September 27 Eb Agenda

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 323
  • Pages: 2
September 27,2008 Saturday 5:00 PM Kia Pride Club Cebu Chapter 1. Acquaintance of new members – introduce yourself 2. KPC sticker – need to talk about some policy as part of memberships to formalize the group to acquire the KPC sticker. - distribution 3. KRT sticker design and printout – discussion will be led by Jeri and explain how the KRT existed in Manila 4. Database – hardcopy forms with detailed information of the member as suggested by Mikee. These forms will be kept by a responsible person(appointed/elected secretary) and will be encoded in a web based type of copy for archiving. The purpose of such information is for member identification/information and any skill/services/support/business/emergency road situations/others wherein those mentioned can contribute such purpose for the club. 5. KPC T-shirts – Discuss about the design/shirt color/supplier, affordability and its purpose 6. Election/Officers/By Laws – - Club Org structure - nominations/election - maybe get a copy of the By laws from KPC manila and benchmark what is applicable for Cebu 7. Forum discussions/threads/rules – reminders/Tips/DIY/etc…. -

Forum Handles (level) – newbie,KPC member, forum istambay Request thru Site God ZD5 for the possibility Clean up threads Sound Setup How to’s thread for Cebu c/o Gilcel and Miko References: Softcopy of Mazda 121 Manual, Haynes, carb,etc…

8. Events/Activities -

Tambak Items EB thru Trade-in ,Buy n Sell, or as a freebie/gift Christmas Party Beach Party EB Road trip Cebu Auto Shows/Event/Race Kia Pride/Avella Clinic DIY gathering for those interested to join

9. Kia Pride Club Cebu One Stop Emergency Hotline Program (KPCC-OSEHP) -

for emergency road situations/ on the road support maintenance services lend a helping hand to a fellow club member on the spot mechanic services/towing service contacts/ how to’s

10. Cebu Daily News – Motoring Section -

interview/discussions purpose of the club questions/ etc…. on the fly promoting the club promoting the Web address for aspiring forumer’s and members featured when? Picture(2x)

11. Open Forum/Discussions/Talk2x

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