School Break

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  • Pages: 14
SCHOOL BREAK, ENGLISH CLINIC! by AdZ Bsic Educare (0248888-K)



Fill in the blanks with verbs / action doing.

PRESENT TENSE. 1.Puan Sara cleans the house every day. 2. My father __________ home at noon today. 3. They __________ their homework every afternoon. 4. She __________ in her bedroom at night. 5. Adlina __________ her teeth every morning, 6. We __________ our milo before it gets cold. 7. Ahmad __________the food which his mother cooked. 8. Mr Lim and Encik Asma __________golf during the office break. 9. Everybody __________ television at noon. 10. One of the girls __________ the butterflies in the park. PAST TENSE. 1. Puan Sara cleaned the house this morning. 2. My father __________ home at noon yesterday. 3. They __________ their homework yesterday afternoon. 4. She __________ in her bedroom last night. 5. Adlina __________ her teeth a few minutes ago. 6. We __________ our milo before it gets cold just now. 7. Ahmad __________the food which his mother cooked this morning. 8. Mr Lim and Encik Asma __________golf during the office break last Monday. 9. Everybody __________ television last night. 10. One of the girls __________ the butterflies in the park yesterday. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE. 1. Puan Sara is cleaning the house now. 2. My father __________ home now 3. They __________ their homework now . 4. She __________ in her bedroom now . 5. Adlina __________ her teeth now. 6. We __________ our milo before it gets cold now. 7. Ahmad __________the food which his mother _____________ now. 8. Mr Lim and Encik Asma __________golf during the office break 9. Everybody __________ television now. 10. One of the girls __________ the butterflies in the park now. PRESENT PREFECT TENSE. 1. Puan Sara has cleaned the house already. 2. My father __________ home already. 3. They __________ their homework since one clock. 4. She __________ in her bedroom already. 5. Adlina __________ her teeth already 6. We __________ our milo before it gets cold since an hour ago. 7. Ahmad __________the food which his mother _____________ for many years. 8. Mr Lim and Encik Asma ___________________golf during the office break for two years.


SCHOOL BREAK, ENGLISH CLINIC! by AdZ Bsic Educare (0248888-K)

9. Everybody __________ television already. 10. One of the girls __________ the butterflies in the park already FUTURE TENSE. 1. Puan Sara will clean the house tomorrow. 2. My father __________ home later. 3. They __________ their homework afterwards. 4. She __________ in her bedroom tonight. 5. Adlina __________ her teeth afterwards. 6. Later, we __________ our milo before it gets cold. 7. Tonight, Ahmad ________the food which his mother cooked. 8. Next Monday, Mr Lim and Encik Asma ___________________golf during the office break. 9. Everybody __________ television afterwards. 10. Later, one of the girls __________ the butterflies in the park.

BASIC WRITING SKILLS. Fill in with your own words. 1. This is a girl. She is ____________ and ______________ The beautiful girl is ____________________ in the _____________ 2. Ali eats. He eats __________________ and ____________ Ali eats _________________________ with his ______________ at the __________________ 3. There is a cat on _____________________ There is a _______ cat playing ____________ on the ____________ I see the fat cat _____________with ____________ on the __________ AT THE HOSPITAL. • Adham is sick so he goes ____________________________________ • A doctor is________________________________________________ • Adham is very ill and has_____________________________________ • A beautiful and young nurse _________________________________ • The doctor gives him _______________________________________ A SPORT DAY. • My school held its annual____________________________________ • All parents and ____________________________________________ • There was a lot of games and ________________________________ • The Green House emerged as _________________________________ • Many students were winners __________________________________ AT THE POST OFFICE. • Lina is going to ____________________________ • She wants ________________________________ • There are many_____________________________ • Lina can see _______________________________ Fill in the missing words. 2

SCHOOL BREAK, ENGLISH CLINIC! by AdZ Bsic Educare (0248888-K)

a _____have a book. The book belongs to ______ The book is mine. b. ____have a bicycle. The bicycle belongs to ______ The bicycle is yours.

d. e. f. g. h.

An army of ________________ ___________ of grapes. A bundle of _________________ A bouquet of _______________ __________ of books.

c. ______ have a lot of big boxes. They belongs to us. The big boxes are _______ EXERCISES. Choose the correct answer :- A. much B. many 1. There is too A salt in my soup. 2. Do you want any ____sugar in your tea? 3. There are too ____people in the pool. 4. The boys want some ______more marbles. 5. _____to my surprise, she became a lawyer. 6. Among the three of us , you have the _____ money. 7. _______ of all, I want to see my mother. 8. He seems to be _____ hopeful than I am. 9. There isn't ____else we can do; the rain is too heavy. 10. How _____ did you pay for the skirt? I1. It is ____days since I saw Adnan. 12. There are _____ things that I want to tell you. 13. ______ of what he told us was untrue. 14. Here are three apples. Do you want ___? 15. You are ___ helpful to me than my own brother.

C. more


Choose the correct answer :- A. little B. less C. few D. fewer 1. Give me a ___ butter, please. 2. I will be in Ipoh on Monday for a ___ days. 3. Little by ____ his fingers slipped from the rope. 4. A _____ love from you will make me feel better. 5. Rohaya is ____ willing to help us than those women. 6. You have given me ____ than Ana. That's not fair! 7. Please give me____ work to do; I am very tired. 8. There are only a ____ students in the library. 9. I think are a______ people on the street after dark. 10. _____ talk and more work is what our parents wants. 11. She has to do ____ work as she is in a poor health. 12. My A4 papers are becoming _____ each day as there are a lot of assignment to finish. 13. The beggar asked only for a _____ money from you. 14. It will be _____ than an hour before the train departed from here. 15. That lady is a woman of ___ words but she is well respected.


SCHOOL BREAK, ENGLISH CLINIC! by AdZ Bsic Educare (0248888-K)

FOR : Group B


Fill in the blanks with verbs / action doing.

PRESENT TENSE. 1.Puan Sara cleans the house every day. 2. My father __________ home at noon today. 3. They __________ their homework every afternoon. 4. She __________ in her bedroom at night. 5. Adlina __________ her teeth every morning, 6. We __________ our milo before it gets cold. 7. Ahmad __________the food which his mother cooked. 8. Mr Lim and Encik Asma __________golf during the office break. 9. Everybody __________ television at noon. 10. One of the girls __________ the butterflies in the park. 11. You always __________ to the cinema don't you? 12. I __________ story books to my little sister at night. 13. He usually __________ out with his friends in the evening to play football. 14. Many people __________ at the supermarket during weekends. 15. Nobody __________ the truth about the criminal case. 16. Sometimes father __________ the car to our hometown in Perak. 17. They __________ to school in groups nowdays. 18. Nurin always __________ her clothes after finishing her schoolwork. 19. The students __________ to the canteen when the bell __________ . 20. All the women __________ part in the beauty contest today. PAST TENSE. 1.Puan Sara cleaned the house this morning. 2. My father __________ home at noon yesterday. 3. They __________ their homework yesterday afternoon. 4. She __________ in her bedroom last night. 5. Adlina __________ her teeth a few minutes ago. 6. We __________ our milo before it gets cold just now. 7. Ahmad __________the food which his mother cooked this morning. 8. Mr Lim and Encik Asma __________golf during the office break last Monday. 9. Everybody __________ television last night. 10. One of the girls __________ the butterflies in the park yesterday. 11. You __________ to the cinema last night, didn't you? 12. I __________ story books to my little sister last night. 13. He __________ out with his friends to play football a few days ago. 14. Many people __________ at the supermarket last weekends. 15. Nobody __________ the truth about the criminal case last year. 16. Last time,father __________ the car to our hometown in Perak. 17. They __________ to school in groups last evening. 18. Nurin __________ her clothes after finishing her schoolwork this morning. 19. The students __________ to the canteen before the bell __________ an hour ago. 20. All the women __________ part in the beauty contest last year.


SCHOOL BREAK, ENGLISH CLINIC! by AdZ Bsic Educare (0248888-K)

PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE. 1. Puan Sara is cleaning the house now. 2. My father __________ home now 3. They __________ their homework now . 4. She __________ in her bedroom now . 5. Adlina __________ her teeth now. 6. We __________ our milo before it gets cold now. 7. Ahmad __________the food which his mother _____________ now. 8. Mr Lim and Encik Asma __________golf during the office break 9. Everybody __________ television now. 10. One of the girls __________ the butterflies in the park now. 11. You __________ to the cinema now don't you? 12. I __________ story books to my little sister now. 13. He __________ out with his friends to play football now. 14. Many people __________ at the supermarket now. 15. Nobody __________ the truth about the criminal case now. 16. Now, father __________ the car to our hometown in Perak. 17. They __________ to school in groups now. 18. Nurin __________ her clothes after finishing her schoolwork. 19. The students __________ to the canteen as soon as the bell _________________ now. 20. All the women __________ part in the beauty contest now. PRESENT PREFECT TENSE. 1. Puan Sara has cleaned the house already. 2. My father __________ home already. 3. They __________ their homework since one clock. 4. She __________ in her bedroom already. 5. Adlina __________ her teeth already 6. We __________ our milo before it gets cold since an hour ago. 7. Ahmad __________the food which his mother _____________ for many years. 8. Mr Lim and Encik Asma ___________________golf during the office break for two years. 9. Everybody __________ television already. 10. One of the girls __________ the butterflies in the park already. 11. You _____ not ______ to the cinema yet, don't you? 12. I __________ story books to my little sister already. 13. He __________ out with his friends to play football since four o'clock. 14. Many people __________ at the supermarket for hours. 15. Nobody __________ the truth about the criminal case yet. 16. Since this morning, father __________ the car to our hometown in Perak. 17. They __________ to school in groups already. 18. Nurin already __________ her clothes after finishing her schoolwork. 19. The students __________ to the canteen as soon as the bell _________________. 20. All the women __________ part in the beauty contest. FUTURE TENSE. 1. Puan Sara will clean the house tomorrow. 2. My father __________ home later. 3. They __________ their homework afterwards.


SCHOOL BREAK, ENGLISH CLINIC! by AdZ Bsic Educare (0248888-K)

4. She __________ in her bedroom tonight. 5. Adlina __________ her teeth afterwards. 6. Later, we __________ our milo before it gets cold. 7. Tonight, Ahmad ________the food which his mother cooked. 8. Next Monday, Mr Lim and Encik Asma ___________________golf during the office break. 9. Everybody __________ television afterwards. 10. Later, one of the girls __________ the butterflies in the park. 11. Afterwards you __________ to the cinema , don't you? 12. I __________ story books to my little sister tonight. 13. He __________ out with his friends to play football tomorrow. 14. Many people __________ at the supermarket tonight. 15. Nobody __________ the truth about the criminal case . 16. Next Saturday, father __________ the car to our hometown in Perak. 17. They __________ to school in groups next Friday. 18. Later,Nurin __________ her clothes after finishing her schoolwork 19. The students __________ to the canteen later, when the bell rings. 20. All the women __________ part in the beauty contest. EXERCISES: Choose the right answer. 1. The burglars ____________ their house when they were in town. a. broke into b. broke off c. broke over 2. Our car _______________ on the way to his house. a. broke down b. broke up c. broke in 3. All of us were surprise that Mawi had ____________ his engagement with Ina. a. broke up b. broken down c. broken off 4. The police ______________ the door to get into the room. a. broke up b. broke down c. broken off 5. Her uncle ___________ her ______ after her parents died. a. brought...up b. c. brought... into 6. Adelina _______________ many souvenirs from Hong Kong trip. a. brought up b. brought off c. brought back 7. Did you ________________ the problem of car parking at the meeting. a. brought up b. brought off c. brought back 8. They _________________ the football match when it rained. a. called off b. called on c. called over 9. Will you ______________ me when you are in town again? a. called off b. called on c. called over 10. The lady fainted, but ____________ when smelling salts were put under her nose. a. came up b. came over c. came round 11. Has anyone _____________ with any bright ideas for the concert? a. came up b. came over c. came round 12. The soldiers _________________ the water supply of the enemy. a. cut off b. cut on c. cut in 13. The silly man ______________ all the trees behind his house. a. cut off b. cut down c. cut in


SCHOOL BREAK, ENGLISH CLINIC! by AdZ Bsic Educare (0248888-K)

14. 15.

She soon realized that she was not ________________ to be an air hostess. a. cut up b. cut on c. cut in Business is quite bad; we must _____________ our expenses. a. cut off b. cut on c. cut down

VOCABULARY. Choose the correct meaning. 1. It is impossible to cross the river; the current is too strong. 2. You always mis-spel the word "queue". 3. The new magazine is published bi-monthly. 4. They disagree with me on everything 5. Things were cheap in pre-war day. 6. The ex-Prime Minister is now a famous actor. 7. The rich man has fixed automatic doors in his bungalow. 8. You misunderstand me; I'm not saying anything against you. 9. The Goverment has started a big anti-drug campaign to stop drug addiction. 10. The unkind woman broke the child's toy. 11. The cave will give us protec____ against wind and rain. 12. I was quite a naughty girl in my child_______ 13. Your deci_____ not to go is very wise. 14. On his arriv______ at the airport, he was given a rousing welcome. 15. She broke off our friend______ for no reason at all. 16. You must honour your agree_______ with us. 17. We were shocked by the cruel______ in the prison. 18. A local pain_______ has won international fame. 19. Be more cheer________; the rain will stop soon. 20. Farihin is very healthy and act______ boy.

not / very opposite / wrongly once / twice do not / half during / before present / former self / manual wrongly / always against / for less / not tion / sion ness / hood tion / sion al / el hood / ship ness / ment ness / ment tor / ter ful / ly er / ive

Underline the short answer 21. I felt a ( pain, pane) in my leg. 22. You will have to (wait, weight) for a while. 23. The carpenter ( bored, board) a hole in the plank. 24. I prefer (steak, stake) to chicken chop. 25. The wounded man uttered a loud (grown, groan). 26. I want to do a (coarse, course) in engineering. Fill in the blanks. 27. Did she get the ___________ you _______her? (sent,scent) 28. "________not, want not" said the man with the thin _________. ( waist, waste) 29. The ________ admitted that she had _________ a mistake. ( maid, made) 30. I saw her ________ at the girl on the __________. ( stare, stair) 31. She can _________ although she is very old and she lives ______.( here,hear) 32. The ________ area was found dirty and there’s a _______ on the floor.(hole, whole) 33. My husband _______from Brunei when he knows I’m ill and are having flu.(flew, flu) 34. The film maker _________ a stunt man to jump at _________ place than usuall.(hire, higher) 35. After a _______ , the old man becomes too fragile and ____________.(weak, week) 36. Everybody _________ that the boat he bought is not a __________one.( knew. new) 37. The brave ________ travelled at ______ to his country to be with his beloved ones.(night, knight) 38. All the Americans had an even ________ but they took sun-bathing more than _____times a month. 7

SCHOOL BREAK, ENGLISH CLINIC! by AdZ Bsic Educare (0248888-K)

(ten, tan) Match the subjects with the predicates. 1. They are playing really well. 2. I feel awful. 3. They've invited a lot of people. 4. We have a lot to do. 5. I listened to the weather forecast tonight. 6. I can't hang on. 7. The kids are tired out. 8. The referee is looking at his watch. 9. Perak are three goals ahead. 10. It's Saturday morning,

a. He's going to blow his whistle. b. It's going to be wet and windy tomorrow. c. I think they're going to win. d. They're going to fall asleep. e. They are going ti win again. f. I'm going to fall. g. It's going to be a hard day. h. I think I'm going to faint. i. It's going to be very crowded. j. The shops will probably crowded.

Match the subjects with the predicates.

Practise make prefect. Happy studying!

FOR : Group C



SCHOOL BREAK, ENGLISH CLINIC! by AdZ Bsic Educare (0248888-K)

Fill in the blanks with verbs / action doing. PRESENT TENSE. 1.Puan Sara _____ the house every day. 2. My father __________ home at noon today. 3. They __________ their homework every afternoon. PAST TENSE 4. Nurin __________ her clothes after finishing her schoolwork this morning. 5. The students __________ to the canteen before the bell __________ an hour ago. 6. All the women __________ part in the beauty contest last year. PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE 7. He __________ out with his friends to play football now. 8. Many people __________ at the supermarket now. 9. Nobody __________ the truth about the criminal case now.

PRESENT PREFECT TENSE. 10. Puan Sara has cleaned the house already. 11. My father __________ home already. 12. They __________ their homework since one clock. 13. She __________ in her bedroom already. 14. Adlina __________ her teeth already 15. We __________ our milo before it gets cold since an hour ago. 16. Ahmad __________the food which his mother _____________ for many years. 17. Mr Lim and Encik Asma ___________________golf during the office break for two years. 18. Everybody __________ television already. 19. One of the girls __________ the butterflies in the park already. 20. You _____ not _______ to the cinema yet, don't you? FUTURE TENSE. 21. Tonight, Ahmad will eat the food which his mother cooked. 22. Next Monday, Mr Lim and Encik Asma ___________________golf during the office break. 23. Everybody __________ television afterwards. 24. Later, one of the girls __________ the butterflies in the park. 25. Afterwards you __________ to the cinema , don't you? 26. I __________ story books to my little sister tonight. 27. He __________ out with his friends to play football tomorrow. 28. Many people __________ at the supermarket tonight. 29. Nobody __________ the truth about the criminal case . 30. Next Saturday, father __________ the car to our hometown in Perak. 31. They __________ to school in groups next Friday.

VOCABULARY. Choose the correct meaning. 9

SCHOOL BREAK, ENGLISH CLINIC! by AdZ Bsic Educare (0248888-K)

1. It is impossible to cross the river; the current is too strong. not / very 2. You always mis-spel the word "queue". opposite / wrongly 3. The new magazine is published bi-monthly. once / twice 4. They disagree with me on everything do not / half 5. Things were cheap in pre-war day. during / before 6. The ex-Prime Minister is now a famous actor. present / former 7. The rich man has fixed automatic doors in his bungalow. self / manual 8. You misunderstand me; I'm not saying anything against you. wrongly / always 9. The Goverment has started a big anti-drug campaign to against / for stop drug addiction. 10. The unkind woman broke the child's toy. less / not 11. The cave will give us protec____ against wind and rain. tion / sion 12. I was quite a naughty girl in my child_______ ness / hood 13. Your deci_____ not to go is very wise. tion / sion 14. On his arriv______ at the airport, he was given al / el a rousing welcome. 15. She broke off our friend______ for no reason at all. hood / ship 16. You must honour your agree_______ with us. ness / ment 17. We were shocked by the cruel______ in the prison. ness / ment 18. A local pain_______ has won international fame. tor / ter 19. Be more cheer________; the rain will stop soon. ful / ly 20. Farihin is very healthy and act______ boy. er / ive Underline the short answer 21. I felt a ( pain, pane) in my leg. 22. You will have to (wait, weight) for a while. 23. The carpenter ( bored, board) a hole in the plank. 24. I prefer (steak, stake) to chicken chop. 25. The wounded man uttered a loud (grown, groan). 26. I want to do a (coarse, course) in engineering. Fill in the blanks. 27. Did she get the ___________ you _______her? (sent,scent) 28. "________not, want not" said the man with the thin _________. ( waist, waste) 29. The ________ admitted that that she had _________ a mistake. ( maid, made) 30. I saw her ________ at the girl on the __________. ( stare, stair) Give true replies :definately, certainly, probably, possibly, probably not, definately not. a. Will you enjoy your next English lesson? Definately b. Will you do your next piece of homework on time? ______________ c. Do you think you will visit England within next year? ______________ d. Will you ever be kind to your fiend? ______________ e. Will you be moving to a new house within these few months? ______________ f. Do you think you can improve your English by following every ______________ English programmes near your place? g. By reading a lot in English is a good way to improve your English. ______________ h. Can you always be polite to your parents? ______________ 10

SCHOOL BREAK, ENGLISH CLINIC! by AdZ Bsic Educare (0248888-K)

i. Do you remember each of your classmate's name? j. Do you love your siblings although they always hurt your feelings?

______________ ______________

Match the subjects with the predicates. 1. They are playing really well. 2. I feel awful. 3. They've invited a lot of people. 4. We have a lot to do. 5. I listened to the weather forecast tonight. 6. I can't hang on. 7. The kids are tired out. 8. The referee is looking at his watch. 9. Perak are three goals ahead. 10. It's Saturday morning,

a. He's going to blow his whistle. b. It's going to be wet and windy tomorrow. c. I think they're going to win. d. They're going to fall asleep. e. They are going ti win again. f. I'm going to fall. g. It's going to be a hard day. h. I think I'm going to faint. i. It's going to be very crowded. j. The shops will probably crowded.

Practise make prefect. Happy studying!

Forms of verb. Everyday.. ..usually arrive take write

Now I am


arriving taking writing

Last.. arrived took wrote 11

Already have arrived taken written

I Tomorrow I will arrive take

SCHOOL BREAK, ENGLISH CLINIC! by AdZ Bsic Educare (0248888-K)

buy climb bring break read eat do go hold keep leave make forget sing drive cook wear live speak teach catch cook play Examples:-






She always catches the butterflies. She is catching the butterflies now. She caught the butterflies a few minutes ago. She will catch the butterfly tomorrow.

Basic structure SUBJECT Mother Father I She The girl


& predicate.

PREDICATE cooks curry. washes the car. won the prize. likes to play. quacking near the 12


SCHOOL BREAK, ENGLISH CLINIC! by AdZ Bsic Educare (0248888-K)


SUBJECT Mother Father I She The girl Ducks

Sing/plural They You I He She It

 Sentences name?


PREDICATE cooks washed won teaches likes are quacking

curry the car the prize the child to play near the pond

Tenses today yesterday last Saturday everyday. now tomorrow

PREDICATE cook wash won like quacking


curry. the car. the prize. to play. near the pond.

- What is your

○ Statement - I am tired. ○ Negative - She will not go tomorrow. ○ Imperative - Can you help me? ○ Exclaminatory !! - Oh no! You can’t do this to me! 13

SCHOOL BREAK, ENGLISH CLINIC! by AdZ Bsic Educare (0248888-K)


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