Entrapment- A Short Story

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  • Pages: 6

A short story on Rural Endebtness

By Paramjit Sharma Email: [email protected]


ENTRAPMENT I was full of excitement on that day. For whole night, I kept on staring at the sky brightened up with full moon and twinkling stars. I became nostalgic about my childhood when my Grandma used to ask us to count the stars in the sky to keep us busy. That used to give her some time to think about a story which was a must for us before we go to sleep. I could not recollect, but my Grandma told me so many times that I used to sleep before the story ends. But that day I could not get any sleep as I had no Grandma around me who could help me in my those hours of distress. The life had almost become a struggle and hard work coupled with zero result. I knew next day the farm house of Major Ranbir Singh was going to be auctioned. Seth Munna Lal was the likely buyer. Really I was jubilant to imagine about my bright future, when Munna Seth would set up a sugar factory of 2500 TCD at Sakherpur. Some five-six hundred people may work in that mill. All of them naturally, would have their accounts at my branch. Slowly....slowly my desires, which have almost become a distant dream for some time would be transformed into fulfillment. Perhaps that was the mission for which I was sent here last year by our Chief General Manager. Five years back, our bank has opened this branch at Sakherpur. This area was well known for the production of sugar cane and sugar. All farmers of that area were progressive and prosperous. Perhaps, this could be the reason of our bank opening a branch at Sakherpur. But all the branch Managers could not attract deposits .here and became unsuccessful in due course of time. When four of our best managers met their Waterloo at Sakherpur, I was dispatched to make operative innovative the branch. Our office was of the opinion that I always try innovative means to achieve the ends. I promised the C.G.M. at the time of my departure that I would not return without achieving my mission .After I landed at Sakherpur ,exploring the reasons of our failure was my first task. The foremost reason was the existence of a Sakhar Kharkhana at a distance of five km from the village. An extension branch of a Cooperative bank was in operational the Kharkhana. All farmers of the village and some adjoining areaswere members of that Kharkhana and they also used to sell their produce to the mill. A story by Professor Paramjit Sharma,Vamnicom,Pune India 2

They had maintained their accounts in that extension counter only. The brain behind this show was a man in his early sixties named Madho Mohite. He was known as 'Annaji' in that area. After analyzing the importance of Modho Mohite in that area, I paid a courtesy call to him. He listened to me patiently, but his answers were non-committal. I was not impressed with his replies. Therefore, I decided to find other ways and means to meet the challenge. Thereafter, I started working tirelessly day and night I did not visit my family for weeks together. I organised folk dances, village dramas and picturised popular films. But all my efforts nose- dived and became futile. I felt as if I am wandering in hot desert in the search of water, which I knew I might not get at all. But I must keep on trying. During that time I started meeting Madho Mohite.One day I learnt that 'Annaji' have a daughter for whom he has been desperately looking for a match as she had crossed 30 years of age I got an idea that if I could manage to arrange some match for her, he would feel obliged and that may bring me close to him I badly looked for that opening. After a long search, I could identify an eligible match at my H.Q.I spoke to the boy to which he agreed. When I went to speak to ' Annaji',he gave me a great shock of my life by telling that the matcn for his daughter has been found and in 4 months he may be arranging her marriage. I felt defeated when I could not influence Mohite by any means. But, I had not arrived there to accept defeat. I kept on imagining and planning as to how to win over the hearts of the villagers so that they start working against Mohite. Should I bribe some one to file a suit in the court against Mohite for some fabricated fraud or should I spread the news through someone amongst the villagers that Annaji was a corrupt person. But who would believe these stories. Moreover, winning the battle through false means has never been the rule of my game. I must win through nard work and fair means. When my mind was meandering around this indecisiveness, I heard a good news that major Ranbir Chaudnary has been selling his 15 acre farm and he would settle thereafter in U.S.A with his son. Seth Munna Lal was interested in setting up a Sugar Mill at Sakharpur. He had a great influence in the Ministry which would help him in setting the factory under PrivateSector. After gathering all these details, I came to know that the land would be auctioned after a month’s time and another big man from the city Seth Banarsi Dass was also taking keen interest in the auction. 3

Ultimately, on that big day, auction started at 11.00 a.m. The scene of auction site appeared like a big 'Mela'. In a few moments of time the auction reached from Rs. Sixty thousand per acre to Rs. Eighty thousand per acre. Only Seth Banarsi Dass and Setn Munna Lal were giving the bids in the auction. Banarsi Dass threw his towel when the auction bid reached Rs1.25 lacs per acre. This left only Seth Munna Lal in the field. The auctioneer repeated the bid twice. The words for repeating it for the third time was still in the lips of the auctioneer, when a voice echoed to announce a bid of One lac and fifty thousand. The crowds held their breath in astonishment as to who has given that bid. In that bewilder ness every one noticed 'Annaji 'making that bid. Seth Munna Lal also got astonished as he raised the bid to One lac sixty thousand. But 'Annaji raised it to One lac seventy five.I played my cards by provoking Seth to make the bid to Two lac as 'Annaji' may not be in a position to raise to that amount. But I was proved wrong, when 'Annaji' raised the bid to rupee two lacs and quarter thousand. Seth surrendered his arms in desperation and along with him I got another shock. I felt as if in that bright sunny day the sun had hidden behind a thick shield of clouds and the shadows of these black clouds have grappled around my neck like a snake. Totally dejected, I started proceeding towards my house, hitting the dust and a lonely stone on the road. The stone rolled towards one side of the road and fell into a ditch and eloped deep into the mud. My fate was also similar to the stone. It appeared to me as if my feet have become as heavy as stone of one ton which were unable to move and I could fall down at any time. Almost one week had passed over after that deadly episode of auction. I was still feeling as if my bank has been robbed. I felt like running away from that area. But this defeat would never let me stay in rest. Only one question kept on pestering around my mind as why the hell 'Annaji 'did that. After two days, I again started attending the Bank. I was quite amazed when I saw 'Annaji' entering into my Cabin. I offered greetings out of formalities and requested him to occupy the chair. For few moments none of us exchanged any words. There was complete silence in the Cabin, although we looked at each other twice. “Vijay Babu”' Annaji' asked me after breaking the silence. “You were saying one day that your branch has been opened to develop this area. I am too involved in this development process. If you feel pertinent, I would like to take some loan from you’. 4

"Loan" I asked in astonishment "Yes my son. Now when I have purchased this land, I have to face some difficulties" Annaji explained. "But Vijay Babu, I would not take the loan without keeping any security with you”. With this I saw ' Annaji' taking out a old embroidered leather sack from his bag and explained that the sack contained papers of his30 acre land and jewelry which he had recently purchased for the marriage of his daughter. He also told that now he intended to postpone the marriage of his daughter ."Annaji" I said in annoyance "what has happened to you. I do not understand why you have purchased this land at such an exorbitant price and thereafter committing another suicidal mistake to mortgage the jewelery and postponing the marriage of your daughter". I also wanted to say that he has also been responsible in killing all my ambitions and desires. But due to his age, I could not emit out. But I could not control to tell him that he was more committed to Cooperative Karkhana than his daughter who has been getting married with great difficulty. But this probably misfired and Annaji spoke with annoyance ."Yes, Vijay Babu, I don’t want" Annaji screamed in un controlled voice. My whole staff started looking towards my cabin. “Do you know, Vijay Babu, What would have happened if Munna Seth have purchased the land" Annaji said "What could have happened" I said in astonishment while looking at my staff, who were still staring towards my Cabin. "You see, at Sakharpur another Sugar Mill would have been established......our Cooperative Kharkhana which has been groomed by our farmers like their own daughter, would have died before our own eyes. I never wished to celebrate the marriage of one daughter with great pomp and show and to give a gift of coffin to another daughter. We would never allow anyone to act as an hindrance in the development of our Sakhar Kharkhana". 5

Ever patient Annaji face was brazing with anger as I offered him a glass of water. I looked at his face and kept on thinking about that simple man and his commitments. We used to think that by remaining away from family, to manage the branch in that rural area was my sacrifice. Moving in the scorching sun and to mobilize deposits here was the sacrifice. But after having a took at the sacrifice of Annaji, I was feeling very small. My eyes became moist with tears, perhaps experiencing this unique human relationship. I brought out the papers from the sack, placed the application of Annaji on the top of the papers and made a strong recommendation to the H.Q. to send the sanction within a week. I attached the papers of the land with the application but returned the sack of jewelry to Annaji with a word to come after a week to get the amount. I requested Annaji to celebrate the marriage of his daughter as per schedule and he should not forget to invite me .Annaji got to his feet from the chair... his eyes were still wet. He held my hand in his hands tightly but affectionately. He kissed my hands twice and after giving me blessings, left the bank. I kept on looking at him till he disappeared. I kissed my hands at the same place where Annaji’s lips blessed my hand. That gave me a great relief and consolation. Annaji had gone, he had swept with him my dreams and aspirations. I have never been so squarely defeated like this. His simple humility has defeated me. My dreams were never shattered like that before. I kept on thinking for a moment... then I took out a paper from my drawer and wrote to my H.Q. that at Sakherpur Cooperatives has been a way of life. But, I have made a dent in the Cooperative movement. The doyen of Coop. movement at Sakherpur has been shackled in may "Loan Trap", although inadvertently Therefore, I may be called back. at the earliest as I nave lost courage & confidence to face Mohite.


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