Roman Reminiscences- A Short Story

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  • Words: 3,499
  • Pages: 11
Roman Reminiscences

A short story by Paramjit Sharma Sharmapjit


ROMAN REMINISCENCES * Rexy jumped into the taxi after meeting Monica at the reception, who gave her the last instructions for remaining vigilant at Rome. She left I LO Turin Centre at 5 a.m. to catch the flight to Rome for finally flying back to India. She looked back to say' arrivederchi' (Good Bye) to the Centre where she has spent last four months attending a training programme. After initial excitement, she missed miserably her friends, family, Indian food and Indian environment. People at the Centre were quite friendly and affectionate, but except her eagerness to fulfill a long time desire to visit holy city Vatican, she struggled to spend time at Torino. Even the weekend’s jaunts to cities like Venicia and Milano could not excite her. Her heart was only to go to Rome. She once even got an opportunity to visit her dream city. But her rommie Mariya got sick and she just could not think of leaving her alone in that condition. After her training, she planned to visit Rome for discharging the wish of late' Aunty Pushang' who was a great source of inspiration in the early part of her life. They remained neighbors for fifteen years. Aunty's husband, Mr. Robert Pushang, was an English policeman, who continued to serve Indian Police after British left India. He died quite young leaving behind aunty and his son Andrew. Andrew migrated to Australia after some time. Rexy remembered aunty narrating that once she accompanied Mr. Pushang to The Netherlands. On their return to India they planned to visit Vatican as their connecting flight to India was scheduled after 10 hours. At Netherlands she purchased a big basket of yellow tulips for offering at Basilica of St. Peters in Vatican. But they were stopped to proceed as some serial bombs got exploded * a short story by PARAMJIT SHARMA,


in the cars parked close to Castle Angelo. They waited for clearance, but the police did not allow them to proceed. She remembered to hear this event number of times from aunty. Aunty also migrated to Australia as the old age was fast catching her.

Rexy remembered to have wept for weeks together after hearing about the demise of loving aunty. Six months later, Rexy got a parcel from Australia sent by the solicitor along with a letter which aunty willed to be sent to Rexy after her death. In her letter aunty, wished Rexy to visit Vatican at her convenience to carry out her unfulfilled desire of offering yellow tulips at Basilica of St. Peters'. She had lovingly written "Rexy, my child, please don't misunderstand me. I am sending my ring which Mr. Pushang offered me at my marriage. Rexy, you may dispose it off in the hour of need to gratify the wish of your loving …..” Rexy looked at the Golden ring with 30 carat diamonds. Aunty's offer to Rexy was the greatest honor she has ever received in her life. She mentally planned the care to be taken in Rome. People at Turino warned her about Rome. Kidnapping, killings, robberies and other crimes against women were not only common but even hateful to hear. She was also told that local goons had a very strong and effective network of communication with the underworld. She was scared to visit Rome. But her determination and affection for Aunty Pushang was so strong that she dared to face anything. Rexy was lost in her thoughts when the taxi stopped with a jerk. It was still dark outside. She got panicky to notice another Taxi parked off the road and her driver was in conversation with someone in Italian. She could gesticulate that the other taxi has broken down and the driver was requesting for transporting his passenger to the Porta Nova Stazione (station). When her driver informed Rexy that the passenger was a ten years old boy, who was to catch flight to Rome, she happily agreed.

"Buongiorno Signorina" (Good Morning Miss). He wished Rexy while occupying his seat in the Taxi.


"Buongiorno". Rexy greeted him lovingly as he must have been of her younger brother's age. 'Come to Chiami ?' (What is your name?) Rexy asked the boy. 'Mi Chiamo Paggio (My name is Paggio) the boy replied with a cute smile after understanding Rexy's difficulty with Italian language. 'Come to Chi ami, Signorina'? (What is your name Miss?) The boy asked respectfully 'Mi, Chiamo Rexy D'Souza' she replied 'Da Dove Vieni' (Which city are you from?) The boy continued asking her. 'Vengo da Goa in India' (I am from Goa in India) She replied 'Prego, No more Italian' Rexy requested him while adjusting her seat in the car to relax. They got connecting bus for Cassele airport at Porta Nova. On the way Paggio tried to reimburse Rexy the cost of bus ticket of Cinque Mille (5,000 lires) which she politely refused. She was particularly happy to find a companion for her flight from Turin to Rome although Paggio hardly knew English. She could at least take his help to locate Hotel Taormina at Rome where a room has been booked for her by the centre. Flight from Cassele airport left at 7am. Enroute they mostly communicated through gestures. She told Paggio about her mission to Rome and also enquired about shopping centers from where she could buy an Omega Swiss watch for her sister, rolling skates for her brother and an Italian suit for her father. She also intended to buy a 'Pupa' make up kit for herself. Pagglo promised to extend his helping hand in her shopping. After initial formalities at the Rome airport they came out to receive their baggage. Paggio waved to a lady and indicated to Rexy that she was his mother. They were soon out and Paggio's mother greeted both of them in customary Italian style. Suddenly Rexy noticed two hefty persons close to Paggio's mother directing some one to carry the baggage out.


Rexy noticed buts of guns concealed under their shirts. As Paggio was introducing his mother to Rexy, her sixth sense signaled her to be careful. 'You may call me Barbara' Paggio's mother addressed to Rexy, who became dumbstruck after watching those butts of guns. 'Ya...Ya...Rexy, unassumingly answered. Rexy, who got already frightened, immediately thought of her friends who have narrated their woes at Rome. What would happen to her if they kidnap or kill her? Money which she saved for donating at school for blinds would be carried away by these people. The presents she was carrying for her friends and family would never reach them. While they were keeping her baggage in the car, Rexy struck up with an idea to keep the baggage in the cloak room of the airport. This would at least ensure its safety. Rest she could leave to the mercy of the God. When she told this to Barbara, she got surprised. 'How it could happen? You are our guest. It is our responsibility to see you comfortable while you are in Rome. We would not allow this' Mrs. Barbara told her. Rexy's doubt got increased when she noticed them continuing to keep her baggage in the rear of the car. She knew, that was the only time and place where she could create fuss. Rexy just did not agree and against the wishes of Mrs. Barbara, kept her two suitcases with the cloak room attendant at the airport.

For her, then the problem was how to save her money. She deliberately went to toilet, kept all her money, passport and other traveling documents in a leather pouch after wrapping them in a plastic sheet. She hanged that pouch with a solid thread around her neck by hiding it under her T-Shirt. She put on a jacket, which had red and black reversible sides to hide the pouch, though the weather did not necessitate wearing the jacket. She dumped goggles, the camera, some Italian currency, a pair of jeans and a Tshirt as a dress for next day in a hand bag.


As they drove towards Rome city she noticed same two rugged persons sitting in the front seat of the car. She sat with Paggio and Barbara on the rear. She purposely sat on the right side to escape in case of need. She noted carefully the system of opening the door because it appeared to be different than in Indian cars. Their house was situated close to Piazza Bologna.' When the car stopped in front of a building, Rexy saw the hefty persons getting out of the car and taking out their pistols. She got further terrified. Their house was guarded by number of persons with automatic weapons. Six persons escorted them inside the building. She was by then sure to have been kidnapped. Their plan must have been started at Turin, when Paggio was placed in her car by deceit. Tears started rolling down her cheeks, but she just controlled them and firmly put her hand to the prayer which, Aunty pushang' had once given for her safety and security. After bath and some food, Mrs. Barbara called the same two hefty persons and instructed to them in Italian. She herself begged excuse as she and Paggio had to go for some important work. They promised to meet her in the evening for shopping. Rexy left with those two persons for her visit to various places. She kept on imagining being killed at gun point and situation thereafter. They reached 'Fontena Di Trevi', a beautiful monument built in the 15th century. One of them explained to Rexy that it has been a custom for departing travelers to throw a coin into the fountain to ensure the traveler will return to Rome. They requested Rexy to throw one coin in the fountain. She pretended not to possess any coin as she had seen enough of Rome and Romans. But he gave her one coin and requested her to throw the coin in the fountain. She bluffed to have thrown the coin, but instead kept the coin in her pocket. Suddenly it started drizzling and slowly turned into rain. They advised Rexy to move towards the car but instead, she requested them that in India one must encircle a monument to pay their respect. She left to encircle the monument and hesitatingly told them to wait for her in the car. Immediately after reaching the rear of 'Fontena Di Trevi'she noticed lot of narrow lanes intersecting each other. That was the best opportunity for her to escape. She entered into via Crociteri and hid herself behind a building at PIazza Cantonna. When she did not 6

notice any sign of those rugged fellow she followed via Vicanno and Maodalena to reach Pantheon, consecrated as Christian Church in 606 AD. It contained the tombs of Raphael and the kings of Italy. She watchfully went inside and remained sitting behind the tombs like a corpse. After waiting for an hour at Pantheon she watchfully came out and entered a toilet. She quickly reversed her jacket, changed the jeans, and untied her hair, put on a felt cap and goggles. She looked at her image in the mirror. She looked different. After putting 500 lire for the use of the toilet she came out. Her first problem was to dispose off the bag containing wet clothes. By then the rain had stopped. She threw the bag in a bin kept for disposables and took a bus for Vatican. She was sure that they would go to St. Peters' Square to trace her. Her guess was not wrong when she noticed both of them along with at least five more persons sitting on the wall of the fountain at St. Peter's Square. She kept on watching Basilica of St. Peters' from Vatican Post Office, the square where St. Peters was martyred. She longed to fulfill the wish of Aunty Pushang, but it looked a distant dream. How close she was to fulfilling a wish and her death. She could not muster enough courage to enter into Basilica fearing a trap again, although she looked different At seven in the evening she saw them leaving the place. But by them the Basilica of St. Peters' was already closed. She came out of the Post Office, mixed up with the crowd and felt sorry for not fulfilling the wish. She sat down for ten minutes and prayed for her safe return to India. Rome by night is more beautiful. She decided to spend time moving in two Metro lines in Rome. She spent three hours moving from one station to another by changing metro lines. She visited Clossio, Mario Maggiore, Egyptian Pyramids and other monuments through the metros. Late night she decided to take bus for the airport rather than staying at Hotel Taormina fearing a kidnap.


After security and immigration check at the airport Rexy could breathe freely. She occupied a chair close to the gate from where she would be embarking into the plane. She was fully tired and exhausted. She removed her shoes and socks, closed her eyes and started remembering her family members and friends. She also wanted to forget the horrifying experiences of her visit to Rome. She noticed a lady occupying chair next to her holding a big bouquet of yellow tulips. She could not control her tears once she remembered about her inability to offer floral tribute at St. Peters' for aunty Pushang. She kept on glancing at the flowers while cutting her finger nails with her teeth. 'Buongiorno Signorina' (Good Morning Miss) Rexy noticed a tall and handsome policeman extending his identity card towards her to disclose his credentials. She got scared to observe a policeman enquiring her name. She prayed to 'Almighty' to save her as she has already suffered a lot at Rome. 'Signorina, Sei Chiamo Rexy D'Souza' the officer enquired. 'Si' (Yes) Rexy got to her feet and replied She noticed a big smile on his face as the Policeman brought an interpreter, when Rexy expressed her inability to communicate with him in Italian. The interpreter explained to her that Mrs. Barbara Giovanni has been waiting for her at the visitor's lobby along with her son. Rexy got bewildered and found her in two minds to move out again from this secured place or not. But, when the policeman politely requested her to accompany him to the visitor's lobby, she just could not say no. She noticed Mrs. Barbara and Paggio standing restlessly surrounded by at least 10 persons with guns hidden under their shirts. Mrs. Barbara leaped forward and took Rexy in her arms. Paggio also greeted Rexy in the customary Italian manner.


Holding Rexy in her arms, Mrs. Barbara started moving towards a cabin which appeared to be an office of some airlines. On the way Mrs. Barbara kept on expressing feelings of being guilty for loosing Rexy at the 'Fontena Di Trevi'. She got upset terribly to know about her disappearance. Despite their best efforts, Mrs. Barbara told Rexy that they could not trace her. They feared that some nefarious group might have got her kidnapped. She requested Rexy to extend her stay at Rome so that she could personally accompany her to various places including Vatican. “No, Mrs. Barbara, it could not be possible. I have to attend the marriage of one of my friends after two days”. Rexy could not think of a better excuse at that time. 'Rexy, we just could not do anything for you, rather we made a mess of your visit to Rome. Due to all these problems we fear your intended shopping at Rome must have been got jeopardized. We have some small presents for you and your family, which you wished to purchase at Rome. We don't know your likings. Mrs. Barbara looked into the eyes of Rexy as she handed over to her a big bundle. Following the tradition, Rexy opened the bundle, but with trembling hands. The bundle contained a Swiss made Omega wrist watch which Rexy wished to buy for her sister, a pair of rolling skates for her brother George, a suit length for her father, and a 'Pupa' make up kit for her which she traced through out Italy. She remembered making a mention about these things to Paggio during their flight from Turin to Rome. Rexy's eyes got moist, when she saw the presents and thoughtfulness of these people. She wanted to cry and confess to them that it was not their fault at all. They had no reason to feel guilty for the folly she committed. It was misunderstanding and smallness on her part which has landed her into all these troubles. She realized that these people would feel hurt if she discloses the truth. The time for checking into the flight approached. Rexy greeted them passionately with an invitation to visit India. As Rexy was proceeding towards the air terminal with one of that rugged man, who happened to be a police officer, she looked at Mrs. Barbara and Paggio who were still waving their hands.


She wondered why some people are so good but often misunderstood. She just could not control the curiosity to know from the police officer as why Mrs. Barbara and Paggio were always surrounded by armed guards. The Police officer looked at Rexy and gave a mysterious smile at her ignorance. 'You see, Mrs Barbara is the wife of Police Chief Mr. Bosio Giovanni. He has been fighting a spirited battle against the mafia in Italy, and local goons in Rome. He has put hundreds of criminals behind the bars. Due to his tight control the criminals are not in a position to operate freely in Rome and elsewhere.' The officer stopped for a while and started looking back, moved his fingers through his hair and continued. 'Two days back, Mr. Giovanni got badly injured in an encounter with a gang and has been fighting for his life and death in the hospital you see; he has been the most popular police officer here. His son Paggio, who studies at Turin, was called from there. We expected attack on him too and got him changed to your taxi to avoid his identification. Police gave you an escort till you left Turin'. The officer stopped again as they approached the escalator and continued……. 'Miss Rexy, the Police Chief's incident has made us perturbed and your disappearance disturbed us further, particularly Mrs. Barbara. For the first time I saw her in tears. Police officer kept on saying but Rexy was just lost in her thoughts to repent upon her self escapade and the opportunity she missed to be the guest of the Police Chief. The Police officer escorted Rexy up to the terminal. He saluted Rexy to say' Arrivederchi. Rexy shook hand with him and as the officer was about to turn back, she asked. 'Officer, Can you do me a favor? I would be ever grateful”. Rexy put a hand into her pocket and brought out something. 'Si, Signorina Certainly, it would be my pleasure' the Officer replied in English and Italian. 'Officer, at Fontena Di Trevi you know it is a custom for departing travelers to throw a coin into the fountain to ensure traveler’s return to Rome'.


Rexy was quite emotional in her talk as she handed over the same coin to the officer which she kept in her pocket knowing well the way she avoided throwing coin in the fountain when requested during her visit. 'Si, Signorina I will definitely do that, but why do you wish to visit Rome again'. The officer enquired. 'You see, I was in Rome to discharge the last wish of some one so dear and esteemed to me. I could not do that. I would like to revisit Rome to fulfill that' Rexy continued to say. 'I may also like to see my dream city Rome again and ' Rexy stopped for a moment 'to strengthen my bonds of affection with the family, which has made a very high place in my heart. I would also like to return to make a confession before this exquisite family about my escapade'. Rexy became sentimental as she proceeded towards the plane after extending grazie (thanks) to the officer. 'Si, Signorina arrivederchi and von voyage' The officer turned back to leave after keeping the coin in his pocket. The plane took off after fifteen minutes from Flumicino airport. The thrills in her mind to get back to India was missing. She was remembering Vatican, Barbara and her family. The struggle her husband must be doing with life and death in the hospital. She closed her eyes, prayed for quick recovery of Mr. Giovanni, the Police Chief and started imagining about her next visit to Rome to meet these wonderful people and her dream city Rome.


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