Sen. Ted Kennedy Dedicated Cedar Rapids, Iowa Kennedy High In August 1967.

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Students Get Early Look at Career

Like Running Family, "Mrs. B." Says

(In Section 6]

(Parade Magazine)



Weather -Cloudy with occasional rain this morning. Fair tonight and Monday. Highs today in the 50s and 60s.





POLICIES LBJ Says No Try For Popularity

Postal Pay Boost Bill Faces Vote In House for house debate Tuesday, with By Carl P. Leubsdorf WASHINGTON (AP.) — House final action scheduled Wednesmembers who have voted twice day. in recent weeks for curbs on Both the postal rate and the federal spending get another federal pay increases in the bill chance this week when they exceed Johnson's recommendaconsider a multibillion dollar tions. The net effect will be to pay increase for federal em- increase the federal deficit each jyear. ployes. Pay Boost And although there is little likelihood of action soon on Democratic leaders expect the President Johnson's tax in- combined measure to pass, alcrease proposal, members will though many congressmen are vote on what Rep. H. R. Gross a bit hesitant about approving (R-Iowa) calls a "stamp tax" the big pay hike in the current in the form of increases for all budget-cutting mood. The bill calls for a 6 percent classes of postal rates. The two proposals are com- pay boost for postal workers and bined in a bill that comes op a 4% percent increase for other federal employes, retroactive to Oct. 1, for a fiscal 1968 cost of some $628 million. Additional pay increases in July 1968 and April 1969, which are expected to come under heavy attack, would bring the cost to $1.9 billion in fiscal 1969 and $2.6 billion in fiscal 1970. C«d»r Ripidj News— The postal rate section, which C e d a r Rapids' population, would raise letter stamps from which continues to grow at an five to six cents and airmai annual rate of 2,000 plus, has from eight to ten cents effective passed the 107,000 mark based a month after the bill is enon statistics kept by post office acted, would eventually raise officials. $885 million once all provisions Charles Seda, superintendent take effect in fiscal 1971. of mails, said Saturday the curDeficit rent family count in the city puts the estimated population at This, however, is only abou 107,577, an increase ot 2,026 one-third the amount of addi tional costs from the pay sec from a year ago. Based on the official census tions. of 103,545, reported in October, Post Office department offi 1965, postal officials use a fac- cials estimate that if the bill i tor of 3.2 persons per family enacted by Nov. 1 and there to figure new population esti- fore takes effect Dec. 3, i would bring in some $487 mil mates. lion in the current fiscal yearThe post office now reports some $140 million less than th there are 33,618 families in the cost of the pay raises. city, an increase of more than Gross, who dissented sharp! 600 from a year ago, and up 1,298 from the Post Office commit since the official census. tee's report on the bill, plan This rate of growth maintains to make efforts to send th the average increase for Cedar whole thing back to committee Rapids of recent years. The city to reduce the first-class postag had a 1950 population of 72,296, increases and to knock out th and a 1960 official count of 92,- second — and third-year pa 035. Postal officials believe the raises. is expected also to attac present method of estimating a He provision a federal pa population is more accurate than commission toformake recommei that used prior to 1965, when dations every four years on a mail carriers kept track of de- government salary levels, in livery points. The number of de- eluding the President and con livery points was multiplied by gress. Congress would have 3 a 3.34 persons per point factor. days to veto any proposals, bu Nevertheless, the present (Continued: Page 3, Col. 6.) method of counting families on mail routes probably produces a conservative population estimate, postal officials said. Today's Chuckle If the current growth rates It is said that a woman nevcontinue, Cedar Rapids should er loses an argument. The hit a total population of between worst she can do is f a i l to 113,000 and 115,000 by the time make her position clear. Copyright the next official census is taken in 1970.

C.R. Population Set at 107,577 By Post Office

New York Times News Service

! WASHINGTON — President Johnson vowed Saturday evening that he would not play for popularity in the opinion polls abandoning any of his major policies at home or abroad. Surveying his low estate in the polls before an audience of party contributors, the President said he was getting much advice on how to escape his troubles "cheaply and fast." But his plan, he added, was to hold firm in Vietnam, to keep asking for a tax increase, to go on fighting discrimination and working for the poor. "I have made my choice." Johnson asserted. "And I pray hat I — and we — will have enough of that bravery, unselfshness and wisdom Jack Kennedy said we would need to see it through." As a politician, the President said, he valued popularity and support as much as any man and he knew he could increase it — temporarily — by abandoning some of his policies, especially "by renouncing the struggle in Vietnam or escalating it to the red line of danger." Rough Road Gazette photo by John Mclvor He said he would do neither, SENATOR SPEAKS AT KENNEDY SCHOOL DEDICATION— Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts is pictured speak- though he also knew better than anyone except the soldiers in ing at the dedication Saturday of Cedar Rapids' new John F. Kennedy high school in northeast Cedar Rapids. The senator is a Vietnam, that this was a rough road to travel. brother of the late President for whom the school is named. Shown in profile in foreground is Robert Fitzsimmons, principal of the 'But the road does lead to a free Asia — and a more secure school. (More photos on pages 3 and 10, section A.) America," he added. "I believe the American people will follow its course — not blithely, not cheerfully — for they lament the waste of war; but with a firm determination to see it * through." Johnson did not discuss the factors that would go into his 650 On Hand For Capacity Crowd half-million boys tied in a land By Phyllis Fleming decision on whether to stand Political Gathering war in Asia, fighting where our WASHINGTON (AP)-Former At JFK Ceremony Assistant Stati Editor for re-election next year. But IOWA CITY - "American President said three years ago President Dwight D. Eisen- By Ken Sullivan few men around the White By Dale Kueter people are strong. They can that Asian boys ought to be hower Saturday said he is supHouse doubt that he will run. Sen. Edward (Ted) Kennedy "No cause was closer to the fighting." stand the truth." porting a new organization with rubbing his still ailing back with They found his speech this evening consistent with his privateMichigan Gov. George Rom- Romney, speaking to more a simpler approach to the mind of President Kennedy than education," Sen. Edward M. one hand, greeted hundreds at ly expressed view that he was ney made it clear to a group than 500 Republicans at the of Republicans Saturday night Iowa Memorial Union, drew problem of ending the war in (Ted) Kennedy (D-Mass.) told a Culver for Congress reception doing the right and responsible a capacity crowd Saturday aft- Saturday afternoon at Armar things and that he could in the that he doesn't think they are several standing ovations. The Vietnam. end so persuade the nation's being told the truth about Viet- crowd also accorded standing Eisenhower, who made his ernoon at the dedication of Ce- Ballroom. nam and about other parts of ovations to Mrs. Romney and comment upon leaving Walter dar Rapids' new John F. Ken- For the senator from Massa- voters. Acknowledgment First District •Congressman Reed Army hospital after a nedy high school. national life. chusetts his day in Iowa was as Fred Schwengel (R-Daven- routine physical checkup, said "As a senator and later as. rigorous physically as was But the speech that he preRomney said, "The American former Sen. Paul H. Douglas of President he dedicated himself pared for delivery at the Presipeople apparently believed the port). providing for better intellec- Iowa's at Notre Dame. dent's Ball, a $l,000-a-couple Johnson promises when they Romney said, "I say again Illinois was a prime mover in to An estimated 650 came to see tual and physical achievements new group. voted in 1964 and maybe tbjp tonight: America is suffering theDouglas, Kennedy, who earlier spoke at "und-raising dinner and dance reached at his Wash- among our young people." Viet Cong and the North Viet- from a crisis in credibility. The ington home, the dedication of John F. Ken- at the Washington Hilton hotel would say only The young senator observed namese believed him, too. nedy high school, and later began with a candid acknowlDemocratic administration is that "a group of us have been "The sad story today is that simply not being candid with forming a Committee for Peace that the young generation of spoke in Des Mnines at the edgment of the turn against today often has been accused Democrats' Jefferson - Jackson him in the opinion polls. we now have suffered m o r e the American people, and this with Freedom in Vietnam." Those polls have recently of a split between themselves Day dinner. than 100,000 American casual- is dangerous. shown that Sen. Robert F. Kenand the older generation. "The ties in connection with the con- "I'm talking a b o u t unkeptj Casual Reception BULLETIN nedy (D-N.Y.) was preferred young generation of today," flict in Vietnam. We have a promises and unfulfilled oppor-' by a majority over Johnson as he said, "is the most intelliHe left Cedar Rapids about L O N D O N (AP) Lord unities in the unrealized potenAttlee, the former British gent, articulate, independent 5:30 p.m. — by car. Iowa air- the Democratic party's candiial of America." Romney concentrated on what prime minister, died in a Lon- and demanding generation of ports were locked in by fog. The date for President next year. don hospital Sunday. He was (ContinuedTPage 10, Col. 4.) (Continued: Page 3, Col. 4.) | (Continued: Page 10, Col. 1.) 84. (Continued: Page 3, Col. 7.)

Not Receiving Truth Ike Favors Ted Kennedy At C.R. Group For Dedication, Reception On Vietnam: Romney Viet Peace

Horse's Death Prompts Rumors

—Gazette photo by L. W. Ward CAMPAIGNER AT WORK — When the weather forced Michigan Gov. and Mrs. George Romney to drive instead of fiy from Newton to Iowa City Saturday afternoon the official reception for them was moved from the airport to Iowa Memorial Union on the University campus. Here Gov. Romney shakes hands with someone out of picture to the right. Mrs. Romney is in center. At right is Judy Bontrager. 18, of Iowa City, ho.ding Katie Hoy, 7'/j months, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hoy, Iowa City. State Rep. Earl Yoder of Iowa City, Miss Bontrager's uncle, is at the left of Mrs. Romney. Another picture: Page 10A.

ALAMOSA, Colo. (AP) The mysterious demise of Snippy the Horse — whether at the hands of celestial varmints in a flying saucer or earthbound critters — has summoned forth tales of other strange happenings in Colorado. A judge in Denver reported sighting orange-red, ringshaped objects, flying faster than jets, about three hours after a Houston man telephoned a woman here t h a t UFOs (unidentified f l y i n g objects) were heading from Texas toward Colorado. An amateur painter in southwest Colorado said she has had one visit — and was promised another this month —by a strange-looking man who said he was "not of this universe" but wanted to buy her painting of a UFO. He

said he would come back, since he didn't bring along any earth money the first trip, she reported. Reports of UFO sightings in southern Colorado's San Luis Valley — where Snippy died — are not uncommon. O n e woman said eight UFOs were sighted one evening last week. Other recent reports tell of a football-shaped object following a car and a cigar-shaped craft hovering over a field. But until the death of Snip. py, whose mutilated carcass was found in a remote area near here, all the reports indicated the objects — though weird — kept their distance. Snippy's owners, Mr. and Mrs. Berle Lewis, said they believe a flying saucer was responsible. Every trace of flesh had been stripped from the animal's head and neck,

and they said high radiation readings were recorded at the scene. Officials of the air forcefinanced UFO study at the University of Colorado, apparently not wanting to kick a dead horse, didn't say what they thought, but they are aware of the situation. It was a year ago Saturday, incidentally, when that project got its contract to proceed. A report is expected late in 1968. Friday night, Mrs. Harry King of Alamosa said she got a telephone call from a Milton Graves of Houston, Texas, telling her two UFOs had been seen over Houston shortly after 6 p.m., another appeared to be headed toward Colorado. About three hours later, Denver Superior Court Judge Charles Bennett said he, his

mother and his wife saw three ring-shaped objects flying in triangular formation o v e r Denver. They were accompanied by a loud, humming noise, he said. The painter is Mrs. Charles Blundell, who operates a gift and souvenir shop near Pagosa Springs in southwestern Colorado. She said a pallidcomplexioned, slightly - built man of about 35 came to her shop about four months ago and tried to buy her painting of a blue, crescent-shaped UFO she and her family saw in December, 1966, at the Sand Dunes National Monument near here. The man told her he didn't have any er.rth money with him, but would return in October. She said he drove away in a car bearing Arizona license plates. "I hope he doesn't return," she said.

Today's Index SECTION A Late News Deaths Editorials City Hall Notes Youth Beat SECTION B Iowa News Political Notes You and Iowa School Days Television Tablt Marion Food Record Reviews Movies Building Farm SECTION C Social Around the Town New Books SECTION D Sports Outdoor Iowa Financial New York Stocks W»nt Ads Crossword Parad* Magazine Comics

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>Tfa« Cedar Rapids Gazette: Sun., Oct 8. 1967

Accidents and a re


Add to Misery

Accuse Administration .. .

Of No/ Be/'ng Candid

It was a soggy, foggy miser-j able day in Cedar Rapids andj The dinner, originally schedj Eastern Iowa Saturday, and be-j (Continued from Page 1.) uled for 6:30, did not start 'fore it was over there were' !««„ accWen, and ^jJ^-J £*?% iH Sf M^ C & ;of lightning striking. iformance. j forced to drive to Iowa City Fortunately, the more than 20 He pointed out that farm par- {rom Newton rather than fly accidents on Cedar Rapids' ity is back to 73 percent "al- as faad been originally intendrain-slickened streets produced most to where it was in 1934."! ed Tne governor requested He also commented on the; some time to rest before the no serious injuries. "great disparity" between ag-| dinner. Police and firemen were busy ricultural and industrial prices.1 o m n e y and for a period Saturday night saying "many farmers earn- Both Mrs. R called upon for after lightning apparently struck | ing $1 an hour net have to buy lines in the 300 block of A a tractor made by persons mak-j "Children" ing $6 to $7 an hour. This must; avenue NW. be corrected." j Schwengel brought a laugh Police said hot wires were Romnev also said, "We the audience on the ground in that area. everse the increasing concen-j^y mheg greeted them fellow Repubca n rot;,™« nf tratio of anvornmpnt I !lsibilit §overnment rpsnnn- jjcans and friendly Democrats. in Washin ton or Following a glowing introduction ? " | will >' destrov the constitution of! bv Schwengel, Mrs. Romney, A section of the near west i the United States. 'who was wearing a gold dress, WELCOME — Principal Robert Fitzsimmons of Kennedy high school in Cedar Rapids ' 'her side north of Third avenue was Romney was highly critical \ emphasized her support for welcomed Massachusetts Senator Edward M. Kennedy to the school Saturday afternoon i without power for a period. of increased federal spending, i husband and the Republican prior to the dedication ceremony. The senator in his dedication talk praised teen-agers, P o l i c e headquarters had to He said there has been an es-'p ar ty. saying "our future is in secure hands. They are prepared to meet the challengers." .switch to emergency power. The calation of more than 10Q per-: She sald , „_,. , M „th,t i blackout occurred shortly after cent inn non .defense spending 'to Thetter onlyisthing that non-eense s p e n n .| —Gazette photos by John Mclvor how our i7 *•p.m. Democrats took -----IS1IH-C me uciiiuLictis LV/UIY back| uai-iv| *, .? . . *,*,,_, ,,,,* ! since the CONGRESSIONAL KIDDING — Representative John Light Co. officials said less|the white House. <- No wonder children turn out. C. Culver of Cedar Rapids introduced his long-time friend, Ithan 100 homes were affected. thev want a tax increase." Tickets to the Iowa City event Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts, Saturday I They said a brg feeder line The Michigan governor said Isold for $15 per head or $25 for v ^ " "* ~f** -' ** j leading from a sub-station near "theVeaTesTThVeTts^tolhe^u'itwo. Marion" Neely, J o h n s o n afternoon during dedication of Kennedy high school in John P. Swehla (Continued from Page 1.) ;ferred the representative key | police headquarters was knocked.ture of thls natjon are not from : county Republican chairman, Cedar Rapids. He referred to the "long, lean year beServices for John P e t e r in Di-inninal nut. ...:ii ~ ! caiH_ the thp event event was W3S "SO so SUCC6SSsuccessto Principal Pnhort Robert TH-rcim Fitzsim- ' out. without,t *u_.. they are ,..:tu:within."» uHe' tween his (Senator Kennedy's) graduation from law school Swehla, 1112 Nineteenth avenue any this country has ever ; mons. and Fitzsimmons pre- i R j d f we intend to do it again next cited these threats as "decline i dominant a n an og were and his first big break . . . election to the U.S. senate at SW, who died in a car-motor- known. sented it to Tom Peckosh, stu- j throughout Saturday. The fore- in religious life, decline in mor-:vear. cycle accident near the age of 30." Senator Kennedy responded in kind. "We read and hear that young dent council president. cast called for partly cloudy al character, decline in family': Despite the rainy and foggy Friday night, will be n !people are not patriotic and are, Sen. Kennedy was presented skles Sunday with tempera- life and a decline in the prin- weather, the Romneys planned Turner Chapel east at -lU.OU j not interested or concerned with an honorary life membership in tures continuing around the ciple of personnel rcsponsibil- to return to Michigan by plane a.m. Monday by the Rev. crucial questions of today.!the Kennedy High School Boost-j go-degree mark. jity upon which America v:as Saturday night. D.. A.. Loferski. oers. .Those serving , . , i founded '' s in Vietnam . . .'er club by Dwayne Hartkemey-j Further services will be held Aammtetratlt . ™np ! A warming trend is seen for tounaea. ra Jpr demonstrate that that thi this genera-; Up To Business in the Balik funeral home at tion is or Spillville at 2 p.m. Tuesday. challenges of today. concert choir sang "Man and The r Edward^ m: Shakin8 hands was definitely ."{"Q $ O I V 6 "lum Iowa Deaths Hls World", me B cedS , en The Weather Burial will be in the Bohemian style during the Romney • .. i His for CanL >/^ nnatrintin I World", the theme lor Can-l^ , ,;,— V *7 V - st\ Not Unpatriotic npatnotic ,s centennial< |Kennedy !ada ':ada's centennial.£Expo6?67. | KennedyofofMassachusetts, Massachusetts,who |dinne - r. Romrey interrupted his! PpODIGrni Belle Plaine—Joseph Drahos, cemetery near S p i l l v i l l e . High and low temperatures Saturday! and inches of precipitation: «,,„,,' Services Monday at 9. St. Friends may call at the chapel "Are the accusers (of the; The schooi was £pened for | spoke in .CedarRapids; Saturday f to go out into the crowd Atlanta «2 60 Miami 83 701.4: .oj Minnspoiis « 43 .6? ,j Michael's church. Rosary Sun- after 2 p.m. Sunday. Chicago 61 .. .. „ « young, generation) r, „ e , , . ^ , introduce himself and shake NEWTON. Iowa New York 62 45 tion) aware of the! ion at the end of ^LlStl^ > int. T tu Denver 63 6 public inspect Hrabak's. St. Louis 7J 60 Des Momes Saturday night The. Los Angeles 94 <2 not Qnl with tjcket.buv. Michigan Gov. George Romney Belle Plaine—Glen Carl, 59. Mr. Swehla had been an em- Peace Corps volunteers in dis-l'the proceedings. Cedar Rapids airport was closed . Republicans, but the kitc'h- toured Iowa in a drizzling ram - - -lands • . or the VISTA! : Services Monday at 2, Hrabak's. ploye of the Colonial Baking jtant C. R. Weather by mid-afternoon. Saturday, criticizing the Johnstaff and most of {he Co. for the last 12 years. (workers who are in poverty; : Rosary Sunday at 7, Hrabak's. _ Anng M 2 High Saturday 62; * * * son administration's proposed in attendance. Born July 19, 1924. at Spill-!areas of our country because' i Two persons suffered minor, ten percent surtax and saying 6 p.m. Saturday W j Services Monday at 2, Trinity ville, he was married to the I they are concerned about their in n m 60! Lutheran church. Friends may former Hazel Seeman. Surviv- fellow human beings?' j injuries in Saturday accidents.' it is up to American business •?" ! iJulianne Hale, 15, of 264 Fifto solve the problems of AmerRainfall ':.:'.'.:'.'.'.".'.'.".'.'."..'.. .10Icall Sunday at French's. Central City- Amv Bennett, n>g, in addition to his wife, are Young people, Kennedy obIteenth street NW, received a, ican slums. Total for Oct ^ fifi jtwo d a u g h t e r s , Judy and served, are not unpatriotic just bump on the head when the car Normal through Oct 29.391™'.*»«»«—*».d. Spencer Maud- iSusan, both at home; two broth- because they question the di. i, i Romney told a group of 750 I in which she was riding was in-.previously reporled ..$9,341.17 Delegates" to the Iowa a r e a Total for 1967 _I!.ilin, 85. Services Sunday at_ 2 ers, Daniel and James Swehla, rection in which we are movivolved in an accident at First |By Bruce Bakke 29.75 t in Victor Baptist church. Mccouncil of the National ManageBarometer, falling both of Spillville, and a sister, From parents of reAninch's. ment Assn. here the job of Humidity : Mrs. John Griffin of Marion. tarded children who Lowden— Matthiesson Pauls, Sun rises Monday. 7:12; Sun 'fighting slums "is too big for Edward Kennedy declared Sat- Drivers were Julia Hale. 39. of a t t e n d e d Camp vances; the misery and rivers sets 6:36: moon sets 10:27. i 79. Services Monday, 1:30, famurday that Americans must re- the same address, and Donald Aug;. 13 to Aug. 25 910 00 : government alone. Government dogged, they ask "Why?" Year Ago Today — High 82; ily home. Body will be taken Ralph Stuart ' ' !doesn't have the resources." • to family home Monday mornpv wan wina r e s for or all elect President Johnson be- E. Smith, 49, of 1251 Second ave- From low, 52; rainfall, none. usil Rexco *».tjv\.v Equip»JM. »I*~ ™* cause no Republican president- nue SW. Smith was charged, ment, Inc Wind direction and velocity!ing from Chapmans in Clar- Ralph E. Stuart, 53, of 706 . . J ™ ' 100.00 '• Earlier, at Perry, he spoke ;ffv, avenue „„«„,„> SF that other young "people are ial possibility „„.,.,.,;, can „„_ match „„,„;. his ...•„ with having no Iowa driver's li-j Fifth SE, HipH died FriHav Friday fighting et Gazette weather station at|ence. 50.00 to 700 persons at a fund-raising for 8,000 miles away, Sanitary Farm Dairies Quasqueton— Almond Sauer, after a brief illness. 10 p.m., NW at 6 m.p.h. ability and training to lead the cense. sponsored by- .the Dalhe said. "Young people," he ™.i -_j /-! T>:__Iop. -r i7c In in memory of ui W. »». r. F. . luncheon •— -i 63. Services Tuesday, 1:30, Born in Cedar Rapids Feb. 11, nouen G. Dmg.c 28 », 175; 5.00 las county G.O.P. organization 2 Births —St. Luke's added, "challenge injustice; they Hoover church. Friends may LJill *-no<4 (VTlA/ olcrt T*o_ ! herry Hill road NW, also re- In TTWI* "There is no Republican on /^U«»...* after noon Monday at Har- 1914, he was a lifelong resident welcome dissent. "It's time to get this country memory of J. Clyde Oct. 6 — To the families of call here. jthe horizon with the skill, and ceived head injuries in an acci- Lick from friends at away from the welfare system James Shope, 921 Old Marion ris-McClecry. Sifourney— Mary Heisdorff- Surviving is a sister, Mary "I believe in the younger gen-!,, and the heart to dent in the 100 block of Second! McKesson and Robroad NE, a daughter; David ^nd to assure that anyone who eration so much. Our future fcl^^bu^rfST^ avenue SW in an accident in**«»•»* %/«* MIV. VUAUVSUO \/* mv. u Fisher, 2711 Bever avenue SE, er, 92, Keota. Services Monday AllQ6rSOn, V/nlCagO* bins 22.00 i has training can get a job in a son; Eugene Ridenour, 2723 at 2. Bethel Methodist church, Services: Tuesday at 1:30 at m secure hands. They are pre- }d fa a 0 volving a city bus. n p r i v a t e enterprise. We're In memory of Fred rural Sigourney, Holm's. Dalewood SE, a d a u g h t e r ; meet the challenges j been done by Lyndon Johnson," Dingle was riding with Merle eu to w inwi UK ««-»««8»Kuba funeral home east by the pared destroying initiative and selfSmith and Harry Richard Verschoor, 225 Twen- Springvill*—Wayne Edmund In behalf of my brother, Mrs. \ . Ma 'hll4f, npmn(,raf. E. Dudley, 48, of Ottumwa. Drivrespect with our present proty - ninth street drive SE, a Wads worth, 12, son of William Rev. William B. Harnish. Burial John Kennedy and our parents, j f er of the bus was Conrad D. Chadima from Mr. daughter; G a r y Heiserman, Wadsworth and Bonnyle Hum- Linwood. Friends may call Mon15.00 gram," Romney said. and Mrs. H. C. J. . . may I express our deepest; . Wernett. 34, of Center Point. No QUr Presjdent fe Mcchanicsville, a son; Richard phrey. Services Sunday at 2:30, day. i Romney said one way AmerTimnis, Central City, a daugh- Viola Methodist church. Murmemory of Mrs. PP C a 01 f r th S ! !"!!, in ?M J!! ' i !, ° ' sured against his opposition, in- charges were filed. Neither in- j 1«James L i g h t n e r ican business could help elimiter; Dennis Sprecher, 2729 Bcv- j doch's. school his memory i stead of everybody's favorite jured person required hospitah-j from Mr. and Mrs. Amy L. Bennett er avenue SE, a daughter; WilVinton—Addie Fry, 89. Servnate slums would be to "reMost Attractive ideas, the strength of our party zation. Ham Engrlert, 401 Owen street ices Monday at 2, Fry and Hol- Amy L. Bennett, 66, of 1008 j evaluate job requirements. Aaron Fanton, Mr. * * * NW, a daughter; Robert Lich- land. out," the youngest brothI Some jobs require a college and Mrs. Peter AlSeventeenth street SE, a resi- Kennedy was introduced by comes tenwalner, 5320 Harbet avenue One person was injured in a : er of the late President John degree when it isn't necessary," Congressman John C. Culver dershof, .Mr. .and NW, a daughter. dent of Cedar Rapids for five three-car accident Saturday Kenn d s ld ! a s eech he said. "We need to subdivide / f " P Pre' afternoon at Fifteenth avenue Mrs. Millard Keith. Oct. 7 — To the families of Services Monday years, died Saturday. Born Oct. (D-Iowa),' who recalled that his'pared ffor Iowa Democrats at a Albert Hotz, 1205 Thirty-third 'jobs so less training is needed acquaintanceship with the senj Mr. and Mrs. Obie For Crash Victim 2, 1901, near Coggon, she mar- ator spans 17 years. He chid- Jefferson-Jackson day dinner. and Tenth street SE. street NE, a son: Roger Rusche, 7.00: to fill openings." Peal ried Jacob A. Bennett Jan. 26, Treated a n d released at! 1703 E avenue NE, a son; John Services for Frank A. Holets, ed Kennedy with a reference '1967 contribution to ; Romney also said private 1936. Burrell. 5025 First avenue SW, Mercy hospital was Mamie Lou J59, of route one, Ely, who was Mrs. Bennett was a member to "that long, lean year be- "the voters are going to give Wright, 61, of 2082 High drive Camp Good Health" 5-00 enterprise should work in fields a daughter. killed Friday in an automobile of Berean Baptist church. tween his graduation from law President Johnson a vote of SE, driver of one of the cars. In memory of Mrs. such as developing "less costly Births — Mercy accident north of Ely, will be Surviving besides her husband school and his first big break gratitude and confidence next The other driver, Aaron R. Mary M c l n t o s h : means of constructing and reNovember." 1 from friends at the habilitating housing." He said Oct. 6 — To the families of held Monday at 2 p.m. in the are two daughters, Mrs. Ken- ... his election to the U.S. senMuzingo, 17, of Shellsburg, was Keith L. Carr, 1550 Fifth ave- Janeba-Kuba funeral home west neth Wells of Cedar Rapids and ate at the age of 30. Kennedy's pro-J o h n $ o n charged with disobeying a traf- Driftwood 4.00 business should "liberalize lendnue SE. a daughter; John E. in Cedar Rapids. - ing and credit policies to make Shirley E. Bennett of Fairfax. "Senator Kennedy is the most speech backed up repeated fic signal. Harrington, 1185 First avenue, Total 511,479.17 ^possible more low income housMarion, a son; John L. Burke, The Rev. Arthur Nash will Services will be held Monday attractive politician-to come in- statements by another KenAlso treated and released at $13,290.00 ling, more small business and 680 Twenty - sixth street SE, officiate, with burial in the at Murdoch chapel in Central to the state of Iowa — at least nedy brother, Sen. Robert Mercy was Duane E. Griffioen, Budget for 1967 a daughter. Czech N a t i o n a l cemetery. City by Reverend Glen High. since George Romney (Michi- Kennedy, (D-New York), that 24, of 917 Twenty-first avenue Yet to be raised . ...$ 1,810.83,more jobs." Oct. 7 — To the families of Friends may call at the funeral Internment will follow at Oak he would not try to challenge SW. He suffered neck injuries gan's Republican governor) ar- Johnson Philip K. Olivier, 1712 Twelfth home after 7 p.m. for the Democratic in a three-car accident at SecHill cemetery in Central City. rived this morning." ' avenue SW, a daughter; Ronpresidential nomination in ond avenue and Eighth street ald R. Clark, 1311 Karen drive Mr. Holets was born in Ely Kennedy responded to the 1968. SE, a daughter; Dennis R. Ru- Sept. 21, 1908. He married Albia Dorothy Browning SW. gentle spoofing in his openzicka, 2214 J street SW-, a Serbousek April 29, 1936 in Rock Dorothy E l l e n Browning, ing remarks. "I haven't seen Edward Kennedy told the Other drivers were Larry V. daughter; Dennis J. Young, 333 Thirtieth street drive SE, a Island, HI.-He was a member two-month old daughter of Mr. so many young people," he Iowa Democrats at the $25-a- Miller, 19, of 222 Eleventh street of Ely lodge IOOF. son. and Mrs. DeWayne W. Brown- said, "since I had lunch last plate dinner that no president NW, and Richard T. Martin, 24, Surviving are his wife; seven ing, 1432 Fifth avenue SE, died Saturday at my brother Bob- can .please everyone and that to of 3701 Sixteenth avenue SW. Out-of-Town Births criticize a president is an in- No charges were filed. Police sisters, Mrs. J. W. Gaines, Mrs. Saturday following a sudden by's house." At Monticello — To Mr. and alienable American right. said the brakes on Miller's car Mrs. Donald Ohlrichs, Monti- F. J. Stastny, Mrs. Adolf Kal- illness. She was born Aug. 10, In his remarks, Culver said "However," he said, "the ous, Mrs. Paul Jerabek, Mrs. failed. cello, a son on Oct. 6: Mrs. 1967. Ohlrichs is the daughter of Mr. Kenneth Sanborn and Mrs. Jack Surviving are the parents, the new $5.2 million Kennedy American people know what the and Mrs. Morris Ludwick of Wheeler, all of .Cedar Rapids; two brothers, Charles and Sam- high school gives evidence of Republicans s t a n d for. The 20 Thirty-third avenue SW. - Pay Bill Mrs. Jim Wheeler of Baltimore; uel, both at home; the grand- the progress and educational American people don't want I (Continued from Page 1.) excellence of the schools of Cebrainwash. They don't want eyeand a brother, Lumir H. Holets parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. wash. They don't want Hollydar Rapids. "There could be of Mechanicsville. Uihr (Erfcar Sapt&s (g Wilson of Cedar Rapids; and effect of the proposal would mascara. They want a the Every family we serve receives Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morgan of no more fitting tribute to Pres- wood be to take away much of the Established in 1883 Dy The Gazette Co. party which cares, and a man lawmakers' and published dally end Sunday at 500 Oklahoma City, Okla., and three ident Kennedy," he said. control over salary Turner's "very best" service beThird Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406. Second Class Postage paid at Cedar Rap- Troopship Name great-grandparents, Mr. a n d "His efforts in the senate and who can produce." levels. Ids, Iowa. cause it is the only Memorial R. D. Cooper of Sulphur, Presidency were to help insure Some question was raised at Gets Free Trip Mrs. continued superiority and availService we offer. Cost is detera rules committee hearing last Okla., and Mrs. H. V. Little of Subscription rates. By carrier: 55 cents : ability of education for every Paid One Fine, week on the Post Office comCedar Rapids. a week. By mail: Night edition and SunTILBURY, LONDON (UPI)mined only by the casket selectday 6 Issues Si .50 e month, SIS a year; Services: Beatty-Beurle fu- American child." Facing Another mittee's decision to combine the afternoon editions and Svnday 7 issues When you're c a l l e d Royston S1.40 a month, 516 a year. Other states ed, and at Turner's, families seand U.S. territories S26 a year. No mail Schoobridge, e v e n troopship neral home at 1:30 p.m. MonCeremony Richard W. Thompson, 38, of two measures. This was done subscriptions accepted in areas having day by the Rev. Alfred A. Kelbecause of a parliamentary lect the casket in complete priGazette carrier service. names look good. Schoobridge, The dedication c e r e m o n y 205 Wilson avenue SW, came to a 32-year-old bus driver, legally s e y of Calvin Presbyterian opened with a brief concert by police headquarters Saturday tangle in the committee, alvacy. Every Turner facility is aThe Associated Press Is entitled ex- changed his name three years church. Burial: Cedar Memorinight to pay a $2 parking ticket. though many" members of the clusively to the use for republication of the Kennedy high school band. vailable at no additional charge. all the local news printed in this news- ago to Dunera, a troopship on al. Friends may call at the fuActually, police said, he stag- Post Office committee feel the paper as well as all Ap news dispatched. A squad of Explorer Scouts, combination would prevent a neral home after 1 p.m. SunThat's why we say, "Our very which he had sailed. Steve Bucksbaum, Philip Bucks- gered into headquarters. They Presidential veto of a pay bill promptly charged him with The 12,000-ton Dunera sailed day. best service to all, with cost baum, Mark LaVane, Thomas that exceeds his budget. last week on her last voyage Jones, Kevin Kelly and Glenn drunkenness. entirely a matter of personal before the scrapyard — and the Memorial Services Sellers posted the American and man who will carry on the name Castle, Minnie L. — 3 p.m. Iowa flags, under the direction choice." was aboard, guest of the com- Monday at the Chapel of Mem- of Bill Kelly. ories by Dr. John P. Woods, pany. John b. turner and son FINE MEMORIALS SINCE 1893 Burial: Cedar Memorial ceme- Kenneth Barrett of Hanford ,tery. Friends may call at the American Legion post presentNew Address—203 14th Ave. SE Phone 364-4439 MM... .v «v*.™», A NATIONAL SELECTED MORTICIANS j Cedar Memorial funeral home. ed an American flag to Supt. Markers, Monuments and Private Mausoleums When Words Fail, Let Cherry. Nellie Mrs. — Re- Arnold Salisbury for the school. Flowers Speak For You Turner Mortuary Turner Mortuary West quiem Mass at 9 Monday in The building was officially 800 Second Ave. S.E. 1221 First Ave. W«st t h e Immaculate Conception presented first by Architect SINCE church by the Rov. Roger E. FLOWERPHONE 36WU William Hukill to Ernest Pence, O'Brien. Burial: Mt. Calvary. Your F7D Florist Kuba funeral home e;ist in i board president. Pence trans1600 ELLIS BLVD. NW charge. !"

School Demonstrates C.R.


---Daily R e c o r d —

Speech by Ted Kennedy



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Camp Good Health




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840 5th Ave. SE


Kruir, John P e t e r — St. : Stephens Lutheran church a t j Atkins at 1:30 p.m. Monday by the Rev. Robert Stohlmann.l Burial: St. Stephens cemetery. I Friends may call at the Turner j Chapel west until 9 p.m. Sunday and at the church after] 10 a.m. Monday.

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