Rockingham County Sheriff's Office (virginia) - 287(g) Foia Documents

  • June 2020
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Download & View Rockingham County Sheriff's Office (virginia) - 287(g) Foia Documents as PDF for free.

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  • Pages: 2


Ms. J\llie My~rs Assistant Secretar;j!; US ~~lion. aiHt Customs ~an:ement 425 I Street }:o..'W Rootn 7000 V{~~ton., DC 20$3<1

Deat AssiStant Secretary Myen:

I !Ul'l writins: to.teq\1e$1participatimdu the Delcgalfon. of Authority P.t'oJl'1Ull purspaat to,i!:a:7 (g) of the ~Oi.l 3i!ld N!i.1unilizat.ion. Act. ~n out ~ relationship with to, ~ partnership wib ut.bk\ tQ bettex s~i:;3nd meet the needs oft'b.e Nlli~ofRtJckinghaJtt County awl the dit1otHamscnbm . ~ Vlr$inia. ~J{J


I have been Ul cornmunica'(iQU -with your om..;ein P..misOl'l.~•. i,~stdilru A~tw C~ _ been very hel¢Ul and on~ With advi¢e XlIlt'll'ropo.smg the foUo~



Establishment r1f an Idcnuticatioo :R~view Oflice1'at om ltodci.n~onb~g ll.egional Jail., locat;e,L in Hm'isonbw:g. Train (OS) Sherifi'll DepUties assigt.eel to Drag Task Force, (Jaug \Joit and Co~tiona1 Staff Deputies with a ll"~ of two years experienlilt: who have paslled a s~urity baekgro1Jt1d e;ccept~b1e to ICE.

Tr.ainmg :fac:iliti~ ate ~vaiJ,al)le it ~ un.h'allQcat~d lb.claty wh.t:nt. imtruct()1$ CfoU). utilize CQmp\lte:7: t:ainirl~ aids, video? and any ~s they may need in Wl1Uetions. . Tllis p):ogtam w:i1l allow WI to enter in10 8 M¢mo:randum ofUna$bndi!:tg1hat Will C1'iB~e us to particip,* with ICE ill iden.~ ert.minal illegal, allen$ who pose a. risk to tbe ci~ otR.oeki:nghlUtf COunty and City of H~tonb~. I Iook forwud to )'0lU' spe~ ebd~eat offhts request and llloVSne fal'Wat~ with the prt:tgaIrt fo~ the ~fit of aU.


~~ . .



. . "


R()c~ CQ.UtUy,Sh~riif

Dear SheriW Farley, ~lett.:er i5(O.~' you that Julie~. MY«$~~~sistaat Secretaly for the U.S. ~epartment of Hdlfand ~ (DHS1 I~t1OJl and Ctistqms Enforcement.(JCB) approvcdyour request for 287(a) Delegatio. of Autborifr Training tbrthe R.ockingbam County SherifFs Office (ReSO). The tetter also serves as a notice ofintent to negotiate an MOA between the DRSlICE and:dle RCSO.

DHSlfCB is looking forward to the partnership and the success oftbis joint venture. The 287(g)

program has produced some very good successes in other locations and I have no dopbt it will be SU
The loeal ICB point of contact is ov~.e 281(g) program

. Special Agent ( S S A ) m Agent in Cltawgein $SA



Security CWttOlll1S Enforcemtnt

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