Break Curses

  • December 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 1,140
  • Pages: 4
Steps of curse breaking 1. Confess your sins, repent and forgive 2. Break the legal rights 3. Cast out and away from you any demons ^^^^^, I break the power you have over me in the Name of Jesus. Satan, I rebuke, break and destroy the power you have over me through ^^^^^ up to Adam in the Name and the blood of Jesus Christ

Father (5th to 10th Generation)

Mother (5th to 10th Generation)

Father’s Father’s Father’s Father Father’s Father’s Father’s Mother Father’s Father’s Mother’s Father Father’s Father’s Mother’s Mother

Mother’s Father’s Father’s Father Mother’s Father’s Father’s Mother Mother’s Father’s Mother’s Father Mother’s Father’s Mother’s Mother

Father’s Mother’s Father’s Father Father’s Mother’s Father’s Mother Father’s Mother’s Mother’s Father Father’s Mother’s Mother’s Mother

Mother’s Mother’s Father’s Father Mother’s Mother’s Father’s Mother Mother’s Mother’s Mother’s Father Mother’s Mother’s Mother’s Mother

Father’s Father’s Father’s Father’s Father’s Mother Father’s Mother’s Father Father’s Mother’s Mother

Mother’s Father’s Father’s Mother’s Father’s Mother Mother’s Mother’s Father Mother’s Mother’s Mother

Father’s Father’s Father’s Mother

Mother’s Father’s Mother’s Mother

Father Father-in-law

Mother Mother-in-law

Name, Date of Birth, Star-sign Husband, in-law s Brothers, Cousins Nieces and Nephews Any other soul-ties Any friends of influence, any covenants you have made Any teacher or prominent persons in childhood

Fear Water, Cars, driving, wet roads, wet floors, doctors / dentists, injections, hospitals, animals, insects, height, narrowness, financial loss, fear of loosing job, flying, rejection, falling, people, sickness (cancer, heart failure, kidney failure, impotence, body pains), death, fear of unknown, dark, attacks, molesting, exams, men, women, meetings, gathering, eating out, disapproval, night driving, child bearing and child raising, etc., Sexual Masturbation, homosexuality, lesbianism, perversion, prostitution, intercourse with animals, adultery, pornography, oral sex, blue films, raping, child molesting, rape, lust, fantasy, harlotry, sexual dreams, wandering eyes, etc., Financial Bankruptcy, stealing, cheating, gambling, alcohol, drugs, stinginess, spending, lack, greed, stealing worker’s wages, compulsive shopping, spend thrift, debt, compulsive buying, avarice, covetousness, materialism, withholding of tithes, etc., Curses you spoke over yourself I am too fat, I will never lose weight, I do not have money, I will never get well, I will never love my husband / wife, etc., Curse your parents spoke over you You will never get anywhere, you will never pass these exams, you can never win, curse from not honoring parents, etc., Curse put on you by others / sins of forefathers If there was any free masonry in your ancestry, curse of miscarriages, finances, curse on farming, family, health, anybody whom you have cursed, etc., Occult Glassy-glassy, witch doctors, fortune teller, witch craft, satanism, spiritism, yoga, hypnotism, meditation, astrology, white magic, black magic, witch craft, calling up the dead, chanting, astrology, numerology, scientology, horoscope reading, poojas, mantras, astral projection, trans-meditation, palmistry Idolatry Any saint, idol, god, ancestor or guru, any temple name / place of worship Satanism Blood sacrifices, murder, rape, sexual orgies, satanic oaths, curses, spells, trans meditation, leaving bodies etc., Sickness Heart attack, diabetes, cancer, arthritis, blood sickness, gout, allergies, asthma, epilepsy, lung sickness, rheumatism, skin diseases, hereditary diseases, psycho somatic diseases – Neurotic, stress-related, psychiatry, psychology, neurology, surgery, gynecology, dermatology, etc.,

Addiction Alcohol, tobacco, television, computers, internet, phone, caffeine, food, games, fashion, drugs, coke, work, medications, etc., Tongue Lying, gossiping, accusing, stuttering, exaggerating, criticism, backbiting, mockery, cursing, swearing, blasphemy, talkative, deceiving, hurting words, (those things that you thought you had control over, but which keep coming back). Music Classical music, country music, western music, rock music, heavy metal, loudness, etc., Religion False demonic voices surrounding like the voice of God, false anointing, false calling, Pharisee, Sadducee, every Church that you have been a member of. Anger Kicking doors, slamming doors, shouting, swearing, fighting, violence, screaming, fighting, violence, screaming, murder, aggressiveness, cruel, un-forgiveness, bitterness, etc., Self image Inferiority complex, bad self-image, self pity, withdrawal, shyness, sense of incapability, pride, un-teachability, lying, fear of people, complexes, fear of demonstrating love, fear of declaring the truth, fear of facing people etc., Depression and stress Heaviness, suicide, headaches, confusion, moodiness, nausea, confusion, suicide, self-pity, hopelessness, discouragement, overeating, depression, stress, anxiety, tension, nervousness, fear of any sort, etc., Mind Mind control, mind power, day dreaming, wandering mind, accuser, confusion, condemnation, schizophrenia, lack of concentration, deception, unfocused, dyslexia, brain orientation problems, forgetfulness, memory lagoons, blocked memory, torment, blurred vision, heaviness, irritability, tied emotions, dizziness, lack of motivation, conscience, rejection, lying, anxiety, tiredness / sleepiness, inability to sleep, blocked languages, stammering, lack of vision, aimlessness, forgetting names, weakness, doubt, unworthiness, being ignorant, helplessness, irritability, mockery, un-forgiveness towards yourself, un-forgiveness towards others, hating people, being dominant, being overly submissive, jealous, controlling, “couldn’t care less” attitude, sloppiness, untidiness, laziness, over-eating, being panicky always, etc., Suicide, Abortion and Murder All are blood sacrifices that open the door to strong demons TV, dreams, internet and films Everything that comes on you while looking at television, internet or films as well as with dreams that is normally due to the things that you watched. Dream interpretations etc.,

Accident proneness Always involved in accidents, breaking arms, legs, etc., Aging Spirit Skin, eyes, memory, wrinkles, body functions, etc., (things that make you get old before time) Retarded development Development of your body or soul can be delayed or being captive due to traumas in childhood or as a result of the sins of your forefathers. Blood Transfusion Your soul is in your blood. By receiving blood, your soul may tie to the donators’ soul due to demonic forces in the blood. Vagabond Wanderer, cannot settle, moving around, does not stay in one place or job a long time. Shock Birth, accidents, divorce, separation, bankruptcy, rape, death, attacks, fired or retrenched at work, miscarriages, identification of a serious sickness. Menopause, PMS, Midlife crisis You cannot stop it in your life, but you can break the forces that enhance it. Birth Complicated birth, naval string around the neck or body, incubator, pliers with birth, premature birth, rejected by parents, dedication to spirits or “saints”, name giving ceremonies, (Parents didn’t want you, or wanted the opposite sex when you were still in the womb. This will make you feel unwanted the rest of your life if not dealt with.) Birth place (Spirit of your birth place to be broken over you. Too much of love for any place / country). Others Perverting justice, backbiting, speaking against God’ servants, swearing in God’s name, swearing falsely in God’s name, blaspheming God’s holy spirit, bribing, withholding truth, rejecting God’s word, non-conformance to God’s words, oppression, accusation, early death, de-promotion, rejection and ill-treatment, desire for husband, husband’s domination, frustration and futility, unfruitfulness and hostility, influence of territorial spirits on the land, robbing God of His rightful portion, rebellion, anger, trusting man, fear of man, pride, own ways and deeds, ungratefulness, slothfulness, un-forgiveness, exposing other’s nakedness, denying help to God’s people, soul ties,

Psalm 107:20 He sent forth his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave.

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