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  • Words: 1,801
  • Pages: 39
Java Technology Interfaces and Exceptions

Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.

Session Plan 

Interfaces in Java

Packages in Java

Need and Advantages of using package

Creating a Package

Using Existing Packages

Java Class Libraries

Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.


Session Plan 

Basic concepts of Exception Handling

Errors and Exceptions

Try – Catch – Finally block

Throw & Throws

Some Built-in exceptions

User defined exceptions

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Interfaces in Java 

An interface is a set of predefined methods to be implemented by one or more classes in future.

Java achieves multiple inheritance. By providing the interface keyword, Java allows to fully utilize the “one interface, multiple methods” aspect of polymorphism

Interfaces do not have any instance variables. Any variable declared in an interface is automatically taken as public, static and final

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Creating an interface class public interface myinterface { public void method1(int x, int y) ; }

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Implementing Multiple Inheritance in Java Inter Paternal

Inter Maternal Inter GrandParent

INTERFACE Class Child Class Child implements Paternal, Maternal, GrandParent {............; } Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.


Interfaces … 

Comparable to a pure abstract class

Classes implement, by providing definitions to the methods of the interface

Inheritance is possible in interfaces, even multiple inheritance is possible

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Interface vs Abstract classes 

Interfaces don’t worry about classes relationships. It just requires that the classes should implement them.

Abstract classes force strict class relationships.

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Interface vs Multiple Inheritance 

Interfaces are not synonymous with multiple inheritance.

However, a class can implement more than one interface.

So in a way, we can tell interface is substitute for multiple inheritance.

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Packages in Java – Why ? What ? 

Reusability of code is one of the most important requirements in the software industry.

Reusability saves time, effort and also ensures consistency.

A class once developed can be reused by any number of programs wishing to incorporate the class in that particular program.

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Features of Packages 

Organize your classes into smaller units and make it easy to locate and use the appropriate class file.

Avoid naming conflicts.

Packages allow you to protect your classes, data and methods in a larger way than on a class-to-class basis.

Package names can be used to identify your classes.

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Concept of Packages 

In Java, the code which can be reused by other programs is put into a “Package”.

A Package is a collection of classes, interfaces and/or other packages.

Packages are essentially a means of organizing classes together as groups.

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Usage of packages: 

Package creation 

In Java packages are created in the following manner. 

Package packagename;

Package member can be accessed using import statements 

import package_name. class_name;

My_Package 


import packagename,packagename.*;

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Importing + Creating a Package 

While creating a package, care should be taken that the statement for creating a package must be written before any other import statements



package mypackage ;



package mypackage ;

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Standard Java Packages The Three Java Packages that are essential to any Java program are : 

java.lang 

Contains classes that form the basis of the design of the programming language of Java.

You don’t need to explicitly import this package. It is always imported for you.

The Wrapper classes, System class, Thread class etc, belong to this package.

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Standard Java Packages  

Input/Output operations in Java is handled by the package.

java.util 

Contains classes and interfaces that provide additional utility.

E.g. : creating lists, calendar, date etc. 

This package provides classes and interfaces for TCP/IP network programming.

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Standard Java Packages 

java.awt 

This package is useful to create GUI applications.

java.applet 

This package consists of classes that you need, to execute an applet in the browser or an appletviewer

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Math Class – java.lang package 

Math class – which provides mathematical functions like sine, cosine and square root.

Some methods in the Math class (static methods) 

int abs(int i) - returns the absolute value of i

double abs(double d) - returns the absolute value of d

double ceil(double d) - returns as a double the smallest integer that is not less than d

double floor(double d) - returns as a double the largest integer

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Exceptions in Java 

A Java exception is an object that describes an exceptional (abnormal) condition, that has occurred in a piece of code.

Exceptions can be generated by the Java run-time system, or they can be manually generated by your code.

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Hierarchy Object


Error Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.



Exceptions and Errors 

Exceptions are situations within the control of an application, that it should try to handle

When a dynamic linking failure or some other “hard” failure in the virtual machine occurs, the virtual machine throws an error.

Java programs need not catch these errors, because these errors are beyond their scope.

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Some Java Errors 







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Types of Exceptions Exceptions

Checked Exceptions (Compile time)

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Unchecked Exceptions (Run time)


Checked Exceptions 

These exceptions occur not because of the fault of programmer. The reasons being, not available I/O, network error, file not found for reading, etc.

These exceptions are checked during compile time. Hence appropriate code has to be written to either catch or throw the exceptions.

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Runtime Exceptions 

Examples NullpointerException ArrayOutOfBoundsException ArithmeticException

It is the duty programmer to handle these exceptions.

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Exception Example 

int i=5/0;

What happens when the above code is executed ?

Exception is thrown (an object is thrown)

How to recover from this ? (handle it !)

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Exception Handling Mechanism 

Try-catch block 

Multiple catch block

Finally 

Try-catch-finally block

Try- finally



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Try-catch 

A try block is always followed by a catch block, which handles or catches the exception. A catch block always monitors the preceding try block. The catch block is not executed if no exception is thrown.

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Try-catch block try { ……… ……… ………} catch (exceptionType name) { ……… ……… ………} Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.


Example Exception class ExceptionExample { public static void main(String argx[]) { int n,i; try { i=0; n=12/i; System.out.println("This line will not be printed"); catch(ArithmeticException e) { System.out.println("Division by zero" + e); } System.out.println("After catch statement"); } } Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.



Multiple Catch try

{ ……… ……… ……… } catch (exceptionType name) { ……… ……… ……… } catch (exceptiontype2 name2) { ……… ……… ……… }

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Finally Block 

The finally statement is associated with a try statement and identifies a block of statements that are executed regardless of whether or not an error occurs within the try block.

Defines the code that is executed always

If an exception arises with a matching catch block, then the finally block is executed after the catch block. If no exception arises, the finally block is executed after the try block.

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Try – catch - finally try

{ ……… ……… ……… } catch (exceptionType name) { ……… ……… ……… } finally { ……… ……… ……… } Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.


Throws 

The throws keyword is used along with the declaration of a method that can throw an exception.

The throws is used for handling method level exception rather than having more than one try catch block.

This makes it mandatory for anyone calling the method to have it in try block else the compiler will give an error.

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Custom Exceptions 

Java provides numerous exception classes in its library.

The user also can define his/her own exception and throw it when the undesired condition occurs.

Use the throw clause to throw an exception

Throw statement is used explicitly to throw an exception.

Syntax: throw ThrowableInstance; Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.


Throwing Exceptions public void read() throws IOException { // Some code that cause IO Exception throw new IOException(); } Calling a method in main(): Try { Read(); } catch(Exception e){} Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.


Advantages of Exception Handling 

Separates error handling code from regular code.

Groups error types and allows for error differentiation.

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Summary 

Interfaces in Java

Packages in Java

Need and Advantages of using package

Creating a Package

Using Existing Packages

Some standard Library classes 

Math, Util, string/stringbuffer

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Summary 

Exception Handling in Java

Errors and Exceptions

Try – Catch – Finally block

Throw & Throws

Some Built-in exceptions

User defined exceptions

Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.


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