Java Technology: Threads

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Java Technology Threads

Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.

Session Plan 

Life cycle of threads

Using Thread class and its methods



Inter-Thread communication

Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.


Threads 

Thread is an object it has variables and methods that lives and dies on the heap

But a thread of execution is an individual process (‘light weight process’) that has its own call stack.

In java there is one thread per call stack even if you don’t create thread there will be a default thread running called main thread ie.,main method.

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Motivation for Threads in Java 

Threads have become prominent due to trends in 

Software design 

More naturally expresses inherently parallel tasks

Performance 

Scales better to multiprocessor systems

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Creating Threads 

Two approaches 

Thread class public class Thread extends Object { … }

Runnable interface public interface Runnable { public void run(); // work ⇒ thread }

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A Runnable Object 

The Thread object’s run() method calls the Runnable object’s run() method

Allows threads to run inside any object, regardless of inheritance Example – an applet that is also a thread

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Execution of Thread 

Threads are scheduled according to their priority w.r.t. other threads in the ready queue

The highest priority runnable thread is always selected for execution above lower priority threads

When multiple threads have equally high priorities, only one of those threads is guaranteed to be executing

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Priority in Thread 

Every thread has a priority

When a thread is created, it inherits the priority of the thread that created it (normal-5, maximum-10,minimum-1)

The priority values range from 1 to 10, in increasing priority

The priority can be adjusted and may be obtained using setPriority(), getPriority() method

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Life cycle methods 

void start() 

Creates a new thread and makes it runnable

This method can be called only once

void run() 

The new thread begins its life inside this method

void stop() (deprecated) 

The thread is being terminated

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Thread States-Life cycle 

Thread states 

Born state

Ready state (runnable state)

Running state

Dead state

Blocked state

Waiting state

Sleeping state

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Thread Lifecycle sleep(500) Active wake up

JV M Born


start() Runnable



Blocked wait

stop() notify

Dead I/O available Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.

block on I/O

Methods in Java 

yield() 

Causes the currently executing thread object to temporarily pause and allow other threads to execute

Allow only threads of the same priority to run

sleep(int m)/sleep(int m,int n) 

The thread sleeps for m milliseconds, plus n nanoseconds

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Multi Thread Example class A extends Thread { public void run(){ for(int i=1;i<=5;i++){ System.out.println("\t From ThreadA: i= "+i); } System.out.println("Exit from A"); } } class B extends Thread { public void run(){ for(int j=1;j<=5;j++){ System.out.println("\t From ThreadB: j= "+j); } System.out.println("Exit from B"); Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.



Multi Thread Example class C extends Thread { public void run() { for(int k=1;k<=5;k++) { System.out.println("\t From ThreadC: k= "+k); } System.out.println("Exit from C"); }}

class ThreadTest { public static void main(String args[]) { new A().start(); new B().start(); new C().start(); }} Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.


Output: From ThreadA: i= 1 From ThreadA: i= 2 From ThreadA: i= 3 From ThreadA: i= 4 From ThreadA: i= 5 Exit from A From ThreadC: k= 1 From ThreadC: k= 2 From ThreadC: k= 3 From ThreadC: k= 4 From ThreadC: k= 5 Exit from C From ThreadB: j= 1 From ThreadB: j= 2 From ThreadB: j= 3 From ThreadB: j= 4 From ThreadB: j= 5 Exit from B

Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.


Online Bank: Serving Many Customers and Operations PC client

Internet Bank Server Local Area Network

Bank Database Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.

PDA 16

Shared Resources 

If one thread tries to read the data and other thread tries to update the same date, it leads to inconsistent state.

This can be prevented by synchronising access to data.

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Synchronization 

It allows only one thread to execute at a time. Synchronized keyword applies for method level or block level

Takes out a monitor lock on an object 

Exclusive lock for that thread

If lock is currently unavailable, thread will block

For any object, only one thread may execute inside any of that object’s synchronized methods

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Synchronization Example synchronized void call(String msg) { System.out.println(“Synchronized”); try{ Thread.sleep(1000); } catch(InterruptedException e){ System.out.println("Interrupted"); } System.out.print("] \n"); } Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.


Thread Deadlock 

If two threads are competing for more than one lock

Example: bank transfer between two accounts 

Thread A has a lock on account 1 and wants to lock account 2

Thread B has a lock on account 2 and wants to lock account 1

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Avoiding Deadlock 

No universal solution

Ordered lock acquisition

Encapsulation (“forcing directionality”)

Spawn new threads

Check and back off


Minimize or remove synchronization

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Inter Thread Communication 

Sometimes one thread may be interested in the activities of another. Or, one could have a functional dependency on another. 

Reading from a file or over a network?

Waiting for a given thread to return a result.

Polling (Busy Waiting) vs. Notification

BadConsumer Example

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Waiting for notification 

As defined in object, every object has a wait(), notify(), and notifyAll() method. 

These should never be overridden

They can only be called from inside synchronized blocks, and they only effect other threads in synchronized blocks which are synchronized on the same object.

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wait() (cont’d) 

When a thread enters a wait state, it does nothing until it is notified by another thread.

It also gives up it’s lock on the object when wait is called.

public synchronized blog() { wait(); … // do something } Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.


notify() 

To awaken a thread, a different thread which has a lock on the same object must call notify.

When notify is called, the block that had the lock on the object continues to have it’s lock it releases it. 

Then a thread is awakened from its wait() and can grab the lock and continue processing.

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notifyAll() 

There are two versions - notify() and notifyAll().

Notify is safe only under 2 conditions: 

When only 1 thread is waiting, and thus guaranteed to be awakened.

When multiple threads are waiting on the same condition, and it doesn’t matter which one awakens.

In general, use notifyAll()

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Summary 

Introduction to Threads

Life cycle and its Methods



Avoiding Deadlock

Inter Thread Communication

Nace Solutions (P) Ltd. Copyright © 2008,All Rights Reserved.


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