Sem-ii Qre Design

  • November 2019
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DESIGN OF QUESTIONNAIRE ROHIT VISHAL KUMAR Reader Department of Marketing Xavier Institute of Social Service P.O. Box No: 7, Purulia Road Ranchi – 834001, Jharkhand, India Phone: (91-651) 220-0873 / 220-4456 Ext. 308 Email: [email protected]


What is a Questionnaire? 

A questionnaire - also known as schedule, interview form or measuring instrument - is a formalized set of questions from obtaining information from the respondents Marketing Research - An Applied Orientation Naresh K. Malhotra

Questionnaire is the basic research tool and can be described as a collection of formalized set of questions - drawn up with the research problem in mind - used for obtaining information from the respondents for finding solutions to the research problem Working Definition in Marketing Research Firms 2


Objectives of a Questionnaire “A good questionnaire must engage the respondents and stimulate their interest in providing complete and accurate answers. It must do this while creating a common understanding of both the question and the answer among all the respondents” Bobbi Brantley Training Manager, Burke Inc


It must translate the information needed into a set of specific questions that a respondent can & will answer It must uplift, motivate and encourage the respondents to become involved in the interview, to cooperate and complete the interview It should minimize response error

Questionnaire Design Process


Contd. … 2

Step I: Identify Constructs Specify the Information Needed Specify the Type of Interview Method Determine the Content of the Questionnaire

Step II: Prepare the Questionnaire Flow Decide on the Questionnaire Structure Decide on the Sequence of Questions

Step III: Decide on Questions Identify Question & Scales to be Used Identify How to Capture Non-Response 4


Questionnaire Design Process Step IV: Wording of Question

Step V: Production of Questionnaire Solve Form and Layout Problems Solve Pre and Post Production Problems

Step VI: PrePre-testing the Questionnaire

Step VII: Administer the Questionnaire 5

1: Identify the Constructs 

Specify the Information Needed • List down the specific information required & Identify what needs to be asked to get the specific information

Specify the Type of Interview Method • Study Type: Qualitative, Quantitative? • Survey Type: Telephone, Personal Interview, Mail • Respondent Type: Well educated person? kid?

Determine the content of the questionnaire • • • • •

Length Supporting aids Target Sample & Location of Interview Sampling procedure Coding & Analysis methodology 6


2: Prepare the Questionnaire Flow 

Identifying Questionnaire Structure • Unstructured Questionnaire • Structured Questionnaire

Identification of question flow in a Questionnaire • Sequencing – – – – – – –

Control Information Introduction Eligibility Questions Warm Up Questions Main Question body Classification Information Disengaging

• Routing • Skipping 7

3: Decide on the Questions 

Question Decisions • • • •

Who to Ask? - Audience What to Ask? - Content Where to Ask? - Place How to Ask? - Wording

Decision on Measurement Scales to be used

Controlling Non Response • The inability to provide meaningful and accurate responses Non Information Non-Articulation Non-Purpose

Non-Recollection Non-Context Sensitive Information

• Controlling Non-Response – – – –

Place sensitive topics at the end of survey Preface the question with a statement of purpose Ask questions using a third party / randomized technique Hide the sensitive questions 8


4: Wording of Questions 

Contd. … 2

Question wording can be defined as the translation of the desired question content and structure into words that the respondent can clearly and easily understand. Question wording is the most complex, critical and difficult task in designing a questionnaire ORG-MARG, Questionnaire Design Module

Errors due to Wording: • Item Non-Response: Error arising due to poor question wording and subsequent low quality response from the respondent • Response Error: Error arising due to divergence in interpretation of the question by the respondent and the interviewer


4. Typical Wording Issues

Contd. … 3

DEFINE THE ISSUES AS CLEARLY AS POSSIBLE Which brand of shampoo do you use? Which brand or brands of shampoos have you personally used at home during the last one month? In case of more than one brand, please list all the brands that apply? USE ORDINARY WORDS Do you think that the distribution of soft drink is adequate? Do you think that the soft drinks are readily available when you want to buy? USE UNAMBIGOUS WORDS In a typical month how often do you shop in departmental store? Never 1 Occasionally 2 Sometimes 3 Often 4 Regularly 5

In a typical month how often do you shop in departmental store? Less than once a month 1 1 or 2 times a month 2 3 or 4 times a month 3 5 times a month 4 More than 5 times a month5

AVOID NEGATION AND DOUBLE NEGATIVES Would you rather not use a non medicated shampoo? Would you prefer using a cosmetic shampoo?



4. Typical Wording Issues AVOID BIASING QUESTIONS Is Colgate your favorite brand of toothpaste? What is your favorite brand of toothpaste? AVOID IMPLICIT ALTERNATIVES Do you like to fly when travelling? Do you like to fly when travelling, or would you prefer driving? AVOID IMPLICIT ASSUMPTIONS Are you in favor of a balanced budget? Are you in favor of a balanced budget if it would result in an increase of your personal income? AVOID GENERALIASTION, ESTIMATION AND PREDICTION What is the annual per capita expenditure on groceries in your household? What is the weekly expenditure on groceries in your household? AND How many members are there in your household? AVOID ABSTRACTION AND VAGUE CONCEPTS Do you think that your house is the right sort of house for your family? DEVELOP AN INDEX TO ANSWER THE ABOVE QUESTION


5. Production & Layout 

Form & Layout Problems • Divide the questionnaire into several parts • Questions in each part to be numbered uniquely • The questionnaire should be pre-coded for data entry • Impact of previous questions on responses on the succeeding ones should be minimal Production Problems • Questionnaire should have a professional appearance • Booklet format should be used for long questionnaires • Tendency to overcrowd questions to make the questionnaire look small should be avoided • Instructions should be placed at the right question and should be placed close to the actual question 12


6. Pre-testing & Administering 

Pre-testing the Questionnaire • • • • • • •

Always Pre-test Test all aspects of the questionnaire Pre-test on the subset of actual respondent’s Follow the actual method of interview Employ extensive debriefing to identify problems Analyze the responses obtained from the pretest Pre-test after significant revision

Administering the questionnaire • Adopt questionnaire to specific cultural environment taking special care of language & KISS (Keep it Short & Simple) REMEMBER RESPONDENT IS YOUR GOD and therefore do not… …waste respondent’s time …intrude on to his privacy …bias the respondent …piggy-back the respondent …pressurize the respondent …bribe the respondent 13


THANK YOU “The doors of wisdom are never shut” Benjamin Franklin 14


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