Roleplay Sap Bahasa Inggris.docx

  • Uploaded by: Adam Prayogi
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  • December 2019
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  • Words: 348
  • Pages: 2
Yuyun dan Risa : Assalamualaikum wr wb. Good morning grandpa? Risa : My name is Risa Dyas Pratiwi Yuyun : And my name is Yuyun Dianita Risa : In this morning was excited granpa? Wisnu dan TJ : Yes nurse, we are excited Yuyun : Have you last breakfast grandpa? Wisnu dan TJ : Yes already nurse Yuyun : Okeyy. We will explain about healthy food for the elderly Risa : Definition of healthy elderly. Healthy elderly are elderly who are able to adjust to their physical changes and social environment Yuyun : Characteristics of healthy elderly a. Functionally still not dependent on others. b. Activities of daily living are still full even though there may be limitations in terms of socio-economic aspects that require service. Risa : Healthy lifestyle a. Reducing consumption of sugar Yuyun : b. Limit eating foods that can increase gout. Risa : c. Limit foods that contain fat and eat lots of vegetables and fruits as a source of vitamins. TJ : Sorry nurse, what are you talking about? I did not hear clearly Risa : We explained about healthy food for the elderly TJ : Oh yes nurse Yuyun : d. Prevent obesity Risa : e. Control blood pressure Wisnu : Duhh my body aches ( wisnu berdiri sambil memegang panggul dan jalan kesana kemari)

Mei : Sorry grandpa, sit down please Wisnu : Duhh still tired nurse Mei : Will be finished soon grandpa Wisnu : Yes nurse Yuyun : f. stop smoking and not drink alcohol Risa : g. Activate or exercise regularly. TJ : (tidur sambil mendengkur) Mei : Excuse me grandpa, don’t sleep please TJ : Huahhhh (menguap). Still sleppy nurse Mei : Will be finished soon grandpa TJ : Right nurse? Will be finished soon? Mei : Yes grandpa Yuyun : h. Overcoming stress Risa : i. Regular health check-ups Yuyun : j. Worship according to belief Risa : How is grandpa? Is it clear? Wisnu dan TJ : Yes already nurse Yuyun : Thank you for your attention grandpa Risa dan Yuyun : Wassalamualaikum wr wb.

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