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SBM CHECKLIST FOR LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE INDICATORS/MOV A. LEADERSHIP AND GOVERNANCE 1. Development of a shared vision, mission, and goals (VMG).  School Improvement Plan/3 Year Plan  SIP Signatures / Proof of Planning / Copy of School VMG  List of completed SIP/AIP related projects and programs led by the School Head and co-implemented with stakeholders  Progress reports of projects led and implemented by stakeholders  SGC Minutes of Meeting on school governance matter involvement (Policy Making)  Annual Implementation Plan  SGC Minutes of annual meetings/assemblies to report on the progress vis-a-vis the SIP/AIP.  Minutes of at least three-consultative meetings (with memo, picture, attendance) for Education Summit.  Minutes of Meetings of School & Teachers Organizations/Committees(with pictures and attendance during meetings) SGC SBM Working Committee BrigadaEskwela DRRM Group Grievance Committee MOOE TWG Faculty Club  Minutes of Meetings of Pupil’s Organizations (Clubs)  Minutes of Meetings of Classroom Officers  Minutes of Meetings of Community & Parents Organizations Brgy. Council Stakeholders Alumni Gen. PTA Homeroom PTA  Action Plan of School and Teachers Organizations SGC SBM Working Committee BrigadaEskwela DRRM Group Grievance Committee MOOE TWG Faculty Club  Action Plan of Pupil’s Organizations  Action Plan of Classroom Officers  Action Plan of Community & Parents Organizations Brgy. Council Stakeholders Alumni Gen. PTA Homeroom PTA  Work Plan of School and Teachers Organizations SGC SBM Working Committee BrigadaEskwela DRRM Group Grievance Committee MOOE TWG Faculty Club  Work Plan of Pupil’s Organizations





INDICATORS/MOV  Work Plan of Community and Parents Organizations Brgy. Council Stakeholders Alumni Gen. PTA Homeroom PTA 2. Periodic Revisitation and Adjustment of organization’s vision, direction, and aspirations.  School and Teachers Organizations Accomplishment Reports (with pictures)  School Organizational ChartAccomplishment Reports  Minutes of meetings (at least 2 consultative meetings) reflecting participation of school stakeholders in evaluation or review activities of the school  Records of participation in the adjustment / modification of the SIP / AIP by pupils, teachers, and parents yearly  Publication of the accomplished SIP / AIP review  AIP Review Results  Documents on the involvement of the SGC in the revision of SIP and adjustment of AIP.  Accomplishment Reports (with pictures) SGC SBM Working Committee BrigadaEskwela DRRM Group Grievance Committee MOOE TWG Faculty Club  Accomplishment Reports of Pupil’s Organizations(with pictures)  Accomplishment Reports of Community & Parents Organization, (with pictures) Brgy. Council Stakeholders Alumni Gen. PTA Homeroom PTA  Accomplishment Reports of School and Teachers Organizations, (with pictures) SGC SBM Working Committee BrigadaEskwela DRRM Group Grievance Committee MOOE TWG Faculty Club  Programs & Projects of School and Teachers Organizations (with pictures) SGC SBM Working Committee BrigadaEskwela DRRM Group Grievance Committee MOOE TWG Faculty Club  Programs & Projects of Pupil’s Organizations(with pictures)  Programs & Projects of Community & Parents Organization (with pictures) Brgy. Council Stakeholders Alumni





INDICATORS/MOV Gen. PTA Homeroom PTA  Reports Enrollment DUT Phil-IRI Performance Indicators Nutritional Status Etc.  Statement of the School Address  School Report Card  Division Unified Test Results  National Achievement Test Results  Regional Achievement Test Results  Summative Test Results  Pre/Post Test Results  Phil-IRI  Performance Indicators  Nutritional Status  Reports of Action Taken on Summative Test Results, DUTs, RATs, and NATs 3.Organizational Structure for Education & Governance  School organizational chart with functions and responsibilities of personnel  List of officers of stakeholders (Students, teachers, parents) showing roles and responsibilities Organized stakeholders Gen. PTA Homeroom PTA Alumni SGC SPG SBM Working Committee DRRM MOOE TWG Faculty Club  Roles/Functions and Responsibilities of Pupil’s Organizations  Roles/Function and Responsibilities of Community and Parents Organizations  Roles/Function and Responsibilities of Barangay Council  Records of meeting / orientation on roles and responsibilities of internal and external stakeholders / attendance  Participation of community stakeholders in school  Records of simple management tasks delegated to a committee 4. Regular Information and Feedback sharing on the progress of the education development program.  One (1) bulletin board per subject area to display pupils’/students’ outputs signed by parents.  Teachers’ Portfolio  Students’ Portfolio  Year-Round/Monthly Schedule of Activities using the Reduced Friday Class  Year Round Plan of School Integrated Competition  Supervisory Plans reflecting “clinical supervision” method  Records of teachers/class observations with technical assistance  Report on evaluation of Teacher Performance  Records of positive feedback on level of satisfaction from stakeholders regarding efficiency of school systems.  List of Grievance Committee / Roles & Functions





INDICATORS/MOV  Records on conflict management (from attending to minor school conflicts to its full resolution (Teachers, Students Communication Network, Files of School Memo / Division Office / Regional Office) 5. Enhancement of Leadership Competencies of Stakeholders to face Emerging Opportunities and Challenges.  Copy of TDNA, TDNASH, IPPD, SPPD  Records on the conduct of school or cluster-based training on improving classroom instruction / management  Records of training / learning opportunities provided to / attended by school personnel aligned to their IPPD  Records of institutionalized professional development for staff and other stakeholders  Records of training/learning of opportunities for school improvement provided by the school head to: student organization, parent organization, teacher organization, LGU, local organizations  School T&D Action Plan, Analysis / Summary for Needs Assessment  Records of coaching, mentoring, monitoring & evaluation (delegation of critical functions)to teachers and stakeholders / SLAC  Records of mentoring and consultations with co-administrators  Records of consultations with internal and external stakeholders on improving learning outcomes.  Records of conflict management (from attending to minor school conflicts to its full resolution)  Records/documents of the institutionalization of best practices on SBM  Records of SBM advocacy activities conducted by the school  Records of SBM benchmarking by the school head/management  Action Research  Project Proposal  School Paper OTHERS:





SBM CHECKLIST FOR CURRICULUM AND LEARNING INDICATORS/MOV B. CURRICULUM AND LEARNING 1. The curriculum provides for the development needs of all types of learners in the school community  Copies of Curriculum Materials, Teachers' Guide, Curriculum Guides, Learners' Materials, Proto-type learning plans per learning area / BOW  Records of remediation (enrichment activities or other programs provided to students based on their needs)/ Friday Remedial Class Program for slow learners / non-readers / non-numerate / special programs with Program Reports  Teachers’ NCBTS_TSNA  Teachers’ IPPD  SPPD  NAT Reviewers  RAT/DUT Reviewers/ HOTS-based testing tools used (NAT – patterned) as reviewer  Item Banks (In CDs or Index Cards)  TOS and Test Papers  Reading Program  Numeracy Skills Program  Feeding Program  Skills Development/Enhancement Programs/ Teachers Seminars/INSETS/SLACS Attended  Lesson Plans/Guides  Budget of Work  Visual Aids/Instructional Materials Used  School Governing Council Programs and Activities  PTA Assembly Meetings/Consultation  PTA Accomplishment  PTA Projects/Activities  Class Observations  Supervisory Plan/Post Conferences  Year Round/Monthly Schedule of Activities using the Reduced Friday Class Program  LGU Projects  NGO Projects  Church-based assisted Projects  Alumni Projects  Community Projects  Deped Orders  Deped Memos  Division Letters  Division Memos  School Letters  School Memos  List of students participations in different activities  Portfolio Assessments  Performance Assessments  Summative Assessments  Rubrics  Classroom Progress Charts  List and Pictures of Instructional materials and Equipment  Instructional Plans showing ability and interest of learners  Ranking of Teachers  Enrichment of the Curriculum (elective, extra-curricular, others)  Research Works  Nutritional Status  School Policies



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INDICATORS/MOV  Child Friendly School Guidelines  Programs for A Child and Community-Centered Education Systems (ACCESs)  Interventions for ACCESs (Home Visitation)  Supreme Student Government Roles/Functions and Responsibilities  Extra-curricular activities  Different School Celebrations with the participation of Stakeholders. 2. The implemented curriculum is localized to make it more meaningful to the learners and applicable to life in the community  Localized curriculum/instructional materials  Big books developed by teachers  Innovations on Teaching developed utilized communications as a learning resource / laboratory 3. A representative group of school and community stakeholders develop the methods and materials for developing creative thinking & problem solving  Records of interventions / projects co-managed by parents (e.g. reading)  Evaluation report on the positive impact of parent-led programs / projects to learning outcomes  Feeding programs parents' involvement  Cleaning Program  Greening Program  Adopt-a-School  BrigadaEskwela 4. The learning systems are regularly and collaboratively monitored by the community using appropriate tools to ensure the holistic growth and development of the learners and the community  Classroom Supervisory Plan / Corner  Monitoring Schedule  Records of consultation with internal and external stakeholders in improving learning outcomes  Committee of stakeholders to monitor classes 5.Appropriate assessment tools for teaching and learning are continuously reviewed and improved, and assessment results are contextualized to the learner and local situation and the attainment of relevant life skills.  Updated Assessment Tool  Classroom Progress Report Chart by subject area including Phil-IRI, etc.  Test results / utilization-intervention 6.Learning managers and facilitators (teachers, administrators and community members) nurture values and environments that are protective of all children and demonstrate behaviours consistent to the organization’s Vision, Mission and Goals.  List of Child Protection Policy posted on bulletin board  Report on the conduct of orientation regarding the right, roles and responsibilities of stakeholders (students, teachers, and parents)  Consultation sessions with other stakeholders regarding feedback on performance (learning and behavior)  HIV reports, Homeroom Guidance / Counseling 7.Methods and resources are learner and community-friendly, enjoyable, safe, inclusive, accessible and aimed at developing self-directed learners. Learners are equipped with essential knowledge, skills, and values to assume responsibility and accountability for their own learning.  Child-Friendly School Survey  Records of continuous improvement of students learning outcomes and other performance indicators


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 Safe / Conducive Teaching Learning Rooms Safe / Conducive Teaching Learning Rooms OTHERS:

SBM CHECKLIST FOR ACCOUNTABILITY AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT INDICATORS/MOV C. ACCOUNTABILITY AND CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT 1. Roles and responsibilities of accountable person/s and collective body/ies are clearly defined and agreed upon by community stakeholders  School organizational chart with functions and responsibilities of personnel (which includes additional roles of staff like SBM Coordinators / Testing / T&D  Copy of designation and their responsibilities  Records of community stakeholder volunteers in school programs/ projects/ activities Brigada Eskwela, feeding, clean and green beautification

             

List of officers of stakeholders (Students, teachers, parents) showing roles and responsibilities: / Constitution & By-Laws / Implementing Rules & Regulations / Guidelines / Resolutions: Gen. PTA Homeroom PTA SGC SPG / SSG Faculty Club Pupil’s / Students’ Organizations (Clubs) Other organized teams / committees / clubs: Alumni SIP / School Planning Team (SPT) SBM Working Committee DRRM MOOE TWG Brigada Eskwela Committee Grievance Committee Records of minutes of the meeting / FGD / showing involvement of stakeholders in clarifying and defining their specific roles & functions through flow chart School handbook /Manual / MOA / contract signed by stakeholders to signify their accountability & responsibilities

2. Achievement of goals is recognized based on a collaboratively developed performance accountability system; gaps are addressed through appropriate action.  Record on agreements with stakeholders on implementation of longterm school projects / programs  Documents showing school performance analyzed, disseminated, and recommendations acted upon  Copy of State of the School Address (SOSA)  School Report Card  Feedbacks from stakeholders (through suggestion box, text brigade, forum, assembly)  Program / memo on school-based awards  List of awardees (internal & external stakeholders)



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INDICATORS/MOV  Institutionalized recognition / incentive & reward system 3. The accountability system is owned by the community and is continuously enhanced to ensure that management structures and mechanisms are responsive to the emerging learning needs and demands of the community  Any school’s initiated accountability assessment framework with structure & implementing guidelines (as part of the school handbook)  Communication letter  Pictorials  Attendance Sheet  Minutes of meetings containing the suggestions for improvement or the like  ACR/accomplishment Report/Minutes of Meeting duly signed by the stakeholders who participated in the crafting of the accountability assessment framework.  Any document showing that the system is operational  Any report of an activity conducted for the review and enhancement of the school initiated assessment system-it’s processes, TORs of members and the tools  Adjusted assessment system  Resolution for any adjustments that will be collaboratively approved by the stakeholders 4. Accountability assessment criteria and tools, feedback mechanisms, and information collection and validation techniques and processes are inclusive and collaboratively developed and agreed upon. School-Based Accountability Assessment Framework -Structure -Processes -Tools  Invitation letter to stakeholders  Minutes in the articulation of the Accountability Assessment Framework  School-Based Accountability Assessment System developed  Quarterly accomplished/utilized accountability assessment tools (SHs, T’s, Pupils, Parents, External Stakeholders)  Any document proving the engagement in the development and operation of the accountability assessment system  Any document showing the continuous and collaborative review and enhancement of accountability system; processes, mechanism and tools 5. Participatory assessment of performance is done regularly with the community. Assessment results and lessons learned serve a basis for feedback, technical assistance, recognition and plan adjustment.  Quarterly Report on School Monitoring Evaluation & Adjustment  Integrated SMEA results to: - SIP/AIP - Technical Assistance Plan  SMEA served as basis for: - Adjusted SIP/AIP -Adjusted Monitoring & Evaluation System -Adjusted Technical Assistance Plan



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SBM CHECKLIST FOR MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCE INDICATORS/MOV D. MANAGEMENT OF RESOURCE 1. Regular Resource Inventory  Records of utilization of school MOOE  Documents showing alignment of funds utilization to SIP/AIP  Financial statements showing that MOOE and other sources of funds are fully utilized according to SIP/SOB  Records of resource generation from different sources  Investments for school improvement from generating projects  Documents showing budget is demand-driven and/or responding to urgent needs of the school.  Annual School Budget (ASB) supported interventions or programs/projects met national target.  Canteen Financial Statement  Computer Financial Statement  MOOE Financial Statement  School and Teachers Financial Statement SGC SPG SBM Working Committee DRRM Group MOOE TWG Faculty Club BrigadaEskwela Committee Grievance Committee  Pupil’s Organizations Financial Statement Clubs Classrooms Brgy. Council Stakeholders Alumni Gen. PTA Homeroom PTA 2.Regular Dialogue for Planning and Resource Programming  Minutes of meeting with PTA  Published financial statements, MOOE funds posted on bulletin boards, distributed to community, stakeholders  Documents showing alignment of funds utilization to SIP/AIP  Annual Procurement Plan prepared and submitted  Minutes of the meeting posted on the bulletin board  Solicitation letters received by donors.  Project proposal for the different projects initiated/prepared by proponents. 3.There is in Place a Community-Developed Resource Management System  Records of stakeholder involvement, SOB AIP, utilization of funds and other grants  Grants received as a results of the proposal for school improvement activities  Investments for school improvement from income generating projects.  Reward system for stakeholders.  Acknowledgement of stakeholders support/donation.  Financial statements published in school paper.









INDICATORS/MOV 4.Regular Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting processes of resource management  Implementation of procurement plan sustained  Financial reports prepared by the school head or financial staff/canteen reports and utilization  Positive financial performance reports prepared by duly authorized personnel under the supervision of the school head.  Documents of best practices on fund management.  Regular inventory of school resources Laboratory School Building Electric Fan, Chairs and Teachers Table Textbooks, Teachers Manual and other books, I.A. Tools, Kitchen Tools and Gardening Tools, Sports Materials 5. There is a system that manages the network and linkages that strengthen and sustain partnerships.  Financial reports prepared adhering to approved budgeting, accounting, and auditing re-alignment proposals guidelines  Positive financial performance reports prepared by duly authorized personnel under the supervision of the school head  Documents showing budget is demand-driven and/or responding to urgent needs of the school  Stakeholder's attendance or Letters informing stakeholders on status/FS report on Canteen operation, IGP  Transparency board for Published financial statement  Records on utilization of downloaded school MOOE with guidance from Division Office.  Books of accounts and all financial transaction audited  Implementation of procurement plan sustained OTHERS:





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