Ruangrat Natthanicha - G8 Phe Criterion A Summative

  • May 2020
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  • Pages: 5
Grade 8 Physical & Health Education   Criterion A Summative Assessment Task      Name: 




Level 1-2 

Level 3-4 

Level 5-6 

Level 7-8 


Describe physical  health education  factual,  procedural and  conceptual  knowledge.   

Recalls ​physical  health education  factual,  procedural and  conceptual  knowledge. 

States ​physical  health education  factual,  procedural and  conceptual  knowledge. 

Outlines ​physical  health education  factual,  procedural and  conceptual  knowledge. 

Describes ​physical  and health  education factual,  procedural and  conceptual  knowledge. 

Questions 1, 2, 3, 4  and 5 

Apply physical and  health education  knowledge to  explain issues and  solve problems set  in familiar and  unfamiliar  situations.   

Identifies​ physical  and health  education  knowledge to  outline​ issues ​and  suggest​ solutions  to problems set in  familiar situations. 

Identifies​ physical  and health  education  knowledge to  describe​ issues  and​ ​solve  problems set in  familiar situations​. 

Applies ​physical  and health  education  knowledge to  describe​ issues, to  solve​ problems set  in ​unfamiliar  situations. 

Applies ​physical  and health  education  knowledge to  explain​ issues ​and  solve​ problems set  in ​familiar and  unfamiliar  situations​. 

Questions 6, 7, 8  and 9 

Apply physical and  health terminology  effectively to  communicate  understanding.   

Applies ​physical  and health  terminology to  communicate  understanding  with limited  success​.   

Applies​ physical  and health  terminology to  communicate  understanding.   

Applies​ physical  and health  terminology  consistently​ to  communicate  understanding.   

Applies​ physical  and health  terminology  consistently​ and  effectively​ to  communicate  understanding.   

Completing all  three tasks using  football specific  vocabulary,  

Recall:  use knowledge/skills from formative experiences  State: ​give a brief answer without explanation  Outline:​ give a brief account or summary  Describe: ​Give a detailed account of a situation  Identify:​ recognize and state briefly a distinguishing fact or feature  Apply:​ to use knowledge/ideas/skills in a real game situation  Suggest:​ give a solution or possible answer  Solve: ​provide an answer using appropriate methods  Explain: ​Give a detailed account including reasons or causes. 

Student Justifications: ​A 7 because I answer 

questions with explanation of why I chose that  answer. I describe and applies physical and  health education knowledge with terminology  consistently to communicate my  understanding. 

Teacher Justifications: 


1) What is offensive and defensive role of ​Player D​ in  this formation (include 2 things for each)? 

  Offensive:  Player D is a midfielder, in the offensive side play he will  need to move to the attacking zone helping player E and F  to score goal. He will be in charge of scoring in the middle  lane of the goal.    Player D will run up and down the attacking zone trying  not to let the opposite side get the ball.     

Defensive:  Player D is a midfielder, in the defensive side play he will  need to move to the defending zone helping playing A, B  and C to protect the goal.    Player D will be running up and down half of the attacking  zone to half of the defending zone because there is many  defender so, he need to be helping the attacker get the ball to  the attacking zone.    (4 points)

2) Player A from the above formation plays as a Left  Back. The diagram on the right shows how much  time he spent in each section of the field during the  match. Did Player A do a good job for his team in  the match? Explain why giving at least two reasons.    Player A did a bad job for his team because his position is  left back but he spend most of his time in the right  attacking/forward section. He spend the least time doing  the position he is given.     He does not know what he have to do in his position. He left  his position to go help the attacker leaving the goal open  giving the opponent team a higher chance to score. 

(3 Points) 

3) Look at the picture of the team formations on the  right. What is the formation (?-?-?-?) of each team?        Red team: ​4-4-1-1          Blue team: ​4-2-3-1  (3 Points)   

4) Team “South Melbourne Hellas” have set up their team to  play you above. Explain ​a​ weaknesses you can identify in  their formation.    A weaknesses in this formation is the defender because there is only  one player defending having a risked that the defense is exposed,  increases the chance of the opponent being able to score. 


5) Double click on the image on the right and move the  circles to show a formation to think would give the best  chance for success, then explain why.   

Formation that would give the best chance of success is 2-2-1 because  there are two defenders which give a good stable defensive base and  the midfielders are able to support the defense, while also having  responsibility to join the attack. When the opponent tried to attack  on the wing they will be blocked by the midfielder. In the opponent  formation 1-3-1 they usually focus on attack which is why 2-2-1  formation will be effective. When the opponent team are offending  and we are defending, our midfielder join the defender blocking the  opponent team from scoring.    (6 Points) 


6) Watch the video clip. Can you describe  how the RED team are creating their scoring  opportunities.   

The RED team create their scoring opportunities  by passing the ball across the field making the  goaler confused. They mostly score on the side  where the defender are not blocking or paying  much attention to. 

  YouTube    (4 Points) 

    7) Watch the video clip. In the clip explain  why is it so easy for the BLUE team to pass  the ball out from the goalkeeper to the  halfway line. 



It is easy for the BLUE team to pass the ball out  from the goalkeeper to the halfway line because  they are doing short quick passes.   They passes to player who are free/open or player  that does not have many opponent team player  blocking.   They do trick or fiend like pretending to pass left  but actually pass right. 


8) Explain what the RED team can do to stop this happening and make it harder for  the goalkeeper to pass the ball out.  The forward move to block the opponent defender from getting the passes by the opponent  goaler. More player need to be blocking the opponent player from receiving passes, play 1 on 1  blocking the opponent to pass.  (6 Points) 

9) Your team is winning 1-0, using the formation on the right. With 5 minutes left one  of your players, Namyen, gets sent off. You now only have 4 players and your  goalkeeper.    


Click on the diagram above and show me how you will change your formation.  Explain why you made the changes.   

  We will play the position 3-1 because we are leading in scores so, we should focus on defending  more not letting the opponent opportunity to score. We focus on defending but if we have  chance then, we’ll counter attack by having one or both of the wing-back defenders exploding  forward to join the attacks. In the offensive play the forward wing-back defenders will help the  forward to score as much as possible in case the opponent scored.     

(6 Points)                   

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