Shock Doctrine

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 257
  • Pages: 5
Shock Doctrine

Disaster Capitalism • Only a Crisis actual or perceived produces real change -Milton Friedman Famous 20th century economist

He Proposed radical new ideas to promote “free-market fundamentalism” in economies – Abolishing all trade barriers “Free Trade” and – Cut Backs on government spending and no state intervention in markets. – Privatization of key industrial sectors.

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But his ideas faced severe opposition around the world. So to implement such widely opposed policies he proposed that “ The best time to implement such policies is when an economy encounters actual or perceived shock”

Some Of the Historic events of our century and their outcomes… • Coups in Chile 1973 Public spending cut by 50%, 80,000 imprisoned, incomes of the rich up by 83%, 45% Population in poverty.

• Falklands War 1982 Margret Thacher privatizes Gas, Steel, Airlines and Telephone. Declares War on Unions

• Massacres in China 1989 China imposes $1/Day Labour Rate.

• Russia 1993 Boris Yetslin attacks Russian Parliament. All Opposition arrested 17 Billionaires created and 72 million people imporvished

Some Of the Historic events of our century and their outcomes… • Terrorist Attacks on America 2001 Launches “Most Privatized War” $130 Billion contracts given to private contractors.

• Iraq Invasion 2003 US decrees 200 Iraqi companies will be privatized. Oil contracts given to Shell and British Petroleum.

• Natural Disaster Sri Lanka 2004 35,000 Dead. Fishermen not allowed to occupy and build homes at coastlines. Beaches and coastline privatized and handed over to Private


D:\Movies\Short Flims\The Shock Doctrine\The Shock Doctrine.mpg

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