San Bernardino County Sheriff's Office (california) - 287(g) Foia Documents

  • June 2020
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Download & View San Bernardino County Sheriff's Office (california) - 287(g) Foia Documents as PDF for free.

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  • Words: 388
  • Pages: 2
:G'MlY PENR~. ~2r'" ~s Denadment



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2. in ~Ihgencies and Sheriff's 2005-00 budget. overtime ~ rel~~ to. the above requested below. frwur votEl$teqUired)

3. AuthoriZe use of

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FOJ_~tt!DN: On August 16, 2005, ~~She

. of a.n Iden.tiflCat.ion processintit'.I~ . •.'. ". 't 4n the County's oorrec~\ pre ~Doked into lh& Couitty's With pta-P$t on nd s&curlty Stn~ 9/11, ICE has not aIlGcated adequate re suft'icilnt immigratton offfoers mthe· JUts. The Department is requesting the addition 0f nine (9) Sheriffs Custody Specialists to l!lSrform certain immigration enforcement functions, at a cost of $449.804. plus estimated backfill costs of $44.012 during the training period. By having these specially trained Sheriff's Custody Specialists, the Department can tify criminal Hlegal aliens and turn them over to ICE for federal immigration violations. T reduce recidivism, ultimately free up jail bed space to help aleviate overcrowding and iACrease SCAAP (State Criminal AliGn Assistance Program) reimbursements for inca of oeUin undoeumented criminal afleo~

.1'.""*'''''91 the terms of the proposed MOO, Iq; WG\:t1d prov~ the necessary tr~ of seteeted l'ShNifl?!Ot CUtody Specialists at no additifmal oost to the nty. The MeU WOuld be effective $ignins and temalh in effect until terminafed by ei party, immediately· upon wf'itten

CC CAQ;? Sberiff~

File wfagmement f'I\(}

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CONTRACTOR U. S. Department of Homeland



Security, Immigration & Customi)Enf<>rsement {ICE)

(bJ(]) ctl ,

Federal 10 No. or SoCial Security NO.



, "

Contractor's Representative

Address 3403 TentJ'l Street. Suite 600. Riverside, CA 92501


Nature of Contract: (Briefly describe the general terms of the contract)

Memorandum of Understanding with ICE to provide training of spe~f~ds.tlefiiff's staff in certain in1mlgration entprcement functions to enhance the capacity to deal with imf'l}fgra,tidtwiolatofs in the County's Jail faCilitieS. This MOU is effective upon signing and remains In effect u/l1iJ ten;t)flTatea: Either party may terminate this agreement immediately upon wrinen notice. .

{Attach this transmittal t~ all contracts not. fJ/"fJpared on th~~Il$tandard Contract" to . RevieWed !.S ti;i'(:qntracf Compliance {,



County Counsel, by Oemis S Tilton, Deputy



AudilorlController-.Recorder Use Onl El eon(ract.~e fnput"le


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K.,ed By


Date _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

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