Science of Tantra and Mah¢vidy¢ -By Arun Kumar Upadhyay, IPS, M.Sc., AIFC B-9, CB-9,Cantonment Road, Cuttack-753001 Phone-0671-2304172/2304433 Mob-09437034172 Email <
[email protected]> 1. ¡gama-Nigama-Pur¢´a-European scholars have declared vedas to be earliest Indian literature and tried to fix its dates subsequent to Egyptian or Sumerian records and thereby distorting geological and historical chronology. Different parts of veda, mantrabr¢hma´a (including ¢ra´yaka, upani¾ad) are inter-related, but they are assigned different periods. Veda is considered multi-god theory evolving into single god of upani¾ad era. But different forms are transforms of the same, so there is no concept of conversion in Hinduism. Even idols are temporary models for ontemplation, not to be preserved like holy-grail, or Hazarat-bal, nor nail or teeth of Buddha. Another view is that tantra is opposite to veda and is merely totem culture of illierate tribes all over the world. Pur¢´a is called bunch of stray stories compiled recently during Islamic rule. By knowing complementary nature, it will be clear that all three streams have the same origin-¢gama (tantra), nigama (veda) and pur¢´a. It is stated (1) that Brahm¢ was undone in the beginning as to how the creation is to be started. Then he recalled the procedure of previous era through pur¢´a and then created vedas. Method of contemplation, experiment, research and assimilation of facts is subject of tantra which is implied here without specific mention. Astronomical era is defined by a yuga of 43,20,000 years and a kalpa or day of Brahm¢ is equal to 1000 yuga. However, historic era is defined by period of precessional motion of earth’s axis which is 26,000 years (2). This is divided by 71 manu periods of 365 years each corresponding to 365 days in a solar year. Mathematical yuga of 24,000 years is formed by merging common part of apogee motion with precession. Its two halves of 12,000 years give pur¢´a yuga of 12,000 divya (solar) years and cycle of b¤ja-samsk¢ra (basic correction) of Brahmagupta and (3) Bh¢skara-II. Practical ayana yuga is of 21,600 years corresponding to 1’ minute of ayana motion calculated by Munj¢la, Bh¢skara-II etc. This is joint effect of apogee (mandocca) of earth’s orbit and precession of earth’s axis which causes glacial cycles (4). Counting 26,000 years yuga from 3102 BC at Kali start when veda was finalized (if 0 AD is counted, it is 3101 BC), Sv¢yambhuva Manu or Human Brahm¢ was in 29102 BC. Present form of veda, tantra was finalized at time of Vaivasvata Manu in 13,902 BC (10,800 years before start of Kali). It was disturbed and destroyed in great floods and was revived in 8576 BC from Ikºv¢ku’s rule, from which pur¢´a chronology of solar dynasty starts (5). Scientific civilization was again destroyed in Mah¢bh¢rata war in 3139 BC. Remnants of knowledge of tantra was preserved in text form during period of Gorakhn¢tha in 9th century AD. Prior to that, Bauddha and Jaina sects along witth vaidika tantras were in practice. 2. Vidy¢ and Mah¢vidy¢-Vidy¢ is ºruti (=hearing), i.e. perception from outside by ‘puru¾a’. ‘Mahar’ is surrounding of ‘pura’ (any structure, town) in which puru¾a dwells. Mah¢vidy¢ is, thus, perception by mahar or effect on it by actions of puru¾a. Original reference or Brahma is atharva (tharva=shaking, atharva=tranquil). From this, 3 steps of ºruti-(1) form of a body, (2) coming of information and (3) knowledge-give rise to 3 -1-
vedas-§k, Yaju, S¢ma. For creation as a whole-form, motion, field of influence (s¢ma) of body in which it can be perceived are-¨k, yajur, s¢ma. These are called-agni (condensed form or energy, fire), v¢yu (air, motion), and ravi (=sun, its field of light)-also. Vidy¢
Form motion Mah¢vidy¢
Mahar or Atharva Vidy¢-mah¢vidy¢ Steps of ºruti (6) Four meanings of root verb vid correspond to 4 vedas Element Veda Meaning of Vid Form §k Exist Motion Yaju Gain Knowledge S¢ma Know Background Atharva Consider Atharva is reference background or mahar for other three elements, so it is source of mah¢vidy¢ or tantra. Thus, tray¤ or 3-fold classification means 4 vedas including the original source. Atharva itself is divided into two parts in various ways(i) Par¢ and apar¢ vidy¢ (7)-These are also called vidy¢ and avidy¢ in short. Avidy¢ is classification of science, vidy¢ is unification. (ii) Agni (concentrated matter/energy within a boundary) soma (dispersed energy, rarified). This is also called rudra (ºiva) and ºakti, teja and rasa (8). Agni or anala is concentrated, so it cools down, it is called down going ºiva. Soma is upward going ºakti as it receives energy and temperature and goes up. (iii) Root word is ‘¢p’ subject to two creative currents. Bh¨gu pulls inwards and concentrates, A¬gir¢ radiates and spreads. These two currents have created 3 vedas out of Atharva (9). (iv) ¡¬girasa itself becomes of two types-ghora and atharva. Soma brightened by agni radiation is bh¢svara (bright) called ghora-a¬gir¢. Soma further away from radiation is diksoma called atharva-a¬gir¢. Both are mixed, so single ¢pah is called fourth devaloka (10). First 3 loka are are part of agni called agni-v¢yu-ravi. (v) Soma is anna or food. Agni consumes soma, so it is ann¢da (eater). Calm soma (atharva) is holding lokas divided into 3 and 7 that is male. Soma taking part in creation is female. Its tendency is towards calm state ºam. In micro-consciousness, they are two birds-¢tm¢ is detached (male), J¤va is involved in action (female) (11). They are Adam-Eve of Bible (Genesis, chapter1). 3. World Tree-World has 5 parvas or levels (12) which has given rise to 5 mah¢bh¦ta, 5 tanm¢tr¢, 5 pr¢´a etc. All the structures are called viºva which have 3 qualities-completeness (almost) whith boundary, and inner link which causes closed system (13). (1) First level-For man, limit of world (ko°i ) is earth, whose diameter is about 107 times the size of man. So, 107 is ko°i of man’s world, i.e. Bh¦-ma´²ala (earth sphere). -2-
(2) Second level-Extension of earth’s field contains moon orbit. This is Chandra or Soma ma´²ala (14). (3) Saura-ma´²ala is limit of world for earth. Bh¦mi (earth, creative base) of solar system is defined to be sphere around sun with diameter 1 lakh times sun diameter or 1 crore time earth’s. For that world, sun diameter is1 yojana, so bh¦mi of solar system has been called 1 lakh yojana fom sun (15). Influence of sun is perceptible in 100 times bigger sphere called dyu (sky) of sun. (4) Parame¾°h¤ ma´²ala is spherical system of galazy. This is the largest egg (a´²a) in the world or Brahma, so it is Brahm¢´²a. This is the extent to which sun’s rays can reach , i.e. parama-pada (extreme step) of Vi¾´u (16). This is 107 time saura ma´²ala, i.e. ko°i (limit, 107) for that. Its dense disc is called ¢k¢ºa-gang¢ (=river of sky). Its corona has mainly nutrinos and is creative field of this mah¢-Vi¾´u, called Goloka about 10 times large than galactic sphere. Since it does creation, it has been called K¦rma (=we do), Animal of that shape is also called k¦rma (tortoise). (5) Sv¢yambh¦va ma´²ala (self created) is the whole world. This is infinite, but it can be taken as 107 times parame¾°h¤ in the sequence. The interacting world taking part in creation is tapah-loka with radius of 432 x 107 light years, equal to day of Brahm¢. Visible world is 10th part of great Puru¾a (man) called Svayambh¦ (17). These 5 levels are successive images starting from Svayambh¦ (12). Chain of creation is inter-linked like a tree whose source or root is called upwards (18). In this inverted world tree, Svayambh¦ is Brahm¢ (12), Parame¾°h¤ is Vi¾´u (16), solar system is Indra, moon sphere is Soma and earth is Agni (19). All these worlds are first steps of concentration in their own field, so they are called agni -5 parva are5 agni -earth being the end product is Agni proper. Last 3 agni -sun, moon, fire (earth) are inter-mingled or n¢chiketa (chiketa =distinct or separate). They are called 3 eyes of ¹iva (20). World levels are named by first 5 letters of M¢heºvara s¦tra, svara letters indicate levels of sky (svar). Corresponding internal letters (antahstha) name image of the world in human beings (21). Each image is in direct and continuous link with the source world (22) and that is source of tantra action and mantra powers. Root image are seed (b¤ja) letters of human chakras, other letters are petals. For correspondance of man and world levels-chart of world tree is given on next 3 pages. It gives cosmic and human trees only, not the physical tree. In letter form, devan¢gar¤ script is link between man and world. In space, earth is measuring rod (23) and the measurement is exponential. Within earth, there are 3 layers called aharga´a, starting from center. 4th aharga´a is sphere of double the earth radius, 5th is 4 times and next are doubling at each step. Solar system dyu extends upto 33 aharga´a. Each zone of dyu has a deva as its pr¢´a (average energy level). 33 consonants are arrangement (nagara) of these devas in symbol form (24). So, it is devan¢gar¤ script. Adding 16 vowels, 49 aharga´a is size of galaxy., each zone is called a marut. Their scale is similar to deva but with center at galactic center, so they are brothers of deva. 33 aharga´a are grouped into stoma (block) of six aharga´a outside earth surface of 3rd aharga´a-- 9, 15, 21, 27, 33. Including middle aharga´a 17th, they are 6 zones or v¢k or va¾a°k¢ra (25). 9th aharga´a= 26 r = 64 radius of earth, where r=radius of earth. Moon is at 61r distance. -3-
World Tree Sphere
Diagram Devat¢ Element M¢heºvara s¦tra Letter Human Chakra 11 1012345678901234567890123456 particles Vowels Consonants (Creation order, 12345678901234567890123456 12345678901234567890123456 12345678901234567890123456 12345678901234567890123456 Svayambh¦ (antahstha) Saundarya lahar¤, 9) 12345678901234567890123456 12345678901234567890123456 12345678901234567890123456 12345678901234567890123456 12345678901234567890123456 (Self created, Brahm¢ ¡k¢ºa A h Viºuddhi 12345678901234567890123456 12345678901234567890123456 12345678901234567890123456 12345678901234567890123456 Whole world) 12345678901234567890123456 (Grand) 12345678901234567890123456 11 particles 10 123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234 Parame¾°h¤ (galaxy) 123456789012345678901234 Vi¾´u V¢yu I y An¢hata 123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234 (Brahm¢´²a,Goloka 123456789012345678901234 (Enclosure) 123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234 123456789012345678901234 ¢k¢ºagang¢) Saura Indra Teja U v Sv¢dhi¾°h¢na (Solar system) Sun (Indha= to burn) Ch¢ndra Soma Ap § r Ma´ip¦ra (Lunar orbit) Moon (Rare energy) Bh¦ (Earth)
Agni Bh¦mi μ (dense) (La´=land)
3 Eyes of ¹iva = sun + moon + agni = u + ¨ + ¶ =hulhuli , sound or Holi in word form. 5 Great spheres 1.Bh¦ 2.Chandra 3.Saura 4.Parame¾°h¤ 5.Svayambh¦ 7 Loka Bh¦ Bhuvar Svar Mahar Janah Tapah Satya 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Trilok¤s/¹akti Rodas¤ (K¢l¤ ) Krandas¤ (Lakºm¤) Sanyat¤ (Sarasvat¤ ) Samudra/water Ar´ava (mara) Sarasv¢n (Ap, ambha) Nabhasv¢n (rasa) Svarga Indra (Rudra ¹iva) Vi¾´u (Varu´a) Brahm¢ (Aºoka-mahima) Sixth sphere Man 6 7 small spheres 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Kalila J¤va Ku´²alin¤ Jagat Deva-d¢nava Pitar §¾i (cell) (atom) (nucleus) (particles) (Quark?) (proto-type) (string) 10-5meter 10-10m 10-15m 10-20m 10-25m 10-30m 10-35m ¹iva (calm) and rudra (intense) forms in time cycleDay-night Month Year Day of Brahm¢ Rudra Day Bright half ¹r¢va´a Dissolution (T¢´²ava) ¹iva Night Dark half F¢lguna Creation (L¢sya) For 13 spheres of world, ºiva-r¢tri is on completion of 13th date in dark half of ¹iva. 3 steps of Vi¾´u and great step-
Vis´u (attractor)
¹atarudr¤ya sahasrarudriya lakºarudriya Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 -4-
Ahargana 3 2
Distan ce of nth ahargana =r x 2 4th =2r
5th =4r
Rath antara sama 17 ah argan a
21 ahargana
Mo on 15 1 2
9 Earth Sun
Ven us o rb it Adit ya ratha o r w heel Saturn o rbit
Vair¦pa s¢ma Dyu
33 aharga´a 27 aharga´a
Maitreya ma´²ala 21 aharga´a Saturn Earth Sun
15th aharga´a = 212 r = upto 62% distance towards venus orbit. This is Bh¦-var¢ha, 100 yojana from sun (yojana=diameter of sun). On its body of 10 yojanas width lies the earth (V¢yu pur¢´a 6/12) 17th aharga´a=214 r . At 16.4 aharga´a, sun lies which is Praj¢pati or creator, so 17 is called Praj¢pati. It is 15th from earth’s surface, so earth day and kalpa are divided into 15. Distance of sun compared to earth is same as distance of Tapah loka from galaxy (as earth)in same ratio of 15 aharga´as. 21st aharga´a =218 r. This sphere just crosses saturn orbit called ratha (25) of sun. So, it is called rathantara-s¢ma. Upto this region, sun rays, sustain life, so it is center of N¢chiketa svarga, extending 4 aharga´a on each side-17th (sun) to 25th. 27th aharga´a -This is 24th aharaga´a from earth’s surface. 24 is g¢yatr¤, for sun it is s¢vitr¤ or Maitreya ma´²ala or bh¦mi. Earth is g¢yatr¤ as it is 224 =107 times size of man. 224 times again is bh¦mi (creative zone of earth =s¢vitr¤). Largest earth, galaxy is again 224 times, called sarasvat¤. Largest field is always the same, so it is sanyat¤. 33rd aharga´a is dyu of solar system. Till that light of sun is more than average of galaxy. Letters on petals of human body correspond to structure of world (26)M¦l¢dh¢ra-4 letters-4 aharga´a includes atmosphere of earth. This chakra is earth element. Sv¢dhi¾°h¢na-6 letter-Moon is 6 aharga´a from earth (9th). (4+6) =10 aharga´a zone includes orbit of moon with water element. Ma´ip¦ra-10 letters-Total of 20 letters is ratha of sun. 21st crosses it. So, this is zone of sun or fire. An¢hata-12 letters-Total of 32 letters between bh¦ and dyu (33) of sun. This is centre of dyu, so it is air element. At this distance, sun is like a lamp (27). Viºuddhi-16 letters-48 letters-Just within galaxy-sky element. ¡j®¢-2 letters-Outer zone of galaxy-mana-creative field of galaxy starts here. Actually, it is 10 times size of galaxy, i.e. 3 aharga´a more, called kºetraj®a. So, 3 joint letters are added at end of 49 letters of devan¢gar¤-kºa, tra, j®a. 4. Ten Dimensios-5 mah¢bh¦ta of s¢nkhya have 5 tanm¢tr¢ (5 basic units of measure in physics), combination 5 x5 (prapa®cha) gives 25 elements of s¢nkhya.This describes 5 dimensional mechanical space which has distinct forms. Parallel to it, there are 5 indistinct dimensions, making a total of 10 dimensions. This separation of 5+5 dimensions may be formed as (i) metric-local, (ii) quantum-field, (iii) digital-analogue, etc. 10 dimensions have come from 3 dimensional space (¢k¢ºa) due to 3 fold action of Vi¾´u3 dimensions of measure (pada) of boundary of forms, 3 dimensions of field of influence (vikrama) (28). One undisturbed element is rasa, the 10th dimension. The ten dimensions may be termed as (28)0-Zero volume element, called chit (point). 1-Line element, measure and ratio, dy/dx etc. 2-Area element, boundary surface, ºarman (charma=skin), p¨¾°ha (surface, face). 3-Volume, ¢yu or ¢yatana, ghana (cube). 4-Matter element caused by expansion of universe, 4 headed Brahm¢ (B¨mh=to grow) 5-Time element-cyclic changes give janya k¢la or measured time, irreversiblr change causes death or nitya k¢la. Both are 5 headed mah¢-k¢la ¹iva. -7-
6-Chetan¢ is agency causing chayana (organization). Mechanical world left to itself will dis-integrate due to entropy. This element is divided into 5 forms. First is intelligence, memory, perception due to which various forms are re-duplicated. This is 6 headed Skanda-incarnation of Vi¾´u. Skanna means to fall, creating replica models called sarva-huta yaj®a, i.e. all (sarva) merge to combine the complete or its replica. This form of creator is V¨¾¢-kapi, who drinks (piba=pi) the ka (spread matter called water) and rains (var¾¢) the forms. Thus the animal monkey having tendency to copy man (nara) is called kapi (copy) or v¢nara. 7- §¾i (string) is the force line between two bodies. This is of 7 types for 7 lokas. For 4 higher spheres or 4 measured lower levels-4 measured forces exist in physics. Other 3 are for 3 intermediate (antarikºa) higher lokas or 3 lower lokas which are not measurable. They may be termed as ¢ditya of 3 antarikºa-Aryam¢, Varu´a, Mitra. Or 3 properties of relatedness, anti-symmetry and symmetry. 8-N¢ga-This is V¨tra, ahi, or gaja-each indicating number 8. This is curling force creating boundary. 9-Randhra or nanda mean number 9. This is difference inlevels across aboundary. Due to difference, dissipation or death occurs which leads to new forms. Randhra means hole or deficit. Nanda is gradation in levels-in govt, 9th from below is nanda, 10th is king. 10-Rasa or ¢nanda. This is scalar field present everywhere. Implications of 10 dimensions(1) 5 spheres higher than man upto Svayambh¦ are successively 107 times higher. 7 viºvas smaller than man are successively (29) smaller by 105. Thus, there is a cross symmetry in number of levels and ratios in powers of 10 in each direction. (2) For 11 rudra, each world is broken up (rudra=which breaks, weeps) in 1011 particle world. Thus, universe has 1011 galaxies, our galaxy has 1011 stars and human brain has 1011 nurons. So, 1011 is called kharva (powder, particle form). Countable form is Ga´eºa (ga´an¢=counting), he is called kharva. (3) Branches of veda are based on 10 dimensions. §k has 10 forms +10 vacant spaces+1 formless=21 branches. Yajur has 10 forms x 10 types of change + 1 unchanging = 101 branches. S¢ma has 10 forms x 10 changes x 10 effects = 1000 branches. S¢ma is 1000 times the body (30) which is 13 in aharga´a scale (10 outer and 3 inner) , 210=1000. So, s¢ma-veda in word form has 13 branches. (4) For 13 branches of s¢ma in v¢k (aharga´a) form, counting one formless Brahma, there are 14 types of bhuvana or bh¦ta sarga (living forms) as per s¢nkhya. Viºva indicates number 13 in astronomy. Mah¢vidy¢- Due to 10 dimensional nature of world, there are 10 mah¢vidy¢. Pur¢´a tells a story that ¹iva wanted to move in different directions causing his 5 heads. For each direction, two forms of Durg¢ obstructed him from both sides creating 10 mah¢vidy¢. Thus, the mah¢vidy¢s, are (31) in two groups of 5 each-one group is positive, the other obstructs. Positive Negative 1. T¢r¢ K¢l¤ 2. Tripur¢ Bhairav¤ 3. Kamal¢ Dh¦m¢vat¤ 4. Bhuvaneºvar¤ Chhinnamast¢ 5. M¢tang¤ Bagal¢mukh¤ -8-
The five pairs are-1. T¢r¢ is white, bright. K¢l¤ is black, dark. 2. Tripur¢ has two forms-Sundar¤ (mild) form is Tripur¢ itself, terrible form is Tripura-bhairav¤ or Bhairav¤. 3. Kamal¢ Dh¦m¢vat¤ (i) Husband is Sad¢ºiva Vi¾´u. Widow. (ii) Steady wealth. Flickering, wicked. (iii) Young. Old. (iv) Golden, beautiful. Smoky, matted hair, ugly. (vi) Health, wealth. Dicease, famine. (vii) Rohi´¤ star (rising) Jye¾°h¢ star (declining) (viii) Gods-Indra, Lakºm¤, Kubera. Asura-Varu´a, alakºm¤, Yama. 4. Bhuvaneºvar¤ creates bhuvana (living and non-living beings), Chhinnamast¢ cuts them. 5. M¢tang¤ gives speech out of mouth, Bagal¢mukh¤ is valg¢ (obstruction) to mouth (mukha). Ten mah¢vidy¢ are parallel to 10 dimensions1. T¢r¢-Point T¢r¢ gives a line of direction. 2. Bhairav¤ -Terrible face or surface of 2 dimensions. 3. Tripur¢ -3 dimensional space. 4. Bhuvaneºvar¤ -Creator of bhuvanas, complementary to Brahm¢. 5. K¢l¤ - Stops k¢la. K¢la is felt by change. When all change is dissolved, time also stops. 6. Kamal¢ is wife of Vi¾´u-6th dimension. 7. Bagal¢mukh¤-Valg¢, ¨¾i-both are strings; one stops, the other links. 8. M¢tang¤-It means gaja (elephant). While V¨tra bounds in a limit, M¢tang¤ is difficult to restrict (v¢ra´a=to stop, elephant). 9. Chhinnamast¢-Chhinna i.e. cutting creats randhra (hole). 10. Dh¦m¢vat¤ -10th dimension is all pervading and so obscure. 5. Outer and inner worldsCorresponding to world structures, forms of 10 mah¢vidy¢ are1. K¢l¤ -Parame¾°h¤ particles are embedded in Svayambh¦ floating freely. 2. T¢r¢ -Star (t¢r¢) particles in galaxy (parame¾°h¤). 3. Tripur¢ (½o²aº¤ = of 16 organs)-It is yaj®a or sustenance of life with suns energy. creating 16 kal¢ (¾o²aº¤ ) of puru¾a. 4. Bhuvaneºvar¤ - Krandas¤ and rodas¤ trilok¤s with sun in middle. 5. Chhinnamast¢ -Life energy radiated from sun. 6. Bhairav¤ -Energy consumed in creation. 7. Dh¦m¢vat¤ - Unused energy. 8. Bagal¢mukh¤ - Obstruction by earth. 9. M¢tang¤ -Dark side of earth, opposit to sun. 10. Kamal¢ - Creation on earth. Within chakras of human body, the mah¢vidy¢s are1. K¢l¤-This is ku´²alin¤ sleeping in m¦l¢dh¢ra. 2. T¢r¢-Second chakra sv¢dhi¾°h¢na is ocean containing moon and stars. That is zone of R¢kin¤ and center of paºyant¤ v¢k, so it is T¢r¢. Mantra of R¢kin¤ is ‘ram’ (as per saundaryalahar¤, it is ma´ip¦ra (21) with b¤ja ‘ram’ ). In word form R¢ma is t¢raka mantra (t¢r¢). -9-
3. Tripur¢-Sundar¤ resides in sahasr¢ra at crown of head. Here, Dev¤ roams(21) like moon of 16 kal¢. This is surrounded by sudh¢-sindhu, i.e. ocean of nectar. 4. Bhuvaneºvar¤ - Seed mantra is ‘Hr¤m’ meaning heart. As per Dev¤-bh¢gavata pur¢´a (9/ 38, summary in Saundarya lahar¤, 8), it sits on seat of Chint¢ma´i (wish jewel) under kalpav¨kºa (wish tree). Both are just below an¢hata in heart center. 5. Tripur¢-Bhairav¤ is intense fire. That is awakened stage of ku´²alin¤ in m¦l¢dh¢ra. 6. Chhinnamast¢ resides in ¢j®¢ chakra behind eyebrow-center. Here, 3 na²¤s (channels)I²¢, pingal¢ and su¾umn¢-meet. Pr¢´a energy of ku´²alin¤ flows through them. 7. Dh¦m¢vat¤ is m¦l¢dh¢ra region surrounding dh¦ma (smoke) linga. 8. Bagal¢mukh¤ resides in viºuddhi region in throat. By doing J¢landdhara bandha (blocking of net of lungs or j¢la). Pr¢´¢y¢ma (breath control) is done. This does the function of Bagal¢mukh¤ of controlling breath and speech. 9. M¢tang¤-Bagalamukh¤ is lock at lower end of viºuddhi. M¢tang¤ is at upper end through which vaikhar¤ (expressed words) comes out. Thus, four forms of v¢k (sound, speech) areV¢k Meaning Mah¢vidy¢ Chakra Par¢ =Point origin of thought Tripura bhairavi M¦l¢dh¢ra Paºyant¤ =visible thought, perceived T ¢r¢ Sv¢dhi¾°h¢na Madhyam¢ =Formation in words Kamal¢ Ma´ip¦ra Vaikhar¤ =Words actually spoken or written M¢tang¤ Viºuddhi 10. Kamal¢-This is on kamala (lotus) of navel, i.e. ma´ip¦ra chakra. This arises upwards from water of sv¢dhi¾°h¢na. Three and ten formsThree dimensions of space develope into ten dimensional world. Ten ºaiva-¢gama arise from combination of 3 of 5 ¹iva heads as per M¢lin¤-vijayottara tantra-Three heads of ¹iva can be named a, b, c. Their combination gives 10 formsa, b, c, ab, bc, ca, ba, cb, ac, abc. Similarly, 3 aspect of prak¨ti-j®¢na, bala, kriy¢-give rise to 10 incarnations of Vi¾´u. Three gu´as of prak¨ti are- satva, rajas, tamas-mentioned as 3 clours-red, white, blackcalled Lakºm¤, Sarasvat¤ and K¢l¤ -respectively. These correspond to 3 trilok¤s. One formless Par¢-ºakti, makes 4 dh¢ma along with these three. Correspondingly, there are 4 dh¢mas in human body and in India. For 52 letters on all petals, there are 52 ºakti-p¤°ha. Formless world is Avyakta linga, Ekalinga, or Lingar¢ja. These dh¢mas create 3 fold linga. Final creation forms are affected by 12 ¢ditya corresponding to 12 light (jyoti ) lingas. Thus, we have Ekalinga at Chittor (Rajsthan) or Lingar¢ja at Bhubaneswar (Orissa), Trilinga (Telangana in Andhra Pradesh) or Trigartta in Himachal Pradesh. Chakra P¤°ha Linga Geography M¦l¢dh¢ra K¢mar¦pa Svayambh¦ Gauh¢°¤ (Assam-BrahmadesÁa) Ma´ip¦ra U²²¤y¢na --------Jajpur in Orissa An¢hata P¦r´agiri B¢´a P¦r´a in Mah¢r¢¾°ra Viºuddhi J¢landhara ---------Jalandhara in Punjab ¡j®¢ (U²²¤y¢na) Itar¢khya -------------Sahasr¢ra ---------Ekalinga ------------Thus, east zone of India-Bengal Asam is region of K¢l¤, Mah¢r¢¾°ra of Lakºm¤-above -10-
Jalandhara (Vai¾´o Dev¤ ) or below P¦r´¢ (Mah¢lakºm¤ at Kolhapur). ¹¨ngeri, ¹¢rad¢-p¤°ha of Dw¢rak¢ are places of Sarasvat¤. 6. Vedic Description of Mah¢vidy¢s (36) 1. K¢l¤ is described as r¢tri (night), all pervading. 2. T¢r¢ is called Gaur¤ v¢k, dividing salila (uniform water like spread) into 1, 2, 4, 8, 9 parts. This is origin of v¢k (paºyant¤ ) holds marut (zones of galaxy). 3. Tripura sundar¤ is child of Gaur¤ v¢k or light ray. 4. Bhuvaneºvar¤ is Aditi which contains all dyu (sky), antarikºa (intermediate space), mother, son, viºvedeva, pa®chajana. 5. Tripura Bhairav¤ is j¢ta-vedasa (agni). 6. Chhinnamast¢ as vajra-vairochan¤y¢ is power of Indra. As Indra is V¨ddhaºrav¢ (grown reputation, old), his wife Indr¢´¤ is Chhinnamast¢ and is called old lady (Pur¢-n¢r¤ ). 7. Dh¦m¢vat¤ is called ni¨¨iti (lack of wealth). 8. Bagal¢mukh¤ is k¨ty¢ of the Atharva veda. B¨haddiva, son of Atharva´a invokes her as destroyer of enemies. 9. M¢tang¤ is goddess of music and expressed knowledge. She has been worshipped as sarasvat¤. 10. Kamal¢ is the physical wealth on earth grown by life force of the Sun (s¢vitr¤). 7. Ten aspects of mantraAny collection of letters is a mantra and it can be used for some effect. Its desired result is viniyoga and there are 3 fold 3 aspects giving it power. Vedic mantra has ¨¾i, devat¢, chhanda. T¢ntrika mantra has in addition b¤ja, ºakti and k¤laka. First is physical form, second is action. Knowledge of action mechanism needs 4 more aspects given in Durg¢-saptaºat¤-Kavacha, argal¢, tattva, and veda form. 1. §¾i-§¾i is link between two objects or elements. ¡dhidaivika form is force between two bodies. Interlink in space is at speed of light, so stars as light sources are ¨¾i (¢dhijyoti¾a). ¡dhibhautika ¨¾i were human beings who understood the link meaning in 3 levels of world in a particular context. Within human body, ¨¾i is nerve links, specially cross connections between two hemi-spheres of brain. 2. Devat¢-Various levels of energy density in space are according to aharga´a zones. Their physical forms are location of planets and star groups in a particular direction which creates desired effects. Within human body, devat¢ is part of body, brain or chakra (physically nerve junctions) in su¾umn¢ which do the function of a devat¢. According to their function, human model is made. For example, Indra is all pervading radiation in space, world emperor on earth and human organs of sense or action. 3. Chhanda-Chhanda is measure of space as explained earlier. Each aharga´a (or linear scale of sahasra) corresponds to a letter of alphabet. Limited group of letters is chhanda in word form. Physical form is partition of space due to vibration waves of sound, light etc. and related harmony. 4. Viniyoga (purpose)-This decides the above three. Knowledge and capability of human ¨¾i and the nature of devat¢ selects the viniyoga. Thought is expressed in small groups of letters (chhanda) if it is simple. Complex thoughts need bigger chhanda. 5. Kavacha- This is by 9 Durg¢ correspondingto 9 randhra (holes).As a dimension, it is -11-
deficiency compared to surrounding, kavacha prevents destruction of that aspect. Physically, they are openings in physical boundary of pura (structure). In a town (pura), it is the gates of a fort. Fort is of nine types including various types of obstructions like hill, wall, water, fire. Protection at each opening is a kavacha. 6. Argal¢-Argal¢ is door or valve which regulates the exchange of matter, energy across the pura boundary. Physically, it means a door, the input is based on our desire demand. 7. K¤laka (=key+lock)-This is mechanism to close and open door. This is physical obstruction (lock) to many achievements. Knowledge of procedures removes the obstruction. Preceptor ¹iva as source of perception is k¤laka. 8. Tattva -Physical components of pura and its surroundings and their nature. 9. B¤ja - Reason of a particular action or result. 10. ¹akti -Source of energy, capability to receive energy and to use it. 11. Veda-Veda is structure of world form, motion and field of influence of each structure. Yaj®a is process of dynamic change or creation. 8. Six fold division-Six fold division of darºana (philosophy) and alphabet (darºa-v¢k) is due to 5 parva and one continuous link. Or, it is due to 6 lokas created from (38) one formless satya loka. 5 dimensions give complete picture of mechanical world, other complete views are upto 10 dimensions. So, alphabets for 5 to 10 dimensions have number of letters as 52, 62, 72, 82, (8+9)2, 103 to104. These are explained in separate articles. Tantra division is due to 6 views1. ¹aiva- Wew see world in a puru¾a form or perceive the structure of various pura levels. Pura is only one fourth of the world. This is perception based. 2. ¹akti -This is world in ¹r¤ (source=º¤r¾a or ºr¤ =female) form, i.e. source field of creation. By this, we understand action of 3 gu´as in form of K¢l¤, Lakºm¤ and Sarasvat¤ and further transforms. The fourth part, par¢-ºakti is unknown. This is action based as explained in meaning of mah¢vidy¢. 3. Saura-The sun is the source of energy, creation of energy and its use are saura tantra. Motor car is a physical example. 4. Vai¾´ava-This is chayana or action of chetan¢ in desired order. Physically, this is organization of society, family with various institutes, practices. This is called chayana yaj®a. Due to chayana of agni (matter blocks) and further chayana of blocks, various structures are formed. 5. G¢´patya-Managementof system as collections of individual units which are countable (ga´an¢ =to count). Physically, it is the head of ga´atantra (democracy). Mah¢-ga´apati is galaxy with 1011 (kharva) stars as its particles. Ucchhist Ga´apati is visible world with kharva galaxies out of which the world has been formed (ucchi¾°a =remaining source material, left over food). Human image is brain with kharva nurons. 6. Avaidika- The vedas assume inter-link of whole universe finally based on a single supreme element. Non-vaidika tantras are not concerned with the whole world as a conscious being, they manage the work with smaller levels or local surroundings. They follow a particular human originator. ********* -12-
References (1) nwamU§ gd© emñÌmUm§ àW_§ ~«÷Um ñ_¥V_²Ÿ& AZÝVa§ M dŠÌoä`mo doXmñVñ` {d{ZJ©Vm:Ÿ&(dm`w nw. 1/61, _Ëñ` nw. 53/3) (2) One yuga of 26,000 years has 71 Manu periods. This is precessional period of earth axis according to modern astronomy. Brahm¢´²a pur¢´a gives this scalefS²>qde{V ghòm{U dfm©{U _mZwfm{Z Vw, dfm©Um§ `wJ§ ko`_²..(~«÷mÊS> nwamU 1/2/29/19) g d¡ ñdm`å^wd: nyd©: nwéf: _ZwéÀ`VoŸ& Vñ` EH$gßV{V `wJ§ _ÝdÝVa{_hmoÀ`Vo (~«÷mÊS .nw.1/2/9/36,37) i.e. Sv¢yambhuva Manu was 71 yugas=26,000 years before start of Kali (when it was written) 71x 365.25 (days in solar year) = 25,933 years or, 72 x 360=25,920 years (72 yugas in a Manu as per ¡ryabha°a) (3) Yuga of 12,000 divya years is given in all pur¢´as and astronommyy texts. B¤ja correction in cycle of 12,000 years is described by Brahmagupta and Bh¢skara-II. Bh¢skara has mentioned ¢gama (old tradition) as its source. Increase or decrease of corrections is in periods of 6,000 years equal to a quadrant of 24,000 year yuga. In astronomy, Divya year means 360 solar years. But in history, V¢yu pur¢´a takes divya year as solar year compared to 12 lunar revolutions (sidereal in 27.3 days each) as m¢nu¾a (human) year. Sun is source of light and moon controls mind, so their year measures are divya (bright) and human. In these measures, sapta¾i year is stated of 2700 divya years (V¢yu 99/419) or of 3030 m¢nu¾a years (V¢yu 57/ 17, Brahm¢´²a 1/2/29/16). I I ImH©$(12000) öVmãXoä`mo JVJå`mënm: I-eyÝ`-`_b (200) öVm:Ÿ& bãY§ {Ì (3) gm`H§$ (5) hV§ H$bm{^ê$Zm¡ gXm@H}$ÝXyŸ&&59Ÿ&& e{edV² Or do {Û (2) hV§ MÝÐmoÀMo {V{W (15) hV§ Vw {gVerK«oŸ& Ûrfw (52) hV§ M ~wYmoÀMo, {Û(2) Hw$ (1) doX hV§ M nmV Hw$Oe{ZfwŸ&&60Ÿ&& (~«÷JwßV H$m ~«m÷ñ\w$Q> {gÕmÝV, gwYmH$a {ÛdoXr g§ñH$aU,1902, _Ü`_m{YH$ma) Im^«ImH£$ (12000) öVm: H$ën`mVm: g_m: eofH§$ ^mJhmamV² n¥WH²$ nmV`oV²Ÿ& `Îm`moaënH§$ VV² {ÛeË`m (200) ^OopëbpßVH$mÚ§ VV² {Ì{^: gm`H¡$: (5) Ÿ&& nÄM (5) nÄM^y{_: (15) H$am(2) ä`m§ hV§ ^mZwMÝÐoÁ`ewH«o$ÝXwVw“oîd¥U_²Ÿ& BÝXwZm (1) Xò~mU¡: (52) H$am (2) ä`m§ H¥$V¡^m£_gm¡å`oÝXw nmV{H©$fw ñd§ H«$_mV²Ÿ&& (^mñH$amMm`©-2 H$m {gÕmÝV {eamo_{U, ^yn[a{Y-7,8) ñdmonk ^mî`-AÌmonbpãYaod dmgZmŸ& `Ûf© gh òfQ²>H§$ `mdXwnM`ñVVmo@ nM` BË`ÌmJ_ Ed à_mU§, ZmÝ`V² H$maU§ dºw§$ eŠ`V-BË`W©:Ÿ& S¦rya-siddh¢nta, Tripraºn¢dhik¢ra (9,10) mentions 270 oscillation in 1800 years, which also amounts to 3600 rotation in 24,000 years. (4) Glaciation is due to two astronomical effects-When earth’s north pole is inclined away from sun, this is cold. When this is combined with apogee, i.e. farthest position in orbit, glaciation sets in northern hemisphere having major land mass. Rotation of earth’s axis is in 26,000 years in negative direction. Apogee rotation is in 1,00,000 years in positive direction. Net rotation period T in negative direction is given by 1/T=1/26000+1/100000, or T = 21,600 years. This speed of ayana motion is 1’ minute per year taken by Munj¢la in his Laghu-m¢nasa, followed by Bh¢skara-II. (5) Sv¢yambhuva Manu was 26,000 years before start of Kali as per note (2). Vaivasvata Manu was 43 yugas after him. Here, 1 yuga =1 divya yuga of 360 years. MËdm[a¨eV² Ì`íM¡d^{dVmñVo _hmË_Z:Ÿ& Ad{eîQ>§ `wJm»`mVo VVmo d¡dñdVmo ø`_²Ÿ& (_Ëñ` nwamU 129/77) AîQ>mqde{V g_m»`mVmJVm d¡dñdVo@ÝVaoŸ&(_Ëñ` nwamU 129/76) -13-
Mathematically, kali started with conjunction of 7 planets in Me¾a at 2 hours 27 minutes 30 seconds on 20-2-3102 BC. Civil calender started on 17/18-2-3102 BC, Ujjain midnight. (6) §k, yajur, s¢ma are form, motion and fieldF$½ä`mo OmVm§ gd©emo _y{Îm©_mhþ:, gdm© J{V`m©Owfr h¡d eídV²Ÿ& gdª VoO§ gm_ê$ß`§ h eídV², gdª ho X§ ~«÷Um h¡d g¥îQ>_²Ÿ&&(V¡{Îmar` ~«m÷U 3/12/8/1) These are also called agni, v¢yu, raviAp½Z dm`w a{dä`ñVw Ì`§ ~«÷ gZmVZ_²Ÿ& XwXmoh `k{gÕçW©_¥½`Ow: gm_bjU_²Ÿ& (_Zwñ_¥{V 1/23) In both the above, eternal Brahma is Atharva. Corresponding 4 meanings of root verb Vid is in P¢´ini’s dh¢tup¢°ha (listt of verbs by P¢´ini)Existence-{dX² gÎmm`m_² (nm{UZr` YmVwnmR> 4/60), Motion (gain)-{dX²b¥ bm^o (6/141), Knowledge-{dX² kmZo (2/57), Background of two types-to consider {dX² {dMmaUo (7/13) Place of consciousness MoVZm»`mZ {Zdmgofw (10/177) Atharva and ghora ¢ngirasa. (7) At first, Atharva veda was divided into par¢, apar¢ vidy¢› ~«÷m XodmZm§ àW_§ gå~^yd, {dídñ` H$Îmm© ^wdZñ` JmoßVmŸ& g ~«÷{dÚm gd©{dÚm à{VîR>m_Wdm©` Á`oîR> nwÌm` àmhŸ&&1Ÿ&& Ûo {dÚo do{XVì`o, B{V h ñ_ `X² ~«÷{dXmo dXpÝV nam M¡d Anam MŸ(4) VÌmnam F$½doXmo, `Owd}X: gm_doXmo, AWd©doX:, {ejm, H$ënmo, ì`mH$aU§, {Z麧$, N>ÝXmo, O`mo{Vf{_{VŸ& AW nam ``m VXja_{YJå`Vo (5)-(_wÊS>H$mon{ZfX² 1/1) Thus, apar¢ is classification, par¢ leads to unity (Akºara). Thus, apar¢ or classification is science-technology and par¢ is intellect_mojo Yrkm©Z_Ý`Ì {dkmZ§ {eënemñÌ`mo:Ÿ& (A_aH$mof 1/5/6) (8) B¨had-J¢b¢la-upani¾ad explains agni-soma, ºiva-ºakti, or teja-rasaAp½ZamMjVo am¡Ðr Kmoam `m V¡Ogr VZw:Ÿ& gmo_eº$çm@_¥V_`: gmo_e{º$H$ar VZw:Ÿ&&1Ÿ&& A_¥V§ `V² à{VîR>m gm VoOmo{dÚmH$bm ñd`_²Ÿ& ñWybgyú_ofw ^yVofw g Ed ag V¡OgrŸ&&2Ÿ&& {Û{dYm V¡Ogmo d¥{Îm: gyæ`m©Ë_m MmZbmpË_H$mŸ& VW¡d age{º$íM gmo_mË_m MmZbmpË_H$mŸŸ&&3Ÿ&& d¡ÚwXm{X_`§ VoOmo _Ywam{X_`mo ag:Ÿ& VoOmo ag {d^oX¡ñVw d¥V_oVÀMamMa_²Ÿ&&4Ÿ&& A½Zoa_¥V{Zîn{Îma_¥VoZmp½ZaoYVoŸ&Ÿ AVEd h{d: Šb¥ßV “_½Zrfmo_mË_H§$ OJV²Ÿ”&&5Ÿ&& D$Üd©e{º$_`: gmo_-AY: e{º$_`mo@Zb:Ÿ& Vmä`m§ gånw{Q>V§ Vñ_mÀN>ídX² {díd{_X§ OJV²Ÿ&&6Ÿ&& A½Zoê$Üdª ^dË`ofm (e{º$:) `mdV² gm¡å`§ nam_¥V_²Ÿ& `mdX½Ý`mË_H§$ gm¡å`__¥V§ {dg¥OË`Y:Ÿ&&7Ÿ&& AVEd {h H$mbmp½ZaYñVÀN>{º$ê$Üd©JmŸ& `mdXmXhZíMmoÜd©_YñVmV² nmdZ§ ^doV²Ÿ&&8Ÿ&& AmYma eŠË`mdY¥V: H$mbmp½Za`_yÜd©J:Ÿ& VW¡d {ZåZJ: gmo_: {ede{º$nXmñnX:Ÿ&&9Ÿ&& V{XËW§ {ede{º$ä`m§ Zmì`mßV{_h {H$ÄMZŸ&&10Ÿ&& (9) ¡p of two forms Bh¨gu-Angir¢ has created 3 vedasAmnmo ^¥½d{“amoê$n_mnmo z^¥½d{“amo_`_²Ÿ& gd©_mnmo_`§ ^yV§ gdª ^¥½d{“amo_`_²Ÿ& AÝVa¡Vo Ì`mo doXm ^¥JyZ{“agmo@ZwJm:Ÿ&& (JmonW ~«m÷U nyd© 2/69) (10) ¡p is 4th loka after 3 layers of agniApñV d¡ MVwWm} XodbmoH$: Amn:Ÿ& (H$m¡frV{H$ ~«m÷U Cn{ZfX² 18/2) ¡p is subject to two opposing forces-Indra (indha=to burn), i.e. angir¢ (radiation), and Vi¾´u (to vest in), i.e. action of Bh¨gu (feet of Bh¨gu falls on Vi¾´u=sun) or attractionBÝÐíM {dîUy `Xnñn¥YoWm§ ÌoYm ghò§ {dVX¡a`oWm_²Ÿ& (F$H²$ 6/69/8) Atharva-¢ngirasa is used for protection and punishmentlwVr aWdm©{“agr Hw$`m©{XË` {dMma`Z²Ÿ& dmH²$ emņ̃ d¡ ~«m÷Uñ` VoZ hÝ`mXar Z² {ÛO:Ÿ& (_Zwñ_¥{V 11/33) (11) One bird (supar´a) entered the ocean (¢p ), by transformation (p¢ka) in mother field of ¢p, the worlds were created. The bird and earth loved each other. In Andhra Pradesh having largest cultivation in coastal India farmers are called Reddy, as they love (reddy) the land. -14-
EH$; gwnU©: g g_wÐ_m{ddoe g BX§ {díd§ (ear a§) ^wdZ§ {dMîQ>oŸ& V§ nmHo$Z _Zgm@ní`_pÝVVñV§ _mVm aopùh g C aopùh _mVa_²Ÿ&& (F$H²$ 10/114/3, EoVao` AmaÊ`H$ 3/6) Observer and active forms of that bird are ¢tm¢ and j¤vaÛm gwnUm© g`wOm gIm`m g_mZ§ d¥j§ n[afñdOmVoŸ& V`moaÝ`: {nßnb§ ñdmXw-A{Îm, AZíZZ² AÝ`mo A{^MmH$er{VŸ& (F$H²$ 1/164/20, AWd© 9/9/20, ídoVmídVa Cn{ZfX² 4/6, _wÊS>H$ Cn. 3/1/1) Unattached observer is aja (male) and creative form is aj¢ (female)AOm_oH$m§ bmo{hV ewŠb H¥$îUm§ ~ˆr: àOm: g¥O_mZm: gê$nm:Ÿ& AOmo øoH$mo Owf_mUmo@ZweoVo, OhmË`oZm§ ^wº$^moJm_Omo@Ý`:Ÿ& (ídoVmídVa Cn{ZfX² 4/5) (12) 5 nodes (parva) or stages of worldnÄMnmX {nVa§ ÛmXemH¥$qV {Xd: Amhþ: nao AY} nwar{fU_²Ÿ& AWo_o AÝ` Cnao {dMjU§ gßVMH«o$ fS>a Amhþa{n©V_²Ÿ& (F$H²$ 1/164/12) Here, great pura of Brahm¢´²a (galaxy) is called par¢-ardha, i.e. half of par¢ = 1017 yojana circumference. Here, yojana is a dh¢ma on earth surface of half degree on equator, equal to 55.5 Kms. These 5 parva have given 5 fold classificationsnÄMòmoVmo@å~w§ nÄM`moÝ`wJ«dH«$m§ nÄMàmUmo{_ª nÄM~wÕçm{X_yb_²Ÿ& nÄMmdÎmmª nÄMXw:Im¡KdoJm§ nÄMmeX²^oXm§ nÄMndm©_Yr_:Ÿ& (ídoVmídVa Cn{ZfX² 1/5) 5 levels started from Svayambh¦, being successive imagesg EojV àOmn{V: (ñd`å^y:) g_§ dm AmË_Z: à{V_m_g¥{jŸ& AmË_Zmo øoV§ à{V_m_g¥OVŸ& Vm dm EVm: àOmnVoa{YXodVm Ag¥Á`ÝV-1. Ap½Z: (VX²J{^©Vmo ^y{nÊS>íM), 2. BÝÐ: (VX²J{^©V: gy`©íM), 3. gmo_: (VX²J{^©VíMÝÐíM), 4. na_oîR>r, 5. àOmnË`: (ñdm`å^wd:)-eVnW ~«m÷U 11/6/1/12,13) Details of each are in-Svayambh¦ (¹atapatha Br¢hma´a 6/1/1/8), Parame¾°h¤ in v¢ri (water) or ¢p form (¹atapatha Br. 6/1/1/9,10), S¦rya (sun) in tray¤ (triple) form (11/6/1/1), Bh¦ma´²ala (earth sphere) in (6/1/2/4), Bh¦kºetra (field of earth) in (6/1/2/3), Chandrama´²ala (sphere containing moons orbit) in (6/1/2/4). (13) Viºva means sarva (complete). Its two root verbs are viº = to enter (dh¢tup¢°ha 6/133) and vi¾¶ = to pervade (3/13). Thus, ve¾°¢ (all pervading) is Vi¾´u. Even a small cell (kalila) is a viºva having these qualities(14) Earth diameter 12, 756 Km is given in all astronomy texts. Its 107 part is 1.27 meter size of man. Moon is about 61r from earth center, where r = earth radius. (15) Siddh¢nta-darpa´a (19/108-114) gives zones of heat, brightness, and light of sun extending till 2000, 105, and 25 x 105 times its diameter. Vi¾´u pur¢´a gives Maitreya ma´²ala bh¦mi (boundary) at 1 lakh yojana from sun. Here, yojana is diameter of sun. Diameter of moon orbit also is 1 lakh yojana, where yojana is earth yojana of 8 kms (diameter is 1600 yojana)^y_o`m}OZbjo Vw gm¡a§ _¡Ìo` _ÊS>b_²Ÿ& bjm{ÔdmH$añ`m{n _ÊS>b: e{eZ: pñWV_²Ÿ&& ({dîUw nwamU 2/7/5) For measure of Parame¾°h¤, whole maitreya ma´²ala is taken as 1 yojana, then Parame¾°h¤ is 107 yojana. Dyu of Sun is 107 (ko°i ) times the sunH$mo{Q> gy`© àH$me d¡^d§ g§H$me§ gy`m©H$me§ ^d{VŸ& (_ÊS>b ~«m÷Umon{ZfX² 2, AÛ`VmaH$mon{ZfX²) (16) Parame¾°h¤ is extreme step of Vi¾´u and is collection of suns (s¦ry¢h) and 107 times solar systemV{ÛîUmo: na_§ nX§ gXm ní`pÝV gya`:Ÿ& (F$H²$ 1/22/20) J_mJ_ñW§ J_Zm{XeyÝ`_mo‘>ma_oH§$ a{dH$mo{Q> XrßV_²Ÿ& (24) `Ý_Zmo {db`§ `m{V V{ÛîUmo: na_§ nX_²(25)-Ü`mZ{~ÝXyn{ZfX² S¦rya-siddh¢nta uses bha-yojana =27 bh¦yojana =216 kms. for steller measures. Its verse -15-
(12/80) defines brahm¢´²a as extent of reach of sun-rays and gives its circumference as 1.8 x 1016 bha-yojana, i.e. diameter of 105 light years. Brahm¢´²a is an egg (¢´²a) in Tapa lokagmo@`§ nwéf: àOmn{VaH$m_`V--g Vnmo AVß`V--g¡dmñ_¡ à{VîR>m A^dV²-VV AmÊS>§ (~«÷mÊS>§) g_dV©VŸ& (eVnW ~«m÷U 6/1/1/9,10) Its creative field is called K¦rmag `ËHy$_m} Zm_Ÿ& EVÛ¡ ê$n§ H¥$Ëdm àOmn{V: àOm Ag¥OVŸ& `Xg¥OV² AH$amoV² VV² `X² AH$amoV² Vñ_mV² Hy$_©:Ÿ& (eVnW ~«m÷U 7/5/1/5 ) Size of K¦rma is 1018 yojana, ºa¬ku =1013_mZoZ Vñ` Hy$_©ñ` H$W`m{_ à`ËZV:&7Ÿ& e‘>mo: eVghòm{U `moOZm{Z dnw: pñWV_²Ÿ& (Zan{VO`M`m©-Hy$_©MH«$) This is 1014 times earth size, so it is called ºakvar¤ (chhanda having 14 letters in 1 p¢da). It is in ºa¬ku (1013) unitse‘x> ^dË`•mo Y¥Ë`¡ `Ûm AY¥V§ e‘x>Zm VÔYmaŸ& (VmÊS>ç _hm~«m÷U 11/10/11) `{X_mZ² bmoH$mZ² àOmn{V: g¥îQ²>doX§ gd©_eŠZmoX² VV² eŠdarUm§ eŠdarËd_²Ÿ& (EoVao` ~«m÷U 5/7) Brahma-vaivartta pur¢´a, prak¨ti kha´²a, chapter 3 tells birth of Vir¢°a (great) child from Goloka. Creator being is called kºetraj®a in G¤t¢, chapter 13. (17) Day of Brahm¢ is kalpa of 432 crore years. Thus, sphere of that radius in light years is tapah loka of Brahm¢. This is 264 earth size, i.e. 64 ahar units from earth (63.5 to be exact), so Br¢hm¤ script has 63 or 64 letters as per P¢´ini ºikº¢. Puru¾a is 10 times bh¦mi (boundary of visible Uninverse).264 earth size=12 bilion light years, modern estimate 8 to 18 bilion LY. (18) In reply to question in §k (10/81/14), Taittir¤ya Br¢hma´a (2/8/9/6) tells that Brahma is that tree and forest from whose cuttings the world, earth, sky were formed~«÷ dZ§ ~«÷ g d¥j AmgrV² `Vmo Úmdm n¥{Wdr {ZîQ>Vjw:Ÿ& Its source is called up, branches are downD$Üd©_yb_Y: emI_ídËW§ àmhþaì``_²Ÿ& N>ÝXm§{g `ñ` nUm©{Z `ñV§ doX g doX{dV²Ÿ& (JrVm 15/1) Same is found in Ka°ha upani¾ad (2/3/1). While chain of creation is permanent like a tree, individual forms within a chhanda (boundary) are transient like leaves. (19) Indra is sun-Ef EdoÝÐ: ` Ef (gy`©:) Vn{VŸ& (eVnW ~«m÷U 2/3/4/12, 3/4/2/15) It burns (indha=to burn), so it is called Indra-Ef EdoÝÐñVmZof àmUmÝ_Ü`V BpÝÐ`oU¡ÝÕ, `X¡ÝÕ Vñ_m{XÝYŸ& BÝYmo h d¡ V{_ÝÐ BË`mMjVonamo@j_²Ÿ& (eVnW ~«m÷U 6/1/1/2) Soma is region of moon- gmo_mo amOm MÝÐ_m (eVnW ~«m÷U 10/4/2/1) Earth is agni- B`§ (n¥{Wdr) øp½Z: (eVnW ~«m÷U 6/1/2/14) This was created first (agri = leader, first), so it is agni (similarity of letters)VÛm@EZ_oVXJ«o XodmZm§ AOZ`VŸ& Vñ_mX{J«a{J«h© d¡ Zm_¡VÚp½Z[a{VŸ&(eVnW ~«m÷U 2/2/4/2) In broad sense, all 5 parvas are agni- `Ûodmh ñdU©Y_©: ñdmhm, ñdUm©H©$: ñdmhoË`ñ_¡d¡Vm{Z (Y_©:, AH©$:, ewH«$:, Á`mo{V:, gy`©:) A½ZoZm©_m{ZŸ& (eVnW ~«m÷U 1/4/2/25) (20) Brahma is known beyond guh¢ (cave) of par¢rddha size (half of par¢ =1017 yojana) which is mix of chh¢y¢ (shadow, darkness), and ¢tapa (light). Out of 5 agni (viºva levels), 3 are n¢chiketa (mixed, chiketa=distinct)-F$V§ {n~ÝVm¡ gwH¥$Vñ` bmoHo$, Jwhm§ à{dîQ>m¡ na_o namY}Ÿ& N>m`mVnm¡ ~«÷{dXmo dXpÝV, nÄMm½Z`mo `o M {ÌUm{MHo$Vm:Ÿ& (H$R> wn{ZfX² 1/3/1) Last 3 levels, intermixed are 3 eyes of ¹ivaAp½Z_yYm© Mjwfr MÝÐgy`m£, {Xe: lmoÌo dmJ² {dd¥VmíM doXm:Ÿ& (_wÊS>H$ Cn{ZfX² 2/1/4) (21) M¢Ãheºvara s¦tra is combination of 43 letters in 14 s¦tra (group) which is basis of P¢´ini s¦tras of sanskrit grammer. It is also the basis of Tantra as it indicates sequence of creation as -16-
explained in Nandikeºvara K¢ºik¢. First two s¦tra are 5 root vowels-A B C U²Ÿ& F$ b¥ H²$Ÿ& First 5 consonants are internal letters parallel to these and are b¤ja mantras (seed sounds) of 5 chakras (centers of 5 aspects of body or sheeth) in backbone of man-h ` d a Q²>Ÿ& b U²Ÿ& Saundarya lahar¤ (103 verses by ¹ankar¢ch¢rya) gives sequence of chakras in this order of creation (s¨¾°i-krama)-m¦l¢dh¢ra, ma´ip¦ra, sv¢dhi¾°h¢na, an¢hata, viºuddhi. In s¢dhan¢krama (order of meditation), sv¢dhi¾°h¢na comes before ma´ip¦ra. _ht _ybmYmao H$_{n _{Unyao hþVdh_², pñWV§ ñdm{YîR>mZo ö{X _éV_mH$me_wn[aŸ& _Zmo@{n ^«y_Ü`o gH$b_{n {^Îdm Hw$bnW§, ghòmao nÙo ah{g nË`m {dha{gŸ&&9Ÿ&& (22) Moon region has two roles-in the field of earth, it moves and creates tides in oceans as well as cerebral field in each human mind. Corresponding part of cosmic mind (mana) is praj®¢na-¢tm¢. Another role is that as a tranquil zone, moon region is approximation of maharloka and its image in man is mah¢na-¢tm¢(a)
Praj®¢na ¹raddh¢ Moon Mah¢na Moon-orbit Two ¢tm¢ in mind (b) Su¾umn¢ Brahma-randhra Sun-rays Vij®¢na ¡j®¢ Sahasr¢ra Sun ¡tm¢ in heart Behind eyebrow Crown of head Two a´u-patha (lanes) Mah¢patha (highway) Light ray takes 8 minutes from sun to earth at speed of 3 lakh Kms/second. So, vij®¢na-¢tm¢ has 3 times to and fro contact with sun in 1 muh¦rtta (48 minutes). (c) Yaj®a-¢tm¢
(d) Avyakta-¢tm¢
These four are in continuous link with different levels of world. After death of physical body, vij®¢na-¢tm¢ goes to sun at speed of light. (c) and (d) merge with source immediately. Praj®¢na-¢tm¢ reaches moon in 12 human months (monthly ºr¢ddha offer), then moves around sun with earth annually (annual ºr¢ddha). This has links uto 7 generations. Its mah¢na-¢tm¢ part crosses solar system and goes to ¢k¢ºa-gang¢. North limit of solar motion is tropic of cancer, at its hottest place Gaya, offer to mah¢na is made. For details, see-¹r¢ddha-Vij®¢na, vol. 4 by Pt. Motilal Sharma (Rajsthan Patrika, Jaipur). Its english summary with scientific notes by Arun Kumar Upadhyay is under peparation. Tantr¢loka describes motion of Praj®¢na up and down suºumn¢ around Vij®¢na ¢tm¢ (sun) at heart center. This is basis of time perception of various cosmic cycles (¡hnika 6 and 7). (23) Earth is measuring rodAñVäZmX² Úm_¥f^mo AÝV[aj_{__rV d[a_mU§ n¥{Wì`m:Ÿ& (F$H²$ 8/42/1) `ñ` ^y{_: à_m AÝV[aj_wVmoXa_²Ÿ& (AWd© doX 10/7/32) _m N>ÝX: VV² n¥{Wdr, Ap½ZX}dVm (AmnñVå~ lm¡V gyÌ 16/28/1) (24) Symbols of Deva are given by 3 marks; their arrangement is called Deva-n¢gar¤Xodbú_§ d¡ Í`m{b{IVm Vm_wÎma bú_mU Xodm CnmXYVŸ& (V¡{Îmar` g§{hVm 5/2/8/3) -17-
Each mark is formed by rekh¢ (¨´a = minus sign) and chid-¨´a (point or chit). Ga´apati was kavi (creator) of forms by itJUmZm§ Ëdm JUn{Vkhdm_ho, H$qd H$drZm_wn_ldñV_²Ÿ&&1Ÿ&& g F$U`m {MX² F$U`m ~«÷Uñn{VÐþ©hmo hÝV_h F$Vñ` YV©[aŸ&&17Ÿ&& (F$H²$ 2/23) A combination of dot-dash can be written in 4 ways. 3 signs will give 4 x 4 x 4 = 64 forms as in I-Ching alphabet of China. This will also suffice for Br¢hm¤ script of 64 letters. This is same as ASCII code for computers or Morse code used for telegraphs. (25) Six v¢k are va¾a°k¢radmJ² d¡ dfQ²>H$ma: ... f{S>{V F$Vdmo d¡ fQ²> VV² .... Vñ_mXod§ dfQ²> H$amo{VŸ& (eVnW ~«m÷U 1/7/2/21) In groups of 3, it partitions dh¢ma i.e. zones of spaceÌ`mo d¡ dfQ²>H$mam dO«mo Ym_ÀN>{к$: (EoVao` ~«m÷U 3/7, JmonW ~«m÷U CÎma 3/3) Praj¢pati is 17-àOmn{Vd£ gßVXe:(EoVao` ~«m÷U 8/4, JmonW ~«m÷U CÎma 2/13) ¡ditya is ratha, rathantara s¢ma crosses itAgm¡ d¡ Am{XË` Ef aW:Ÿ& V§ Va{V B{V aWÝVa_²Ÿ&(eVnW ~«m÷U 9/4/1/5) Heat zone is till 100 yojana and brightness till 1000 yojanas (here, sun-diameter = 1 yojana). These are regions of earth and saturn orbiteV`moOZo h dm Ef (Am{XË`:) BVñVn{VŸ&(H$m¡frV{H$ ~«m÷U Cn{ZfX² 8/3) ghò§ h¡V Am{XË`ñ` aí_`: (O¡{_Zr` Cn{ZfX² ~«m÷U 1/44/50) Thee are 3 s¢mas within earth and outsideVñ`m EVX² n[a{_V§ ê$n§ `XÝVd}{X (^y{nÊS>:) AW¡f ^y_m@n[a{_Vmo `mo ~{hd}{X: (_hmn¥{Wdr)-EoVao` ~«m÷U(8/5) n¥{Wì`m{__o bmoH$m: (n¥{Wdr, AÝV[aj, Úm¡) à{VpîR>Vm:Ÿ& (O¡{_Zr` Cn{ZfX² ~«m÷U 1/10/2) Order of s¢ma are rathantara, vair¦pa, º¢kvara for earth. S¢ma of sun are b¨hat, vair¢ja, raivata`Û¡ aWÝVa_² VÛ¡ê$n_², `X² ~¥hV² VÛ¡amO_²Ÿ& `ÐWÝVa_² VÀN>mŠda_²Ÿ& `X² ~¥hV² VV² a¡dV_²Ÿ&(EoVao` ~«m÷U 17/7/13) Also see Aitareya br¢hma´a (19/6/18), Taittir¤ya br¢hma´a (1/4/6). Stoma of Rathantara s¢ma are 9,15, 17, 21àmUm d¡ {Ìd¥V² AY©_mg: nÄMXe: gådËga: gßVXe:, Am{XË` EH$qde EVo d¡ ñVmo_m (VmÊS>ç _hm ~«m÷U 6/2/2) Devas are 33AîQ>m¡ dgd:, EH$mXe éÐm:, ÛmXe Am{XË`m:, àOmnV`íM, dfQ²>H$maíMŸ&(EoVao` ~«m÷U 2/18, 3/7, 3/22) (26) Letters on petals of chakras (½a°-chakra-nir¦pa´a)B¤ja (seed) Chakra Petals (dala) l M¦l¢dh¢ra v,º, ¾, s, h=4 v Sv¢dhi¾°h¢na b, bh, m, y, r, l =6 r Ma´ip¦ra ², ²h, ´, t, th, d, dh, n, p, pha=10 y An¢hata k, kh, g, gh, ´, ch, chh, j, jh, ®, °, °h =12 h Viºuddhi All vowels=16 › ¡j®¢ ª, ¶ (kºa)=2 (27) All pervading element is rasa, it gives ¢nanda (pleasure), so it is called ¢nanda also`Û¡ VËgwH¥$V§ agmo d¡ g:Ÿ& ag§ øodm`§ bãÜdm@@ZÝXr ^d{VŸ& (V¡{Îmar` Cn{ZfX² 2/7/2) Other elements have come from ¢k¢ºa (space)Vñ_mÛm EVñ_mXmË_Z AmH$me: gå^yV:Ÿ& AmH$memÛm`w:Ÿ& dm`moap½Z:Ÿ& AX²ä`: n¥{WdrŸ&(V¡{Îmar` Cn{ZfX² 2/2/3) Trivikrama is 3 steps of Vi¾´u. As human Vi¾´u in V¢mana incarnation, he used 3 out of 4 methods of kings-s¢ma, d¢ma, da´²a, bheda. Out of these da´²a is purely bala (force), other -18-
3 are chhala (deceit). So trivikrama means deceit (tikaram in hindi). In space, these are 3 zones created by radiation from Sun within solar system. parama pada is the last limit where sun can be seen as a point-BX§ {dîUw{d©MH«$_o ÌoYm {ZXYo nX_²Ÿ& (F$H²$ 1/22/17) Groups of 5 is p¢nkta (pa®cha=5)-nmL²º§$ dm BX§ gd©_².. (V¡{Îmar` Cn{ZfX² 1/7/1) Pankti chhanda has10 letters in each p¢da (Pingala s¦tra 2/4). Daºa (ten), daº¢ (state) and diº¢ (direction) are synonymous. (28) Brahm¢ has 4 heads-matter is 4th dimension. ¹iva of 5 heads is time (k¢la). Time is perception of change. natural changes are always from order to disorder (second law of thermodynamics) and are irreversible-so k¢la (time) is called destroyer, Some aspects of change are cyclic which is cycle of creation (yaj®a), this is used to measure time units. This is called janya k¢la. H$mbmËòdpÝV ^yVm{Z H$mbmX² d¥qÕ à`mpÝV MŸ& H$mbo MmñV§ {Z`ÀN>pÝV H$mbmo _y{Îm©a_y{Îm©_mZ² (_¡Ìm`Ur AmaÊ`H$ 6/14) Vi¾´u is conscious form, observer, doer, and creator (yaj®a)hmoVm ^moº$m h{d_©ÝÌmo `kmo {dîUw: àOmn{V:Ÿ& gdª H$píMËà^w: gmjr `mo@_wpî_Z² ^m{V _ÊS>boŸ& (_¡Ìm`Ur AmaÊ`H$ 6/16) §¾i are pr¢´a (force) which pulls by ºrama (work), tapa (heat)-àmUm dm F$f`:... Vo `Ënwamñ_mV² gd©ñ_mV² BX{_ÀN>ÝV: l_oU Vngm A[afZ², Vñ_mV² F$f`:Ÿ& (eVnW ~«m÷U 6/1/1/1) §¾i, pr¢´a (sat and asat) each are 7gßVàmUm: à^dpÝV Vñ_mV² gßVm{M©f: g{_Y: gßVhmo_m:Ÿ& (_wÊS>H$ Cn{ZfX² 2/18) V¨tra encircles bodies creating boundary. This is 8th dimension n¢ga or ahi (=snake)-indicating the number 8 in astronomyd¥Ìmo h dm BX§ gdª d¥Ëdm {eî`o .... Vñ_mX² d¥Ìmo Zm_Ÿ&(eVnW ~«m÷U 1/1/3/4) 9th dimension is randhra (9 apertures of human body). This deficiency causes creationZdmo Zdmo ^d{V Om`_mZmo@•m Ho$Vwê$n§ _m_oË`J«_²Ÿ& (F$H²$ 10/85/19) (29) Smaller worlds are successively 1 lakh time smallerdmbmJ« eVgmhò§ Vñ` ^mJñ` ^m{JZ:Ÿ& Vñ` ^mJñ` ^mJmYª VËj`o Vw {ZaÄOZ_²Ÿ& (Ü`mZ{dÝXw Cn{ZfX² 4) First level smaller than man is v¢l¢gra, 105 parts of man. It is called kalila (cell) as it collects all materials for growth in womb. Its 105 part is atom called j¤va described as 10 thousand part of v¢l¢gra in ¹vet¢ºvatara upani¾ad (5/9). 105 part of atom is nucleus called ku´²alin¤ described as 10-7 part of v¢l¢gra in ½a°-chakra-nir¦pa´a (7/8). Its inner layers are 10 and 100 parts of this. Next smaller levels can be called jagat (particles of 3 types-moving, fixed, link=chara, sth¢´u, anu-p¦rva), deva-d¢nava (only deva causes creation), pitara (proto-type), ¨¾i (primordial string)F${fä`: {nVamo OmVm: {nV¦ä`mo Xod XmZdm:Ÿ& Xodmoä`íM OJËgdª Ma§ ñWmÊdZwnyd©e:Ÿ& (_Zwñ_¥{V 3/201) Thus, ¨¾i is 10-35 m equal to smallest measure Planck’s length in quantum mechanics. (30) S¢ma veda is 1000 the body (vartm¢)-ghòdË_m© gm_doX: (ì`mH$aU _hm^mî`) S¢ma-tarpa´a-vidhi gives 13 branches only. Outer s¢ma is Kauthum (kuth=to throw out, P¢´ini dh¢tup¢°ha 10/165). Its §¾i Kuthumi is called Koot-Hoomi is theosophical literature. Jaimini is inner s¢ma which consumes (j¢mu=to eat, dh¢tup¢°ha 1/317). (31) Mah¢vidy¢ are listed in all books on tantra. Their forms are described in dhy¢na verses. Analysis of their nature as per veda, tantra and upani¾ad is given in -The ten Great Cosmic Powers-Samata Books,573, Mount Road, Chennai-600006. Pt. Motilal Shastri had described concept in his two books-G¤t¢ Vij®¢na Bha¾ya Bh¦mik¢, Bhakti yoga, partII and Bh¢rat¤ya S¢nskritika ¡yojana-both by Rajsthan Patrika, Jaipur-4. -19-
(32) Three colours of aj¢ are given in (11). These have been described as 3 forms-K¢l¤, Lakºm¤, and Sarasvat¤-with mah¢- prefix. (33) 4 P¤°ha in India are K¢m¢khy¢, (Gauh¢°¤), U²²¤y¢na at Jajpur (Orissa), P¦r´agiri (P¦r´¢ in Maharashtra) and Jalandhar in Punjab. K¢m¢khy¢ is m¦l¢dh¢ra. U²²¤y¢na and J¢Ãlandhara are bandhas in navel and throat region in yogic practice. Near navel region of Jajpur, there is heart region of Puri. For Tantra, P¦r´agiri is separate. P¤°ha in human body are in Yogaºikha upani¾adMVw: nrR> g_mH$sUª MVwamåZm` XrnH$_²Ÿ& {~ÝXw ZmX _hm{b“§ {ede{º$ {ZHo$VZ_²Ÿ& (167) JwX_oT´>mÝVambñW§ _ybmYma§ {ÌH$moUH$_² (168) `Ì Hw$ÊS>{bZr Zm_ name{º$: à{VpîR>VmŸ&& (169) VXoVV² H$m_ê$nm»`§ nrR>§ H$m_\$bàX_²Ÿ& (171) ÛmXema§ _hmMH«§$ öX`o Mmß`ZmhV_²Ÿ& VXoVËnyU©{J`m©»`§ nrR>§ H$_bgå^d(173) H$ÊR>Hy$no {dewÕm»`§ `ÀMH«§$ fmoS>emòH$_²Ÿ& nrR>§ OmbÝYa§ Zm_ {VîR>ÝË`Ì gwaoída:Ÿ&(174) Amkm Zm_ ^«wdmo_©Ü`o {ÛXb§ MH«$_wÎm__²Ÿ& CÈ>çmZm»`§ _hmnrR>_wn[aîQ>mËà{VpîR>V_²Ÿ& (175) At other places, U²²¤y¢na is stated in navel region. (34) ¹iva-samhit¢, chapter 5`mo{ZñW§ VËna§ VoO: ñd`å^y {b“g§pñWV_²Ÿ& AmYmanÙ_oV{Õ `mo{Z`©ñWm{VH$ÝXV:Ÿ& (90) öX`o AZmhV§ Zm_ MVwWª n‘>O§ ^doV²Ÿ&(116) nÙñW§ VËna§ VoOmo ~mU{b“§ àH$s{Îm©V_²Ÿ& (117) AmkmnÙ§ ^w«dmo_©Ü`o hjmonoV§ {ÛnÌH$_²Ÿ& (131) Vwar`§ V¥Vr` {b“§ VXmh§ _w{º$Xm`H$:Ÿ& (134) (35) (1) Amod©àm A_Ë`m© {ZdVmo Xoì`wÛV:Ÿ& Á`mo{Vfm ~mYVo V_:Ÿ& (F$H²$ 10/127/2) df©ÝVw Vo {d^md[a {Xdmo A^«ñ` {dÚwV:Ÿ& amohÝVw gd© ~rOmÝ`d ~«÷Ûr fmo O{hŸ& (F$H²$ AîQ>H$4/4/29 H$m n[a{eîQ> 5/84 ) (2) Jm¡ar-{_©_m` g{bbm{Z VjË`oH$nXr {ÛnXr gm MVwînXrŸ& AîQ>mnXr ZdnXr ~^ydwfr ghòmjam na_o ì`mo_Z²Ÿ&& (F$H²$ 1/164/41) Jm¡Y©`{V _éVm§ ldñ`w_m©Vm _YmoZm_²Ÿ& `wº$m dôZr aWmZm_²Ÿ& (F$H²$ 8/94/1) (3) A`§ g {eL²>ºo$ `oZ Jm¡a^r d¥Vm {__m{V _m`w§ ÜdgZmd{Y {lVmŸ& g {M{Ì{^[Z© {h MH$ma _Ë`ª {dÚwX² ^dÝVr à{V d{d«_m¡hVŸ& (F$H²$ 1/164/29) (4) A{X{VÚm£-a{X{V-aÝV[aj-_{X{V-_m©Vm g {nVm g nwÌ:Ÿ& {dídoXodm A{X{V: nÄM OZm A{X{VOm©V-_{X{V-O©{ZËd_²Ÿ& (F$H²$ 1/89/10) Also in Dev¤-atharva-º¤r¾a (3,7,17) and Dev¤-s¦kta. (5) OmVdoXgo gwZdm_ gmo_-_amVr`Vmo {Z Xhm{V doX:Ÿ& g Z: nf©X{V XwJm©{U {dídm Zmdod {gÝYw§ Xw[aVmË`p½Z:Ÿ& (F$H²$ 1/99/1) (6) g§hmoÌ ñ_ nwam Zmar g_Z§ dmd JÀN>{VŸ& doYm F$Vñ` dr[aUr -ÝÐnËZr _hr`Vo {dídñ_m{XÝÐ CÎma:Ÿ& (F$H²$ 10/86/10) (7) _mo fw U: namnam {ZF©${VXw©h©U dYrVŸ& nXrîQ> V¥îU`m ghŸ& (F$H²$ 1/38/6) (8) V{XXm g ^wdZofw Á`oîR>§ VVmo Ok CJ«ñËdof Z¥åU:Ÿ& gÚmo OkmZmo {Z [aUm{V eÌy ZZw `§ {dído _XÝË`y_m:Ÿ& (F$H²$ 10/120/1) (9) _hmo AU©: gañdVr àMoV`{V Ho$VwZmŸ& {Y`mo {dídm {damO{VŸ& (F$H²$ 1/3/12) (10) VËg{dVwd©aoÊ`§ ^Jm} Xodñ` Yr_{hŸ& {Y`mo `mo Z: àMmoX`mV²Ÿ& (F$H²$ 3/66/10) (36) There is no word without meaningZ gmo@pñV àË``mo bmoHo$ `: eãXmZwJ_mÑVoŸ& AZw{dÕ{_d kmZ§ gdª eãXoZ ^mgVoŸ& (dmŠ`nXr` 1/123) (37) §¾i has been described as 4 parts by Pt. Madhusudan Ojha in his Mahar¾i-kula-Vaibhavam (Rajsthan Oriental Research Institute, Jodhpur). This has been explained by his student Pt. Motilal Sharma in Upani¾ad-Vij®¢na-Bh¢¾ya, part-2 (pages 75-90) and other books published by Rajsthan Patrika, Jaipur. These have been named as 4 lakºa´a (forms)-asat pr¢´a -20-
(smallest pr¢´a beyond perception) , rochan¢ (brightness), dra¾°¢ (seer) and vakt¢ (teacher). Examples of all are given from vedas. As dra¾°¢ +vakt¢, ¨¾i is link between universe and common man and is called Ras¦la (prophet) in Koran. See also, Nirukta, 1/20). (38) Six forms in pairs are created from one formlessgmH$ÄOmZm§ gßVW_mhþaoH$O§ f{iX² `_m F$f`mo XodOm B{VŸ& (F$H²$ 1/164/15) Jm`ÌoU à{V {__rVo AH©$-_H}$U gm_ Ì¡îQw>^oZ dmH$_²Ÿ& dmHo$Z dmH§ {ÛnXm MVwînXm@jaoU {__Vo gßVdmUr:Ÿ&(F$H²$ 1/164/24) (39) All creations are one fourth of Puru¾anmXmo@ñ` {dídm ^yVm{Z {ÌnmXñ`m_¥V§ {X{dŸ& (F$H²$ 10/90/3)