Ruangrat Natthanicha - Document Two Three

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 396
  • Pages: 2
Document two - checklist   

Turn the research you did in Document One into a swimming checklist you will use to evaluate your stroke.    Stroke: F ​ reestyle  Skill 






Properly do the bilateral breathing while swimming. 





When I do catch, I properly rotate my elbow up and bend my elbow  down so that it will look like a hook. 





When kick, both leg next to each other like a steam line. 





Stretch my arm as much/far as possible 





Finger entering the water first and keep my hand curved like trying    to scoop down the water. 




When pull, pull as much water down as possible. 





Document three - goal setting     




By now you have made your checklists and analysed your own performance. You are now asked to pick out two aspects from each  stroke you would like to especially work on in the pool and try to improve, and explain what you are doing to improve these skills.  Make sure to use PE terminology and give detailed descriptions.    Stroke:​ Freestyle  



Plan for week one 

Plan for week two 

Plan for week three 

Plan for week 4 

Goal 1:  Correctly do the catch,  pull and recovery with  my arm which will  make me swim faster  and spendless energy.   

Do research about the  Practice doing the  proper ways to do catch,  catch, pull and recovery  pull and recovery .  in the swimming pool. 

Practice using only  necessary amount of  energy in each motion  by practicing  swimming in the pool. 

Keep on practicing in  pool but not forgetting  the correct form of the  arm motion.  

Goal 2:  Being able to do the  bilateral breathing  while swimming  correctly.   

Learn how to do and  what is the correct form  of the bilateral  breathing. Then, try  practicing it in my head  first before entering the  pool. 

After practicing it with  the kickboard then, I try  it without the  kickboard. While  swimming I try to  remember the correct  form. 

Finally, I try to swim  faster and do the  bilateral breathing at  the same time. Finally,  when I feel that I can do  it properly, I let my  coach watch me and  give me advice and keep  on practicing. 


After, I know and  remember the correct  bilateral breathing form  I then start working on  it in the pool. First, I try  it with a kickboard and  practice it all around the  pool. 

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