Roleplay Senin.docx

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  • Words: 952
  • Pages: 4
Roleplay bahasa inggris Kasus : kehamilan TM3 Stage 1 At home In the afternoon when she sweep the floor, ms Nisa feel that her back is so very painful, Nisa : “babyy, babyyyy!! Come here please” Paschal : “wait a minute honey, i have to finish my job” Nisa : “ babyyy, why you so late? Come here pleae now!!! Its very painful!” *paschal come to Nisa* Paschal : “what happen baby?” Nisa : “this is so very painfull. Help me please!” Papa : “let me see baby” Nisa : “omg, why you do it” Papa : “im sorry baby, oke oke. Lets we go to the hospital to check your pregnant” Nisa : “hurry up bbayy, it so very painfull“ Papa : “be patient lease baby.”

Stage 2 : in the hospital Resp : “good afternoon Mr? Can i help you?” Papa: “ i have to check my wife’s pregnant. Can i?” Resp : “of course, wait a minute please. This is your number. I will call you if that your time ” Nisa : “omg, why so long i have to wait? Resp : “Sorry Mam, this has be hospital regulations”. Papa : “yes, let's just wait baby” Nisa : “baby this not fell affliction pregnant” Resp : “please mr and mrs wait until we call” Papa : “oke thankyou miss”


Resp: number 77 Papa : “is me”

Resp : “ Papa : “Mrs Nisa” Resp : “how old? place and date when she birth? where are you live? Papa : 25 years old, she was born in malang, 30 Juni 1993. She live malang on Ijen street numer 10 Resp : “okey, you can enter the room now. Papa : “am i follow my wife to enter the room? Nisa : “no. I can with my self!”” Resp :”im sorry Mrs. You have to enter the room with your husband to know the proggres of your pregnant ” Papa : “thats, you can hear that. I have to follow you to enter the room” Nisa: “huft”

Stage 3 : examination room Papa : “hello, excuse me doc” SS : “okey, you can sit here. Mrs Nisa, right??” Nisa : “yes doc, im nissa” SS : “what happen mrs? can i help you? Nisa : “my back is so painfull doc, then i have urinate to be continued” SS : if the pain have 1-5 scale. where are your painfull scale? and then how many frequency you have an urinate? ” Nisa: “my painful is on the number 3. And i have urinate 8times everyday” Papa : “yes nurse, she cant sleep well. Im so tired.“ Nisa : “so?you are tired of me?” Papa : “no baby, i just kidding.” SS : “mmmm that its true, your pregnant is on 28 weeks, because of your baby on growth proggres. And then for the problem you have urinate so many times, is normal. Because the baby push your bladder and then you feel urinate so many times. Nisa : “sayim so worry for my pregnancy.” SS : “is this ypur first pregnant Ny nisa??” Papa : “No, this is second pregnant for my wife. But in her first pregnant she has a missbirth on second month

SS : “okay, i leave you for a moment to report the documenttion of your pregnancy to the doctor who would do the physical examination for you. Stage 4 : doctor’s room Ss : excuse me doc *walk come to the doctor” Dokter : “what happen?” Ss : doc, this is the result of recent healt and past health history of Ny Nisa. For complated, we have to do the physical examintaion Dokter : okay, lets do this . Stage 5 : Examination’s room Dokter : Mrs Nisa, right? I will do the physical examination to you. Do you mind? Nisa : “No. Do this doc.” *doctor and suster do the physical examination* Dokter : “nurse, pleasee check Mrs Nissa’s her vital sign. ss : okey doc *prepare the medical instrument* Perawat : excuse me Mrs, i will check your vital sign. *start the vital sign* your vital sign are normal, to be continue will be do by Doctor Fela to check your pregnant Dokter : *do the pregnant examintaion* *do the palpation, and then check the F U with the metline and then auscultasion in Mrs nisa’s stomach with the doppler to check the baby* im done Mrs. *go to the table with the doctor and Mr paschal Nisa : how are my condition? And how are my baby’s condition? Dokter : your condition is normal, but you baby, thats little problem. your baby has a size when it too small in her age. Nisa : “ than? how? How are condition baby premature? and then what should i do?” Dokter : dont worry Mrs, you have enoughbtime to rest and dont to do the much activities can make you feel tired. I will give you a suplement that can make you feel hugry and increase the appetide so that your baby can get enough nutrition. Dokter : Mr, please your wife don’t tired, so that nothinh bad happen to your wife. Her baby’s condition is very weak So, you have to care your wife fully. Papa : kay doc, thankyou Dokter : yes Mr, if there a complain in 2 weeks. You can come back. And I recommed to mrs treated in hospital until the time to birth

Papa : okay doc, i will see the proggres in 2 weeks . Nisa :but, im want to have a baby with a normal birth Dokter : okay Mrs, you should do my suggestion if you want to Nisa : “okay doc, tank you.”

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