Shenandoah County Sheriff's Office (virginia) - 287(g) Foia Documents

  • June 2020
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Download & View Shenandoah County Sheriff's Office (virginia) - 287(g) Foia Documents as PDF for free.

More details

  • Words: 291
  • Pages: 2
Dear S_titfCarter, ~:~ is to notify ,o~l1tat Julie L. M.· '. ~istant Secretary tor the Dep~ of u......:.."" . "andS-....u.ufllllSttJmmi ,0 .. (ICE) ~-..I your ........ ""~ - -....~ \~, J, aration~.f!f.·l ..,... ~msB-~~."":' 'W.Vl~ apPL'f~ ~"""'I'"~, for 2217(g) Delegation ofA'QtItorityTra~ .1[tJte Shenandoah County SheritPsOffice ($CSO). The letter also. serves as a noti~otim_ to noaotiate an MOA between the DHSII0B .tel the SCSO.

OHSIICB is looking forward to the partnership and the succe8$ ofthis joint venture. The 287{g) program bas produced some very good successes in other locations and I have no doubt it will be successful in Shen@1dOah County. (j;

_be at_

The local ICE poiat of contact is S . r Special Agent ~ the 287(g) ~ S ial Agent in





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US to better serve and""


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your office htJJcrisoabur& VA. has been veryholp811 and ~ WifllWs

BstablWtment <>fall Identification Rev1avtrOfticer atom 8h"~Oah County Jall. located in Woodstock. 1."Ms is our centml ~.d. pretrial dt¢entiou. facility. Train (4) Sberilfs Deputios assiped to Ollt't)uJ.a Task Foree and cenfJal jail, 'Witl\ a mi:alm.1lm oftwo~ experiace, who havepqsetl asecmity~undacceptablo to


TXaiDina are awilab1em our cO...,it¥ wberC instrudo~ ~ utiHzeCOAtputer trainiua ai4s, Videos, - _ , othermateria1s tfiW"'sQay need in iDstmctions. This program will allow U$ to ct_ into a Mcmo1'a1\dnm ofUlldeJ.'$fjndingthat will enable us to partioipato_lCE inidCDfifyinc crimi." inept aliens who,ose a public safbty mk to the _ . . ofShmandoah. i look forwat4 to 19J1i .~edy ~ofthis 1eQ. . . . . JnOV'iDs forward with_ ..-ogramforthe ~tofal1.


wannest regatU,


Timothy C. She.riff "


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