Show Love A Book Of 13 Poems Vol.2

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  • Pages: 15

Show Love ~

The Black - Print for Universal Black Love


In Association with: Black - Love Productions ~ Makeda Love ~ Presents:

Show Love: A BOOK OF 13 Afrikan POEMS  

Homeward Bound 


Contents SHOW LOVE .................................................................................................................................. PAGE: 3 WAR .............................................................................................................................................. PAGE: 4 WHAT HAVE YOU DONE? ................................................................................................................ PAGE: 5 THE TRUTH HURTS ......................................................................................................................... PAGE: 6 WHO SOLD THE VILLAGE? ............................................................................................................... PAGE: 7 GROWING UP .................................................................................................................................. PAGE: 8 PAIN ............................................................................................................................................... PAGE: 9 TECHNOLOGY................................................................................................................................. PAGE: 10 ALIEN CULTURE .............................................................................................................................. PAGE: 11 UNITED STATES OF AFRIKA ............................................................................................................ PAGE: 12 JUST US JUST THIS ...................................................................................................................... PAGE: 13 STOLEN LAND ............................................................................................................................... PAGE: 14 WORD SOUND ................................................................................................................................ PAGE: 15 ~ All poems were written and compiled by: Makeda Love © ~


Show Love Show me love brother man because I am, like you … Divine Show me love sister Queen because we are one of a kind The same hand that crafted me, was responsible for creating you to The same blood that runs through my veins, is the same blood running through you The universe observes us and makes note of what we do If we show love to the cosmos it will guide us through and through

Show me love brother man because I am, like you … Divine Show me love sister Queen because we are one of a kind Our story is documented in the writings are on the walls Isn’t that a good enough excuse Afrikanz to Rise up and stand tall They sold you your own heritage, regurgitated and watered down You bought it and now it’s hurting you and that is why you wear that frown

Show me love brother man because I am, like you … Divine Show me love sister Queen because we are one of a kind Show more love, to one another, that is the way to break the spell Unified in love, me family, we have no more souls to sell They depend upon our weaknesses to keep their ship afloat We can do it, if we really want to… Rock and capsize their boat

Show me love brother man because I am, like you … Divine Show me love sister Queen because we are one of a kind


WAR How can we establish the winner of a war? Firstly, I think it should to overstood, exactly WHAT they are fighting for. Is it the material pleasures of this world that has them killing? Is that the cause? Or maybe it’s a controlling factor that leaves mankind without remorse. I have wondered many times, if their reasons can be justified. So many nights I’ve pondered on this, and so many nights I’ve cried. Babies are dying everyday, it seems there is no cause. Mothers are crying hysterically as the attackers refuse to pause. Could money be the motive, is MONEY the reason why? Innocent people, financially challenged people have to die. How can we establish the winner of a war? Does winning constitute to an assault on the poor?


What have you done?

Take a look at this mess that you and your associates have made in my homeland How can you justify such treacherous injustices in the name of man? Who gave you permission to take me as a slave? Imagine you came all… the way to Afrikan from a cave My trouble making friends, to you this I have to say, What you did to us yesterday, tomorrow you will have to pay It’s not that I can’t forgive you, as it is not my place to judge But your karmic load will follow you, whether or not I hold a grudge If the truth be known, what you have done is to turn life upside down, You left a trailer load of destruction in every village, city and town You seem to have no conscience; your track record it proves this The mistakes you make are of you own doing and they will not be dismissed My people they are starving, not just for food, but also love They often wonder from time to time if there really is a God within or above Your quest to reduce the world’s population will leave you to become stuck You’ll cause yourself, oh selfish man to be caught up in a rut There is nothing that you will not do, underneath this light, the Sun But the question is oh wicked one:

What have you done?


The Truth Hurts The truth is something I see them desperately trying to cover up They are all wallowing in sin as they fill up each others cups They are living off of a stolen legacy created off of the backs blacks When challenged intellectually they can never deny that Yet there’s no talk of reparations or an apology for their crimes And when questioned about their motives, they respond that “it was legal at the time” You cannot be wrong and strong therefore; the truth will begin to emerge Tell the truth and shame the devil, this is what I urge The truth has this amazing way to show up all of the time That’s why I try so hard to tell it, coz I think that it’s divine Let the truth prevail, as far too long it has been held down The wise admire the truth, but it is hated by the clown


Who Sold the Village? This is an issue that needs to seriously be addressed Bwoy, we’ve come so far since we’ve been relocated in the west Let me first explain myself see, I’m not blaming anyone, As we are all guilty of being innocent, but have a tendency to act dumb Who let them get away with stealing people from the village? Who let them steal our land and rape our people and take advantage Advantage of the spoils that Afrika has to offer to the world, but they didn’t have to steal, there was enough for every man, woman, boy and girl We were rejected and falsely given the Hamitic curse to bear Often times I wonder if it was because of my curly hair Or was it just the mind of man in its desperately wicked state Exercising his imaginary right to hate Who sold the village is the question being asked? And what right did mankind have, to even carry out the task?


Growing up The children have no place to play their, childhood has been stolen They have been neglected by the state and left wounded and open They don’t care about the Afrikan child, who has the same needs as any other It’s because they have no love for the child’s Father or its Mother The child needs to be constantly shown love and this way he or she will grow They think our children are stupid but they’ll be amazed by what they know Think of the child as a seed planted in the earth, which needs constant watering from the moment of birth. Now the water is the love that the child will need to grow. If the seed isn’t given enough water its growth will be slow But the Afrikan child is resilient they can cope on little or no love at all Don’t be surprised when you see them grow into strong standing trees, so tall Even with the arrested development they surpass the mind of mere man, this is because there’s real magic in being an Afrikan


Pain Whips, shackles, nooses and the raping of people caused a whole heap of deep rooted pain It was enough to cause the head of a man with a strong will to go insane The pain… He tried to blot it out. The pain… It made him scream out aloud, it made him shout The ships were over packed with human cargo who were terrified, and misplaced Fed on a diet of pork, they were tortured whilst sleeping and whilst awake The food they ate made them so physically sick that they would spill their guts and empty their bowels where ever they lay. They raped the family man so much he thought it was normal to swing the other way Used only as a stud to impregnate the opposite sex, like some sort of fiend They dehumanised the Afrikan so badly that they removed the human from the being Thrown overboard and fed to sharks causing even more suffering and pain The intention for the cargo was to accumulate financial gain In comes the twenty first century and the pain is still the same Same game, different players I refuse to believe that life is a game. But no matter where I look and what I see All I see is pain


Technology Dot coms, dot nets, dot orgs and dot tv’s, Where? pray tell me are they leading you and me? Were they designed with the benefit of mankind in mind? Or are they part of a grander scheme to leave us all behind? Can we use it as part of our evolutionary growth? Or will it render us hopeless and struggling to cope Will they use their devices to spy on us, by collecting data to bring us down? Or will WE use it to enhance our unity, with our innate ability to link word sound? Are they fishing with their nets to trap and capture us in it? Will we take the bait or will we have the sense, to see it coming and leg it? Utilize it to your advantage, take note of what you do, and be mindful that; Regardless of what you use it for, it’s was created to use you


Alien Culture Did you know that we had something so great, only just a few Aeons ago? The Imoteps of our world helped us to maintain life’s natural flow Then came the invaders with a warped type of conception They mistook our kindness for a weakness and then chose to steal our inventions As pirates on high seas they came in, and with them came the chaos They brought along their drugs and booze to get us high and to drunk us They reprogrammed our way of life and left us to dwell in confusion Many of us were taken away and given a culture that was Alien The effects of it can be seen today, because most Afrikans are unaware That they had a wealth of history before the Maafa, but I don’t think they even care They don’t really get it, because the truth is always hidden It almost seems as if, to tell truth is something that’s forbidden


United States of Afrika United we stand divided we fall, get up, get up stand tall United we stand divided we fall, get up, get up stand tall United not just on the battlefield but in truth, and in one accord The peoples of Afrika united, again both at home and abroad Marcus Garvey said it well; he said “Get up Ye Mighty race” So let’s take a leaf out of his book, coz there is no time to waste

United we stand divided we fall, get up, get up stand tall United we stand divided we fall, get up, get up stand tall The leaders of all Afrikan countries’ have to stand up for their people Stop allowing outside influences; help them make decisions that are feeble It’s time to make a stand that will benefit every man It’s time to give back Afrika to the Afrikanz

United we stand divided we fall get up, get up stand tall United we stand divided we fall get up, get up stand tall


Just Us Just This

We are all we’ve got, its full time now that we woke up to the fact Time to Poole our resources together, Afrikans and act They are endeavouring to keep us in a place which has no prospects We are considered inferior to them, hence why we are treated like rejects They select a few of us as trophies to try to justify treating us bad Encouraging them to turn on us… It’s so sad I don’t mind sharing the things I have learnt with everyone, It’s far more rewarding that way, if it’s a job well done Equal Rights and Justice, it must stand for all Marcus said;

“We will never know ourselves until our backs are against the wall”


Stolen Land In the name of greed, many of us have been made homeless, but this was not intentional In the name of greed, many of us were left confused, unawares that we’re multi–dimensional We are Universal souls, this should be understood, but something occurred many moons ago as we encountered them that ain’t good They enslaved us and stole our land from us. To us they did unspeakable things. They gained their wealth through abusing us and then made themselves queens and kings. They pillaged raped and brutalised the essence of our very existence Our beloved land that belonged to us they made off with in an instance They had the cheek to rewrite our story and then claim it as their own They put their own faces on our Gods and then they stole our thrones They taught us all to honour them, even though they treated us bad They gave us a god to worship and then that’s why we went mad Now the land they stole is in need of purging, as its children are confused, This is the result of an on going issue of many many years of abuse The only way to resolve this matter is to go back to the source And reclaim back our glory and let nature run its course We should have only one aim, and that’s to return back home and to fight for what belongs to us and leave outta Rome.


Word Sound My word is the sound of the Afikan drum that can be heard via my heart beat It is the sound of ancient vibrations that causes two worlds to meet The macro and micro, universal tones of harmony are embedded in my being When I realise just what this means to me, then I can appreciate what I am seeing It was the word that took on flesh, it’s another sound this being the thought But like a web your thoughts can destroy you, so be sure not to get caught Caught up in a matrix of thoughts, that are not your own The devil uses devices to intercept your tone Tune in to the Earth and her frequencies and you can not go wrong Eat not of the flesh of animals, or you will suffer for long Be natural that’s the way to go, then life will speak to you To home in on the vibratory rates is the best thing to do If you’re a man or woman of colour, black, red or brown You see it doesn’t really matter as long as you make a joyful sound Like a ripple that’s made in water, sound travels like waves do The word was waiting to come into being, just like you

Makeda Love Copyright ©® 2008 – 2009 [email protected]



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