Ruangrat Natthanicha - Criterion B Summative Assessment Task

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,395
  • Pages: 6
Criterion B: Summative Assessment Task     Concepts  Communication -​ what do you plan to communicate about the course to its participants  Choice - ​choices lead to consequences; these may have a positive/negative affect on the  outcome  Adaption - h ​ ow will you adapt to the challenges of the course  Environment - h ​ ow the environment one faces will influences one’s choices  ALT skills  Collaboration:  ➔ Delegate and share responsibility for decision-making  ➔ Build consensus  ➔ Negotiate effectively  MYP Assessment Objective  Grade 7 Students  Criterion B: Planning for performance  ● identify goals to enhance performance  ● construct and outline a plan for  improving physical activity and health. 

Grade 8 Students  Criterion B: Planning for Performance  ● outline goals to enhance performance  ● design and explain a plan for improving  physical performance and health. 

  Why are formative assessment tasks important?    Formative assessments:  ● Give YOU a chance to get feedback on what you will be assessed on in the summative  task  ● Show teachers if YOU need more help or are ready to move to on to something more  challenging   ● Give teachers evidence to support YOU achieving a high level of assessment   ● Give YOU a safety net in case you bomb the summative assessment task    Purposeful practice makes perfect performance!     ORIENTEERING GOALS:  ● To improve fitness  ○ The length between your controls  ○ Setting a time limit  ○ Making controls easier to find (less time spent finding the control, more active time)  ○ Lot of uphill legs  ● To improve ability to read and take bearings  ○ Course requires participants to orient a map, use a compass to find controls  ● To be able to estimate distance  ● To improve interpersonal skills (decision making)  ○ Course requires students to make choices and adapt to the environment 


Task 1: Outline the orienteering GOALS for your course: 


Come up with 4 different orienteering GOALS for your course and justify them in the table below:    Goals 

How your course is designed  to achieve this 

How will you know if you  have been successful 

To improve endurance fitness.           

Create a course which each  point is far away from each  other and give limited time so  that they will need to run  faster from point to point. 

They will run faster from point  to point and they will be very  tired after the course. 

Being able to estimate the  distance and take bearing.   

My course will not give the  distances and bearing. So,  that they are required to  orient the map and use a  compass to find controls.   

When they are able to  estimate the distance based  on their knowledge. They are  able to take bearing and  arrive to the control correctly. 

Explore new place that the  Put control in a place where  control have never put before.  teacher and other student    never put before.     

Ask them after the course has  finish if any of the places have  control put there before or  not. If not then, the goal is  successful. 

Collaborate and communicate  with partner.     

They communicate together  and find all of the control in  the given time. 

Work as a pair to go on the  course. Communicate with  partner where the control is  hidden based on the picture  taken. Also, collaborate to  decide the path to take to  reach the control faster. 


    Task 2: Outline the orienteering GOALS for your course:  Complete the document below for your course, and submit with a photo of your course    Level of fitness required 

High: Point a part, going around building, some uphills and a lot of  running.   

What features will you  Satellite map with control marked.  communicate to your    participants on your map   


  Estimated Time 

  25-30 minutes given 


Bearing to  next control 

Estimated  distance 

  How will this help achieve your GOALs for the course 

10 °N 


Control is place in a spot where others has  not put before to help achieve the third goal.  To find this control they need to collaborate  together which help achieve the fourth goal.  When given to to the player there would not  be distance and bearing given which help to  achieve the second goal. 

240 °W 


Control is place far away from the previous  control spot which would make them run  more and in a faster pace to improve  endurance fitness which is the first goal. To  find this control they need to collaborate  together which help achieve the fourth goal.  When given to to the player there would not  be distance and bearing given which help to  achieve the second goal. 

100 °E 


Control is place far away from the previous  control spot which would make them run  more and in a faster pace to improve  endurance fitness which is the first goal. To  find this control they need to collaborate  together which help achieve the fourth goal.  When given to to the player there would not  be distance and bearing given which help to  achieve the second goal. 

20 °N 


Control is place far away from the previous  control spot which would make them run  more and in a faster pace to improve  endurance fitness which is the first goal. To  find this control they need to collaborate  together which help achieve the fourth goal.  When given to to the player there would not  be distance and bearing given which help to  achieve the second goal. 

175 °S 


Control is place far away from the previous  control spot which would make them run  more and in a faster pace to improve  endurance fitness which is the first goal. To  find this control they need to collaborate  together which help achieve the fourth goal.  When given to to the player there would not  be distance and bearing given which help to  achieve the second goal. 

280 °W 


Control is place in a spot where others has  not put before to help achieve the third goal.  To find this control they need to collaborate  together which help achieve the fourth goal.  When given to to the player there would not  be distance and bearing given which help to  achieve the second goal. 

279 °W 


Control is place in a spot where others has  not put before to help achieve the third goal.  To find this control they need to collaborate  together which help achieve the fourth goal.  When given to to the player there would not  be distance and bearing given which help to  achieve the second goal. 

190 °S 


Control is place in a spot where others has  not put before to help achieve the third goal.  To find this control they need to collaborate  together which help achieve the fourth goal.  When given to to the player there would not  be distance and bearing given which help to  achieve the second goal. 

80 °E 


Control is place far away from the previous  control spot which would make them run  more and in a faster pace to improve  endurance fitness which is the first goal. To  find this control they need to collaborate  together which help achieve the fourth goal.  When given to to the player there would not  be distance and bearing given which help to  achieve the second goal. 


280 °W 


Control is place in a spot where others has 

not put before to help achieve the third goal.  To find this control they need to collaborate  together which help achieve the fourth goal.  When given to to the player there would not  be distance and bearing given which help to  achieve the second goal.     

  Task 3: feedback on the success of your course  Create a document where those that completed your course can give you feedback on how well  you achieved your goals.    Goal 


Feedback from those who completed your  course 

To improve endurance fitness.         


Being able to estimate the distance and take  bearing.           


Explore new place that the control have never  put before.         


Collaborate and communicate with partner.       



  What you need to submit   


You will need to submit the following documents:  1. Your orienteering goals (task 1)  2. The completed orienteering control chart (task 2)  3. A map with controls CLEARLY labeled (task 2)  4. Feedback from to give the group that completes your course (you need to create one through  Google Forms)  5. Feedback form (task 3) 


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