Black Love A Book Of Thirteen Poems Vol.3

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  • Pages: 15

Black Love ~

The Black - Print for Universal Black Love


In Association with: Black - Love Productions ~ Makeda Love ~ Presents:


Black Love: A OOK OF

13 Afrikan POEMS  

Homeward Bound 


Contents BLACK LOVE .................................................................................................................................. PAGE: 3 AFRIKAN NEW WORLD ORDER ........................................................................................................ PAGE: 4 THIRD WORLD ................................................................................................................................ PAGE: 5 KKK................................................................................................................................................. PAGE: 6 BNP ................................................................................................................................................ PAGE: 7 BANKERS PLAY............................................................................................................................... PAGE: 8 THINGS BAD ................................................................................................................................... PAGE: 9 MARSHAL LAW............................................................................................................................... PAGE: 10 POOR PEOPLE’S BILLS .................................................................................................................... PAGE: 11 LIBERATION ROAD ......................................................................................................................... PAGE: 12 WHAT’S WRONG : WRITTEN BY RYAN DALEY ................................................................................. PAGE: 13 I LOVE MY MUM ............................................................................................................................. PAGE: 14 BORN CHARGED............................................................................................................................. PAGE: 15 ~ All poems were written and compiled by: Makeda Love with the exception of: [what’s wrong] which was written by: Ryan Daley © ~


Black Love Every television program has been programmed to demote the Afrikan There is nothing on terrestrial TV to see that will give a true description of the Black Man The magazines do not show the true origins of you sistah They make you look like something you ain’t, it’s only there to hurt ya On the internet you are portrayed as only something to sell a product You have no other use, and when they are finished with you, you’re all washed up What they want us to do is to fit in with their program At the expense of our whole culture, try get us to sell out for a scam No!, not me mate I’m not with it, I am a traditionalist Me, give up my Continent for an Island? Away wit de Bullshit! I love my melanated self my Blackness is the pride of me It reminds me always of where I am from; its there for all to see

One Black Love ***


Afrikan New World Order When that faithful day come, no more moaning, no more stress When that sweet day come, there will be life celebrations and happiness Afrikan New World Order, order of change and new joy it will bring Afrikans at home really running tings Doing as we were born to do rising up in harmony Living life in accordance with ancient antiquity Afrikan New World Order, that’s what we have all been waiting for Our resources being used on its rightful people; food, shelter and clothing in abundance galore No more poverty and sickness every child raised and reared with love No one looking down scornfully on you from above Afrikan New World Order; Leaders all doing the right thing, villagers from every village, inter mingling as we all give praises to our ancestors and we sing When that faithful day come, no more moaning, no more stress When that sweet day come, there will be life celebrations and happiness


Third World How can Afrika feed the world, and then appear to be so ravaged and poor? It’s like they came in on us as we slept to cause destruction through a back door How dare they define our Motherland as third world, when we know that she’s the first. When everybody knows the truth about her and what she is worth For billions of years the Afrikanz, has been dwelling here, indigenous to the globe, We were Regal then we are Regal NOW! You could see this in our Robes We should celebrate our Motherland, not see her as our foe She wants’ us all to return home to her, On a natural high an never low

Third World? How could this be so?


KKK The Klan was formed to clear the way for a people to control The Klan has done untold damage to the very fabric of their very own souls When the Klan was motivated it was to bring pain to a selected few Funded by those who had a lust for blood that took pleasure in watching it spew If you were ripped from your mother’s breast as a babe in arms so young To become a servant to another human being for many years to come And then throughout your whole life, you were terrorised to the bone Wouldn’t you like many of these Afrikans; be dying to go home? Targeting everyone of colour with this evil plan Putting yourselves in charge of what nature created… The freeman Who are you to direct me, and tell me how to live? I who taught you how to share, but you forgot how to give To give the natural love that was needed to elevate mankind Instead you reeked havoc and began to commit sin and crime Acting like you never knew anything good, your approach was savage The Karma that you created will now follow you like a carriage KKK what purpose do you serve? You still the same, just changed you clothes, boy, you gatta nerve.


BNP You’re a chip off of the old block, you’re the same as your brother group; the KKK, but your more covert with the things that you do, and say nevertheless you are the same in everyway. You advocate for change because you have a serious problem with races and colour As big as the world is, you refuse to share it with another Who taught you to behave this way, where did you get your teachings from? Has it ever even occurred to you that your rhetoric may have been wrong? You take it upon yourself to assume, that you are right, in turn you sincerely, believe that You will win this crazy fight. Your fight to fight against coloured peoples, indigenous people of this Earth, is not a very sensible choice since your fight is on the very land that gave you birth. What’s it all about I mean, who are you working for, are you claiming to work for humanity, are you trying to help the poor? If this is not your purpose then I propose you think again, how you can live with yourself when all you do is to pretend.


Bankers Play Why are these bankers so greedy taking all they can? Short changing people, like they don’t give a dam Why can’t the Governments see that the day is soon to come? when the truth will appear and expose this kingdom How come these bankers never know that the people dem have sense? Robbing them of all of them dollas, pounds and pence Why the people can’t see, that they have been taken for a ride? Instead they sit there fretting, locking their feelings up deep inside How can there be a credit crunch, when we already know the facts? People a lose dem jobs and houses and every little thing dem got What I fail to understand is what I hear and see If things were so bad, THEN HOW COME, they keep awarding themselves all this money? Something’s up it seem dodgy, ca we don’t know who to trust We see them making big beneficial plans that don’t include any of us


Things Bad Why is there nothing good for us, it seems like every things’ bad? Is it a sign of the times that we are witnessing or is everything really mad? The pollution that affects us from the air, does damage to us all Chemicals being sprayed from aircraft namely kemtrails, on people fall The food chain’s been contaminated, what next to contend with? Codex condemning vitamins & nutrients, how are we supposed to live? Junk food causing obesity waga waga fat just rules tha day People on a processed food diet and nobody’s got nothing to say, about the effects of how the meats of today are being treated with hormones and antibiotics, What happens when the drugs start to take toll on the persons who eats it? The waters’ filled with fluoride, which is not good for people, it’s a fact it makes you docile, so what’s the meaning of all this evil Education is the worst, because were all being taught a lie they try to calm us with illusions, but its the truth that they hide Religion and healthcare, they too are questionable It’s wake up time, sleeping time done Coz what’s happening is so terrible


Marshal Law Marshal law, this means war their gunning for our souls Marshal law, them have dem plan they want full control Marshal law, gearing up for the poor, concentration camps at hand Marshal law, ready to move anytime to fly down pon the Afrikan Just imagine this for a minute, the way things are going, if the hidden world leaders had a sinister plan. Who do you think you get the brunt of its fist? No de black woman and man Not to mention our babies, I mean if this was the case, we know that they don’t like us anyway to think otherwise would be a mistake If fascism took over and imperialist ruled the day, we’d be the first to get the bad treatment from them in every single way.

Marshal law, this means war their gunning for our souls Marshal law, them have dem plan they want full control Marshal law, gearing up for the poor, concentration camps at hand Marshal law, ready to move anytime to fly down pon the Afrikan As the plot thickens and the scenario get’s weirder, would you believe that it’s not just Afrikans alone that they are after, their mission is to gain complete control of every individual soul and this is how they intend to roll An alignment with your spiritual self could help you if you tried; the last thing you want is to do is to run and hide. You gatta face the truth and stand strong with pride, be sure to be brave with righteousness by your side

Marshal law, this means war their gunning for our souls Marshal law, them have dem plan they want full control Marshal law, gearing up for the poor, concentration camps at hand Marshal law, ready to move anytime to fly down pon the Afrikan


Poor People’s Bills Piling up every day they just can’t seem to stop, as you clear off one debt, LOOK! Another bill drop You’ll need to activate all your skills just to survive That’s right we need our living skills just to stay alive As they tighten the grips and the signs begin to show, This will kick start our motivation to be stronger though We gonna need all our might just to get through this, Some how we got to survive Ca they’re taking the piss Even if you have a little slavery, working from nine to five, You see how hard it is You have to be sweating as you strive Ca before you have any kinda disposable cash left to spend If is not the taxman a teck you cash den a more bills again


Liberation Road We have so much to contend with, yet still we must go on We’ve been on this road a long time now, singing the same song We got to plant the seeds in order to reap what we sow Then the fruits of our endeavours will begin to grow This liberation road is such a hard one to walk, Sometime the road gets rocky, sometime it’s dark But I refuse to give up on it, no matter how hard it is This is me taking care of our business Nothing matters more to me, than to see my people free Can’t stand this endless wave of poverty


What’s wrong?

What’s wrong with the system and everything today? They treat us so bad and they think its ok What’s wrong is that the politicians are crooks That’s why the youths are stuck to knifes and not their books They are genetically modifying our food to kill off 90% of the people in time for 2020 They’re trying to kill over six, billion which is one too many But what ever they do to us is going to rebound What goes around come straight back around Why do you do the things you do. Do even you care about the mothers? The bed you’ve made you will have to sleep on with out any covers. By: Ryan Daley Aged: 11 13/04/09


I Love My Mum You gave me a chance in a lifetime, something only you could do The things that I accomplish here on Earth Is because of you You made your womb my home for nine whole months of the year You raised me well, to stand up straight on Earth, without fear I owe you so much, and I could never begin to repay, you for all the time and love you spent on me up until this day How you managed to raise the five of us alone, I’d never know But you cared for us through thick and thin, I am that seed you sowed If I have daughter I will love her, like you did me I think I will even name her after you, her Grand mummy I gave you so much heartache as I was growing up Caused you to have many sleepless nights I got up to all kinda stuff Thank you for just being there, as you could have easily given up on me You were always around when I needed you, and I’ll be there for you too you’ll see I love you sweet mama, I pray that you will remain strong You never made me feel like I was the worst, even when I was wrong Thank you for understanding when I was struggling to cope with life, My father was a fool because he didn’t make you his wife

I Love Ya Mama


Born Charged Before I even entered into the beauty of this world, before my mother even knew that she was going to have a little girl I was born charged; they charged me with being black, now if I’m not mistaken… This is an attack, they also charged this person for being the wrong sex, the western man hates women, and that’s why people are perplexed But I adore how I look, without apology, no turning back, and I swear that if I was born any other colour, I’d wish that I was black Coz black people are exciting, intelligent and charming too; and if they behave, God can be seen within them, if not, they’ve lost a screw I ain’t using no bleaching cream to take my blackness away man, coz when I check it, I see nuff a dem is deading for a tan, I got great love for all races, colours and creeds a like, but if I had the choice to choose, I’d be born as dark as the night Still, I was born charged, and sentenced before I arrived here, but I’m pleading NOT GUILTY, coz I don’t live in fear,

Makeda Love Copyright ©® 2009 [email protected]



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