expectation; Secret of choiceless awareness; Welcome all mind states; Hidden treasure; Danger of only meditating when you feel like it; A lost opportunity; Discovery of joy; What to do when you

LESSON 9 Who are you ?

A special meditation. No escape. An incredible transformation. A parodox. A new world. Love of self. The great fear that is crippling your life. The true nature of reality?

LESSON 10 Drop The Self-image?

Self-image; A miracle before your eyes; Path to true freedom; Cause of fear and tension; Our greatest mistake; Discovery of true joy. Discovering the most addictive drug of all; The illusion of ego;

LESSON 11 feel tired and sleepy; The doubting mind.

LESSON 8 Your Body And Meditation.

Physical benefits of meditation; The importance of your body; Your extraordinary nervous system; It’s in your body you’ll feel the bliss of meditation; Meditating and regeneration; Meditation and reduced aging; A scientific perspective; Zeropoint physics;

A new perspective; The cardinal truth; Nature of reality; Quantum physics; Albert Einstein;A new world view; Can you have what you want? Beliefs - building blocks of reality ?; What do you really think and feel- why is it important ?; Infinite realities; A free will universe: Is change possible? How long?; Pioneers of consciousness: The future.Q: What is Meditation? Meditation is a simple tool that we use that allows us to quieten the incessant chatter of our mind so that we can experience our original nature.

Param what is possible in the absence of the conviction that such a power exists. Spiritual healing is when energy is transmitted to the person who needs it. The treatment works on the body, mind and spirit, which are seen as one unit that must harmonize for good health. If a separate healer is involved, the healer will place the hand on the person being treated to channel the energy from the Higher Source. The spiritual healing can help mental and emotional problems and physical conditions such as a frozen shoulder.

What is spiritual healing?


pirituality involves the recognition and acceptance of a God beyond our own intelligence and with whom we can have a relationship. This God can provide an experience of inspiration, joy, security, peace of mind, and guidance that goes beyond

The channeling of healing energy from its spiritual source to someone who needs it is called spiritual healing. The channel is usually a person, whom we call a healer, and the healing energy is usually transferred to the patient through the healer’s hands. The healing does not come from the healer, but through him. On the other hand, you don’t need a healer to take advantage of spiritual healing. The word “spiritual” refers to the divine nature of the energy, which healers agree comes from one external, invisible intelligent Siddhi Times USA 11

source. The healing energy from this source is available to all. Healers see the body mind and spirit as one inte rdependent unit and believe all three must work in harmony to maintain positive health. Any problem - be it a broken leg or depression needs the power of healing to restore the balance of the whole person. It is felt that sickness often starts in the mind, or at the deeper level of the spirit, and it is often here that healing begins. New Age and The Dawning of a New Era: New Age is a loose term that includes everything from self improvement programs to awareness of mind-body connections. The movement is growing by leaps and bounds. Time magazine reported that in 1996, about 44 million Americans identified with the healing movement. It is estimated that Americans alone spend about $1.5 billion annually on books about spirituality and religion. About 42 percent of Americans have sought out alternative health care. So, there is no doubt that the movement is catching on. “There is a hunger for being connected with a divine force. The hunger is not just for philosophy, but for experience,” says James Redfield, author of ‘Celestial Prophecy’. “The consciousness I20am describing – the perception of synchronisticity, mysterious coincidences – represent great opportunities to grow. That process works whether you are a brain surgeon or sacking groceries. Consciousness has the ability to break cycles of poverty.”

Spirituality vs. Religion

Spirituality can be seen as being distinct from religion. Different world religions have proposed various doctrines and belief systems about the nature of a God and humanity’s relationship with it. Spirituality, on the other hand, refers to the common experience behind these various points of view. It is an experience involving an awareness of and relationship with something that transcends your personal self as well as the human order of things. This “something” has been given various names (“God” being the most popular in Western Society) and defined in ways that are too numerous to count. We call it simply as the God. You

can choose to define what that means for yourself in whatever way feels most appropriate. Your own sense of a God can be as abstract as “cosmic consciousness” or as down-to-earth as the beauty of the ocean or mountains. Even if you regard yourself an agnostic or atheist, you may get a sense of inspiration from taking a walk in the forest or contemplating a beautiful sunset. Or a small child’s smile may give you a special sense of joy. There is much healing and benefit to be obtained by cultivating your spiritual life. A personal spiritual commitment is the most important ingredient. Spiritual awareness and growth can effect a transformation in your whole being. It can help you to develop a basic trust and faith that is unshakable. Scientists call this intrinsic belief. Many have experienced major turnarounds in their condition as a result of cultivating their spirituality. They feel that developing a relationship with their God provided the moral support, courage, hope, and faith for them to follow through with their personal recovery program. It provided them with a sense that they are not alone in the universe, and that there is a source of guidance and support that is availab le at times of confusion and discouragement.

Peace of Mind

Peace of mind is the result of feeling a deep, abiding sense of security and safety. The more reliance and trust you develop in God, the easier it becomes to deal without fear or worry with the inevitable challenges life brings. It is not that you give up your self or your will to such a power; rather you simply learn that you can “let go” and turn to God when you feel stuck with a problem in living and don’t know how to proceed. Learning how to let go when solutions to problems aren’t immediately apparent can go a long way toward reducing worry and anxiety in your life. Peace of mind is what develops in the absence of such anxiety.

Self-Confidence As you develop a relationship with God, you come to realize that he has created you and hence he has found something good in you. You are part of the universe. You’re good, lovable, and worthy of respect just by virtue of the fact that you’re God’s Siddhi Times USA 12

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more of it coming into your life. You begin to experience less fear and more joy in your life and help to inspire others to experience their own capacity for unconditional love. This kind of love also manifests itself through the experience of having everything you need in your life to get on with what you want to do.


Developing a relationship with God will provide you with guidance for making decisions and solving problems. God has a universal wisdom that goes beyond what you can accomplish through your own intellect. In traditional religions this has been referred to as the “divine intelligence.” Through connecting with God, you can draw upon this greater wisdom to help you resolve all kinds of difficulties. By learning to ask God for guidance, you’ll be surprised to find that every sincere request sooner or later is answered. And the quality of that answer generally exceeds what you could have figured out through your own conscious intellect or will. Here, God is like your co-pilot. God is always available in the instant of need to those who have made a habit of waiting quietly before Him for insight and guidance.

Follow these guidelines for an effective relationship with God: 1. Be quiet, patient, and open before God 2. Be confident that he will communicate his wishes and help you execute them.

creation. This realization can improve the way you look at yourself and will help you to improve your ego and what you think of yourself. You are still inherently good and worthwhile. Your own judgments of yourself, however negative, do not ultimately count if you are a creation of the universe as much as everything else. As one person put it: “God doesn’t make junk.”

The Capacity To Give and Receive Unconditional Love The most fundamental characteristic of God is that it offers you an experience of unconditional love. This is a kind of love which differs from romantic love or even ordinary friendship. It entails an absolute caring for the welfare of another without any preconditions. That is, no matter how another person appears or acts, you have compassion and care for them without judgment. As you develop a deeper connection with God, you come to experience greater degrees of unconditional love in your life. You feel your heart opening more easily to people and their concerns. You feel free of judgment toward them or of making comparisons among them. Unconditional love shows up both in your increased capacity to give love to others and to experience

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3. Do not tempt God or make terms with Him. Gandhi said, “Not until we have reduced ourselves to nothingness, can we conquer the evil in us. God demands nothing less than complete self-surrender as the price for the only real freedom that is worth having. And when a man thus loses himself, he immediately finds himself in the service of all that lives. It becomes his delight and his recreation.”

4. Be willing to accept what God provides. He knows best. “Thy will, not mine, be done.” Have full trust in the wisdom of God. 5. Ask for God’s help. Do not instruct him on what to do. 6. Let God speak to you through his Words. Read spiritual and religious books such as the Bible and learn about the rules of victorious living. These are some of the characteristics that define a close relationship with God. All of them can significantly contribute to your personal healing process. The extent and sincerity of your commitment will determine the degree of personal healing you20experience. Outside Help: Healing Practitioners, Intercessory Prayers, etc. Healers: Healers believe that everyone has a healing mechanism that flows as an energy force around the body, mind and spirit to keep them in perfect order. Unfortunately, stress, an inadequate diet, a negative attitude and other adverse factors can block our healing mechanism so that it cannot function correctly and we get ill. Spiritual healing provides the energy needed to crank our own healing mechanism back into action. When a healer lays his hand on you, he acts as a conductor or channel for the healing energy which he believes has the “intelligence” to go where it is needed. Healers say that all of us have the power to heal, if we choose to develop it. However, some do seem to have a healing gift.

sensation, pins and needles, or a feeling of fight-headedness. Afterwards, most people say they feel relaxed and peaceful, although you might feel thirsty or sleepy. Leave a few days or a week between sessions to give the healing time to work.

Intercessory Prayers: Many Hindus ask saints and others to intercede on their behalf. People pray for others. Your chance of healing can be improved substantially if you can get others to pray for you. The scientific evidence for the efficacy of such prayers is described elsewhere.

Which problems can Spiritual Healing help? Spiritual healing can help with any problem, mental, physical or emotional. Healers are especially effective for muscular-skeletal problems. such as frozen shoulders, stiff necks and bad knees. SWAMIJI His Holiness Sri Selvam Siddhar also known as Dr Commander Selvam helped millions of people to come out of their different problems. Access www. for more information. USA Toll free @ 1-800-574 3427 Disclaimer: The above article is not intend to treat, substitute, alter, change any kind of medical advise, medicine or any other medical protocols

Healing does not always work at a physical level; the illness may remain but the ability to cope with it improves. Sometimes it does not work at all. This may be because the sick person “blocks” the healing forces - some people subconsciously prefer to be ill. It may also be because we “need” to remain ill. Healing is not just about living well, but also dying well. People healed when they are dying may die more peacefully. Typically, to begin the treatment the healer will attune with the healing energy. Then he may scan your body, with his hands hovering just above you. This scanning is to take a reading of your body’s energy levels and to locate areas of low or blocked energy where healing is needed. How long the healer spends on each area is determined by your body’s needs. Generally, the session lasts about an hour. All healers work in this way, but some employ additional healing tools such as visualization, past lives therapy, aura healing or they may concentrate on using the “chakras” the seven main energy centers of the body. During the treatment you may feel heat coming from the healer’s hands, although some people feel a draught, a tingling Siddhi Times USA 15

Healing of Various Health Problems and mental stress by “Atharva Vedic Mudras”( just by your fingers!!)

within 45 minutes; some react within a few seconds on the human body.

invented by Param Pujya “Swamiji Selvam The ancients believed there were 24 Diagnostic Elements, the Siddhar” Gayatri Mantra has 24 words, the Jains have 24 Tirthankaras, People fold their fingers in various Mudras (Gestures). It is little known, however, that Mudra Science is Tatva Yoga i.e. Yoga based on Science of Elements and these Mudras can help in curing many Diseases. Tatva Yoga Mudra Vigyan is an independent Yoga, built upon the knowledge of the five fingers of the human hand. Detailed descriptions are available in Mantra Shastra (Books of incantation), Upasana Shastra (Books on meditation), Nritya Shastra (Books on the art of Dances) and the books on the art of sculpture. Mudra is a very exact and scientific Yogic function by which one can develop and even change one’s internal and external disposition viz. Mental (anger, emotional disturbance, intelligence etc.), Spiritual (concentration, meditation) or Physical (in various diseases, illnesses). Mudras can bring miraculous Mental, Spiritual and Physical changes and improvements in our body. They help in quickly balancing the elements of the body. Mudras effect changes in Veins, Tendons, Glands and Sense Organs. Mudras need no prior preparation. They can be done (mostly but with exceptions) at any time, anywhere and virtually under any circumstances.

and Sanatan Dharma has 24 avatars. The 24 words of the Gayatri Mantra have a special relationship with 24 Mudras known as GAYATRI MUDRAS. They have different names and formations. The importance of Mudras is also clear from the grim qualifier to these: Etaa Mudraa na jaanaati, Gaayatri nishphalaa bhaveta (To him who does not know Mudras, Gayatri becomes ineffectual.) Mudras awaken the cosmic energy and help unite the Atma (Soul) with Paramatama (Cosmic Soul). Thus, the tension applied to the nerve/s and/or the neural or psycho- neural circuits formed by the Mudras help in balancing the five basic Elements (or building blocks). The Thumb (Angusth)represents Fire (Agni), the Fore finger (Tarjani) Vayu (Air), the Middle finger (Madhyama) Akash (Space), the Third finger (Anamika) Prithvi (Earth) and the Fourth finger (Kanishika) Jal (Water). This balancing of the tension and redirection of the internal energy effects the changes in veins, tendons, glands and sensory organs to bring the body back to a healthy state. Mudras never generate an excess of energy, they simply seek an optimal balancing of prana, much like a thermostat.

Mudras are like literal remote control switches bringing quick and effective changes.They help in bringing about permanent changes.

So next time you are Ailing, remember it may just be an instance of mal adjusted prana and an innocuous sleight of hand could be the cure

Mudras help in Kundalini Yoga to awaken the Cosmic Energy and to Unite Consciousness of Inner Supreme Soul.

Here are some mudras which are useful in therapy. As mentioned earlier there can be no end to the gains that may be had from Mudras. While for most Mudras there are no restrict ions of posture and time, others should not be performed without full knowledge. In some cases, practice for longer periods or while in a different posture or at the wrong time could even prove harmful.

Constant practice of Mudras can stop or slow down the destructive changes in the human body. It can help develop a virtuous, socially amiable, non-violent, pious and courteous disposition. Some of t he Mudras can balance the elements of the body Siddhi Times USA 16

BASIC MUDRAS For relief from Headache, Sleeplessness and Memory Loss.

This Mudra helps in removing Ear and Teeth problems. It also helps in curing Throat problems and helps to cure Thyroid.

GYAN MUDRA : Bend the thumb and the index finger and bring the tips together in gentle contact, not pressing hard, while all other fingers are kept straight.

N.B. Do not do this Mudra while standing.

This Mudra is a Tranquilizer for Yogis and helps in Meditation. It sharpens the memory and develops the concentration of mind. It removes Head Ache and Sleeplessness.

PRITHVI MUDRA : Bend the finger next to little finger and press it gently against the tip of the thumb.Keep rest of the

For reliving the problems of Stomach and Equalize Life force.

N.B. Do not intake tobacco or non-vegetarian food. Do not intake too cold or too hot water and drinks. For relief from Arthritis, Paralyses and Parkinson. VAYU MUDRA : Bend the index finger and place it at the root of the thumb and press gently with the thumb. Keep rest of the fingers straight. This Mudra stops the problems from air arising in the body. It helps to stop Arthritis and Paralyses. It stops the pain in the neck and the knee joint. It helps in Parkinson and Shatika pain. N.B. This Mudra is done till u get relief. Too much of this Mudra should not be done. For reliving the problems of Ear, Bones and Heart. AKASH MUDRA : Bend the finger next to the index finger and place it on the tip of the thumb.Press the finger with the thumb gently. Keep rest of the fingers straight. This Mudra helps in removing Ear problems, Bone problems and even in Heart problems. N.B. This Mudra should not be done while taking food and even when u are moving. For releving the problems of Thyroid, Ear and Teeth. SHUNYA MUDRA : Bend the finger next to index finger, place it at the root of the thumb and press it with the thumb.Keep rest of fingers stright.

fingers stright. This mudra helps in developing the life force and regenerates the body. It is good in solving Digestive and Stomach problems. N.B. This Mudra should be done empty stomach. For reliving the problems of Liver and to Equalize the Cholesterol and Blood sugar levels. SURYA MUDRA : Bend the finger next to the little finger and place it at the root of the thumb. Now press the finger with the thumb gently. Keep the rest of the fingers straight. This mudra helps in Loosing Weight and removing Depression. Siddhi Times USA 17

It also decreases Cholesterol and Blood Sugar. It is also good in removing Liver problems. N.B. Weak and unwell people should not do this exercise. Do not over do this Mudra in hot weather.

in removing Gastric problems and is good in removing Headache due to Gas problem. It should be done few minutes before climbing the stair case. N.B. It should be practiced under strict supervision of a known yogi or master of this science.

For curing the problems of Face, Skin and to Purity the Blood.

For correcting the problems of Eyes and Equalize Life force.

VARUN MUDRA : Bend the little finger20and place it at the tip of the thumb.Press the finger against the thumb gently. Keep the rest of the fingers straight.

PRAN MUDRA : Bend the little finger and the finger next to it and place them at the tip of the thumb. Keep other two fingers straight.

This Mudra removes Dehydration and Blood disorders. It is good for removing Pimples from the face and is also good for removing Skin problems. It helps in maintaining Glowing Skin.

This Mudra creates an Energy bank in the body. Good in keeping the Eye problems away and heals the Eye Sight. Removes Fatigue. Keeps a person fresh during a Fast. It also makes the Skin glow and Eyes shine. IT IS GOOD IN REMOVING SLEEPLESSNESS IF DONE WITH GYAN MUDRA.

N.B. People ailing with kuff should not do this Mudra for long time.

N.B. This Mudra should be done with concentration. For correcting Menstrual Cycles, to correct the problems of Kidney, Diabetes and Piles and to maintain the Sugar level of diabetic patients. APAN MUDRA : Bend the finger next to index finger and the finger next to little finger and place them on the tip of the thumb. Keep rest of the fingers straight. This Mudra is beneficial in curing piles and diabetes. It removes Urinary problems and is beneficial in correcting Menstrual cycles. This Mudra makes delivery of a child easy. It is also good for correcting Kidney and Stomach problems. N.B. There will be too much of urination. Good amount of water should be consumed. For curing Heart problem and to reduse High blood pressure. APAN VAYU MUDRA : Bend the index finger and place it at the root of the thumb. Place the other two fingers at the tip of the thumb. Keep the little finger straight. This Mudra is best for curing Heart problems and bringing down Blood Pressure. This is best for people with Weak Heart. If done immediately after Heart Attack this Mudra does miracles. It is good

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For curing Cough & Cold, Asthma, Bronchitis, and to Equalize Low Blood Pressure. LING MUDRA : Join both the palms and lock the facing fingers together, keeping left thumb upright. The upright thumb must be encircled by the other thumb and the index finger.Do as shown in the picture. This Mudra generates heat in the body. It destroys Phlegm and helps in problems of Cold and Cough. It is excellent when the body is cold due to shortage of cover in inimical weather. It is a reliever in Asthma and Bronchitis. N.B. This Mudra must be performed under supervision or with full knowledge. Good amount of water, juice, milk, fruits and ghee should be consumed after performing this mudra. Should not be done for a long time. Note: You need to get initiated by Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar personally to get the proper powers of the following practice, otherwise the results will be adverse and will not work properly. To reach swamiji in USA, please call USA # 408 829 7780 or e- mail [email protected] or visit for more help .

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Sri Sri Selvam “Siddhar”


uring the past issues we discussed a lot about Vedic Astrology. In this issue I wish to explain about Indian Astronomy and Vedic Astrology. So to say the Indian Astronomy is the oldest and even without having a telescope, the ancient rishis, sages and monks have predicted a lot about the planets and stars. The modern day scientists have scientifically proved that all these ancient factors are the greatest truths. In India the first references to astronomy are to be found in the Atharva Veda which is dated around 2000 B.C. Vedic Aryans in fact deified the Sun, Stars and Comets. Astronomy was then interwoven with astrology and since ancient times Indians have involved the planets (called Graham) with the determination of human fortunes. Out of the nine planets some of the planets are considered inauspicious. In the working out of horoscopes (called Janma kundali/Janma patra/horoscope/Vedic astrological chart), the position of the Navagrahas, seven planets plus Raaghu and Kethu (mythical demons, evil forces) was considered. The Janmakundali was a complex mixture of science and system of belief. But the concept was born out of astronomical observations and perception based on astronomical phenomenon. In Siddhi Times USA 20

ancient times personalities like Aryabhatta and Varahamihira were associated with Indian astronomy. It would be surprising for us to know today that this science had advanced to such an extent in ancient India that ancient Indian astronomers had recognized that stars are same as the sun, that the sun is center of the universe (solar system) and that the circumference of the earth is 5000 Yojanas. One Yojana being 7.2 kms. The ancient Indian estimates came close to the actual figure. In Indian languages, the science of Astronomy is today called Khagolashastra. The word Khagola perhaps is derived from the famous astronomical observatory at the University of Nalanda which was called Khagola. It was at Khagola that the famous 5th century Indian Astronomer Aryabhatta studied and extended the subject. Aryabhatta is said to have been born in 476 A.D. at a town called Ashmaka in today’s Indian state of Kerala. When he was still a young boy he had been sent to the University of Nalanda to study astronomy. He made significant contributions to the field of astronomy. He also propounded

the heliocentric theory of gravitation, thus predating Copernicus by almost one thousand years. Aryabhatta’s Magnum Opus, the Aryabhattiya was translated into Latin in the 13th century. Through this translation, European mathematicians got to know methods for calculating the areas of triangles, volumes of spheres as well as square and cube root. Aryabhatta’s ideas about eclipses and the sun being the source of moonlight may not have caused much of an impression on European astronomers as by then they had come to know of these facts through the observations of Copernicus and Galileo. But considering that Aryabhatta discovered these facts 1500 years ago, and 1000 years before Copernicus and Galileo makes him a pioneer in this area too. Aryabhatta’s methods of astronomical calculations expounded in his Aryabhatta-siddhanta were reliable for practical purposes of fixing the Panchanga (Hindu calendar). Thus in ancient India, eclipses were also forecast and their true nature was perceived at least by the astronomers. The lack of a telescope hindered further advancement of ancient Indian astronomy.

the Aryans the sun was highly honored. The sun (Surya) was one of the chief deities in the Vedas. He was recognized as the source of light (Dinkara), source of warmth (Bhaskara). In the Vedas he is also referred to as the source of all life, the centre of creation and the centre of the spheres. The last statement is suggestive of the sun being recognized as the centre of the universe (solar system). The idea is that the sun was looked upon as the power that attracts heavenly bodies. He is supported by the virile terms like Raghupati and Aditya used in referring to the sun. While the male gender is applied to refer to the sun, the earth (Prithivi, Bhoomi, etc.,) is generally referred to as a female. The literal meaning of the term Gurutvakarshan also supports the recognition of the heliocentric theory, as the term Guru corresponds with the male gender, hence it could not have referred to the earth which was always referred to as a female.

Though it should be admitted that with their unaided observations with crude instruments, the astronomers in ancient India were able to arrive at near perfect measurement of astronomical movements and predict eclipses. Indian astronomers also propounded the theory that the earth was a sphere. Aryabhatta was the first one to have propounded this theory in the 5th century. Another Indian astronomer, Brahmagupta estimated in the 7th century that the circumference of the earth was 5000 yojanas. A yojana is around 7.2 kms. Calculating on this basis we see that the estimate of 36,000 kms as the earth’s circumference comes quite close to the actual circumference known today. There is an old Sanskrit Sloka (couplet) which is as follows: “Sarva Dishanaam, Surya, Surya, Suryaha.” This couplet means that there are suns in all directions. This couplet which describes the night sky as full of suns indicates that in ancient times Indian astronomers had arrived at the important discovery that the stars visible at night are similar to the Sun visible during day time. In other words, it was recognized that the sun is also a star, though the nearest one. This understanding is demonstrated in another sloka which says that when one sun sinks below the horizon, a thousand suns take its place.

Many ancient Indian astronomers have also referred to the concept of heliocentrism. Aryabhatta has suggested it in his treatise Aryabhattiya. Bhaskaracharya has also made references to it in his Magnum Opus Siddhanta-Shiromani. All these were based only on Atharva Veda. But it has to be conceded that the heliocentric theory of gravitation was also developed in ancient times (i.e. around 500 B.C.) by Greek astronomers. What supports the contention that it could have existed in India before the Greek astronomers developed it, is that in Vedic literature the Sun is referred to as the ‘centre of spheres’ along with the term Guru-tva-akarshan which seemingly refers to the sun. The Vedas are dated around 3000 B.C. to 1000 B.C. Thus the heliocentric idea could have existed in a rudimentary form in the days of the Atharva Veda and was refined further by astronomers of a later age. lndian Astronomers like Aryabhatta and Varahamihira who lived between 476 and 587 A.D. made close approaches to the concept of Helicentrism. In the Surya-Siddhanta, an astronomical text dated around 400 A.D., the following appellations have been given to the sun. “He is denominated the golden wombed (Hiranyagarbha), the blessed; as being the generator”. He is also referred to as “The

It was also recognized that this force is a tractive force. The Sanskrit term for gravity is Gurutvakarshan which is an amalgam of Guru-tva-akarshan. Akarshan means to be attracted. Thus the fact that the character of this force was of attraction was also recognized. This apart, it seems that the function of attracting heavenly bodies was attributed to the sun. The term Guru-tva-akarshan can be interpreted to mean, ‘to the attracted by the Master”. The sun was recognized by all ancient people to be the source of light and warmth. Among Siddhi Times USA 21

sub-divisions, namely, Jathaka, Gola, Prasna, Nimitta, Muhurta and Ganitha. I wish to give you a briefing about Indian Vedic Astrology in a nut-shell. Then anybody can easily understand what Vedic Astrology is. The Indian astrology study consists of 27 constellations, in 12 lunar mansions. The movements of two luminaries Sun and Moon, five major planets (Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Mercury) and the two nodal points of the Moon i.e., Raaghu and Kethu are considered and their positions are marked. The extra Saturnine planets like Pluto, Neptune and Uranus are not recognized by the Indian Astrology Above all, Moon is taken as very important planet for predictions though it is satellite of earth. The Moon, at the time of birth is found in a particular position or in a particular star and it will be taken as the star of the person born. This star will be used for finding out the major and sub-periods of the person in his life.

supreme source of light (Jyoti) upon the border of darkness - he revolves. Being the creator of creatures He is bringing out the beings from darkness to light. The Surya-Siddhanta also says that “Bestowing upon him the scriptures (Vedas) as gifts and establishing him within the egg as grandfather of all worlds, he himself then revolves causing existence”. The next ancient science is Indian Vedic Astrology. Indian Vedic Astrology is considered to be one of the oldest, most accurate and consistent form of astrology all over the world. It is a natural cosmic science based on real astronomy. In India, where Astrology is taken very seriously, it is one of the most important gifts to the Indian culture. Indian Vedic Astrology is generally regarded to be very predictive in nature and hence, it helps an individual to face the future in a better way, evading any misfortunes or obstacles that might be laid down in the path to success. The ancient Vedas which are said to be the oldest religious literature available has references to this science. “Jyothisha or Astrology” is one of the limbs of the “Vedas” which date back to 1500 B.C. Hindus were the original masters who had the thorough knowledge of astronomy and many rituals and religious rites were related to the position of planets and their motions. Long before Kepler, Copernicus, Brahe, Galileo and other galaxy of astronomers were born, the Hindu sages had already gained much knowledge on the stellar or planetary universe. Indian Astrology has three main branches of study. They are Siddanta, Samhita and Hora. Siddantas are those who devote to astronomical study of celestial bodies Samhitas deal with mundane astrology, earth quakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, rainfall, weather conditions economic conditions and effects of sunspots. The next and the very important branch is the Phalitha Jyothisha or Hora, which concentrates on the system of predictions. This branch has six

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Now let me tell the utilities and benefits of Indian Vedic Astrology. 1. To predict the future events. 2. To match the birth-charts of the couple at the time of marriage for a successful married life. 3. To provide a Life reading containing issues of a person’s personal life. 4. To find out the Muhurath (best time) to start any auspicious ceremony. 5. To determine which stars are affecting one’s life. 6. To provide a remedy for your problems. All the aforesaid things are just hints. The planetorial position will change according to the Individual horoscopes. To know more and more about individual horoscope and to have spiritual solvation of your problems anybody can contact me @ USA toll free 1-800-574-3427 or 1-88-232-1818 or Hindu Temple of Georgia @ 770-447-9393 ext -241- or email to me avtemple@ I pray Lord Shiva and Goddess Vanadurga and the other Atharva Veda Yaksha/Yakshini devathas to shower their entire blessings on all of us to have a clear future and comfortable living. I pray them to make us meet in the next issue, with some more different ideas of Vedic Astrology.

o are different from one’s own qualities. Love astrology deals with finding and holding some one worth loving through the use of Astrology and planets. Universe is the greatest university; it is here that we are to learn how to love; that we may be healthy and happy. We create our own sadness or happiness. Study of Love Astrology is the confirming evidence that nature does not do things haphazardly. Love Astrology is a complex scientific art; much can be determined about a person by merely knowing his or her Sun or moon sign. It indicates the position of the moon at the time of your birth in relation to one of twelve zodiac sign. Knowing your moon sign and your lover’s Moon sign, can tell you much about each other’s natural tendencies and about your compatibility as a romantic duo. There are twelve moon signs in the zodiac. They are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Now let us see the Love compatibility between the moon signs. The Aries Lover (April 13th to May 14th) Male: This lover is extremely frank, menthe in love, of practical views and lasting affection; demands your best at all times. He does hesitate to let you know when you are slip. Adventure and freedom is the plus point of lover. He is of a dominant nature and following so fast behind you that you won’t go far. He is romantic, rash, and passionate but a spend.

Many people explain about Love and predict about the love compatibility between the sun and moon signs. But according to Atharva Vedic astrology the love compatibility between the signs are to be strictly analyzed only with the moon signs. Love astrology explains how man and woman evolve around the astrological Karmic circle, absorbing the qualities of other Zodiac Sign into their own individualities teaching some, learning from others. The first step towards love astrology is to learn to tolerate instead of condemning the moon sign qualities

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Female: This lover is witty, intelligent and independent. She expects praise from you and expects good care. She will have the power to override and boss over you and can be aggressive but very romantic and sexy. Fiery in her passions, she can be controlled with tact and love and patience. She wants freedom before and after marriage and you have to trust her, because she will be faithful. The Taurus Lover (May 15th to 14th June) Male: Your lover is devoted to you, reliable, generous, faithful and sincere in love even under opposition and in Siddhi Times USA 23

upsetting conditions. He is not impulsive in love but responds well to kind treatment. A domestic bird, he loves the home. Female: Your lover is of doubting nature but anxious to lead a happy domestic life. Sincere in love and peace loving, social, and affectionate are the specialties of Female Taurus. The Gemini Lover (15th June to 14th July)

Male: Life without romance seems monotonous to your lover, yet he is loyal, sincere and affectionate in love, though undemonstrative of his loyalty and sincerity. Once involved, he is a sincere and ardent lover. He is romantic and passionate but difficult to understand. He is also sensitive and secretive. Female: She is sincere, loyal and devoted, becomes moody at times. When neglected, overlooked or ignored she becomes stubborn, determined and unyielding, and may change the partner, as she cannot tolerate this kind of attitude. The Leo Lover (15th August to 15th September)

Male: Your lover feels that variety is the life. He makes quick friendships, finds fault with others and loses them, so he cannot find a permanent friend. He is the most difficult lover to hold and keep. He cannot be understood easily. He is calculating and cynical in love. Do not ask for any commitment from him. The best way to arouse him is to become disinterested in him yet friendly. He is quite impersonal. Female: She is intelligent and wants mental companionship and is more interested in outside activities even after marriage. She cannot tolerate any opposition to her wishes and plans and cannot easily be imposed upon. If such a situation arises she can even leave you as well as the home. The Cancer Lover (15th July to 14th August)

Male: Yours is an ideal lover, romantic, fiery in passions but sincere and faithful in love. To show love publicly is below his dignity. He is good hearted but fond of the opposite sex and remains surrounded by ladies. It is safe to have commitments once you have won his heart. Female: They are ambitious and ideal, but they do not doubt their lovers. They have everlasting I but need to be kept under control. Popular with opposite sex, they are not selfish but very passionate and require self-control lest they go beyond limits. They have fixed ideas and dogmatic views and expect their word to be law. The Virgo Lover (16th September to 15th October) Male: They give more importance to intelligence than pleasure and romance, so you should have good reasons to pursue this lover, because he will insist on knowing the sincerity of your feelings. They are loyal lovers, with a very romantic nature. This is only revealed to those they love. So your courtship can well be full of surprises. Female: They are intelligent, wise, of accommodating nature and consider sex to be troublesome,

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but if well advised she can be an excellent sex companion. The Libra Lover (16th October to 14th November)

The Scorpio Lover (15th November to 14th December) Male: Rash in temperament but have adjustable nature, intense, dynamic in romance and love, but of complex moods, he cannot tolerate any criticism. They should be given sympathy, good understanding and steady affection to enjoy their sex and love life. They are valiant and have fixed views Female: These women enjoy life if their partner shows equally genuine affection and deep love. They suddenly lose their temper and pounce upon spouse or lover without caring for his position, women should learn to avoid this in order to lead a harmonious life. They are very passionate and ardent in love. The Sagittarius (15th December to 13th January)

Male: This is the most lovable for a sex being an expert in love affairs, yet sincere and affectionate. Your lover has charming manners, dress and fashion-conscious and attracts the opposite sex. His passions rise and die quickly. He has compromising

Male: Their love of freedom and independence can cause a problem if you are a jealous or a possessive lover. To have friendships with all is their basic trait. He is more interested in an outdoor life than the home and family life. This lover has expensive tastes, encompassing vast visions, with a belief in spontaneous luck. They love to travel for business, adventure or social work, etc.

nature. You should be sophisticated, well groomed and tactful to enjoy life most with him. He is a lazy lover, unconcerned with practical details of life. Female: They are intelligent, tactful and wise, also passionate in nature. They love and adore their partner. They are fond of dress, music, restaurants and clubs, etc., but they cannot be imposed upon. Emotional and extravagant, are amiable, and ready to forgive and forget.

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Female: They are fond of the home and are non-interfering. They will be helpful to their lover, calm, clever, polite and considerate. A reliable, intelligent, dutiful, obedient and pleasant person, she will make a good wife. The Capricorn Lover (14th January to 12th February)

sexy, intelligent and cosmopolitan lover may seldom be available to be with you alone. He is popular and very much in demand. Some of these lovers like loving to be on a romantic and yet impersonal basis. They have permanent and strong attachments. They do not show their love. Female: They are unconventional. If they find that their partner is not up to their standards, they will not hesitate to satisfy themselves by changing the partner. Otherwise they will cooperate fully. Family and home are not always important to them. The Pisces Lover (13th Mars to 12th April) Male: They remain attracted to the romantic life and prefer beauty in the partner. They can be suspicious by nature, which kills their

Male: They are not emotional but slow and cautious and not at all bold in approaching the opposite sex. They are not demonstrative in love, so in case you are looking for a dependable, sturdy and practical lover, he is the right man. They are materialistic and often overlook their love and affection for the sake of money. They do not like public display of affection. Female: They are much attached to the home and family and are dutiful to children. They do not display their love and hate any adverse publicity or any hint of discord in their private life. They are conservative in their outlook, and reserved in their behavior. The Aquarius Lover (13th February to 12th March) Male: Being intelligent, they prefer an intelligent partner. This

love but they also like flattery. They have their own dream world, one that is private and requires solitude. The need to be alone is very strong with them and they are also intelligent. Female: They are suspicious by nature, romantic and passionate. They are over-liberal and very generous which should be avoided, so that they should not fall victim to bad social elements and tendencies and ruin their lives. Sweet-tempered, polite and social, they can be led away by fancies. The entire aforesaid are only hints. This will vary according to the individual’s horoscope. To know more and more about individual horoscope and to solve your problems and to get your lover back or to come out love spells, or Black magic spells on your lover, or lover cheating on you. Or to fix the broken love or to find a good lover or to get an understandable life partner, contact Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) @ USA toll free 1-800-574-3427 or 1-88-232-1818 or Hindu Temple of Georgia @ 770-447-9393 ext -0- or email to [email protected]

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board members, headed by the great physician, Dr. Ravi Sharma, apparently could not tolerate the rapid growth of the Hindu Temple of Georgia, and started supporting the criminal conspirators, as understood by Indian law enforcement officials.

Rudra Thandavam of Lord Shiva in the 21st Century The effort to root out the huge international conspiracy against the Hindu Temple of Georgia and Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar is now getting up to full speed and coming to a climax. By now the readers of Siddhi Times are fully aware of the conspiracy against the Hindu Temple of Georgia: conspirators orchestrated an unrelenting scheme to attack the famous Hindu Temple of Georgia, and now they are badly wanted by Indian law enforcement authorities.

Honorable “Sivanadiyar”

AP. Jayachandran The Prosecuting Lawyer in Coimbatore, India

Valmikinathan Puducheri Ragunathan Blue shift India Private Limited

Accused No. 1. C C No: 35&36

Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

The Hindu Temple of Atlanta is a Hindu Temple located in Riverdale, Georgia, just south of Atlanta. After approximately 28 years of its inception, its construction is still not completed, even though it has more than approximately 30 physicians as members, trustees, or followers. The

Last year, the now former-president, Dr. Ravi Sharma, came forward in the mainstream press and gave his most learned opinion about how a Hindu Temple and a Swamiji should be living. However, this immense critic is not so interested in following his own advice! Last month his temple performed a large Sudarshana Sahasranama Parayanam in a large shopping mall in Norcross Georgia which is very popular with the local Indian-American community. This was done directly adjacent to where tons of alcoholic beverages and all kinds of meats are served. Now this is also the same mall where another three smaller Hindu Temples are permanently located. The thoughtful board members of those Temple are also forcing the Gods to endure the smell of meat and alcohol every day, from morning Arathi to night Arathi, but this apparently this doesn’t bother Dr. Sharma and his selectively critical eye. Indeed, it seems that they advocate two completely different views: on for the Hindu Temple of Georgia and Swamiji Sri. Selvam, and another which is applicable to Dr. Sharma and the Hindu Temple of Atlanta. Dr Ravi Sharma, not only joined with these conspirators, when he wrote along with co-conspirator brothers Valmiki and

Sundaram Puducheri Ragunathan Business - Unkown Accused No. 2. C C No: 35&36

Chandra Mohan Loganathtan Business - Unkown Accused No. 3. C C No: 35&36

Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

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appear in court on August 28th 2009, or else an arrest warrant may be issued to arrest these Indian leaders .Wow! What a great service he has accomplished for his temple and his community! They do not even know how to limit their inside politics and group fights to themselves. Instead, Dr. Ravi Sharma stood ready to accuse an innocent great soul living miles away. He commented that there are “no Swamijis living as millionaires!” That shows to most Indians that he is obviously lying merely to defame someone. We Indians know of lots of Swamijis who are living in India as multi-millionaires, even as billionaires! Before he proclaims an “authoritative” statement about someone else’s life, he ought to make sure he knows what the truth is, especially when he hypocritically applies his standards so unevenly. His very own temple hosted a Lady Swamini, by the name Swamini Karunamai, who always shows up in the crowd with thick make up, custom made dresses, expensive cars, and lives a millionaire’s life in India. They also brought in a self-proclaimed Breathing Master, Sri. Ravishankar, who most of the time, wears custom made silk clothing, and sports jet black dyed hair. He also lives a millionaire’s life in both Canada and India!

DR. Ravi Sharma - Past president HinduTemple of Atlanta Accused No. 4 . C C No: 35 Judicia Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India Sundaram Raghunathan - who now appear to be taking active part in the Hindu Temple of Atlanta activities - a very offensive article about Swamiji in the Indian magazine “Khabar.” Now his Temple’s Lords Balaji and Shivji has given their greatest blessings to him. Yes, that’s right! He has become the first Hindu Temple President in the entire world to have most of his Temple Board members face criminal charges in India! And they will need to

Some of the supporters of the magazine which published the defaming story about Swamiji are also followers of a man called Jaggi Vasudev. He is from Coimbatore, India, where Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar is also from. Mr. Sadguru Jaggi Vasudeva was arrested and jailed; he was indicted, but then acquitted, likely due to the political influence regarding his wife’s murder. This case was also handled by the same lawyer, Mr. AP Jayachandran who is handling this high profile case for the Hindu Temple of Georgia in India today. It seems like a small world, after all!

As many Indians know, Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev was accused of murdering his wife. During the 1990’s, some of the famous Indian magazines published many times the shocking happenings like involvement with all kinds of drinking and drugs and wild dancing in the night in his mountainside property bought Ananthi Palamuthu - Owner kumon math Dr. Hymavathy Mikkilineni - President reading center, Kennesaw, GA HinduTemple of Atlanta Accused No. 5. C C No: 35 & 36 Accused No. 6. C C No: 35 Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

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Judicial Magistrate Court- III,Coimbatore- India

Dr. Sankaran Raghunathan Blue shift India Private Limited Accused No. 7. C C No: 35 & 36 Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

Dr. Jayasri Moparthy - Vice President HinduTemple of Atlanta Accused No.8 .C C No: 35 Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

Dr. Sujatha Reddy - past president Hindu Temple of Atlanta Accused No. 9. C C No: 35 Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

from the owners of the Lakshmi group of industries. He is living as a millionaire now, and he also wears custom made silk dress, uses expensive cars, advertises on thousands of flex boards, and has a magazine for a mouthpiece, even though thousands of people complain about him and his questionable practices. Its believed that, he makes at least two world wide trips every year. It is the famous attorney Mr. A. P. Jayachandran, who saved this Sadguru Jaggis Vsudeva from being behind bars for the rest of his life. However, even though it is believed that he was the first Swamiji to advertise his lecture series on bill boards in Atlanta, it now seems that a whole part of world has forgotten all about these things and this Sadguru, Jaggi Vsudeva, who is believed to be the Guru for Khabar’s owners. There is another Indian Lady Swamini whose next male assistant fled with numerous lady followers of this Mother Lady. This so called Swamiji who sexually abused countless women. He claimed that he was Lord Krishna and he was the power behind the so called mother, who was direct boss. Yet, there was not fired! The so called mother hugs everyone. That’s her business strategy. However, why is this male, so called Swamiji, always with her and claiming to be her right hand man hugging lot of ladies in the night time in a private setting? Probably, so that he can personally hug so many ladies in his bedroom! And also there is another prominent Hindu leader named Saibaba. Numerous complaints about his questionable practices are all over the internet. However, it looks like Dr. Ravi Sharma and his board

Narender G Reddy Secretary HinduTemple of Atlanta Accused No. 10. C C No: 35 Judicial Magistrate Court-

Members of Hindu Temple of Atlanta do not have a clue about any of the above happenings in the world. Instead, they focus on the Hindu Temple of Georgia and try to create discord. When a television reporter wanted to telecast a scandalous story about the Hindu Temple of Georgia and he wanted a local Hindu temple president to speak badly against the Hindu Temple of Georgia, Dr. Ravi Sharma was all too happy to oblige! So with the support of the conspirators, this unwarranted story was easily achieved. Swamiji Sri. Selvam, however, has never talked to television stations or any mainstream, national media about the problems at the Hindu Temple of Atlanta.

motives and has inadvertently become part of the conspiracy now. After more of my undercover investigations are over, Watch for the next issue of the Siddhi Times USA, to find out how involved we believe that Dr. Ravi Sharma has become, willingly speaking out against practices which the Hindu Temple of Georgia publicly acknowledges on its website!

The television reporter helped the three conspirators and now they are facing numerous criminal cases, and he has made them internationally wanted by law enforcement in India. He enabled two priests who are accused of stealing a large amount of cash from the temple to slander the Swamiji on television. Finally by the blessings of the almighty, those two accused thieves are arraigned in a high profile “attempted murder” case, along with four more separate criminal cases! They will indeed be very busy coming and going almost every week to the criminal court. These events are not great spiritual achievements, but are a matter the conspirators should be ashamed of. I should say that all the shame goes mainly to the three Indian-American guys, who encouraged these priests to embezzle the money and helped them attempt to escape justice by fleeing the United States. However, they made a serious miscalculation. The $16,200.00 stolen by the priests is not money that belonged to a Swamiji, or any human being, it was Lord Shiva’s money! It is very clearly stated in

It is said in the Vedas, “Nathi Moolam” and “Rishi Moolam Ariyathe,” which means, never dig to see the beginning of a river, or of Swamijis, for you would loose your interest in those subjects completely, and you will start hating those subjects. Most of the Tamil speaking people understand what this means. Just talk to someone who speaks this Indian Language, and Jaggi Vasudev (Founder) Isha foundation - Coimbatore they will be able to explain to you very clearly the meaning of this proverb. Dr Ravi Sharma of Hindu Temple of Atlanta is a physician, and most of his co-trustees are physicians. Yet, he seems intent on injuring and defaming zthe Hindu Temple of Georgia and Swamiji. This is purely nothing but jealousy and irritation over someone else’s growth. Even the television reporter that Dr Ravi Sharma spoke with was biased. However, he probably doesn’t understand that he was merely used by the conspirators for their own

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grand thirty-year-old temple in Atlanta! That seems strange, doesn’t it? If the Hindu Temple of Georgia was superior to the Hindu Temple of Georgia, why not have 80 or 90 percent of the local Indian population to come and visit?

Rajesh Jyothishi - Owners

Pari Jyotishi, Khabar - Owners

Khabar magazine Accused No. 11. C C No: 35 Judicial Magistrate Court- III,Coimbatore- India

Khabar magazine Accused No. 12. C C No: 35 Judicial Magistrate Court- III,Coimbatore- India

Indian Vedic Science as follows: “SIVAN SOTTHU KULA NASSAM.” This means, any one trying to loot or even to think about looting any of the assets of Lord Shiva, they will suffer for generations. The conspirators’ entire generation and their successor’s generation will suffer badly with tremendous physical, mental, and financial problems. Finally their whole generation would be destroyed. Religion is always a debatable subject. Even if Lord Rama and Lord Krishna lived in the 21st century, evil minded people would place blogs and gossip that Lord Rama was very abusive, and his wife, Seetha Devi, planned to run away with

Parthiv Parekh Editor-In Chief, Khabar Accused No. 13. C C No: 35 Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

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Ravana, who was her former boy friend! It is inevitable that evil-minded humans always think evil thoughts, and the goodminded always think good thoughts. Consider the Hindu Temple of Atlanta’s recent big ten day celebration. They informed their followers that they had 2,000 people visit their Temple during those ten days. That works out to be an average of 200 people per day. Now, it was announced by a television reporter last year, that there are 50,000 Indian families living in Atlanta and approximately 100,000 Indians live in Georgia. If that is true, then only 2% (or less*) of the Indian population visited this

Sonal Parekh Advertising Manager, Khabar Accused No. 14. C C No: 35 Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

It is said by Swamiji Selvam Siddhar, that “you will live according to your thoughts.” Sometimes it is said, “Clean your own hind parts, before you worry about someone else’s.” Consequently, it seems that the thoughts have affected the lives of the thinkers. The great Lord Balaji and Lord Shiva, after the great ten day festival, have given their fullest blessings to the board members of Hindu Temple of Atlanta: many of the Hindu Temple of Atlanta board members stand criminally accused in the Indian courts, and those accused are facing a series of criminal charges which could result in long term imprisonment in Indian jail if they are convicted. Yes, the board members of Hindu Temple of Atlanta are indicted and have been issued their very own criminal summons! They need to appear for the trial of their criminal case with the owners of Khabar Magazine. International flights from Atlanta to India will be crowded with these people every month. Anyway, buying tickets in advance is a good business decision to get a good deal on the flight to Chennai and then on to Coimbatore.

Murali Kamma Managing Editor, Khabar Accused No. 15. C C No: 35 Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

It’s said in the Tamil Proverb, “Arasan andru kolvan and dheivam nindru kollum,” meaning, rulers dole out punishment immediately, whereas God gives punishment after waiting for some time. Finally, Lord Shivji has started his RUDRA THANDAVAM (the angry dance). More interesting updates will appear, hopefully, in the August 15 - September 15 issue, and will contain more of the shocking, ugly conspiracy details! We Indians in this great nation will be ashamed by their actions, but will not let their actions prevent us from doing what is right. According to the Vedas, Lord Shiva is the god with the greatest anger. He does not care about himself, but he will get the worst anger if his devotee is troubled. The Veda calls him Rudra, which means the person with the greatest anger. In the Yajur Veda, Sri. Rudra starts its praises to Lord Shiva as, “Om Namo Bhagavate Rudraya. Namasthe Rudra manyave utho tha ishave namaha.” The meaning of these verses is: My salutations to Rudra. My salutations to the anger of Rudra.

Mehul Parekh Art Director, Khabar Accused No. 16. C C No: 35 Judiciall Magistrate Court- III,Coimbatore- India Remember the two priests who looted $ 16,200.00 with the support of the conspirators? They were finally caught by the police, but not for the theft case, but for a very high profile attempted murder case. It is alleged that they tried to murder Indian employees of Hindu Temple of Georgia. Well, these conspirators did the best for their life partners also. Yes, their wives! They gave a great gift to their wives: the wives of this accused person will have to appear in the criminal court along with their husbands. What a great blessing from the Hindu Temple of Atlanta to three conspirators !. This time, Lord Balaji blessed them not to appear for the trial in the criminal case, individually, but as couples.

Hema Vyas Accounting, Khabar Accused No. 17. C C No: 35 Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

So, the anger of Lord Shiva cannot be valued. Now he has directed his angry vision towards the criminal conspirators and their victims, the Hindu Temple of Georgia and Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar. We are all immigrants to this great nation, which gave us all many comforts. I don’t believe that in any nation, including India, we would enjoy so many human rights. As is rightly said, America is a nation of opportunity, and if you are intelligent and bright, even you could sell the soil. All the credit goes to the great politicians of this nation and it is their responsibility to try to keep it as it is. I know that I will definitely praise this county the entire length of my life. I look forward to meeting you all again in the next issue.

Priyanka Graphic Designer Accused No. 18. C C No: 35 Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

Pundit Rudra, Freelance Writer from Coimbatore, India

Sameer Malim Graphic Designer Accused No. 19. C C No: 35 Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

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avoid the issue that angers them. They may express anger in a “passive-aggressive” way that can take the form of baiting others, or frustrating them. People who express anger in a passive-aggressive manner may fear hurting others or being “a bad person” if they openly express negative feelings. However, they usually end up damaging the relationship because other people usually sense their anger on some level and begin to build resentment toward them. People who are unable to acknowledge anger in them often feel hurt by others’ hostility, abusive behavior, or withdrawal from them. Anger is frequently a result of frustration, or of feeling blocked or thwarted from something we feel to be important. Anger can also be a defensive response to underlying fear or feelings of vulnerability or powerlessness. Many people with anger problems are out of touch with signs that anger is building. Our body gives us important clues to when we are angry, sometimes before we are consciously aware of it. When anger builds, we react as we do to stress. We may feel tension or stress in our body as adrenaline is released, our breathing may quicken, or our heart may start to beat faster. There are many problems in a human’s life. Out of all those problems anger is the worst. If one gets angry everything will be spoiled. That’s why Swamiji Selvam Siddhar always used to tell “Shanti”. As a Swamiji and scholar of Atharva Veda he always love and peace. He has helped and he is helping lot of people to come out of anger. According to Atharva Veda and Atharva Vedic Astrology the planets are the only reason for anger and anger related problems. Before going deep into the subject let us see what anger is and what all the side effects of anger are. Anger is a normal and basic human emotion. Anger problems are likely causing difficulty in family, social and/or occupational settings. Depending on how it is managed and expressed, anger can have positive or negative consequences. Awareness of angry feelings can be helpful as it can signal when one’s rights are being violated or one’s needs are being ignored by others. Anger can also help to energize and motivate us to work to address problems with another person or to change the life situation. However, there are potential negative consequences of anger when it is not managed or expressed appropriately or effectively. Some people are chronically angry at others, or at themselves. Often, angry people were criticized or abused themselves earlier in life, and react to others in the same manner they were treated. Prolonged or intense anger and frustration contributes to physical conditions such as headaches, digestive problems, high blood pressure and heart disease. Problems dealing with angry feelings may be linked to psychological disorders such as anxiety or depression. Angry outbursts can be a way of trying to cope with unhappiness, or depressed feelings. Chronic anger creates problems getting along with others, and can lead to involvement in physically or emotionally abusive relationships. Having “a short fuse” is often a factor in other problematic behaviors such as “road rage,” accidents, and getting into verbal or physical fights. While some people openly rage, others have difficulty acknowledging their anger and hold their feelings inside as they Siddhi Times USA 34

The following are some possible signs of difficulty coping with anger: One feels (or fears) being out of control when he/she is angry. One often feels tense, irritable or frustrated. One finds himself/herself frequently gossiping or complaining about others rather than speaking to them directly about what is bothering him/her. One frequently feels hurt or resentful that others treat him/her unfairly. One hurts others, especially those they care about, by demeaning or putting them down, cursing at them, or being verbally abusive. He/she ends up regretting something he/she said or did when angry. One takes out the anger on someone or something else rather than the person or situation that is bothering him/her. One has physically lashed out when angry (e.g. destroyed property, hit someone, etc.).

One uses alcohol or drugs to try and calm his/her emotions. Others (e.g. friends, family, professors, academic administrators, and bosses) have expressed concern about his/her anger.

One has lost or is in danger of losing a relationship, job, or something else important because of his/her anger. One has been arrested or has legal difficulties because of his/ her anger.

All these things happen only because of the planets’ position in one’s horoscope. Sometimes the black magic on one will also make the person to get angry even for small and meager things and happenings. In that condition the horoscope of the effected person is to be scrutinized by Swamiji Selvam Siddhar as per the standards of Atharva Veda. Then the proper Atharva Veda Thantric rituals are to be performed. By doing this one can have the Atharva Vedic spiritual salvation of the anger problem. To know more and more about individual horoscope and to solve your problems contact Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar) @ USA toll free 1-800-5743427 or 1-88-232-1818 or Hindu Temple of Georgia @ 770447-9393 ext -0- or email to [email protected]

philosophers. These are all pre-scientific theories, based in theology, concentrated on the relationship between the mind and the soul, the supernatural, divine or god-given essence of the person. Modern theories, based on scientific understanding of the brain, theorize that the mind is a product of the brain and has both conscious and unconscious aspects.


Some argue that only the “higher” intellectual functions constitute mind: particularly reason and memory. In this view the emotions - love, hate, fear, and

tharva Vedic way of controlling the wavering Minds Many devotees of Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar and the readers of the magazine Siddhitimes are continuously sending letters and emails to Swamiji to teach the techniques to control the wavering mind. As per the requests of the readers and devotees this article is being written. Before knowing the methods to control the wavering mind one should know what is meant by mind. Mind refers to the aspects of intellect and consciousness manifested as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will and imagination, including all of the brain’s conscious and unconscious cognitive processes. “Mind” is often used to refer especially to the thought processes of reason. Subjectively, mind manifests itself as a stream of consciousness. There are many theories of the mind and its function. The earliest recorded works on the mind are by Adi Shankara, Buddha, Plato, Aristotle, and other ancient Greek, Indian and Islamic Siddhi Times USA 35

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in philosophy of mind. Some philosophers divide consciousness into phenomenal consciousness, which is subjective experience itself, and access consciousness, which refers to the global availability of information to processing systems in the brain. Hinduism’s various philosophical schools have debated whether the human soul (atman) is distinct from, or identical to, Brahman, the divine reality. Buddhism attempted to break with such metaphysical speculation, and posited that there is actually no distinct thing as a human being, who merely consists of five aggregates, or skandhas.

joy - are more “primitive” or subjective in nature and should be seen as different from the mind. Others argue that the rational and the emotional sides of the human person cannot be separated, that they are of the same nature and origin, and that they should all be considered as part of the individual mind. In popular usage mind is frequently synonymous with thought. It is that private conversation with ourselves that we carry on “inside our heads.” Thus we “make up our minds,” “change our minds” or are “of two minds” about something. One of the key attributes of the mind in this sense is that it is a private sphere to which no one but the owner has access. No-one else can “know our mind.” They can only interpret what we consciously or unconsciously communicate. Thought is a mental process which allows an individual to model the world, and so to deal with it effectively according to their goals, plans, ends and desires. Words referring to similar concepts and processes include cognition, idea, and imagination. Thinking involves the cerebral manipulation of information, as when we form concepts, engage in problem solving, reasoning and making decisions. Thinking is a higher cognitive function and that’s why Swamiji Selvam Siddhar always used to say “You will live according to your thoughts”. Memory is an organism’s ability to store, retain, and subsequently recall information. Imagination is accepted as the innate ability and process to invent partial or complete personal realms the mind derives from sense perceptions of the shared world. Consciousness (including humans) is an aspect of the mind generally thought to comprise qualities such as subjectivity, sentience, and the ability to perceive the relationship between oneself and one’s environment. It is a subject of much research Siddhi Times USA 38

Now let us come to the main question, How to control the wavering mind? To keep the mind from wandering, Swamiji Selvam Siddhar prescribes the following. Allow the mind to wander. Only watch it. Be a witness to it. Very soon you will realize that you have become a part of the mind, started wandering with it and stopped observing it. At that point, do not get agitated; just start observing the mind again. It is like watching a child doing its pranks without reacting. The child eventually feels embarrassed and stops. This child (mind) is more obstinate. You will require more patience. Gradually learn to observe your breath as you inhale and exhale. Then you could use any mantra according to the power of the planets in your horoscope. For the persons those who don’t have their date of birth detail Swamiji Selvam Siddhar always prefers some wonderful mantras based on “OM” or “SOHAM”. For the persons having major problems with wavering mind Swamiji Selvam Siddhar does some Atharva Veda Thantric rituals to control the mind. To know more and more about the mind and to solve your problems contact Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar) @ USA toll free 1-800-574-3427 or 1-88-232-1818 or Hindu Temple of Georgia @ 770-4479393 ext -241- or email to [email protected]

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Cyber Terrorism Update Huge Criminal Case in India Against Owners of Google in the US & Top Executives of Google, India


Board Members of Hindu Temple of Atlanta, Riverdale, GA & Owners and Employees of Khabar Magazine! “Blogging” is a wonderful new phenomenon in this modern age of cyberspace. It is a welcomed place for one to create and share a lot of ideas to a broad spectrum of readers the world over. However, it is also often used by criminal conspirators to defame celebrities and other important members of society. And sometimes it goes so far as to be termed “Cyber Terrorism.” Many people have even died as a result of this crime. Two of the largest and best known platforms owned by Google are and Consequently, Siddhi Times USA 40

Google is defending numerous defamation cases all around the world, including a criminal case against some of their employees in Italy and India. The Italian Court is currently considering a criminal case against top Google officials, including their “Privacy Chief.” Google maintains offices under the name of Google India Private, Ltd., in Delhi, Bangalore, Hyderabad, and other cities. All are believed to be managed by top IT executives and are under the direct control of Google’s owners. Recently, a prominent Indian Physician, Dr. Singh has instituted a civil and criminal case against one employee of Google. However, a spokesperson for Google India said in an emailed statement, “We are not aware of this court case, but the blogs in question have been removed following a court order. The said person, Sundararaman K is no longer employed with Google India.” Also in India, a Non-Bailable arrest warrant has been issued recently against one of Google’s employees, former head of sales, Mr. Sundararaman, who is now working for Vodafone and Essar Cellular, Ltd. in Chennai, India, (which is the state headquarters for Tamilnadu). Many months back Hindu Temple of Georgia sent requests to Google asking that they remove defamatory and scandalous blogs from and Blogspot. com that have been posted by conspirators. First, their attorneys wrote a reply claiming that they were not clear

Ram Shriram Accused No. 1. CC No.36. Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

Eric Schmidt Accused No. 2. CC No.36.

Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

about therequest. To the second request from the Temple, they said that they could not do anything, and that they were protected by “Freedom of Speech.” It was quite interesting and comical that they would claim an American constitutional right protected them in India! However, possibly out of fear, they went ahead and filed a Caveat Petition in the Madras High Court and another Caveat Petition in the Coimbatore Court. The whole idea of the Caveat Petition is that Hindu Temple of Georgia should not take any action, or interim action, against them. The biggest question that arises here is: What are they going to loose by removing defamatory blogs from their website? As a large internet media firm, their motive would be obviously, the goal of bringing a lot of traffic to their websites, with these types of blogs. When a celebrity is defamed, it can create a lot of interest and drive visitors to their web portals who are curious about what’s going on. After all, there are a lot of evil minded, jealous, and voyeuristic people who enjoy seeing others defamed, or getting hurt, especially when it involves, celebrities, politicians, and the wealthy. Such an increase in web traffic would naturally serve to increase their advertising revenues. The final result, however, was that Google’s expert Indian attorneys, made the main Google owners and all their top bosses in India, named as the criminally accused in the Coimbatore court. As of this very minute, this is the biggest criminal case ever filed against Google in the entire world! The Hindu Temple of Georgia’s Indian attorney is demanding Rs. 50 Crores, which is a little bit higher than 10 Million Dollars in punitive damages! In the Google business family the following people were

Larry Page Accused No. 3. CC No.36.

Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

indicted as the criminally accused and a summons to appear have been issued by the Indian court: Accused # 1: Ram Shriram - One of the founders Google Accused # 2: Eric Schmidt - One of the founders of Google Accused # 3: Larry Page - One of the founders of Google Accused # 4: Arthur Levinson - A director of Google Accused # 5: Paul Otellini - A director of Google Accused # 6: Shirley M. Tilghman - A director of Google Accused # 7: John Doerr - A director Google Accused # 8: Mr. Shailesh Rao - Director of Sales and Operations, Google India Accused # 9: Mr. Vinay Goel - Country Head for Product Management, Google India Accused # 10: Mr. Narasimma Jaikumar - Business Head, Google India Accused # 11: Mr. T. T. Ramgopal – Director, Online Sales and Operations, Google India Accused # 12: Mr. Mahesh Narayanan- Senior Industry Manager, Google India The Biggest Criminal Case Ever Against Most of the Board Members of Hindu Temple of Atlanta The Hindu Temple of Georgia is the most famous Hindu Temple in the United States. Under the blessings of Swamiji Selvam Siddhar, it was quickly the only Hindu Temple in America with the highest number of full-time professional servicing priests. This meteoric success attracted so much Siddhi Times USA 41

of followers of the Temple from all over the nation and globally. They also called Temple followers by telephone begging them to lodge complaints with governmental authorities, or to come forward and file court cases against the Temple. This activity went on to unite with a local magazine named “KHABAR”, which had rivalry issues with the Temple’s magazine, Siddhi Times USA, because of its rapid national success and global attention. The then president of one of greater Atlanta’s Temples, Hindu Temple of Atlanta joined the conspiracy and wrote a highly defamatory and hypocritical article about the Hindu Temple of Georgia. One should refrain from throwing stones when they live in a glass house! Perhaps the article was to distract Atlanta’s Hindu Community from the less than stellar situation down at the Hindu Temple of Atlanta. Construction is still not completed after approximately 28 years since their inception, even with so many multi-millionaires and rich Indian physicians being trustees, members, and directors! Up to today, the Hindu Temple of Atlanta is still asking for donations after donations. They even ask for money to become a Trustee of their Temple! This clearly shows that they themselves don’t have a trust on their trust.

limelight that three Tamil speaking Indian guys in Atlanta started attempting to extort money from the Temple board by threatening to make a lot of false accusations. They went on to use all kinds of free media to bombard with defamatory emails, using a stolen database, thousands Arthur levinson Accused No. 4. CC No.36.

It is certainly very unusual to ask for a conditional money payment to become a Trustee of a temple, and it is certainly against Hindu agamas and philosophies; but in the Hindu Temple of Atlanta, they are demanding $25,000.00 (which is to be paid within a span of five years), and if anybody fails to pay the money within the stipulated period of time, the money they have already paid will be forfeited, and they will have to give up the position of Trustee as well. This sounds more like a shady consumer finance company

Paul .S.Otellini Accused No. 5. CC No.36.

Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

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Shirley M.Tilghman Accused No. 6. CC No.36.

Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

contract, than the offer of a position of respect and service to the community! The Trust Board of The Hindu Temple of Atlanta most likely got annoyed by the rapid growth and fame of the Hindu Temple of Georgia. Below is a list of Hindu Temple of Atlanta members with criminal charges pending against them in India? The charges suggest that these people were conspiring with each other was out of a criminally malicious and libelous intent. That’s why I call it an organized criminal conspiracy. In general, nobody should be jealous of anybody else, especially those persons associated with a temple, or any religious organization! And one should certainly never bear jealousy towards others engaged similar spiritual missions to benefit mankind. The laws of karma and nature seem to have been overlooked and corrupted here. Also, very sadly and shockingly, the three conspirators actually physically attacked and beat up some priests from the Hindu Temple of Georgia! The Temple’s attorneys, who are investigating the whole conspiracy, are now preparing proceedings against the conspirators for business interference, organized conspiracy, threatening phone calls, harassing phone calls, defamation, slander, libel, battery, assault, theft, and malicious prosecution. One of the most bizarre facts in the whole conspiracy is that one of the local police corporals appears to have joined up with the criminal conspirators in order to bring baseless and incredibly false charges against the Hindu Temple of Georgia and its founder Swamiji, Sri. Selvam Siddhar! The following are the Hindu Temple of Atlanta’s associates and some other Indians in the USA who are indicted in the criminal case, and were issued with Indian criminal summons. They need to appear in court on August 28th John Doerr Accused No. 7. CC No.36.

Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

2009 to answer to the respective criminal charges against them. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Dr. Ravi Sharma - Ex-President, Dr. Hymavathy Mikkilineni - President Dr. Kusuma Dronavalli - Chairperson, Religious Function Ms. Jayashree Moparthy - Vice President Mr. Narender Reddy - Secretary Ms. Kusuma Kotte - Joint Secretary Dr. Sujatha Reddy – Chairperson, Food

Shailesh Rao Accused No. 8. CC No.36.

Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

Sergey Brin Accused No. 9. CC No.36.

Judicial Magistrate Court- III, Coimbatore- India

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beating the name and fame of Khabar, they were just waiting for an opportunity to join in and put the Temple and Swamiji down. They made good use of the three guys’ attack against Swamiji; however, they made a slight miscalculation in not understanding that they are going to loose most of their advertising revenue in this conspiracy case! Now almost all the owners and employees of Khabar are facing a criminal conspiracy/defamation case in Indian criminal court! Both the owners, and their wives, are facing the criminal charges! Soon the trial to convict them should get started. They need to present themselves, with their unfortunate wives, in criminal court in India on August 28th, 2009. If they don’t, they are expected to be arrested and reprimanded into Indian Law Enforcement’s custody by the FBI for further criminal actions. The following are the people from Khabar magazine who have been indicted in the criminal case in India.

8. Ms. Sheila Lingam-Chairperson of some committee 9. Ms. Sasikala Penumarthi - Chairperson, Cultural Affairs 10. Valmikinathan Raghunathan- Co founder Blueshift India Private Limited 11. Radhika Raghunatha – The wife of Valmikinathan Raghunathan 12. Sundaram Raghunathan- Business unknown 13. Vijaya Sundaram - Wife of Sundaram Raghunathan 14. Ananthi Palamuthu - Owner of Kumon in Kennesaw 15. Chandramohan Loganathan - Husband of Ananthi Palamuthu 16. Sankaran Raghunathan - Co-founder Blueshift India Private Limited The Criminal Case Against Khabar’s Owners Khabar was the only prominent Indian-American magazine in Atlanta before the inception of Siddhi Times USA. As soon as the Siddhi Times came into the market and started Siddhi Times USA 44

1. Rajesh Jyothishi, Management 2. Parthiv Parekh, Editor-In-Chief 3. Murali Kamma, Managing Editor 4. Mehul Parekh, Art Director 5. Sonal Parekh, Advertising Director 6. Pari Jyotishi, Advertising & Sales 7. Hema Vyas, Accounting & Classified Ads 8. Priyanka Chopra, Advertising (Ad Design & Production) 9. Sameer Malim, Advertising (Ad Design & Production) 10. Valmikinathan Raghunathan- Co founder Blue shift India Private Limited 11. Radhika Raghunatha – Wife of Valmikinathan 12. Sundaram Raghunathan- Business unknown 13. Vijaya Sundaram- Wife of Sundaram Raghunathan 14. Ananthi Palamuthu- Owner of Kumon in Kennesaw 15. Chandramohan Loganathan - Husband of Ananthi Palamuthu 16. Sankaran Raghunathan - Co-founder Blueshift India Private Limited This is the first time in India that almost all the owners of Google India,, an American magazine’s owners and employees, and almost the whole IndianAmerican Hindu Temple’s Board have been named in two criminal cases! This trial is expected to create case law about blogging and Cyber Terrorism! And also, hopefully, help bring about an end to the disputes, ego clashes, and envy between Hindu Temples in America.

Public Deception and Imitation Websites The three guys who were placing tons of defamatory blogs were also sending emails containing links to defamatory Youtube video postings were bombarding these emails to followers of Swamiji, all over the world, by using a data base stolen from The Hindu Temple of Georgia! They were completely deceptive and misleading in this. They went and created a new fictitious web site under the name of FOX5-LIVE.COM with some suspects in India (Those Indian suspects in India are under the Indian Crime branch CID investigation now. Lot of chances for them to get arrested very soon.) in order to look like it might be the real Fox 5 television channel’s official website. They wanted people will think that their emails are actually coming from the FOX5 television family! In addition, the three who were calling the followers with the stolen data base were deceiving innocent people by using a private number to block their identity. They were either pretending, or implying, that they were calling from the FBI or from some local police department! Now the Hindu Temple of Georgia’s attorneys are on the way to subpoena the telephone records of these conspirators in order to prove this conspiracy in a crystal clear way to the law enforcement authorities who have been extremely reluctant to stop the conspirators. There was no legitimate reason for the conspirators to call all the Temple followers, as they did not have any business except to invite others to join their conspiracy. The telephone numbers were only known previously by the Temple’s staff until they were stolen. Obviously, phone records would prove that these calls went all over the nation to the Hindu Temple of Georgia’s followers. These ill fated conspirators are going to pay a big price very soon. However, the conspiracy continued to grow. Latching on to an unmerited opportunity, a few people, who needed to pay the balance of their debt to the Temple, joined in with the conspirators. The three guys had called everyone who was sued, urging them to file a counter claim. They were enticed with the opportunity to escape their debts. And somehow, something made them all go to the exact same attorney! This is called willful interference with business. These three guys apparently don’t understand that their phone records can prove their conspiratorial activities in a crystal clear way to law enforcement! Anyway, the story gets more interesting day by day! Just like an action filled Hollywood movie! However, we Indians should really be ashamed of these three criminal conspirators, as well as any other wrongdoers who discredit our community.

Meanwhile Back in India Another interesting feature of this story is that one of Valimiknathan Raghunathan’s brothers, named Dr. Sankaran Raghunathan, has also been indicted in the same criminal case and is being issued with a criminal summons in Chennai, India where he lives. The latest news flash is that, the attorneys representing Mr. Chandramohan Loganathan was warned by the criminal court at Coimbatore, India that he needs to be presented in the court at Coimbatore, without fail, on the 14th of July, 2009. On hearing the argument of the attorney for Chandra Mohan, Mr. Pappa, the judge, got so annoyed that he ordered the attorney to present Chandramohan in court on July 14th 2009, “without fail,” according to the Temple’s Indian attorney. Also it is rumored that soon, a new conspiracy lawsuit against Chandramohan Loganathan, Ananthi Palamuthu of Kumon in Kennesaw, Valmikinathan of Blueshift, including his wife, Sundaram Raghunathan, and Vijaya Sundaram are going to be sued by Atlanta attorneys Mr. Alex Roberson and Ms. Stacy Ehrisman, but more about that in another article. I hope to have an update to the story of this high profile case published in the next month’s Siddhi Times USA. If you have any concern please email me at: [email protected]. I am Pundit Rudra and I live in India. I am merely a freelance writer who believes in God and good souls like Swamiji Selvam Siddhar. Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar is like a living god to me and for many people like me. I know that he helped countless families personally to have a peaceful life. I pray that God gives all kinds of strength and success to this great soul in all walks of his spiritual life. “Om Shanthi”

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is real, why is He not seen? Hearing such queries, one feels like pitying the poor questioners. For, they are announcing their own foolishness. They are like the dullards who aspire for university degrees without taking pains even to learn the alphabet. They aspire to realize God without putting themselves to the trouble of practicing the Sadhana required. People who have no moral strength and purity talk of God and His existence and decry efforts to see Him. Such people have no right to be heard.

Pandit L.V. Sharma During the past issues, by the gracious blessings of the Almighty and Swamiji, we discussed about the Spirituality described in Vedas, other great epics and sayings of great sages and monks. In this issue we will discuss a little bit about the spirituality explained in the great Upanishad named Mundaka Upanishad. Man is endowed with the special instrument of discrimination, of judgment, of analysis and synthesis, which among all animals, he alone possesses. He has to develop this and utilize it to the best purpose. Through this instrument, he can realize the Immanent Divinity. Instead, man pesters himself and others with the question: Where does God reside? If He

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Spiritual Sadhana is based on the holy Sastras. They cannot be mastered in a trice. They cannot be followed through talk. Their message is summed up in the Upanishads; hence, they are revered as authoritative. They are not the products of human intelligence; they are the whisperings of God to man. They are parts of the eternal Vedas. The Vedas shine gloriously through all their parts. The Upanishads are authentic and authoritative, as they share the glory of the Vedas. They are 1180 in number, but, through the centuries, many of them disappeared from human memory and only 108 have now survived. Of these, 13 have attained great popularity, as a result of the depth and value of their contents. The sage Vyasa classified the Upanishads and allotted them among the four Vedas; The Rig-Veda has 21 branches and each branch has one Upanishad allotted to it. The Yajur Veda has 109 branches and 109 Upanishads. The Atharva Veda has 50 branches and 50 Upanishads were its share. The Sama Veda has a thousand branches and the balance, namely, 1000 Upanishads were its share. Thus, the 1180

Upanishads were assigned by Vyasa to the Four Vedas. Sankaracharya raised the status of ten among the Upanishads by selecting them for writing his commentaries and so they became especially important. Humanity stands to gain or fall by these ten. All who are seeking human welfare and progress through spirituality are now apprehending whether even these ten will be forgotten, for, neglecting them will usher in moral and spiritual disaster. There is no reason, however, for such fears. The Vedas can never be harmed. Pundits and those with faith should resolve to present before humanity these ten Upanishads at least. They are Isa, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka, Mandukya, Thaithiriya, Aithareya, Chandogya and Brihadaranyaka. In this issue we well discuss the spirituality explained in Mundaka Upanishad. The Upanishads have also inspired other works on Geography, Astronomy, Astrology, Economics and Political Theory. The Vedas and the Upanishads are the very foundation for Sanathana Dharma and spirituality. There is one interesting feature to be noted. The Hindu religion has no one Founder as the others have. That invisible unknown founder is God, the source of all wisdom. He is the Prophet of this Sanathana Dharma. He is the Founder; His Grace and His Inspiration manifested through the pure Sages and they became the spokesmen of this Dharma. When the moral purity of men degenerates, God takes form as grace and inspiration in sages and teachers. He has also given through the Upanishads the Sathya-Jnana, the Wisdom concerning the Reality.

the skin but is different from it, so too beings originate from Brahmam. Brahmam causes the sun, moon, stars and planets to revolve in space; Brahmam grants the consequence of all the acts of beings. The Individual and the Universal are two birds sitting on the same tree i.e., the human body. The Jivi (individual) acts, and suffers the consequences of those acts. The Iswara (universal) sits quiet, as a witness of the other bird. When the Jivi looks at the Iswara and realizes that it is nothing but an image, it escapes from grief and pain. When the mind is drawn by yearning to know the Iswara, all other low desires diminishes and disappears. Then, knowledge of Atma is attained. The last mantra of this Upanishad declares that its aim is to make man attain that Jnana. Munda means head; this Upanishad is the Head of all Upanishads, we can say.

This Mundaka Upanishad begins with an Invocation, praying that eye may see auspicious things, the ear may hear auspicious sounds, and that life may be spent in the contemplation of the Lord. The teaching of this Upanishad is referred to as Brahmavidya, either because it describes first the message of Hiranyagarbha, the casual Brahma, or because the message relates the glory of Brahmam. This Upanishad speaks of Brahmavidya as the mystery which only those with shaven heads and those who go through a rite of having Fire on the shaven head can understand. So, it is called Mundaka, or shaven Head. Apart from this, this Upanishad is honored as the crest of all, since it expounds the very essence of Brahma Jnana. It is assigned to the Fourth Veda, the Atharva Veda.

It has three sections, with two chapters in each. In the first section, the Aparavidya, and in the second, the Paravidya and the means of mastering them are dealt with. In the third, the nature of the Reality and of the release from bondage is defined. The Karma that helps attain the Brahmam is denoted in the mantras. That is why this Upanishad is respected as very sacred. The spider, as already indicated, spins out the web from itself without any extraneous agency; it also takes in the web it has spun. So too, Creation was effected without an agent and the Universe emanated. Heaven is the highest attainable stage through Karma. Of such Karmas or rites, the worship of Fire called Agnihotra is the chief. The performance of such rites contributes to the cleansing of the mind. Such cleansing is a necessary preliminary to Paravidya. The flames that rise high from the sacrificial altar of fire appear to the performer as if

This knowledge has been handed down from teacher to pupil by word of mouth, enriched and confirmed by experience; it is also called Paravidya, the knowledge of the Other when it deals with the attribute less Principle; when it deals with the attribute-full, the Saguna, the materialized principle, it is called A-paravidya, the knowledge of the Immanent, not the Transcendent aspect. These are the two that are found in this Upanishad. They were taught by Sage Saunaka to Sage Angirasa; that is what the text announces. The Vedas and the Vedangas deal with Aparavidya. The Upanishads deal specially with Para-vidya. But, the interesting thing is: the Apara-vidya leads on to the Para, the knowledge of Brahmam, which is the goal. The spider evolves out of itself the magnificent manifestation of the web; so too, this moving, changing world is manifested from the causative Brahmam. The changing world is the product of creator-creation complex. It is true and factual and useful, so long as one is unaware of the Reality. The utmost that one can gain by activity, that is to say, holy or sacred activity is Heaven or Swarga, which has a longer lease of life, but, which has an end in spite of it. So, the seeker loses all yearning for Heaven; he/she approaches an elderly teacher full of compassion, who instructs him/her in the discipline for realizing the Brahmam. All beings are Brahmam and no other. They all do emanate from Brahmam. As sparks emanate from fire, as hair grows on

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inner consciousness or Anthah-karana. One has only to turn that consciousness away from the objective world, contact with which contaminates the mind. Now, train the inner consciousness to meditate on the OM, with single-pointed attention. Meditate on the Atma as unaffected by the Jivi, though in him and with him and activating him. Meditate on Him in the heart, from which radiate countless nadis, subtle nerves, in all directions. If this process is followed, one can attain Jnana or Wisdom. The Universe is an instrument to reveal the majesty of God. The inner firmament in the heart of man is also equally a revelation of His Glory. He is the Breath of one’s breath. Since He has no specific form, He cannot be indicated by words. Nor can His mystery be penetrated by the other senses. He is beyond the reach of asceticism, beyond the bounds of Vedic rituals. He can be known only by an intellect that has been cleansed of all trace of attachment and hatred, of egoism and the sense of possession.

they are hailing him on to realize the Reality or Brahmam. He who does the rite with full awareness of the significance of the mantra is able to reach the Solar Splendor, through the offerings made; they take him to the region of Indra, the Lord of the Gods. Only on this basis, Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar does a lot of fire worship and he recommends fire worship named “Mahayajna” to his devotees, who need more and more powers. The Upanishad recommends two types of obligatory Karmas: Ishta and Poortha. The rite of Agnihotra, adherence to Truth, Thapas or Asceticism, Veda-adhyayanam or study of the Vedas, the service offered to guests in one’s home - these are Ishta; construction of temples, caravan-series, rest-houses, tanks, planting of avenue trees - such acts are Poortha. These give consequences that are beneficial but, all such cause-effect chains are transient, they are fundamentally defective. The entire Creation is bound up with name and form and so unreal. It can be described in words and so, limited and circumscribed by the intellect and the mind. The Paramapurusha, the Supreme Person alone is eternal, real, and pure. He is the prompter of activity and the dispenser of consequence. But, He is beyond the eye, beyond the intellect. Like the spokes of a wheel that radiate from the hub, that lead from all directions to the centre, all creation radiates from Him. To reach the central hub and know that all spokes radiate from it, the mind is the instrument. Brahmam the target is to be reached by the arrow-mind. Have your mind fixed on the target and using the Upanishadic teaching as the bow, shoot straight and hard, to hit the Brahmam and master. That is to say, the Pranava or the OM is the arrow; Brahmam is the target. As aforesaid the mind and thoughts are the base for an individual’s development. That’s why Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar often says as “you will live according to your thoughts”. The Brahmam illumines the Jivi by getting reflected in the Siddhi Times USA 48

Jnana alone can grant self-realization. Dhyana can confer concentration of the faculties; through that concentration, Jnana can be won, even while in the body. The Brahmam activates the body through the five vital airs or Pranas. It condescends to reveal itself in that same body as soon as the inner consciousness attains the requisite purity. For the Atma is immanent in the senses, inner and outer, as heat in fuel and as butter in milk. Now, the consciousness is like damp fuel, soaked in the foulness of sensory desires and disappointments. When the pool in the heart becomes clear of the slimy overgrowth, the Atma shines in its pristine splendor. He who acquires the knowledge of this Atman is to be revered. For, he is liberated. He has become Brahmam that which he strove to know and be. Man is essentially divine. However, he believes himself to be an individual, limited and temporary, because he is entangled in the characteristics of the Five Elements, namely, Sound, Touch, Form, Taste and Smell. This error brings about joy and grief, good and bad, birth and death. To escape from this association with the Elements, to rid oneself of the pulls of their characteristics, is the sign of Liberation, called in Sanskrit as Kaivalya, Moksha or Mukthi. Names may change; but the achievement is the same. While entangled in the Five Elements, man is attracted, distracted

or disappointed by them; all this causes distress. Wealth, possessions - vehicles, buildings - all these re transmutations of the elements. Man craves for them; when he loses them or fails to get them, he spurns them. Let us take the Five Elements, one by one. The living being has the first one, the Earth, as its base. Water, the second, is the basis for the earth. Water is produced from Fire, the third element, Fire itself emanating from Wind, the fourth. Wind or Vayu arises from Ether, or Akasa. Akasa emerges from the Primal Nature and the Primal Nature is but the manifestation of one aspect of the majesty of God, or the Supreme Sovereign Atma, the Paramatma. Seeking to reach that Paramatma, the source and core of the Universe, the Individual or Jivi, who has entangled himself in the elements, has to overcome, by discrimination and steady practice of detachment, the bonds one by one; such a person is a Sadhaka; he who wins in this struggle is the Jivan-muktha, ‘Liberated even while alive.’

qualified Monism. The human eye cannot delve into the minute or the magnitudinous. It cannot read the mystery of the virus or the atom or the stellar universe. Therefore, scientists supplement the eye with the telescope and the microscope. Similarly, sages are able to experience Divinity through the eye of knowledge, gained by following the Dharma of moral conduct and spiritual discipline. When the human eye stands in need of an extraneous instrument to observe even the insignificant worm and virus, how can one refuse to go through the process of mantra if he desires to see the omnipresent transcendent Principle? It is very hard to acquire the eye of wisdom. Concentration is essential for this. And, for concentration to develop and stabilize itself, three things are very important: purity of consciousness, moral awareness and spiritual discrimination. These qualifications are difficult of attainment by ordinary folk. We should read at least the basic teachings of the Upanishads and try to practice the spirituality taught in those holy scriptures. By practicing the spirituality we all can lead a comfortable life. There is no caste, creed, region and religion for practicing spirituality. I thank Almighty and Swamiji for blessing me with an opportunity to share my thoughts one spirituality. I pray the Almighty and Swamiji to bless me with more and more opportunities like this to share my thoughts on spirituality.

For the exercise of such discrimination and for the visualization of one’s innate reality, one has to study the Upanishads. They are collectively called Vedanta. They form the Jnana kanda of the Vedas, the section that deals with the Higher Wisdom. Liberation from the consequences of Ignorance can be secured only by Knowledge or Jnana. The Upanishads themselves declare, “Jnaanaad eva thu kaivalyam”: “By Knowledge alone can freedom be won.” The term Upanishad denotes the study and practice of the innate truth: the term, Brahmavidya, denotes the supremacy of spiritual contemplation; the term, Yogasastra denotes the mental churning that brings success. What is the fundamental activity which is required of man? What is the basic thing to be known? It is only one’s basic reality. The Upanishads describe the various stages and the various modes of this search for realizing this. The name is full of significance. ‘Upa’ means the process of studying with ‘Nishta’ or steadfastness; ‘shad’ means the attainment of the Ultimate Reality. The name Upa-nishad arose for these reasons. The Upanishads teach not only the principles of Atmavidya; they indicate also the practical means of realization. They point out not only the duties and obligations one has to bear, but also the actions to be done and those to be avoided. So, whether it is the Gita or the Upanishads or any holy and spiritual teachings, the teaching is Non-duality, not Duality, or Siddhi Times USA 49

Letters to the Editor 1. Kishin Manohar & Komal Manohar. Georgetown, DE Jai Swamiji Maharaj. Only because of your best prayers, we got our kid now. We married 17 years back. We both are hale and healthy. But we were unable to get good kids. Only after your consultation and Thantric rituals we are blessed with a kid. Our life is dedicated to your golden feet. As it has shown me a good way, we wish to donate $501.00 to Siddhitimes every month. Once again Namaskars and Thanks Maharaj. 2. Rohini Singhadia, Ormond, FL. Swamiji, I approached you after reading your article in the magazine Siddhitimes to bring out my son from his drug addiction. You performed wonderful Thantric rituals for him. Now he is very well in all aspects of life. Thanks and Pranams Swamiji. 3. Ambrish J Patel, Suva Fiji Islands During your tour at my home town at Fiji Islands, I had a great chance of getting your blessings personally. You blessed me well and you gave me a copy of the wonderful magazine Siddhitimes. I requested you to solve the problem in selling my lands. You gave me exact directions without caring for the money. Only after your consultation and rituals my land was sold with a good profit. As I pledged in my mind I am sending $10001.00 as a donation to the Temple. Namaskars Swamiji. 4. Rani Chand Kapoor, Fairfax station VA I am very happy to know about your visit to our State. You blessed my grandson for his studies. Now he is the first in his class. Now please bless my husband, who is a psychic patient. I know your blessings and powerful ritual will make a lot of wonders. Namaskars Swamiji. 5. Xavier Bongibo, Crystal Bay, NV I am a Christian from Africa. I was cheated by a lot or Peers. So I developed an aversion towards the Peers or Swamijis. When I met you and told my problems to you, you just placed your right hand on me. I realized the energy with you and from that moment all the aversions went out of me. You solved all my family problems in a miraculous way. First my thanks to the magazine Siddhitimes and my salutations and thanks to you Swamiji. Please don’t forget this poor man.

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6. Purushotham Agnihothri, Winslow, AZ I belong to the best family of Agnihothris from India. Even though I came from a higher family, I had no faith towards God or any kind of super human powers. I was having some kind of mental stress. I came to know about you through the wonderful magazine Siddhitimes. I called you through telephone. On hearing your voice itself I had a great courage. Within a short period I am able to come out of the stress. Thank you very much Swamiji for bringing my life back. My life is dedicated to you. Your blessing is the only reason for getting back my life. 7. Ranganatha Mahopadhyay, Dallas TX Namaste Swamiji. I am a Sanskrit Scholar and pundit. I retired from an esteemed university in India. I feel very proud of you. In this very young age you have learnt a lot of things. I pray Amba maa to bless you with a long and happy life for the benefit of the entire human race. 8. Karthik Ganesh Iyer, Garden city, ID Vanakkam Swamiji. I realized you as a “Mahapurush”. When I met you to solve the problems in my life you considered me as your family member and solved the problems in a wonderful spiritual way. My humble salutations for your great knowledge and wisdom. 9. Chandra Motilal, Creedmoor, NC. Swamiji, my life has become wonderful after praying Sri Atharva Soolini. Only because of you and your magazine I understood the powers of Sri Atharva Soolini Durga. I wish to contribute a sum of $2501.00 for Sri Atharva Soolini and $1001.00 for the magazine. Please accept this donation. Namaskars Swamiji. 10. Raji Ferara, Basseterre, Saint Kitts Namaskar Swamiji. I feel very happy to be with you during your tour here. I requested you to clear the problems of black magic on my family. You personally performed wonderful Atharva Veda Thantric rituals to remove the evil effects of the black magic. Now I and my family are out of the evil effects of the black magic. Thank you very much for making the family great. 11. Tarun Jaswal, Manchester, England Siddhar Swamiji Thanks for blessing me. I was jobless. I approached you after reading the magazine Siddhitimes. Considering my situation you performed wonderful rituals

and solved all the problems in the most spiritual way. I wish to donate $51.00 every month towards Siddhitimes. Please accept this donation. Namasthe Swamiji. 12. Prema Vittoba, Namaskars Swamiji. Atharva Vedic Thantric rituals performed by you are the only reason for the development of my business. I am chanting “AGASTHYA SIDDHA SAMARAMBAM CHINNAPPA SIDDHA MADHYAMAM. ASMATH ACCHARYA PARYANTHAM VANDHE GURU PARAMAPARAM” daily, before starting my business. Thanks and Namaskars to Swamiji Parampujya Siddhar. 13. George Chen, Geneva, Swiss Dear Swamiji, I feel very proud for being with you during your tour at Swiss. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to be with you. I felt your great and wonderful powers when I was with you. Please bless me, my wife and kids for ever. I am very thankful to you, your wonderful magazine Siddhitimes and your wonderful Hindu Temple. 14. Shyama Bhattacharya, Downers cove, IL I had many problems in my family, particularly with my in laws. I contacted His holiness Swamiji Siddhar to solve the problems. He solved all the problems through the wonderful Atharva Veda Thantric rituals. Now I have a wonderful relationship with all my in laws. Namaskars to Swamiji and his divine magazine Siddhitimes. 15. Fredrick Victor, Manchester, VT Dear Dr Commander Siddhar, I am a Christian. I do not know how to make the salutations as per Hinduism. First I apologize for it. I am a regular reader of Siddhitimes that too Vedic Astrology. Your knowledge is very wonderful and enormous. Kindly accept my humble donation to the magazine Siddhitimes.

solution of my marriage problems. You checked my horoscope and solved the problems in my marriage life. Now I got married and I am in family way. I humbly request you to make the horoscope for my kid and bless all of us. Thanks and Namaskars Swamiji. 17. Baskara Kethumala, Redding, CT Om Namashivaya. I have a great pleasure in writing my opinion on the wonderful Siddhapurush. Only because of the magazine Siddhitimes, it was possible for me to contact Guru Maharaj. His wonderful blessings and rituals only made me to come out of all my troubles. Thanks a lot for Guru Maharaj and the wonderful magazine. 18. B.V.Rama Krishna Rao.M.Sc, Los Angeles, CA Dear Dr. Commander Selvam, I have come from India to my daughter’s house at San Diego CA. During my visit to Los angels recently there at Indian village, I came in contact with your FREE magazine SIDDHI times. I have gone through it and found it highly informative on religious, spiritual, and devotional topics. Your efforts must be highly appreciated. I request you to send me your FREE magazine SIDDHI times regularly every month. 19. Fredric De Souza, Barbers point, HI When I went for shopping, I picked up the magazine Siddhitimes. I thought that it will be an ordinary magazine but after reading it completely I understood that it is a special one and not the usual magazines. From that day onwards, I became a regular reader of the magazine. Thanks a lot and pranams to Swamiji Sri Siddhar for bringing out such a wonderful magazine. 20. Santoshkumar Athirapally, Guymon, OK I owned five houses. All of a sudden, I was driven to the worst situation of selling all of those houses. After reading the magazine Siddhitimes through the website I contacted Swamiji Siddhar to know the reasons and to stop selling the houses. He analyzed my horoscope and found the reasons for this. He also performed Atharva Vedic Thantric rituals. By his powers, I got many helps from un-foreseen persons. By that the selling of the houses were avoided. I pledge my lifetime for the service of Swamiji Sri Siddhar and his magazine Siddhitimes.

16. Sasi Chandrika, Imperial beach, CA Swamiji I cannot forget the first day I met you in California Ashram, four years back. I came to you for having a spiritual

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Suganya Garu

Rasi Reding,

Kind Attention: Zodiac Connection is based upon moon and not upon sun

By Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

Mesham Lord of their sign Lord Mars is now transiting in the star “Krithika”, a star for confidence and hope. Their efforts and attempts are getting the good shapes. This month is a month of supports and progresses. Their health and the physical condition will be weak. They have to follow a good system of eating the energy foods. Women and children at home: The Maintenance of the family and the finance position will be to their satisfaction. Yet new expenses are coming unexpectedly. Caring of home and children will be good. The children will be happy and pass on the time with good development programs. Students and their studies: The plans and preparations will be in order. They can understand the syllabus and portions properly. Yet the smartness and steadiness are missing. They have to give full attention now it self Then only the benefit of complete readings will reach them. Businesspeople, professionals and employees: Lord of the tenth house is aspect well by Lord Jupiter. Some new suggestions and fresh introductions in their line will keep them busy and smart. It is a better month. The earning will also be in a satisfactory way. Lovers and their trend: This month they can find a very slow progress. There will be some chase and advises from the elders. They will feel it to be irritating. Lords Venus and Mars in the star ‘Kritika’ will create confusion in the relationship between the lovers. They have to be calm and polite and pass the times. Married persons and spouses: Lord of their seventh sign is Lord Venus. He is in good state and at the house of Ruler ship. They can find their spouse with enthusiasm and with improved smartness. Actually the accommodation of Lord Mars will create a kind of displeasure. So, this month will be with in convenience. Regarding financial and other aspects, they are turning to a satisfactory trend. Unfavourable dates of this month are 4th and 5th Siddhi Times USA 52

Rishabam They are going to find a notable change. Lord Venus is supporting their status and prestige. Their execution affairs will bring them good attraction and name. Professionally they will be creating a record of best execution. The affairs will be bringing progress and development. Women and children at home: They are doing the things smartly and nicely. The essential funds and support will come in time. Their position is much understood by the family members and also in the friend’s cirde. Children will cooperate and they will grow well; they can educate then the necessary habits and discipline. Students and their Studies: Students are brilliant and follow the subjects carefully. Their education will be going on well. Their selection of books and syllabus, will be most useful. The parents should give good co – operation. Business people and Professionals and employees: The professionals and business people will be facing a turn or new introductions in their way of execution. Lord Saturn will guide them properly to progress. Lord Jupiter imposes certain modification for the welfare card profit of them. They can carry on with their proposed plans and projects for a better future. Lovers and their trend this month: Their privacy and close approaches are permitted to reach a good decision. They are going to find the situation which could lead for deep thoughts and the solution will not be reached in time. Lord Venus is followed by Lord Mars and Lord Venus will over take Lord Mars. This will bring them a scene of oppositions from their lover side. They have to act diplomatically. Married Persons and Spouses: Their crucial attention to family and the educations affairs are ahead. They are going to plan lot of things along with their spouse. The happiness and peace will be guiding them for the progress of family. They are going to manage all the things properly. Some settlement in assets and rights will also be coming for decisions. Their health will be facing weakness and their spouse’s position is also the same. Eat more fruits and green vegetables every day.

Mithunam During this month will a time to get improvement in their practical affairs tested so far. They can achieve the satisfaction to build a strong future. Financially little backwardness will be prevailing. Then and there the assistance and supports will reach in time. Their honor prestige and status will be maintained to the good level. Women and children at home: In the management of the family matters the shortage of funds will play the main hurdle. They are left insufficiency. Even for the school matters for children the economy will have to be adopted. Any way the needs are being brought to the family by their diplomacy. Students and their studies: They can find a leisurely time to plan their present educational scheme. They have to understand the matters thoroughly. In the beginning the subjects will not be easy to understand but take more care and time to keep a good rank. Business people and professionals and employees: The business men are feeling a slow trend in trade. The professionals will have to spend time unnecessarily. The plans are smoky and confused. Take a good decision of their preparations. The way of success will reach them in a short interval. Lovers and their trend this month: Since the Lord Jupiter commences his retrogration, they will find a change and some time excentric behaviour from their counter part. Nothing to worry, a month of disturbance will end shortly. Married persons and spouses: The look of Lord Mars and the accommodation of Lord Venus in 12th house will discourage them and their meetings with spouse will not be with the mood of full happiness. The domestic matters and family maintenance are also hard this month. They have to think deeply and conclude the matters. Unfavourable dates of this month are 8th, 9th and 10th.

Unfavourable dates of this month are 6th and 7th.

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Kadagam During the first week Lord Moon, will be free with out combination of any other Lords. They can keep their position suitably and involve in profitable affairs. After that the nix and wet will form and the times will also be crucial, they are going to influence the challenges. Beware to give words of acceptances. Women and children at home: Lord Jupiter gets his retrogression in 8th house and Lord Saturn is sitting in the place of finance and maintenance. A change, new system, unable to understand are the results. Totally the confusion is going prevail in their execution. The children will also behave differently. This month they plan well and precede the matters with confidence. Students and their studies: Students will be in a mood to get discouragements. The books and subjects will create the fear. They have to plunge boldly and under stand the things step by step. For a period of two months, the things will be like this only. Then there will be a change. Business people and Professionals and employees: Last month they have seeded certain important plans. It was started in good time of fortune. That will be going on very slowly. But they have to carry on with scheme for good future and development. The 10th house Lord Mars is chasing Lord Venus. The clear picture and program is not yet structured. Take time and think property and make it success. The profession category will be with lot of jobs and give good name for them. Lovers and their trend this month: They have to be with vigil with Lover, whose plans are having some alterations. They do not know whether it is for good or bad. They are going to see some change. If their hold is loose, then the change of opinion on the counter side will go strong. Behave suitably to stick to their position firmly. Married persons and spouses: Very important and essential needs of the family will have to be cared this month in a good way. The privacy and mood of joy are behind the screen. The educational affairs and maintenance matters are more, so they have to postpone their privacy and engagements Lord Venus is with Lord Mars which also a symbal of inconvenience. The health of their spouse is also week. Take good food and have more rest. Unfavorable dates of this month are 11th, 12th and 13th.

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Simham During this month the trend will be in better terms and progress will reach them. Lord of their sign and their sign, both are aspected favorably by Lord Jupiter. The occupant Lord Saturn in their sign will give them lot of burdens and pressure in their existing job. Lord Venus will be looking after the improvement of trade and job. There is an enemity or opposition waiting to challenge them. Women and children at home: They are little bit slowly in every thing. They are after forgetting some of the matters. They have to attend all the affairs with care. Lord Jupiter provides all the support for them. The children will be with a nature of dull mood. Feed them with energetic food and give more fruit juices. Students and their studies: Students behave with fast approach to gain knowledge. But the friends and other circle will be giving nuisance. Hard work and regular studies are to be carried out. Important points and notes, they have to write on papers and get a clear memory of it. That will help them to score good marks. Business people, professionals and employees: It is going to prove as a favourable month with progress. A kind of luck will add in their attempt. All the efforts they carry will have a consideration for the certainty to get success. Lord Venus will be with Lord Mars in 10th house. This will give confusion or dispute in their regular affairs. Lovers and their trend this month: Lord Jupiter gets retrogression in the 7th place. This will be a scene of complication between lovers. The status of Lord Venus is disturbed with the association of Lord Mars. They have to be very careful or otherwise a quarrel is likely to rise in their relationship. Married Persons and Spouses: They are managing the activities with all care. Yet unexpected events interfere and they are in a position feel the long gape between them their spouse. Specifically this month is much discouraging. Lord Jupiter sends his support and keeps their position safely. Unfavorable dates of this month are 14th and 15th

Kanya Their health and position in the society are getting better. At the same time the opposition and enemies are also getting stronger. Calculate all the matters deeply and enter to engage the affairs. Unwanted matters are to be selected and thrown out. Otherwise litigation may come. Regarding job and trade, they are comming to the good shapes. Women and children at home: Lords Mars and Jupiter is looking the house of family. Some important matters will come for discussion and the same will have a good conclusion. Lord Venus guides his best to educate the family and also keep the things nicely with good expectations. Students and their studies: Students are not in a perfect conclusion to commence their plans for the studies of this year. Lords Mars, Saturn, and Jupiter are jointly looking the house of education. They will build a proper way and give a good success for them. In the beginning they will not be able to know the things properly. But in the later stage it will be observed properly by them. Business people and Professionals and employees The schemes are good, and their approach is fine. They can expect a good result in their attempt. Lord Jupiter gives his support. This month, their profession and the trade will have a better shape to fetch a good reward later. Lovers and their trend this month: The real love and affection are now being puzzeled. They are unable to make a decision in a clear way. Since Lord Saturn looks Lord Jupiter, this bind of confusion happens. Lord Venus is also in association with Lord Mars in constellation ‘Kritika”. So, they have to move the matters with more care and vigil. Over speaking will cause trouble. Married persons and spouses: Since Lord Jupiter is in retrogression (Vakri) this month, their calculations and expectations with spouse will face a negative reply. Better do every thing casually. The mood and health of their spouse will also be in a erratic trend. Go smoothly and maintain the atmosphere with peace trend. Unfavorable dates of this month are 16th and 17th.

Tulam Lord of their sign is at his ruler ship house and Lord Jupiter aspects their sign. Seventy percent of their activities are attempts and with full guidance. But a thirty percent is mixed with nex and wet. Some sort of disturbance and delay can not be ruled out. Pass this month with intelligence. Women and children at home: They are executing all their duties well. Their attention to the family is good. Lord Mercury is at his ruler ship house. Their health will be with progress. Unexpected expenditures are there. Their ability will face a challenge. Yet they can come out successfully to keep affairs in good shape. Children will be doing well. Students and their studies: Studies of students will be with good program. They can understand the syllabus well. They are likely to score good marks in class tests. Since Lord Venus is also the Lord for 6th house, their extracurricular activities will disturb their studies. Business people and Professionals and employees: The hope for developing the trade will be guided well by Lords Mars and Raaghu. Their expectation in job or trade will be getting the proper shape of success. Their attention will be appreciated and their hard work will deserve a reward. Lovers and their trend: They can find a clear and better way to discuss. Their plan and program will have a free atmosphere. Yet the combination of Lords Venus and Mars in ‘Kritika’ will cause a trouble. Go with slow approach and proceed the things with just and faith. Married persons and spouses: Actually when Lords Venus and Mars combine, the period will be unauspicious. There will be hurdles in their way. This month can be passed only with difficulties. Some how all the domestic needs will be arranged properly. Even for the spouse, uneasiness and weakness will affect. Have good vitamins and energy food. Unfavorable dates of this month 18th and 19th.

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Viruchigam When the Lord gets retrogression in 4th house, it is a month of confusion. Some times the fear for failure may become true, So, it is essential that they should not press to get the things immediately. Even if it takes the late duration, wait and have it later. Regarding usual profession, that will fetch their needs. Women and children at home: Lord Venus is aspecting their sign and their normal duties are being furnished properly. Lord Mars is aspecting their sign which is own house. The courage and bold decisions will give those benefits. Needy finance and supports are gradually coming. Children will do and grow well. Students and their Studies: They are making some new ideas for their promotion of education. They are strong enough to prepare the lessons properly. Their sign Lord will sit directly opposite to their sign shortly and will guide them the stability and strength. Business people, professionals and employees: They can do their service as usual with strong efforts. The time will permit them for good progress and development. Financially certain draggings are seen. During the month of August, the condition will be further worsening. Make the plans properly and face the situations. Lovers and their trend: Lord Venus is in good house to guide them and suggest those suitable ways. The early period of this month will be as expected by them. Then the program will have a delay and change. The relations through cell communication and meaningful speeches will continue. That will give benefit. Married Persons and Spouses: The busy days with more engagements will continue domestically. The happy times are there but limitted. The privacy during the first and second week will be possible to exchange their opinions. The health of the spouse will find little weak in the 3rd and 4th weeks of this month. Unfavourable dates of this month 20th and 21st.

Dhanur Lord of their sign starts his retrogression. Their feelings will be with controversial and the commenced jobs are going to have alterations. New ventures are delayed. Better wait for two months. Then the trend will reach for a better way. Women and children at home: They were thinking some thing but the matters are turning to opposite side. All their programs are also not properly finishing. During this month some kind of oppositions will discourage them. Children should have an amicable care by parents. Other wise they will feel dejected. Students and their studies: All the times are simply passing and the studies are not fully understandable. They have to show attention to store their brain with the teaching in class. Their attention is likely to be diverted. Business people and Professionals and employees: Many of their proceedings get some stoppage. Further planning and modifications are coming. They will find a competition and their position and will be left helplessly. So, they should not be anxious to get the commitment immediately. Even if it is late that is good for them. Lovers and their trend: The hot sun is in 7th sign and their critical time is also getting involved to see a Red signal which disappoints them now. Bear this circumstance by smile. Wait for another good atmosphere. Some times the dispute or exchange of angers is being seen. Married persons and spouses: This month is a crucial one. They have to be very calm. Don’t out burst for any thing. The matters are in an erratic way. Lords Sun and Mercury combine in 7th house will also bring them luck. They have to wait and enjoy the development which may lead to a fortune also. Unfavorable dates of this month 22nd and 23rd.

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Magaram Their times are speed and busy. Since the Lord Jupiter is coming on retrogression to his house of debilitation, they will be with a disappointed mood. Even after executing all the activities, they will feed lonely and profitless. But they will be shaped to bear a good load later. All are teaching good lessons to them and the same will be bringing fruits of success shortly. Women and children at home: Because they are going get relieved of Ashtama Sani, the changes will be there and they can feel it till 9th September. After that the matters will be for their satisfaction. The regular financial assistances are then end. They can do their duties as usual. Children should be cared preferably. All the medical attentions are necessary. Students and their studies: They can feel a fishy way in reading. In the first instance the subject will not be easy to understand. Lord of their sign, Lord Saturn is in 8th house, but he is looked by Lord Jupiter, who gives strength. Their knowledge will improve well. Business people, professionals and employees: The gains and profits in their deals will be reserved by Lords Saturn and Jupiter since they look their house of business. If at all some thing disturbs means, the finance will not be in an easy way to secure. But Lord of Tulam is well accommodated in Rishaba who will shine well to give them the needy improvements. Lovers and their trend: It is little trouble some since the Lord Mars looks the house of ‘Kadaga’. The expected reply and the further programs are delayed. To an extent some objections will also be there in their way. On the 3rd week of this month the meetings will be fruit ful. Married persons and spouses: In the maximum busy mood and hard work, they have passed almost two years. That period is titled as Ashtama Sani and there are only few more months to stay. During the beginning of September they can feel the breeze. The domestic and educational matters are too much to attend and in the executing process, they can feel little privacy with their spouse. Unfavorable dates of this month 24th and 25th.

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Kumbam From the last month itself the rays of progress to the way of achievement are reaching them. Lords Venus and Mars are likely to be in ‘Rishaba’ from July 23rd .This is a time of goon omen for the development. Their profession will be with certain introductions and alteration. That is for good beginning of strong future. Women and children at home: This month, the women have to perform “Gomatha” Pooja (Prayer to Cow) and this will boost their family status for a comfortable living. The children will grow well with out any sickness. The flow of funds for their domestic need will be good. Some of their old desires will become true. Students and their studies: They will feel glad and move with good circle of friends. Their thoughts and ideas will be with philosophy and prayers. A good beginning in the field of education is ahead for them. Business people, professionals and employees: Lord Mars will be graciously seeing his own house ‘Viruchigam’ which will give the expected shape and plan of all their programs. This month will be a month of success and their forth coming weeks will be shining better to best. They have to do the things with slow and steady process. Lord Saturn may disturb them with minor accident or setback. Lovers and their trend: They have never met a long delay like this, yet the proper answer is not coming from their counter part. Of course it is the matter of life, the decision is to be done with many questions. This month a proper solution will reach and their cooperation will be deciding the factor. Married persons and spouses: Better times and better opportunities during this month will be useful to them and their spouse. The health will be little affected to both of them. They have to worship the Navagraha Lords and should go to the temple of SriLakshmi Narayana. They will feel good to lead the family with happiness. Unfavorable dates of this month 26th and 27th.

Meenam Lord of their sign, Lord Jupiter is under retrogression. The fast reaching of their schemes will have a slow trend. In the meanwhile, they have to set alright the expected faults in it. The Lords of Mesha and ‘Rishaba’ are at their house of ruler ship. They will have the grip and status of their occupations. Women and children at home: This month, all their diplomacy and hard work will give them good results. The children’s education will be going good in an anticipated path. The health condition is little weak. They have to take proper medicines for their sickness. Students and their studies: They are in a position to proceed ahead for a student with rank. The process will be good and understandable. New idea and grasping the lesson in proper way will be their specialty. Try the best to maintain a good position in their class Room. Business people and professionals and employees: Lords Sun and Mercury will help them with a great success. The brain and the smartness to conclude the deal will help them a lot. This month the job/Business will be to their satisfaction. Lovers and their trend: Their activities and meeting with their counter part as well as speaking in cell phone are all going on a smooth way. Lord Mars is likely to follow Lord Venus and that is some what a hurdle which will create a screen between them. Married persons and spouses: The domestic matters, school matters etc will be on its routine. The joyful mood is prevailing. Don’t worry. The income and expenditures are all normally good. The privacy between them and their spouse will be good in the early two weeks. Then unnecessary draw back and health status will interfere. Totally this month is better and best. Unfavourable dates of this month are 28th, 29th and 30th

Deity adorning the cover page. Lord Rama or Ramachandra is the seventh avatar of Vishnu in Hinduism and a legendary king of Ayodhya in ancient India. Hindus do not doubt his historicity, and consider him an actual king who ruled over a large part of India from his capital Ayodhya. Rama is one of the many popular figures and deities in Hinduism, specifically Vaishnavism. Most of the details of Rama’s life come from the Ramayana, one of the two great epics of India. Born as the eldest son of Kaushalya and Dasharatha, king of Ayodhya, Rama is referred to within Hinduism as Maryada Purushottama, literally the Perfect Man or Lord of Restrictions. Rama is the husband of Sita, who Hindus consider to be an Avatar of Lakshmi and the embodiment of perfect womanhood. Rama’s life and journey is one of perfect adherence to dharma despite harsh tests of life and time. He is pictured as the ideal man and the perfect human. For the sake of his father’s honor, Rama abandons his claim to Kosaulya’s throne to serve an exile of fourteen years in the forest. His wife, Sita and brother, Lakshmana being unable to live without Rama decide to join him, and all three spend the fourteen years in exile together. This leads to the kidnapping of Sita by Ravana, the Rakshasa (Asura) monarch of Lanka. After a long and arduous search that tests his personal strength and virtue, Rama fights a colossal war against Ravana’s armies. In a war of powerful and magical beings, greatly destructive weaponry and battles, Rama slays Ravana in battle and liberates his wife. The battle between Rama and Ravana is considered as “the battle between dharma and adharma”. Having completed his exile, Rama returns to be crowned King in Ayodhya (the capital of his Kingdom) and eventually becomes Emperor of the World, after which he reigns for eleven thousand years – an era of perfect happiness, peace, prosperity and justice known as Rama Rajya. Rama’s younger brothers, namely Lakshmana, Shatrughna and Bharata strongly complement his piety, virtue and strength. Rama’s piety and virtue attracted powerful and devoted allies such as Hanuman and the Vanaras of Kishkindha. Rama is revered for his unending compassion, courage and devotion to religious values and duty. This Swamiji Siddhar denotes the war between the Dharma (Swamiji Siddhar) and the Adharma (Swamiji’s enemies) in this Kaliyuga and denotes the victory of Dharma (Swamiji Siddhar).

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hy are you running to pay money with some so called Gurujis and Sri Sris who claim that they know some breathing exercises to heal you? Just read the following article and practice by yourself. No more Sri Sris or any hanky panky. All the best. Sage Agasthiya is the first of all the rishis and monks to teach pranayama. What is Pranayama? Pranayama is a Sanskrit word meaning “restraint of the prana or breath”. The word is composed of two Sanskrit words, “Prana”, life force, or vital energy, particularly, the breath, and “ayama”, to suspend or restrain. It is often translated as control of the life force (prana). When used as a technical term in yoga, it is often translated more specifically as “breathe control”. Literal translations include “suspension of breath” and “regulation of breath”.

Prana and lifestyle: Lifestyle has a profound impact on the pranamaya kosa and its pranas. Physical activities such as exercise, work, sleep, intake of food and sexual relations, all affect the distribution and flow of prana in the body. Faculties of the mind such as emotion, thought and imagination affect the pranic body even more. Irregularities in lifestyle, dietary indiscretions and stress, deplete and obstruct the pranic flow. Depletion of energy in a particular prana leads to the devitalisation of the organs and limbs it governs and ultimately to disease or metabolic dysfunction. The techniques of pranayama reverse this process, energizing and balancing the different pranas within the pranamaya kosha. The human body consists of five natural gases and they are called as “Pancha pranas” in Sanskrit. The breath is the most vital process of the body. It influences the activities of each and every cell and, most importantly, is intimately linked with the performance of the brain. Most people breathe incorrectly, using only a small part of their lung capacity. The breathing is then generally shallow, depriving the body of oxygen and prana essential to its good health. Practitioners develop sensitivity to the respiratory process and retrain the muscles of the pulmonary cavity, enhancing their vital capacity and preparing them for pranayama. Rhythmic, deep and slow respiration stimulates and is stimulated by calm content states of mind. Irregular breathing disrupts the rhythms of the brain and leads to physical emotional and mental blocks. These, in turn, lead to inner conflict, imbalanced personality, disordered lifestyle and disease. Although breathing is mainly an unconscious process, conscious control of it may be taken at any time. Consequently, it forms a bridge between the conscious and unconscious

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areas of the mind. Through the practice of pranayama, the energy trapped in neurotic, unconscious mental patterns may be released for use in more creative and joyful activity. Breathing and life span In addition to influencing the quality of life, the length or quantity of life is also dictated by the rhythm of the respiration. The ancient yogis and rishis studied nature in great detail. They noticed that animals with a slow breath rate such as pythons, elephants and tortoise have long life spans, whereas those with a fast breathing rate, such as birds, dogs and rabbits, live for only a few years. From this observation they realized the importance of slow breathing for increasing the human lifespan. A slow breathing rate keeps the heart stronger and better nourished and contributes to a longer life. Deep breathing also increases the absorption of energy by the pranamaya kosha, enhancing dynamism, vitality and general well-being. Pranayama: The spiritual way

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6. Clothes: Loose, comfortable clothing made of natural fibers should be worn during the practice. 7. Bathing: Take a bath or shower before commencing the practice, or at least wash the hands, face and feet. Do not take a bath for at least half an hour after the practice to allow the body temperature to normalize. 8. Empty stomach: Wait at least three to four hours after meals before starting pranayama. 9. Diet: A balanced diet or protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals is suitable for most pranayama practices. A combination or grains, pulses, fresh fruit and vegetables, with a little milk product if necessary, is recommended. The spiritual seeker, however, also requires tranquility of mind as an essential prelude to spiritual practice. To this end, many pranayama techniques utilize kumbhaka, breath retention, to establish control over the flow of prana, calming the mind and controlling the thought process. Once the mind has been stilled and prana flows freely in the nadis and charkas, the doorway to the evolution of consciousness opens, leading the aspirant into higher dimensions of spiritual experience. However, for those who seriously wish to take up the advanced practices of pranayama, the guidance of a guru or experienced teacher is essential. Here are some basic tips. 1. Breathing: Always breathe through the nose and not the mouth unless specifically instructed otherwise. The nose should be cleaned regularly by jala neti prior to the practice session. Jala Neti is nothing but cleaning the nostrils with pure water. 2. Time of practice: The best time to practice pranayama is during the early morning when the body is fresh and the mind has very few impressions. If this is not possible, another good time is just after sunset. Try to practice regularly at the same time and place each day. 3. Place of practice: Practice in a quiet, clean and pleasant room, which is well ventilated but not draughty. Generally, avoid practicing in direct sunlight. As the body will become over heated, except at dawn when the soft rays of the early morning sun are beneficial. 4. Sitting position: A comfortable, sustainable meditation posture is necessary to enable efficient breathing and body steadiness during the practice. Sit on a folded blanket or cloth of natural fiber to ensure the maximum conduction energy during the practice. 5. Sequence: Pranayama should be performed after asanas and before meditation practice. After practicing pranayama one may lie down in Shavasana for a few minutes. But there is no connection between Pranayama and asanas.

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10. Avoid strain: With all pranayama practices it is important to remember that the instruction not to strain, not to try to increase your capacity too fast, applies, just as it does to asana practice. Breath retention should only be practiced for as long as is comfortable. 11. Contra-indications: Pranayama should not be practiced during illness, although simple techniques such as breath awareness and abdominal breathing in Shavasana may be performed. Simply by knowing these simple techniques some people are minting money. So to say they are looting money from the public. The ignorance of the public is much used by some people using the name as Guruji and Sri Sri. To know more and more about yoga or any other related subjects and to solve your problems contact Dr. Commander Selvam (Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar) @ USA toll free 1-800-574-3427 or 1-88-2321818 or Hindu Temple of Georgia @ 770-447-9393 ext -241or email to [email protected]

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