Siddhi Times-october 2009-dr. Commander Selvam

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Molethantra Dreams according to Atharva Veda Numerolgy Sri Soolini Durga Hindu Pooja/ Prayers Kairekai Sastra Health Astrology Spirituality Muhasastra Solving Sexual Problems through Atherva Veda Vaastu Athara Vedic Vaastu for Pregnant Women Zodiac Sign Kaiyelthu Sastra

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Atharva Veda Thantra secret decided by the colors of the planets. For regarding your Moles on the example, Saturn and Raaghu give black moles and Mars gives red moles. Body Moles are marks which can be found on different parts of the body. In Indian and Chinese Astrology, moles are interpreted as representing the destiny of the person. The influence of the planets on the person would start at the time of fetus formation in the mother’s womb. Some planets influence the fetus more and some less. These influences result into mole formation when focused at the surface of the body. In the horoscope, the Ascendant and its lord, 6th house lord, Moon, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Raaghu and Kethu will form moles on the human body. For example, if the Ascendant lord Saturn is positioned in Aries, will produce a black mole (Saturn for black) on the head part (Aries for head) of the native. If the sign and planet influencing the fetus are masculine then the mole will be formed at the right side of the body. If the sign and planet are feminine then the mole will be formed at the left side of the body. For example, a combination of Mars (Male planet) and Venus (Female planet) in Scorpio (female sign representing genitals) forms a mole on the genitals. If Mars is strong, then the mole will be at the right side on the genitals. If Venus is strong, then the mole will be formed at left side. The colors of the moles can be

Moles should be interpreted according to their color, shape and size, and the place where they are located on the body. Moles in red color or honey color or green color will generally bring good fortune. Moles in black color give bad results. Small moles which are not so visible, will not give any results. Only big moles will produce results. Long moles give good results. Moles which are in square shape will give bad results in the starting, but they produce good results by the end. Moles in the form of a triangle will produce mixed results, sometimes good and sometimes bad. Moles in zigzag shapes will produce bad results. Now, let us discuss the effects of moles according to their placement on human body. Head: The moles on the top (crown) of the head are visible only if the head is shaven. If a mole is found on the right side of the head, the person will excel in politics. If the mole is in red or green color, then he will become minister. He can also be a president leading a society or business organization. He will have social status and success in every walk of life. If the mole is at the left side of the head, then the native will not have enough money. Generally, he will not marry and spends his life in roaming. He will lead a spiritual life and gives spiritual discourses. There would be an interest in literature also. Moles at the back side of the head represent weakness of ladies. Such a person will be attached to his wife. He earns more money but he will not have a good name in the society. Forehead: If the forehead is wide and there is a mole on the right side of the forehead, then it denotes wealth. The native becomes

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wealthy and receives good name and fame in the society. He will help others and will have devotion to God. If the mole on the forehead is located at left side and the forehead is narrow, then the person will be selfish and does not help any one. Others will not give him any respect. Temples: If the mole is on the right side temple, it denotes early marriage and beautiful wife. There is a possibility of sudden and unexpected arrival of money. If the mole is at the left temple, it also denotes sudden marriage and sudden wealth. There will be losses in the business. People do not like them for any reason.

Eye brows: If there is a mole in the middle of the eyebrows, it denotes leadership qualities, wealth, name and fame. Such a native likes luxuries and women. If the mole is found on the right eyebrow, there will be early marriage with a good lady. The native becomes lucky after marriage. It is better if he invests in his wife’s name. If the mole is on the left eyebrow, the person will be unlucky. He cannot utilize the money properly and faces troubles in the job or business. Eye lids: A mole on the right eyelid brings wealth. The native becomes rich slowly. He will have inner pride and feels that he is great. Expenditure will be more. He will spend money for God either by constructing temples or for performing Poojas. A mole on the left eyelid represents a general life. The person earns meager amount of

money. He is prone to jealousy from others. A mole in the inner part of top eyelids represents a lucky and wealthy person. On the other hand, mole in the inner part of lower eyelids represents domestic troubles and lack of luck. Eyes: A mole in the right eye gives easy – money. Even if the person doesn’t work, he will become rich suddenly out of sheer luck. A mole in the left eye represents an arrogant person who would be after ladies. He will have a secret and illegal connection with ladies. Moles at the eye socket (corner towards the ear) represent a generous and peaceful person. But there is possibility of sudden death. Moles at the eye socket (corner towards the nose bridge) represent death of one the children and grief for the native. Ears: A mole any where on the ear represents good earnings and luxurious life. Expenditure will be uncontrollable. There may be danger of drowning. A mole at the backside of the ear represents a person who follows customs. He will get his wife from a higher family. Nose: A mole on the tip of the nose represents quick thinking and quick temper. Such a person will have high self-respect and generally win on others.

of the lower lip represents a person who becomes a drunkard and losses money on speculation. Cheek: Moles on the right cheek represent a sensitive person who gives a lot of respect to his parents. He loves his wife and relatives. He enjoys wealth and health and lives long. Moles on the left cheek represent a person who is introvert and an arrogant person. He would face troubles in the life. But he will be happy in the old age because of his children. Tongue: A mole on the middle of the tongue indicates obstacles in the education. The native may not be able to talk fluently and there will be health problems. A mole on the tip (outer edge) of the tongue represents a person who can convince others with his speech. He is intelligent and diplomatic. He loves good food and his children will have good future. Neck: A mole on the back side of the neck represents angry and aggressive person. Generally such a person involves into antisocial activities. A mole on the front side of the neck represents an artistic person with sweet voice. His life will settle well after his marriage.

A mole at right side of the nose represents more money with fewer efforts. A mole at the left side of the nose gives bad results. The native involves into prostitution. A mole on the bridge between nostrils represents obstacles in getting the job and loss of money. A mole below the nose represents good sexual drive. The native possesses a large family and many children. Chin: A mole which is located exactly in the middle of the chin represents a lofty person who receives laurels from others. Moles on the right side of the chin represent logical thinking and diplomatic nature. They can convince others with their speech. Their earnings will be very good and they get name and fame easily. Moles on the left side of the chin represent a person who talks straight forward and hence people do not like him. He becomes quarrelsome. Expenditure will be uncontrollable. Lips: A mole on the upper lip represents a person who does good to every one. There will be weakness of ladies and luxurious items. A mole on the lower lip represents a person who loves good food. He will have interest in acting and theatre arts. A mole on the inner side of the upper lip represents a person skilled in mantras and mystic forces. A mole on the inner side

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navel cavity represents luxurious life. Such a person is loud-mouthed. Hands: A mole on the right hand indicates a person who completes any task by tenacity and intelligent. A mole on the left hand indicates a person who wants to become rich but stays at average level. A mole on the left or right elbow represents wealth and success. The native likes fine arts. He helps others and gets help from others. A mole on the wrist represents childhood in poverty. He becomes a writer or painter. He will be devotional. His income increases when he becomes aged. Shoulders: Moles on right shoulder represent brave and courageous person who will not sleep until finishing any project. Moles on the left shoulder represent a person who involves into quarrels with others. Chest: A mole on the right side of the chest indicates more female progeny. Financial problems trouble him. But he receives due respect from others. A mole on the left side of the chest represents a person who is clever and who does not maintain good relation with his relations and friends. Financial problems are common for him. A mole exactly in the middle of the chest represents heavy financial problems. Such person involves into heavy debts. But he will have devotion to God. Armpit: A mole in the right armpit represents desire for wealth. A mole in the left armpit represents desire for ladies. Ribs: A mole on the right ribs represents a person with a lot of inner fear. He lies easily. A mole on the left ribs represents a person whose earning will be average. Stomach: A mole on the right side of the stomach indicates good earnings and weakness of ladies. A mole on the left side of the stomach represents a jealous person who likes to earn easy money. He will possess some agriculture lands. A mole nearer to Siddhi Times USA 6

Palms: Moles on any part of the inner palm are not good. They represent various obstacles. Fingers: Moles on any part of the fingers are not good. They represent various obstacles. Back: A mole any where nearer to the backbone represents name and fame. Such a person becomes a leader or minister. A mole on the right side of the back represents good health and courage. A mole on the left side of the back represents completing the tasks by diplomacy. Buttocks: Moles on the right buttock represent wisdom and creativity. The person will become an artist. Moles on the left buttock represent poverty. The person leads a deprived life. Genitals: Moles any where on the genitals represent excessive desire for sex. Such persons generally will have a paramour. Thighs: Moles on the right thigh represent valor. The person will have an opportunity to go abroad. He will be profited from a lady, either from his wife or from other woman. Moles on the left thigh make the person skilled in some art. He becomes lazy and will have fewer friends.

Legs: A mole on the right calf represents success in all ventures. There will be benefits from ladies. The native may involve into politics. A mole on the left calf represents journeys due to job or business. There will be many friends. A mole on the right ankle represents foresightedness. The native will be endowed with gift of gab. The person will have a lot of belief in God. A mole on the left ankle represents devotion towards God. He talks less. At some point of life, the person faces legal problems. Feet: A mole on the right foot represents a good spouse and family life. He will have devotion to God. A mole on the left foot represents creates problems with spouse. The person faces financial problems and wrath of others. Moles on the bottom of the feet represent journeys, enemies and licentious nature. The person will be a lover of fine arts. To understand more about the different moles on the body and its good luck and bad luck, reach the only Atharav Vedic Swamiji in USA @ 408 829 7780. e- mail: commander @ hindutempleofgeorgia. org


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Vedic Astrology. I

n the last issue I explained about nine stars. In this issue I wish to explain about nine more stars. All these are only hints and guidelines. The situation will vary according to the individual’s horoscope. Simply by knowing the star or Nakshatra no problem can be solved. To have spiritual salvation of a problem, the horoscope is a must. That too the horoscope must be calculated according to the norms of Atharva Veda and the Atharva Vedic Astrology. Anybody can reach me @ USA toll free no: 1-800-574-3427 or email me to [email protected] Moolam Moolam is ruled by Nirriti, the Goddess of destruction. This is the 19th nakshatra of the zodiac, spanning from 00°-00’ to 13°-20’ in the sign of Dhanus. The meaning of the word, Moolam means the root. The Symbol is a bunch of roots tied together. Moolam signifies roots, that is to say, everything of basic nature, its motion is finite and limited. Moolam connotes the ideas of foundation, commencement, from the very bottom, the chief or principal city or the capital. Even though the star Moolam does not indicate fortune or luck, the people born on this nakshatra will be financially successful and lead a materially comfortable life. The ruler of this lunar mansion is Kethu, the South Node of the Moon. The Moolam individual may possess a deep philosophical nature and an inquisitive mind that enjoys exploring the roots of any subject. The people born on this nakshatra gain the wisdom and knowledge through their hard work. They cause destruction to their families. They are peace- loving personalities, but will not hesitate to fight for what rightfully belongs to them. Moolam born people have multiple skills and hence, change of professions is a regular feature for these people and they spend their money recklessly. These people do not enjoy good equation with their parents. They are ambitious, learned, wavering, writers, proud, talkative, travelers and very helpful. Poorvashada Poorvashada is ruled by the Waters. Poorvashada provides us additional energy for our efforts. This is the 20th nakshatra of the zodiac. It is also known as the “Invincible Star”. Siddhi Times USA 8

Swamiji Selvam “Siddhar”

This nakshatra is associated with declarations of war. This nakshatra spans from 13°-20’ to 26°-40’ in the sign Dhanus, the sign ruled by the lord of wisdom. It has the symbol of hand fan. People born in Poorvashada are intelligent and convincing. Poorvashada means the undefeated and is called the invincible star. Its natives are very proud people with the ability to influence and empathize with the masses. Poorvashada usually brings fame, wealth, fertility and much wisdom. They tend to get into arguments with others and prove their intelligence through the arguments. They lack the necessary logical reasoning to take a well thought out decision. These natives can exhibit an over-expansive nature, and usually do what they like without considering others opinions. They are good debaters and can defeat anyone in an argument. They can become obstinate and will not submit to the demands of anyone. Poorvashada born people seriously start thinking about pursuing any of their interests. The females born in this nakshatra have a determination to lead the group, wherever they are. They are clever, helpful, brave, conspirers, selfish, evil minded and wealthy. Uttarashada Uttarashada is ruled by the Universal Gods (Vishwe Deva). It is also known as the “Universal Star”. This is the 21st nakshatra of the zodiac and it spans from 26°-40’ in Dhanus to 10°-00’ in Makaram. Uttarashada is introspective and penetrative and is concerned with intensiveness, the results of the latter being more permanent than the former. Uttarashada brings us to the summit of our power, support and recognition, not so much through our personal efforts but with the appropriate alliances and support of all the Gods. Uttarashada born can be driven like a workaholic, extremely persistent when excited, but if they loose interest they become lazy, introspective, and not finish what they started. A strongly placed moon in the natal chart of some Uttarashada born can give them a fair complexion. The people born under this nakshatra do not trust others easily and it is only after spending considerable times with them that

others can get an entry into the inner circle of their friends. The males born in this nakshatra are good mediators in any dispute. Mercury placed in a good place in their natal chart can make them a good consultant or advisor in any field. They are usually preachers, respected, noble, basting, of wavering mind and often short tempered. Sravanam Sravanam is ruled by Vishnu, the pervador. This is the star of listening, also called the “Star of Learning”. The mercurial planet Moon owns this nakshatra. This is the 22nd star of the zodiac and this Constellation spans from 10°-00’ to 23°-20’ in Makaram, owned by the planet Saturn. Sravanam usually means “hearing”. The symbol of Sravanam is three foot-prints. It is the birth star of Saraswati, Goddess of knowledge, wisdom and education. Sravanam enables to link people together by connecting them to their appropriate paths in life. A person born in this Nakshatra is well versed in the sacred texts and scriptures, has many sons and friends, and destroys his enemies. These people like to mingle with others and have a large network of friends. Sravanam born people are ready to help others; they seldom gain the respect and faith of those whom they help. Those who born under this nakshatra will be financially successful and lead a materially comfortable life. A male born in this nakshatra will be of medium height and a slender body. Females born in this nakshatra tend to be too much talkative and they have some rigid ideas about their husbands and they are not ready to compromise when it comes to the qualities of their husband. They are brave, administrators, adaptable, tactful, and wealthy, have evil company and are slow in their deeds. Dhanishta Dhanishta is ruled by the Vasus, the Gods of abundance. It is known as the “Star of Symphony”. This nakshatra is the 23rd nakshatra and is owned by the fiery planet Mars. This nakshatra spans from 23°-20’ in Makaram to 6°-40’ in Kumbam. The symbol is a drum and

tabla. Dhanishta has two meanings in it - one is Dhana (riches) and the other is Dhvani (sound). Dhanishta builds upon the connections of Sravanam and makes them more practical. A person born in this Nakshatra is of excellent behavior, practical, rich, powerful and kind hearted. People born in this nakshatra are lean and tall, with good ability to resist contagious diseases. These people get angry and are determined to crush the offender with all their might. These people need to take proper care of their health, as they tend to neglect their health problems till they reach the extreme stage. Dhanishta born are passionate about the past and spend time in learning about it. Dhanishtha nakshatra has one uncommon characteristic denoting delayed marriage or unhappy married life. Females born in this nakshatra always look younger than their actual age. Marital life will be happy and satisfactory. They are patient, suffering, and royal life, enduring, revengeful, brave and social. Sadabishag Sadabishag is ruled by Varuna, the God of the cosmic waters. This is the 24th nakshatra of the zodiac and is also known as the “Veiling Star”. This nakshatra is about healing the human condition spiritually and physically. Sadabishag

is the nakshatra owned by the node Raaghu. The entire span of this nakshatra falls in the sign Kumbham, from 6°-40’ to 20°-00’. The symbol is a circle. This nakshatra is the large group of faint stars in the Water Bearer (Aquarius). Sadabishag brings about a healing crisis leading to revitalization. A person born in this Nakshatra is brave, clever and destroys his enemies. People born in this nakshatra are very simple, principled people living a simple, straightforward life. Sadabishag born are ideally suited for any scientific career or a research job. Sadashibag born are very changeable and often confuse people. The males born in this nakshatra are generally biased, very religious and god-fearing. The females born in this nakshatra are tall and thin, with a matured expression on their face and they are very religious and god-fearing. They are cultured, artistic, writers, sacrificing, submissive to the fairer sex, soft hearted and religious. Poorvabhadra Poorvabhadra is ruled by Aja Ekapad, the one-footed serpent. This nakshatra is the 25th nakshatra of the zodiac and spans from 20°-0’ in Kumbham to 3°20’ in Meenam. The symbol is a doublefaced man. Poorvabhadra rises up our spiritual aspiration in life and takes us out of the domain of selfish behavior. Siddhi Times USA 9

harmonious and satisfactory and children will be a source of joy and happiness. A male born in this sign has the basic qualities to be a good company of people, treating all as equal irrespective of their social status. Their behavior is extremely cordial, respectful and praise worthy.The females born in this nakshatra are charming, caring towards their family members and know how to manage the affairs of their house. And they will not hesitate to sacrifice even their life to those who love them. They are soft, helpful, suspicious, learned, devotional, religious and they are the experts in planning.

This is a transformational nakshatra where they will sacrifice themselves for a higher cause, to make a difference in the world. A person born in this Nakshatra has full control over his sense organs, is intelligent, an expert in all art forms, and destroys his enemies. Poorvabhadra born are risk takers and their charming personality often gets them out of tight spots. A person born in the first three quarters of this nakshatra has a slender, tall stature. Poorvabhadra born have set of principles in their life, which they like to follow under any circumstances. Poorvabhadra born are a very adaptable kind and can change themselves as the situation warrants. They spend money in the most proper way, avoiding any misuse of the same. Poorvabhadra born are engaged in the revenue collection department or in any capacity where cash transactions take place. Females born in this nakshatra have a well-balanced body and they will not extend their helping hand unless they are convinced fully that such kindness, sympathy and generosity are actually required. They are a little more practical minded when it comes to charity. Males born in this nakshatra can easily enjoy the respects and confidence of others even if they are financially weak. Those born under this nakshatra could suffer from complaints like paralytic attacks, diabetes, gastric and abdominal problems. They are spiritual, unattached, helpful, unknown, patient, boasting, quarrelsome and famous. Uttarabhadra Uttarabhadra is ruled by Ahir Budhnya, the serpent of the depths of the Atmosphere. It is known as the “Warrior Star”. This nakshatra spans from 3°-20’ to 16°-40’ in Meenam. Uttarabhadra grants growth and prosperity in a broad way, benefiting the entire world. A person born in this Nakshatra is rich and famous, and follows the virtuous path. These people are the real believers in the power of knowledge. Uttarabhadra born are a loving and merciful person and always willing to reach out to others. They tend to make a fortune at a place far away from their place of birth. Marital life will be Siddhi Times USA 10

Revati Revati is the 27th star of the zodiac and is governed by Pushan, the nourishing form of the Sun God. Revati creates abundance through providing proper nourishment. This nakshatra indicates a journey, and may in fact represent our final journey from this life to the next, being the last and final nakshatra. This is the last nakshatra of the zodiac, spanning from 16°40’ minutes to 30°-00’ in Meenam. A person born in this Nakshatra has amicable nature, controls his senses, acquires wealth by just means and possesses sharp intelligence. A person born in the Revati nakshatra is short tempered and it is very difficult to make them accept the view, which does not suit their principles in life. Revati born persons are the most God fearing and religiously much inclined. These people have to depend on their own efforts to make progress in life. Revati born will have a tendency to overburden themselves with others’ problems and this could cause their health to suffer. Marital life will be very harmonious and their spouses are very compatible. Females born in this nakshatra are stubborn and authoritative. They are also good at jobs that require repetitive skills. They may be an Ambassador or a person representing their country for cultural or political matters. The males born in this nakshatra will be interested in the scientific solutions, historical research and ancient cultures. They are artistic, have divine qualities, are noble, successful and well-respected in society. All the aforesaid are only hints and basic things. This will vary from person to person and horoscope to horoscope. Anyone can reach me @ USA toll free 1-800-574-3427 or 408-829-7780 or email me [email protected] I pray Lord Shiva and Vanadurga to shower their entire blessings on all of us to have a comfortable living. In the next issue we will meet with some more interesting portions of Vedic Astrology.

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Aachi’s Corner

Chettinad samayal / Cooking. In this issue we will Saiva Eeral Poriyal (Vegetarian liver fry) The whole green gram dhal is used to make the liver pieces. For big functions the powder is got grinded from the flour mill. But small quantities can be ground in the mixie at home Green gram (pachai pasi payaru) -1 cup Ingredients for the masal Onion (small)-20 Tomato-2 Chili powder-2teaspoons Turmeric powder-1/2 teaspoon Green gram powdered and grinded with a teaspoon of fennel seed and a teaspoon of salt in the consistency of idly batter-1 cup Coconut paste Coconut-3 table spoons Cashewnut-7 Fennel seeds-1 teaspoon Ginger-1 small piece Garlic-4 pods Procedure Mince the onion and tomatoes. Grind the coconut paste. Keep the idly pan in the stove and make idlies with the ground green gram dough. Once the idlies are cold cut them in the shape of small liver pieces using a knife. Keep the kadai in the stove. In two tablespoons of oil season the fry with a small piece of cinnamon, 2 cardamoms and a teaspoon of fennel seed. Add the onion and tomato pieces and sauté nicely. Add the coconut paste along with the chili powder and little salt mixed in ¼ cup of water. Once the mixture turns little thick add the liver pieces and cook for few minutes and switch off the stove. Vellai Poondu Oorukai (Garlic Pickle) Ingredients Garlic-! /2 kg (peeled and cut into two halves lengthwise) Gingili oil-150 ml Lemon juice-1 ½ cups (300 ml) Ingredients for the pickle powder Coriander seeds-50 Gms (1/2 cup) Fenugreek seeds-1 table spoon

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Chili powder-3 table spoons Jaggery-1 table spoon Procedure Dry roast coriander seeds and fenugreek seeds and grind it to a smooth powder. Put the kadai in the stove. In the oil mentioned season the pickle with 2 teaspoons of mustard seeds. When mustard seed cracks add the cut garlic pieces and sauté nicely for 5 to 6 minutes till the garlic gets softened. Now add the lemon juice and allow it to cook in slow fire for 5 minutes. Now add the coriander powder, chilli powder, fenugreek powder and the salt required. Let this powder also get cooked till the oil ooze out (5 minutes).Now add the jaggery and switch off the stove after 2 minutes. Allow it to cool and transfer the contents to a clean bottle. Beetroot Vadai Ingredients Beet root -2 small ones (grated) Channa dhal-1/2 cup Thoor dhal-1/2 cup Fennel seeds-1 teaspoon Red chillies-5 Turmeric powder-a pinch Asafetida-a pinch Curry leaves, coriander leaves-little Grated coconut-2 tablespoons Chopped onion-1/2 cup Procedure Soak the dhal, chilies and fennel seeds for 10 to 15 minutes. Drain the water. Using the small jar of the mixie grind the dhal in such a way that it is neither too smooth nor too watery. For that don’t fill the mixie to the full. It should be only half filled. First grind the chilies nicely then add the dhal. Don’t worry if there if one or two dhal are left without grinding. After grinding the entire dhal mix the grated beetroot, onion, coconut, salt needed, turmeric powder, asafetida and curry leaves with that. Keep 4 tablespoons of oil in a frying pan and heat nicely. When the oil becomes hot sim the stove, make small vadas out of the mix and put into the oil one by one. After 2 minutes turn the stove to medium flame and go on turning the vada’s both sides and cook till there is not much sound in the oil. You should always be careful about the oil heat. If it is too low, the vada will drink oil. If very hot the vada will get burnt and not cooked. So the flame should always be medium.

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DREAMS According to Atharva Veda

of a person during waking hours are stored in his subconscious mind. Since subconscious mind continues to function during sleep also, it presents the same experiences and desires in the form of symbols in the dreams. For example, if a person has high sexual desire, he sees rhythmical activities such as dance, riding, moving up and down the stairs etc., in his dreams which are symbols of sexual intercourse. Freud gave more importance for the sexual content of the dreams. Long slender objects like sticks, knives, flagpoles, water taps etc. represent male genitals and hollow objects like vessels, vases, caves, pits represent female genitals. Carl Jung connects dreams with different personality types which he calls ‘archetypes’. These archetypes appear as different persons or images in the dreams. For example, a man contains within him some feminine qualities which appear in the dream in the form of females. The innocent and pure heartedness of the man appears as a child in his dream. His teacher or father who helps him will appear as a ‘wise old man’ giving him guidance in the dream. The negative aspects like weaknesses and fears of the person will appear as frightening figures in the dreams. By understanding these archetypes, the dreamer can understand his personality better and can solve any disorders in his personality.

Every one of us gets dreams. Some people say that their dreams came true and some claim that they have seen horrifying figures disturbing their mind entire night. Dreams are real mystery to every one since no body knows for certainty what they mean. Greeks believed that gods physically visited the dreamers to deliver divine messages. Later, they thought the soul of the dreamer would leave the physical body and roams around in different places which are seen in dreams. The same view is supported by Indians and Chinese. Egyptians were among the early civilizations to attempt interpretation of their dreams. The process of ‘dream incubation’ began in Egypt. When a person has troubles in the life and wants guidance from god, he used to sleep in a temple. He would get a dream during that night. When he wakes up, he takes the help of a priest to get his dream interpreted. Hippocrates, in his book on dreams wrote that the soul receives images during the day and it produces the images during the night, and hence we dream. Aristotle thought that dreams could be indicators of conditions within the body. He did not believe they were divinely inspired. He attributes the scenes in the dreams to the internal sensations in the human body. Romans had strong views on dreams. They believed dreams were messages from the gods. Emperor Augustus ruled that anyone who had a dream about the country must proclaim it in the market place. In recent times, Sigmund Freud, in his book ‘The Interpretation of Dreams’ writes that the experiences and suppressed desires

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Alfred Adler does not believe dreams to bridge the subconscious and conscious minds. He takes dreams as problem-solving devices. When dreams are brought to the conscious and interpreted properly, they help us to understand our problems in waking life and offer solutions how to resolve those problems. Calvin Hall says that dreams should be considered to be a cognitive (to know) process. Hall argued that a dream was

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simply a thought or sequence of thoughts that occurred during sleep, and that dream images are visual representations of personal conceptions. Correct reason behind dreams: There are two reasons behind dreams. One reason is the psychological and physiological changes happening in our body. For example, if we are afraid of some issue, we get a dream where we are chased by some unknown figure. In the same way, if our urine bladder is full during night, we visualize toilets in our dreams. The other reason for dreams is our astral travel. When we go to sleep, the body starts relaxing and after sometime, the astral body slowly raises from the physical body. The astral body can be imagined to have exact shape like the physical body, but with fewer molecules and less dense. This astral body is inbuilt in the physical body. During night when the physical body sleeps, the astral body comes out and floats like a feather in the air. The astral body can go to any place in the world at lightening speed. It can go deep into sea and fly high in the sky. It can go to other planets and galaxies in the universe. When astral body travels like this, there will be other astral bodies and creatures coming in touch with it at different planes. Sometimes, astral bodies of great souls living at higher dimensions may communicate with our astral body. After roaming for as much time as it wants, the astral body comes back to its physical body during waking hours. Generally, the astral body forgets what has happened during its trip since memory is attached to the physical brain. But sometimes, the scenes can be remembered by the astral body even after it returns to the physical body. These remembered scenes are thought as ‘dreams’ by people. Some dreams and their interpretation: Accident in the dream: If you are in the vehicular accident, that means you are not feeling well emotionally. This is also a caution of approaching accident. If you find someone in the accident, you are going to lose a relation. Air: Seeing air in dreams represents that your intelligence will bring you rewards. Polluted air represents that some problem is there in your thought process. Alcohol: If you dream that you are enjoying alcohol, it represents that you will be successful soon in some deal. Angels: To see angels in the dream represents that you are pure hearted and going to receive some spiritual help. Animals: Animals generally represent hidden desires, feelings and sexual urges. Ants represent petty and unimportant things bothering you. Sometimes ants represent on set of diseases. Bats represent that you are under the influence of negative energies. Cats in the dream indicate that you will be cheated. Cows represent that some thing connected to your mother is still to be resolved. They also tell that you are behaving too innocently in some cases. Dogs are the symbolism of your skills which Siddhi Times USA 16

you ignored, but to be revived. Donkeys indicate that you are not willing to cooperate with others. Elephants represent that you need patience to get success. Fish represent some new changes are coming. For a woman, sometimes they represent pregnancy. Horses denote sexual power. You have enough strength to carryout any task. Snakes in the dream represent sexual potency and birth of children. When you are afraid of the snake, it represents sexual dissatisfaction. When the snake bites you, it represents hidden fears. Snakes represent awakening of or disturbance in kundalini (spiritual) powers. Baby: When you are involved mentally into something, then a baby is seen in the dreams. It represents that you awakened the potentiality of purity of your heart. When there is a crying baby, something in your doings needs attention and nurturing. If death of a baby is seen in the dream, it represents that some project or issue is coming to an end. Birds: To dream of birds flying and making noise represents that you are going to enjoy freedom and fame. To see eggs of a bird symbolizes money. Chasing dreams: When you are chased by some one or some animal in the dream, it represents that you have a fear of being attacked or opposed. You have an issue in the work place or love which you have to resolve but escaping. Colors: Colors generally represent our mental condition. Black - Danger or death and some times, mystic nature. Blue - Peace and reserved nature. Green - Health, fertility and earnings. Golden - Spiritual success. Red - Anger, courage, energy and sexual desires. Violet - High spirituality, healing powers and religiousness. White - Purity, perfection and sometimes new

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beginnings. Yellow - Intelligence, happiness and sometimes sickness. Dead body: A dead body in the dream represents good fortune and monetary gains. Earth: Earth in dreams represents that you should be practical and you need patience. Examination dreams: If you dream that you could not find even a single question that you studied in the question paper, or you are late for the exam, then it indicates that you did not prepare well for the exam or you did not perform well in your job. There are certain issues which you have neglected. Falling from a higher place: If you are falling from sky on to the land, it represents that you are unable to control your position and there is inferiority and insecurity. Fire: Fire represents anger, sexual desire and destruction. If your house is on fire in the dream, you will shift to new environment. If you put off fire, it represents that you will overcome the obstacles. Flowers: Seeing flowers in dreams represents rewards, honors and success. Flying dreams: If you are flying in the dream at a high altitude, it represents that you have risen above in your position or going to achieve something in near future. If you are flying too low and there are some obstacles like walls, poles and trees, then you have some obstacles to be cleared in becoming successful. This represents flying of astral body. Fruits: Seeing fruits represents rewards, financial gains, sexual happiness and begetting children. Garland: If you wear a garland in the dream, you are going to elevate yourself spiritually. Going abroad: If you go to some foreign country, it indicates that you need some change in your present condition or there may be a new friend coming into your life.

to increase your income. If you are losing money, it represents that your domestic life will get into troubles. Naked in dreams: Seeing your self naked in a dream represents that you are hiding something and you are worried about a secret that may disclose to others. . If you see another naked person, it represents an illicit love affair or loss of honor in the society. Sex: To dream about sex represents that you are sexually suppressed. To dream about sex with an unknown person represents that you are dissatisfied with your partner. Sky: Clear blue sky represents new hopes and happiness. Cloudy sky represents some trouble.

Idols: Worshipping idols represent that your ideas and plans are not correct. You should change your psychology.

Teeth falling: If you dream that your teeth are falling out or there are no teeth in your mouth, it signifies that you are unable to perform or communicate well in a situation. There may be some sexual deficiency or you are feeling becoming old.

Journey: If you see yourself going on a journey, you may start a new venture and earn profits out of it.

Temples: Temples in the dreams indicate spiritual attainment, health, and luck.

Mantras: If you dream someone telling you a mantra or you heard a mantra in the dream, and if you remember the mantra after waking up, write it on a paper and start recitation of the mantra. That mantra helps you destroying your previous sins and getting enlightenment.

Unknown persons: Unknown persons in dreams are souls communicating with you. Follow their directions.

Money:If money is seen in dreams, you will get an opportunity Siddhi Times USA 18

Water: Pure water in dream represents that you are emotionally and spiritually good. Muddy and dirty water represents that you are going to face troubles or there may be some bad news.

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and involving into new developments. It represents ambition, self-expression and idealism. This number makes a person to reap material benefits from his intelligence and spiritualism.

Yensastra is a science of exploring hidden powers of numbers and their influence on human beings. Indians visualized numbers as symbols of certain types of cosmic powers. And they linked them with spirituality. For example 0 is a number that encircles some part of the infinite universe. Its inner part is separated from the vast outer space. This is similar to human body where the soul (Jeevaatma) resides. A human being always feels that he is separate and the outer universe is different from him. He confines his soul with his present body and thinks that he and the body is one and the same. Thus he has forgotten the truth that he is the all-pervading God. This is called cosmic delusion (Maaya). So 0 represents the cosmic delusion. This means 0 gives false impression that what ever is not there, is there. Let us add 0 after 1, then that 1 appears as 10. This means 1 is assuming a different form, because of 0. This is same as the super-soul appearing in different forms because of Maaya. Every number will have mental and spiritual plane represented by its top half part and the material worldly affairs are represented by its remaining bottom part. When we connect a series of points in a single direction, then it becomes 1. Thus 1 represents single-mindedness in achieving the objectives, creativity, and starting new ventures. Its pillored appearance represents independence and leadership qualities. 2 is round shaped at top. It is a open 0. That means there is no complete Maaya at mental level. There is a scope to receive and release new ideas and concepts. So 2 represents flexibility and diplomacy. The bottom of 2 shows a horizontal line that is attached firmly to ground. This means if these inventive ideas are properly used, the person can achieve highest success in material world. 3 is having open rounded ends at its top as well as at bottom. This shows continuous receiving and releasing of new ideas Siddhi Times USA 20

Just close the rounded ends of 3, you will get 8. It represents Maaya at both the levels. The person is wrapped by complete ignorance of what is happining outside his perception. He cannot come out of the clutches of karmic forces. The balanced loops of 8 represents balanced nature, patience and discipline. Contemplete on 4, it is looking like a person sitting stable, attached to ground. The triangle above represents fire that promotes a strong desire for material benefits. The person will become materailistic. 4 also represents unconventional behaviour. 5 is a quiet different number, with flat head and open rounded bottom. Flatness represents stability. The person would reach a clear and stable mental state which he uses in receiving and processing the material in worldly projects. 5 is a sign of dynamism and communication. This number makes one a successful business man. 6 is a number that is fully rounded at the bottom. It looks like a pregnant lady. It symbolises pregnancy, artistic and feminine qualities. The 0 formation at bottom indicates Maaya that pushes the person in love with family- related matters and enjoyment. 7 is having similarity with 5, in such a way it is having a flat head and weak base. 7 indicates high level of spiritualism and sensitivity. But the person will not use his mental and spiritual stability to achieve material means. 9 is a number that is nothing but inverted 6. It represents love to the world. The 0 formation at top, overshadows a person’s intelligence with Maaya. The person cannot think but work. So there is a conflict. He would be quick in actions and courageous. While the numbers have the above significance, each number has been attached to a particular planet in Astrology, the reason is cetain planet produces the similar vibration of a certain number. Thus

1- Sun, 2- Moon, 3- Jupiter, 4- Raaghu, 5- Mercury, 6- Venus, 7- Neptune or Kethu, 8- Saturn, and 9- Mars.

VIVEKANANDA= 37 which clearly shows that he is a spiritual Guru. And 3+7 = 1 shows beginning of new ventures which is an indication of his great mission to bring moral and spiritual upliftment. So we can say that Vivekananda’s life would be greatly influenced by numbers 3 and 7 and their hormonics 9 and 2. In his case, 2 represents deep involvement in mental faculties like meditation and mantra japa. 1. He met his guru Sri Rama Krishna in 1881 = 9 (His age: 18 = 9)

Number 0 should not be attached to any planet, since it is the root cause of all the numbers. It increases the strength of a number.

2. He started his journey in search of truth in 1890 = 9 (His age: 27 = 9)

The numbers have been attached to Alphabet also.

3. He reached Kanyakumari and visualized Divine Mother in 1892 = 2 (His age: 29 = 2)

1- A,I,J,Q,Y. 2- B,K,R. 3- C,G,L,S. 4- D,M,T. 5- E,H,N,X. 6- U,V,W. 7- O,Z. 8- F,P. Now let us take an illustration. SWAMI VIVEKANANDA, a great saint of India, who shook the world by his philosophical teachings, was born on 12th January 1863.

4. He participated in the Parliament of religions in Chicago in 1893 = 3 (His age: 30 = 3) 5. He came back to India and started Ramakrishan Mission Association in 1897 = 7 (His age: 34 = 7) 6. The saint left his body in 1902 = 3 (His age: 39 = 3). For More help , please call Swamiji @ 408 829 7780 or email: [email protected]

His birth date number: 12 = 3. His birth compound number: 12+1+1863 = 22. His birth single number: 2+2 = 4. His name single number: SWAMI VIVEKANANDA = 52 = 7. Vivekananda’s birth date number 3 and name number 7 represent that he is ambitious, versatile and a spiritual guru. His ambitions are more focussed on service to poor and downtrodden as is shown by 4 in his birth single number. He had unconventional and revolutionary ideas in reforming the society. His birth compound number 22 shows that he is highly religious and inclined in purification of mind and soul. More over, his birth single number and name numbers 4 and 7 are hormonious, thus making him a renowned person. Let us take only Siddhi Times USA 21

Sri Soolini Durga Dhum

Who is Sri.Soolini Durga?


ri Soolini Durga is the wife of Sri.Sarabeswara. She is another form of Goddess Parasakthi. There are three shapes for each and every deity. They are Santham, Ugram and Maha ugram. It means calm, fearsome and the most fearsome. SriMeenakshi, Sri Kamakshi are the examples for calm poses of Goddess Parasakthi. Sri.Durga is the example for Ugram and Sri Soolini Durga and Prathyangira Devi are the examples for the most fearsome poses. When we need the motherly affection we have to pray the Santha shapes. To get rid of moderate troubles we have to pray ugra shapes as Sri.Durga. To solve the sever problems we face in our day to day life we have to pray the Maha ugram poses. Atharva Veda is the only Veda, which deals with the healing part. It explains in detail about the different methods of prayers and rituals to get rid of our problems. Sri.Soolini Durga plays a vital role in solving the problems faced by each and every body. Sri.Soolini Durga Hrudayam, a part of Atharva Veda and an old palm script compiled by a great monk, “Prapancha sara sara Sangraham” tells in detail about Sri.Soolini Durga. According to those wonderful writings, we will see about Sri.Soolini Durga.

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Lord Mahavishnu took the reincarnation as Narasimha. Narasimha is one of the most fearsome shapes of Lord Mahavishnu. One of his devotees Prahaaladha. He is from the family of demons. He had to face a lot of troubles with his father Hiranyakasibu. Prahaladha prayed Lord Mahavishnu to rescue him. Hiranyakasibu had got a boon from Brahma.Hiranyakasibu cannot be killed with any kind of weapon He can’t be killed by any kind of divine, human, animal or birds. He can’t be killed either inside or outside of the place where he lives. With the power of the boon he started giving troubles to all the human beings and divine powers. He troubled the sages and monks also. All prayed Lord Mahavishnu to rescue them from this demon. The demon forced all to chant Om Hiranyaya Namaha. Everybody did so. But his own son refused to do so. He chanted the name of Lord Mahavishnu. Oneday, Hiranyakasibu asked, “dear son, will your god Mahavishnu come inside this pillar and save you and kicked a huge pillar at the main hall of his palace. Lord Mahavishnu took the most fearsome pose Narasimha and came out of the pillar, caught the demon took him to the entrance and killed him. Narasimma’s anger was very severe. Nobody could control his anger. So. All prayed Lord Shiva to control the anger of Narasimma. Lord Shiva also took a fearsome pose called Sarabeswara. He had two feathers. He controlled the anger of Narasimma and made him cool. Lord Sarabeswara had two wings. One wing is Sri PrathyangiraDevi and another wing is Sri.Soolini Durga. Prathyangira Devi and Soolini Durga are the most fearsome poses of Goddess Parasakthi.Prathyangira Devi is called as Atharvana Badrakali and Sri.Soolini Durga is called as Atharvan Rudrakali.She is the mother of all. She lives in the mountain called Kailash. As she lives in a hill she is also called as Giri Durga. She always sits on a lion. She is having eight hands with different kinds of weapons. Each and every weapon has its individual significance. Her first right hand is adorned with a Trishul the second is adorned with a knife, the third one is adorned with a wheel called as “Chakra” and the fourth right hand is adorned with an arrow. The shape of the arrow itself is very different. Normally the arrows will only have a sharp head. But the arrow that adorns the hand of Sri.Soolini Durga has a half circle head. The first right hand is adorned with a rope, the second with a different weapon

called as “Gadha”, the third with a bow to shoot the arrow and the fourth left hand is adorned with a conch. Why she is having the wheel, conch and gadha on her hands? Normally these are the weapons of Lord Mahavishnu. Parasakthi is the sister of Lord Mahavishnu. He permitted his younger sister to use his weapons and bless her devotees. What do we get from Sri.Soolini Durga? She is the rescuer from enemies. She secures all the wealth and assets. She helps us to come across all enemies. She cures the mind and physic. She blesses us with good children. She gives a lot of knowledge and wisdom. Whenever we call her she comes instantly to support us. It is very hard to go near her. If we go near her it is sure that we will come out of all our troubles. The ways and methods of rituals to get rid of various problems. To have good kids, those who need the kids should eat the rice offered to her everyday for a period of at least 48 days. It is very sure that they will get good kids. To get rid of the mind related troubles “Panakam” (sweet water prepared with sugar candy and dried ginger) is to be offered to her and the offered sweet water is to be drunk by the person having mental troubles. To get rid of the enemies we have to light the lamp with mustard oil. To get rid of the evil spirits we have to offer her butter. She likes the offerings much and blesses her devotees with their ambitions fulfilled. The method of Prayers. Daily the minimum Abishegam(holy bathe) to be performed with water and milk. By having this holy bath she becomes cool and blesses the devotees with cool walk of life. To attract the mind of a female one should offer betel leaves, betel nuts with spices like cardamom, nut meg and menthol. By this offering she is pleased and she makes the mind of the girl to turn towards the person. She cures the different kinds of fever. Fever means not only the hike of temperature in the physical body. It refers to the heat in the mind and poverty. She easily removes these kinds of things. We have another trouble. It is called a Dhrushti or bad eyes or najar. This is the worst one. By praying Sri.Soolini Durga on Tuesdays and Fridays with the offering of lemon,

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we can easily come across the thing. We face a lot of problems caused by the nine planets. The invisible planets crate a lot of things in this visible world. She cures the ailments caused by the nine planets. She is called as “Aavesa Graha samharyai Namaha”.She cures all kind of physical and mind related problems. She is called as “Vyaadhi Naasini”. The word “Vyadhi” means problems caused by the unseen forces. By praying her she removes all kinds of problems. She is called as the best blessing deity. Atharva Veda has mentioned some easiest ways to get the blessings of Sri Soolini Durga. One of the easiest ways to get her blessings is lighting lemon lamps on Sundays, Tuesdays and Fridays and performing Ashtottara Sathanama Archana (Chanting of 108 names of Sri Soolini Durga). Anytime between 08.30 am to 08.00 pm is good to do this simple but effective worship. Shiva Vishnu Temple (Hindu Temple of Georgia) is the only temple in the entire western countries to have Sri Soolini Durga as one of the presiding deities. This is the only Hindu Temple that has specially trained priests to perform the rituals and an added qualification is the priests are multi lingual. Those who live in Georgia and nearby states can come in person to perform this simple but effective ritual. Thos who are living in other states can do this through the telephone. Only 100 archanas over telephone will be performed. To take part over the telephone, please contact any of the following telephone numbers and we provide the priests according to the language you speak.

Pundit L.V.Sharma

678 - 232 - 5999 (Tamil and English)

Pundit Srividya Ravi Gurukkal

678-234-7182 ( Kannada and Telugu )

Pundit Raghupathy Sastri 678-982-0966 (Hindi)

Pundit Anilkumar

404 - 394 - 6146 (Telugu, Kannada and Hindi)

Pundit Seshamani Namboodri 678-294-0112 (Malayalam)

To know more about Sri Soolini Durga, contact our priests. They are all well learned scholars. Come, have the darshan of Sri Soolini Durga get her blessings and solve your problems.

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Shiva Vishnu Temple Navarathri Festivals

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The special gift of a particular church line, or discipline, lays in a specific direction. Yet, it may cultivate not so much the higher lines of spiritual realization. In Christianity, side by side with the major saints, there was usually a group, or a line of praticants, that followed the occult, while outwardly observing the official creed. It is curious to note that often where the original text of the Bible speaks of “gods,” in the plural, referring to the deities, or occult powers, the official version translates it as “God,” to give the necessary theatric (“God is alive!”) value and atmosphere. But, if Occultism is to be feared because of its wrong uses and potential dangers, Spirituality too, should then be placed on the same footing. All good things in the world have their deformation and danger, but that is no reason why one should avoid them altogether. What is required is the correct attitude, discrimination, training, and discipline. Viewed in its true light, occultism is dynamic spirituality. In other words, it seeks to express and execute (bring down to the material world) the powers and principles of Spirit through the agency of the subtle forces of the mental and the physical. Occultism is naturally separate from the transcendent spirit of God in Heaven, but it is an indispensable and undividable instrument for those who endeavor to manifest the Divine in a concrete form. Perhaps everyone practices occultism, whether in a small prayer or through taping into a power as big as the universe. However, only a few can do Vision Therapy. To some it is harmless; yet to many, it is dangerous (because of the lack of concentration).

be in either gas, liquid, or solid form. Spirit as the sterilization of knowledge depends on true formulas, not on false formulas. Convention, with compulsion is ignorant. Even Astrology, Astronomy, and Geometry are enumerations of science. If one is omni-potently effective he can understand the totality of science. The movements of cosmic forces are intuitive. We are all batteries carriying suggestions for the cosmic force. The incomparable cosmic science always has inter-connection with the Cosmic, or Mother Nature’s force. The explored knowledge of today depends until it is survived; after that, its slogans are invalid. In the olden days before the radio the saints did the job of the radio as an ordinary thing. It is merely a question of words. The medical sciences of today had its start many, many years back with the saints. The only difference was is the process of touch and in the choosing of the proper herbs. As long as one knows how to build one’s character, the truth that was there in the former times are still to be found today. There are not two things to discover, but only one thing. The mind, knowledge and wisdom; one goes quickly, another goes slowly, but the goal or the target of the seeker is the same. Science goes along with religion. We need only labor and perseverance. How hard they worked in olden days! It is indeed very respectable. They were always awake. Their appetite was for knowledge; and they stayed free from worldly concerns. The external form and the visible form are the result of the inner-state of spiritual realization. For example: live, and living, and life. The people without wisdom go hither and thither. What goes on in the marriage hall? Not knowing what is their purpose; one is serving, while another one is eating. The essential difference is: if one thinks everything is blue and dark and bad in the world, the world of occultism overtakes him. Help each other. Do good for others, as well as for one’s own self. Have humanitarian thoughts, not that of crazy dream world results and worldly pleasures. This is essential. They need not be abandoned; it just should not be given your first priority. Pray for everyone and for yourself. You will live according to your thoughts. (To be continued)

Science is a vast system. In the physical sciences, the secret lies in Mother Nature. In occult science, one should know the mind’s powers and life’s powers. In physical science the same element can

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Pooja Pooja All human beings are born from God and hence they want to be

11. Lighting camphor(Haarathi) - 1 min 12. Circumambulation(Pradakshinaas) - 2 min The best time to start Pooja is at morning 6.00 o’ clock. If this is not possible, then we can do it at evening 6.00 o’ clock. Pooja should be performed with a quiet and peaceful mind, after taking bath. Articles needed: Photo or idol of deity, a tumbler of water and two plates, two oil lamps, flowers / akshitaas(uncooked rice mixed with wet turmeric), fruit / sweet / jaggery / sugar / milk and camphor, Kumkum(vermilion) / Vibhooti (white powder made from cow dung). Prepartion for Worship: Sit on a wooden plank facing East or North. Take another wooden plank and spread a silk cloth on it. Now place the deity’s photo or idol on the silk cloth, opposite to you. Wear kumkum or Vibhooti between your eye brows. Offering of lights: Lit up two oil lamps before the deity. Use gingelly oil or ghee as the fuel in the lamps.

intact with God always. They want to show their love towards God by worshipping Him. Since God exists in all forms, human beings found Him in different forms, called ‘deities’. These deities represent different energies, which protect the human beings from their problems and help them reach the ultimate God. Now-a-days, society is so busy, people are not finding time even to think about God. If they can allot a few minutes every day for strengthening their relationship with God, they can achieve prosperity in all walks of life. Pooja(worship) helps for this purpose. We are presenting here 12-steps of vedic Pooja, which is a condensed version that every one can perform by spending 30 to 45 minutes of time, every day. The following are the steps: 1. Prepartion for Worship - 1 min 2. Offering of lights - 1 min 3. Prayers to Divine guide(Guru) - 1 min 4. Water sipping(Aachamana) - 2 min 5. Prayers to god Ganesh - 2 min 6. Declaration of Intent(Sankalpa) - 1 min 7. Gayatri Mantra - 15 min 8. Worshipping the deity - 15 min 9. Sipping the holy water - 2 min 10. Offering food(Naivedyam) - 1 min Siddhi Times USA 26

Prayers to Divine guide(Guru): If you have a Guru, you are fortunate. Otherwise, consider your favourite deity as your Guru. Get your Guru into your mind, fold

your hands at chest, and recite this: Om Gururbrahmaa Gururvishnuhu Gururdevo maheswaraha Gurussaakshaat Parabrahmaa Tasmai Sree Gurave namaha Now, imagine lord Vishnu(See him at right) in to your mind, and offer your prayers to him to remove any obstacles: Om Suklaambaradharam Vishnum sasivarnam chaturbhujam Prasanna vadanam dhayayet sarva vighnopasaantaye Water sipping(Aachamana): The following 24 names of god Vishnu should be uttered for receiving protective energies: Om Atchuthaya swaaha - Recite this once, pour water into your right hand and sip it. Om Ananthaaya swaaha - Recite this, sip water as above. Om Govindaaya swaaha - Recite this, sip water as above. Then pour some more water and drop it on the floor at your left side. Now fold hands in reverence, and recite the following names: Om Kesavaya namaha Om Narayanaaya namaha Om Maadhavaaya namaha Om Govindaaya namaha Om Vishnave namaha Om Madhusoodanaaya namaha Om Trivikramaaya namaha Om Vaamanaaya namaha Om Sreedharaaya namaha Om Hrusheekesaaya namaha Om Padmanaabhaaya namaha Om Daamodaraaya namaha Om Samkarshanaaya namaha Om Vaasudevaaya namaha Om Pradyumnaaya namaha Om Anirudhaaya namaha Om Purushottamaaya namaha Om Adhokshajaaya namaha Om Naarasimhaaya namaha Om Atchyutaaya namaha Om Janaardhanaaya namaha Om Vupendraaya namaha Om Haraye namaha Om Sree krishaaya namaha Prayers to god Ganesh: Since Ganesh is the dispeller of obstacles, he should be worshipped first before starting any thing. Imagine Ganesh’s form in your mind(see him at right), and recite the following 17 holy names of Ganesh by folding your hands at chest: Om Sumukhaaya namaha Om Yekadanthaaya namaha Om Kapilaaya namaha Om Gajakarnikaaya namaha Om Lambodaraaya namaha

Om Vikataaya namaha Om Vighnaraajaaya namaha Om Ganaadhipaaya namaha Om Dhoomakethave namaha Om Ganaadhyakshaaya namaha Om Phaalachandraaya namaha Om Gajaananaaya namaha Om Vakratundaaya namaha Om Soorpakarnaaya namaha Om Herambaaya namaha Om Skandhapoorvajaaya namaha Om Sree Maha Ganaadhipataye namaha Declaration of Intent(Sankalpa): While performing this Pooja, mention your wish to be fulfilled. This is called sankalpa. Recite like this: I (tell your name), offering my prayers to god / goddess (tell your deity’s name) on this day for achieving all the four: dharma (righteousness), artha(money), kaama(ambition), moksha(liberty) and for alleviating all problems from my life. I wish the complete grace and protection of god / goddess(tell your deity’s name) to fall on me and my family members always. Gayatri Mantra: If you have taken already Gayatri mantra from a Guru, you should recite that mantra in multiples of 108. People, who did not know this mantra should skip this section. Worshipping the deity: Look at the photo / idol of your deity and get that picture imprinted in your mind. Close your eyes for 2 to 3 minutes and visualize the form of your god. Imagine your deity has come and sat before you. This is called ‘dhyaanam(meditation)’. Now recite the 108 or 1008 holy names of your deity. People who got mantra of the deity from a Guru should recite it in multiples of 108. While reciting the names or mantra, throw flowers on your deity. If flowers are not available, then throw akshitaas or Siddhi Times USA 27

viboothi or Kum kum on your god. If you are using an idol for worship, you can pour milk, fruit juices, honey, ghee, coconut water etc., on the idol and finally clean the idol with water. This should be done simultaneously with recitation of mantras. Then adorn the idol with flowers.

Atharva Vedic “Kairekai Sastra”/ Palmstry

Sipping the holy water: At the end of reciting holy names or mantra, take water in to your right hand and leave it into a plate saying: Yetatphalam Sree (tell your deity’s name) devataarpanamastu The water thus obtained is energized with divine vibrations. You should take this water from the plate into your right hand and tell this: Om akaala mrutyu haranam sarva vyaadhi nivaaranam| Mahaa paapa kshayakaram Sree (tell your deity’s name) devata paadodakam paavanam subham Saying this, sip the water slowly. Offering food(Naivedyam): Any fruit / sweet / jaggery / sugar / milk can be offered as food for your deity. Put them in a plate before the photo or idol and split some water droplets on it, saying: Om Sree (tell your deity’s name) devataaya namaha| Naivedyam samarpayaami| Note: Later, this offering should be consumed by you and your family members and it can also be distributed to others. Lighting camphor(Haarathi): Now lit up the camphor in a small plate, and move the plate around the photo / idol in a verticle circular form. Do this three times from left to right. Circumambulation(Pradakshinaas): Stand up and rotate your body from left to right. While doing this, fold your hands at chest and close your eyes. Do three complete rotations. Then kneel down before god and fold your hands, close your eyes and ask your deity to fulfill your wishes. For more help, call our learned Atharva Vedic Priests in the biggest shiva Temple of the Nation Toll Free 1-800-574 3427. e- mail: [email protected]

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“There is nothing in the three worlds for knowledge besides the hand, which is given to man and which can be read like a book.” - Hasta Sanjeevani - an important part of Atharva Veda. It is said that Palmistry has migrated from India to other countries like Greece, Egypt, Persia and Syria in ancient times. Samudra, deity of the Seas has first given this knowledge to the world, hence this is called ‘Samudrika’. Sages like Narada, Valmiki, Garga, Bhrigu, Prahlada and Astrologers like Varahamihira have done a lot of work in Palmistry. Palmistry was discussed in the great books like ‘Bhavishya Puranam’ and ‘Hasta Sanjeevani’. But some how Palmistry could not receive proper attention in India, ever duing this modern times. It is given high regard in Western countries. “...It has put me under a Necessity of saying something about Palmistry, which is a Judgment made of the Conditions, Inclinations, and Fortunes of Men and Women, from their various Lines and Characters which Nature has imprinted in the Hands” says Aristotle in a paper written by him in during 350 B.C. Today Palmistry has completely transformed into a science, because of the extensive research done by the intellatual intelligents. Palmistry is a science of understanding

the Past, Present and the Future of a person by the pads and lines of a palm. Palmistry revives its foundation on the experiments conducted by Desbarrolles and D’Arpentigny in 19th century. They made a life time study of Palmistry by collecting the imprints of the hands of thousands of people, and classifying them according to the nature of people and events occurred in their lives. Then a hypothesis has been developed and verified with the support of further research.

force is channeled by the lines of the hand. Every finger of the hand has been connected to a different area of the brain, thus activating different processes in the brain. The pads below the fingers are the places where a number of nerves are bundled up. These pads are like capacitors to store the life force. The life force also carries the energies coming from the planets in the sky. and hence, the pads are named after the planets.

Just like a doctor examines a patient and determines his disease by using clinical equipment, a Palmist can predict in advance the health state of a person by simply observing his hands. Noel Jaquin and Eugene Scheimann have proved this by their research. Mr Edward Kowalewski, a professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and former president of the American Academy of Physicians, says: “I try to watch the hands of the patients in my waiting room, because they give so many clues, both physical and emotional”.

The answer for the question: How the hand reveals Past, Present and Future of a person lies in the statement by Frances Kiezle: “Hands are photographic plates upon which our brain writes our impressions”. When an event happens, our brain first reacts for the event, and that reaction leaves a mark in our hands. By reading these marks, we can understand the Past of a person. The sub conscious mind always carries impressions from past life, and these impressions bear considerable affect on Present deeds. The sub conscious state can also be studied by the hand, and hence the Future can be predicted.

Micheal Faraday proved that electric charge is attracted by objects with sharp ends. This is the reason, when the child enters this world from his mother’s womb, the life force from cosmos enters his body through the fingers of his hands and toes of feet. Mostly the life force enters through the index finger and goes up to the brain, where it influences the person’s thinking and circulates in the body and finally comes back through the other fingers. The movement of life

Every hand is unique, and reflects the nature of the person. The pads or mounts of the hand show the strengths and weaknesses in the personality. The marks and lines in the hand describe a vivid picture of events that take place in his life. But these marks and lines may change from time to time depending on the planetary energies which vary from time to time. By a careful examination of all these factors, we can judge what the person is and what he has in store.

“He who does not understand astrology is not a doctor but a fool.” - Hippocrates (460BC - 380 BC), Father of Medicine. It is possible in Astrology to diagnose a disease well before its actual appearance in the body. A disease can be expected, • When any planet receives bad aspects like square (90 deg) and opposition (180 deg). • When bad planets (Saturn, Mars, Raaghu, Kethu, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) are posited in bad houses like 6th house (place of disease), 8th house (place of longevity) and 12th house (place of death). • When bad planets occupy the signs: Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces. • When bad planets occupy the Ascendant (place of body,

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Ninth house or Sagittarius: Hips, Arterial system, Nerves and Thighs. Tenth house or Capricorn: Knees, Hams, Joints and bones. Eleventh house or Aquarius: Legs, Blood circulation, ankles, Left ear. Twelfth house or Pisces: Lymphatic system, Feet and Toes, Left eye, hospitalization, Death. PLANETS Sun: Heart, Sun-stroke, Eyes, Blood circulation, Spinal cord, Right eye in males and Left eye in females. Moon: Cold, Pneumonia, Breast related diseases, kidneys, Stomach, and Uterus related problems, Mania, Motions, Left eye in males, Right eye in females. mind and soul). • Death can be predicted when Sun, Moon and Ascendant - all the three are afflicted. The following are the characteristics given for houses/signs and planets, in connection to health of a person. HOUSES AND SIGNS First house or Aries: Body in general, Head, Face, Facial bones, Brain and Blood Vessels of the brain, Skin complexion. Second house or Taurus: Teeth, Speech, Right eye, Throat, Larynx, Cerebellum, Neck and Bones, Blood vessels and nerves connecting throat and neck. Third house or Gemini: Right ear, Shoulders, Collar, Hands and the related bones, Lungs, Breath, Blood. Fourth house or Cancer: Last phase of life, Chest, Breast, Ribs, Food poisoning, Stomach, Gastric and digestive system. Fifth house or Leo: Heart, mind, and Spinal chord. Sixth house or Virgo: Disease in general, Kidneys, Stomach, Bowels, Intestines and Abdomen. Seventh house or Libra: Waist, Navel cavity, Lumbar region and skin. Eighth house or Scorpio: Incurable diseases, Urinary and sexual organs, Pelvic bones, Bladder, and Anus.

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Mercury: Digestive system, Nerves, Lungs, Speech related problems, Mouth, Tongue, Hands, Epilepsy. Venus: Throat, Neck, Cheeks, Skin, Venereal Diseases and Reproductive Organs. Mars: Forehead, Nose, Muscles, Male Reproductive Organs, Piles, Hemorrhage, Injuries, Burns, Cuts, Fevers, Accidents, Electric Shock, Suicidal tendencies. Jupiter: Liver, Diabetes, Blood Vessels, Right Ear, Thigh, Buttocks, Obesity, Problems Due to Excess-eating. Saturn: General Weakness, Bony Appearance, Teeth, Bones, Knees, Joints, Rheumatism, Chronic Diseases, Asthma, Lungs-related Diseases, Tuberculosis and Skin-related Diseases. Raaghu: Raaghu is considered as equal to Saturn in Vedic Astrology. Raaghu gives Leprosy, Cancer, Diseases to Spleen, Poisoning, Snake Bite, Bite Of Poisonous Insects and Creatures. Kethu: Kethu is considered as equal to Mars in Vedic Astrology. Kethu gives Hypertensions, B.P., Lunacy, allergies and infectious diseases. When Kethu is involved, the real disease cannot be diagnosed by medical equipment. Disclaimer” This article does not endorsed by the siddhi times or its associates. The ideas ofthis articles are only the idea of some astrologers.

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Pandit L.V. Sharma

The Almighty and Swamiji bless me once again to share my thoughts on Spirituality. During the past issues, we discussed a lot about Spirituality explained by different

monks and sages of different religions. In this issue, I wish to talk a little bit about the Spirituality told by great sages of Hindu Lineage through Upanishads. Even though there were many Upanishads from the four Vedas, only 108 of them are known today. Even out of those 108 only 27 Upanishads are widely read and studied today. Many scholars have researched the Upanishads. Even then, it is a never-ending subject. Now I try to furnish a few of my ideas on Spirituality taught by the Upanishads. Upanishad means the inner or mystic teaching. The term Upanishad is derived from upa (near), Ni (down) and s (h) ad (to sit), i.e., sitting down near. Groups of pupils sit near the teacher to learn from him the secret doctrine. In the quietude of the forest hermitages, the Upanishad thinkers pondered on the problems of deepest concerns and communicated their Siddhi Times USA 34

knowledge to fit pupils near them. Adhi Sankara derives the word Upanishad as a substitute from the root sad, ‘to loosen,’ ‘to reach’ or ‘to destroy’ with Upa and Ni as prefixes and kvip as termination. If this determination is accepted, Upanishad means Brahma-knowledge by which ignorance is loosened or destroyed. The treatises that deal with Brahma-knowledge are called the Upanishads and so pass for the Vedanta. The different derivations together make out that the Upanishads give us both spiritual vision and philosophical argument. There is a core of certainty, which is essentially incommunicable except by a way of life. It is by a strictly personal effort that one can reach the truth. The Upanishads more clearly set forth the prime Vedic doctrines like Selfrealization, yoga and meditation, karma and reincarnation, which were hidden or kept veiled under the symbols of the older mystery religion. The older Upanishads are usually affixed to a particularly Veda, through a Brahmana or Aranyaka. The more recent ones are not. The Upanishads became prevalent some centuries before the time of Krishna and Buddha.

The main figure in the Upanishads, though not present in many of them, is the sage Yajnavalkya. Most of the great teachings of later Hindu and Buddhist philosophy derive from him. He taught the great doctrine of “neti-neti”, the view that truth can be found only through the negation of all thoughts about it. Other important Upanishadic sages are Uddalaka Aruni, Shwetaketu, Shandilya, Aitareya, Pippalada, and Sanat Kumara. Many earlier Vedic teachers like Manu, Brihaspati, Ayasya and Narada are also found in the Upanishads. In the Upanishads, the spiritual meanings of the Vedic texts are brought out and emphasized in their own right. Every one of us has to perform his or her duty designated as Svadharma to please God, to serve the world and to repay one’s debt to the society. Svadharma implies ambition commensurate with one’s capacity and the necessary inclination as the drive to achieve it. Our well-being lies in performing our Svadharma. Paradharma, duty suitable for others but not for us, will positively harm us if chosen by us. The basic teachings of

the Upanishads are summed up in six great sayings (Mahavakyas). These are as follows.

1.”I am Brahman” (Aham Brahmasmi). This states the identity of the inmost consciousness of the individual with that of the supreme Divine. The ultimate truth of Vedic knowledge is not that some great savior is God or the Lord or that such and such a God or name and form of God is the supreme. It is not the worship of a person, book, image or idea. It is not even the worship of God. The Upanishads say that whatever we worship as truth apart from ourselves destroys us. They teach that our own Self is the true Divinity, that it is the presence of the absolute within our heart and the entire universe. The hidden meaning of the sentence is “each and every one can attain Godlihood by practicing the Spirituality. 2.”The Self is Brahman” (Ayam Atma Brahma). This also states the identity of the soul with the Absolute but in a more objective and less direct manner. Not only is our Self the Divine. The same Self in all beings is the same Absolute truth. 3.”That thou art” (Tat tvam asi). Whatever we see or think about we are that. Not only is the I that, the you is also that. We are that ultimate I and Thou in all. The consciousness in the other is also the Divine.

unity of God and the world, being and becoming. It is interested not so much in the Absolute in itself, Parabrahman, as in the Absolute in relation to the world, Paramesvara. It teaches that life in the world and life in the Divine Spirit are not incompatibles and significance of Aum and the meaning and names of Saman. The Aitareya Upanishad belongs to the Rig Veda and the Upanishad proper consists of three chapters. This is part of the Aitareya Aranyaka, and the Upanishad begins with the Fourth chapter of the second Aranyaka, and comprises Chapter IV, V and VI. The preceding parts deal with sacrificial ceremonies like mahavrata and their interpretations.

4.”Intelligence is Brahman” (Prajnanam Brahma). Our discernment of truth is the truth itself. It indicates that the Divine intelligence is present within us and has the power to return us to the Divine. Our inmost intelligence is that supreme intelligence through which we can merge into the Absolute. 5.”The Universe is Brahman” (Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma). The entire universe is the Divine, which includes our self. The Divine is not only the consciousness principle in you and I, it is also the being principle in all things. It is the ultimate object as well as the inmost subject in all beings. It is one and all and all in one. 6.”He am I” (So’ham). This shows the identity of the self with the Divine Lord inherent within the natural movement of our breath. “So” is the natural sound of inhalation, “ham” of exhalation. These are statements of the identity of the individual consciousness with the Absolute or Divine reality. They all derive from and merge into Om (AUM), the Divine Word of “I am all”. Now let us see a little of the Upanishads.

It is the purpose of this Upanishad to lead the mind of the sacrificer away from the outer ceremonial to its inner meaning. All true sacrifice is inward. Sankara points out that there are three classes of men who wish to acquire wisdom. The highest consists of those who have turned away from the world, whose minds are free and collected, who are eager for freedom. For these the Upanishad (Aitareya Aranyaka II. 4-6) is intended. Others wish to become free gradually by attaining to the world of Hiranya-garbha. For them the knowledge and worship of the prana, life-breath is intended. (Aitareya Aranyaka II 1-3). There are still others who care only for worldly possessions. For them the meditative worship of Samhita is intended. The Taittiriya Upanishad belongs to the Taittiriya School of the Yajur Veda. It is divided into three sections called Vallis. The first is the Siksa Valli. Siksa is the first of the six Vedangas (limbs or auxiliaries of the Veda); it is the science of phonetics

The Brhad-Aranyaka Upanishad, which is generally recognized to be the most important of the Upanishads, forms part of the Satapatha Brahmana. It consists of three Kandas or sections, the Madhu Kanda which expounds the teachings of the basic identity of the individual and the Universal Self, the Yajnavalkya or the Muni Kanda which provides the philosophical justification of the teaching of Khila Kanda, which deals with certain modes of worship and meditation, upasana, answering roughly to the three stages of religious life, sravana, hearing the upadesha or the teaching, manana, logical reflection, upapatti and nididhyasana or contemplative meditation. The Chandogya Upanishad belongs to the Sama Veda. Chandoga is the singer of the Saman. The Upanishads that belongs to the followers of the Sama Veda is the Chandogya Upanishad. It is part of the Chandogya Brahmana, which has ten chapters. The first two chapters of the Brahmana deal with sacrifices and other forms of worships. The first and the second chapters discuss the problems of liturgy and doctrine such as the genesis The Isa, also called the Isavasya Upanishad, derives its name from the opening word of the text Isavasya or Isa. It belongs to the Vajasaneyi School of the Yajur Veda. The Vajasaneyi Samhita consists of forty chapters of which this Upanishad is the last. Its main purpose is to teach the essential Siddhi Times USA 35

and pronunciation. The second is the Brahmananda Valli and the third is the Bhrugu Valli. These two deal with the knowledge of the Supreme Self, paramatma-jnana. Katha Upanishad, also called Kathakopanishad, which belongs to the Taittiriya School of the Yajur Veda, uses the setting of a story found in ancient Sanskrit literature (1). A poor and pious Brahmana, Vajasravasa, performs a sacrifice and gives as presents the priests a few old and feeble cows. His son, Naciketas, feeling disturbed by the unreality of his father’s observance of the sacrifice, proposes that he himself may be offered as offering (daksina) to a priest. When he persisted in his request, his father in rage said, ‘Unto Yama, I give thee.’ Naciketas gives to the abode of Yama and finding him absent, waits there for three days and nights unfed. Yama on his return offers three gifts in recompense for the delay and discomfort caused to Naciketas. For the first, Naciketas asked, ‘Let me return alive to my father.’ For the second, ‘Tell me how my good works (ista-purta) may not be exhausted’; and for the third, ‘Tell me the way to conquer redeath (punar mrtyu).’ In the Upanishad, the third request is one for enlightenment on the ‘great transition’, which is called death. The Upanishad consists of two chapters, each of which has three Vallis or sections. There are some passages common to the Gita and Katha Upanishad. (1) Taittiriya Brahmana: The first mention of the story is in the Rig Veda where we read how the boy Naciketas was sent by his father to Yama (Death), but was allowed to get back on account of his great faith, sraddha. The Prasna Upanishad belongs to the Atharva Veda and has six sections dealing with six questions put to a sage by his disciples who were intent on knowing the nature of the ultimate cause, the power of Aum, the relation of the Supreme to the constituents of the world. The Upanishad is so called as it deals with prasna or question. The Kena Upanishad derives its name from the first word Kena, by whom, Siddhi Times USA 36

and belongs to the Sama Veda. It is also known as the Talavakara, the name of the Brahmana of the Sama Veda to which the Upanishad belongs. It has four sections, the first two in verse and the other two in prose. The metrical portion deals with the Supreme Unqualified Brahman, the absolute principle underlying the world of phenomenon and the prose part of the Upanishad deals with the Supreme as God, Isvara. The knowledge of the Absolute, para vidya, which secures immediate liberation (sadyo-mukti), is possible only for those who are able to withdraw their thoughts from worldly objects and concentrate on the ultimate fact of the universe. The knowledge of Isvara, apara vidya, puts one on the pathway that leads to deliverance eventually (karmamukti). The worshipping soul gradually acquires the higher wisdom, which results in the consciousness of the identity with the Supreme. The Mundaka Upanishad belongs to the Atharva Veda and has three chapters, each of which has two sections. The name is derived from the root mund, ‘to shave,’ as he that comprehends the teaching of the Upanishad is shaved or liberated from error and ignorance. The Upanishad states clearly the distinction between the higher knowledge of the Supreme Brahman and the lower knowledge of the empirical world. It is by this higher wisdom and not by sacrifices or worship, which one can reach Brahman. Only sanyasi, who

has given up everything, can obtain the highest knowledge. The Mandukya Upanishad belongs to the Atharva Veda and contains twelve verses. It is an exposition of the principle of Aum as consisting of three elements, a, u, m, which refer to the three states of walking, dream and dreamless sleep. The Supreme Self is manifested in the universe in its gross, subtle and causal aspects. Answering to the four states of consciousness, wakefulness, dream, dreamless sleep, transcendental consciousness (1) these are aspects of the Godhead, the last alone being all-inclusive and ultimately real. The Absolute of mystic consciousness is the reality of the God of religion. The Upanishad by itself, it is said, is enough to lead one to liberation. (2) Not only by the simple reading of the Upanishads can one become great in spiritual life. We should try at least to adopt only one principle of any of the Upanishads. By that practice, we can lead a highly spiritual life. The spiritual life leads us to have a comfortable living without any frictions. I thank Almighty and Swamiji for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts on Spirituality. In the next issue, I will meet you all with some more Spiritual thoughts of our ancient Rishis and Saints.

Special services from Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar for the development of Humanity Mankind

CORPORATE IMAGING / BRANDING / NAMING SERVICE It needs to be mentioned here that the ‘role’ of astrology/numerology in the business world will soon become a regular feature owing to the results that this liaison brings forth. Corporate heads need to experiment with and embrace this cosmic knowledge into their profession. Let the masters who have studied the cosmic equation help in solving the puzzle. The puzzle is your work, business vision and ambition. Help is at hand, so that you don’t walk the most vital path of your life in uncertainty. A minor suggestion could be the missing ‘link’….that destiny is trying to wire down to you. In this service, based on the birth data of the proprietor/directors/ owners such as date/time/place of birth, we suggest an astrological corporate strategy that may include a business makeover plan, corporate name/s for the company or firm, brand names for the products (names that are very powerful and make the product attractive to the customers). For this service, apart from the birth data of the main person/s behind the business venture, we would like to know the core value that you have; such as dynamic, progressive, innovative, exceptional passionate, caring, motivation etc and also what your main goal is; such as global leadership, maximizing results, recruiting the best human resource, client focus, quality, client satisfaction etc. The corporate and brand name will be based on Nameology and Numerology. Along with the names, we will also advise the corporate color which is lucky to the organization. We will also suggest the technical details for printing the letter head of the company as to in which font and color it can be printed for maximizing the efforts. ‘Gemstone therapy is also a part of the package to improve the general luck factor of the owners. ‘SUCCESS IS NOT A BIG A MYSTERY ANYMORE’ ‘VAASTU SASTRA’ & ARCHITECTURAL ASTROLOGY FOR HOMES & BUSINESS PREMISES VAASTU SHASHTRA: THE ART OF HARMONY BETWEEN MAN AND NATURE In simple words ‘Vaastu’ is an ancient science related to ‘architecture & design’ of a building/house/room/land; in tune with the environmental forces (energy). The concept revolves around synchronizing the five basic elements of Earth, viz Akash

(SKY), Prithvi (EARTH), Paani (WATER), Agni (FIRE), and Vayu (WIND) with Man and his Works on Earth. Nature is life giving and life sustaining for living beings and a harmony must prevail between the ‘two’ for smooth progression. There is a rule or methodology that prevails in this cosmos and playing by it is to our good. The fantastic equilibrium evident in the entire ‘creation of God’ must not be disturbed. The flow energy from North Pole to South Pole must not be hindered. Peace and tranquility will exist where there is no clash of energies. The doors must be opened to positive inflow and exits should be made for the negative outflow. There is no doubt that ‘designing’ & ‘interiors’ as per the rules of ‘Vaastu Science’ brings peace, enhanced productivity, joy, bliss and prosperity. For example: * A ‘square’ shaped piece of land or house is most beneficial. House must face the East or North direction. * Maximum wood must be the maximum quality of the building materials used. * An old or damaged entrance door will bring disrespect to the owner. * Disturbing art pieces or war / torture paintings in a house will naturally result in pain & anxiety. * The doors and windows should not be squeaky and rusted. * Master bedroom to be in the South west corner, children’s room to be in the North West or West side. Study room to be separate. Kitchen to be in the South East location of the house. Kitchen located in the North or the East does tend to cause financial troubles. * Cooking while facing the East brings good health. * Wall Clocks should not be placed on the South and Southwest walls. * Leaking taps will drain out money. * The placement of mirror in the bedroom should be such that no part of the body is directly reflected in it while sleeping. * The feet should be away from the main door, while sleeping. They should not face the main door. * Head towards the north is not good when sleeping. * Beds should never touch the walls of any room. * The prayer room in the northeast corner of the building is good. The significance of directions and corness in Vaastu Sastra: • East (Manes): It should not be blocked, since it is the source of male issues. Controlled by Sun. • South-East (Fire) source of health, place of fire, cooking and food. Controlled by Venus. • South- Source of wealth, crops and happiness. Denoted by Mars • South-West -(Earth) source of character, behaviour, cause of longevity and death. Signifies ‘Raaghu’.z • West-Source of name, fame and prosperity. Direction of the great ‘Saturn’. • North-West - (Air) Source of change, income from business, enmity and friendship. Signifies ‘Moon’. • North-This should not be blocked as it is the source of female issues. The direction of Mercury. • North-East -(Water) Source of health, wealth, prosperity and of male issues. Denotes the divine ‘Jupiter’. “GET IN SYNC WITH ‘NATURE’ TO EFFORTLESSLY RIDE THE WHEEL OF TIME” Siddhi Times USA 37

keen idea of how his life would be in general, starting from childhood till his old age.

Muka Sastra


nterpretation of character and fate from the study of a person’s face is called ‘Physiognomy’ or ‘Face reading’. It is obvious that when we meet an unknown person, we try to understand his feelings by looking at his face. So the origin of Physiognomy traces back to the date of origin of human beings. Indications of a person’s progress in yogic path are described with respect to Physiognomy in Hindu text ‘Svetasvatara Upanishad’, composed earlier than 500 B.C. According to Hindus, Samudra (deity of oceans) have first given ‘Anga Samudrika’ (Body language). King Prahlada has contributed a lot to this subject. Chinese texts dating back 300 B.C., mention Physiognomy. Socrates(470-399 B.C.) was a great physiognomist. The first book on Physiognomy ‘Displaying the Secrets of Nature Relating to Physiognomy’ was written by Aristotle(384-322 B.C.). As it was mentioned by Marco Polo, the Arabs also practised physiognomy. Physician and philosopher Avicenna(9801037 A.D.) has written about Physiognomy in his book ‘De animalibus’. Michael Scot(1175-1232 A.D.), court astrologer to Emperor FrederickII, also composed a book ‘De hominis phisiognomun’, which was printed in 1477 and became best seller for years together. Italian doctor D’Abano(1250-1316) also wrote many books on both Astrology and Physiognomy. During sixteenth century many authors have written books on this subject. Gerolamo Cardano, born in Italy in 1501, wrote many books on Medicine, Mathematics, Astronomy, Physics, Astrology, Dream Analysis, and Physiognomy. Cardano believed that a person’s character and fate are symbolized by the shape, lines, and markings of his or her forehead. He wrote a total of 13 books on the subject of forehead reading. In 1586, Porta published ‘De humana physiognoma’ in which he compares the likenesses of human beings to certain animals. He says if some one resembles a particular animal, he will also have the same tendencies and temperament of that animal. Kaspar Lavater(1741-1801) was regarded as the founder of the modern Physiognomy for his tremendous work in this subject. Later on Cesare Lombroso has made this subject more popular. By observing the face of a person as a whole, we can get a Siddhi Times USA 38

1. Parents region: The position where the hair starts at the top of forehead represents parents and the person’s relationship with them. If this area is smooth and shining, the person’s parents are fortunate in matters of health, career and the person’s childhood is filled with happiness. If this area is indented or with dull skin color then the person’s parents face troubles during the person’s childhood. 2. Career and Success region: We have this area below the Parents region and above the eyebrows. If this position is good, gently rounded and bright, it represents good career prospects and early settlement in the career. If this area is indented or hollow and dark in color, it shows the person’s intelligence will not help him in his career and the person’s will have misfortune from his 21st to 25th years. 3. Life region: This area lies between the eyebrows. If it is firm, bright, gently rounded, then it symbolizes a successful career after 27th year of age. It represents a friendly person with positive attitude towards life. If the space between eyebrows is wide and eyebrows are thick, the person will earn good money and his longevity is will also good. If the eyebrows are closer and there is a hair line connecting the two eyebrows, it is a sign of negative mind who is obstinate and unforgiving. If this Life region is dull or any colors found there, it represents unhappiness in career and poor health. 4. Middle age region: This region starts at center of the eyes and covers till the end of the nose tip. Any cross lines, patches and black spots in this region represent ill health and problems with the spouse in the middle age.

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persons. They love good food and highly domestic. Square shaped faces are called Earth faces. They represent a tough and aggressive person, offensive and sociable. They are suitable for works where more muscular energy is required. Rectangular faces represent a honest, diplomatic and leadership qualities. They are suitable for professions as top level executives and officials. We can also have triangular faces. An upright triangle which starts with narrow area at the forehead and comes down widening, represents Fire face. This is a symbol for anger, low talent but boastful, and rough person. An inverted triangle which becomes narrowed at the chin, is also called Air face. This signifies a cheerful, bright temperament, hyperactive and sensitive person. This type of face indicates disturbed married life. Side Profile of face: A straight face represents a person whose nature is balanced. A concave face represents a person who sees dark side of life. A convex face makes a person an optimist with a happy disposition. 5. Love and Emotional region: This is the area below the two eyes where temples are formed. If this area is bright, bulgy and rounded, the person will have deep emotional involvement. He or she will fall in love easily and whole heartedly. If this area has wrinkles or low and not smooth, then the person faces failures in love affairs due to selfishness or over indulgence. 6. Fertility and children region: This area represents the groove which connects the nose with the center of the upper lip. This is also called philtrum. A long, broad and deep philtrum indicates good fertility and ability to have children. It also represents long life. When the philtrum is low or flat, it represents less energy and childlessness. A short philtrum represents early death. 7. Old age region: This is the region below the lower lip which is also called the chin. If this area is strong, rounded and spacious, it represents happiness in old age after 60th year. If this area is low with a weak jaw and dark hue, it indicates unhappy and friendless old age. It also represents dangers of drowning, poisoning, and food or water born diseases. Shapes of faces: Round shaped faces are also called Moon faces. They represent laziness, lack of energy, imaginative and jovial Siddhi Times USA 40

If a straight horizontal line is drawn from the corner of the eye towards the ear, it should just touch the ear’s upper portion. If the ear is located above the straight line, it denotes the person is of refined nature. Ear set low below the line and close to the head represents criminal tendencies. If the ear is erected out from the head, with much gap between the head and ear, the person depends on inner self to gain success. Forehead: A high and even forehead with a good shining gives a person intelligence and a rich life to enjoy. Any black shades or black creases on forehead represents obstacles in his career. Three clear horizontal lines on the forehead give longevity. Eyebrows: If the eyebrows are set apart, it represents broad mindedness. Eyebrows close to each other represent critical minded person who expects exactness in every work.

If the eyebrows are high set, then it denotes an irresponsible attitude and superior tastes. If the eyebrows are low set and nearer to the eyelids, then they represent a prudent and calculative nature and an insecure mind.

stability of mind. Nose tilted up with nostrils visible represents a spendthrift and emotional person. Lips: The size of the upper lip represents the ability to love and the size of lower lip represents need for love.

If the eyebrows are like a straight line, the person will become practical and unimaginative. Eyes: The colored circular portion of the eye is called ‘iris’. If these irisis float too high, we will have an unstable and disturbed person. He is not trust worthy. Sometimes it denotes premature death.

If the lip corners are turned up, cheerful and friendly, disposition is seen. If the lip corners are turned down, irresolute person with depression can be seen. Full and broad lips show

If the iris is sink too low in the eye, a cruel and perverse nature is indicated.

sensuous tendency. Thin lips show brevity and concise behaviour of the person. He will also be a learned person. Mouth: A large mouth is a sign of outgoing and extroverted person. A small mouth represents introverted, careful and cautious people.

If the iris is large, thus occupying much of the space in the eye , the person cannot hide affections and emotions. If the iris is small, and hence the white portion of the eye is much seen, then the person is secretive. If the gap between the two eyes is large, the person is expansive and communicative. If the eyes are closely set, then the person will be criticising others, and will not demonstrate his feelings. Color of Eyes: A dark eye denotes a forceful nature than a light colored one. Light blue colored eyes represent flirtation. Deep blue is a sign of gentle love. Brown eyed people are devoted in love and friendship. Hazel eyes represent a highly impressable and affectionate type. Grey represents good intellect and imagination. Green eyes denote an inventive and adaptable nature. Black eyes provide passion and tenderness. Nose: If the nose is long, the person will be proud of his accomplishments. If short nose is found, we will have a free person escaping from responsibility. Broad nose gives

Chin: A narrow, pointed or weak chin represents less energy and drive. They face problems in old age. A broad, round chin is symbolic of generosity and good humour. A broad and square shaped chin makes the person work hard. It is a mark of steadiness. Jaw: A strong and deep jaw line just below the ear lobe represents the person has good will power and energy. Weak jaw indicates flexibility. When the soul creates its body in the mother’s womb, and slowly limb by limb is formed, the interactions of previous birth’s instincts with the soul lead to alterations in the outer body. So by observing the outer body, we can estimate the inner self of the person. This is the root idea of Physiognomy. For more information, please call the only Atharva Vedic Siddhar Swamiji in USA@ Toll free 1-800-574 3427. e-

mail:- [email protected]

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led me to his private room. He turned the key in the lock. “Here it is quite private,” he said. “No one will disturb us; please take a seat.” We sat down and looked at each other. I was tongue tied and could not say a word. He broke the uncomfortable silence by saying, “You are a Pinkerton’s detective, I suppose.” My strange behavior had made him think that. “No, not from Pinkerton’s,” I said. Such an answer made him think that I was a detective from some other agency; so I hastened to say, “To tell you the honest truth, I am not a detective at all. I have come to open an account, you see, from now on. I would like to keep all my money in your bank.”

When ever I go into a bank, I feel frightened. Everybody and everything that I see there frightens me. As for the manager, the mere sight of him simply terrifies me and makes me want to run away as fast I can. As soon as I open a bank’s door, I lose my head, and when I try to do any business there, I behave like an idiot. I can not explain the reason for this, but that is how it has always been; and that how it is now. When my salary was raised to fifty dollars a month, I knew that I had to do something about it. I had to start putting my money in a bank, no matter how unwilling to set foot in the place I felt. And so, I collected all my courage and set out for the bank. Timidly I stepped inside; and with a great effort, I lifted my head to look around me. The sight of the clerks filled me with fear, but bravely walked up to a window marked: “Accounts.” The accountant stood there like a figure of stone, waiting for me to speak. My tongue refused to move, but I swallowed hard, and at last I was able to ask in a voice that sounded strange to my ears, “Can I see the manager please? To this request I added, but I do not know why, “…alone.” I asked for the manager because I thought that “everyone” had to speak to the manager before opening a bank account. “Certainly,” said the accountant, “unless he is engaged. I will go to see.” He went away leaving me standing there alone. Everybody seemed to be staring at me and I felt most uncomfortable.

The Manager looked less anxious. Since I was a feeble-minded son of a millionaire, the manager thought that I wanted to deposit a sizable sum. “A large account I suppose,” he said. “Fairly large,” I said in a voice that was more than whisper. “I intend to deposit fifty-six dollars now and fifty dollars a month regularly.” Without saying a word the manager opened the door and called to the accountant. “Mr. Montgomery, this gentleman wishes to open an account. He will put fifty-six dollars in it.” He turned to me and said coldly, “Good Morning.” His voice was loud enough for everyone to hear, and I am sure that I every one heard. I walked quickly and opened one side of a door in the room. The manager said, “Not that way; this is the way,” and he pointed to the door through which we had entered. I placed the money into the hands of the accountant. Then the accountant handed the money to the clerk. The clerk made me write my name on a piece of paper and sign my name on it in a book. By this time I hardly knew what I was doing. My head was going around and round and I could not see anything properly. Then I asked, “I want to draw a check.” I was thinking of drawing out six dollars for my immediate use. However, due to too all my confusion, I had written on the check: “Fifty-six dollars.” The clerk was ready to pay out the money. “How will you have it…” he asked, “in fifty dollars notes?” He gave me one fifty dollar bill, and the six, in six one dollar bills. I rushed out of the bank as if I were escaping from a house on fire. The visitors and customers then broke into a riotous laugh. Since then, I have never used a bank!

Fortunately, the manager was free at that time and the accountant took me to him. I looked at the manager. His face was calm and serious. It frightened me. I held my fifty-six dollars tightly in my hand which I had kept the whole time in my trouser pocket. “Are you the Manager?” I asked him. It was a foolish question because I knew full well that he was. “Yes,” he answered. “Can I see you?” I asked, and added once more, “…alone.” The Question seemed silly without this last word. A look of anxiety came over the manager’s face. I was sure that he was thinking that I had some important and unpleasant information to give him. Perhaps, I had found some mistake or even dishonestly in the work of the bank. “This way,” he said and Siddhi Times USA 43

STRESS MANAGEMENT THROUGH YOGA FOR BANK EXECUTIVIES Mr. K. VENKATACHALAPATHY, M.Sc.,(yoga),M.Com.,M.Ed.,M.Phil.,DCL&BL., P.G.DY.,D.Y.T.T.,C.A.Y,D.S.S., Technical officer Yoga Research and Centre for Yoga Studies, Annamalai University Annamalai Nagar

Introduction Stress: Stress defined by selye as “the force, pressure, or strain exerted upon a material object or person which result these forces and attempt to maintains its original state”. Stress is ubiquitous in our society. It has become an integrate part of everyday living. Researchers on stress make it clear that, to enter in to the complex area of stress make it clear that, to enter in to the complex area of stress, especially in to the area of occupational stress, is very difficult. Stress is an unavoidable consequence of modern living. Stress has harmful psychological and physiological effects on employees and executives; stress is a major cause of employees can affect the safety of other employees, by controlling dysfunctional stress, individual and organization can b e managed more effectively. Banking sector and stress During the past decade the banking sector had under gone rapid and striking changes like policy change due to globalization and liberalization, introduction of new technologies etc. Due to these changes, the executives and employees in the banking sector is experiencing a high level of stress. Occupational stress is an increasingly important occupational health problem and a significant cause of economic loss. Occupational and physiologic disabilities. However it may also cause subtle manifestation of morbidity that can affect personal well being and productivity. A job stressed executives and employees are greater job dissatisfaction, increased absenteeism, increased frequency of drinking and soaking, increase in negative psychological symptoms and reduced aspiration and self esteem. Various techniques in yoga help in stress management. These techniques work at an individual level and also at a collective level of ensure that there is significant respite from the conditions of Siddhi Times USA 44

extreme stress. They help in relieving the physical as well as the psychological negative effectors of the problem by ensuring a healthy and productive response to the stress stimuli. Yoga can have a positive effect on the parasympathetic nervous system and aid in lowering heart beat and blood pressure. This reduces the demand of the body for oxygen. Yoga can also improve digestion, strengthen immunity, and help in effective culminating of toxic wastes and also increase lung capacity effective use of this practice can also reduce the chances of stress culminating in anxiety and depression. The practice of yoga involves forming various body postures, slow stretching movements breathing exercises that can at times lead to progressive relaxation, imagery and meditation. All these specific techniques are meant for a specific purpose and they culminate in to a higher awareness of that is happening to oneself during stress emotionally, physically mentally and energetically, are develops an understanding of each part of the body by being more aware of it. The practice includes paying attention to each and every part and therefore, ensures a holistic therapy. The start of practice is with becoming aware of what the stressful stimuli is so that one knows what are is fighting, understanding the enemy is an important factor in combat and similarly in a understanding the factors that cause stress can help you in deciding how if needs to be tackled. Yoga enables and empowers you to control the natural and immediate reactions to a stress. With practice the psychological responses can also be mastered. This means that the previous reaction that put the body in an alert or alarm mode to not take over as soon as a stressful situation occurs. . And this leads to a situation where is irrespective of the challenges you face, you remain calm, composed and capable of talking the situation with a level head. Conclusion The productivity of the work force is the most decisive factor as far as the success of an organization is concerned. The productivity in turn is dependent the psychosocial well being of the executives employees. In an age of highly dynamic and competitive world, man is exposed to all kinds of stressors that can affect him on all realms of life. Yoga is the only way to tackle work pressure; it has helped them to overcome stress and strain.


Mr. K. VENKATACHALAPATHY, M.Sc.,(yoga),M.Com.,M.Ed.,M.Phil.,DCL&BL., P.G.DY.,D.Y.T.T.,C.A.Y,D.S.S., Professor and Head Technical officer Dept. of Commerce, D.D.E. Yoga Research and Centre for Yoga Studies, Annamalai University Annamalai University Annamalai Nagar , Chidambaram

1.To study the demographic variables of the bank executives. 2.To assess the pre and post – test level of stress among the bank executives in the experimental and control groups. 3.To determine the effect of yoga practice on stress among bank executives. 4.To associate the pre-test level of stress among bank executives with their demographic variables. Methodology The research approach selected was the true experimental design. The sampling technique used by the investigator was convenient random sampling. Abstract An experimental study was conducted among 60 bank executives selected by convenient random sampling technique who were working at various banks in Chidambaram. The instruments used for data collection were demographic variables, and modified Srivastava, A.K. and Singh, A.P. occupational stress questionnaire. Pre-test was conducted with the help of structured questionnaire to assess the level of stress among selected bank executives before yoga training. After the pre-test yoga training was given for 12 weeks. All the selected bank executives were informed regarding posttest which was schedule exactly after 12 weeks training of yoga. Post-test was done on the same group with the help of the same structured questionnaire which was used in the pre-test. This study revealed that yoga was an effective tool to reduce the level of stress among bank executives. Introduction Stress in the twenty first millennium is not something new, not anything unknown. Stress has been experienced since time immemorial, but its toll is higher than ever before. Working people undergo much stress while they are on the work, such occupational stress leads to relative stress injury. Yoga plays a vital role in combating the modern menace of stress. According to yoga, stress is imbalance in misery at the mental and physical level. When stress and pain are relieved, productivity and creativity are gained. This is the logic for bringing yoga in to the work place.

The experimental group that has 30 samples randomly assigned to it, had both pre test and post test, and has been exposed to the yoga training. The control group of 30 samples, which differs from the experimental group only by the absence of exposure to the yoga training. The tools used for data collection were demographic variable proforma, and modified Srivastava stress questionnaire. he reliability of the tool was determined by using split half technique. A pilot study was conducted for checking the feasibility of the study and establishing reliability of tools for selected bank executives. The collected data was organized and analysed according to objectives of the study using descriptive and inferential statistics. The major findings of the study In the experimental group, the mean occupational stress level before intervention was found to be 156.2 with SD of 19.4 which has reduced to 105.06 with increase in standard deviation of 26.8 compared to the control group indicating (highly significant at the level of P<0.001) the decrease in the level of stress among those who practiced yoga. The ANCOVA test result also indicates that there is a significant reduction in the stress level for the experimental

Yoga helps in overcoming stress and tension, removes the negative blocks, relaxes and strengthens muscles, cleanses of body so as to attain mental and physical equilibrium, increases self-awareness, and develops concentration. It also develops the immune system, enhances digestive, respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Statement of the problem A stress management through yoga A - study with particular reference to bank executives in Chidambaram. Objectives of the study Siddhi Times USA 45

group compared to the control group. Findings related to effect of yoga training indicates that yoga training is effective in reducing the stress among bank executives. There was no significant association between the stress level and demographic variables. Recommendations A similar study may be replicated on a large sample, there by findings can be generalized for a large population. Similar studies may be conducted for finding out the effect of yoga on stress related to all kinds of executives. A study may be undertaken to sustain the effectiveness of stress management training progeramme. The organization has to ensure its commitment towards the training programme in all the departments. Conclusion The finding of the study shows that the level of stress has been reduced through the yoga training programme. References 1.Ahmad et al (1985), A study of stress among executives, journal of personality and clinical studies, Vol.60, No.1, July: p.48. 2.Abdoolcarin (1995), Executive stress, a company killer, Asian Business, Vol.3, ISS, No.31, pp. 22-26. 3.Udupa K.N. (1978), Stress and its management by yoga, mothilal, Banarsidass Pub. Pv. Ltd, Delhi, India. 4.Swami Satyananda Saraswathi (2008), Asana, pranayama, Mudra, Bandha, 4th Edition, Yoga publication, Bihar, India. 5.Sharma P.D (1998), Yoga, Yogasana and pranayama for health, Dantali, Gujarat, Navneet Pub. Ltd, India.

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Param Pujya ,His Holiness Swamiji Selvam Siddhar ( Dr Commander Selvam)


tahrva Veda talks lot about sexual problems. I get at least 5 to 10 calls from both the sex about their sexual problems and divorce because of lot of problems arising from the bedroom activities in this country. I have helped numerous people through the Atahrvavedic Astrology and Thantric Rituals. Also I thought that, let me give some idea about how this sexual matching works in the Jathakam. Atharvavedic Astrology. If any of the readers has any kind of sexual problems, you are welcome to reach me for a confidential Atharva Vedic spiritual healing referred in our Hindu Vedic Science. Please remember that I am not a Medical doctor. You will get all kinds of spiritual help only and not only medicines from me. Sexual behavior and temperament is connected to the sign to which a person belongs. The planets Mars and Venus play an important role in the sex life of a person. Vedic Astrology has classified the yoni (size of sex organs and sexual behavior) on the basis of NAKSHATRAS, Sex and Yoni of constellations

MOON: If Moon is in 8th house the native has slightly undersized and flaccid organ and sex functioning depends upon moods. MERCURY: If Mercury is in 8th house the native has slightly undersized , flaccid and weak organ. Native also suffers from inferiority complex in sex matters. MARS: If Mars is in 8th house the native has small , active and well proportioned organ. JUPITER: If Jupiter is in 8th house the native has normal size but active and verile organs. SATURN: If Saturn is in 8th house the native has long and lanky organ but not very capable. Sex behavior and Zodiac Signs 1. Aries, Leo, Sagittarius are Oversexed. 2. Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn are sober in sex behavior. 3. Gemini, Libra, Aquarius have secret liking for sex but never exhibit their sexual feelings. 4. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces are not very sexoriented but show highly passionate feelings

Size of Sex Organs

Male Man has been divided into three types according to the size of Penis 1.Hare- man has shortest male organs upto 4” in length. 2.Bull man has medium male organ upto 6” in length. 3.Horse man has longest male organs upto 8” in length. Circumference of the Penis is according to the length but it may not be proportional. Female Female has been divided into three types according to the depth of vagina 1. Deer woman has shortest vaginal passage of 4” long. 2. Hare women has medium vaginal passage of 6” long. 3. Elephant woman has longest vaginal passage of 8”long. Circumference is in proportion to vaginal length but can be stretched to a longer size. Determination of Male organs Every birth chart/Horoscope has 12 houses. In those 12 houses, a planets has to stay in there houses. 8th house of the horoscope indicates size of male organs. If the 8th house belongs to SUN: If Sun is in 8th house the native has virile and well proportioned organs with normal sex functions.

Sexual acts and their behavior

Sexual acts and behavior depends on two factors: 1. Sign of native 2. Which planets are in 7th house of the horoscope. The characteristics of sexual tendencies depend upon the position of Mars in the horoscope If the Mars belongs to: First House: The native’s married life will be full of enthusiasm, have strong sexual urges and will never be satisfied in sex. He enjoys sex life greatly and fully demonstrates his love and affection to his partner will require constant love and affection from partner. Second House: The native will be aggressive and crude in sex matters. He / She has very burning and deep feelings for partner but does not exhibit them. Third House: The native will be very determined to have good and healthy sex with the partner. He / She will be courageous and considerate in sex matter but fails to demonstrate. Fourth House: The native will have extensive sexual relationship with the partner and will be lustfully inclined and selfish in the relationship. They have deep attachment with the partner. Sixth House: The native will not be sex crazy. Sex will be a normal routine for him / her. Native will not have much regards for partner as far as sex is concerned. Siddhi Times USA 47

Twelth House: The native will be quick and restless in sex behaviour. Even use unnatural methods of sex. The native will be careless about partner,s feeling. Astrology & Sex are closely knitted to each other as it is quite often said and believed that sun signs determine the sexual desires. The following are based on Moon sign and not sun sign. Also based on the Atharva Veda and not simply based on the usual astrology done by some so called Astrologers. Mesham Raunchy Aries is one of the most passionate and impetuous of the signs. Feelings run high when ardent Aries is around. You go all out for what you want - no sitting around waiting for others to make the first move. What you like is short, sharp sex. The basic Aries energy is rapacious, self-oriented, and selfconfident. When you finally fall in love, rather than in lust, the romantic and somewhat naive side of your fire nature emerges, but you will remain headstrong and passionate. No matter how romantically inclined, Aries passion is indissolubly linked to love, so you want to express your feelings in a very direct way.

Seventh House: The native will be fond of sex and too demanding in sex and may indulge in indiscreet sex life. The native will be romantic also. Eight House: The native will have too much sex-indulgent, indiscriminate in sex and greatly attached to principles and morals of married life. Ninth House: The native will be very moderate and considerate to partner in sex habits. The native will not regards sex as a driving force in life. Tenth House: The native will be methodical and touchy in sex matters. The native will be fond of pornography and very concious of successful sex act. Eleventh House: The native has craving for sex but do not show openly and easily satisfied. They attach more importance to health and have a saintly outlook, though in thoughts they are sex- crazy.

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Rishbam By far the most sensual of the signs, Taurus has a passionate nature and a strong sex drive. You are turned on by beautiful people and places. Your earthy, solid body exudes sensuality and arouses desire, but you hesitate to move in on a prospective lover, preferring to be asked. Despite a strong libido, you are not driven by lust. You like a stable, orderly life and are renowned for possessiveness; an active sex life is usually part of an ongoing partnership.When you fall in love, you fall heavily and finally. You are committed for life. Love is something Taurus takes very seriously indeed. Mithunam A restless seeker after new sensations, Gemini never stays still. You dance with partner after partner in an intricate sexual gavotte. Your urge for communication demands continual movement for you, sex is an intellectual activity. You may like to discuss feelings, but you don’t feel a need for them. One of your greatest problems in relationships is understanding how other people feel. Indeed, you can be so insensitive to people’s feelings that you unthinkingly dash their hopes of love without even noticing. To overcome this, you need to listen as well as talk. Gemini values friendship over love. Kadakam

Cancer is the sign with a powerful urge to nurture people. Your sexual style is caring, concerned, and oriented towards sharing. You feel a need to take care of your partner. Yours is a sentimental, romantic sign. When you fall in love you want the full works: hearts, flowers, and a huge wedding. In love, your biggest problem is over-sensitivity. You are jealous and possessive. You want your partner’s undivided love because it makes you feel secure. As a tactile sign, you enjoy kissing and cuddling. Snuggling up with the one you love makes you feel good. Cancer is a great holder of hands. Simmam The natural king of the zodiac, Leo loves to be the center of attention and to be in love - which is not difficult since you are ruled by the sun and have a warm-hearted nature. As a fire sign, you are exceedingly passionate and sexually demanding. You are a confident and self-assured lover. People do tend to notice you. You are dramatic and full of vitality and bounce, like a boisterous lion cub. But, unlike a cub, you radiate an irresistible sexual power that draws everyone into fascinated orbit around you. Kanya On the surface, meticulous Virgo is a shy sign, but you are an entertaining companion for those who take the trouble to inquire into your deeper self in your search for perfection. You tend not to pursue the object of your desire openly. Given the right partner, you display an earthy sensuality and a strong carnal appetite. You are not a sign that gets carried away by love and sentiment. You are much too practical and analytical for that. But when you do fall in love, you are thoughtful and caring and will do all you can to serve your partner. Thulam You need a partner to make yourself complete. For you, togetherness is what life is all about. You delight in pleasing people and because you adjust to the needs of others, your relationships are always harmonious. You are blessed with enormous charm and sexual charisma, and you don’t hesitate to use it to get what you want. Libra is a sign much given to sentiment and romanticism. You do all you can to make your partner happy. You are an accomplished lover and adept at pleasing your partner. Libra is a very refined sign and has very discriminating tastes. You enjoy the finer things in life and this applies to your sexual encounters as well. Everything surrounding sex must be beautiful and harmonious. You like

subtle perfumes, candles, incense, massage oils. They arouse your senses. You also like soft, sensual fabrics. Viruchikam You are a sophisticated and highly adept lover. Scorpio rules sex, birth, death, and rebirth. You have an urge to explore dark places of life where others fear to tread. Powerfully libidinous and intensely sexy, you ignore taboos. You see sex as an opportunity to explore the mystical depths of emotion. Scorpio is a compulsive and obsessive sign. When you are in lust, you obsess about the object of your desires. When you are in love, you think about your beloved constantly. Love, lust, and libido are all important to you. You do not fall in love easily. But when you do fall, you fall hard. And you stay there. What you seek is a true soul mate. Your world is emotional, dramatic, Your sexuality is lively, lusty and adventurous. You love to break new ground, in sexual encounters as in everything else and you are quite willing to go for what you want. Ruled by Jupiter, the grand leader of the gods, you are expansive and all-encompassing in your tastes and interests. You are uninhibited, ready to make love on impulse and not impressed with delaying tactics, or feeble, wimpy attempts to win your favour. The most important issue for you is truth and honesty. You hate intolerance in all its forms (how’s that for logic...?) and you are as open about your desires and sexual needs as you are about everything else. Guilt and shame are foreign to your sexual persona and you do not have much patience with more convoluted souls in these matters. Lusty Sagittarius lays the cards on the table (and that might be a good place to get started...!). Most people find you disarmingly friendly and you appreciate openness in return. Sex for you is fun and can be a doorway into higher awareness. You are anything but conservative in sexual matters and you are a sucker for the new and exotic, especially things redolent of adventure and far-away places.Admirers should take note that making plans for travel at the drop of a hat, or intimate accounts of personal experiences in foreign parts will get your juices running. This should be followed immediately by passionate sex before the urge ebbs away..Tense, and full of emotional undercurrents and the echoes of painful traumas from the past. Will be continued next month

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letters to the editor 1. Santosh Shivni- Hamburg, Germany. Dear Swamiji, I had the rare chance of meeting you at my place. You gave me a copy of the magazine. Thanks and Namaskars for bringing out a great metaphysical magazine to enlighten the community. We are very happy to read the article Vedic Astrology. Please add me in your temple’s regular mailing list. I pledge to pay a donation of US$ 101.00 every month for the magazine. 2. Kumari Khanna – Phoenix, AZ We had many troubles in our business. During you tour at London, we approached you. You scrutinized our horoscopes and performed some rituals based on the Atharva Veda. By the power of Swamiji and his Thantra rituals, we are developing now. Our lives are dedicated to Swamiji Siddhar. 3. Manohar Kasargode, Georgetown, DE My daughter’s marriage was being delayed. I used to read Siddhitimes magazine through the website. I met Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar during his tour at England. I requested him to solve this problem. He performed Atharva Veda Yaksha Devatha rituals and now my daughter’s marriage is fixed. My pranams to Swamiji for solving the problem. 4. Seema Rao, Knox, IN My brother had some immigration problems. I had the rare chance of meeting Sri Siddhar during his tour at my home town. I asked for spiritual salvation. He performed some rituals and I

had the great opportunity to take part in the rituals. By the power of Swamiji, my brother is now eligible to fly globally. Thanks and pranams to Swamiji for making my brother as the happiest man. 5. Sindhu Agarwal, Baker, LA I had many personal problems, those I do not want to expose. I requested Swamiji Sri Siddhar to solve those problems. He performed some rituals and by the power of those rituals done by Swamiji personally, I have come out of all the problems in my life. I dedicate my lifetime to Swamiji. His spiritual discourse during his tour at Suva was very informative and awesome. 6. Sudha Krishnamurthy – East sound, WA I am a regular reader of Siddhitimes. After reading the magazine, I am able to understand what Astrology is and how to solve the problems. I can even challenge any Astrologers in the world. Thanks and namaskars to Swamiji Siddhar for the wonderful article “Vedic Astrology”. 7. Girija Koirala, Greenwich, CT I have a son of seven years old. All of a sudden, he became very dull in his studies. After reading the magazine, I requested Swamiji Siddhar to solve the problems. As a Thantric Expert, he performed Thantric rituals for the betterment of my son. Now he is doing very well in his studies. Thanks and pranams to Swamiji for making my son well. Thanks for bringing out such a wonderful magazine also. 8. Krishnakanth S Patel - La Crosse, WI My five years old daughter is a regular reader of the magazine Siddhitimes.She loves the Kids’ Corner. Thanks for bringing out such a useful magazine, useful to one and all. 9.Sanasie Chandrasekar, Donalsonville, GA I got married five years back. We had no kids. After reading the magazine Siddhitimes, we visited Hindu Temple of Georgia and requested Swamiji Sri Siddhar to solve the problem. He found that due to some black magic we were unable to get good kids. He performed the best Atharva Veda Thantric rituals and blessed us. Now I am pregnant. Thanks to Swamiji for blessing us.

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10. Razak Abdullah - Diamond Bar, CA Even though I am a Muslim, I love Hinduism. I used to read the magazine Siddhitimes. I had many blockages in success. Even though I work very hard, I was not able to get the results. I consulted Swamiji Sri. Selvam Siddhar through telephone to remove the blockages. He performed some rituals and removed the blockages. Now I am on my footsteps to success. Thanks to Swamiji for making my life as successful. 11. Aravasingham Gunaratna - Ont, Canada I had many problems in my family, particularly with my in laws. I called and requested Swamiji Siddhar to solve the problems. He solved all the problems in a very simple and in the best spiritual manner. Now I have a wonderful relationship with all my in laws. Namaskars to Swamiji for making my life wonderful. 12. Dr.Vaithi Sarabeswaran - Marina Del Rey, CA I am eagerly waiting for the opening day of the new Hindu Temple in Bay area. Thanks and pranams to Swamiji Siddhar for donating a new Hindu Temple to the Bay area. Even though we have Temples in our area, there are great politics, group fights and egos. Please give us a Temple without the previously mentioned unwanted things. 13. Rathan Sinha - Endicott, NY I am one of the best realtors in my city. All of a sudden, I was driven to the worst situation of coming out of my business. I approached Swamiji Siddhar to know the reasons and to stop selling the houses. He analyzed my horoscope and found the reasons for this. He also performed some rituals. By his powers, I got many helps from un-foreseen persons. By that the business is picking up well. I pledge my lifetime for the service of Swamiji Sri Siddhar and his magazine Siddhitimes. 14. Peter Chaudhry – Frostburg, MD I am a converted Christian. I converted myself into Christianity, as I had no opportunity to know about Hinduism and the rituals of Hinduism. On my trip to Atlanta, I went to the Hindu Temple of Georgia just as a pleasure trip. There I had an opportunity to meet Swamiji Siddhar. I was attracted by the lecture given by him. He explained me about Hinduism. He advised me a lot and he told me not to convert again from Christianity to Hinduism but to follow a spiritual life. I am enlightened by his speech and advice. I thank a lot to Swamiji for making me a spiritual man.

problems spiritually. He spent nearly about an hour through telephone and gave me consultations. He advised me to chant some mantras. After chanting those mantras for a period of 27 days, I became well. Now I have become an ardent devotee of Swamiji Sri Siddhar. I advise all those who have problems, to approach Swamiji Siddhar and to get rid of the problems. 17. Prof. Walton K Richmond, Belgium I am a professor. I am much interested to know and learn a lot about the religions. On going through the websites, I had a chance to read the magazine Siddhitimes. The writings of Swamiji Sri Siddhar covered me. His Vedic Astrology is the best and shows his vast knowledge in astrology and Vedas. Thanks to him. I pray the Almighty to shower his entire blessings on Swamiji Siddhar and his family for doing more and more good works like this. 18. Fernando, Clemson - SC I am a Tamilian. No Tamilian in this world has done a great work like Swamiji Siddhar. Now I feel very proud to be in the community of Swamiji Siddhar. Even though I cannot donate a big amount of money as Swamiji, I offered 1/10th of my monthly salary to the holy and noble cause. I humbly requested Swamiji Siddhar to take money from me but he blessed me and refused to take money from me. This noble work moved my heart. I am ready to volunteer myself for the building works of the temple. Thanks to Swamiji for giving this opportunity. 19. An Ardent Devotee, Johnstown - PA I don’t want to say my name. I had many problems with Immigration. I requested Sri Siddhar Swamiji to solve the problems. He solved the problems with the Atharva Veda Thantras, now I have become a citizen of this country legally. I humbly submit my lifetime to Swamiji for making me a legal citizen of this wonderful country. 20. Balesh K Moti, Tullahoma - TN I had a kind of mental trouble. After reading the magazine Siddhitimes, I asked Swamiji for remedy. He gave me wonderful spiritual treatment by two ways. Now I am getting out of my problems slowly. Thanks and pranams to Swamiji for helping me to come out of my problems.

15. Raman Tripathi, Houston TX When I went for shopping, I picked up the magazine Siddhitimes. I thought that it will be an ordinary magazine but after reading it completely I understood that it is a special one and not the usual magazine. From that day onwards, I became a regular reader of the magazine. Thanks a lot and pranams to Swamiji Sri Siddhar for bringing out such a wonderful magazine. 16. Droupathi Ali, Troutville, VA I had some kind of problems related to mind. After reading the magazine Siddhitimes, I called Swamiji Siddhar for solving the Siddhi Times USA 51



In the back issues, Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) expressed some of the thoughts of Atharva Veda Vaasthu Shastraa. In this issue also we will see some of his research works on the Atharva Veda Vaasthu Shastraa. The word “Vaasthu” is derived from ‘Vasanivase’ which means the place suitable for comfortable living. Vaasthu is a science of architecture. It dates back to Vedas, which are the most ancient books of knowledge. While Astrology is said to be Vedanga (the limb of Veda), Vaasthu is said to be a Upaveda (minor Veda). According to Atharva Veda there are four types of Vaasthu: 1) Bhoomi - deals with selection of a site/land 2) Praasaada - deals with Palaces and buildings 3) Yana - Vehicles, carts and ships 4) Sayana - furniture, tools and utensils. Other than any ancient scriptures, Atharva Veda deals more with a lot of Vaasthu knowledge like weather forecasting, earthquake forecasting, rainfall, architecture, exploration of water springs etc. ‘Manasara’ another great book on Vaasthu, discusses the principles of architectural and sculptural construction. ‘Mayamatam’ of Maya who is said to build the great Maya Sabha of Pandavas (of Mahabharatha times) is a rich work with 36 chapters starting from the fundamental question of selecting a site/land for construction, building houses/temples, different ways of construction etc. Even ‘Viswakarmaprakasika’ also deals the same subject from a different light and in a candid way. Four main directions are identified in all the works: East, South, West and North. Another four corners formed at the intersection points of these four directions, are called: South East, South West, North West and North East. The earth is the place of dwelling for every one. It is a big magnet. Its magnetic North pole is located in universal South direction, and magnetic South Pole is located in universal North direction. This means the magnetic lines of earth travel from South to North. If any body sleeps by placing his head towards North, there would be magnetic lines passing through his head in the same direction, and more blood Siddhi Times USA 52

is pumped into the head, thus creating head- related problems. This means the Earth’s magnetism also influences our lives. It is good if a building is aligned strictly in the four main directions, because its walls will be either perpendicular or parallel to the magnetic lines of earth. If we build a house putting an entrance in any of the four main directions, there will be prosperity for the resident. But if the house is oriented into the corner directions, then the walls cross the magnetic lines in a zigzag way, leading to mental disturbances and lack of peace and success. Plenty of light, air and water are also needed for living beings to thrive. Thus when a house is constructed, we should see that the house gets proper Sun light and the wind. There should be availability of water in the ground in the vicinity of the house. The Sun light has got different energies which are identified as around 45 different deities. Each type of energy is suitable for a particular task. Accordingly, the place where the energy falls is allotted for living room, kitchen, dining room, bed room, etc. This provides a basic frame work for dividing the land for specific use. The land/plot is divided into 9 X 9 = 81 squares which is called ‘Ekaseetipada Vaasthu’. These 81 squares will represent where to erect the pillars for construction, where to place the main entrance, where to place the kitchen and other rooms, where to place what type of furniture, etc. The Sun light along with other planetary lights is represented as ‘Vaasthu Purusha’, the deity of all plots. The position of Vaasthu Purusha changes every day and also depends on the seasons. Offerings should be made to Vaasthu Purusha and he will take care of the inmates of the house. Vaasthu deals with how to select a plot, and making the plot ready for construction. It is ideal to have a plot in Square or Rectangular form and aligned properly in the four main directions. Then a compound wall must be constructed first. The plot must be divided into 81 squares of equal size, and a plan should be drawn. Then construction work should start after offerings are made to Vaasthu Purusha and other deities and planets. Vaasthu also gives advice on how to match the name of a person to the place where he wants to live, and how to find the direction for main entrance into his house. A general placement of rooms in a house is given in the diagram. A person should find peace at home after working for hours together in the office. Otherwise, there is no use in having a residence. Here Vaasthu plays an important role. When a house is constructed according to the principles advocated in Vaasthu, the dweller will have peace and prosperity in his life. According to the Atharva Veda scriptures, the Vaasthu is not the only thing to be analyzed before construction of a building. The horoscope is to be scrutinized according to the standards of Atharva Veda.

To know more and more about Vaasthu and Atharva Vedic astrology, kindly call the Shiva Vishnu Temple @ 408 829 7780 or email to [email protected]

Atharva Vedic Vassthu for

away from the electrical gadgets like computer, TV. This way, she can avoid increasing her internal temperature to a dangerous level without even being aware of it. Normally, a woman dissipates body heat through her skin and breathing. The foetus that is growing has normally a temperature, which is a little more than the mother’s and dissipates its heat across the placenta and through the mother’s blood stream. Foetal damage can occur if the mother or the foetus does not cool down quickly after the temperature of the core rises.


re you pregnant or planning to have a child in near future? Then this article is for you. Apart from taking the modern medical guidelines into consideration, Vaastu can also help the would be mothers bear a healthy child.Couples planning their progeny can use a Northwest (Moon) room as the first option or a Southeast (Venus) room as a second option until the onset of pregnancy. Mother can then move into a Northeast (Jupiter) room as is explained later. The place of the primary element Agni or Fire is the Southeast of an area. This author does not recommend a lady to live in a southeast room after the onset of pregnancy. It is a known medical fact that heat has a great implication in pregnancy. Anything that raises the lady’s core body temperature can amplify congenital anomalies, mostly during the first three months, when all main organs of the foetus are forming. Electrical and Electronic Gadgets Normally, a lady’s basal body warmth is higher during pregnancy. It is, therefore, advisable for the ladies to keep herself

Certain studies have revealed manifold increase of miscarriages in women using computers. Computers produce unusually high levels of extremely low frequency magnetic fields. The Southeast sector of the building and the Southeast sector of a room are places to be avoided by pregnant women at least for the first three months. Medical science tells us that by the end of the fourth month, almost all the major organs of the foetus are formed. The brain stem and the limbs are formed and begin to mature. This period, commonly known as embryo-genesis, can cause organ-specific damage. However, brain development continues throughout the period of the pregnancy. Therefore, there is really no safe period for strong intense bursts or continuous doses of electromagnetic frequencies during the months of pregnancy. Thermal Heat Research on the effects of thermal and non-thermal electro-magnetic fields has shown reported 50 percent miscarriages in pregnant women who slept in electrically heated waterbeds. Thermal heat is, therefore, another factor that affects pregnancy. When the Eastern part of the earth is heated, its Western part remains cold. Consequently, thermal electricity generated by the Sun travels over the surface of the earth from East to West. Therefore, pregnant ladies can

avoid sleeping with their heads to the east instead they can sleep facing south as natural polarity of the body is maintained and health of both the mother and the foetus is taken care of. Beneficial Ultra Violet Rays A pregnant lady can sleep in a Northeast room. Vassthu refers to the Northeast as Easanya or Devamoola, thereby indicating it is a very important spiritually elevated zone. It is a fact that the Sun rays can be split into 7 colors. We speak of the Paramasayika mandala for human habitation (manushyalaya). This plan divides each side into 9 parts. Beginning from ultra-violet ray in the first part on the Eastern side corresponding to Northeast, the Sun’s beneficial rays further split into violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red and infra-red in the last part corresponding to the South-east. Ultraviolet and the cold colours of the spectrum are said to have a soothing effect on the body and hence, the Northeast room is recommended for the mothers. Since blue has a cooling and has a astringent effect, a night lamp giving soft blue light in the room during night, is suggested. The other two colours violet and indigo which also gives cooling effect can also be alternated during the entire period of pregnancy. In case of pains, indigo can be an effective anaesthetic and can induce insensibility. Violet is said to be good for bone growth, maintaining the potassium and sodium balance of the body. Expectant mothers who regularly meditate will be happy to know what Leonardo Da Vinci has to say “The power of meditation can be ten times greater under violet light” To put it simply, violet is an inspiring and spiritual color. Ultra violet ray, which is the head of the cold colours and is said to normalize all metabolism and glandular activities can also be used with the advantage

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Zodiac Connection uh¼ gy¬f´/

Rasi Reding,

By Sri Selvam “Siddhar”

Sponsored by

Suganya Garu

Kind Attention: Zodiac Connection is based upon Moon and not upon Sun

Aries Mesham

You are little bit free; yet with more commitments. Busy trend and good undertakings are ahead. Lord Saturn looks their sign and gives pressure for new occupations. Lord Jupiter is in 10th House in debilitated condition. Lord Raaghu will guide for certain gains. Women at home and children: They can feel better and some improvements are ahead. The pending works will come to a good shape and settle the problems. Lord Jupiter guides for their domestic needs as well finance. Children will have good times with good playing program. But they will report it as unsatisfactory. Students and their education: The process and plan will have good improvement. Their elders and teachers will support them for progressive positions. They are having their own methods which will be successful. Businesspeople, professional and employees: Since their 10th house is looked by Lord Mars they will have to fasten their work. The Lords Jupiter and Raaghu will be keeping them in a state of experiment which will be profitable. Lovers and their Trend for this month: Lord Venus is free and has no companions. This will provide them suitable time for discussions and give pleasure as them deemed. Married People and Their spouse: Earlier this month, their plans for privacy and time spending will be in good terms. During the second and third week they can feel better in meeting out their targets. Health of their spouse will be moderate to good. Financial positions and the expected funds will reach them in time.



You are being provided with the good cheer and expectations. Free thoughts and good programs will be keeping you in a social trend. The hard - ship in finance will cause you little dissatisfaction but the time will provide their needs some how.

Women at home and children: To adjust the need of the family as well children they will feel difficulties. But it will be cleared if they have their own way of diplomacy. Children will be moderately behaving. The enthusiasm will be less. Students and their education: Their study program will have small struck. The diversion in opinion will cause this struck. But it will be cleared shortly and their progress will be on its own way. Businesspeople, professional and employees: Lord Venus is looking the 10th sign. He will suggest little modification in plans. That will get good result and their process will be maintained suitably. Good name and profits are expected shortly. Lovers and their Trend for this month: The 7th sign is looked by Lord Saturn. Their enthusiasm and speed will not bring happiness all of a sudden. There are repeated attempts on their way. Married people and their spouse: During this month, the burning expenditure will cause inconvenience. The management will also be in a weary way. They have got the talent to manage with an easy means. The privacy and happy times are there to encourage them more. This month is better by 60%. Cautious days for commitments of important matters are 23rd and 24th.

Cautious days for commitments of important matters are 21st and 22nd.

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Gemini Mithunam

Your involvements are more and with unusual busy. Certain plans are undecided and yet to have the final shape. You can feel the capability and find the self strength to a highey degree. Profession and business will have the progressive trend. Financially, an insufficiency is still prevailing. Women at home and children: They are finding certain additional support. Lord Jupiter looks their second house favorably and manages to pull on with their needs. Children are smart and busy and to answer the questions about their deals it will be interesting to parents. Students and their education: The exercises and the preparations will do well with lot of improvements. Lord Jupiter supports their efforts and guides them to score a good rank in class. Businesspeople, professional and employees: Their job at their office and institution will be with extra branch. Burden of work will be more. Merchants will be estimating the expansion of trade. This month, some kind of new benefits will encourage them to step ahead with progress. To tally will be restless to execute their duties. Lovers and their trend for this month: Since Lord Mars is occupying their sign, this month is not suitable to proceed ahead with their programs of meeting. There will be some sort of inconvenience will be rising in all their attempts. The relation with their lover too will lead for a complication. Married People and their spouse: The malefic Lords Mars and Kethu are sitting prominently in their sign’s I and II so, the uncertainity will rule over their expectations and programs. The privacy between husband and wife will also much less. The happiness is rare and the travel program may have a delay or it will prove useless. Some how, Lord Jupiter compromises their domestic maintenances. Cautious days for commitments of important matters 25th, 26th and 27th

Cancer Kadagam

During this month you will be making yourself certain problems and questioning your self the reasons. Some events will be involved with failure. So, plan with simple project. If it involves Siddhi Times USA 56

with finance, make trials with little investment. No one can say their ideas are bad. You are on way for success. Women at home and children: They have to avoid over planning. Make the way clear for accessment by little by little. Lord of finance and family Lord Sun is combined with the trouble giving Lord Saturn. So, even if at all urgent, they can go ahead slowly and get the things after 4 weeks. Children will be in a usual trend. Students and their education: They are going to face little confusions in studies. They should not be in a hurry to do anything. It is advised to proceed with slow and steady process. The progress can be achieved in the following months. Businesspeople, professional and employees: This month, their ability will be tested by their doings. Even though they are prompt, some mistakes will happen. Take care to exhibit every thing in a proper way. The matters are in darkness. It will take few weeks to become bright. Lovers and their trend for this month: Since Lord Raaghu and Lord Jupiter are in 7th sign and the combination of Lord Saturn with Lord Sun, may prove a dull atmosphere and even small disputes. Be calculative to move with their program. The next month only can support them a little. Married people and this spouse: Domestic care and their regular activities will be facing very slow progress. The relationship between husband and wife will be normal. The health point is getting decreased a little. Cautious days for commitment of important matters are 28th 29th and 30th.

Leo Simmam

This is the month which is expected to prove certan inabilities and difficulties. You have to do all the affairs with deep thinking and with delated attempts. No speedy execution is advised, Lord Venus occupys your sign and leads you for miscalculations. Be with vigil and do slowly step by step. Women at home and children: Their activities will not be favorable in many points. Some times they will feel dejected in execution. The maintenance of the family too, with certain difficulties clubbed with inconveniences. Children will be feeling sorrow and go out of mood. Parents have to adjust with the kids.

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Students and their education: Lot of disturbances and some times the waste of times will cause them much. Education is developing with so much of hurdles. Have good concentration and do the exercises properly to gain good marks. Businesspeople, professional and employees: Some how, their house of action is supported by Lord Jupiter. In the middle of impossibilities there are chances for possibilities also. Any way do the things smartly and let it be slow. Weakness in finance and their expenditures are racing with each other. Lovers and their trend for this month: Since Lord Mars is empowering upon their 2nd, 5th and 6th houses, the effect will be on negative side. They have to face unwanted expenditure and disappointment, which will be relieved only by the next month. Married people and their spouse: Domestically there will be much unsolved pending works. Externally there is tough time to face. Husband and wife will have to experience certain unwanted interferences. Involving in dispute or joining in trouble - some sides are the outcomes. Be with vigil and get released of conflicts. Cautious days for commitments of important matters are 31st of October and 1st of November.

Virgo Kanya

You are feeling your fitness which will give more confidence in you. The circumstances will be with the tricky trend of challenges. Some times you will feel some what dejected. The professional gains and other survey will lead for easy approach. You can establish your presence suitably. Women at home and children: They are unable to give priority of jobs to be done. It is dumped a lot. Some are complicated. Some are bringing mistakes. Any how their capacity is good and gets the things orderly but with delay. Children are intelligent and sportive. They are trying to do the job with enthusiastic nature. Students and This Education: They are at free to plan their study program. Lord Mars is smoothly on transit. So, their time and engagements will be meaning - ful. Yet their sincere attempt for progressive development will be appreciated. Businesspeople, professional and employees: A new venture and some thing clubbed activities will give a result of progress. Regular and routine works are ahead and will Siddhi Times USA 58

fulfill their needs and gains. Lovers and their trend for this month: They have certain luck and good experiences. The freedom of thoughts and easy movements will be ahead. They can get more times and more subjects for discussion. Married people and their spouse: Lord Venus will be at Simmam without disturbance. Their plans and programs will be giving them satisfaction. Their mind is occupied with multiple businesses. Give preference to the matter of income and spend accordingly. Domestic and finance deals will be running with minimum actions. Cautious days for commitments of important matters are 6th and 7th.

Libra Thulam

For the natives born in Thulam, the months which were passed finally may shape you for a constructive projection. The business and job you have under taken will be having its good reachable plan. During the 3rd week you will find some changes in your career. Such modification is good and you will gain good experience. Women at home and children: They can maintain their duties with easy ways. The budget and program will have good shape. Their financial arrivals are delayed but they will get the financial assistance surely. The health condition is little weak. It will be strengthless in the next month. Take all good vitamins and minerals to be healthy. Children too need good care. Students and their education: The good opportunities and understanding the lessons in proper way will keep them in good mood. Some unexpected questions will flare in the class tests. Keep every thing in order to face the day’s circumstance. Businesspeople, professional and employees: Routine work and business will go on with usual income. Since Lord Kethu occupies 10th house which is being aspected by Lord Jupiter, they can complete the undertaking little by little. There could be no disappointment. Lovers and their trend for this month: They have good opportunities. The time and tide is favorable. Lord Jupiter is debilitated in ‘Magaram’ and due to that the delays and unexpected engagements will cause dissatisfaction. The correspondence and the telephone and cell phone calls will be pleasing. Married people and this spouse: They waited for certain privacy earlier. Now the suitable time

has come. The desire and the happiness will be getting a set back. The health question and private engagements are declining for the first two weeks of this month. Cautions days for commitments of important matters are 8th, 9th and 10th.



Their importance and presence in main matters are affected and you are facing a discourage trend. This will be heading further for two weeks. Their financial and the management matters are not strong footed. Still some afforts are needed to set for rigid condition. The job and profession will be supporting and the usual execution of things will be going on. Women at home and children: The situation is totally not bad and their skills will keep the trend of normalcy. Every thing should happen as they planned, but Lord Jupiter is not in a good status. He is in debilitation that too in the 3rd house and their burden will increase due to the misplacement of Lord Jupiter. Children and their activities will be normal. Students and their education: All the study times and the preparations for the examinations and further achievements will be only normal. Some times the circumstances will come and they have to mingle with unwanted friends. Better treat this as importance and keep their position for good atmosphere. Businesspeople, professional and employees: Commercial people and professionals are being supported by Lord Venus. Some people get good fortunes and opportunities. They will do certain modification or a decorative way of maintenance. They will be needing proper financial aids which will be getting delayed. Lovers and their Trend for this month: Their awaited meetings will have an importance. Time will be supporting their plans. Freedom and happy mood will prevail in their love affairs. This month is the best month for taking any good decision time and this is the apt month for finalization. Married people and this spouse: Family affairs will be with in control. The privacy will be good and favorable. Nice times will be there and the peaceful manner of satisfaction will reach. Their health and the spouse’s health will be good. This month is the month of their choice. Cautious days for commitment of important matters are 10th, 11th and 12th.

Sagittarius Dhanur

Happy news is that Lord Saturn has relieved you from his grip of Ashtama Sani, yet Lord Jupiter is occupying the second sign in debilitated form. Major sufferings are decreased. The lively hood met with challenges which will reduce day by day. Progressive trend is coming to you little bit late. Women at home and children: Some how the domestic and family burdens are being managed by them. Yet the pending works and the job to be done are accumulating. Short of finance will be ruling all this month. Children’s health, education and their needs will be in a way of normalcy. Students and their education: The progress in their studies will be disturbed. Some times the friendship and some times the unwanted entertainments will disturb their education. Trend will be bad for further two months. They have to spare more time for the educational purpose. Businesspeople, professional and employees: There are several problems in their official affairs and tradings. Just like experiment some results are liable to come. They have to plan it well before attempt otherwise they can not judge the out come of profits. Any way some changes are seen in their routine. Lovers and their trend for this month: The occupation of Lord Mars in Gemini, will cause them disturbance and delays. Even the possibilities of meeting or speaking over phone will also have a struck up. The activities of Lord Mars will play further for misunderstandings. Married people and their spouse: This month can not be compensated with any kind of excuse or request. The pleasant times and homely moments too will have a check. No easiness is there. Lord Mars is against all sorts of entertainments and time passing. Even the health and proper strength will be decresing. Cautious days for commitments of important matters are 13th and 14th.

Capricorn Magaram

Your sign Lord Saturn now has reached Kanya, a suitable accommodation in the house of Lord Mercury. All the experiences and the incidences which you have influenced during the last two and a half years will Siddhi Times USA 59

bring good results. You are going to prove your self the fit most to the level of expert. Progress will reach you shortly.

the measure of economy and restriction in expenditure should be followed by them strictly.

Women at home and children: The lime light is seen in their action and proceedings. The kids at home will be happy and spend the times nicely. Lords Jupiter and Raaghu will guide them to plan better and complete them successfully. From 4th week of this month, the tides of good luck will help them.

Students and their education: Educational affairs will be uneasy and their preparations on any subject in a specific title which will not come in question papers. They have to follow the advices of their teacher and elders. Their own planning may drift them for failure.

Students and their education: They will score some thing extra now. New plans and program of studies will fetch them good position. Since the Lord Venus is now in the 8th sign, they can not access their execution as a successful one. But by the beginning of next month their progress will be certain. Businesspeople, professional and employees: Unsettled decisions and in - correct way of deals will give them worries. The importance of trade and job are not much satisfactory. But their winning targets will get open from the last week of this month. The planning is most important and same will be prepared in proper way shortly. Lovers and their trend for this month: Since Lord Mars is likely to enter Kadagam in the 3rd week, they have to hurry up and have the good proposals with their lover. The next month will not be an easy month and until Lord Mars passes from Kadagam. Usual enthusiasm and eagerness will be there in both sides. Married people and their spouse: The couple should take the measure of travel program or visiting to new places by this month itself. The leisurely period and privacy will be quite passible. Lord Venus, even though in the 8th sign, they keep their relations in a good manner. Domestic duty and need may face an unfulfillment. This will be all right by 3rd and 4th week. Cautious days for commitments of important matters are 15th and 16th.

Aquarius Kumbam

You are now in a complicated position.. The accommodation is proving unwillingness. The times are compelling to involve in a half minded acceptance. This is because of Lord Saturn’s transit is occurring in the constellation of Lord Sun. This kind of situation will be up to the 3rd week of this month. Women at home and children: Domestic maintenance, even nursing the children, all will be with confusions. Their needs are more and the available facilities are less. So called Ashtama Sani period begins now. Here after Siddhi Times USA 60

Businesspeople, professional and employees: The time is dictating certain compulsions. That is only good for their progress. The trade and plan will be checked prominently by Lord Mars. Some create tests, and those tests will give good results. Lovers and their trend for this month: This month will prove to be worthy. They can share their ambitions and dreams, with their lover and settle at a good decision. Lord Venus all alone in ‘Simmam’ will be supporting their views and decisions about their love affairs. Married people and their spouse: The couples will have good times of privacy. The domestic needs and the problems of assets all will be facing certain inconvenience. Hereafter they have to follow the norms of strict economy. The meditation course will be good to follow. That will equalize and stabilize the both plus and minus events in life. Cautious days for commitment of important matters are 17th and 18th.

Pisoes Meenam You are facing certain weakness. The self confidence is less now. Since your sign is looked jointly by Lords Sun and Saturn, a scene of complication in decision will rule over you. The profession and trade matters are going to be busy and profitable. Women at home and children: Their expectation and duties are coming to the shape as they desired. Their doubts and question marks are discouraging. Similar trend will be like this till 3rd week of this month. They have to make the program with confidence. It is getting late, but does not matter much. It will be done. Students and their education: Entrance of Lord Saturn to Kanya will affect them and their studies this month. Have correct time table and proceed the jobs accordingly. They may make a fault. They have to think twice to decide any factors.

Businesspeople, professional and employees: New trend and a combined way of execution in business will show up. Valuing the other’s opinion will cross. It is good only the experience will fetch them a good result. Business trend gets modified and gains profits. Job trend lead to good development. Lovers and their trend for this month: Their 7th sign is occupied by Lords Sun, Mercury and Saturn. Some changes and new happenings will puzzle them. The relations and privacy will be with delays and disturbonce. The maintenance of family and other matters are mixed with over labor and additions of extra works. Married people and their spouse: Their programs will have several confusions. To decide any thing, the diversion of mind will not permit. The health point is also the same. This month is giving them some challenges. They can face it and for their spouse the health will be weak and the care for good health is essential. Cautious days for commitments of important matters are 19th, 20th and 21st.

Atharva Veda “Kaiyelthu Sastra” also Known as “ Graphology”

The modern world is vast. It gives the ancient things in a new form and shape for the easy usage of all. Atharva Veda is the most ancient of all the Veda. It deals with all kinds spiritual healings. It has a lot of diagnosing methods of various problems. The diagnosing methods are Vedic Astrology, Kairegai Sasthram or palmistry, Kaiezhuthu Sastram or Graphology, Enn Ganitham or numerology and so on. Swamiji Sri.Selvam Siddhar (Dr. Commander Selvam) as a master of Atharva Veda has brought out lot of secret factors of Atharva Veda to this modern world. In this issue we will see about the “Kaiyelthu Sastra” also Known as “ Graphology”.

Graphology is a science of determining the personality, character traits and destiny of a person from his or her own handwriting. Over 7000 years ago, Atharva Veda noticed the correlation between handwriting and personality. In 17th century, Saint Samarth Ramdas Swami from India who is a Guru of Chatrapathi Shivaji, brought out the factors of Atharva Veda and wrote in detail about how the traits of a person can be read from the handwriting and how in turn the bad handwriting affects the mindset of the person. He also prepared sample scripts of ideal handwriting. He made many references to Graphology in his work ‘Dasabodha’. To understand the basis of Graphology, we should know about human brain which has centers connected to our feelings and fingers. For example, ‘amygdala’ which is located in temporal lobe of brain, controls social and sexual behavior and other emotions. According to Atharva Veda, the ‘basal ganglia’ within the cerebellum coordinates the movements of the finger tips. So, the brain responds to the feelings like anxiety or happiness which in turn affects the movements of fingers and hence our handwriting reflects our feelings. Hence the handwriting of a person who is under heavy stress will be different from the handwriting of a peaceful person. Similarly, the handwriting of healthy person will vary from the handwriting of a person who is suffering from ill health. There are three zones in handwriting to analyze the characteristics of an individual. They are upper, middle and lower zones. The upper zone is called ‘intellectual zone’ which represents the intelligence, spiritualism and imagination of the person. So, more letters thrusting into upper zone represents an intellectual who uses his mind more. The middle zone is called ‘social zone’ which represents the self-confidence of the person and his social relations. When there are more letters in middle zone we have a person for whom social relations are important. He is action oriented and does not waste his time in thinking. Siddhi Times USA 61

Thread. Garland connectivity represents smooth curve at base line. These people are ready to mix with others and are easy going. Arcade type represents rounded top like an umbrella. It is a sign of keeping aloof from others. He/she is secretive, reserved and proud. Sometimes it represents an artist also. The Angular connectivity is identified by sharp angles at the top and base. This person is stubborn and drags others towards his goals. He is tense and sometimes violent. If the Angular type is combined with leftward slant of writing, it is a sign of antisocial tendencies. The Thread connectivity occurs when the letters appear like interlaced threads. This form indicates a person who is impatient, hesitant and insecure and who makes hasty judgments. The next factor is the size of letters.

The lower zone is called ‘baser zone’ and represents the material wants and sexual desires of the person. Letters dropping more into this zone represent a person who craves for satisfying material desires. Letters with sharp bottoms in this zone indicate criminal tendencies. The next is Slant. We can divide the slant of writing into 5 categories. If the letters are perfectly vertical, they represent a person who lives in the present. This person is disciplined with good judgment. We find judges, business and political people in this type. If the letters are slightly slanting towards right, we have a person who lives for future. He is quick to take decisions and implementing them practically. Top level executives and administrators will come into this category. If the letters are extremely slanting towards right, the person jumps into action without adequate thinking. Hence, their actions will be often erroneous. If the slant is slightly towards left, it represents a person who is highly imaginative and an introvert. His advice will be very useful to others. Political advisors, artists and cine people will come into this category. If there is extreme slant towards left, then we have a person who lives in the past. He is a day-dreamer and can not carry any task practically. He tries to avoid the society and keeps himself alone. The next factor is Spacing. When words are set too far apart from each other, it represents loneliness and unwillingness to interact with others. When words are too close to each other, the person cannot keep distance from others. He does not care for privacy and always close to someone. This also represents insecurity and low confidence. Writers who leave a wide space between each line are endowed with good analytical thinking and management ability. Teachers and executives hand writing will reveal this. Writers who do not leave enough space between lines cannot take proper decisions because they could not survey the facts. They are weak-willed. The next factor is the directions of lines. Lines which ascend or go up express a strong wish and optimism to improve life. Lines which descend or go down towards the end represent pessimism, sadness and lack of courage. A wavy line which rises and comes down represents a person whose thoughts fluctuate, hence he is not dependable. The next factor is connective forms. Connective forms represent the way letters in a word are connected. There are 4 connective forms: Garland, Arcade, Angular and Siddhi Times USA 62

A person who uses large letters craves for distinction from others. He thinks that others should consider him as eminent. On the other hand, a person who uses small letters never bothers about others. He is an intelligent person with good concentration. Round letters are indicative of a soft and friendly person who does not encourage quarrels. Narrow letters represent narrow mindedness of the person. He is calculative and miserly. The next factor is the margins. A wide left margin represents self respect and sensitiveness of the person. A wide right margin represents that the person wants to remain aloof and guards his privacy. If a person leaves wide margins both at left and right sides of the writing, he is avoiding the world because it fails to meet his expectations. On the other hand if a person is not leaving any margins then he is unconcerned about his fellow men. The next is pressure. Heavy pressure in handwriting represents strong will, strong body, and love of eating and strong sexual drive. Light pressure represents that the person is weak, timid and has less sexual desire.

All the aforesaid are just hints. They coincide with the planetary positions of an individual and give good or bad results. For more help, please call the mandir or Swamiji Sri Selvam Siddhar @ 770 447 9393. Or Toll Free at 1-800 574 3427 or email to [email protected]

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